K. J. S.nriyr Coll.g.olf,nginFring (lr.rE ^ryour\o
] RC a5ofr.5-2003) - F711),3e:?e([)
(Lnrrnir) of vlnhai . Penocfl ArnfdionNo AtrrR$ogti t0r: or:o@olrr 0 | t@)
ot rdmm.rdir.n
t6ndn ^ru.
It ls{rth q€at pleasu€thatI wrnethis letterof reconmendatlon ttr Mr.Aneva Bondreas a prGpe.tie Gndldate for th€ t aste6 couR rn computef sden@ at your r.puted univeEity, I have known ameya sh.e lhe past three y€B 6nd hlve been hrs professorIn the subjeds of Theoreti€lcomput€rsdence,Database systemsandsystemsPtugrammins.I am ale Amey.'s prclc.t superul$r for the final year. He has b€.n a drlrgentonscrentroussbdent who has atwaysshownkeen rnterGt In his aedemlc woft. He waspun.tlal in compldinqasqnments and regurarIn attendane.There l.s and p€de€t .onord.nce In hls *hedol€ a(ordrnq to that of the orrege. Thrsis wid.nr from his marks. ameya sred 69 In Th@ret cal ComputerScrence systemsand73on 100in SystemsPrcq6mmlnq, , 54 in Databas€ Hisunderstanding oacomputersystemswasenh.ncedafiertak nq the @ue wrthm€. .ta andpa6ingt..hnlqus in@asedandhis overall understandlng of.ompll€G,l@deE,asmblec and proessffi wasamprrfied. Hb knowledge of databoses,6p€rally that of $an$dion pl,o.sing and sQL qoery lanqeqe was al$ He hassho'n *ell6t capdblity to undeEt.ndtehnrcal p.p€E, mprementth@ id€s and rork p.rsist.ntlyon the modulesundertake.thus rar andie curently @mpletmqhrsfinaly.ar prol..t on -Red Trarrlc RoutingsY3ten" whi.h deals with .na\alnq ed tramc patt€rns and perfominofrininqon qathereddata.a ro(nrnqabonthmrsthen ap9ri€dto provideuseEwnh th. best poslble path non surce to desthation,His Interp.Eona sklrs and group @, In @njlnctlon th sounda€demrcknwledqe,Am.ya wash as well. He B a mefrb€r ot the Inntut€ of Ere.frGl and Elect@ic EnsheeB, where he has p..trcrpated rn an Industrrar vish to R.l.sth.n and Asra.He hasalsovolunrmd for the IEEE fetrval "abhryamdkrn 2ooa. I stronglyrsommendadmrsronfor ameyaIn yourgraduate*h@r. I am @nlidst ttut he wirlnot onryftntlnle to b€ a promi5nqandconp.titiv. stud€ntbut wouldale b. dDableot efflci.ndy pertofrhg hrs dutr6 as a gradmte aspr6nt. I I sh him ar tiE su(€$ tor hls future FFm: fb|.lh.ttl R.ul prot-eri ]|a.arit o€9..t|t6t
ol conoutd
xJ. somry.