Batam Nongsa Ocip

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  • November 2019
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Proposal An
Project Prepared by : Pauline Ng

CONTENTS Objective................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Goals....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Project Outline........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Structure of Main Committee................................................................................................................................................. 5 Project Timeline Brief............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Budgeted Cost Plan................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Reimbursement Structure........................................................................................................................................................7 Appendix A - Main Committee Roles & Responsibilities...................................................................................................... 8 Project Director................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Second In Charge & Camp Overall In Charge....................................................................................................................8 Admin & Finance................................................................................................................................................................8 IT Media & Marketing........................................................................................................................................................8 Logistics & Sponsorship..................................................................................................................................................... 8

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Prepared by Pauline Ng


Create awareness amongst SMU Students, of the poverty situation in the Nongsa child care centre Create awareness amongst SMU students, Yaya-San Foundation and its charity services Distribute daily necessities, toys and educational tools and resources during visit Educate the children with Basic Math and English during visits Educate nuns or helpers on teaching methods so are able to teach the children effectively subsequently

GOALS     

Recruit a team of a 5-man committee to head the project for 1 year Recruit a team of 15 to 20 members to perform duties for the 3 phases Garner sponsorship for at least 1 or 2 students to regularly visit Batam to tutor the children and to educate the nuns on educational methods Produce media materials, including photos, videos, slideshows etc for publicity purposes Prepare a 1-year continuation plan for successive teams to carry on with the project

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To achieve goals and objectives as mentioned, the project has been broken down into 3 phases, namely, “Awareness & Recruitment”, “Action & Interaction” and finally, “Reflection & Continuation”. These 3 phases of the project will all contribute to helping us achieve the aim to help the children in the long run. The volunteers will aim to educate and share with, not only the children, but also, the teachers (nuns) of the care centre so that they will be empowered to better educate the children.

3|Batam Nongsa OCIP

Prepared by Pauline Ng

PROJECT OUTLINE Phases 1 – Awareness

2 - Interaction

Phase Summary This phase is essential in creating awareness and credibility of the project, as we will be doing recruitment, donation collection and sponsorship garnering during this phase.

Objectives    

Programmes will be planned out for  a 4 - 7 day camp to be held in Batam.  Objectives of the camp will be defined when camp team is formed  and Programmes head will take the lead for the planning and implementing the camp

3 - Sustainability

Without over-promising, we will  come up with a 1 year plan, as well as mini-proposals, where the former will look into the next camp 6  months later, and where the latter helps create a ready platform for students who are willing to visit Batam once or twice a month to  tutor the children to do so. 

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Create Video, Presentation and Photo exhibition of our beneficiaries Recruitment of sub-committee members will begin through talks and interviews Prepare Media Kit for press coverage Marketing is essential in this phase as we create awareness activities, ie, prepare recruitment talks and gather sponsorship for the project Planning of camp, including logistics, sponsorships and HR issues Objectives of the camp is defined and enabled by camp activities, bearing in mind sustainability issues A donation campaign of between 3 - 5 days will be set-up in SMU for collection of children’s clothes, books, bookshelves, toys, bags etc Seek sponsorship from the foundation for transport sponsorship for students who volunteers to teach in Batam regularly Create video, presentation slide-shows, photo exhibition for Yaya-San Foundation and SMU for future usage, it will serve as motivation and evidence of CIP efforts After action review, and improve on the next plan Succession planning: gather next team of leaders of this project

Prepared by Pauline Ng

STRUCTURE OF MAIN COMMITTEE Main committee is expected to commit for a period of 10 months, for all 3 proposed phases, until handover to the next committee next Summer. This is to ensure that the long term execution of the project to be as smooth as possible.

Refer to Appendix A for details on roles & responsibilities of each

5|Batam Nongsa OCIP

Prepared by Pauline Ng

PROJECT TIMELINE BRIEF Date/Month November 2008

Task     

June 2009 – July 2009

Formation of Main Committee Member Clarification of roles & responsibilities Check available tour date to Batam for recce trip Detailed timeline drafted Outline of sub-committee requirements/ roles & responsibilities drafted  Batam recce trip and introduction of committee to Yayasan  Photos and Information about the Batam Orphanage to be gathered during trip  Sub Committee Recruitment and confirmation  Camp Committee Confirmation Break up in teams  Prepare for 3 Day Donation Drive  Start Camp Planning  Full Camp Programme to be out  3 Day Donation Drive in week 10 – 10th to 12th  Prepare logistics and AOM for Camp  Pre-Camp weekly meetings  Camp to be held on 4th to 8th  AAR and Post Camp meeting  Formation of next Main Committee  Continuation Plan completed BREAK

August 2009

Start Preparing for next Phase of Batam Camp

December 2008

January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009

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Prepared by Pauline Ng

BUDGETED COST PLAN PHASE Pre Phase 1 Awareness & Recruitment Action & Interaction

Reflection & Continuation

Total Estimated Cost

BUDGETED COST Transport  Students to prepare $50 for site recce visit in December No expected cost as everything will be prepared by the students Camp  Such as Food, First Aid Kit, Boxes, Stationary, Printing, Transport of donation etc  Budget of no more than $800  Students to purchase personal insurance upon embarking on the project, cost TBC Transport  Yayasan to sponsor transport between accommodation location and child care centre, ie, Car/Bus ride  Yayasan to sponsor ferry tickets for 20 students, approximately $1000 in total.  Ferry tickets can be paid for by the students if it is not within Yayasan’s budget Miscellaneous  Printing of marketing materials, stationery etc  Budget of no more than $150 Sponsored  $1950 Individual Students (Main Committee)  $100 to $150 (dependant on cost of Insurance) Per Student (Sub Committee)  $50 to $100

REIMBURSEMENT STRUCTURE Yayansan to provide a upfront sponsorship via Cheque, which will be held in an SMU bank account to be opened by Office of Finance. Students can then be reimbursed according to any related expenditure monthly. All claims will be recorded and only claimable with receipt as proof of purchase.

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Prepared by Pauline Ng

APPENDIX A - MAIN COMMITTEE ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES PROJECT DIRECTOR Delegation & Oversee Progress of all three phases Liaise with OCS & YayaSan Liaise with potential external partners such as PR firm or media Keep track of number of hours from team Handles sub-committee members Head Phase 2 of project Work on the long term planning of the project Work closely with entire Committee

SECOND IN CHARGE & CAMP OVERALL IN CHARGE Person will take over as Project Director the next time round Assist project director in planning Assist project director in dealing with sub-committee Head the planning of the camp Oversee the running of the camp Person must be committed and possess good leadership abilities

ADMIN & FINANCE Collection of receipts and reimbursement of claims Budgeting & Accounting Oversee Administration & Financial matters Work closely with sponsorship head Person must be meticulous and conscientious

IT MEDIA & MARKETING Designing of publicity materials Liaise with Photographer Design/print/upload and convert photos into necessary formats Person must possess Photoshop skills, basic video editing skills and moderate to highly skilled IT knowledge

LOGISTICS & SPONSORSHIP Keep track of all donation items In charge of any items that the team bought All other logistics matters when need arises, eg. Exhibition boards, booking of concourse area with OFM etc Person must be meticulous and responsible Garner sponsorships in kind Work closely with Admin & Finance Person must be able to multitask well, great with people and meticulous

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Prepared by Pauline Ng

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