Ben's Incredible Big List Of Initialisms And Acronyms (biblia) *s*

  • Uploaded by: Abhijeet Kulshreshtha
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  • July 2020
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Download & View Ben's Incredible Big List Of Initialisms And Acronyms (biblia) *s* as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 5,728
  • Pages: 22
Ben's Incredible Big List of Initialisms and Acronyms (BIBLIA) *S*



Thank You


One For The Road


24 hours a day; 7 days a week

A/S/L? A/S?



AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact ACK



Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning


Attention Deficit Disorder


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Any Day Now


As Far As I Am Concerned


As Far As I Can Recall


As Far As I Can Tell

AFAIK As Far As I Know AFAIR As Far As I Remember/Recall AFAIUI

As Far As I Understand It


April Fools' Joke


Away From The Keyboard; Away For A Kwickie




Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth


All Hail Pass Fail (via MIT)

YA x AICMFP You are x and I claim my five pounds (Britishism; via old newspaper promo) AISB

As I Said Before


As I Said Earlier


As I See It


As I Understand It


As It Were/Was


Also Known As


As Much/Many As Possible


And Now For A Word From Our Sponsor


American National Standards Institute


Any Other Business


Age Play


All Praise And Credit


Application Program Interface


Advanced Research Projects Agency


Another Subject


As Soon As Possible

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASL


ASNWS A Simple No Would Suffice ATB

All The Best


At The Keyboard


Another Three Letter Acronym


At The Moment


Along The Same Lines




Anything That Turns You On Baby

Acceptable Use Policy


And Where Can I Get One

AWGTHTGTATA Are We Going To Have To Go Through All This/That Again AWGTHTGTTA

Are We Going To Have To Go Through This/That Again

AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet AWOL

Absent Without Official Leave


All Your Base Are Belong To Us


As You May Know


Are You There


Bondage and Discipline






Bye For Now


By Any Chance


Broken As Designed


Busting A Gut


Busting A Gut Laughing


Back At Keyboard


Busy Beyond Belief


Bye Bye For Now

BBIAB Be Back In A Bit BBIAS Be Back In A Sec BBL

[I'll] Be Back Later


Big Beautiful Man


Burnt Beyond Repair


Bulletin Board System / Be Back Soon


Be Back Tomorrow


Big Beautiful Woman


Basket Case


Blind Carbon Copy


Be Seein' You


Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sado-Masochism


BDSM and whatever else we might do


Big Evil Grin


Boy Friend


Big Fucking Deal


Bastard From Hell


Brute Force and Massive Ignorance


Bye For Now


Bizarre Format with No Name (document format)


Big Grin


Breidbart Index [the SPAM index of a Usenet post]


Back In A Bit


Back In A Few

BIALW back in a little while BIAS

Back In A Second


Back In A While


Best In Class


Brother In Law


Believe It Or Not


Blow It Out Your Input Output Port


Back In The Day


Beaten It To Death




Banging My Head Against The Keyboard


Banging My Head Against The Wall


Big Man On Campus


Brilliant Minds Think Alike


Brilliant Minds Think In Parallel Gutters


Big Name Fan


But Of Course


Birds Of a Feather


Bastard Operator From Hell


Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

BOHOF Back Of Hand On Forehead BOS

Big Orange Switch


Back On Topic

BOTEC Back Of The Envelope Calculation BPD

Borderline Personality Disorder


[I'll] Be Right Back


Big Red Switch


Be Right There


Big Smiling Grin; Broad Sweeping Generalisation


Blue Screen of Death (Windows NT, et al.)


Better Safe Than Sorry


But Then Again


But Then Again I Could Be Wrong

BTAIM Be That As It May BTDT

Been There, Done That


Been There, Done That, Got The T-Shirt

BTOBD Be There Or Be Dead BTOBS Be There Or Be Square BTSOOM

Beats The Shit Out Of Me


Butt To The Head


Back To The Point


By The Way


Big Wide Grin


Buzz Word Quotient




But You Know/Knew That

BYKTA But You Know/Knew That Already BYOB

Bring Your Own Bottle/Booze


Copy & Paste


Care Of

CADET Can't Add Doesn't Even Try CB

Call Back


Chastity Belt


Cock and Ball Torture/Training


Carbon Copy


Can't Cook Won't Cook


Cross Dresser


Creative Editing


Computer Emergency Response Team


Call For Discussion


Call For Votes


Cute Grin


Common Gateway Interface


See HOW yoU aRe

See How yoU aRe

CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability CIAO goodbye [pronounced Chow] CIC Christ I'm Confused CIO Cut It Out CIS Complete and Irrevocable Submission CLAB Crying Like A Baby CLM Career Limiting Move CMIIW Correct Me If I'm Wrong CNC Consensual Non Consent CNP Continued [In My] Next Post CO Clothing Optional COD Cash On Delivery COTFLGUOAHAHA Crawling On The Floor Laughing Guts Out And Having A Heart Attack COTS Commercial Off The Shelf CP Corporal Punishment CPF Can Pigs Fly CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CS Cop Shop CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome CTTD Cute Things They Do CTTOI Come To Think Of It CTTS Cute Things They Say CU See You CUL See You Later CUL8R See yoU LateR CW Continuous Wave (the carrier type used for Morse code communications)

CW Conventional Wisdom CWYL Chat With You Later CYA Cover Your Ass CYA See Ya CYA See You Around CYL See You Later CYT Cute Young Thing C|N>K "Coffee (piped through) Nose, (redirected to) Keyboard" D&W Ducking And Weaving D/L Download D/S or D/s Dominance and Submission DADT Don't Ask, Don't Tell DAP Parents Against Dyslexia :) DARFC Ducking And Running For Cover DBA Doing Business As DBT Dialectical Behavior Therapy DEB Don't Even Bother DFM Don't Flame Me DFU Don't Forget Units DGT Don't Go There DID Dissociative Identity Disorder (used to be MPD) DIIK Damned If I Know DIIN Damned If I kNow DILLIGAFF Do I Look Like I Give A Flying Fuck DIM Do It Myself DIY Do It Yourself DK Don't Know DKF Dreaded Koosh Flogger DL DownLoad DLG Devilish Little Grin DLTDHYITAOYWO Dont Let The Door Hit You In The Ass On Your Way Out DMQ Do-Me Queen DNA Did Not Answer DNDK Don't Know, Don't Care DNO Do Not Open [used in the subject line of a test post or email] DNPM Damn Near Pissed Myself DNS Domain Name System DOA Dead On Arrival DOB Date Of Birth DOM Dirty Old Man DOS Disk Operating System DOYC Deity Of Your Choice DOYKB Down On Your Knees, Bitch DQOTD Dumb Question Of The Day DSW Dick Size War DTA Don't Trust Anybody DTOKAB Drop To One Knee And Bow DTP DeskTop Publishing DTRT Do The Right Thing (contrast with DTWT) DTTAH Don't Try This At Home DTWT Do The Wrong Thing (contrast with DTRT) DTYD Drink Till You Drop (party at MIT) DUCWIC Do YoU See What I See DUK Dead Upon Keyboard DWAI Don't Worry About It DWIM Do What I Mean DWIMC Do What I Mean Correctly DWIMNWIS Do What I Mean Not What I Say

DWISNWID Do What I Say Not What I Do DWIW Do What I Want DWYW Do What You Want DYE Damn Your Eyes DYHWIH Do You Hear What I Hear DYSWIS Do You See What I See DoS Denial of Service E&OE Errors And Omissions Excepted E2EG Ear to Ear Grin EANAB Equally Attractive Non-Alcoholic Beverage ECP Excessive Cross Posting ED Emotionally Disturbed EDP Emotionally Disturbed Person EG Evil Grin EGBOK Everything is Going to Be OK EIF Exercise In Futility EIP Everything Is Permissible EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In EMSG email message EOB End Of Business EOD End Of Discussion EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOF End Of File EOL End Of Lecture EOM End Of Message EOT End Of Thread EPID Every Person Is Different ESOSL Endless Snorts Of Stupid Laughter ESP ESPecially ETA Estimated Time Of Arrival ETLA Extended Three Letter Acronym ETOPS Engines Turn Or Passengers Swim (powerboats) EWAG Experienced Wild-Ass Guess F2F Face To Face FA Fat Admirer, one who prefers a fat sexual/romantic partner FAIK For All I Know FAQ Frequently Asked Question(s) FCFS First Come First Served FCOL For Crying Out Loud FDROTFL Falling Down Rolling On The Floor Laughing FF Fist Fucking FFR For Future Reference FGM Female Genital Mutilation FIAWOL Fandom Is A Way Of Life FICCL Frankly I Couldn't Care Less FIIK Fuck[ed] If I Know FIIR fuck[ed] If I Remember FIL Father In Law FIOFY Figure It Out For Yourself FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams FISH First In Still Here FITB Fill In The Blank FLEA Four Letter Extended Acronym FLT Fermat's Last Theorem FM Fibromyalgia FMTYEWTK Far More Than You Ever Wanted To Know FOAD Fuck Off And Die FOAF Friend Of A Friend

FOAFOAG Father Of A Friend Of A Girlfriend FOAG Father Of A Girlfriend FOD Finger Of Death FOS Freedom Of Speech FOT Full Of Tripe FOTCL Falling Off The Chair Laughing FRZ Fruitin' Religious Zealot FSD Fools Seldom Differ FSDO For Some Definition Of FSVO For Some Value Of FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet FTF Face To Face FTL Faster Than Light FTM For That Matter (or Female To Male trans) FTMP For The Most Part FTP File Transfer Protocol FTR For The Record FTS Fixin' To Start FTSO Fuck The Skull Of FUBAR Fucked Up Beyond All [Repair|Recognition] FUD Fear, Uncertainty, And Doubt FURTB Full Up Ready To Burst FWIW For What It's Worth FYA For Your Amusement FYI For Your Information FYIV Fuck You, I'm Vested G Grin GA Go Ahead GAC Get A Clue GAFIA Get Away From It All GAFIATe (to) Get Away From It All GAL Get A Life GBH&K Great Big Hugs & Kisses GBH&KB Great Big Hugs & Kisses Back GCD Greatest Common Divisor GD&R Grinning, Ducking, and Running (after a smart-ass comment) GD&RF Grinning Ducking And Running Fast GD&RVVF Grinning Ducking And Running Very Very Fast GD&W Grinning Ducking And Weaving GF Girlfriend GFR Grim File Reaper GG Genetic Girl GGN Gotta Go Now GGP Gotta Go Pee GHOD General Heuristic Organizing Device GIF Graphical Interchange Format GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out; Garbage In Gospel Out GIWIST Gee I Wish I'd Said That GJP Good Job Partner GL good luck GLBT Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans GLG Goofy Little Grin GLGH Good Luck and Good Hunting GMT Greenwich Mean Time [UK Time] GMTA Great Minds Think Alike GOAT Go Away, Troll GOK God Only Knows GOOML Get Out Of My Life

GOTFIA Groaning On The Floor In Agony GOWI Get On With It GPF General Protection Fault GRQ Get Rich Quick (a type of spam - compare MMF) GRUIT Get Real yoU Impudent Thing GS Golden Shower GTBOS Glad To Be Of Service GTG Got To Go GTGN Got To Go Now GTP Got To Pee H&K Hugs & Kisses H2 How To HAK Hugs And Kisses HAND Have A Nice Day HCB Holy Cow Batman HHGTTG Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy HHIS Hanging Head In Shame HHO1/2K Ha Ha Only Half Kidding HHOJ Ha Ha Only Joking HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kidding HHOS Ha Ha, Only Serious HHVF Ha Ha, Very Funny HIB__ Have I Been ___________ HICA Here It Comes Again HNG Horny Net Geek HOMPR Hang On Mobile Phone's Ringing HOPR Hang On Phone's Ringing HOS Husband Over Shoulder HOUER Hanging On yoUr Every Word HOYER Hanging On Your Every Word HP Home Page HSF (variants: H-S-F, H*S*F) Hand-Staple-Forehead (theatrical angst) HSIK How Should I Know HSP Highly Sensitive Person HTH Hope This Helps (often used with HAND) HTML HyperText Markup Language HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol HW HardWare HWNINS He whose name is not spoken HWP Height and Weight Proportional (i.e.: "normal" build) HWSNBN He Who Should Not Be Named HWWNBN He Who Will Not Be Named IAAA I Am An Accountant IAAD I Am A Doctor IAAL I Am A Lawyer IAC In Any Case IAE In Any Event IAGFII It's All Good Fun Isn't It IAMFI I Ask Merely For Information IAMTA I Ask Merely To Annoy IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANAA I Am Not An Accountant IANAC I Am Not A Crook IANAD I Am Not A Doctor IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer IANALBIPOOTV I Am Not A Lawyer But I Play One On TV IANYM In A New York Minute IANYS In A New York Second

IAP Internet Access Provider IARTPFWTSIOWIM I Am Repeating This Parrot Fashion Without The Slightest Idea Of What It Means IAW In Accordance With IAWC In A While Crocodile [usually used to reply to SYLA(cf)] IBC Inadequate But Cute IBM Inadequate But Marketable IBTD I Beg To Differ IC I See ICB I Care Because ICBW I Could Be Wrong ICCL I Couldn't Care Less ICOCBW I Could Of Course Be Wrong ICP Internet Content Provider ICTYBTIHTKY I Could Tell You But Then I'd Have To Kill You ICUR I See yoU aRe ICYWC In Case You Were Curious IDGI I Don't Get It IDIC Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (via Star Trek) IDK I Don't Know IDTS I Don't Think So IDTT I'll Drink To That IERS International Earth Rotation Service IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IETGFTP It's Easier To Get Forgiveness Than Permission IHABICNRWTSF I Hate Abbreviations Because I Can Never Remember What They Stand For :) IHAFC I Haven't A Fucking Clue IHNFC I have No Fucking Clue IHNJ,IJLTS I Have No Joke, I Just Like To Say... (via David Letterman) IHTBS It Has To Be Shown IHTFP I Hate This Fucking Place IIABDFI If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It IIANM If I Am Not Mistaken IINM If I'm Not Mistaken IIRC If I Recall/Remember Correctly IITYWIMWYBMAD If I Tell You What It Means Will You Buy Me A Drink IITYWITIWHTKY If I Tell You What It Means I Will Have To Kill You IITYWYBAD If I Tell You, Will You Buy Another Drink IITYWYBMAB If I Tell You, Will You Buy Me A Beer IJLS I Just Like Saying IK I Know IKWUM I Know What yoU Mean IKWYM I Know What You Mean ILI I Like Ike ILICISCOMK I Laughed; I Cried; I Spilled Coffee/Coke On My Keyboard ILIWAPCT I Love It When A Plan Comes Together ILTFP I Love This Place ILU I Love yoU ILY I Love You IM Instant Message IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion IMBO In My Biased Opinion IMCDO In My Conceited Dogmatic Opinion IMCO In My Considered Opinion IME In My Experience/Estimation IMHO In My Humble/Honest Opinion IMMOR I Make My Own Rules

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion IMO In My Opinion IMOBO In My Own Biased Opinion IMPE In My Personal/Previous Experience IMPOV In My Point Of View IMS I Must Say IMSLTHO In My Slightly/Somewhat Less Than Humble Opinion IMVHO In My Very Humble Opinion IMX In My eXperience (perferred form: IME) INGSI I'm Not Going To Say It INPO In No Particular Order INT I'll Never Tell IOTTMCO Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual Observer IOU I Owe You IOW In Other Words IP Internet Protocol IR Inter Racial IRC Internet Relay Chat IRL In Real Life IROOC I've Run Out Of Cigarettes IRT In Reply To, In Regard To ISBAB I Should Have Brought A Book ISC I Stand Corrected ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISO In Search Of ISP Internet Service Provider ISTM It Seems To Me ISTR I Seem To Recall/Remember IT Information Technology ITAS It Takes All Sorts ITFA In The Final Analysis ITMA Its That Man Again ITMT In The MeanTime ITPIR If The Price Is Right ITSFWI If The Shoe Fits, Wear It ITYM I Think You Mean IUTHALORFH I Used To Have A Lot Of Respect For Him/Her IUTKATS I Used To Know All That Stuff IWBNI It Would Be Nice If IWIK I Wish I Knew IYF In Your Face IYFEG Insert Your Favourite Ethnic Group IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean IYKWIMAITYD If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do IYSWIM If You See What I Mean J/K Just Kidding JAFO Just Another Fucking Observer JAM Just A Moment/Minute JAO Just Another Observer JAPH Just A Perl Hacker JAS Just A Second JC Just Curious JFF Just For Fun JFTR Just For The Record JFYI Just For Your Information JIC Just In Case JK Just Kidding JMHO Just My Humble Opinion

JMO Just My Opinion JMOOC Just My Opinion Of Course JOOC Just Out of Curiosity JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JSYK Just So You Know JTLYK Just To Let You Know JTUSK Just Thought yoU Should Know JTYWTK Just Thought You Wanted To Know KHYF Know How You Feel KIA Know It All KISS Keep It Simple Stupid KIT Keep In Touch KITA kick in the ass KLB Known Lazy Bastard KMWIH Kick Me Where It Hurts KMYF Kiss Me You Fool KNF kernel normal form KOS Kids Over Shoulder KOTC Kiss On The Cheek KOTL Kiss On The Lips KTCOOTN Keep This Crap Out Of This Newsgroup KWIM Know What I Mean KYHOOTW Keep Your Head Out Of The Water KYHU Keep Your Head Up L8R Later LAB&TYD Life's A Bitch & Then You Die LAB&TYMO Life's A Bitch And Then You Marry One LALL Live And Let Live LAN Local Area Network LARP Live Action Role Playing LART Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool (a.k.a. Clue-by-Four) LDR Long Distance Relationship LJBF Let's Just Be Friends LLAP Live Long And Prosper LLD Leather Lifestyle Dork LLTA Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMA Leave Me Alone LMAO Laughing My Ass Off LMC Lost My Connection LMCOA Lost My Connection Once Again LMK Let Me Know LMSO Laughing My Socks Off LNF Late Night Food LOL Laughing Out Loud LPOS Losing Piece of Shit LSFIAB Like Shooting Fish In A Barrel LSHIPMP Laughing So Hard I Peed My Pants LSHIS Laughed So Hard I Shit LSP Less Sensitive Person LTBF Learn To Be Funny LTIP Laughing 'Til I Puke LTMS Laughing To MySelf LTMSH Laughing 'Til My Sides Hurt LTNS Long Time No See LTNT Long Time No Type LTR Long Term Relationship LTUAE Life, The Universe, And Everything [Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy] LUSER Loser USER

LoTR Lord of The Rings MAY Mad About You MAYB Mad About You Baby MB Message Board MBR Master Boot Record MCIBTY My Computer Is Better Than Yours MEU (Henry Fowler's) Modern English Usage (OUP, ed. by R.W. Burchfield) MFG More Friendly Garbage MHBFY My Heart Bleeds For You MHDC My Hard Drive Crashed MHM Members Helping Members MHOTY My Hat's Off To You MIL Mother In Law MIPS Meaningless Information Per Second ML More Later MLA Multiple Letter Acronym MMF Make Money Fast (spam) MOF Matter Of Fact MOMN Milk Out My Nose MOOS Member Of Opposite Sex (usage at Brown U.) MORF Male OR Female MOS Member of the Opposite Sex MOSS Member Of Same Sex (usage at Brown U.) MOTAS Member Of The Appropriate Sex MOTD Message Of The Day MOTIS Member Of The Inappropriate Sex MOTOPS Member of the Oppositely-Plumbed Sex MOTOS Member Of The Opposite Sex MOTSS Member Of The Same Sex MPD Multiple Personality Disorder MSCEA My Southern Comfort's Empty Again MSS Member of the Same Sex MTF More To Follow (or Male to Female trans) MTFBWY May The Force Be With You MUNG Mung Until No Good (recursive acronym in fine old Unix tradition) MYOB Mind Your Own Business N/M Never Mind NAGI Not A Good Idea NANAE [Usenet newsgroup] NANAU [Usenet newsgroup] NAVY Never Again Volunteer Yourself NAYY Not Affiliated, Yada-Yada [origin unknown] NB Nota Bene [Latin for Note Well; i.e. what follows is important] NBD No Big Deal NBL Not Bloody Likely NBTD Nothing Better To Do NC Non-Consensual NDM No Disrespect Meant NERD National Establishment for Real Dorks NFC No Fucking Clue NFI No Fucking Idea NFR Not Flame Related NFW no fucking way NG News Group NHOH Never Heard Of Her/Him NICBDAT Nothing Is Certain But Death And Taxes NIDWTC No I Don't Want To Chat NIH Not Invented Here

NIMBY Not In My Back Yard NIMTO Not In My Term Of Office NINO Nothing In Nothing Out NIT Not In Therapy NLA National Leather Association NLI Not Logged In NM Never Mind NMI No Middle Initial NMP Not My Problem NN Night Night NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol NOOTO Nothing Out Of The Ordinary NOYB None Of Your Business NOYL Not On Your Life NP No Picture [used in the subject title of an email] NP No Problem NPF No Problem Found NPLU Not People Like Us NQA No Questions Asked NQOS Not Quite Our Sort NRE New Relationship Energy NRFPT not ready for prime time NRN No Reply Necessary NTG Not Too Good NTH No Therapy Helpful NTIBOA Not That I'm Bitter Or Anything NTIM Not That It Matters NTIMM Not That It Matters Much NTL None The Less/Never The Less NTYMI Now That You Mention It NUI Network User Identification NYCTMI Now You Come To Mention It NYI Not Yet Implemented NYM New York Minute NYP Not Your Problem NoCeM No See 'eM OATUS On A Totally Unrelated Subject OAUS On An Unrelated Subject OB OBligatory OBE Overtaken By Events (see OTBE) OBTW Oh By The Way OD OverDose; Oh Dear OFS One Finger Salute [the 'bird'] OIC Oh I See OMG Oh My God ONNA Oh No Not Again ONNTA Oh No Not That/This Again OO Over and Out OOC Out Of Curiosity OOI Out Of Interest OOSOOM Out Of Sight Out Of Mind OOTC Obligatory On Topic Comment OOTD One Of These Days OOTQ Out Of The Question OT Off-Topic OT1H On The One Hand OTBE OverTaken By Events OTC Over The Counter

OTD Out The Door OTF On The Floor [mad laughter] OTGH On The Gripping Hand (via "The Mote in God's Eye"; implies multi-valued logic.) OTK Over The Knee OTL Out To Lunch OTOH On The Other Hand OTOOH On The Other Other Hand OTT Over The Top OTTH On The Third Hand OTTOMH Off The Top Of My Head OTW On The Whole OTW One True Way OW Oh Well OWTTE Or Words To That Effect P&M Posted & Mailed PABG Pack A Big Gun PAW Parents Are Watching PBM Play By Mail (games) PCB Please Call Back PCF Puritanical Control Freaks PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms) PD Public Domain PDA Public Display of Affection PDG Pretty Damn Good PDN Public Data Network PDQ Pretty Damned Quickly PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail PEST Please Excuse Slow Typing PFHOMW Printed, Framed, and Hanging On My Wall PFY pimply faced youth PGP Pretty Good Privacy PHB Pointy-Haired Boss (Dilbert) PIMP Pee In My Pants PITA Pain In The Ass PIV Penis-In-Vagina (type of sex) PKB Pot [calling the] Kettle Black PLMK Please Let Me Know PLMKO Please Let Me Know Ok PLOKTA Press Lots Of Keys To Abort PMBI Pardon My Butting In PMETC Pardon Me ETC PMFBI Pardon Me For Butting In PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In PMFJIH Pardon Me For Jumping In Here PMJI Pardon My Jumping In PMYMHMMFSWGAD Pardon Me, You Must Have Mistaken Me For Someone Who Gives A Damn PNG Persona Non Grata POA Power Of Attorney POC Point Of Contact POETS Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday POLA Principle Of Least Astonishment POM Phase Of the Moon POP Point Of Presence; Post Office Protocol POQADCB Piss Off Quickly And Don't Come Back POS Parents Over Shoulder POS Piece of Shit

POSSLQ Person of the Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters POTS Plain Old Telephone Service/System POV Point Of View ppl people PPL Pretty Please PPP Point-to-Point Protocol; Petty Pet Peeve PPPP Previous Paragraph was Polemical Position PS Post Script PSA Public Service Announcement PTB Powers That Be PTMM Please Tell Me More PTMY Pleased To Meet You PTMYA Pleased To Make Your Acquaintance PVFS Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome PW Pathetic Wanker; PowWow PhD Piled Higher and Deeper QED Quid Erat Demonstrandum; Quite Easily Done QEF Quod Erat Faciendum (which was to be done) QPQ Quid Pro Quo RE REgarding RFC Request For Comment RFD Request For Discussion RFM Reply To Flagged Message RFT Request For Thinking RHIP Rank Hath Its Privileges RHPS Rocky Horror Picture Show RL Real Life RLC Rod Length Check RLCO Real Life COnference RNA Ring No Answer ROFFNAR Rolling On the Floor For No Apparent Reason ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing ROFLASTC Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat ROFLMAOPMP Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off Peeing My Pants ROFLMHO Rolling On Floor Laughing My Head Off ROFLWPIMP Rolling On Floor Laughing Whilst Peeing In My Pants ROTBA Reality On The Blink Again ROTF Rolling On The Floor ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing ROTFLAS Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Snorting ROTFLMAAOBPO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass And Other Body Parts Off ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off ROTFLMAOSTC Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off And Scaring The Cat ROTFLPMP Rolling On The Floor Laughing, Peeing My Pants ROTFLSHISMC Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard I Spilt My Coffee ROTFLWM Rolling On The Floor Laughing, Wetting Myself ROTM Right On The Money RP responsible person RPG Role Playing Game RSN Real Soon Now RT Real Time RTFB Read The [Fucking|Fine] Book RTFM Read The [Fucking|Fine] Manual RTFMP Read The [Fucking|Fine] Man Page RTFS Read The [Fucking|Fine] Source RTFSA Read the Fucking Stock Answer RTS Read The Screen RUMF aRe yoU Male or Female

RUMORF aRe yoU Male Or Female RW Real World SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder SAM Smart Assed Masochist SASS Short Attention Span Society/Syndrome SCA Society for Creative Anachronism SCFTHI Smiley Captioned for the Humor-Impaired SCNR Sorry; Could Not Resist SD Sensory Deprivation SEC SECond (wait a second) SEP Somebody Else's Problem SFA Sweet Fuck All SFAIAA So Far As I Am Aware SFDH Shit Flows Down Hill SFLA Stupid Four Letter Acronym SFP Self-Fulfulling Prophecy SGML Standardised Generalised Markup Language SHAM Stay At Home Mom SHID Slaps Head In Disgust SHTSI Somebody Had To Say It SIG Special Interest Group SIIK Stuffed If I Know SIK Society for Interactive Killing (LARP) SIL Sister In Law SITD Still In The Dark SLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol SM Sado-Masochism, Sex Magick SMLSFB So Many Losers, So Few Bullets SMO Serious Mode On SMOF Secret Master Of Fandom (the people who *really* get things done) SMOFF Serious Mode OFF SMOP Simple Matter Of Programming SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fucked Up SNERT Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager SNR Signal to Noise Ratio SO Significant Other SOB Son Of a Bitch SOHB Sense Of Humour Bypass SOI Stink On Ice SOL Shit Outta Luck SOML Story Of My Life SOP Standard Operating Procedure SOP Standing Operational Proceedures SOVS SomeOne Very Special SOW Speaking Of Which SPAM SPiced hAM [refers to unsolicited commercial email] SQO Some Quantity Of SSC Safe, Sane, Consensual SSDD Same Shit, Different Day ST Such That; Star Trek STBY Sucks To Be You STD Sexually Transmitted Disease STFU Shut The Fuck Up STFW Search The [Fine|Fucking] Web STI Sexually Transmitted Infection STL SomeThing Like STR Spot The Reference

STS So To Speak SUNOILTY Shut Up No One Is Listening To You SUS stupid user syndrome SUT Stupid User Tricks SW SoftWare; So What; Says Who SWAG Scientific Wild Ass Guess SWAHBI Silly, Wild-Assed Hare-Brained Idea SWAK Sealed With A Kiss SWALK Sealed With A Loving Kiss SWDYRTW Since When Do You Rule The Web SWEIN So What Else Is New SWMBO She Who Must Be Obeyed SWYP So What's Your Problem SYSOP SYStem OPerator SYT Sweet Young Thing TAF That's All Folks TAFN That's All For Now TANJ There Ain't No Justice TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TANSTASQ There Ain't No Such Thing As A Stupid Question TAWIS That Ain't What I Said TBC To Be Continued TBD to be {decided,determined,done} TBE To Be Expected TBH To Be Honest TBYB Try Before You Buy TC Telephone Call; Take Care TCB Taking Care of Business TCD The Cat's Dead TDD The Dog's Dead TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator TEOTWAWKI The End Of The World As We Know It TFS Three Fingered Salute TFTB Topping From The Bottom TFTHAOT Thanks For The Help Ahead Of Time TFTT Thanks For The Thought TG TransGendered TGAL Think Globally Act Locally TGIF Thank God It's Friday TGTF Thank God Tomorrow's Friday THOK Thundering Horde Of Kittens TIA Thanks In Advance TIATLG Truly I Am The Living God TIC Tongue In Cheek TIME Tears In My Eyes TIMTOWTDI There Is More Than One Way To Do It TINALO This Is Not A Legal Opinion TINAR This Is Not A Recommendation TINC There Is No Cabal (in response to any mention of the Cabal) TINWIS That Is Not What I Said TIP To Insure Promptness TIWTGLGG This Is Where The Goofy Little Grin Goes TJATAW Truth Justice And The American Way TJATAW Truth, Justice, And The American Way TLA Three Letter Acronym TLC Tender Loving Care TLG The Living God TM Thread Mangler

TMA Too Many Abbreviations TMI Too Much Information TMIKTLIU The More I Know The Less I Understand TMPTAWWTLO The Missionary Position Twice a Week With the Lights Out TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do it (Perl's motto) TN TelNet TNOTVS There's Nothing On TeleVision So TNX Thanks TOBAL There Oughta Be A Law TOBG This Oughta Be Good TOCOTOX TOo COmplicated TO eXplain TOS Terms Of Service TOTBAL There Ought To Be A Law TPAE The Possibilities Are Endless TPE Total Power Exchange TPTB The Powers That Be TRDMC Tears Running Down My Cheeks TS Top Secret TS TransSexual TSOHF Total Sense Of Humour Failure TSR Terminate and Stay Resident (program); Totally Stupid Rules TTBE That's To Be Expected TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge TTFN Ta Ta For Now TTL4N That's The Lot For Now TTM To The Moderator TTSP This Too Shall Pass TTUL Talk/Type To yoU Later TTYL Talk To You Later TTYRS Talk To You Real Soon TTYS Talk To You Soon TTYT Talk To You Tomorrow TTYTT To Tell You The Truth TV Transvestite TWAIN Technology Without An Important Name TWIAVBP The World Is a Very Big Place TWIMC To Whom It May Concern TWIS That's What I Said TWYAS That's What You All Say TWYT That's What You Think TY Thank You TYVM Thank You Very Much UALI Used, Abused, and Loving It U/L UpLoad UAE Unrecoverable Application Error UBE Unsolicited Bulk Email UCE Unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam) UFLA Unidentified Four Letter Acronym UL UpLoad UOK yoU OK? URL Uniform Resource Locator URLCM yoU aRe weLCoMe USU USUally UTC Under The Counter UTSL Use The Source, Luke UTT Under The Table UUCP Unix-to-Unix CoPy VBG Very Big Grin

VEG Very Evil Grin VH Virtual Hug VR Virtual Reality VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language VT Virtual Time W With WO WithOut W8 Wait W8ING Waiting WAB What Another Bill WAEF When All Else Fails WAG Wild-Ass Guess WALOC What A Load Of Crap WAN Wide Area Network WB Welcome Back WCAGA What Comes Around Goes Around WDYMBT What Do You Mean By That WFM Works For Me WIBAMU Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle WIBNI Wouldn't It Be Nice If WIBNIF Wouldn't It Be Nice IF WIITWD Whatever It Is That We Do WIITWDH Whatever It Is That We Do Here WLOG without loss of generality WMMOWS Wash My Mouth Out With Soap WOA Work Of Art WOB Waste of Bandwidth WOFTAM waste of fucking time and money WOM Word Of Mouth WOMBAT Waste Of Money Brains And Time WRT With Regard/Respect To WS Water Sports WTF {What,Where,Who,Why} The Fuck WTG Way To Go (Well Done!) WTH {What,Where,Who,Why} The Hell WTMI Way Too Much Information (see TMI) WWW World Wide Web; World Wide Wait WWWWW Which Was What We Wanted WYGIWYG What You Got Is What You Get WYGIWYPF What You Get Is What You Pay For WYP What's Your Point? WYSBYGI What You See Before You Get It WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get WYSOH Where's Your Sense Of Humour? WYTYSYDG What You Thought You Saw, You Didn't Get XYZ eXamine Your Zipper Y2K The Year 2000 YABA Yet Another Bloody Acronym YAFA Yet Another Fucking Abbreviation YAFGE Yet Another Fucking Growth Experience YAOTM Yet Another Off-Topic Message YAP Yet Another Ploy YCLIU You Can Look It Up YGGM Your Guess is as Good as Mine YGLT You're Gonna Love This YGTBK You've Got To Be Kidding YHBW You Have Been Warned YHB You Have Been

YHL You Have Lost YHTBT You Had To Be There YKINMK Your Kink Is Not My Kink YKINMKBTOK You Kink Is Not My Kink But That's OK YKINMKBYKIOK Your Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is OK YKINOK Your Kink Is Not OK (bigotry) YKIOK Your Kink Is OK YKIOKBINMK Your Kink Is OK But It's Not My Kink YKIOKIJNMK Your Kink Is OK, It's Just Not My Kink YKMV Your Kilometrage May Vary YKWIM You Know What I Mean YKYATP You Know You're A Tired Parent YKYBHTLW You Know You've Been Hacking Too Long When... YKYBRUTLW You Know You've Been Reading Usenet Too Long When... YKYBSTWTLW You Know You've Been Surfing The Web Too Long When YKYWT You Know You Want To YM x You [mean|misspelled] x (frequently followed by HTH HAND) YMBJ You Must Be Joking YMMV Your Mileage May Vary YOYO You're On Your Own YOYOW You Own Your Own Words YR Yeah Right YT Yours Truly YW You're Welcome YWSYLS You Win Some You Lose Some ZN ZiffNet eom End Of Message (nearly always seen in lower case) frex For Example iDOTInternet Development Outreach and Technology 1

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