India Alternative Research
INR 132
Recently BILT announce a buy back along with the restructuring of the business. The company
July 27, 2007
would be going for a stock split of 1:5 (one share split into 5) of which the shareholder will have to give 2 shares compulsorily in the buy back at INR 25 each resulting in the equity reduction by 40%. We believe the buy back and restructuring will have very strong positive impact on the company’s financials and will create value for the investors.
Yogesh Radke +91-22-2286 4328
[email protected]
BILT will hive off three group units (BILT 2: Bhigwan, Ballarpur and Kamalapuram) into a wholly owned subsidiary called BILT Graphic Paper Products (BGPPL). The consideration for the transfer would be INR 19.5bn. BILT will use INR 9.4bn of the consideration to buy back 40 per cent equity shares from all shareholders on a mandatory basis at INR 25 each (post split). Prior to the buyback, the company will split each share into five shares (INR 2 face value) and buy back two shares. Post buyback, the share capital will be reduced to 111.4mn from the current 185.7mn After the restructuring we expect a huge value getting unlocked. We have considered few scenarios depending on the consequences after this restructuring event: (Refer Table on Page 2) 1.
We believe the valuation of BILT 1 should be in the range of INR 5.6bn to INR 9bn
The valuation of BILT’s stake in BPH after the transfer of assets of BILT 2 and the private
equity placement should be in the range of INR 16.8 bn to INR 21.3bn (Considering 30% holding company discount)
Market Data
Resulting into BILT consolidated value in the range of INR 22.4bn to INR 30.3bn
52-week range (INR)
On the lower and upper band we expect an upside 47% to 99% from current levels.
Share in issue (mn )
138 / 95 185.7
M cap (INR bn/USD mn)
Avg. Daily Vol. BSE/NSE (‘000)
Valuation We expect the company to report a PAT of INR 3.5bn in FY08E (INR 2.7bn post minority interest) as against ~ INR 2.5bn in FY07E. This will also result in RoE of 18% as against 14% currently, which
Share holding Pattern (%) Promoters
makes a strong case for a higher PE multiple.
MFs, FIs & Banks
We strongly give a buy recommendation on the stock in the expectation of a minimal up side of 47%
at the lower band on the back of the buy back and restructuring event. Price performance 140
5,000 4,500 4,000
3,000 2,000
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Expected to appreciate more than 20% over a 12-month period
Expected to depreciate up to 10% over a 12-month period
Expected to appreciate up to 20% over a 12-month period
Expected to depreciate more than 10% over a 12-month period
Trading Buy
Expected to appreciate more than 10% over a 45-day period
Trading Sell Expected to depreciate more than 10% over a 45-day period
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