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  • Words: 603
  • Pages: 9
Bhutan By: TEAM KAYA

Where is Bhutan? 

The kingdom of Bhutan, is located in South Asia, at the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains and is bordered to the south, east, & west by the Republic of India, and to the north by the People’s Republic of China. Bhutan is separated by the nearby state of Nepal. The Bhutanese call their country Druk Yul, which means “Land of the Thunder Dragon.”

Landscape Th e la n d s c a p e ra n g e s fro m s u b t ro p ic a l p la n e s in t h e s o u t h t o Him a la ya n h e ig h t s in t h e n o rt h , w it h t h e p e a ks e xc e e d in g 2 3 ,0 0 0 fe e t . Th e t o t a l a re a o f t h e c o u n t ry is c u rre n t ly 1 4 ,8 2 4 s q u a re m ile s . Bh u t a n h a s a lo t o f m o u n t a in s a n d h a s s t e e p va lle ys a n d ra g in g rive rs . Th e la n d s c a p e o ffe rs ve ry g o o d s o il, s o c ro p s a re e a s ily g ro wn .

Waterways 

Except for one very small river, all the rivers in Bhutan flow south towards India. Underground water resources are very limited because of how many mountains there are in the region. Since most rivers cut deeply into the landscape, the run-of-theriver irrigation chances have a very low possibility.

Precipitation & Climate 

The climate varies at different altitudes. Monsoons occur, and when this happens, it brings between 60-90 percent of the rainfall. The climate is humid and subtropical. Bhutan also has year round snow in the Himalayas. Also, the monsoon occurs June happens June through September.

Government & Population 

The government of Bhutan was traditional absolute monarchy, but now is constitutional monarchy. It is becoming more and more democratic. The population has growth over the years but the life expectancy is only 36 years.

Religion & Dialect 

The religion is Bhutan is mostly Buddhism. They have 108 temples built all over. The dialect spoken there is Dzongkha. It is a Tibetan language and it means “being the fortress”.

Economy, Education, & Healthcare The currency in Bhutan is the Indian rupee. Even though the economy is one of the smallest in the world, it has grown rapidly in the recent years. Bhutan had the fastest growing economy, with an annual growth rate of 22.4%. A few years ago, education was only provided by monasteries, but now higher education has been established. Bhutan is trying very hard to enhance to capability of learning by all who live there. Health care has improved outstandingly, and gives Bhutan a brighter hope for the future. They have began building more hospitals and because of the better education, more and more people can become doctors and nurses and they are saving more lives than ever.

Video 

h t t p ://ww w.yo u t u b e .c o m /wa t c h ?v= zh WkTiMVWVI

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