Believe It Or Not Outline

  • November 2019
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“Believe it or Not” Acts 28:17-31 This is the last week for the book of Acts and when all is said and done the question you and I are left with is will we believe it or not. Believe what? That Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Savior and that the power of the Holy Spirit is for the Church today. Acts 28:17-22 Paul call a meeting again 1. With the Jewish leaders. Why? a. They knew scripture. b. His love for his people. c. God’s love for his people. Share the Good News 2. Explains why his in Rome a. Opportunity to share Jesus. b. We have never received a letter about you. c. Tells us of these Christians that are hated everywhere. Acts 28:23-24 Paul testifies Jesus is the Messiah 1. By using the old testaments. 2. God keeps his word. 3. Took his time so that they would see. Talk about an all nighter. 4. Still not everyone believed. Acts 28:25-27 Paul quotes Isaiah 6:9-10

The people reject the LORD. 2. Christ quoted this scripture to. 3. Paul quotes it because people still reject the Word. 1.

Acts 28:28-31 Paul goes on preaching 1. Jesus is for everyone. 2. Rents his own place. 3. continued teaching about Salvation through Christ Jesus. Application 17-22 meeting with the Jewish leaders How many Christians are walking around knowing scripture but lives a powerless life? I know Jesus, A lot of people know of Jesus. But the question is how many of us know the heart of Jesus? The Jewish people of those days knew of God, what they lack was the relationship with God the heart stuff. Jesus did it all we can not earn our way to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit it is God’s gift to us. It is given to us by the relationship we have with the Lord. Knowing His word, His name, or knowing of Him is not going to cut it. It’s about relationship, you need to know, that you know, that you know JESUS IS LORD!!!!! Paul is testifying that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Savior, and Lord.

But they missed the heart of God; yes here are my rules and guidelines for your lives. The five books of Moses and the Prophets. Why the rules and guidelines? Unattended we get into trouble. UNTIL I send the ONE that will cleanse you and make you right follow these rules and guidelines. I will send the one sacrifice that will wash you clean for good. Who is he? JESUS. 23-24 Paul testifies of Jesus Why should I believe Jesus is the Messiah? Only Jesus fulfilled the requirements of each of the prophesies. 1. A virgin. 2. Bethlehem. 3. Named Jesus. (savior) 4. He would be rejected. 5. Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. 6. Beaten beyond recognition. 7. Crucified. 8. Buried in an unused tomb. 9. Raise on the third day. 10. Seated at the right hand of the FATHER. This is only ten of the more than 300 prophesies that Jesus fulfilled. Chuck Smith puts it this way, “from the scientific law of compound probabilities it is a mathematical impossibility that anyone could fulfill all of those requirements” Logically this is not possible. Yet we still doubt. Why?

Could the answer be found in the parable of the four soils? Matthew 13:4-9 The four different soils 1. 2. 3.


Footpath. Absolutely refuse to accept. (hard ground) Stony ground. They accept it but soon fall away. (surface experiences) Sown among thorns. They received the word but bears no fruit. (hang on but soon lose interest for God) Good ground. Fruitful. (They hear the word and apply the word therefore they have fruit)

Nothing is wrong with the seed; the seed is good it’s the Word. The problem is the ground what kind of ground are you? 25-27 The rejection for God Isaiah is saying this, “If you reject Jesus, you can 1. Hear, but never understand; 2. You can see but never attain awareness. 3. Your heart is and will continue to be hard, 4. Your ears are closed, 5. And so are your eyes, Because you really don’t want to turn to God and be healed. This message was true of the people in Isaiah’s days, it was true of the people in Paul’s days, and it is true of the people of our days. What is keeping you from receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior today?

What is keeping you from receiving all that God has for you? Are you afraid because you don’t understand, are you hanging on to your life? This is what God says about you. Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. PSAMLS 139:17-18 What kind of soil is the seed falling on this morning it real makes a difference; it’s a matter of life or death.

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