Beaver City Blues

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  • Words: 11,524
  • Pages: 30
Beaver City Blues

It was late afternoon in the mining community of Granite, Colorado. The local saloon was relatively empty, as many of its patrons had left for their dinners. A player piano was tinkling through a medley of Stephen Foster songs, in a somewhat dyspeptic manner as some of the keys didn't play. The bartender hummed to the music using this slow period of the day to clean up before the evening crowd arrived. Hannibal Heyes was standing beside the bar enjoying a beer. He was done playing poker for the day, successfully of course, and happily sipped his drink waiting for his friend and partner, Kid Curry to return. The Kid was at the bathhouse cleaning up before supper. "Hey, Will, look who's here. It's Smith." Heyes turned to see who had recognized him. He found he was looking into the spectacles of Joe Bradshaw from Beaver City. Next to him, but a bit to the rear, stood Will Johnston rubbing one boot nervously on the other, eyes slightly dilated at the sight of Joshua Smith, a man he still associated with bad luck. "Howdy Joe, Will. How you boys doing?" Will swallowed and ordered two beers. "We're OK but we're real sorry about Jones. We read about it." "Yeah, guess that must've been real hard on you, you two being such good friends and all." "Wh-what?" Heyes mouth curved into a puzzled half-smile. "What did you read?" "Jones, we read all about him. It was in the Leadville paper about Jones dying, and seeing how you two had left town we figured you'd headed to Leadville and well, we figured it was our Jones." Joe wrapped his right arm around the back of his head to scratch the left side. "Joe, Will, I hate to break this to you, but there are a lot of people named Jones. Thaddeus isn't dead." "He ain't?" Will grinned broadly. "That's real good news. But if he ain't dead where is he?" "Where's who?" The Kid had come over to the bar unseen by the others. "Who's dead?" "You're dead partner, or at least you were. Apparently a fella sharing your name passed on recently in Leadville. Our friends here figured it was you." "Joe, Will, you thought I was dead?"


"Well heck, Jones. The whole town thought you was dead. We even held a memorial service for you seeing as how you'd been our oracle. Joe did the you-lo-gy-did a real nice job of it too." "Really? I'm flattered that you boys would do that for me. A service and a you-lo-gy." He smirked at Heyes, knowing that Smith would never have merited such treatment. "Uh boys, I guess that means you aren't mad at us. You know, about the outhouse being all torn down?" Heyes questioned. "Naw, we didn't mind all that. We figured it was a good thing seeing as that outhouse never was built right to begin with. Shoot, it leaked rain all the time. So we rebuilt it. We even put a plaque on it." Heyes and Curry exchanged incredulous looks. "Joe, you put a plaque on the outhouse?" The Kid couldn't quite believe he was hearing this properly. "That's right," said Will. "It's a genuine brass plaque we ordered special all the way from Denver. It says 'The Oracle Jones II Memorial Outhouse' on it." Heyes leaned towards the bar, putting his gloved hand over his mouth. He laughed into it creating a peculiar snorting sound, and his eyes filled with tears. "The Oracle Jones II Memorial Outhouse?" the Kid repeated. Heyes snorted again. "Yep." Joe frowned thoughtfully. "Suppose we'll have to take the plaque off now, seeing as you're not dead. Seems a waste though." "Oh I don't know, Joe," Heyes said, "if I were you I'd hang onto that plaque. You never know what may happen." "Cute, Joshua." "Joe, you know what?" Will nudged his friend. "Since Jones here is alive, maybe he can help with our problem." "Problem? Fellas I'm not so sure about that. I mean I'm not your oracle anymore." "C'mon Jones. It'd be real easy for a smart man like you." Heyes rolled his eyes while the Kid stood straighter. "We'll even pay you for it," offered Joe. "How much?" asked Heyes quickly. "What's the problem?" asked the Kid.


"Two hundred dollars," said Joe. Will nodded his head in agreement. "He'll take it," Heyes replied. "Not so fast. What's the problem?" Curry asked again. "Three hundred," Joe said eagerly. "We'll take it." Heyes stared into his partner's eyes. "Maybe we won't take it. What's the problem?" "It's nothing really." "Well if it's nothing whaddya need me for?" "It's like this," said Will. "A fella named Frank Warner wrote to Mrs. Pellet's firm back east. Well, actually Joe did the writing 'cause Frank ain't all that edicated. You know the lady who finds all them brides and sends 'em out this way-mail order. Mrs. Pellet got him set up with a real nice sounding gal, and not for much of a fee neither. They sent letters back and forth, and, well, she come on out to marry him. When she got out he couldn't meet the train in Leadville, so Jim Casey met her and brung her back. So then she wanted to marry him. That got Frank real mad after all the trouble he'd gone to, and he went over to have it out with Jim. So then she met Frank. So the three tried to talk it out, and now she don't know who she oughta marry. So the whole town's sort of in an uproar, but I bet you could help her figure out who to marry. Then everything'll be normal again." "No." "Whaddya mean 'no', partner?" "No, I mean 'no'! I don't want to get involved in this.'" "Excuse us fellas. Thaddeus and I are gonna go talk this over." Heyes pulled the Kid to the side. "What do you mean 'no'? They are going to pay three hundred dollars for you to go to Beaver City and tell a girl to marry someone. It doesn't even matter which one you pick." "Heyes are you out of your mind? I am not going to go and get mixed up in this. What if something goes wrong?" "Kid, what could go wrong? All you have to do is go talk to the girl. You know what? I bet she even prefers one of them already; she just doesn't know how to tell the other one. You just let her tell you which one she likes best, and then tell them. They'll do what you say 'cause they still think you're an oracle. And Kid, we'll be three hundred dollars richer. Heck, I'll even go with you when you talk to her." He gave the Kid a pat on the arm.


The Kid glanced over at Joe and Will. "OK Heyes you talked me into it. But if anything does go wrong…." "Kid, what could go wrong?" "Everything. Just remember I warned you, and you gotta take care of any problems." "Alright it's a deal. As if anything could go wrong." They rejoined Joe and Will. "Alright, he'll do it. Tell you what, let's go and have supper to fix the deal. We'll even let you two buy." Joe and Will held their hands out to shake on the bargain.

The four men rode to Beaver City together three days later. It wasn't a long journey, but the roads were still muddy from the recent heavy rains. They left Granite in the cold of the early morning in order to reach Beaver City before nightfall. Arriving in the dark, they used the lights of the town to guide them in. Not much had changed since Curry and Heyes' last visit. The roofing equipment was still on the boardwalk, and the strong box was still in the middle of the main road. The only difference was the brand new public outhouse, which Joe and Will proudly pointed out. "It's a beauty, ain't it?" "I guess you could say that Will," responded Heyes giving a slight shrug of his shoulders. "No sense trying to show you tonight, but you make sure and take a look at that plaque tomorrow morning before we gotta take it down," Joe advised. "Joe, we'll make a point of doing just that. First thing tomorrow. But maybe you oughta show us where we're gonna stay." The Kid was tired of riding, and he wanted to stable his horse, stow his belongings and eat. He didn't really want to follow that particular order, he'd rather eat now, but the horse came first. "Well, Will and me wired ahead. So they should have the same room ready for you as before. And don't you worry about that room; folks here will take care of it, just like before." "Bet they're all real excited about you bein' alive," added Will.


Heyes beamed, "that's real kind of you, Joe, Will, and of the townsfolk too. Jones'll do much better at his work if he doesn't have to worry about small matters like room and board." "Well, you can count on us. We'll make sure you're all taken care of while you're here. Me and Will'll say bye then. We'll meet you tomorrow at the diner; say about eight o'clock, for breakfast. Then we'll go on over and see Frank Warner and Jim Casey."

After a good night's sleep, and a brief look at the genuine brass plaque on the outhouse, Curry and Heyes breakfasted with Joe at the town's unnamed diner. Will had relapsed into his former state of awe, so he and his friends sat at a separate table where they could watch Jones together. Joe leaned back on his chair, sticking his left pinkie into his left ear to give it a satisfactory scratch. He waved to Mrs. Buffum, the proprietress of the diner, to come over. She was a buxom woman in her mid-thirties, with a warm welcoming personality, and a ready smile. "Boys, you know Mrs. Carrie Buffum, don't you? Becky Doble is staying in a room at her place 'til all this is settled, and she's properly married." "Mrs. Buffum," Heyes and the Kid rose slightly, acknowledging her in turn. "I'm pleased to see you here Mr. Jones. Becky is such a sweet girl, but she's been awful troubled by this situation. I know you'll be able to help her make the correct decision." She turned to Joe. "Frank Warner is on his way over now to state his case so to speak. I'll make sure Jim Casey stays away until he's finished. If he gets here too early I'll take him into the back for coffee." "Carrie Buffum, you are the smartest woman in town. I knew we could count on you." "Oh go on Joe, you know there ain't but seven women in the whole town, eight now Becky's arrived, so don't you go to flattering me. The others will hear of it, and won't you be in deep water." She laughed, and added quietly, "Joe, what about Smith here? He's not gonna go over to see Becky as well, is he? After all, the whole thing is mixed up as it is. Don't want any extra bad luck now, do we?" She gave Joe a troubled look. Joe acknowledged it with a slight nod. Heyes seeing her concern smiled at her pleasantly. "Don't you worry Carrie Buffum, I was gonna bring that up," Joe whispered in response. Carrie, satisfied that her friend Joe had things under control, left the table to see to her other customers. Joe turned to the Kid and Heyes, clearing his throat.


"Now like you just heard, Frank's on his way over, then Jim. Then you and Will, Jones, you'll head on over to Missus Buffum's house to talk to Miss Doble and set her straight. Me, I gotta go see to my claim so I can't go with you, and someone's gotta be there with you-wouldn't be proper the two of you alone." "Uh Joe, I'm not gonna make the decision for her, I'll talk to her and all…" "Well don't be so dang foolish. Of course you gotta make the decision. She hasn't been able to, and the boys is getting anxious. You're here to help us out, right? And that means settling this." His spectacles slid down the bridge of his nose as he spoke. He pushed them back into position. "Joe, what Jones means is that we'll talk to her, sort of guide her into choosing the man she prefers, but the final decision has to be hers." "Smith, whaddya mean 'we'll talk to her'? You heard what Carrie Buffum said. We don't want you taking any part in this, could ruin everything. Not to insult you and all, but you're bad luck. You just stay out of this. Jones'll go and settle this." "Joe, one-I will not go and 'settle this.' Smith is right. It's the girl's decision. And two-he's coming along. I, well, I'm not saying I can't do this, but I may need his advice." Heyes smiled smugly. The Kid stared at Joe with a look that meant he was not to be crossed. Joe swallowed, and then nodded in agreement. He hadn't seen a look like that before on any man's face; Jones was a powerful man alright. Best leave it all to him. He stood feeling a bit unsteady, mumbling about the need to get to his claim; he took his leave as quickly as he possibly could without being rude. Frank Warner arrived. He was a miner, in his middle twenties with brown hair. He was of average height and weight. He could read, but wasn't much at writing. He had brown eyes. His claim was profitable. He could provide for a wife and family comfortably. He declared his undying love for Becky Doble, "the purtiest, bestest gal" he had ever met, who he "adored down to the ground her little feet walked on." His gratitude would be undying if matters were decided in his favor, which he was certain would be the case as "Jones was as wise as old King Solomon and twice as fair." After Frank Warner it was Jim Casey's turn. He was a miner, in his middle twenties with brown hair. He was of average height and weight. He could read, but wasn't much at writing. He had hazel eyes. His claim was profitable. He could provide for a wife and family comfortably. He also declared his undying love for Becky Doble, "the most sweetest gal he had ever met," his future wife, companion, and honored mother of "a pack of Caseys not to be beat." He knew he could "count on Beaver City's oracle here" to make the right decision, and he wouldn't be "slack neither," in demonstrating his thanks.


An hour later the Kid and Heyes strolled to the house. Heyes whistled one of the Stephen Foster songs he had heard in Granite, a bit off key but recognizable. Stopping, he said "You know Kid, this is gonna be real easy. Think about it, those two are so alike. There's hardly any difference between them." "I know that. That's what worries me. How's she gonna pick one over the other? I can barely see any difference between 'em 'cept their eyes are a different color. You think that'll make a difference?" "Naw Kid, but that's the beauty of it. It doesn't really matter, does it? All you have to do is listen to her. Let her talk. Be sympathetic. Women like that. She'll start talking more about one of them. All you have to do is guide her to pick that one." "Heyes, what if she don't talk about one more than the other? Then what?" Heyes frowned slightly pursing his lips together. "Kid, you really worry me sometimes. Don't you know anything about women?" The Kid glared. Heyes started across the street, his rolling gait exuding confidence. The Kid hesitated before following. There was definitely something wrong with all this. Somehow he didn't figure it was gonna be all that easy. He did know something about women, enough to know they could be pretty unpredictable. Heyes rapped on the door. After a moment it was opened by a young woman in her early twenties, her chestnut hair pulled back in a tight bun. She looked at Curry and Heyes directly, with frank interest reflected in her eyes as they traveled to the gun belts the men wore, and back to their faces. "You must be Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith," she said. "Please come in." She ushered them through the doorway. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Doble," said the Kid as they followed her into the parlor. "Please sit down and let me pour you some coffee. There are cookies too." How exciting she thought. They are wearing guns like the Westerners she had read about. Frank Warner and Jim Casey didn't wear guns. "That's very kind of you Miss Doble." Heyes sat in a comfortable plush chair, leaving the couch to the Kid and Miss Doble. "My friend and I are appreciative of your hospitality considering the circumstances." She blushed at the mention of the 'circumstances.' The Kid and Becky sat down. Heyes and the girl looked at the Kid waiting for him to open the conversation, Heyes with a suppressed grin. Now that the Kid was here he didn't know how to begin. He wasn't uncomfortable around women as a rule; it was the situation that bothered him. He didn't know how to be a matchmaker. He frowned and


picked up a cookie to stall. Taking a bite he chewed slowly working things through in his mind. He looked at Becky. She wasn't a beauty, but she was definitely pretty. She had a nice build, a good complexion without blemishes, small but nicely shaped green eyes, and a petite, well-shaped mouth. When she smiled he saw a set of even white teeth. Inwardly he sighed. He guessed he better get started and 'help' her. "Miss Doble…" "Please call me Becky." "Uh, alright. Becky, you know why we're here. We've met Frank and Jim." He glanced over at Heyes who was busy spooning sugar into a cup of coffee. "Maybe you…" Heyes added cream and slowly stirred that in. Heyes never took cream and sugar. The Kid figured he was doing that so he'd have an excuse to keep busy and not help him out. "Maybe you could tell us a little bit about them.” "What would you like to know?" Heyes sat back in his chair with a teacup and saucer in one hand and a cookie in the other. He gave the Kid an encouraging nod and smile, took a bite of the cookie, put it on the saucer, lifted the cup to his lips and drank closing his eyes. "I, well, I, well what do you know about them?" "I'm sorry Mr. Jones. I am not quite certain what you are asking. Do you want me to tell you everything I know about them?" She studied the two men. They were both certainly good looking she decided. Mr. Smith was a bit thin however, not as well-built as Mr. Jones. He was also dark in coloring, his skin having a slightly olive tone to it. She tried to dismiss him from her thoughts and instead consider Mr. Jones. He was very well-proportioned she thought. Lovely curly blonde hair, just like those Roman and Greek heads she had seen in the museums back east. His jaw was narrow but not unpleasant in shape, his mouth not too large, his nose straight and not too small, and he had the most startling blue eyes she had ever seen. Everyone who was anyone back home would approve of a man with looks like this. "Mr. Jones," she repeated, "is there something in particular I can tell you?" The Kid cleared his throat. Heyes finally gave him an inconspicuous nod as if to say he would help him out. "What Mr. Jones means, Miss Doble…" she gave a slight shake of her head, and started to open her mouth. He held up his hand to stop her, "I don't believe I could call you by your given name Miss Doble, as you are obviously a lady, and we are not yet well acquainted." The Kid raised his eyebrows as Becky Doble registered pleasure on her features. "What Mr. Jones means is that perhaps if you told him a little about yourself


including the arrangements you made through Miss Pellet's firm to come out here and marry Frank Warner it would assist him in assisting you." "Ah I see. My situation is that I am one of seven children, six of whom are girls. My father works for the police force," both men involuntarily jerked slightly, "so our financial situation presents limits, to say the least. I want to be a wife and mother, but what would my chances be back home? I'd probably marry another policeman, and live a life similar to what I grew up with-genteel poverty. I want my children to have better opportunities than I have. I also wanted a little adventure. I saw Miss Pellet's advertisement and responded to it." Here she stopped, to drink some coffee and catch her breath. She again considered the two men's looks. After all, back east everyone knew that a person's physiognomy was a window to their personality. Her friends assured her this was so, and everyone knew the scientific community had overwhelming evidence to support the belief. Mr. Jones, she was certain, was a perfect example of nobility expressed in one's features. The nose she thought, it definitely was an indication of a man of good character. "Take your time, Miss Doble. Mr. Jones and I are in no hurry." She gave a slight nod. Mr. Smith is very polite she thought. She had expected that a man who wore a gun who was not an officer of the law would be a brute. She mused on his appearance. It seemed a contradiction to his demeanor. "Miss Pellet was quite helpful. She began the correspondence with Mr. Warner, after checking and verifying several references. I felt comfortable with her efforts. Mr. Warner and I exchanged many letters. With my parent's approval of course." "We understand. This is all perfectly proper." He paused, frowning a little in thought. Becky bit a small piece of cookie, and the Kid reached for two more cookies. Heyes continued. "Miss Doble, may I mention that you seem well educated. I don't believe either Frank Warner or Jim Casey are equally educated." She smiled. "I am aware of that. I knew Mr. Warner could not write. He told me that in our correspondence. I was determined that his lack of education would not influence my decision." Mr. Smith had an upturned nose. Wasn't that a sign of someone with low origins, or was that an indication of vulgarity? She couldn't remember. She wished her best friend, Mabel, was here. She would know. Mr. Smith's appearance confused her. She turned her eyes towards Mr. Jones. She tried to concentrate on him. She stared directly at what she considered to be his ideal Grecian nose as she continued. "I thought I knew Mr. Warner through his letters. I thought I was in love with him. So I made my arrangements for the train to Leadville. I was surprised when the man who met me introduced himself as Jim Casey. He fit Mr. Warner's description entirely, except for the color of his eyes."


She paused to drink some tea, and peeked at Heyes again. What a broad mouth he had everyone knew that was a sign of, oh dear, she could hardly think it. Everyone knew that was a sign of a sensual nature. "You returned with Mr. Casey…" Heyes encouraged her to continue. She blinked. "Yes, and with Mrs. Buffum as well, as being a single lady I certainly would not have traveled alone with a man." She looked directly at the Kid, and he nodded. "On the trip here I found that Mr. Casey was a good man. He seemed very much like I had imagined Mr. Warner. He proposed to me as we neared town, and I didn't know what to do. I didn't accept his proposal, but I didn't refuse it either. After all I hadn't met Mr. Warner yet." Why couldn't she keep her thoughts off Mr. Smith? "That seems understandable enough. What happened when you met Mr. Warner?" She glanced at Heyes again. His looks were simply not proper. Ah she had it! A pirate she thought. That's what she imagined him to be by his looks. He was like a pirate in a novel. How exciting her Western adventure was becoming. Although he didn't actually talk like how she thought a pirate would talk. He was extremely considerate and very pleasant. He seemed educated too. "Mr. Warner was angry at first when we talked. I can't blame him. The longer we talked the more I realized he was the man of his letters. But so was Mr. Casey, and I had seen him first. They are waiting for me to choose between them, and I haven't been able to do that." She looked down at her feet while saying this. She'd read about the black Irish. They were the descendents of, what was it, oh yes Spaniards from the Spanish Armada who had washed up on the Irish coast. She was pleased she'd remembered that from her schooldays. He could be a descendent of one of them! That would explain the slightly olive skin mixed with the upturned nose and dimples. How dashing and romantic this thought made him seem. "I do wish Mabel were here. She would know what to do." "Who is Mabel?" asked the Kid. "Mabel Fanshaw is my dearest friend. We are like sisters in looks and temperament. She was very thrilled for me about my 'adventure'. I was to go west first. If everything works out, I am to find a suitable husband for her. Then she can join me! Oh! I shouldn't have told you that." Heyes raised his head in an alert manner. "Don't you worry, Miss Doble. We won't tell anyone you told us that," the Kid assured her.


"Miss Doble, I think you and my friend should talk some more now that he's heard everything he needs to know. Now don't feel rushed to make a decision, just talk it over with him again." Heyes rose to leave. "By the way, have you contacted Miss Fanshaw to let her know you've arrived safely?" "Dear me, no. With all that has happened I forgot to wire her." "If you'd like to write a message, I'd be happy to take it to the telegraph office for you." "That is most considerate of you, Mr. Smith. I will write a brief note with directions on where to send the wire." A few minutes later Heyes had the message, and Miss Fanshaw's address. "I'll go send this telegram while you two finish up. I think you will be perfectly safe alone with Mr. Jones for just a few minutes. Considering who he is no one will think the less of your reputation, ma'am." After Heyes left, Becky Doble sat quietly with her head down crumbling a cookie in one hand. The Kid figured this was a good sign. He left her to her thoughts for several minutes while he ate the remainder of the cookies. Finally, he turned to her. "I don't suppose there's any chance you've figured out which one you prefer, is there? I guess it would be nice if I could tell Jim or Frank that you are at least leaning towards one of them." "Mr. Jones, I have been doing a considerable amount of thinking these last few minutes. I think you can tell them both my decision." "Really?" the Kid was surprised. A moment ago she was totally confused. "Yes, you may tell them that I intend to marry neither of them." The Kid gulped. "You don't want to marry either one of them?" This was bad. Not only were they out the three hundred dollars; they had apparently made the whole stupid situation worse. "That's correct. I realize I cannot marry Frank Warner or Jim Casey because I think I am in love with someone else." She looked directly at him. Oh no, he thought. She's looking right at me. She doesn't mean…I didn't do anything… she couldn't… "It's true. I think I may be in love with Mr. Smith." "What! You're in love with He-Joshua?! But you've just met him. You don't know anything about him."


"He is a most considerate man. He's kind, thoughtful, and he is educated. He is obviously gentle and honest." The Kid twitched at the word honest. She looked into the Kid's eyes. "I find him quite attractive, quite romantic, like Lord Byron's Corsair." The Kid was puzzled. "From his poetry," she added helpfully. "Miss Doble, Smith can't marry you if that's what you want. I mean, it's true we're both honest law abiding citizens, but there's no way he could support you. He and I, well, we roam around a lot. We drift. And he doesn't even know you." He took a breath. "He doesn't love you." "Mr. Jones I am aware that this seems impetuous on my part. I am not expecting that he love me or marry me. I am saying that since meeting him I cannot marry Frank Warner or Jim Casey. I suppose my love may well indeed be unrequited…" She sighed. The Kid stared at her. He wasn't certain what an unrequited love was, but whatever it was she sounded as if she liked the idea. "Miss Doble, I think you should think it over. I don't think I should tell Frank or Jim anything yet. I'll go now. I'll return tomorrow after you've had a chance to consider things." "Yes, please. But you will tell Mr. Smith how I feel, won't you?" "Oh I'll tell him alright."

Outside he strode so rapidly he almost bumped into Heyes who was returning from the telegraph office. "Kid it's done. Everything is taken care of." "Whaddya mean everything's taken care of?" "I sent the telegraph. Of course I added a bit to it, to improve it." "Heyes, what did you add to it?" "I added that Mabel should come on out here, that Becky had a man for her." "Heyes are you crazy? You wired a girl living back east to come all the way out here on the chance that she might marry someone?" "Now Kid, don't get all excited. I didn't make it sound like a sure thing, just a possibility. Didn't want to get her hopes set too high. But you heard Becky. She and Mabel are as 12

alike as sisters, and we know Jim and Frank are as alike as brothers, so they're bound to match up somehow, and if they don't Becky at least has someone to travel home with. You wouldn't wanna leave a nice girl like that stuck out here on her own would you? And my instincts tell me this is all gonna work out just fine. After all they're all good, reasonable folks; they'll come to some sort of…" "Heyes did your instincts tell you to send for two girls? ‘Cause that's what you needed to do to make both Frank and Jim happy." "What do you mean?" "After you left, Becky told me she didn't wanna marry either one because she thinks she's in love with someone else." "What? Who?" "You." "What?" Heyes asked sharply. "You. She thinks she may be in love with you, or at least with Joshua Smith." "How can she think that? She doesn't even know me." Heyes' voice went up an octave. "Well, she barely knew Frank or Jim either. Anyway she's got her head filled with all sorts of ideas about Joshua Smith. She thinks you're romantic like Lord Brian's Cusser." "Like what?" Heyes made a sound between a grunt and a laugh. "Like a poem or something. I don't see why you're laughing. This isn't funny. People are gonna be pretty upset around here." "Well no one knows yet, right?" "Yeah." "OK, so let's keep it quiet until Mabel arrives. That way Becky can think some more. She's bound to realize a husband in hand is better than a drifter in the bush. You'll have to talk to her some more too. Tell her I'm no good." "That shouldn't be too difficult." Curry smirked. "You want me to tell her you're a notorious outlaw while I'm at it?"


The next morning Heyes and Curry were sitting at a corner table by a window in the diner, drinking from tin mugs of coffee as they waited for their breakfasts to be served. Instead of the waiter returning with the plates, Carrie Buffum carried them to the table. Her mouth set, she put each plate down with a bang. "How could you? How could you lead a poor girl on like that? And you…" addressing Curry, "…I warned you not to let him near her. Now look what you two fools have gone and done." "Now wait a minute, what do you mean what have we gone and done? We went over to talk to Becky. That's all. It's not our fault she got some crazy ideas about my friend." "Well she didn't have those ideas before so he must have done something." "Carrie, I didn't do anything. She just got a little carried away, that's all. When she has time to think about it she'll realize she made a mistake yesterday." "The more she thinks on it, and the more she talks the worse it's getting. She stayed up half the night thinkin' she was maybe in love with you. She woke up this morning and the maybe was gone. What are you gonna do about that?" Heyes drank some coffee. "Well, I'm gonna think about it, that's what I'm gonna do. Mmm mmm, look at that. Flapjacks, bacon and eggs. Smells great." He took a bite. "Tastes great too. You sure can cook, Carrie." Carrie put both hands on her hips ignoring Heyes' compliments, "Well don't you do more than think on it Smith. You let Jones straighten this mess out." "Carrie I'll do just that for you. Don't you worry." The Kid smiled looking far more confident then he felt. "But don't you go and tell Frank or Jim," added the Kid.

They had nearly finished the meal when Frank and Jim entered the diner. "Frank, Jim come on over and have some coffee with us." The Kid waved them over. Frank and Jim brought two more chairs over. They sat down glumly. "What's wrong boys?" Heyes asked in a chipper tone. "You know what's wrong, Smith. Becky won't see either of us no more. Says she don't care for neither of us since she's met you." Frank's head drooped.


"She told you that? Well, I wouldn't worry about a little thing like that. She don't mean it. You give her a couple of days and she'll come 'round. You want some coffee?" Heyes waved the waiter over and asked for two more mugs of coffee. "I wouldn't be so sure of that," replied Jim. "She seemed real sure of herself to me." Frank nodded. "She's got a lot of romantic feelings towards you." Frank nodded again. "What kind of romantic feelings? What did she say?" asked the Kid. "It was real strange, but she said Smith here was like some sort of a pirate or something out of a book. I don't get it, why would a woman wanna go and marry some sort of a pirate?" complained Frank. "That's the point," Heyes responded. "She doesn't." "She don't?" "No, of course not. She's just sort of thinking that way right now. After all, she's just come out west and it's a big adventure. She thinks she wants someone she imagines to be exciting, but what she really wants is someone like you. You know someone who's sort of dul-stable, the way you fellas are." Heyes stopped to drink some more coffee. "I guess you're right." Jim perked up for a moment, and then dropped his head. "I don't know though…" "Yeah. You didn't hear her talk. Went on and on about how you was like Lord Brain's Corser, whoever he was. The longer she talked the more she seemed to take to you. I don't think we can sit and do nothing," added Frank. "You know Joshua, I think they have a point. If we don't do something she may not change her mind on her own. She said something about even if you didn't care for her she'd still care for you, something about an unrequieted love." "That's unrequited love and it's Lord Byron's Corsair," Heyes said more loudly than was necessary. The three other men looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as if to say "so what." Heyes lowered his voice. "What we're gonna have to do is make you, Frank, look romantic to her." Before Jim could protest Heyes went on, "Don't you go and get mad Jim. Becky and Frank exchanged letters and decided they knew enough about each other for her to come out and for them to get married. If you were really his friend you'd try to help him. And anyway her friend Mabel is coming out for the wedding. They're like sisters, so if you're lucky maybe she'll like you, seein' as how you and Frank are like brothers." "Well, that's not so bad then," Jim smiled. "Becky was a bit quiet for me. I'd like someone with a bit more spunk. This Mabel, she got more spunk?"


"Spunk? Oh, she's got lots of spunk, isn't that right partner?" Heyes gave the Kid a pat on the back. "Uh, that's right, Becky says she's the spunkiest girl you could ever meet… Joshua, how we gonna make Frank look romantic?" "I'm thinking about that, and as soon as I get an idea you'll be the first to know." The men sat quietly for some time drinking their coffee. Heyes muttered to himself, drumming his fingers on the table. Suddenly the Kid set his mug down. "I've got an idea," he said excitedly. "Now Thaddeus we have an agreement, remember? I do the thinking." "I wanna hear Jones' idea," said Jim. "Me too," seconded Frank. Heyes cut the Kid off before he could start. "Thaddeus we need to talk. NOW." He pulled Curry aside. The two exchanged a quick whispered conversation. "I think before you tell them you'd better tell me this idea of yours, partner." "Heyes, it's a great idea." "Really? Like the idea where I made a deal with Sheriff Clitterhouse, and we ended up in jail? You mean that kind of a great idea?" "Come on. We both knew that was a bad idea, and if you remember you didn't have a better one. This is a good one. We wire some of the boys, maybe just Wheat and Kyle. We have them come to town and try to rob the bank. Frank can catch them and be a hero. What girl wouldn't go for that?" "Kid, that is a terrible idea." "It is?" The Kid was disappointed. "Why?" Heyes sighed. "Kid what if Frank doesn't stop them? What if someone else in town tries to stop them? And what if that someone else is using a gun? They could be hurt or even killed. Also Wheat and Kyle happen to be members of an organization called The Devil's Hole Gang. You remember them, don't you? You do remember that we were members too, and that someone here might just connect us with them." "I guess I did forget about that. It seemed like a good idea." "Well, it wasn't. Oh and Kid, Beaver City doesn't have a bank. That's why all the miners take their dust to Leadville, remember?" Heyes gave the Kid a superior look. 16

"Very funny, Heyes. They still could have tried to rob something. You got a better idea?" "As a matter of fact I do. I'm gonna tell you and you can tell them. That way they'll think it's your idea. Since you're the oracle they'll take it better coming from you. This is what you say…" Heyes and the Kid returned to the table. "Well Jones, what's the idea?' asked Frank. "The idea Frank is that you get sick." "What? What would I wanna do a fool thing like that for? I don't feel sick anyway. Haven't been sick in years," he said proudly. "But this is a different kind of sick, Frank. You're sick 'cause you're pining away over losing Becky. It's a romantic kind of sick. When she hears about it she's gonna start to worry about you." "She is? Why?" Heyes took over. "Because she'll realize what she must mean to you. Think about it, Frank, you've fallen ill because she's rejected you. What could be more romantic to a girl? And she'll think about you, and all of those letters you exchanged. And being a girl, she'll wanna nurse you back to health. You two will…" "She will? You really think so?" Heyes and the Kid looked at each other. "Absolutely," said Heyes. "Of course," said the Kid, and finishing he added, "You'll spend time together 'cause she'll nurse you like Smith said, and she'll see how much she cares about you. She'll realize she's in love with you." "That's right. Now you go on home and get started being sick. We'll make sure she hears about you being ill." Heyes finished his coffee. "Ok. I'll get sick right away." Frank thought a moment. "How will I do that?" Jim raised his eyebrows. "You just come with me. I'll make sure you're sick." After they left, the Kid turned to Heyes. "Heyes are you sure this is gonna work?" he whispered. "Sure it'll work. Well, we may have to help it along a bit, but it'll work." "Uh huh. Oh and Heyes, what if Mabel isn't spunky at all. What if she's as meek as a mouse?"


"Kid, if she's as meek as a mouse, well, I guess I'll have to tell Jim that that's what you told me."

Upon leaving the diner, the Kid walked on to Carrie Buffum's house. He and Heyes had decided that the Kid would do the talking to Becky to limit her contact with Heyes. Heyes was to 'stay off the street' so he returned to their room in the boarding house. Fortunately he had brought a book with him from the hotel in Granite, something called "Walden or Life in the Woods" by an eastern fellow named Thoreau. Heyes meandered slowly on the boardwalk stopping to look at such sights as Beaver City had. After a while he became aware of the stares of the miners and other townsfolk. He turned to smile a greeting to the closest miners. They muttered to each other and returned his smile with shakes of their heads and frowns. He thought he heard the word 'troublemaker' and decided the most expedient course would be to walk faster. "Smith…SMITH…" Heyes stopped. Joe Bradshaw was hurrying towards him. "Smith what the heck is going on?" "Going on?" Heyes was all innocence. "Don't play stupid with me. It's all over town. What did you do? What went wrong?" "Joe, nothing went wrong. Almost nothing at any rate. Becky is just a little confused." "A little confused! It's all over town that she don't want Frank or Jim; that she's gonna marry you." Heyes was stunned. The whole thing had spread faster then he had anticipated. He'd hoped they would have time to correct things before any rumors started. That was just great he figured. And people being what they were, and Beaver Cityites being what they were, the rumors had already grown all out of proportion. "Joe, I am not gonna marry Becky. I've-Jones' got a plan. It'll all work out, but you gotta give it a little time." "Well it had better. Frank and Jim are good men. Nobody don't like seeing them unhappy." "That's right." Another miner, Tom Orrill chipped in. "Ya know I saw them both earlier all sad like. Took it hard, but real noble-like if you ask me."


"Whaddya mean by that?" asked Heyes. "Only that they said if Becky wants you more than them they're gonna make sure you stick around and do the right thing by her, that's all." "Huh?" Heyes felt a little dizzy. Frank and Jim hadn't mentioned that at the diner. More of the miners walked over while they were talking. They now stood in a semi-circle behind Joe and Tom as if to back them up. There was more muttering and nodding of heads. This was not good. Sort of like a lynch mob with a different result Heyes thought. "Look Joe, Tom, you leave everything to Jones. Before you know it Frank's gonna be a happy man. Jim too." "I don't see how that is gonna happen," said Joe. Heyes gave them all a reassuring look. "It will though. After all, Jones is a genius, right?" He continued on to the boarding house. Five of the miners followed at a short distance. After he went in he pulled the blinds back and peered through the window. A miner was beside the window. They smiled at each other. He opened the window and put his head out. He saw two miners standing at the front door. He hurried to the rear door located in his and the Kid's room. Sure enough when he opened it there were two more miners 'standing guard.' He swallowed, and then returned to the bed to read his book. Feeling miserable he had difficulty focusing on the words. He hoped the Kid was doing better than he was.

The Kid knocked on Mrs. Buffum's door. As before Becky answered the knock only this time her face registered deep disappointment on seeing he had come alone. "Miss Doble, Becky, I need to talk to you." He took his hat off. "Alright, Mr. Jones. Talk to me." She made a point of not asking him in. "Becky, Frank Warner is sick." He fumbled with the hat in his hands. "And?" "Well he's sick because of you. You see, after you said you didn't want to see him no more he couldn't eat." "Mr. Jones I saw him this morning. I am certain that he'll eat by lunch or suppertime." "I don't think so. He started to complain of feeling poorly. Says he's got a fever too. He said he'd feel better if you came to visit." 19

"Oh really, Mr. Jones. He's a grown man. I'm certain he's exaggerating." "I'm certain he's not. You don't understand the effect you had on him. He was all set to marry you, and now his hopes are all gone. He's pining away from love of you." "In one morning? That doesn't seem likely. Where is Mr. Smith?" At the mention of Heyes' alias the Kid was struck by a true inspiration. "My friend Smith didn't want to see you. He feels terrible about all the trouble he thinks he's caused and…" "Oh I am so sorry to hear that. But he hasn't caused any trouble at all. He's simply helped me understand things better. Perhaps I should talk to him." "No! No I don't think that would be a good idea. Like I was saying he's worried about Frank. He thinks Frank's got a bilious fever and you know how serious that can be. He'd be grateful to you if you went to see him-Frank I mean. Frank's gonna need some nursing and the other women in town have too much to do already." "Oh," she responded in an unhappy tone. "If Mr. Smith wants me to see Frank, I suppose I must. But it's only to nurse him, and I'm doing this for Mr. Smith. I wouldn't want you to think otherwise. I'll go get my shawl." The Kid smiled to himself in relief. At least he'd accomplished that much. Hopefully leaving Frank and Becky alone would do the rest.

The Kid returned to find Heyes on the bed, head propped on a pillow, eyes closed, a book lying open with the pages facing down across his chest. He bent forward to take a closer look. Heyes must have read only twenty pages before falling asleep. "Must be real interesting." Heyes woke up. "As a matter of fact it is; I was resting my eyes after so much reading." "Uh-huh. I can see that. Becky's over at Frank's if you're interested and I figure you should be, considering those miners ain't outside here 'cause they enjoy sitting by the boarding house." "About time they got some chairs. They were standing out there last I looked." "You know why they're there, don't you?"


"Oh I know alright Kid. So how'd it go at Frank's?" "You know I'm impressed. He's acting pretty sick. Moans real nice. He and Jim even got him nice and warm so's he looks fevered. I think they must have piled every blanket they could find on him. I saw a bunch of blankets in a side room, also some hot towels they must have boiled up. Smelled a bit burnt. I think they must have even wrapped a flatiron in a wet towel." "Oh that's just great. If you found all that what makes you think Becky won't find 'em?" "Jim was headed that way when I left. Becky was with Frank so I figure it's OK." The Kid had been removing his gun belt while talking. He sat on the other bed and started to pull off his boots. "I ran into Carrie Buffum on the way out. She had some calomel with her. She said if that don't work she's got some home remedies that can kill any disease." He and Heyes exchanged looks of mock disgust and laughed quietly. "You know Kid, Frank's a lucky man what with all those women taking care of him." "Heyes, he's a lucky man if the cure don't kill him."

For the next few days Frank's condition was the talk of the town. Bets were taken on his chance of survival. Those who bet he would survive placed bets on whether Becky would marry him or not, seeing as she was spending so much time with him. On the third morning of Frank's illness Becky went to the mercantile to pick up medical supplies from a list provided by Carrie. As she left the store she saw Heyes walking on the other side of the street. She had felt a reawakening of affection towards Frank while nursing him, but seeing Heyes brought back other feelings. She had been told by Carrie that he was a drifter, a gambler without means or maybe something worse. Maybe even an outlaw. She had fantasies in which he fell madly in love with her, falling at her feet professing that love. In return her affection would save him; she would reform him… "Mr. Smith, oh Mr. Smith. Do come over." She tried to wave but her arms were filled with small packages. The little boxes and bags began to fall, and she tried to hold onto them awkwardly. Heyes ran over to assist her. He restacked the packages, and thinking quickly pushed them back into her arms instead of taking them.


"There you go Miss Doble. Now you can carry them better." He stood back and smiled at her. "Oh I -" She was startled at his not offering to carry the boxes. She began again. "I'm taking these over to Frank's house. Would you care to walk with me?" she asked holding her arms out as much as she could without dropping the boxes as a hint for him to take them. "I don't mind walking part of the way with you. I'm headed for the saloon." He started to walk briskly. Becky found she had to trot to keep up with his long strides. "The saloon? But it's barely nine in the morning." "I like to start early, gambling I mean. That way the other fellas are still sleepy. I win more money that way." "But that's…that's…" "Smart I know. I learnt that from a riverboat gambler. Taught me all sorts of important tricks, but a lady like you wouldn't want to hear about them. Well, here we are." "Here we are?" "At the saloon. Say ‘hi’ to Frank for me. Tell him I hope he feels better soon. It'd be a real shame if he died. I'd come by myself to see him but I've got business inside." He touched his hat to her, spun around and walked inside. Becky stood for a few moments flabbergasted. He wasn't at all the man she had thought he was. His behavior wasn't in the least bit romantic, not like the pirates in novels or how she imagined a genuine western outlaw to be. He was simply callous about Frank and rude to her. He'd left her with the packages. He'd, he’d, he'd, snubbed her. In disbelief she walked slowly to Frank's house.

Becky spent long hours nursing the patient. She and Carrie plied him with a number of sure-fire remedies. After the calomel he was given jalap, then bark mixed in wine. This was followed by a strong dose of castor oil. A plaster was placed on his chest to produce a course of blisters. On the fourth day Heyes and the Kid stopped by Frank's house as the plaster was being removed and the raw skin was dressed with cabbage leaves. A loud yelp came from the sick room. "Ouch! Becky that hurts!" 22

“Now Frank it's for your own good. This is what Mrs. Buffum recommended. She says it always works." "She said that about the rest of her cures too. I feel sicker than when you gals started in on me." The Kid and Heyes stood outside the door and peered into the room. Heyes backed away and the Kid entered. "How ya doin' Frank?" "Not so good. These cures hurt real bad." "Well, I'm sure Becky, and Mrs. Buffum," he added quickly as Carrie Buffum entered the room, "are taking real good care of you." "That's true Jones," answered Carrie Buffum. She looked at him appraisingly. "Jones I need to talk to you. Becky, why don't you read some more to Frank? He likes your reading so much and I think you enjoy it too." Becky blushed slightly which the Kid took to be a good sign. He and Carrie went into the front room. "Well Jones I think those two are getting a good chance to get properly acquainted. Heard from Jim this was your idea." "He told you?” "Had to. I recognized right away Frank wasn't really ill. Figured those two were up to something." She smiled at the Kid. "It's a good idea and it's working. Makes up for that no good friend of yours." "Carrie, Smith didn't mean no harm. Becky had some crazy ideas about him that's all." "Humph. Well it don't matter no more. Between her nursing Frank and me telling her the truth about Smith, I mean really-a no good, bad luck drifting gambler like that… Why are you two friends anyhow? Well, I suppose it's no business of mine." "Carrie, what if I told you I'm just a drifter too? Me and Smith do travel together you know." "Oh Jones, anyone can see there's more to you." She twisted her apron string in her hand. "How about you come over to my place for a late supper? My house I mean, not the diner. Becky will be here with Frank and Jim, and I'll be all alone. Sure could use some company. How about eight?" They smiled at each other.


"Alright Carrie I'll see you at eight." He left the house whistling. Heyes was leaning on the wall his arms crossed. "So partner, how're we doing?" "We're doing great partner. Becky's in there reading to Frank and she seems pretty happy about it too." "That's good. That's the best news we've had in days." Heyes stretched and scratched his lower back. "How about supper and some poker? I think the way things are going it'll be safe to go to the saloon again." "Sorry partner I've got plans for tonight. I'm going to Carrie Buffum's for supper." Heyes grinned at his partner. "Sheesh, Kid. You really are unbelievable."

The poker was slow and uninteresting that night. Heyes left the game early. The best thing about the game was that the townsfolk had warmed up to him again as rumors were already spreading that Frank and Becky were back together. Or had warmed up to him as much as they could, considering what they thought of Joshua Smith, he thought wryly. He returned to the room to read some more of that odd book. He'd been reading it twenty pages at a time, couldn't seem to get more of it digested in a sitting. He had finished another twenty pages when the door handle turned. Startled, he grabbed his gun from the holster. To his surprise it was the Kid returning early. "What happened? Or should I ask what didn't happen? Why're you back so early?" "Heyes you won't believe this. We'd finished supper, and we were sitting on the sofa together talking ..." Heyes raised his eyebrows. "You're right Kid, I don't believe that." The Kid ignored him "... when someone started pounding on the door. Carrie opened it and it was Mabel Fanshaw. Turns out she'd taken the first train she could to Leadville. When she got there she got a horse and rode out here on her own. I don't think we have to worry about her having enough spunk for Jim. Anyway she moved right in with Carrie so that finished the evening for me."


"It may not have worked out for you Kid, but that is good news. She'll probably head over to Frank's to see Mabel in the morning and Jim'll be there." "I suppose you're right, Heyes." The Kid plopped onto his bed resigned. "Hey Kid, how about some Blackjack? I'll be dealer." "Sure Heyes, why not? Losing money to you will be a perfect way to end the evening," he said sarcastically. Heyes pretended he hadn't heard the sarcasm. He grabbed his deck of cards and began shuffling.

The two former outlaws waited a couple of days before going over to Frank's house again. When they did go over they found Jim and Mabel standing in front of the house together, talking. "Hiya Smith, Jones. Mabel this here is Smith and Jones. They're friends of me and Jim." "I've met Mr. Jones. And how do you do Mr. Smith?" "I'm fine, Miss Fanshaw. How's Frank?" "I do believe he is better. Becky is with him now. She placed another plaster last night and is going to remove it soon." "That's right. You know I offered to take it off myself but he won't let no one 'cept Becky touch him," added Jim. "Of course he won't, you are an idiot, Jim Casey. Men are no good at nursing. Would you want Frank to nurse you?" "No siree. If I was sick I'd want you there all the time. You know what Mabel? I think I'm beginning to feel a mite poorly. How about you nurse me some?" "Alright Jim, I'll go get the castor oil." She moved as if to go into the house for it. He stopped her and they all laughed. "Better watch what you ask for Jim. You may end up getting one of them plasters next," observed the Kid. "Aw, no. I bet a smart gal like you Mabel, could think of a better way to nurse me."


"I certainly don't know what you mean by that Jim Casey. Well I'm going back in to the kitchen. Come on in with me Jim, I have work for you to do." She went in. Jim turned and smiled at Smith and Jones. "She sure has spunk, don't she? Did ya hear how she rode all the way here on her own from Leadville?" "Yeah we heard," said the Kid. "Smith let's go on in and see how Frank and Becky are doing." They went to the sick room and stood outside the door to eavesdrop. Becky had apparently removed the second plaster and was gently placing cabbage leaves on the inflamed skin. She was glancing at Frank tenderly in between the placement of each leaf. "After I'm done with this Frank, you can sit up a little. I'll bring you some broth and tea. Then I'll read more of Lord Byron's poetry to you." "You will? Aw Becky when you read to me I just about feel like I've died and gone to heaven. You gonna read more about that there pirate? That's the bestest story I've ever heard, outside of the dime novels that is." Becky finished with the leaves. She stroked his forehead. "Of course I will. We can't leave the story half told, can we?" She got up to get the soup. Frank grabbed her wrist eagerly. "Becky, you gotta know how I feel 'bout you. Please say you'll marry me. I don't think I could ever love no other gal the way I love you." "Oh Frank, I was waiting for you to ask. I'll marry you and be proud to be your wife." "Becky - you will? That's wonderful. I feel better already. In fact I feel so good I wanna tie the knot as soon as possible. I don't think I could bear it if you changed your mind again." He pulled her down to sit beside him. "You know Becky; I don't look like no romantic pirate type of fella." Becky laughed and turned red. "I don't know what came over me. It must have been the excitement of my trip and all the confusion about you and Jim. I don't know why I even felt anything at all about Mr. Smith." "It is kinda funny, ain't it? He's just a no good drifter, and bad luck on top of that." Heyes opened his eyes and pursed his lips.


"Yes, Carrie told me. Imagine me even thinking I could love someone like that. Someone with no livelihood, a gambler who spends most of his time in a saloon, and here I was thinking he was romantic like a pirate or an outlaw." "Honey, he ain't smart enough to be no pirate or outlaw. He may talk smart but it's really his friend Jones who's the smart one. Without him, Smith'd probably be out on the streets." The Kid smirked at his partner who glared in return.

A week later the Kid was putting on his grey suit and dress shirt. Heyes was reading his book. "Heyes, you sure you don't mind staying here on your own while I go to Frank and Becky's wedding?" "Kid, for the third time, I'm sure I don't mind. I am an adult after all. It don't bother me I wasn't invited." "Heyes, it's not that you weren't invited. It's that everyone else is going. You were asked not to attend." "Heyes?" "Heyes?" "Hmm. Kid, I am trying to read. I can't believe you are worried about this. I'll go to the saloon and play some cards. Then I'll be happy, OK?" "Who ya gonna play with? Everyone'll be at the wedding." "Someone's bound to show up. Maybe a stranger will ride in." "Well, OK, if you're sure." "I'm sure. Now go and have a good time."


Heyes did go to the saloon after the Kid had left. He ordered a couple of beers from the bartender after being advised that the bar would be temporarily closed during the wedding and he had better "stock up now." Sitting at a corner table he was soon joined by a stranger. The stranger was dressed completely in black, except for a starched white shirt, with a long overcoat. He brought over a bottle of whisky and a glass. Definitely a gambler thought Heyes. He'd have to be careful with this one. Because of a shortage of players the two men decided to play blackjack. They cut the cards for dealer, and the stranger won. It wasn't long before Heyes caught him dealing seconds. "Mister, last time I heard, dealing seconds was cheating. If you don't mind I'd like the cards dealt in order." "I do mind. I mind you calling me a cheater. I am an honest man sir, and you are mistaken. I demand an apology." Heyes shook his head grinning, his eyes hard. "No. I'm not mistaken. So you just shuffle that deck and we'll start all over. If you want to play, that is." "I will not reshuffle." The stranger stood up pushing the cards away. He started to reach into his coat. Heyes jumped up quickly and hit the man in the face. A scuffle ensued. The bartender watched with deep interest and satisfaction. Heyes was clearly the better fighter. He had just smartly hit his opponent directly in the eye when Jim Casey came running in. He stopped in his tracks to watch the fight, and then remembering his errand, turned to the bartender. "The preacher from Leadville ain't shown up yet. Anyone by the name of Rev. John Barton show up?" The stranger lowered his raised fist and backed away from Heyes holding up his hand for him to stop. ”That would be me son. I am the Reverend John Barton." He pulled his coat straight and stood in a dignified manner. The effect was somewhat diminished by the developing black eye. "Rev. Barton you are supposed to be at the diner. We're all ready to start." "I apologize, son. However I was somewhat involved with this ruffian here." He walked over to the door. As he and Jim left, Jim looked back at Heyes. "I guess only a fella like you, Smith, would fight a preacher."


The wedding was agreed to be a success by all who attended. Becky and Frank happily tied the knot to become Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner, although the preacher did have some difficulty in concentrating. He decided to shorten the ceremony somewhat. "Folks we are gathered to witness the union of these two-uh what's your name?" "Frank Warner." "What?" "Frank Warner." "Hank?" "Frank Warner." "Frank Warner and Betsy Dublin." "Doble, Becky Doble." "Yes, yes. I know that. Frank Warner and Becky Doble. By the power invested in me by the great state of Colorado and in God do we trust I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." "What about the ring?" "What about the ring?" echoed the preacher. "Ain't I supposed to put it on her finger?" "Of course you are man, go ahead and do so." "Ain't I supposed to say something?" The Reverend Barton sighed. "Oh very well. Say, 'with this ring, I take you Becky Doble, to be my wife. To have and to hold, to love, honor and protect until death do us part. So help me God.'" Frank looked at the preacher blankly. "Can you repeat that?"


"No I cannot." "Oh. OK. Becky Doble, with this ring, I take you to-uh-to be my wife. To-uh-to love and hold until we die. Uh-uh- so help me God." "Good. You may now kiss the bride." Frank wrapped his arms around Becky, and gave a resounding kiss to her as the attendees cheered. She turned and handed her bouquet to Mabel as there was really no sense in throwing it. Everyone knew Jim and Mabel were next. Carrie Buffum turned to the Kid who was standing beside her. The room was so crowded they were leaning against the back wall. "Jones, seeing as I feed crowds of people every day, I'm not much for receptions. How about you and I head over to my house? I took a little of the food over there earlier today. I've got some champagne too." "Carrie, I surely wouldn't turn down an invitation like that. Guess we can have our own private celebration." "That we can Jones- that we can." They locked arms and left the diner. Hannibal Heyes, having returned to his room after the fight, read another twenty pages of "Walden."


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