Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah The Easy Way
Basic Course Lesson - 23 1
Lesson Plan Hadith Quran
- Duas before sleep up
and after getting
-Forms for
َ , دَعَا َشاء
َجاء َ (Verbs with a weak letter)
Motivational tip Reminders 2
HADITH An-Nawwas bin Sam`an (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying,
"The Qur'an and its people who applied it, will be brought on the Day of Resurrection preceded with Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al`Imran arguing on behalf of those who applied them.'' [Muslim]
Everyday recitations
Open your notes & Take out your pencil Let us study it verse by verse. Keep looking at your notes for writing imp. points ….
Before sleep
َ ح َي ْ وأ َ ك أ َموت ّ َ َ َ م س ا ب م ه لل ِ ْ ِ ّ ُ ا ُ ُ ا and I live
I die
In Your name
O Allah!
First person….. 1st Person
ُ أَفْعَل--- َأَحْيَا، ُأَمُوت I do.
I live
I die
Prayer Before Sleep Propagate the message that the purpose of our lives is to live and die for Him.
Plan for the next day. Allot some of your time, money, and effort for Allah’s Deen for the next day.
O Allah! In Your name, do I die and do I live.
What % of my time, money, and efforts are spent for the sake of Allah? Am I really living in His name? 9
Before sleep (Another prayer)
َ َ عذَاب ك َ Your punishment
قنِي ِ
ّ َ َّ ه م لل ُ ا
Save / protect O Allah! me from 10
Before sleep
َ َعبَاد ك ِ
ث ُ ع َ ْ م تَب َ و ْ َي
Your slaves
on the day You will raise
After getting up
َّ َ حيَا َن ِ ال ْ ذ أ ا ي gave us life
ه ِ ِ لل
ْ َ ل د م ح ُ ْ َ ا
(be) to All praise and Who Allah thanksgiving 12
After getting up
َْ وإِل ي َ ُ ُ ّ الن شوُر ه ِ (is) the resurrec tion
and unto Him
َ ماتَنَا َ أ
د َ ع ْ َب ما َ
He had given us after death
Third person…..
ت َ مَا
حَ ّي
He gave death
He died
Both are 3rd person; Advanced forms
He gave life
He lived 14
Prayer After Getting up He gave another day to live and do something for our life after death. Propagate the message that the purpose of our lives is to live and die for Him.
Plan for the day. Allot some of your time, money, and effort for Allah’s Deen for the next day.
Praise and thanks be to Allah who has given us life…
As a sign of thanks (by action), am I planning to spend sometime for his Deen (study Al-Qur’an, spread the message…) or just get up and live like15
Silent Study for 2 min. Use your pencil to mark or underline new words. And now translate… 16
Supplications Before Sleep
َ ّ َ َ َ • ت مو أ ك م س ا ب م ه ل ل ا ِ ُ ّ ِ ْ ُ ُ َ حيَا َوأ ْ م ِقنِي عَذَا َبكَ • اَللّهُ َّ
After getting up
َّ ْ َ ذي ه ال ِ مدُ لل ِ ال َ ح ْ َ عدَ حيَانَا ب َ ْ أ ْ
َ َ ه ا ن ت ما أ ما َ َ وإِل ْي ِ َ َ َ
– قواعد Grammar
Let us Revise the last class 20
Weak Letters Weak or ‘sick’ letters () حروف علت. Why ‘sick’ ((? عِلَة Because the sounds of these 3 letters are that of a sick person!! (ooo!, aaa!, eee!). They are weak because they get ‘tired’. Beauty is that they work in a team! They keep replacing each other!!!
ُقَالَتْ تَقُول
1719* 90% of 1719 forms are the ones we are practicing here.
When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs
b .. صُر ُ ْ يَن،صَر َ َن
He said
قَالَ يَقُو ُل َقَالُوا يَقُولُون
ت تَقُولُ قُلْ لَ تَقُ ْل َ ُْقل قُلْتُمْ تَقُولُو َن قُولُوا لَ تَقُولُوا َ َُ ْ مقول،ئل قا ِ َ قول
َأقُو ُل ُنَقُول
ُ ُْقل ت قُلْنَا
Today’s Class
He was
كَان يَكُو ُن كَانُوا يَكُونُونَ
كَانَتْ تَكُونُ
ت تَكُو ُن كُ ْن لَ تكُ ْن كُنْ َ كُنْتُمْ تَكُونُونَ كُونُوا لَ تَكُونُوا
كُنْتُ كُنّا
أَكُو ُن نَكُونُ
َ َ ُ كاِئن َ ْ ،مكون كون
When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs
زَادَتْ َتزِيدُ
زَادَ َيزِي ُد زَادُوا َيزِيدُونَ ِز ْد لَ ت ِز ْد ت َتزِيدُ ِزدْ ّ ِزدْتّمْ َتزِيدُو َن زِيدُوا لَ َتزِيدُوا ِزدْ ّ ت ِزدْنَا
أَزِي ُد َنزِيدُ
َ َ زاِئدَ ،مِزيد ِزيادة
When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs
Motivational tip
15 minutes Overtime Everyday (For those who say, “I am busy.”) Suppose my company announces, “If you do 15 minutes overtime everyday, you will get 25 % Salary increase.” All of us will GRAB the opportunity. No one will say, “I AM BUSY.” Suppose we earn 2000 units (Dollar, Euros, Dirhams, …) per month. 25% of it will be 500; Per day – 20 If I am ready for this job but not for Al-Qur’an, then for in real terms, in a sense, the value of Qur’an is not even 20!!! 27
Overtime for 200 hours? (For those who study Qur’an at snail’s pace.) Suppose my company announces, “If you do 200 extra hours of work in your service, you will get 200,000 (whatever units of money). Do it 1 hr/day or 1 hr/week. Get 200,000 when you complete 200 hours. Each one of us will try to complete 200 hours asap! No one will complain of “““No Time””” We will say: Let us do it asap, get the money, buy a house or car, and enjoy the rest of life. 28
Overtime for 200 hours? Understanding Qur’an requires almost 200 hours of dedication. Once we do that, we can live the rest of life in full Qur’anic light. If we go at the snail’s pace of 1 page per week, it will take 12 years!!! Should we not complete it asap so that we can live the rest of our lives in full Qur’anic light, under Allah’s LIVE guidance? 29
Remember Dua Pray to Allah after almost every Salah that Allah give you the persistence
Do the 7+2 Homeworks Fill up the Worksheets 30
Be ready for the next lesson! Allah has chosen you to learn Qur’an. Thank Him & don’t reject his selection by walking away! Don’t give up!
َ َ حان ك َ ْ سب َ ِ ن اللهِ وَب َ حا َ ْ سب ُ ِمدِه ُ ْ ح َ ِ مد َ ك ح ب و م َ ْ ِ َ ّ ُالله َ َ َ َ َ َفُرك ّ ّ ْ َن ِ ْستَغ ْ َت ن َ ْ ه إِل أن َ شهَد ُ أن ل إِل َ