Behavior Plan

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 474
  • Pages: 2
Behavior Plan 2009-2010: Mrs. Devon Day – Grade 1 In order to foster a positive learning environment, students will learn and practice 5 rules with gestures daily: 1) Follow directions quickly 2) Raise your hand to speak 3) Raise your hand to leave your seat 4) Make smart choices 5) Keep your dear teacher happy (by following above rules) Consequences: If a student is not following one of the above rules, I will say, for example, “Rule 3”, class (including the ‘violator’) will then recite rule 3 with gesture to get the student back on track. If the student still has difficulty following the rule, I will record the behavior on my weekly behavior tracker (see attached) and speak to the child privately about making smarter choices so that everyone can learn. If it is a consistent problem (more than 3 offenses in a given week), a note/phone call will be made to make parent(s) aware of the issue. If it is a more consistent problem (weekly), the student will be put on an individualized weekly behavior chart (see attached). Depending on the circumstances, student(s) may also be referred to the (vice) principal for further disciplinary action. In such cases, a phone call home will be made. Rewards: In my class, students sit in groups of 4. Each team will work together to earn team points on a tally chart – Mrs. Day vs. students. The objective for the students will be to earn more points than me by the end of the day. Students earn points by demonstrating desired behavior(s). I earn a point(s) when students are not following directions or not working cooperatively. When the team does earn more points than

me, the team earns a sticker for their sticker chart. When the sticker chart gets filled up, they earn a small prize – i.e. each member pulls a coupon, eraser, pencil grip, pencil, etc. Rewards (con’t): In addition to working together in teams of four, the class also works together as a whole group to earn a reward. Each day, we start with “Awesome job” on the board. If the class does not do desired behavior (lining up quietly, walking in hall, good report from resource, etc), they lose a letter from “Awesome job”. If, by the end of the day, they still have “Awesome” on the board, that means they’ve had an “awesome” day, so they earn a letter towards whatever it is the class has voted on to get – i.e. bubble gum, skittles, ice cream, cookies, etc. to enjoy during DEAR time. So if we have voted on bubble gum, and have had an ‘awesome’ day, they would earn a ‘b’. Other positive reinforcements for behavior include sending home “Great Moment” notices, “Good News” telegrams, stickers, a good note in the agenda, or a positive phone call home.

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