Be Perfect Prayer Book

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 35

PREFACE After reading the Book “The Mystical City of God” narrated by venerable Mary of Agreda, I was so impressed with the words of the Heavenly Queen, the Mother of God. After each vision of her life, Blessed Mother Mary gave us the most edifying lesson on the Faith, the mysteries of God, and the spiritual life of a soul. I love so much the wisdom she gives that I want not only to read her words but also to turn them into prayers in order for my spiritual learning and knowledge to become my heart desires. I also want to

implore the Lord’s divine Grace and Mercy and Blessed Mother’s intercession as without the heavenly favors, it would be impossible for me to practice all she has taught me and to acquire divine Grace for sinners. I also want to memorize all spiritual methods and the divine commands in practicing virtues exemplified most perfectly by her life, therefore, I simply rearranged her own words and instructions verbatim into about fifty prayers with minimal inputs from myself. My goal is to live my spiritual life intensely as a Christian militant and I hope that I help you to do the same. I now give all my love, gratitude, and praise to our God and our Blessed Mother.

MOST HOLY INTERCESSION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD Most Holy Queen and dearest Mother, please heed my sincere petition, the sole desire of my heart concerning the most sublime act ever carried out by myself throughout my entire earthly life. Dearest Mother, please intercede for me the grace to assist and pray this Holy Mass most devoutly, to receive our Lord’s most precious Body and Blood in the manner most holy, most ardent, most devout, most grateful, most humble, most contrite, most longing, most loving, most adoring, most sweet-pleasing to God, and most admired by all the angels and saints in the heavenly court. As vile and unworthy as my soul and body, may I receive Him only through you, the Dispenser of all graces. Feed your child, O Mother. Please implore the Lord our God to forgive me for defiling His Sacred Body and Blood with my uncleanness. Ask Him to consider my sincere love and longing to have mercy on me. May my guardian angel, all the angels and saints who are about to adore the Lamb of God upon the Altar Table to pray for me to the Lord our God. Amen. PRAYER FOR FAMILY Most Holy Family, bless our family to be holy as Your little domestic church in which LOVE prevails. Intercede for me and my beloved spouse the divine Grace and wisdom to teach our children about God: to know Him, to adore Him, to love Him, and to serve Him. May we persevere in praying for our children and for one another. May we thrive in exemplifying a life of prayers, sacrifices, services, and love. Inspire us to pray fervently and constantly for our children especially for their spiritual purifications. Sanctify them so that they can be pleasing to You, O Lord, less childish and more reverent, fervent and repentant in Your Presence especially at the divine Liturgy. May their first acts of full intellect and free will be adoration, gratitude, and love for God the Almighty and Blessed Mother. Grant our family the blessings of priesthood and religious vocation. Amen. VENERATION OF THE HOLY NAME MARY MARY, the most sweet Name, the Ark of the Divinity, upon whom the Lord has bestowed and channeled all graces to mankind, who is destined to be the Mother of all His children through justification and spiritual rebirth. I revere and love you with the deepest and greater love than the love of an infant to his birth mother. I now invoke your holy name to ask you to intercede for me a constantly renewed fervor in the service of the Lord, to imitate you most perfectly in spiritual exercises and mortifications in spite of all my weakness and poverty. May I always be thankful, adore the Lord our God, and be prompt in responding to His calls or inspirations as you were during your mortal life. And

if I come short of that lofty goal, help me rise immediately, in the Presence of the Lord and yours, acknowledge my faults and confess them with my deep sorrows. Dear Mother, help me to repeat the holy spiritual exercises and supplications over and again with solicitous care notwithstanding my tiredness and own inclinations. Please forgive me for my imperfections, for failing repeatedly as your chosen disciple. Obtain for me the divine Grace in order to enable myself entirely in listening, attending to, and obeying the Lord in all things. Most beloved Mother Mary, pray for me. Most sorrowful Mother Mary, pray for me. Most glorious Mother Mary, pray for me, your child and the humble sinner, now and at the hour of my death. Amen. PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL LIFE Mother Dearest, You are full of graces because you alone are the Most High God’s perfect Creation, who is perfectly submissive to the divine Will, who embraces with the greatest emphasis the contempt and disdain for the world and all its vanities. In exchange for this indifference and scorn for the world, God has looked upon you with the Eyes of the sweetest Love. Remind me, your humble and docile disciple, not to throw away heavenly treasures and favors of infinite values for the cheap price of worldly concerns. What can the world give me even when I was on top of the world as even its summit is merely a debasement to God’s Throne and His kingdom. What would I lose if I despise all worldly riches? They are merely shadows, vanities, deceits, fleeting mirages. In despising it, I will gain all things and acquire the true happiness. Mother, help me to despise all things which have no value to God. Help me to conquer my human inclinations for earthly comforts and temptations, to reject all for the love of God and of you, and for the desires of the heavenly graces and wonders. Bless me so that I can remain completely free of all human bondages tied to this seductive world, unhampered in order to enjoy fully the Presence, Communion, and sweetness of God. Help me to realize that by accepting the rejection of the mortals, I have obtained the conformity to God and His spiritual design. Help me to contemplate on the life of the Lord, the life of simplicity and love for humility, meekness, silent contemplation, and contempt for the world, as the role Model to imitate. Strengthen me in my daily efforts to reach the highest perfections of a spiritual life by the shortest and surest way which is the complete abandonment of all carnal desires for the love of Christ. Help me to concern only with heavenly things. The shortest and surest way to reach the summit union with God is to live the life of holy poverty. Mother, help me to imitate you. Give me that fortitude. May I imitate you as you imitated your divine Son, that is, to live for God alone, in all things even to the smallest details of my daily life. Help me to live according to the smallest detail of the Gospel. Help me to remain uninspired by all things but inspired beyond my human limitations to obey the command of our blessed Lord, “Be ye perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matt. 5:8) May I remain constantly faithful, discerning, dedicated, mindful of this lofty goal so that the merciful Lord certainly will fulfill my heart desires by the fullness of the fruits of His Redemption. He shall purify my soul, make it spotless and most resembling the original design. May I become ever anxious to fulfill this obligation of love in my daily life. May I constantly ponder on and scrutinize the subject of the perfect life of a faithful servant. Please let no difficulty or hardship to disturb me nor to deter me from virtuous exercises, no matter how hard it

may be. May I not be content in striving after the love of God and salvation for myself alone, but also after enduring labors for the salvations of other souls who are most dear to Christ, to exalt the Holy Name of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to complement His loving Redemptive Works, to advance His Pleasures and Glory. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE SANCTIFYING GRACE Dear Lord, life is short and all the living are destined to death, remind us that eternity is without end, and that only during our life on earth, we can harvest the eternal life with You or reap the sorrowful punishment of hell. As we know our unworthiness for certainty and the dangers and uncertainties of the devil’s snares, help us to use our reason rightly under the guidance of Your Spirit and constantly seek with all our might Your Friendship. Enlighten me, urge me, and guide me, O Lord, toward the path of virtues and righteousness. Sanctify me so that I can devoutly and totally work for Your causes. Give me a clear conscience to approve the good and to reject evil. Call me and arouse my soul with holy inspirations and continual promptings. On my part, I promise to receive Your sacraments with purity and Faith, to learn Your doctrines and commandments in my heart with my whole soul, to urge my brothers and sisters with holy exhortations, admonitions, encouragements, and to preach the Gospel. May I utilize both tribulations and favors to fulfill the dispositions of the divine Providence for You had deigned to dispose all things of this life to draw all men to Yourself, as You wish all to be saved. Help me to control or suppress the tendencies of my inferior and sensual nature, infected with sins and with diabolic influences and worldly desires. Help me to recognize the demons behind all fascinations, deceits, sensible and inquisitive suggestions. Grant me the interior light to shine brightly in order to lead my brethren in the way to holiness. Lord, my heart desire is to respond to Your call promptly in order to receive a multitude of graces from You Who generously increases His benevolence and assistance in proportion to the response to His first call by a soul. Grant me Your Grace to respond courageously to Your call in order to deepen my Faith and work more effectively to save souls for You. May my soul soars high as an eagle each time I conquer my own passions and concupiscences. May I become more grateful and worthy of Your Goodness by not yielding to our enemies but mortifying myself making me more suitable and profitable to Your favors. May I realize that the salvation or condemnation of souls rest partly upon my shoulder, the Lord’s yoke, so that I will never resist the advances of the Almighty God but cooperate most willingly to His Design. May I be strong, punctual, prompt, solicitous in fulfilling the pleasures of my Lord, therefore, gratifying Him in order to make known to me more divine Light and strength. May my soul become habituated in practicing virtues in all circumstances and moments. Amen.

PRAYER FOR HOLY VIRTUES Lord Jesus, for virtue of poverty, may I be poor in spirit, stripped completely of all earthly and materialistic desires. For virtue of obedience, may my soul be immersed completely

in Your Presence, grant me the acquiescence to grace, promptness toward all divine inspirations. For virtue of charity, may my life on earth become more spiritualized, more angelic with serenity and purity. For holy enclosure, may I become single-minded, single-hearted with a pure heart, holy indifferent to all human and carnal interests and opinions, no respect to any creature besides fraternal charity. For the love of God, may I live free of slavery to my passions and vile tendencies, may I deny all things and pleasures for Your Love. Amen.

PRAYER OF EUCHARISTIC MINISTER OR DEACON Dearest Mother, I consider they are the great and ineffable favors you have bestowed upon your unworthy disciple in revealing to me the most hidden sacraments and mysteries of God, of spiritual wisdom and exercises. They are such incomprehensive and incomparable blessings and I can feel the workings of the divine Grace through your maternal hand in my spirit day and night. You have inspired me and interceded for me the desirable grace and privilege to serve the Lord as His Eucharistic minister to the sick and to dedicate the remaining of my life as His deaconate servant to serve those less fortunate who have no active priests to minister for them the needed holy sacraments. I now desire to imitate you by taking the four vows of poverty, obedience, chastity, and enclosure. I realize these four vows are the basis for religious life only but through your intercession for the divine Grace, I will have sufficient dedication and love of a faithful servant to apply it less vigorously to my earthly life. These four vows had been the guiding light throughout your mortal life, may your inspirations become my aspirations. Help me, Mother, to balance between the life of spiritual and evangelical services and my family life, full of labors and responsibilities. But remind me never to look back while serving God, not to mind sacrifices and hard decisions. Help me to live for the Church, for sinners, for the Kingdom of God alone regardless of the cost and misunderstandings. Pray for me, Mother, to fulfill entirely and perfectly all that I have proposed to the Lord’s services. Inspire me never to look at mortals out of curiosity nor admiration nor displeasure. May I cease to incline toward any creature, and any human operation and tendency. Worldly affairs will cease to interest me. In all things, grant me the grace to be utilized by the Most High, either directly by Him or indirectly through my obedience with my free will. Mother, in order for me to achieve this lofty and uncommon goal, please intercede for me the divine Grace so that I can see my self-worth and the Lord’s urgent need of spiritual guardians for His people who are now wandering far and wide without sufficient shepherds. Help me to raise myself above my own carnal interests and tendencies, never permit me to consent to any future disorderly affections or movement of heart and mind. May I be totally consumed in the Purifying Fire of the Holy Spirit in purging away all my carnal passions and wants. May I become entirely spiritualized, lifted up completely from all earthly bondages to lead an angelic life modeled after your saints, Saint Stephen the martyr and Saint Francis of Assisi. May my life be so purified, so single-minded that I shall see the Lord’s Face and feel His Presence constantly. To consecrate sincerely my life to serve you and my heavenly King, I must live as a blessed soul on this earth, reserved for God alone, without the thorns of passions and carnal desires, one whose fruits of labors are all carried out in

the Name of his divine Master and with Him as the primary Benefactor. May it eternally be true that His desires are my desires. My heart is saved for Him alone. My eyes shall adore Him only. My whole being shall be occupied in loving Him and advancing His Kingdom. I am confident that you will not leave me orphan but will bless me in every step with solicitous compassion and love. I always love you, my Mother. Amen. PRAYER FOR HEAVENLY THINGS O Lord, may my happiness is derived from the consecration of my soul to Your service, not from vile servitude to the world. Rescue me, O Lord, from the worldly bondage and perversity of men. May I do all things in the proper fervor and purity of intention, not with earthly or human motives, and may I tend only to the Glory of God. May I recognize Your Voice, be prompt to Your calling. May my life be acquiescent to the divine Grace, enclosed by the divine Love. May I sustain a constant desire of finding You, serving You, and loving You. Amen. PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL INTERIOR BATTLE Dear Lord, to strengthen the imperfect and easily weakened human nature, grant me strength to seek and perform labors in doing good works, prayers, and practicing virtues instead of looking for rest and comforts. To keep my soul from extemporalizing with the animal and carnal part of my nature, grant me the more powerful force of reason, stronger will and inspired spirit to subdue the dangerous and shameful slavery to my flesh. May I come out victorious and pleasing to You at the end of each conflict against my interior passions. The battles are most fierce, their failure most abominable and most abhorable beyond any comparison if the offenders are Your chosen priestly ministers and religious, therefore, grant me the grace to face the temptations on their behalf, endure long struggles to implore Your mercies upon our beloved priests. I pray now also for my most needed brothers and sisters who, due to their frequent remissness in this spiritual battle together with the most fierce demonic assaults and distractions and temptations, have gradually rendered their souls paralyzed to the demonic attacks, their spirits weakened in resistance, their conscience more dimmed without the divine Light, their hearts darkened with self-satisfied convictions and pride and carnal desires. The spiritual battle becomes an uphill steeper mountain to climb, grant them strength and wisdom, O Lord, to get up and steadily slowly advance again on the path of righteousness in obeying Your commandments and religious rules. One surrender or voluntary remissness to one sin will lead to another, open the way for greater offenses and more deadly blows from the demons, therefore, O Lord, grant us Your grace to fight off these venial sins. Make me fully aware of the grave dangers as soon as my soul begin a lukewarmness or descend the downward spiral toward the damnation of hell. Help me to realize always that acts of charity, kind words, forgiveness, greater love of God, greater sacrifices, more determined self-abandonment and detachment from all worldly desires and passions will be my defense against the evil one. Enclose my soul and my heart inside Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of our blessed Mother where the demons cannot reach me. Shield me with Your love from the darts of the evil

ones but expose me for greater challenges if my enduring struggles and sufferings bring You greater glory and more abundant graces for my more feeble brethren. Let them spend more time and energy to tempt and fight me while loosening their strangle upon more weakened souls. Dearest Mother, please pray for them. Dearest Saint Joseph, my father and lord, please pray for us. Amen. ACT OF FAITH Dear Lord, may the inestimated treasure of the virtue of the divine Faith be revealed to me, a mere mortal who is emptying all his carnal and earthly desires in exchange for Your Gifts. May mankind be preserved in goodness by Your divine Faith; without It, men will undoubtedly degenerate into the animals of human form. May the divine Faith opens our eyes to see only You, You alone, to be our Lord and Creator, worthy of all praises, and other celebrated world figures are merely mortal and sinful creatures. May all bad Christians who once received their Faith but have not lived It be given a second chance to enkindle the divine Faith and Light in their hearts in order for all their carnal passions to be purged out, however painful their purification might be. Thank You, Lord, for the precious gift of Faith. May I be with You among Your guests at the eternal Bridal Banquet. May my continual exercise of the virtue of Faith lead me closer to You, the Subject of all my desires and love. May the divine Faith lead me to the eternal salvation, shine Light in the darkness, guide me through this pilgrimage, keep me away from infidelity and sinfulness. May Faith serve as the nourishment for my spiritual growth, enliven virtues, support my labors, stop lukewarmness, instill the fear of punishment, grant courage and sense of invincibility against demons and sin, make belief that all things are attainable. May the divine Faith illumine my understanding, ennoble my soul, elevate me above my natural self to see my true self worth and human dignity in the Eyes of God. May It allow me to live outside my sensual body in order to experience the heavenly sweetness and divine Love. Amen.

ACT OF HOPE O Lord, may I receive Your grace to work without ceasing to imitate Blessed Mother in the practice of virtues. May I renew continually within myself the promise of the Most High and, with an unshaken confidence, believe completely in the divine Truthfulness, and ardently desire and long for them. In this firm hope, I am certain that, through the merit of Redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ, I will arrive at the celestial Fatherland, in companionship of all angels and saints, I will witness the immortal glory of the Face of God. With this divine Hope, I will raise my heart above all earthly things and fix in my mind the heavenly things so that all visible things and concerns will appear trivial and burdensome, vile and contemptible, nothing shall I want. In my soul dwells an ardor of hope, only possible for those who have Faith and the sincere desire to love and serve the Lord. Without the love for Him, Faith, and freedom from worldly desires and pride, souls will be deprived of this heavenly Hope as the treasures of their hearts can be limited only to earthly things which can only bring about much sorrow and unhappiness.

If vain occupations take place of the divine Hope, the darkness of hopelessness will engulf their souls. On the other hand, once the children of Faith, who now live a life without hope and with forgetfulness and ingratitude for their redemptions, disregard all the saving merits of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus, find contempt for the Truth and eternal salvation, these souls will be in very grave danger of the eternal damnation. May I weep uncontrollably for this great loss and lamentable and ignorance. May I feel such a great sadness in my heart for these hardened heart and blindness, to beg the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness for these hopeless souls. Amen.

ACT OF CHARITY Dearest Lord, grant me the grace to follow and imitate blessed Virgin, our Mother, in all virtues, especially the virtue of Charity, for this is the end and the crowning glory of all other virtues. Mother, teach me all I need to know to copy you in my soul. First, I need to appreciate the greatest value of charity through Faith and reason in order to forget and despise all that is earthly and corruptible as they frequently hinder the efforts to achieve perfect affections for the spiritual things. Selfish love and self-less love cannot coexist. Only under Your divine Light and the guidance of the Virginal wisdom that I can ponder and comprehend the most profound reasons and causes why God should be loved above all things, what that love entails and how the love for our Creator should be carried out. Lord, teach me to love You perfectly and truly by examining the effects of that love upon my soul, my life, my actions, my thoughts, my sentiments, my willingness to sacrifice, my sufferings, my all. Help me with the help of Your grace to meditate continually on You especially on Your dolorous Passion and Death. May I find no repugnance or emissness towards Your commands and counsels. To love You, I must fear of offending You. Wound my heart deeply, O Lord, for each offense I commit against You. Deepen my sorrows in seeing unfaithful creatures remain indifferent to Your service and worst of all, to Your Eucharistic Presence and Omni-Presence. May I constantly praise You aloud for Your kindness, delight in sweet memories of You. May I grieve greatly for forgetting You for even a small part of my day. May I love what You love, which are souls, and abhor what You abhor, which are sins. If I truly love You, I must prove my love or I must be inspired to make You loved by all, to exert all my efforts in evangelization, prayers, sacrifices, sufferings to win souls over to You. May my only desire is to make Your Love known and to help all loving You. To love You, I must pray with confidence that You see me and You hear me. I must receive Your benefit with profound gratitude, and not wasting them but cultivating them for Your honor and glory. To sincerely love You, I must extinguish all disorderly movements of passions which retard or hinder loving aspirations to do good and to practice virtues. Lord, I sincerely desire to love You with all my heart, above all things and all creatures. I want to love You because You are my God, my Creator, my Redeemer, and my Love. I desire to love You above all things because without loving You, I am not capable of loving my neighbors as myself, for all holiness and charity come from You, the Supreme Perfection. O Lord, may I love You with all understanding, without deceit, with my whole will, with my whole strength, without reserve, without partition, undivided, with my whole mind, without forgetfulness, with a constant awareness, without diminution, without

neglect or remissness. I love You so much, Lord. Without loving You, life is meaningless and empty. And if my love is sincere and constant, I should love my neighbors, all Your children, with an unconditional love for my love of You, always seeing You in them because they are the creations from Your Hand and You have loved them as much as You love me. No matter whether my neighbor is friendly or hostile, a benefactor or persecutor, I can only see Your goodness in each of us. May I love all in God and for God. Dearest Mother, alongside with your Crucified Son, our Lord and Redeemer, you are the most perfect Love, please teach us how to love. Amen.

PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN FAMILY LIFE Dearest Mother, you have shown us that a married life with all domestic duties and concerns is not the hindrance for advancing in spiritual life as all things are possible to God. Family life is not an excuse for not following perfections. Teach me to model after your earthly life with lively faith, hope, and perfect resignation in the divine Providence. Show me that one’s state of life has very little bearing in the desire and urgency to love and serve God as these sentiments should not depend on different circumstances but should be rooted in a constant will. You have taught me that the proper sentiments for a spouse and a parent should be adding an extra urgency or solicitude to fulfill God’s service in the face of additional obligations of a family life. May I see that the state of matrimony and family life is not the hindrance to a holy and perfect life but rather the vain and superfluous cares of anxieties, lack of peace and Faith deceiving a married person into forgetting the sweetness of the Lord, lose sight of Him and His grace, and seeking their own desires. Please intercede for me a constant serenity especially in adversities and noises of a hectic day, to keep focus on God alone, to correspond quickly to His Will and inspirations to faithfully carry out my devotions and prayers, to do all things – pleasant and unpleasant – in the Name of the Lord in order to receive the sweet divine favors and powerful accommodations always in conformity to your heart desires. Amen. (Feast of holy Family – 12/30/07) THE LOVE OF GOD My Lord and my God, my heart desire is to love You with the most perfect love, and unconditional and selfless love, not a selfish love to gain Your favors, not a servile love out of fear, but a filial love of a child to his Father. I love You for who You are, love You for Your immense goodness, for Your Love of souls and of me, a wretched creature. I love You out of a deep gratitude for Your Sacrifice, Your Cross and Death in redeeming me, for the abundant sweetness You have showered upon me, for Your kind patience and Your sorrows and agonies witnessing us living in sins and disobedience. Our indifference and ingratitude are immense and unpardonable; our disaffections to You and Your heavenly gifts are inexcusable. May I remain faithful and familiar to You, my Lord, my God, my Father, my beloved Jesus. May I embrace You, not staying in Your Presence at arm-length. May I be jealous for Your honor, solicitous for Your love,

thankful for Your tender mercies, deeply touched because of Your devotion on me in particular, a sinful and feeble servant. May I love and revere You forever for Yourself and for my brethrens’ sake. May I love You most in sufferings, sorrows, and adversities as these sentiments remind me most of Your Passion, deepen most my contrition and gratitude, and enkindle most my desires to imitate You. With all my soul, all my might, all my heart, may I praise and magnify You and Your Omnipotence for Your most perfect Creation, Blessed Virgin Mary, and for all Your favors and riches, beyond all human comprehensions You have ordained upon her. Dearest Mother, I love you and thank the Lord greatly for giving you to us. Amen. THE WILL OF GOD Dear Lord, burning within my bosom is the desire for Your inspirations. Ardent is my love of fulfilling Your Will. Happy are those to whom the Lord manifests His holy and perfect Will. But more blessed are those who carry them out to the end. The pathways for eternal life are found in the Gospel, sacraments, the laws of the Church, the writings of the saints, the obedience to our priests. And by these, we come to know the Will of God. Lord, grant me humility and obedience, promptness to heed and execute Your Will to Your greatest pleasure. Lord, speak to my heart in commands or in corrections, admonish or instruct me. Move my heart to ask, to receive, and to follow Your design. Clearly show me Your desire, O Lord, so that my soul might be moved to fulfill it. Grant me the necessary help for my obedience or at least look at my miserable state to have mercy on me. Your Voice is of spirit, animal man cannot hear. May all the faculties of my soul be purged of all earthly grossness. Your mysteries and secrets are hidden from the world, only to be revealed to the humble, may I be humble and singularly devoted to You. Your Sacrifice in Redemptive Works is inestimable, Your Love of saving souls is intense and You long to communicate to souls the fire of Your Sacred Heart. May my heart be well disposed and prepared to receive Your Love. May the divine Fire continue to burn brightly, not extinguished due to the coldness and lukewarmness of my heart. May my spirit be moved to prayers and actions entirely by Your quickening, and entirely according to your greatest Will and Pleasure. Amen.

LIVING ACCORDING TO THE DIVINE DESIGN Heavenly Father, have mercy on me and forgive me for my sins which have stirred up Your just reproach and indignation. Grant me grace and show me the way to imitate Blessed Mother in her humility and meekness toward her spouse Saint Joseph in serving him and honor him. Help me to learn from her the virtue of humility which is the basic motive to carry out all the works of God. Help me to recognize and always to remember that You desire all Your children should live and treat each other with love and humility, not with unnatural perversity which is inhuman and not intended by Your original design. Grant me Your divine grace and blessed Mother’s intercession to avoid the following three faults at all costs as they are most horrible to You, so displeasing that

You and blessed Mother have to withhold so many mercies and graces. First, may I never despise the divine graces and sacraments, the Body and Blood of Christ to dwell on earthy and trivial matters, never excite emotionally without righteous reason, never stir up indignation, discord, quarrels, using hard words, or harbor inhuman vengeance and hatred. Secondly, may I constantly focus in my spiritual well-being by selfexamination of conscience, reconciliation with others, fervent repentance, quickly getting rid of sins and unceasing effort in rededicating my life to God. Third, may I quickly have an open arm to welcome back my repentant brothers, forgive all their offenses, and harbor no ill-feelings. O Lord, bless me and grant me Your Mercy and Grace to live according to Your design and pleasure. To You, I will give thanks and glorious praise. Dearest Mother, pray for me. Amen. PRAYER FOR VIRTUE OF HUMILITY Dearest Teacher, please accept me as one of your disciples in the life-time school of humility in which we shall learn to debase ourselves in the presence of God and men. May I be forever studious and diligent in placing a sincere love for humility as my principal, first and last care and focus, for the fruits of holy poverty and self-esteemed humiliation are the sweet embraces of the Lord, His favors and treasure of Light and Truth which are hidden from the proud but confided to the lowly and single-hearted ones. Mother, reinforce my only ambition with all my efforts, which is to humble myself in God and in men, in estimation of self-worth and in thoughts and judgments. May I judge no one as the Lord commands, “ Do not judge at all.” May all my external actions reflect the deep humility of my interior soul. Please help me to feel a deep sorrow in witnessing deceit and vain glory motivating sons of perdition with greater force than the divine Truth and the Cross of the Lord in His derided Humanity teach and urge His elect who also are much so fewer in number. This should be a subject of scandalous confusion and a source of great agonies, a motivation for stronger desire to practice this virtue, when I see the presumption and pride of worldly wisdom and learning to remain powerful and persuasive to foolish men, more powerful in ruling the world than the simple humility of the children of the Light. Therefore, may I feel the effects of our Lord’s Passion and your sorrowful bloody tears deep in my soul to be greatly anxious to strive in the service of God and our Father. And in order to be in such a blessed state, the prerequisite for my soul is a humble heart. May I imitate the proud and worldly to equal their intensity and aspiration in pursuing the love of God and service of men, modeling after their watchfulness, untiring study, constant exertion, ambitious care, persistent struggles, and in tireless striving to achieve the predetermined goals. The goals for the children of God are the holy perfections which can only be obtained by the divine Grace together with the humility or repentance of a slave or greatest sinner permeating completely their souls. May I obtain a sincere humility to love God and serve mankind. Amen.


Dearest Mother, you have taught us the generosity for the poor with self-imposing sacrifice is the voluntary poverty purifying our souls from worldly desires, is a delight and acceptable gift to God Himself. But the ceaseless offering to the Mighty God should be a heart-felt love to Him which is gift of gold, continual prayers which are the gift of incense, labor and mortification which are considered as the gift of myrrh to the Incarnate Savior. Bless me, teach me, inspire me, your servant and disciple, in my constant offering of gifts with fervent affection, promptitude, and without a single trace of negligent works. Mother, intercede for me the grace of the holy Spirit to inflame my heart with a perpetually burning love for God, illuminating my soul with the divine Faith and Light which transform my incessant and humble offerings into the labor of love and gratitude. Pray for me so that the Lord God and our Savior is always and forever the Subject of all my praises and exaltations, the inspiration of my love so that I can serve Him most worthily on all the remaining days of my life. Amen.

PRAYER DURING CHRISTMASS SEASON / BEFORE MASS My dear Lord Jesus, you are my God Who had condescended to become man, humiliated with poverty, despised, unwelcome and unknown, born in a cave, laid in a manger, surrounded by brute animals, nursed by the poverty-stricken mother, cast off by the foolish arrogance of the world, may my heart be disengaged, free of all earthly affections to be ready to celebrate the mystery of Your Incarnation and Nativity with a holy poverty, pure humility, and a fervent love of the Incarnate God. You are the Creator of heaven and earth, Who has no need for the world, has openly abhorred and condemned the vain loftiness and pride of the world, may I not love it or be enchanted by it. May I forget all that are of the earth, get the worldly affairs out of sight, seek nothing, engage nothing except what can help me to detach myself further from this sinful world and its inhabitants. Realizing that being granted the understanding of which only a few were chosen, I am bound to cooperate fully with the Truth. May I choose myself humility, poverty, and indigence as the spiritual teachings on the Way to eternal life and the powerful means to conduct my life and to subject myself drawn closer to the love of my Creator and Redeemer. Meditating on Your earthly life, O Lord, meek in humanity but profoundly loving in Divinity, Your simple living and dying on this earth, may my heart be inspired by Your most tender Love in order to love You with all my heart. May I strive to be thankful always to You, my Lord, strive to make a humble return for Your goodness as if You had come to redeem me alone. Remember how blessed Mother had held You as her new born child in her arms with the most tender love, reverence, fear and respect, in adoration toward the Lord of hosts, may I treat the greatest Sacrament of the Kindness of God with much reverence. May my heart be moved by the divine Love full of tenderness. May I imitate and become like blessed Mother to have the same sentiments while receiving You into my heart in the Most Venerable Sacrament of the holy Eucharist. May I realize and believe that I have received and possessed the same God-man Jesus Christ Who was born of her virgin womb. Dear Lord, You have exhorted this great sinner and servant to become like Your most beloved Mother any time I receive and possess You in sentiments and in loving attitude, also to be contrite in spirit in accordance to my wretched nature. Grant

me the grace to purify myself in order to receive You with an angelic purity, to treat the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Mass with the most reverence due to Its Greatness. Let my heart be moved by Your most tender Love any time I receive You or think of You. Amen.

PRAYER FOR PRIESTS The Most High Priest, Jesus Christ, make known the lofty priestly dignity to both priests and lay people. Help our beloved priests to proclaim the Gospel and divine mysteries by their righteousness and holy deeds. Help them to do Your works with tireless dedication. May the dignity and honor of the priesthood be revered because the Most High God Himself holds priests in such esteem. Grant them the abundance of graces and right dispositions, and maternal protection. Exalt them and fill them with Your Fire and Spirit. May they be venerated by God and men as Your chosen and anointed ones. May they be like Christ on earth to all faithful. May Your wonders, graces, favors be granted through their sacred hands. May they live up to their dignity. May their works be the works of angels and seraphim. May their countenance be resplendent like that of Moses after conversing with the Lord. May they be honored and revered as next to God. May they be the mirror of holiness and divine Light. May they speak without malice and their sanctity exhumes a sweet fragrance. May lay people be modest and humble, reverent in their priestly presence. Grant them, Lord, the correct direction in leading their sheep and dealing with men. Grant them humility, holy poverty, and singular devotion to God alone. Do not allow them to be influenced by worldly pleasures, honor, or flattery. Illuminate their mind, heart, and soul. Embrace them tightly, keep them safe, holy, sincere, pure, lasting, humble, sanctified, pacified, fervent, God-loving. Amen. PRAYER FOR MEMORIES OF OUR LORD’S PASSION AND DEATH My dear Lord Jesus, may I love You, thank You, serve You with all my strength by abandoning all my temporal desires and interests. May I be like an angel in promptitude, be most fervent and punctual in all occasions. May I die to all earthly things while focusing my thoughts in the Presence of God and open my heart keenly to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. May I eliminate in crushing manner all human inclinations and passions, no matter how painful it is to my carnal being. May I rise to the summit of Love to meet You by a constant and sincere longing for You and You alone. May I meditate day and night on Your Redemptive Works in all its glorious and tender details. May I dwell deeply in Your Passion and Death and Your present sorrows on this sinful world to deepen my love. May my heart be pierced in realizing that even Your saints lamentably had not meditated enough on Your sufferings. May this neglect or shortcomings be the source of my prolonged lamentations. May my heart be broken while witnessing men having no compassion to one another, and moreover, no gratitude nor memories of Your Sacrifice and Cross. May bitterness and despair overwhelm their souls after recognizing their dreadful crimes by the aid of Your divine Light. To love the Lord with all my heart and all my soul, may I cast out every image and affection belonging to all creatures, turn all the power of my heart and soul and will toward the

mysteries and Blessings of Redemption. May I be occupied entirely with them, ponder and weigh on them, give thanks due to them as if I was the sole benefactor and debtor to the graces. Amen. PRAYER FOR HOLY POVERTY My Lord and King, greater than all the gifts, I offer You my Love. I offer You now the most acceptable gift of all, my voluntary poverty. May my heart be broken and touched deeply in witnessing poverty throughout the world, the exploitation and indifference of the rich to their poverty-stricken brethrens with whom they should share all temporal riches with love. Lord, help me to be generous and charitable to all Your poor and less fortunate children, especially those with the deprived spirits. Help me always to part joyfully and most readily with all my possessions for the sake of the poor, the worthy sacrifice offered to the Lord. And if it is possible, in addition to these worldly gifts, may I labor and sweat in helping them. But the most precious to You are always souls, may my ceaseless offer is love, which is gold; continual prayer, which is incense; and the patient acceptance of labors and true mortifications, which is myrrh. I long to offer to You all I possess with fervent affection and promptitude, without negligence and fear; for the love of You, the love of my brothers, for reparation of their negligence, for my own negligent works, for those not enlivened by love, for all sacrilegious and unacceptable sacrifices in the eyes of Your Majesty. In order to make those incessant offerings, may the divine Faith and Light continually inflame my humble heart, may the Lord God constantly be the Subject of all my praises, exaltations, and stimulus of my love. May my heart be bound to the divine Heart of my Lord Jesus Christ, and to the Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of our Mother, forever and ever. Amen.

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING/ AFTER MASS I humbly offer You thanks, O Lord, for all the benefits which I unworthily receive, out of Your unbounding Mercy and Goodness. May I repeat the verse of Your beloved David, “ What shall I render the Lord for all the things that He has rendered to me.” (Ps.15:12) In such sentiments, I am humiliating myself, prostrating my whole being, spiritually my soul, consider myself an useless servant among all Your creatures, before Your divine glory and Majesty in which I am a mere dust of nothingness. Being unworthy, undeserving, and of ill-learning spirit, I am poorly furnished for giving thanks and making payment. Thus, with insufficiency and filled with miseries, I offer to You, our Eternal Father, the living Host of Your only-begotten Son Whom I now (long to ) receive and possess within me, the most Precious Body and Blood of the living God, the most Precious Gift Which is most pleasing to Your Eyes. May I imitate David while saying, “ I

will take the chalice of salvation; and I will call upon the name of the Lord.” (Ps. 115:13) Again, I am calling upon the Precious Name of the Lord, offering the Chalice of salvation to worship, to adore, to glorify, to implore the divine Mercy, to give thanks, and to seek Your unbounding Grace in order to bring forth Its fruits by deepening my devotions, my prayers, my sacrifices, my love, and my service. O Most Holy Oblation!! The Lord of Heaven and earth, the God of my soul and my heart, given to me in my possession as the ransom for my sins and the essential food and life for my soul, may I adore You, love You, thank You, and imitate You and our Blessed Mother in suffering and joy. Amen.

LAMENTATION ON DEGRADATION OF MEN My Lord, I bitterly cry in seeing such a noble creature as man, made in Your likeness and image, allowing himself to be degraded and defiled by abominable passions to the point of shedding the innocent blood of those who can do no harm to anyone. I cry bitterly in seeing the purest beauty of Your creations being deformed to the point of being detested and unrecognized by You, our beloved Father and Creator. I cry bitterly over the ruins of so many souls, the waste and loss of the Blood of Your most holy Son, poured out for the salvation of men. May I guard against my own passions, which, after mastering the heart, will smother it in lust or consume it with wrath whenever they meet any opposition. Invoke in me a deep fear for this danger lest it would slowly strangle my soul. Help me in the practices of virtues by dying to all that is passionate or pleasurable to senses. I cannot be a fit instrument in the hands of the Lord if I do not cleanse all my faculties, free from the images of all creatures so that they do not enter into my heart desires. I wish that all things, except You Lord, all Your angels and saints, all heavenly things be meaningless or non-existent to me. Mother of God, help me neither to live nor to desire a life without the Lord. Amen.

PRAYER FOR THE HOLY INDIFFERENCE Queen of Peace, during my sojourn on earth and during the works you have enjoined upon me, may you bless me that my heart will never be troubled nor my spirit cast down, bless me to be always prepared to fulfill entirely the Will of God. Mother, give me faith to accept the unknowings of God’s Will, strength to endure greater sufferings, submission to obey the Lord for no further reason necessary than that the Lord Creator so commands and disposes. May I, your humble servant, look for this motive alone, learn solely to please the Lord, without distinguishing between fortunate and unfortunate events and without looking to my own inclinations. Grant me wisdom, O Mother, so that I can advance according to your wish and under your maternal hand. May I imitate you in all things to satisfy my obligation and my love toward your most beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ from Whom I have received both prosperities and adversities in this mortal life. May I receive all events with unmoved countenance, equanimity, and peace of mind. Teach me, Mother, to attend to all without any prejudice or judgmental disposition, according to the preordained design of the Almighty God.May I fulfill all to the perfection

of His pleasure. Ask the Lord to forgive me and strengthen me to begin again anytime I have failed. Guide me, teach me, protect me, bless me, O my beloved Mother, whom I long to love with all my heart, whom I am always grateful for giving yourself to us to be such a wonderful and caring mother. May I lovingly and diligently follow your footsteps with docility like your infant child during all the days of my life. Amen.

LONGING FOR GOD Lord, if You withdraw Your presence and intimacy from me in order for me to draw down Your blessings, make my heart grow fonder in Your absence, make my longing more intense, make my heart desire nothing else but You, make me fear of losing You forever, make me work harder to please You, make me cry many tears for my sins, make my soul seek You day and night longing for the past sweetness and favors, make my mind to fear You and begin to wonder about the eternal life and to put my hope in Your mercy, make me live a lifelong abhorrence of sin and search for eternal felicity only, make me remember You constantly lest forgetfulness would deprive me Your amiable presence forever, make all my physical needs and wants insignificant, make my heart restless until I find You again, make me place more trust in You, make me see Your design in my sorrows, make me believe that You are most dear and closest to my heart when Your love seems untouchable, make my mind and heart reject all earthly inclinations and temptations, make all things of my life become trivial except charity and sins, make me see the world with all its vanities and foolishness, make me live in constant and holy fear of losing eternal life, rejoice in nothing except in You until I obtain the full possession of You. Amen.

A PRAYER FOR PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN My dearest Lord and Mother, grant us parents Your holy inspirations and special help to fight the spiritual battles and to protect our off-springs. Bless our holy preachers, ministers, mentors. Preserve the holiness of our priests and religious. Bless us with the knowledge of the mysterious effects and benefits of Your sacraments especially the Holy Mass and holy Rosary or devotions to Blessed Mother. Help us to walk in the way of salvation, the rocky but necessary way of righteousness. Help us to fight off temptations and sins, to see clearly that we are engaging in constant spiritual battles in which we must win to be with You in Heaven. Help us parents to recognize the vulnerability of our children due to the influence of the devil. Grant our children their spiritual purifications, bless them with sufferings if it is necessary to preserve their souls in purity and goodness. Help our loved ones to overcome evil right at the beginning, uproot our evil tendency with Your light and power. Strengthen our virtue of charity as only love can thwart evil forces and frustrate their demonic designs. Help us to memorize Your laws and commands in our hearts, engrave onto our hearts with Your holy Name and the doctrines of the holy Gospel so that we will never fail to bring them to mind before every action and thought of our daily life. May we labor with the same

ceaseless vigilance as our immortal enemies do, for they never sleep nor rest, in practicing the means of justification which are the Acts of the living Faith, trustful Hope, ardent Love, all coming from a contrite and humble heart. (Ps. 50:19) Bless us and our children, dearest Mother Mary. Amen. Ecco Homo Look into His eye to see sadness and anguishing plea to console, Look into His Heart to see thirst and longing to offer love, Embrace Him as He extends His arms on the Cross to offer compassion, Not only adore His Divinity but also look at His Humanity to shed your contrition. Then, Look into the eyes of a child to see his vulnerability and fear to offer shelter and comfort, Look into his heart to see thirst and longing to offer love, Hold his tiny hands to feel rejections to offer embrace, Behold the soul of God to see his fragility to offer your plea. I have encountered my Lord in a child. More on blessed Mother’s Teaching The Lord God in His sheer goodness and infinite mercy desires all creatures to be saved and holy, denies none of His providential care, supplies all with Light so that they can all know Him and live according to His commands. To some, He gives the grace of baptism and Faith, He grants the supernatural gifts of knowledges, divine favors and inspirations to acquire virtues which they cannot achieve without heavenly blessings. But Satan also seeks the destruction of souls, and frustrates these works of the Lord. From the moment in which the mortals begin to have the use of reason, each is followed by many watchful and relentless demons. As soon as souls raise their thoughts and knowledges in God, these demons seek to root out the divine seed, direct their thoughts to sensual desires and pride, and vices, most of all, suppress in souls all the mysteries of the Redemption, eternal life, the life of Christ, His sufferings, the greatest Sacred Mystery of the Mass, and many other spiritual devotions. The same demons will instill into parents a base neglectfulness and carnal love for their off-springs. They instill the clergy, religious, and teachers to carelessness so that children find no support against evil in education, find no spiritual training, virtues, Faith, prayers, and devotions. They shall become depraved, spoiled, losing sight of virtues and God, acquire many bad habits, losing all innocence and good inclinations on the way to perdition.

DO ALL THINGS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD Mother of mercy, it is your loving desire that all will be flooded with graces and taste the sweetness of the Lord as you did. Let me, your poorest and most afflicted child, follow

you. Offer me your protection and help, intercede for me the hidden manna which is to do the will of the Father. May I put off all the works instilled in me by my human weakness; and by the true Light, may I receive and discern on the works instilled in me by you, the redemptive works, the works of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. May I achieve the perfect beauty which the Lord seeks in me, the beauty mirrored after the Sacrificial Lamb of God. Engrave in my heart, Mother, that the most powerful means of perfection is the redemptive work, the works performed in the love of God and souls. Whenever I must perform an interior or exterior work, may I contemplate beforehand whether what I am going to say or do will correspond to the divine Will, whether it will honor the Lord and benefit my neighbors. Help me to be certain of His desires and imitate Him and yourself most perfectly to further His cause and to glorify His holy Name. Let it be in me no reluctance toward the good works but only the desire to glorify Him and imitate Him most perfectly especially in His Passion and sufferings. May I only perform what is the most pleasing and acceptable to the eternal God. May I become most indifferent to anything which drives me further from Him. May all earthly things cause me only restless agonies while I am longing for God, my only Source of true happiness. Moreover, from this day on, may I be mindful not to undertake any work, not to speak or even think of anything without first seeking your motherly counsel, asking your permission and guidance as my Mother and Teacher. I give you many grateful thanks for your replies and intercessions of the divine Light. Amen.

NOVENA TO SAINT JOSEPH Saint Joseph, my father and lord, The anointed and most trusted guardian of our Lord, may we place our trust in you, The most esteemed spouse of blessed Mother, may I love and revere you as she did, The most noble prince of heavenly Court, pray for me to be worthy of the royal priesthood in praying the divine Mystery and in leading my family, The glorious saint of heavenly Jerusalem, pray for me to be holy, The most eminent in sanctity, pray for my sanctification, The most humble and hidden, pray for me to be humble, The most devout son of the eternal Father, pray for me to be obedient, The most kind human being, pray for me to be gentle, The most forgiving betrothed, pray for me to love my spouse, The most docile and submissive, pray for me to subdue my passions, The most angelic man, pray for me to be chaste and pure, The most filled with wonders and praises, receive my highest veneration, The most powerful intercessor, pray for our salvation, The greatest Friend of God, please intercede for us, The most neglected intercessor and saint, forgive our ignorance and irreverence, The most persuasive in Presence of God, pray for lessening the Lord’s just Hand, The most worthy of love among saints, receive my love and pray for our deeper devotion,

The most excellent, fullest of privileges, may I rejoice with your blessed Spouse to admire such a nobility, The most helpful of all saints, come to us with all our necessities, The most venerable but least revered, may we propagate a greater devotion toward you, The most extraordinary man, please perform miracle on us, humble and inferior creatures, The tireless, most unassuming worker, teach us to value hard works and labors for the Kingdom of God, The most amiable perfection of great virtues, make us righteous, The most liberal giving hand, shower down from the Throne of God marvelous favors upon us, both now and at the hour of our deaths. Amen.

GREAT VALUES OF REDEMPTIVE SUFFERINGS The Almighty God and Father, You have placed the highest values onto the labors, Passion, and Death of Your Divine Son and upon those who imitate and follow Jesus Christ in the Way of the Cross. Knowing this, Blessed Mary had offered her Son to God, and begged to accompany Him to death and partook all His sufferings. May I not abhor the resemblance of Christ’s sufferings and blessed Mother’s sorrows as they are the true and highest blessings of this mortal life. May I consider my own sufferings in all forms to be the most precious gifts that I can offer to the Lord because of its cost. May I not avoid labor and suffering as they are royal and secure road to eternal life. Those whom He loves, He chastises and afflicts (Prov. 3:12) May I become more worthy of His love by offering my redemptive sufferings. May my love for Him be deepened only by my giftsof mortifications and prayers. To love Him, I desire to suffer more for the love of Him. To truly love Him, how can I live in comforts and cares while witnessing my divine Lord suffering for loving all of us. Inspired by God and because He had wished so, blessed Mother asked her divine Son to deprive her of all interior delights to follow the footsteps of His bitterness. How can I enjoy this earthly life of comforts when I see my Lord and my Mother going through Calvary anew, with blood and tears, with broken Hearts. My Jesus, to imitate Your Mother most perfectly, I implore You to grant me the most blessed distinction of being entirely like unto You, most of all, in sufferings and derisions of my human conditions. In this resemblance, may my life become most spiritual and less carnal as after all, sufferings and sorrows are one of the most powerful means of human purification. Blessed Mother was willing to forsake all, even those desires most dear to her heart, deprived herself everything to offer them to God Whom she loved above all things. Thus, this is not an exchange of destitute sorrows but of intense love beyond comparison. May my sufferings be a refinement of my love to God, a love which asks for nothing but gives everything to the One he loves. Since sins are committed due to debased indulgences and repugnance of souls to sufferings and sorrows, the only remedy for sinful souls is suffering itself. And if they avoid suffering and prefer sins, the recovery of their soul is impossible since they are already weak and afflicted by sins. May I prefer sufferings as the better medicine for my ailing soul over pleasures. May in tribulation I earn sympathy and mercy from the just Judge. May bitter-

sweetness of sorrow and affliction dissipate the sinful temptations of the flesh, crush all concupiscible passions, humiliate pride and haughtiness, subdue inclinations of flesh, suppress earthly desire, make judgment clear, purify the heart and strengthen the soul, correct the movement of heart, and most of all, draw down the divine Love and pity for those who embrace sufferings with patience, who seek to imitate Jesus and to endure their sufferings for the love of Christ, offer their sacrifices to obtain blessed riches for sinners. Thus, those who fly from sufferings are insane, those who know nothing about it is foolish. May I deem sufferings as the opportunities for blessings and praises, for loving God with a more constant will which a feeble and faint heart will never know. Amen.

DOVE-LIKE SINCERITY OF THE LOVE FOR BLESSED MOTHER My Blessed Mother, among all your children, you had loved Saint John the most due to his dove-like purity and his devotion toward you. I long for the same qualities even I am a wretched sinner incomparable to Saint John because I long for the same love from you, because you are my dearest mother. Have a generous maternal affection toward me, Mother. Treat me as one of your many children and one of the least worthy servants of the Lord as that is what I am. Be my Intercessor and Advocate after you have glanced at my poverty, uselessness, and weakness. I will try to offer my services in return, try to imitate the holy saint most perfectly to please you. But how can I do anything right without your help? Give me strength, Mother, to fulfill all your commands without failing at the least detail. Bless me as I set out three goals for my spiritual advancements according to your wishes: labor until all self-love dies within me; suppress all effects of the original sin until all earthly inclinations extinguish; and seek to restore dove-like sincerity and simplicity by hating all malice. I will try to live an angelic life in order to make myself a worthy dwelling to the holy Spirit because the condescence of the Most High is so great, so magnificent, furnishing souls with His majesty, wonders, with Light, graces, and understandings, more fit to an angel than to much coarser human nature. May I be acquiescent to the divine grace in works, thoughts, and speech. May I thrive for and cherish a continual affection and desire to please you, my most sorrowful and beloved Mother. May I be attentive and promptly heed your counsels and commands. May I fix my eyes and my contemplation on you besides our Lord in order to know and execute what you plan for me. Mother, please pray for me and bless me so that all my heart desires can be realized. Amen. Beatitude in Honor of Blessed Mother Blessed are those who seek the most kind and powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother MARY. Blessed are those who fear the judgments of the Most High God. Blessed are those to whom the secrets of God are being revealed. Blessed are those who long to become the beloved disciples of Christ. Blessed are those who love Blessed Mother and receive mercy and kindness from her.

Blessed are those who recognize and venerate blessed Mother’s role in sharing the Dolorious Passion and Death of her most beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed are those who obey the commands of our Lord in accepting His beloved Mother to be their own. Blessed are those whose purity exceeds that of an angel as it is her maternal wish. Blessed are those, by such a purity, have become her dearest children. Mother, have mercy on us and bless us. Amen.

THE BENEFITS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Dear Lord, may I cast myself into the sea of Your Passion and Death, direct all my being with all my power of my heart and soul in meditating upon the ignominies and sorrows of the Son of the Eternal Father in His Death and the Cross for men; and also in examining my doings or lack of doings in connection with His bitter Passion. Teach me this science, O Mother, by first detaching myself entirely of human and earthly affections and of my own self, so as freely to follow the footsteps of Christ in destitution and poverty. In the same thought, what a horrible crime in the eyes of the Lord, of Blessed Mother, of all angels and saints, that we despise and neglect the frequent reception of the holy Communion, and that we approach to receive Him without much preparation and fervent devotion at Mass. May I imitate Blessed Mother, Your most pure and glorious Mother, in her purifying herself to receive You, the holy of all holies, by increasing fervent acts of love, humility, and gratitude. Show me what I must do to make myself more fit for the Beauty of the Divinity and sacred Humanity of the most holy Son of God. There is no excuse for me on the Judgment Day if I neglect this plenitude of gifts of the Most Blessed Sacrament or receive these gifts poorly. May I seek and labor for this heavenly gifts in place of worldly pleasures and deceitful life. Amen.

PRAYER FOR EUCHARISTIC DEVOTIONS Almighty God, open our hardened and stony hearts to attain a true understanding of the sacred Mystery and the divine and infinite Blessings of the Holy Eucharist. Remove the scale of human rationalism from our eyes to see Your Presence with the eye of Faith in order to possess the Eternal God in the true human Flesh and Blood. Grant us the true union between God and man, between the divine and mortals notwithstanding our lowliness. Bless us with all the sanctifying effect of the heavenly Manna. May we taste the sweetness of the Omnipotent God, His power and His love so that our hearts will be fully satisfied and desire nothing else. By the precious gift of Yourself, grant us strength and health to counter weakness and passions which, unguarded, can succumb the life of a soul. Grant us the privileges and blessings to receive You frequently in order to overcome and defeat the demonic forces. Place us at the disposal of our beloved Lord Jesus completely as we become one in Him by the holy Communion. May our heart, soul, and body become the temple of the Eucharistic Lord so long as we follow His commands in loving God and loving one another as Christ has loved the Church. Even

Lucifer will flee from His presence in a sinful soul like me. Inflict in my heart a deep sorrow for my great injury I frequently cause the Lord by being forgetful in receiving Him with due reverence. May we put fear in the devil’s heart by receiving our Lord Jesus worthily and devoutly, also by trying to preserve ourselves in purity and holiness until the next Holy Communion. May I live constantly with the noblest intention from one Holy Mass to another. Help me constantly aware of the demonic snare in making us forgetful, distracted, and indifferent to receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. Grant us multitude of graces in order to receive Holy Communion daily, to seek all the possible means to preserve ourselves in good dispositions from one Holy Communion to another, conforming to the Will of God and the wishes of Blessed Mother. This is the sword we should use to fight the spiritual battle for God. Cause us to weep, our hearts torn in sorrow in witnessing the demons heaping afflictions upon the Church and nations due to the lack of weapons which can only be obtained by the Eucharistic devotions especially the holy Mass. Lord, be merciful to us. Do not enrage at us, Catholics, for our immeasurable transgressions by not receiving Your precious Body and Blood without a contrite and humble heart, especially after a lively and grand Faith is being handed down to us from the Apostles or propagated through the Catholic Church. Forgive us for an equally grave offense by neglecting to ask blessed Mother for a much needed powerful intercession to assist at Mass and to receive holy Communion worthily. Amen.

LOVE IS SCHOOL OF SUFFERING Mother of Love, nothing our Lord, your beloved Son, desires more than suffering and dying to save us. Thus, I cannot ask anything in the Holy Name of Jesus without imitating His Passion. To be embraced in His arms, I have to embrace His Cross and not to seek immediate consolations. To live a contemplative life, I have to master a life of mortifications, a life centering on the Calvary of the Holy Mass being prayed with the fullness of love, contrition, adoration, and gratitude. Just as the Cross was expressed as the fullness of the divine Love, may we celebrate Mass beyond any human formalities and limitations, human conventions and wisdoms, human rationalism and standards, but only with the sincere profusion of love. To reach the summit of love and perfections, I must conquer all the peaks and valleys of human short-comings, weaknesses, and adversities. To attend the bridal Banquet, I submit myself as a servant who only deserves to serve, but not to be seated at the same table with his Lord. Eternal rest is not attainable for those who unduly labor for it, like a son not imitating his Father, a disciple not following his Master, a servant not accompanying his Lord, a child of God who is not willing to trace the footsteps of Jesus and Mother Mary. The school of sainthood is the school of suffering love. Love without suffering is self-love, suffering without love is meaningless self-pity. May I deny my self-love to offer the Lord the most sincere love. Lord, grant me Your Spirit to receive the Bread of life most worthily so that my soul shall become inseparable from You, so that my heart shall burn brightly with the love for only You. May I meditate on how You have lived in Your divinity and suffered in Your sacred humanity together with blessed Mother who had shared fully the ignominious Cross. You are the Way, the Truth, the life, and I do not want to come to the Father except through Your derided humanity. Amen.

CRY FOR THE DREADFUL STATE OF THE CHURCH Dearest Lord and Mother, please receive my love and gratitude to compensate for the small return by heartless and ungrateful creatures for Your Passion and Death. May my love console Your sorrowful Hearts grieving over the great losses of souls through their lukewarmness, apathy, weakness, negligence, and apostasy. What a dreadful state of carelessness in which Christians meditate on the Lord’s Passion. Without Blessed Mother’s intercession and the merits of her most holy Son, Whom she had offered to the Eternal Father, men would be punished for this monstrous ingratitude. May I console you and your holy Son on His sorrows. May I rise above all earthly things and above myself to imitate Blessed Mother, to withdraw into solitude, away from all creatures who have become ungrateful, inhuman, and cruel. Lord, help me to shed the abundance of tears in seeing how much it has cost You to reconcile men to Your Eternal Father, only to see men working so hard to destroy what You had purchased with Your own Blood. Awaken in my heart the deepest grief as there are many, under false piety, who still condemn Christ our Lord sadly at authorative places while humility, truth, justice, and all virtues are so oppressed and debased. Grant me Your Grace and intercession to be among the few who still know the poverty of Christ and even fewer who still embrace it. At the present, Faith in many Catholics are inactive or dead, the counsels of the holy Gospel are forgotten or neglected, Its precepts trodden under foot, charity almost extinct. Jesus offers His Face in patience and meekness only to be buffeted and wounded. In reparation for these monstrous sins and sadness, may I pardon insults and offenses to myself, imitate Blessed Mother to practice the very virtues which oppose to the mentioned vices: for blasphemies, may I bless and praise the Lord; for unbelief, may I express my life as an act of living Faith. May I accept all things with joy, in Faith and in hope, since there is no more profitable exercise for souls than sufferings; there is nothing closer to the Sacred Heart of our Lord than sufferings for He is always with the poor and afflicted to give them consolations and helps. (Ps. 40:15) And there are few greater sufferings than daily mortifications and sacrifices, daily detachments from visible things while raising one’s heart to God. Help me, Lord Jesus and blessed Mary, in gathering much suffering and sacrifices offering to You. Amen.

REJOICE IN GOD, MY SAVIOR My Lord, my Redeemer, my Love, You had been born to torments, afflictions, reproaches, crown of thorns, Crucifixion. May their very minute augments be my own portion, my lot, my inheritance, daily encounters, and spiritual exercizes. I sincerely wish to be persecuted, not a persecutor; oppressed, not an oppressor; suffered, not an executioner; laden with crosses, not crosses; scandalized, not scandal giver. May I participate in the Works of Redemption in exerting myself for the conversion and salvation of others. blessed Virgin Mary, cooperating perfectly in this Redemptive Work, has paid for it by her sorrows and afflictions. She has never blotted out all the details of

the Life and Death of her beloved Son out of her inmost memories. May my soul immerse in the same immense sea of sorrows, taste her bitterness and drink her tears. The Lord Almighty has exalted her for her faithfulness and sacrifices. He grants the same graces and favors in smaller scales to all His predestined children, allows them to experience the efficacy of the divine graces and aspirations toward spiritual and eternal things, but He does not spare them of the hardships and sufferings of this mortal life. May I hope for no worldly riches or comforts, rejoice in God my Savior in all circumstances, never forget all the bitter-sweet memories in which a worthy sacrifice was offered to God, advance steadily toward heavenly Kingdom and home, day by day, little by little, putting everything behind while applying all spiritual learnings into practice. Amen.

ACT OF CONSECRATION My dearest Lord Jesus and my dearest Mother, today I consecrate myself as Your true disciple by denying myself, stripping myself bare of all earthly desires. I determine to estrange my heart from all affections toward creatures and created things, wish no possession or acceptance for any purposes or uses. All day long I will meditate on the Cross as it is the only true way of life as You Yourself have chosen it. I want to follow Your bloody divine footsteps on the Way of the Cross because so few want to dispose themselves to sufferings. I only want to love You in laborious exertions and adversities of my flesh. May I act against my human carnal nature to gain the hidden fruits of spirit. I desire to be a warrior for Christ against the forgetfulness of truths, against seeking indulgences of pleasure and worldly honors, against the tendencies of flying from injuries and striving after riches, against condemnation of poverty and dreading mortifications. Mother, make me aware of the dangerous deceit of self-love, being halfhearted follower of Christ, who only exerts himself so far as his fleshy comforts allow, or one who abides the Lord’s commands according to the rules of common civility, human morality, or social courtesy, or one who denies nothing against his own will or places all practices of so-called virtues or self-imposed perfections in certain prudence, guidance, or human principles instead of the love of God and of his neighbors. My Redeemer left me many remedies against eternal ruins, may they not be wasted or neglected. My divine Doctor grants me medicine, may I be cured of the sickness of human nature. My good Teacher has taught me how to overcome the demons, flesh, and my self. May I be a good, faithful student who has learnt that the ultimate victory can only be gained by the Cross, by labor, penances, mortifications, acceptance of contempt, sacrifices, charity, joy-giving, true love of God and for souls, by practices of Christian virtues which are the characteristics of those who truly love Him. Amen.

LIFE CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST Dearest Mother, intercede for me the grace enabling me to seek, with all the power of my mind during my whole life, to remember the Crucifixion of our Precious Lord. As my

beloved Mother and all-wise Teacher, please ask the Lord God by His divine power to impress on my humble heart the knowledge and sentiment of that precious and most holy Hour in order that it remains fixed and ever present to me as long as I live. In virtue of this blessing from my dearest Mother, teach me and help me to keep constantly vividly, in my memory and my soul, my Lord Who is Christ crucified so that I will never forget the sufferings of the Cross and the doctrine of the self-sacrificial Love that He has taught us. This is the mirror by which I must see my soul as the reflection of Christ in this sinful world, as the image of my Crucified Lord, the source of the interior and external beauty of a soul which is most pleasing to God. To be worthy of being a redeemed sinner, may I be obliged to seek with all my power to imitate Him as far it is becoming my very duty and nature inseparable from Christ’s self-sacrificial Love. And if it is possible by your intercession for the divine grace upon this lowly and unworthy and feeble servant, and by your own tutoring and nurturing me, I wish that from this day forward, I live crucified with Christ, entirely as assimilated to your most perfect exemplary and model life, and dead to this deceitful world. Amen.

DEFEAT DEVIL WITH REDEMPTIVE LIFE God Almighty, since the close imitation and living reproduction of Jesus Christ will cause the demons to flee from souls, I, Your most lowly servant now desire such an imitation of the Lord, to remain pure and holy to offer the Almighty the fruits of the divine grace by my spiritual life and supplications for my most needed brothers and sisters. I now beg Thee for the acquiescence of grace so that my works will be sanctified and effective. I will seek the Way of the Cross daily in order to intercede for my brethren the renewal of Christian charity, zeal, devotions, and the remembrance of all the blessings derived from Your Work of Redemption. To be holy and humble, I will be deemed more worthy in begging Your grace for my brethren to resist their carnal inclinations and desires, to restrain their love for vanity and avarice, to free themselves from Luciferian bondage. May I always glorify our Savior by constantly thinking of His Passion and Death with all the touching redemptive details so that I do not encourage the demons to rise up their pride against God and the Church by my foul thoughts, speech, and acts, by my foul ingratitude, forgetfulness, and carelessness. May the fruits of the Blood and Death of my Redeemer to be realized to the fullest extent when I unite my sufferings and labor with His Cross in order to repair the great damage done by my own sins and by the ingratitude and ignorance of the others, and to minimize the devastation of wickedness, to defeat the sons of perdition, to participate in making the world fertile again with multiple fruits of virtues. Amen.


O Lord, may all my actions, however small, be done for the love of God. May each of my most insignificant works will obtain for me the divine gifts, an increase of the state of blessedness for my soul, an increase of clearness and insight of the divine mysteries and perfections, an increase of soundness of my mortal body, an increase of impassibility against human corruption and demonic influence, an increase of effort, zeal, strength to serve, an increase of sublicity to penetrate by exemplary life and speech, an increase of apprehension and possession of the highest and most infinitely sublime the Precious Body and Blood of Christ, an increase of tranquility and detachment from all worldly desires or concerns, and finally the fruition of all divine gifts in the perfecting of my human love imitating the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of blessed Mother. Amen.

THY WILL BE DONE, THY KINGDOM COMES My Lord, my God, grant me Your most efficacious sweetness of the divine Love and immense liberality of God whenever I am submissive to the free overflowing of divine graces. But correct my faults with lessons in tribulation and punishment if I ignore Your Will while preferring earthly and dangerous desires in place of true and heavenly blessings. The inclination of Your holy and perfect Will is to bless not to afflict creatures, to console not to cause sorrow, to reward not to chastise, to rejoice not to grieve us, but we human mortals are slow, coarse, uneducated, uncultivated, full of evil inclinations, barren in themselves, naturally unfit for a loving and sweet communion with the perfect Being and highest Good. Therefore, regenerate us, O Lord, through adversities and sufferings, refine us through the crucibles of tribulations, make us more suitable to recognize and to be acquiescent to the divine gifts and learn to despise terrestrial and fallacious goods where temptations and death are concealed. If I consider my own sufferings are redemptive for souls, the measuring stick of my love for the Lord, the powerful means to conquer the devil, the pure sign of spiritual advancement, I must count for little all that I endure as I believe the generosity of the heavenly Father and His goodness. I must join the militant Church with my own free will without complaints, without retreat to fight for His cause and His holy Name. Grant me Your holy assistance, O Lord, through my prayers for myself and for all Your children. May I consider it is my privilege or sacred duty to deprive myself of heavenly felicity in order to gain fruits of my labors, perseverance, sufferings for the love of the Almighty and for all I owe to His divine goodness which has raised me up from the grave of sins. May I motivate myself to rise up to defend the holy Church currently so disconsolate with tribulations, and none of her children is willing to console her. May I desire to labor strenuously, ready to suffer in prayers and supplications, in tearful lamentation from the bottom of my heart to God. May I be willing to give up my life if it is deemed necessary. May I imitate Blessed Mother Mary in her constant laboring on earth to lead, to plead, to direct her children. Let it be all for the glory and honor of the Most High God, the King of all ages, and for the most Blessed Mary our sorrowful Mother through all eternities. Amen.

PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT My God the Holy Spirit, so great is Your love as You are Love, the Love of our Father and of His beloved Son. Draw Your humble servant to Yourself, enclose my spirit and soul in Your immense Light, let me share Your divine perfections, enrich me so that I can serve You in the manner You have first designed for my lot. Come to me as You did upon the apostles and the early heroic Christians, confer on me the same favors and gifts as I am pledging to You to be a faithful child of the Church, of the Light and of the Gospel so long as I live, with Your help. O my Lord, help me to prepare my soul and my heart to receive You and Your blessings, to be always faithful, humble, sincere, pure, and eager at heart to receive You. Make Your dwelling in me. Shine upon me so that I will be capable of loving as there is no love for those who live in darkness. Without radiance, there will be no love. May I be constantly in the state of grace to receive the divine graces, the precious gifts from You which I desires so much. Teach me how to be worthy, to be most suitable in receiving them with full effects. Hear my signs of aspirations, O Lord. Enkindle my soul, enlighten my spirit, consume my heart and my whole being with Your divine Fire to purge out all carnal desires and inferior debase natures, purify me and raise me to a new existence, union, and participation with God in worship. Amen.

PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH Dear Lord, your holy desire is always for the salvation of all Your children. That is always Your mystery of the predestination of souls. Since the effects and benefits of our Lord’s Redemption is overflowing and copious, sufficient of the salvation of all creatures ever created, may Your Church be saved. Since the divine Truth of the holy Gospel was made known to all but we have not heeded; remedy for sins given but we had rejected; interior inspirations urged but we have shut our heart; have mercy on us as we are so hardened at heart, deep in miseries and sins. Save us, O Lord, because we are sinners, blinded and unguided without shepherds, unmatched against the evil ones. Instill in out heart, first and foremost, the fear of the Lord, even by Your Justice if this is the last resort to save our souls. Lord, grant us Your clemency and forgiveness as we are Your children. By the sorrowful Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. By the blood-mingled tears of blessed Virgin, have mercy on us. You lowly servant realizes that we have despised Your warnings, abused Your Goodness, committed malice and vengeance, but he begs You to multiply Your abundant graces toward few worthy souls. Your humble servant also recognizes that without penance, there shall be no grace; without reform no pardon; without pardon no glory; but for the sake of the few righteous ones, withhold no mercy from us all, O Lord. But grant us Your saving grace to Your Church so that from a few sparks, the divine Fire can be rekindled to purify the whole Church. Amen.


Dearest and Most Blessed Mother, teach me to perceive all things, not through my own senses, but through you, the human wisdom of the eternal God. Remind me to act with prudence, deliberate considerations and counsels, not immediately reacting to circumstances. Help me to grow spiritually so that I might conquer all animal passions and inclinations in order to live in righteousness and with the capacity of reason, with divine enlightenment instead of impulses of passion. May I always consider injuries and pains of others first, not my own sufferings, and also make the latter become the source of my love and redemptive offerings to God. May I never seek vengeance against the others’ wrong-doings but forgiveness and complete and total submission to the Will of God. May I use the shield of fraternal charity to defend my soul from the attack of the devil and his worldly cohorts with concupiscence of the eyes, movement of flesh, pride and self-interests. May I not follow the diabolic darkness as light, bitterness of passion as sweet, deadly poison of vengeance and criticism as medicine of my soul, earthly ignorance and blindness as wisdom. Please help me, Mother, to guard my emotions, to slowly resolve in everything, to completely govern me on senses or sensible matters, to take immediate counsel with you, to seek the Light from the communication with God, to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, to seek advices form superiors and teachers, to consider even the advices from the youth or inferiors as more secure than my own understanding. Most of all, help me to resist my passions in order to apply a Christian fraternal charity in all things, often to do the opposites or bear with patience and kindness in all circumstances, and never lose the sight of the Lord’s Passion and Death and your own Cross, for these memories will bring out deeper repentance which in turn bring about more fervent love in me. I love you, Mother. Pray for us. Amen.

ON REDEMPTIVE PRAYER Dearest Mother, I pray that I will put forward sincere and utmost efforts in prayers and petitions, in sufferings and sacrifices, for the salvation of souls, in order to imitate you most perfectly and in order to love God in real service, not just lip service. May I be most willing to suffer all the Lord sends me for this cause, pray and labor constantly to prevent sins in my neighbors. May the cause of saving souls consume my soul as I equate it to the love of God. May I not lose faith in praying but persevere in my effort. May I return to prayer again and again regardless of my physical inclination, out of my ardent love for my Redeemer and for you, out of ardent charity for my brethrens. The Most High God is always moved by this kind of charity which is reserved for Him and for a sinner’s neighbors. May I be ardently burnt with the love to save souls, to stop sins, to defeat and frustrate the demons and their plans. The Lord does not desire the death of a sinner. ( Ez.33:11) He wills to save them all. I pray that this holy Will of the Most High be done in all men, all things, at all times. In order to seek the Lord’s full attention and inclination upon my petition, I must be earnest in my requests and exert all my efforts to preserve myself, to show that after exerting my whole strength and will, I plead for His assistance, just as a drowning man begging for a rope. I realize that temptations and passions are always strong during my lifetime to induce me into sin but there is no merit if there is no struggle, I beg you, Mother, to remind me the following points with acute pains, agonies,

and sorrows any time I fail you and our Lord: 1) your sorrows and tears crying for the loss of souls and your burning desire to stop all the offenses against the Lord; 2) your desire to receive joy from your children and disciples whom you personally teach all mysteries and wisdoms; 3) your holy and immense desire to please your divine Son and accomplish His holy Will; 4) your greatest disappointment on my sinning after I am so blessed with graces and knowledge of the Truth. May I ponder all these points in my heart, be always vividly enlivened in my soul and my mind in order to inspire myself to do good, to serve the Lord well. May I remember well your teachings, your counsels, your maternal care, your sorrow, your tears, the Gift of Sacrifice of you beloved Son, His most precious Body and Blood, His bloody Passion and Sufferings, His ignominous Death on the Cross. May I offer Him many grateful and worthy returns. Amen.

THE INTERPRETATION OF OUR FATHER PRAYER Dear Lord, by the inspiration and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother, may I feel obliged at all times to care for all Your children as all my brothers and sisters of the same eternal Father. May I be more willing to assist in their salvations by my unceasing prayers and supplications. May I myself, who is nourished by the Christian Faith and benefited by Your liberal Hand, be more generous in helping my less fortunate brethren to know and to love You, to intercede for them the same divine grace and mercy that You have liberally bestowed upon this ungrateful creature. May I follow the law of our Lord Jesus Christ in sharing all my temporal advantages to my unfortunate brothers. May I seek not the life of ease, but the life of cares and true earnest labor to further Your kingdom on earth, to ease others’ sufferings, and to save souls. May I be more concerned with the ruin of the flock of Christ, who are deserted and wandering without shepherds. May I be motivated in defeating our infernal enemies with no regard of my own well-being or carnal interests. May serving You and Your glory be the constant praises upon my lips, seen through my actions and labor. May Your cause presently neglected be carried out with more fervent dedication. May I receive Your grace and strength to bring souls back to Your possession. May I disregard my own interest and preservation but rely totally on You and live for You alone. May my heart be broken while witnessing the Truth being obscured, avarice unbridled, the Blood of Christ trodden under foot, the fruits of Redemption held in contempt. May I plunge my whole being and my existence into Your service while realizing that not many wish to risk their own comfort and interest in order to save what has cost our Savior His Blood and His life. May I make use of the holy charity and my free will, with my utmost capability for the sake of souls and for the sake of Your and blessed Mother’s Passion. May I turn Your agony into joy with my sacrifices. May I bring You comfort in my laboring. May I adore my Lord and King in following Him to glean some remaining grapes and grains in His Field of harvest. May I always hear blessed Mother’s words echoed in my soul, “ How it is possible, my child, to have a true love for my divine Son and for me if you find consolation and rest in your heart at the sight of the loss of souls, which He redeemed by His Blood and I have sought with blood-mingled tears? “ May I weep instead over the great loss of souls and the calamities threatening the Church. May I become sorrowful to merit Your merciful inclination upon us. May my lamentation become so deep that I

find no relief except in afflictions for the sake of the Lord Whom I love above all and Who still carries His Cross alone. May I find strength to pray without ceasing for blessed Mother’s intercession for the salvation of my brothers. May the labors and tribulations sent to me be not obstacles but the manifestations of His divine Will for me to help my brothers acquiring the possession of Christ. May I persevere in holiness and purity to recompense some the injuries caused by the others’ sins and my own. May I defend the souls in peril in purity and Faith, for the honor and glory of God and for His heavenly Kingdom. Dearest Mother, please bless me. Amen.

ACQUIESCENCE TO THE GRACE OF CONVERSION O Lord, incline upon me with Your bounty to pardon this great sinner, to raise him up, restore him in friendship and grace. In my part, I pray to cooperate and respond perfectly to Your call. My soul the Lord wakes up and urges on by His divine inspiration and help, may I persevere in justification by beginning and finishing my life-long conversion totally in spirit, not in flesh. May I imitate Saint Paul in earnestly imploring You, “ Lord, what is it Thou wish to do with me?” and, “ What shall I do for Thee?” Rebuke me, O Lord, if I do not proclaim this sincerely with my whole heart, if I retain occasionally some love of myself, of honor, of earthly possessions, of sensual pleasures and comforts, of some occasions of sin. But do lift me up again, Lord, when I stumble and fall for I am weak and feeble. May I cooperate fully to Your call, depart from all and entirely from all my evil dispositions and self-seeking, but placing myself entirely at Your service. With a sincerity of a contrite and humble heart, I now renounce my own free will and deliver myself to You, O God, resolve from this moment forward to permit none of my faculties of mind or sense to serve the animal or sensual life. May I serve You in whatever manner or direction You please, ready to execute Your Will without delay or question. Purge my heart of all impurities, insincerities, reluctance, and inconstancy. Forgive me, Lord, as I fall short of Your expectation, but with Your manifold wondrous favors, I will strive to serve You. May I completely forget the visible, apparent, and deceitful world, and repeat very often with my heart, “ Lord, what do Thou wish to do with me? “, resist my own desire, and seek solely the Will of God. Amen. (Feast of Conversion of Saint Paul, 1-24-08)

THE BATTLE CRY Dear Lord, to glorify You in battle, to preserve myself in grace, I desire blessed Mother’s constancy and invincible fortitude with which she vanquished the demons. In realizing that human nature is subject to contrary and opposite inclinations, prone to fatigue and lukewarmness, I implore Your grace to practice virtues, to frustrate the evil ones, to combat for vulnerable souls, to be victorious in long-enduring tire and labor, all for the

love of You, my Lord and Savior. I truly believe that You faithfully support my weakness with Your grace and Strength, therefore, it is inexcusable for me to retreat. To retreat is to betray You, to behave like an unbeliever without Faith. May I march forward on the straight path of holy duty, humbly but forcefully, calmly and constantly, thwarting off all diabolic astuteness and suggestions, bent of my own passions and sentiments, sensible pleasures or displeasures, disagreeableness of mortifications and hardships. May I have no regard for my health and life except the eternal salvation of others, so dear to You. May I not be worldly-minded as it is very abominable in Your sight. If I am weak in doing good but strong in evil, I had become the devil’s slave. If I disregard the laws and commands of God, I had assisted the devil in destroying mankind, in bluffing his pride blasphemy, and furor. I must not be tardy in the work of saving souls, or eager in sliding toward the hellish abyss. Help me to profess a life of perfection after duly considering all the hardships attached to such a life as sweet offerings to God. I detest in giving the devil many victories in temptations, I despise his haughty pride, may I be faithful to You, never betray or deny You, or cause You and our Mother any sadness. Make me strong and fervent, O Lord, in prayers and petitions, and in tears. May I rely in the holy Sacraments as the most powerful means to drive away the demons from myself and from souls whom I pray for. May the Most Blessed Sacrament of the holy Eucharist, frequently received with much veneration, devotion, and piety, be the most powerful weapons to instill the greatest terrors and agonies on the demons in order to win souls over Your camp. Lord, grant me the grace to magnify the hidden effect of the Body and Blood of Your Divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to shine the brightest Light overcoming the receding darkness which covers this sinful world. Queen of martyrs and saints, please hear our sincere petition and pray for us. Amen.

PRAYER FOR PRIESHOOD Dearest Mother, please forgive me for my monstrous abominations I have committed in giving no or insufficient reverence to our priests who are the anointed representatives and ministers of Jesus our Lord on earth. May I learn to treat all priests of the Most High with utmost holy reverence, human esteem and respect. May I support them and their ministry by my affection and prayers. I pray that their holy poverty and heaven-minded life and conduct will be the sources of inspiration to all Christians. I pray that all worldly riches will have no hold on their opinions and disposition, and most of all, on their spiritual dignity which is ordained by God Himself. May I serve them whenever being called as my true masters. I will try, Mother, to make up for our faults as far as possible to restore the dignity of the priesthood. I will adore the hands which consecrate the common bread and wine, which elevate the precious Body and Blood of our Redeemer. May I always remember your words, “Great was my dignity of the Mother of God; yet I often prostrate myself at their (priests) feet and consider it a great happiness to kiss the ground on which they trod.” Mother, please bless our beloved priests. May each one of them be endeared as my true father to me. Amen.

DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME My dearest Lord Jesus and dearest Mother, throughout my life, I should gratefully remember all the details of the Works of Redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Passion and His Death. I must envision my Redeemer agonizing and offering His Sacrifice on the Cross. May my soul be immersed in the vast ocean of anguishes while meditating and reliving the last Hour of the Lord’s mortal life, with all its intense sufferings. I earnestly desire this knowledge, vivid visions and intense feelings to comfort You, my Lord and my beloved Mother, for the monstrous forgetfulness, indifference, and ingratitude of men on the incomprehensible benefits and effects of our Lord’s Redemptive Sacrifice. Forgetfulness of favors and gifts is a clear proof of contempt. Thus, I beg Your forgiveness as my soul stoops sinfully and shamefully before You for my lack of devotion and gratitude. What can I do to repay the Love of our heavenly Father Who has delivered His only-begotten Son to death for our sake, the sake of unworthy and despicable sinners? I would merit an eternal damnation in hell for this great offense alone if not for His unbounding mercy and kindness. May I piously cherish the memory of the holiest Passion to extinguish the contempt and pride the devil and his cohorts have while lavishing their blows upon the poor souls who, like myself, have ignored and disregarded as significant the Sufferings and Death, the Cross and Redemption of our Lord and Savior. May my soul plunge itself into the abyss of sorrows, repentance, anguishes, and love to do penance for my dreadful offense and if I could, I would beg our Savior and our most Sorrowful Mother undeservingly the grace for my sinful and ignorant brothers to be keenly aware of their monstrous ignorance and lack of loving devotions. Help me, a helpless creature, to stop this offense by keeping myself pure, chaste, and more meritable to God from one holy Communion to the next. Grant me the means and dedication for purification of my soul and body in order to implore effectively the divine grace and also to exemplify the life of a faithful servant and of a true Christian to my misguided or unguided neighbors. Dearest Mother, bless me to fortify my will in the practice of virtues. Grant me the divine Light to long for nothing but the Body and Blood of Christ as nobody but Himself is worthy and precious for men to possess. I now ask all the angels and saints in the heavenly Court to help me in praying the holy Mass in the most glorifying and praise-worthy manner to the Almighty God, and to receive the preciousBread of Heaven most reverently and lovingly. I present myself spiritually before the Throne of the Most High with head down, heart open, spirit filled, love outpouring, my whole being completely emptied to beg Him solicitously and remorsefully for mercy and forgiveness. Lord, have mercy on me, a wretched sinner. Mother, intercede for me. Amen. LIVE THE MASS: Do This in Remembrance of Me Receive My Eucharist in remembrance of Me. Receive My people in memories of Me. Feed them for memories of Me. Clothe them for memories of Me. Shelter them for memories of Me. Help them for memories of Me.

Love them in memories of Me. Forgive them in memories of Me. Lead them in memories of Me. Teach them in memories of Me. Console them in memories of Me. Saddened with them in memories of Me. Cry for them in memories of Me. Pray for them in memories of Me. And remember that I love them and I now plead for them. MEDITATION ON MOST UNFORTUNATE SOULS Woe to those who ignore the hour of death, Woe to those who do not meditate on the Judgment Court of the rigorous Judge, Woe to those who are forgetful of the eternal life, Woe to those who are deceived by the demons with absurd fallacies of atheism, of nonexistence of hell and eternal punishments, Woe to fool who lives without the thought of death, Woe to the blind who does not believe in the eternity of his souls, Woe to those who have received much and paid little as their accounts must be paid in full, as the Judge has been liberal to them, Woe to those who will stand before Him empty-handed, Woe to those who have been careless with their gifts and talents, they shall have to pay in full for their indiligence and indifference. They shall have to pay in full what they owe to their God, which is to utilize their blessings, to live their lives the best in all times and all circumstances without any forgetfulness, intermission, or carelessness of the divine generosities. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for my short-comings. Most holy and sorrowful Mother, pray for us. Amen. PRAYER FOR A HOLY DEATH Dearest Mother, you are the Immaculate Conception, born without the effects of the original sin, therefore, you did not have to pass through the portals of death, but you chose to experience death at the end of your earthly life to imitate and to love your most beloved Son most perfectly. Like you, may I satisfy the love I owe Him by choosing death also, the carnal death to myself; death to all my earthly desires, temptations and wants, death to my passions, my pride, my self-love, my opinions, my self-worth, my image, my honor, my privileges and status; death to everything, every enjoyment, every earthly joy but the love of Christ. The punishment of the original sin is death. The medicine for controlling its poisonous effects is mortification. Our Lord had lived His earthly life in His sacred but also most derided humanity according to all human standards. If I wish to bear His likeness, I must live such a life of frugality and derisions. My Lord and my Mother, grant me strength and courage to live such a life of complete detachments. May I learn to suffer for Christ while

enjoying the heavenly delight and comfort stemming from willful sacrifices, laying down my life for my Friend. May I live a holy life of which continuation is a holy death. I was born with the bondage of the original sin, may I live free of that bondage, to destroy its destructive effects by realizing that every day new desires, new temptations, and new passions can only chain my soul with new burdens and fetters under the tyranny of my hellish foes. May I live a carnal death so that when my physical death comes, I will be in the perfect union with my Savior and my Mother. I invoke your holy Name Mary now for the grace of a holy death. I beg you to bless me with a purer and simpler life, and your Advocacy on my behalf before the tribunal of the divine Mercy and Justice. In return, I pledge to venerate you in the special devotion to your Assumption and your Imitation of the Lord by your holy Death. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE GRACE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Lord the Holy Spirit, engrave in my heart the following truths concerning mortal men: labors for worldly riches while neglecting their spiritual poverty, covetousness of the eyes while being blinded to heavenly beauties, pride of life while not to see the eternal glory, desires of flesh while dimming the radiance of grace, transitory pleasures while putting an end to ever-lasting happiness, sowing earthly fortunes while reaping their misfortunes the life-after, cares for excessive carnal joys only to lament for the ruins of their souls. Amen. THE SOLEMNITY OF MOTHER OF GOD Mother of God, help us to know, to love, and to serve the Lord. Mother of heavenly Bliss, teach us to give thanks and praise. Mother of sorrows, may we bring you joy by constantly imploring your help. Mother of joy, help us to be sorrowful to sin. Mother of our Advocate, be ready to guide and assist your children. Mother of grace, intercede for us heavenly favors, teach us the great Prayer of Mass. Mother of clemency, implore the Almighty for mercies and pardons for our sins. Mother of glory, magnify the Lord our Creator and Savior on our behalf. Mother of intercessory Power, protect us with your maternal love. Mother of miracles, grant us the miracle of transformation by selfless charity. Mother of assistance, readily heed us whenever we call your glorious and blessed name MARY. Mother of the Most High, may we greatly revere you simply for your most sublime and highest Title. Mother of the Church, favor us generously, help us liberally to conform to the teachings of the Church and in propagation of Faith. Mother of families, be the patroness of all our families, encourage us how to love and pray together. Mother of souls, bring us to the everlasting friendship and sonship with God. Amen.


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