Belief Edit

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Belief in brief: Day of the Dead BYLINE

By Lauren Y*gung DECK


The Day of the Dead, also knov,rr as "El Dia de los Muertos," is a celebration of a time when the dead are believed to return to their families.


- rhe Dayof theDead, lL*gfel!g7o-)9-Bp;_64-B--q 9{a-by-Seiqh^D-.-WgScoLUMBIA alsoknor,r'nas "El Dia de los Muertos,"is celebratedduring the first daysof Novembert on Nov. z. It is a day to honor family membersand friendswho havepassedarvay. This holidayis lypicallycelebratedin Mexicoand by Latin Americansliving in the United States. History

Aztecfestival.h__l'^e_g-"-f *l pre-colr-rmbian lfl_._99_P_1"\Jt -"-l-Llq Tli:.!"]l9gl:.T b_-" gg$ff:.Ui"kg9ih_!."1 Uf*gS*:NgIj

After Christianityr,r'asintroducedto Latin

Americathe festivalr,r'asmovedfrom the ninth month on the Aztec caiendarto coincidewith the Catholichoiidaysof All Saints'Day and All Souls'Day. he feitival




i. art". calendar to its currentaut",xoiTi'rr"il

Christianitvu,asintroducedin Latin America.i site that connectedthe festir.,alto that goddess(or I couldn't find an1'trustr'r,orthy

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of the Dead Video: History ql_Da-v Customs It is believedthat the spirits of thelqg_;;:*li dead comeback to Earth during late Familiesand friends obsene many Octoberand early November m-y$ltq N"gJ..*z; customsin order to make sure that the spirit u,ill be comfortableduring its visit. Dia de los Angelitos,is the day when spirits of children Novemberr, bl:gh..o_.}:?.gi-jEl are believedto visit. Novemberz, the Day of the Dead,is when the spirits of the adult deadvisit their loved ones. Families traditionally clean and decorate the graves of their loved ones. Many times flowers are placed on the grave. A traditional florver is the orange marigold, r,r,hichis believed to direct the attention of the spirit ton ard the offerings on their grave., Items 'f-T*'.-**H-"--\\" dead rn,erefond of are also left at the grave site - for example, tnaq oeceasec\___'ls*.,,,"".'l

toysforchildrenial-a-el-",gh9l_e3_{g1-s*-q*l!:-l_e-f -L4!ll j [h e connotati on 99srye.d{iglt !U Ulglg_tg;l -e-

Alters and small shrines are commonl,vconstructed in honres. Thev are often food, candles,crossesol'an image decorate{-b_yn.ith an image of the deaQdec.e-as-e-dl, of the Virgin Uary1,"t'rr such as a u,ashbor,r,lor a shaving irit rnal'be included so the spirit can clean up after its long trip. Alters are also sometimes constructed in I




' as schools and Ggovernmentoffices. publicplaces'qU3cg.slsrrch

Posaditsuch as Catrina, a skeletal Images created b), Mexican artist.lose Gugd,qlLrlie

\^roman, arealso parodyof an upper-class g_11hitlrgii+.?i "o--ott[ft._t "tplga


I T"):.:l.:1,!reImageoI u ,*p,m.*{::*rrffi clothes has become a common image during the Day of the

skeleton dressedin fine

Pff* Video: Dav of the Deadtraciitions Food A fer,r'traditional foods are:

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SugarSkulls: Skulls made from sugarand decoratedwith icing. They are commonly placedon alters and with other offeringsto the deadffigs$tQ. The sugar skull has its roots in Aztectraditions that celebratedthe lives of those who have passedawav. Pan de Muerto: A sweetbread tha is eatendurins the Dav of the Dead.I is also placedon alters, shrinesand gravesites. Tamales:Corn husks filled with corn dough.They are commonly filled with pork or chickenwith red or greensalsa. Sources: /ent/dead/ i nside-rnexico. com/featuf edead.htm

ili€Is3run Denise(l\,4U-student)Sunday.November1. 2009 5:48:56Pi\,4 CT

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