Basic Scripture Memory Review Instructions

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 2
Start your memorization with a commitment of 1 or 2 verses a week. Put the verse(s) in the outside front window of your verse pack. At the end of the week put the verse(s) in the inside pocket of the verse pack and put a new verse(s) in the outside front window. Then each day review your new verse(s) and your last weeks verse(s). Repeat this pattern until you have about 12 to 24 verses memorized. Thus you are reviewing not only (a) new verse(s) daily but also your 12 to 24 that you have previously memorized.

After a while it will take too much time to review all of your verses daily. But then again, you will now know many of your early verses so well that they will only have to be reviewed once a week. Therefore, when the number of verse begins to exceed 12 to 24, start placing those verses that you know well into a box, labeled Sunday through Saturday.

Thus once you have a lot of verses memorized, each day you will be memorizing verses following this cycle: Memorize 1 or 2 new verses from your outside window of your scripture memory pack, Review your latest 12 to 24 verses contained within your pack, Review your well-known verses for the appropriate day which you have pulled out from your scripture memory box and placed in the other inside pocket of your scripture memory pack.

By not reviewing your well known verses so often (once a week, maybe even once a month) you can be assured of not having to spend so much time in memory and review on a daily basis and yet, you can memorize and retain hundreds of verses.

Read through the following outline to further your conviction to memorize scripture.

I. KNOWLEDGE - Is it recommended or commanded to memorize scripture? Deut 6:6-9 Prov 3:1 Prov 7:2,3 Prov 22:17-19 II. ATTITUDE - What does our attitude towards the Word reveal about our relationship with God? John 14:21 Job 23:12 Jer 15:16 Matt 4:1-11

Why do you think that David was a man after God's own heart? 1Sam 13:13,14 Psalms 119 III. MOTIVATION A. God will be pleased Prov 8:35 B. Pure thought life Phil 4:8 C. Victory over temptation Psalms 119:9-11 D. Growth in Christ-likeness Acts 20:32 E. Greater love for God John 14:21 F. Enriched worship of God Col 3:16 G. Guidance Psalms 119:105 H. Peace of mind Psalms 119:165 I. Experience joy as Christ did John 17:12-17 J. Growth in discipline 1Tim 4:7 K. Growth in wisdom Prov 4:4,5 L. Correctly interpret scripture 2Tim 2:15 M. Enhanced fellowship, encouraging others Prov 12:25 N. Skill in evangelism Titus 1:9 O. Christ memorized the Word Matt 4:1-11 REMEMBER, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! IV. HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF SCRIPTURE MEMORY A. USE IT DAILY 1. Think scripture... apply it to everyday circumstances 2. Encourage others with scripture 3. Pray using scripture 4. Sing scripture B. REVIEW IT DAILY 1. Set a specific time 2. Review by yourself or with a friend C. CHOOSE your verses with careful thought 1. Give your verse a topical name, this helps to remember the verse 2. Choose verses that apply to your needs 3. Choose verses that you really want to memorize D. SET short term GOALS 1. Topical scripture packs, e.g.,LOVE, VICTORY, SALVATION ... 2. Pick your own verses 3. Memorize chapters or books, e.g., Matthew 5-7, 1Cor 13, Philippians... E. READ the CONTEXT of the verse F. PLAN out your REVIEW

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