Binomial Interest-Rate
Question: Finding out the one-year's forward rates for year 1 using the two-ye
r1,L Sigma
Assumption 4.07% Given 10%
Market value today PV today (Vh+C)/(1+r) (Vl+C)/(1+r)
100 100 99.59 100.41 MV= N C= r0=
V= NH C= r1,H=
99.07 4 4.976%
V= NL C= r1,L=
99.93 4 4.074%
100 0 3.50%
l Interest-Rate Tree for 2 years
using the two-year 4% on-the-run
V= NHH C= r2,HL=
V= NHL C= r2,HL=
V= NLL C= r2,LL=
V= NHHH C= r3,HHH=
V= NHHL C= r3,HHL=
V= NHLL C= r3,HLL=
100 4 0.000%
100 4 0.000%
100 4 V= NLLL C= r3,LLL=
Binomial Interest-Rate T
Question: Finding out the one-year's forward rates for year 2 using the three-yea
r1,L Sigma Face Value Coupon rate Observed market price
PV today (Vh+C)/(1+r) (Vl+C)/(1+r)
Assumption 4.07% Given 10% 100 4.50% 100
MV= C= 100 r0= 99.11 100.89 N
V= NH C= r1,H=
98.07 4.5 4.976%
V= NL C= r1,L=
99.93 4.5 4.074%
99.57 0 3.50%
l Interest-Rate Tree for 3 years
using the three-year 4.5% on-the-run issue
V= NHH C= r2,HL=
V= NHL C= r2,HL=
V= NLL C= r2,LL=
V= NHHH C= r3,HHH=
4.5 0.000%
V= NHHL C= r3,HHL=
4.5 0.000%
V= NHLL C= r3,HLL=
4.5 0.000%
100 4.5 0.000%
100 4.5 0.000%
100 4.5 V= NLLL C= r3,LLL=