Bbhop Volunteer Recruitment Information

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 558
  • Pages: 2
MISSION On Saturday, November 7, 2009, the Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program (BBHOP) will launch its Los Angeles Initiative in over 100 barbershops across Los Angeles County. Implemented nationwide, BBHOP’s mission is to underscore the need for African American men to adopt healthier lifestyles, promote awareness and early detection of diabetes, hypertension and prostate cancer. BACKGROUND The inception of the program grew out of recognizing the barbershop as a centralized gathering place for black men that can also be used as a medium to link men to health resources. The Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program was spearheaded by Founder, Executive Director and Charles Drew University Associate Professor Dr. Bill J. Releford, DPM. Under his direction, the program will employ these barbershops as platforms to disseminate health education information and give screenings to black men, who exhibit poorer health outcomes than any other racial group in America. Dr. Releford established this novel health project that has already garnered national distinction from such mainstream media as Newsweek, NBC Nightly News and the Los Angeles Times. WHAT WE WILL DO Working directly in participating barbershops, a collection of nurses, physicians and volunteers will provide: 1.) health information 2.) diabetes and hypertension screenings and 3.) referrals to no or low-cost primary care providers. With the valued contribution from UCLA physician Dr. Stanley K. Frencher Jr., MD MPH, BBHOP will expand its widely successful three-tiered program to include its new initiative, “PEP Talk,” the Prostate Education Project, which will engage African American men in a constructive and informative conversation concerning prostate cancer. HOW YOU CAN HELP: If you have any CLINICAL EXPERIENCE, you will: 1.) Provide blood pressure measurements 2.) Aid in blood glucose measurements 3.) Assist in providing health care information concerning diabetes, hypertension and prostate cancer. For those with NON-CLINICAL EXPERIENCE, you will: 1.) Help eligible men in enrolling in public programs (esp. Medi-Cal) 2.) Distribute health care information concerning diabetes, hypertension and prostate cancer to barbershop patrons 3.) Distribute and assist patrons in filling out intake forms. 4.) Assist in other event-related activities. ORIENTATION & TRAINING A formal orientation & training will occur 2 weeks prior to the event. At that time, we will teach you and demonstrate how to fill out an intake form, how to approach patrons and persuade them to participate in our program as well as learn more about BBHOP’s purpose. Specifically for those with clinical experience, you will receive training on using a new glucometer for diabetes screening. HIPAA training will be provided for select volunteers. Time and place TBA.


THE DAY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE We need you for the day of the event, November 7, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at barbershops located in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Join us on this special occasion in making a potent impact across Los Angeles area network. VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION To register as a volunteer or learn more about the Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program, please visit FOR MORE INFORMATION Need help in signing up? Have questions or like to help in our endeavor in some other capacity? You can email Margo Wade-LaDrew, National Events & Program Director, at [email protected] or Mawuse K. Gbegnon, BBHOP research associate, at [email protected] with your: 1.) Contact information—phone and email 2.) Specify if you do or do not have clinical experience 3.) Question and/or comments


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