Beat around bush.. తతతతతత! MODERN ENGLISH SKILLS
ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇ! ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇఇఇ.. ఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ! Beat around bush..
Sudhakar: I don’t understand what is wrong with Bhaskar. He always finds fault with someone or the other for the mistakes he makes (ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ
ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ). Lakshmikanth: That is always the trouble with him. For his faults and failures he barks up the wrong tree. That is why he has very few
ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ, ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ). friends (ఇఇఇ
Sudhakar: Another trouble with him is, he always beats around the bush and never comes to the main issue till the end. That way he is quite irritating and makes us angry (ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ..
ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ, ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ). Lakshmikanth: As far as his appearance is concerned, he looks very good. But you can’t judge a book by its cover. He is quite nasty and
ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇ! ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ, ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇ). Sudhakar: I saw you last night burning the midnight oil. Why did you keep awake so long? (ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ?) Lakshmikanth: I had a test this morning. To prepare well for it, I kept awake till late in the night (ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ). Look at the idioms in the following sentences 1) Beats around the bush – the original idiom: beat around the bush = Not speaking directly about an issue (ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ). Himavanth: Praneeth bores us to death. He never comes to the point and talks about a lot of things (ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ). Vijay: That is the trouble with him. He always beats around the bush. (ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ) 2) Barks up the wrong tree – the original idiom: Bark up the wrong tree = Accusing / scolding the wrong person (ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ.. ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ). Harish: I don’t know what is wrong with Srinath. He always scolds the wrong person for other’s faults (ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ). Ramesh: That is the trouble with him. He always barks up the wrong tree (ఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇ. ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ ఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇఇ). quarrelsome (ఇఇఇఇ