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75 Marks

Minimum Pass Marks


50 Marks


Course for B.A/ B.Sc / B.Sc. (Home Science) IB.Com / B.C.AJB.A. Management The question paper for FC Paper 2 English Language will Contain Five Units, Which are as under: UNIT-I Marks UNIT-II

Short answer Questions Reading comprehension and Vocabulary (10+05)



-315 Marks UNIT-III

Paragraph writing

15 Marks


Letter Writing (both format and inform ate)

15 Marks


Grammar (20 items form the prescribed text book to be asked and 15 to be attempted)

15 Marks

Structural Items: (i) Simple, compound and complex sentences, (ii) Co-ordinate clauses (with, but a or either-or, Neither-Nor, otherwise, or else) (iii) Subordinate clauses - noun clauses - as subject object and complement: Relative clauses (restrictive and non-restrictive clauses). Adverb clauses (open and hypothetical conditional, with because, though, here, so that, as long as, as soon as) (iv) Comparative Clauses (as+ adjective/adverb + as - no so nor that) Tenses:(i) Simple- present, progressive and present perfect. (ii) Simple part, progressive and past perfect. (iii) Indication of Futurity. The passive (Simple present and past, Present and past perfect and to infinitive structure. Reported Speech (i) Declarative sentences (ii) Imperatives (iii) Interrogatives - wh-questions, Yes / No Questions (iv) Exclamatory sentences. (v) Modals (Will, Shall, Should, would, ought to have to/have get to, can could, my-might and need) (vi) Verb structures (infinitives and gerundial) (vii) Linking devices NOTEThe above language items will be iterance to express the following communicative functions (a) Seeking and imparting information. (b) Expressing attitudes-intellectual and emotional. (c) Persuasion and dissuasion etc. Note:- Questions on all the Units shall be asked from the prescribed text, which will comprise specimens of popular creative writing and the following items:



Indian Art Meaning of Art, Features of Indian Art. Elementary knowledge of Paintings, MUSIC, Dancing, Sculpture Archaeology, Iconography & Other Social Arts.


Indian Literature Ancient Indian Literature Elementary knowledge of Vedic Literature, Mahabharata, Ramayan & Other Main Granthas. (c) Indian Freedom Struggle

Freedom Struggle of 1857, National Consciousness Non-Cooperation movement. Civil Disobedient Movement, Quit India Movement, Contribution of revolutionaries in freedom Struggle. (d) Indian Constitution Introduction, Main features of Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties.

Prescribed Book 1.

English Language and

Published by :

Indian Culture.

M.P. Hindi Granth Academy Bhopal.

APPLIED ECONOMICS GROUP PAPER - I BUSINESS ECONOMICS (Question will be set from each unit-I section) M.M. - 75 UNIT-I

Definition of Economics. Concept of Micro and Macro Economics, methods of Study (Deductive and inductive). Economics laws and their nature. Significance of Economics. Basic problem of an Economics.


Elasticity of Demand: Concept and Measurement of elasticity of demand price, income and cross elasticity's, average revenue, marginal revenue, and elasticity of demand, Determination of elasticity of demand, importance of elasticity of demand.



Factors of Production: Land, labor. Theories of population, division of labor, efficiency of labor Capital organization, the scale of production large and small. Production Function: Law of variable proportion, Economics regions and optimum factors combination, Expansion path, Returns to scale, Internal and External Economics and diseconomies.


Markets and their classification. Cost of production, Prime Cost and Supplementary Cost, Concept of Opportunity Cost. Analysis of revenue. Price determination in short and long period, under the conditions of perfect competitions. Monopoly and Imperfect competition. Control of monopoly.


Interest: Concept and theories of interest, Profit-nature, concepts and theories of profit, Rent-concept, Ricardian and Modern Theories of rent quotient. Theories of wages.

Suggested Readings: 1. Micro Economics Theory and Application: 13 rowing Edger K. and Browning Jacqueline M. Kalayani, New Delhi. 2. Price Theory and Its Uses: Wa-ton I) onald S. and Gelz Mocolm, Khosla Publishing House, New Delhi. 3. Modern Microeconomics: Koutsoyiaruji A. : MacMillan, New Delhi. 4. The Essence of Business Economics: Nellis & Parker: Prentice Hall, New Delhi. 5. Business Economics: Ahuja H.I. S.Chand & Co., New Delhi. 1

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8- O;olkf;d vFkZ'kkL= &

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PAPER-II BUSINESS ENVIRONEMNT Detailed Course Inputs (Based on the Syllabus Provided by the U.G.C.) (Question will be set from each unit I section) M.M. - 75 UNIT-I

Indian Business Environment- Concept, Components, Economics Environment, Non-Economic Environment, (Social, Cultural, Politicallegal environment) Importance.



Economic trends (over view) : Income, Savings and Investment, Structure of Indian Industry-Public and Private sector, Trade (Foreign) Balance, of Payments, Recent Policies - Money, Finance, Prices.


Problems of Growth: Unemployment, poverty, Regional imbalances, Social injustice, Inflation, parallel economy, Industrial sickness. The current five year plan, Major policies, Resource allocation.


Role of government: Monetary and fiscal policy, Industrial Policy, Industrial Licensing, Privatization, Liberalization, Globalization, ExportImport Policy, Regulation of foreign investment, Collaborations in the light of recent changes.


International trading environment, trends of world trade and the problems of developing countries, international economic grouping GATT, WTO, World Bank, IMF, UNCTAD.

Suggested Readings: 1. Agarwal AN. Indian Economy: Vikas Pub. House Delhi. 2. S.K. Mishra & V.K. Pun: Indian Economy, Himialaya Pub. Delhi. 3. Khan Farooq : Business and Society, S. Chand, Delhi. 4. Sundaran & Black: The International Business Environment, Practice Hall New Delhi. 5. Dutt Ruddar: Economic 'Refonns in India: India~~cntique, S. Chand New Delhi. Factor Pricing-II: Interests-concept and theories of interest, Profit-nature, concepts and theories of profit. Suggested Readings: 1. John P. Gould, Jr. and Edward P. Lazear, Micro-economic Theory, All India Traveller, Delhi. 2. Brewing Edger K and Browing Jacquenlece M. Micro Economic Theory and Applications, Kalyani, New Delhi. 3. Wastson Donald S. and Getz M Qlcolln : Price Theory and its Uses: Khosal Publishing House. New Delhi. 4. Koutscyi:mni A : Modern Micro Economics, Macmillan, New Delhi. 5. Richard G. Lipsey: An Introduction to Positive Economics, ELBS, Oxford. 6. Stigler G.: The Theory of Price, Prentice Hall of India 7. Nellis & Parker: The Essence of Business Economics, Prentice Hall, New Delhi. 8. Ferguson P.R. and Rothschild R. and Ferguson G.J.: Business Economics, MacMillan, hampshire.


-79. Ahuja H.L. : Business Economics, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi. ACCOUNTING GROUP PAPER I FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Detailed Course (Based on the Syllabus Provided by the U.G.C.) (Question will be set from each unit-I section) UNIT-I


M.M. - 75 Definition, Development and objectives of accounting. Basic Concepts, Principles, Postulates and Conventions of accounting. Rules and their application related to maintenance of journal and ledger. Sub-division of journal, Preparation of Trial Balance. Errors and their rectification. Final Accounts: Preparation of manufacturing, Trading, Profit & Loss A/c and Balance with adjustments. Accounting of Non-Trading Institutions. Depreciation, Provision and Reserves: Concept of depreciation, methods of depreciation, Depreciation accounting, Depreciation policy, Accounting, Standard: 4 Provisions and reserves. Consignment Accounts.


Higher-Purchase and installment purchase system, meaning of hirepurchase contract, Legal. Provision regarding hire-purchase contract, accounting records for goods of substantial sale values, and accounting records for goods of small sale values, Account of installment purchase system.


Branch Accounts: Dependent branch, Debtors system, Stock and Debtor system, Final Accounts system, Wholesale branch, Independent branch, foreign branch.


Partnership Accounts: Essential characteristics of partnership, Partnership Deed, Final Accounts, Adjustments after closing the accounts, Fixed and Fluctuating Capital, Goodwill, Joint Life Policy, Change in Profit Sharing Ratio: Reconstitution of a partnership firmAdmission of a partner, Retirement of a partner, Death of a partner.


Amalgamation of partnership firms: Dissolution of a partnership Firm. Modes of dissolution of a firm, Accounting entries, Insolvency of partners, Sale of firm to a company, Gradual realization of assets and piecemeal distribution. Accounting standards (Only Outlines) Indian and International.

Suggested Readings: 1. Anthony, R.N. and Reece J.S. : Accounting Principles, Richard Irwin Inc. 2. Gupta, R.L. and Radhswamy, M. : Financial Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi. 3. Mangal Dr. Ramesh : Financial Accounting /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch4/9181503.doc

-84. Monga LR., Ahuja Girish and Sehgal Ashok : Financial Accounting, Mayur Paper Back, Noida. 5. Shukla M.C., Grewal T.S. and Gupta, S.C. : Advanced Accounts, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi 6. Sulka S.M. : Financial Accounting 7. Compendium of Statement and Standards of Accounting: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi. 8. Agarwala A.N. Agrawala K.N. : Higher Sciences of Accountancy: Kitab Mahal Allahabad

9. eaxy MkW- jes'k% foRrh; ys[kkadu 10. P.C. Tulsyan

: Principles of Accounting

11. Mukherjee Vahnif : Modern Accounting 12. S.P. Jain: Narang

: Advanced Accountancy

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14. Dr.J.K. Jain: Advanced Accounting

ACCOUNTING GROUP PAPER-II BUSINESS MATHEMATICS Detailed Course Inputs (Based on the syllabus Provided by the U.G.C.) (Question will be set from each unit I section) UNIT-I

Ratio: Profit Ratio, sacrifice ratio and gain ratio, Percentage Application of percentage in calculating cost and invoice price, managers commission, discount, commission and brokerage, average, Profit and Loss.


Calculus (Problems and theorems involving trigonometrically ratios are not to be done) : Elementary differentiation - partial derivatives up to second order, Homogeneity of functions, Maximum and Minima, cases of one variable Euless' theorem.


Elementary Matrices and Determinants, Definition of a matrices types of matrices - Algebra of matrices, Elementary properties of determinants, calculation of values of determinants up to second order.


Logarithms. Linear Programming, Graphical method of solution, Problems relating to two variables including the case of mixed constraints. Simplex Method - Solution of problems up to two variables.



Simple & Compound Interest and Annuities: different types of interest rates, concept of present value and amount of a sum types of annuities, present value and amount of an annuities including the cases of continuous compounding problems relating to sinking fund.

Suggested Readings: 1. Allen RG.D. : Basic mathematics, MacMillan, New Delhi. 2. Dowling ET. : Mathematics for Economics, Schaum Series, Mc. Graw Hill London.

3. O;olkf;d xfr.k% MkW- jes'k eaxy 4. O;olkf;d xf.kr% ih-ds5. Loomba, Paul: Linear Programming, Tata M.C. Graw Hill, New Delhi. 6. Vohra, N.D. Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata Mc. Graw Hill, New Delhi. 7. Soni, R.S. Business Mathematics, Pitamber Publishing House 8. Kapoor, V.K. Business Mathematics, Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi. 9. Holden Mathematics for Business and Economics, MacMillan India, New Delhi

10.MkW- 'kekZ % e/;izns'k xzaFk vdkneh

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT GROUP PAPER - I BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (Question will be set from each unit I section) Max. Marks: 75 Course input details (Syllabus) Objective: The objective of this course its to develop effective business communication skill of oral and written among the students. UNIT-I





importance I managers, communication theories and process. Symbiotic interactionism Information theory - Interaction theory, Transaction theory, Elements of communication, Importance of feedback. UNIT-II

Dimensions of Communication & Directions of Communication. Media / Means of communication - Verbal (Oral & Written) non-verbal Oral


- 10 Communication,






communication. UNIT-III

Non-Verbal Communication - Body language / Kinesics, para language, sign language / Visual and Audio Elements, Channels of Communication formal, informal/Grapevine, Barriers to communication. Oral






Discussions, Conference. UNIT-IV






Disadvantages and importance. Need of business letters, kinds of business letters, Writing Skills. Essentials of an effective business letter. Structure of a business letter, Enquiries, Replies, Orders, Credit and Reference letters, supply letter, dunning letters, Sales letters, circular letters. UNIT-V

Drafting: Official letters, D.O., letters, Application for jobs. Report Writing, Importance of reports, types of business reports, Chairman Speech, Reports of Committees. Modern Forms of Communicating Fax, E-mail, Video conferencing, International (Communication Adapting to global business).

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT GROUP PAPER-II BUSINESS REGULATORY FRAMEWORK (Question will be set from each unit I section) Max. Marks - 75 Objective: The objective of this course is to provide a brief idea about the framework of Indian business laws. Course Inputs UNIT-I

Law of contract (1872): Nature of contract, Classification, Offer and acceptance, Consideration,

Capacity Legality

of of

Parties object,








Performance of contract, Discharge of contract, Remedies for breach of contract


- 11 UNIT-II

Special contracts: Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment and Pledge, Agency.


Sale of Goods Act 1930 : Formation of contracts of sale, Goods and their classification, price, Conditions and warranties, Transfer of property in goods, Performance of the contract of sales, unpaid seller and his rights, sale by auction, Hire purchase agreement.










instruments, features, Promissory note, Bill of exchange & cheque, holder and holder in the due course, crossing of a cheque, types of crossing, Negotiation, Dish on our and Discharge of negotiable instrument. UNIT-V

The Consumer Protection Act 1986: Salient features, Definition of consumer Grievance redressed machinery.

Foreign Exchange Management Act 2000 Definition and main provisions. Suggested Readings: 1. Desai T.R : Indian Contract Act, Sale of Goods Act and partnership Act, S.C. Sarkar & Sons Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata. 2. Khergamwala J.S. : Negotiable Instruments Act, N.M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai. 3. SA Sarlekar : Com. Law. 4. Singh Avtar : The Principles of Mercantile Law, Estern Book Company, lucknow. 5. Kuchal M.C. : Business Law, Vijkas Publishing House, New Delhi. 6. Gulshan S.S. Commercial Laws. 7. Kapoor N.D. Business Law 8. Chandha P.R : Business Law, Galgotia, New Delhi. 9. Mangal & Tanna : Commercial Law, 10. Sharma H.C. : Commercial Law 11. B.L Gupta: Commercial Law RC. Agrawal Commercial Law

SYLLABUS FOR VOCATIONAL SUBJECTS Note: (1) Only for regular students of the College in which the teaching of the said /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch4/9181503.doc

- 12 subject exists. (2) Regular students can offer one vocational subject in place of applied Economics Group. Vocational Subject : 1. Computer Application 2. Office Management & Secretarial Practice 3. Principles & Practice of Management of Insurance. 4. Tax Procedure & Practices. 4. Tourism & Travel Management. 5. Foreign Trade Practices & Procedure 6. Advertising Sales Promotion & sales Management

Structure of Vocational Course COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (At First Degree Level) Year Paper

Maximum Marks

Lec.I Pract. Exam Per Week Hrs.

Computer Fundamentals Introduction to IBM PC





Operating System





Business Data Processing




Total Theory Marks Pass Marks Expt. Marks Record Marks Viva Marks Total Marks Pass Marks

100 33 30 10 10 50 17

I Yr. I


Name of Paper


Maximum marks-4O,

Exam Hrs.-3 Marks- 40

This paper comprises of two sections. Each section contains three units. Two questions will be asked from each unit and students will be asked to attempt six questions in all taking one from each unit.



What is a computer - an introduction. Uses of computers in modern society e.g. weather forecasting, census, oil exploration, speech recognition, banking, accounting, publishing, research etc.


Information concept and processing - evaluation of information processing data, information, language and communication Hardware features and use - CPU, I/O devices. Storage devices and media.


Element of Computer Processing System - Hardware, Software Computer Capabilities and limitations, Concept of files' and directories. Variety of hardware systems and features. Various types of computers available in market. Micro, Mini & Mainframe, Super Computers. Introduction to networking, multiprocessing, time sharing, multitasking and real time computing. SECTION - 8: INTRODUCTION TO IBM PC


Evaluation of personnel computers, commodore, Atari, A apple, IBM PC. Basic block diagram of computer. Difference between Personal and Mainframe Simply operating system, Easy to use, less memory, Dedicated, Normally single user. Block diagram of IBM PC. Introduction to 8086 & 8088. Functional description of various modules and cards. Boot process in IBM PC. System files. Self test.


Various types of displays and other peripherals used in IBM PCs. Introduction to Microprocessors and associated components. Timers, Display controllers, DMA controller. Diagnostic of IBM PC, use of Norton utilities and other package for undeleting a file and other system maintenance jobs. Advances version of IBM PCs and compatible.


Disk Operating System - Introduction, Batch files, Comfit Files, Com, Exe, Sys., Bin, Txt files. Introduction to programming in Pascal Development of programs in Pascal. Use of graphics facilities using Pascal. PAPER-II

Lecture Per Week - 3,


Maximum Marks - 30

This paper contains five units. Two questions will be asked from each unit and


- 14 students will be asked to attempt five questions in all taking one from each unit. UNIT-I

Introduction to various categories of software's. Operating system and its functions. Interaction of operating system with hardware and user programs.


Various components of operating system with reference to DOS. Single user operating system. Task loader. Memory management. File management. Directory structure in DSO, Moving, Renaming, Copying, Deleting, Undeleting files under DOS.


Device management. Control of various devices. Device drivers. Interrupt driven and poll driven data transfers. Need of hardware and software protocols. BIOS, DOS, internal anc;! external commands. Use of DOS Commands taking and restoring backups. BIOS and DOS interrupts.


Multi user, Multitasking, Multi Processing and real time operating systems. Introduction to memory management techniques File systems. File management. Process management and scheduling.


Special requirements and facilities for multiprocessing environment. Examples of multiprocessing operating systems. Introduction to UNIX. User management in UNIX.UNIX commands.



Lectures Per Week - 3 , Exams Hrs. - 3

Maximum Marks - 30

This paper contains five units. Two questions will be asked from each unit and students will be asked to attempt five questions in all taking one from each unit. UNIT-I

Introduction to data processing, records and files, data collection, preparation, verification, editing and checking.


Business files. Introduction to data structures. Elements, fields and records. Classification of files. Master files, Transaction files.


Overview of business functions. Use of computer system for business applications. e.g. standard business system, A/c receivable, payable, sales/ marketing, inventory.


Spread sheet, macros. Use of spread sheets in business.


- 15 UNIT-V

Distributed processing. Various facilities for business computing. Introduction to database.

PRACTICALS Maximum Marks - 50 Experiment Marks - 30

Exams Hrs. - 3 Practical per week - 6 Record Marks - 10 Viva Marks- 10

List of experiments should be made from the following matter: A) COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Visit to computer lab. Introduction to various components of a computer. A simple documentation preparation and printing. Usage of printer and other components. B) INTRODUCTION TO IBM PC Physical inspection of IBM PC and internal cards. Introduction to nomenclature (Com1, Com 2 etc.). Writing batch file for various purposes. Modifying comfit. Sys files Creating Ram disk. Diagnostic on IBM PC. Controlling PC hardware using BASIC programme. C) OPERATING SYSTEM Development of batch - file to install a software from floppy to disk. Development c a batch file to manage various packages on the disk. Detection of viruses and protection on IBM PC. Using shell scripts for elementary data processing. Creation of shell script to manage disk quota on a UNIX system. Creation of shell script to manage mail. Using she scripts for processing data. D) BUSINESS DATA PROCESSING Analysis of a business system on a paper. Using spread sheets for payroll, balance sheets and other business application_ Design of packages using spread sheet macros.
