Benin Blank

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 642
  • Pages: 3
Ancient Benin was located in modern day _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It was surrounded by _ _ _ _ _ _ _and an ocean. Benin had an ample supply of _ _ _ _, which was used in its _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The kingdom changed its environment and built a three-mile long wall around the _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Forest areas and desert areas were the main environment for Benin. It also had southern _ _ _ _ _ _ to the Bight of Benin for water _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The people did not _ _ _ _ _ _ the environment much.

In _ _ _ _ C.E. Oranmiyan, a prince from _ _ _, founded the Benin Kingdom. His son became the first _ _ _(king). For over _ _ _ years Benin was an organized, prosperous empire. In _ _ _ _ an official British delegation was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ en route to the kingdom. This led to its downfall because the British _ _ _ _ _ _ all the palaces and put the Oba in_ _ _ _ _, and took over the kingdom. Benin is now a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It established many commercial and diplomatic relations with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The king was the political and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _leader. They had a Queen and a hereditary _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The British _ _ _ _ _ thousands of objects from the palaces.

Women and _ _ _ were separated in the royal family, only men could be an _ _ _. Benin was based on farming villages for its _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Benin traded pepper, _ _ _ _ _, and _ _ _ _ _ _to neighbors in the Savanna. Later they traded palm oil and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with the Savanna. Women were traded. Women soldiers (_ _ _ _ _ _ _) were recruited by Benin for regular service in the military. Women planted, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, processed food products, carried _ _ _ _, did household chores, and raised the children.

The Oba was not only the _ _ _ _ _ _ _but also an important religious _ _ _ _ _ _. Lots of sculptures and _ _ _ _ _ were made of the rulers. The palace was decorated with elaborate _ _ _ _ _ plaques and sculptures. The palace was a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ place. They were_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. They had a creator God that they called the Osanuba. They also made _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to Gods. They believed in spirits, _ _ _ _ _, and the power of _ _ _ _ _doctors. Their _ _ _ _ _art was created from ivory and bronze. Whenever a king or a major figure _ _ _ _, a beautiful commemorative head was cast out of bronze in his honor. Each piece of _ _ _ depicted a different event in Benin's history. Many things including utensils and weapons have also been found. Some famous architecture that the kingdom of Benin had was palaces for the _ _ _ _ _and queens to live in.

Also found in the royal palace were eight wall-sized bronze _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Each plaque depicted kings, chiefs, and great warriors. Benin is mostly known for its _ _ _ _ _ _and paintings.

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