Beast Master

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 5
Beast master_____________________________________ “Well, it seems that I don’t need to feed my companion anymore.” Class Traits • Role: Striker. You deal damage through two sources: Your weapons, and your pet. You can either choose to be ranged or melee, and your damage output can be rather brutal as a team, but alone, you are nothing. • Power Source: Martial. Your talents depend on extensive training and practice, inner confidence, and natural proficiency. • Key Abilities: Dexterity, Strength, Wisdom • Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather, Hide • Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Military Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Ranged • Bonus to Defense: +1 Reflex, +1 Fort • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution Score • Hit Points per Level Gained: 4 • Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution Modifier • Trained Skills: Dungeoneering or Nature (your Choice). Then from the class skills list below, choose three more trained skills at 1st level. Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Dungeoneering (Wis), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Nature (Wiz), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex) • Build Options: Survivalist, Tamer • Class Features: Companionship, Primary Target, Covering, Beast Master’s instincts

Beast Master Class Features_______ You have the following class features.

Survivalist This build focuses on ranged attacks and traps, as well as the ability to recover you and your companion’s health. Poison Trap: You gain the “Poison Trap” Encounter skill. Poison Trap (Beast Master) Survivalist Skill You carefully place a well-concealed trap in the area that is laced with the poison of most dangerous mandrakes. Encounter ♦ Martial Standard action Range 3 Target: one square within range Trigger: A creature lands on affected area. Effect: Creature takes 5 poison damage with an additional ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).

Tamer This build focuses more on melee attacks and improved pets stats, attacks, and tactics. Ferocious Charge (Pet) Tamer Skill Your companion makes a charge fast enough it catches the opponent off guard. Encounter ♦ Martial Move Action Range Speed x2 Target: One creature within range Effect: Add as an extra 1d4 damage on your next pet’s attack. Treat this skill as you would a Charge action without the Basic attack added on to it.

Companionship As long as either you or your companion is alive, you and your companion will receive a +1 to attack rolls. However, if either you or your companion are dead, then you (or your pet) will receive a -1 to attack rolls.

Primary Target If you and your companion are targeting the same creature, then you and your companion will receive a +1 to damage rolls.

Covering You or your companion moving away from a adjacent creature will not promote an opportunity of attack if you and your companion are adjacent to the same creature before you move.

Beast Master Instincts______________ Track Creature (Both) Beast Master Instinct You hone your senses and combine your sense with your companion to find a creature no matter where he is. Encounter ♦ Martial Standard Action Blast 3 within 10 squares Target: Each Creature within Blast Skill Check: Perception vs. Insight Effect: You initially spot every enemy within blast, then select 1 of the creatures to track. Target cannot conceal or hide from any of your attacks and can be spotted even behind areas which cannot normally be seen with your eyes. This effect lasts for up to 3 turns. You and your companion must be alive and be able to perform a standard action this turn to use this skill.

(Ranged) or 2[W] (Pet) at 21st level. Sense Creatures (Both) Beast Master Instinct As the enemy hides behind the barricade waiting to ambush, you quickly sense their presence. Not only that you can count the amount of enemies, but can pinpoint their locations as well. Daily ♦ Martial Standard Action Close Burst 10 Target: Each Creature in Burst Skill Check: Perception vs. Insight Effect: For up to a couple of moments (or 3 turns in a encounter), you can track every creature within the burst (even when they move outside of range later). You and your companion are unable to act while using this skill, and are restricted to do only free actions in this time. You can end this skill as a minor action. You and your companion must be alive and be able to perform a standard action this turn to use this skill.

Restriction As a Beast Master character, you are only allowed use one skill a turn between either you or your pet. Basic attacks are an exception to this rule.

Team attack (Both) Beast Master Attack 1 The Beast Master and companion attack against a single target as to illustrate a sense of grace and style. At-Will ♦ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon Requirement: Must be wielding a melee weapon or a ranged weapon. Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity vs. AC (ranged) or Wisdom vs. Reflex (Pet) Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee) or 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (ranged) or 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage (pet) Effect: The next attack that you or companion do against this target gains a +1 to attack and damage roll. This effect ends on your next turn. Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (Melee) or 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (Ranged) or 2[W] + Wisdom modifier damage (Pet) at 21st level.

Ankle Biter (Pet) Beast Master Attack 1 As the enemy tries to escape, the jaws of the wolf prevents him from running too far. At-Will ♦ Martial Standard Action Melee range Target: One Creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage and the target is slowed until your next turn.

Level 1 At-Will Skills________________ Careful attack (Both) Beast Master Attack 1 You study the enemy, looking for a gap in his defenses. Only when you find it do you strike. At-Will ♦ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon Requirement: Must be wielding a melee weapon or a ranged weapon. Target: One creature Attack: Strength + 2 vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity + 2 vs. AC (ranged) or Wisdom + 2 vs. Reflex (Pet) Hit: 1[W] damage (melee) or 1[W] damage (ranged) or 1[W] damage (pet) Increase damage to 2[W] (Melee) or 2[W]

Furious Smash (Beast Master) Beast Master Attack 1 Enemies cannot escape the fury of the beast. At-Will ♦ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One Creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage Effect: If the opponent tries to move or shift

away from a square adjacent you before your next turn, you immediately do your opportunity attack and immobilize the target as an interrupt instead.

Level 1 Encounter Skills____________ Poisonous Bite (Pet) Beast Master Attack 1 This deadly attack will make sure that this bite will leave a long impression on the enemy. Encounter ♦ Martial Standard Action Melee range Target: One Creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage and the Target is poisoned for ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends) Tamer: Saving throws succeed on rolls 12-20 instead of 11-20.

Smoke Trap (Beast Master) Beast Master Attack 1 This trap sets off a thick mist that leaves the opponent disoriented and confused, you have no problem with it however. Encounter ♦ Martial Standard Action Range 3 Target: one square within range Trigger: A creature lands on affected area. Effect: A 3x3 area is affected by smoke for 2 turns, Creatures in the area of impact are Dazed and Slowed till the end of your next turn. Attacking creatures in the smoke will grant a -2 attack penalty to all attacks, and creatures in the smoked area will be Dazed as long as they are in the Smoked area. Special: You or your Companion are not affected by the smoke. Survivalist: The Smoke affect lasts for an additional turn.

Attack as one (Beast Master)


Master Attack 1 The Beast Master and his Companion attacks as a single whole being to achieve great damage. Encounter ♦ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One Creature Attack: (Strength vs. AC (Melee) or Dexterity vs. AC (Ranged)) and Wisdom vs. Reflex. Roll for each attack. Hit: (1[W] + Strength modifier damage (Melee) or 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (Ranged)) and 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage (Pet) Special: You can move your companion to your target (within its speed + 2) before the skill activates (free action) Companion must be adjacent to the target for this skill to work.

Dryad’s Wrath (Both) Beast Master Attack 1 With all your might and with the energy of the spirits, you unleash a powerful attack. Encounter ♦ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon Target: One Creature Attack: Strength vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity vs. AC (ranged) or Wisdom vs. Reflex (Pet) Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (Melee) or 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (Ranged) or 4[W] + Wisdom modifier damage (Pet)

Level 1 Daily Skills__________________ Bestial Mauling (Pet) Beast Master Attack 1 The companion lunges itself at the opponent so hard he knocks him down and proceeds to tear him to shreds. Daily ♦ Martial Standard Action Melee range Target: One Creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex (Pet) Hit: 1[W] and the target is knocked down and bleeding for ongoing 5 bleeding damage (save ends). Tamer: Saving throws succeed on rolls 12-20 instead of 11-20.

Dryad’s Grace (Beast Master) Beast Master Attack 1 You drive a fierce blow into the enemy while your companion gets healed by the force of

Dryad. Daily ♦ Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee or Ranged weapon Target: One Creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage and your companion regain hit points as though it spent a healing surge. Survivalist: You and your companion gain an additional 1d4 + 3 hit points. Fight as one (Both) Beast Master Skill 1 In the heat of battle, you and your companion prepare yourself for what’s to come. Daily ♦ Martial Standard Action Personal Effect: You and your companion gains an additional +2 to all attacks till the end of the encounter. This effect is canceled if either you or your companion are either dead or dying. You and your companion must be alive and be able to perform a standard action this turn to use this skill.

Level 2 Utility Skills_________________ Detect Poisons (Both) Beast Master Utility 2 You and your companion are able to hone senses to be able to detect poisons in the area. Daily ♦ Martial Standard Action Close Burst 20 Skill Check: Perception vs. DC (area) Effect: You are able to detect every kinds of poisons in the area, whether it would be on an enemy’s equipment or in the very food you are eating. You and your companion must be alive and be able to perform a standard action this turn to use this skill.

“I’ll watch your back” (Both) Beast Master Utility 2 Encounter ♦ Martial Immediate Interrupt Range 5 Target: Beast Master or Companion Trigger: You or your Companion are hit by an attack. Effect: Shift target 1 space of your choice and take the damage in place of your ally.

Defensive Position (Both) Beast Master Utility 2 You and your companion prepare for the worst to come. Daily ♦ Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: You and your companion receive a +2 bonus to all defenses until your next turn.

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