December 2007
To whom this may concern RE; Dot-Matrix-Coding and Aesculap/Downs Instruments
Aesculap in Germany have conducted instrument analysis on our instruments with the Dot-Matrix-Coding on our behalf. A variety of instruments with the Dot-Matrix-Marking were repeatedly processed through a washer disinfector machine and steam steriliser following standard HTM 2030 and HTM 2010 guidelines, for an average of 150 cycles. Each instrument was analysed and assessed at pre-determined stages for signs of corrosion and or complications affecting the performance of the instrument. Whilst our results cannot be guaranteed for the surface quality of instruments undergoing other reprocessing regimes, we established that the instruments in our testing showed no evidence of corrosion or complications. We can also not guarantee the effects of Dot-Matrix-Marking on any other companies instruments.
Yours sincerely
Mark Storr Mark Storr Senior Product Marketing Manager Surgical Technology