Basic Gujarati Vocabulary

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,493
  • Pages: 25
Basic Vocabulary of Gujarati (First Draft)

Babu Suthar

Index Theme

Page No.

1. The world and nature


21. Body parts


2. Directions


22. Diseases


3. Metals


23. Indigenous Drugs

4. Minerals


and etc.

5. Jewel


24. Food

6. Wild animals


25. Dress and cloths


7. Domestic Animals


26. Bathroom and other items


8. Birds


27. House


9. Insects


28. Household goods


10. Trees


29. Traveling


11. Plants


30. Professions and Trades


12. Dry Fruits


31. Signs of Zodiac


13. Fruits


32. Planets and other

14. Flowers


15. The Vegetable world


33. Commercial Terms


16. Time


34. Legal and trading terms


17. The days of the week


35. Fishing


18. The Months


36. Religious terms


19. The Seasons


37. Colors




12 3

astronomical objects



20. Kinship terms and


The world and nature air hva fem.

heat grmI fem.

bay wpsagr masc.

hell nrk neut.

channel `a6I fem.

hill (small) 4ekrI fem.

cloud vadX neut.

hill (big) 4ekro masc.

coast iknaro, ka&5o masc.

ice brf masc.

cold 5&6I fem.

island be4, 4apu masc.

comet 0Umketu& masc.

lake srovr neut.

continet `&6 masc.

land jmIn fem.

country de= masc.

light AjvaXu& neut.

cyclone ck/vat masc.

lightning ivjXI fem.

darkness A&0aru& neut.

mist 0uMMs neut.

desert r8 neut.

moon c&± masc.

dew zakX fem.

moonlight ca&dnI fem.

dust 0UX fem.

mud kadv masc.

earthquake 0rtIk&p masc.

nature kudrt, p/k
east pUvR fem.

ocean mhasagr masc.

ebb Ao4 masc.

paradise SvgR neut.

ebb -rtI fem.

plain medan neut.

eclipse g/h8 neut.

planet g/h masc.

fire Aag fem.

polar star 0/uvno taro masc.

flood pUr, rel neut., fem.

pond tXav neut.

foam fI8 neut.

rain vrsad masc.

fog 0uMMs neut.

rainbow me30nuq neut.

frost ihm neut.

ray ikr8 neut. river ndI fem.

geography -UgoX fem.

rivulet naXu& neut.

gulf A`at masc.

rock `6k masc.

hails kra

sand retI fem.

heaven SvgR neut.

sea drIyo masc.


seaport b&dr neut.

town =her neut.

seashore drIyaka&5o masc.

valley `I8 fem.

shade 2ayo masc.

village gam neut.

shadow p62ayo masc.

water pa8I neut.

sky Aaka= neut.

waterfall 0o0 masc.

snow brf masc.

wave moju& neut.

star taro masc.

weather hva fem.

storm tofan zr8u& neut.

well kUvo masc.

sun sUrj masc.

whirlwind v&4oXIyo masc.

tank tXav neut.

wind pvn masc.

tide -rtI fem.

world jgt, duinya neut., fem.

thunder gjRna fem. Directions east pUvR, Wgm8I fem.

south dix8 fem.

north w]ar fem.

west pi¾m, Aa9m8I fem Metals

brass ip]aX neut.

metal 0atu fem.

copper ta&bu& neut.

silver ca&dI fem.

coral prvaXu& neut.

steel polad neut.

gold sonu& neut.

tin kla: fem.

iron lo`&6, lo7u& neut.

zink jst neut.

lead issu& neut. Minerals aagate AkIk neut.

gravel kpcI fem.

alum f4k6I fem.

lime cUno masc.

chalk cak masc.

marble Aars masc.

clay ma4I fem.

mercury paro masc.

coal kolso masc.

mineral `inj neut.

flint ckmk masc.

soda `aro masc.


stone p(9r masc. Jewels diamond hIro masc.

ruby ma8ek neut.

emeralnd jm£d neut.

sapphrie nIlm neut.

jewel rTn, rtn neut.

topaz po`raj neut.

pearl motI neut. Wild animals alligator mgr masc.

lizard groXI fem.

ass g0e6u& neut.

monkey (male) va&dro masc.

bear rI&2 neut.

monkey (female) va&drI fem.

beast p=u neut.

mosquito mC2r neut.

buck kaXIyar masc.

mule `Ccr neut.

buffalo -e&s fem.

panther (male) dIp6o masc.

bullock bXd masc.

panther (female) dIp6I fem.

camel W&4 neut.

rabbit sslu& neut.

deer hr8 neut.

rahinoceros ge&6o masc.

elephant (male) ha9I masc.

scorpian (male) vI&2I masc.

elephant (female) ha98I fem.

scorpion (female) vI&28 fem.

fox i=yaX, lo&k6I neut., fem.

snake (male) sap masc.

frog de6ku& neut.

snaker (female) sap8 fem.

hare sslu& neut.

stag sabr neut.

jackal i=yaX neut.

tiger va3 masc.

leopard ic]ao masc.

tigress va38 fem.

lion (male) is&h masc.

wolf vru neut.

lion (female) is&h8 fem. Domestic Animals


ass g0e6u& neut.

elephant (kid) mdinyu& neut.

ass (male) g0e6o masc.

goat (male) bkro masc.

ass (female) g0e6I fem.

goat (female) bkrI fem.

buffalo -e&s fem.

goat bkru& neut.

buffalo (male) pa6o masc.

hare sslu& neut.

bullock bXd masc.

horse 3o6o masc.

camel W&4 neut.

lamb 3e4u& neut.

camel (female) W&46I fem.

mouse w&dr masc.

cow gay fem.

pig 6ukkr neut.

dog (male) kUtro masc.

pony 44\4u& neut.

dog (female) kUtrI fem.

rat w&dr masc.

dog kUtru& neut.

sheep 3e4u& neut.

donkey g0e6u& neut.

squirrel i`skolI fem.

elephant (male) ha9I masc.

weasel noiXyu& neut.

elephant (female) ha98I fem. Birds bird pxI neut.

kite sm6I fem.

crane sars neut.

parrot pop4 masc.

crane bglu& neut.

peacock mor masc.

crow kag6o masc.

pigeon kbUtr neut.

cuckoo koyl fem.

pehean 7el fem.

dove kbUtr neut.

poultry mr3a& neut. pl.

duck btk neut.

rooster mr3o masc.

eagle g£6 masc.

sparrow cklI fem.

falcon baj masc.

vulture gI0 neut.

hawk baj masc. hean mr3I fem. Insects


ant kI6I fem.

mouse w&dr masc.

-large black ant kI6o masc.

nit lI` fem.

bed-bug ma&k6 masc.

rat w&dr masc.

beetle v&do masc.

scorpian vI&2I masc.

butterfly pt&gIyu& neut.

snail gokXgay fem.

chemeleon kac&6o masc.

spider kroiXyo masc.

cockroach v&do masc.

termit w0: fem.

flea ca&c6 masc.

weevil 0ne6u& neut.

fly ma`I fem.

wasp (female) -mrI fem.

insect @v6u&, jNtu neut.

wasp (male) -mro masc

lizard groXI fem.

white ant w0a: fem.

locust tI6 neut.

worm kI6o masc.

louse jU fem. mosquito mC2r neut. Trees jujube-tree bor6I fem. babal-tree bavX masc.

mango tree Aa&bo masc.

bamboo va&s masc.

palm-tree ta6 masc.

banana tree keX fem.

sandalwood tree c&dnv<x neut.

black-wood sIsm neut.

tamarind-tree Aa&blI fem.

cocoanut tree naXIyerI fem.

teak-wood sag masc.

custard-apple tree sItafXI fem.

tree za6 neut.

date-tree `jUrI fem.

mulberry tree =etUr neut.

ebony AbnUs neut.

neem tree lIm6o masc.

fig tree A&@r neut.

pine-apple tree Anenas neut.

guava tree jamfXI fem.

pomegranate tree da6mI fem. Plants

brinjal plant rI&g8I fem.

tobaco plant tmakuno 2o6 masc.

cobbage plant kobI fem.

cactus 9or masc.


chilli plant mrcI fem.

hemp =8 neut.

creaper (thin) vel fem.

lotus kmX masc.

creaper (thick) velo masc.

maize mka: fem.

cacumber plant kak6I fem.

onion plant 6u&gXI fem.

flower fUl neut.

rose plant gulab neut.

garlic plant ls8 neut.

sugarcane plant =er6I fem.

gourd dU0I fem.

water-melon t6bUc neut.

grapes ±ax fem. Dry Fruits fig A&@r almond bdam fem.

kernel of coconut kopru& neut.

appricot jrdaXu&

pistachio-nuts ipSta&

black raisin kaXI ±ax fem.

raisin iksmIs

cashew nut kaju

walnut A`ro4 fem.

dates `jUr dry date `arek fem. Fruits apple sfrjn neut.

orange nar&gI fem.

banana keXu& neut.

papaya ppEyu& neut.

cocoanut naXIyer neut.

pine-apple Anenas neut.

custerd-apple sItafX neut.

pomegranate da6m fem.

grapes ±ax fem.

star-fruit kmr` neut.

guava jamfX neut.

sugar-cane =er6I fem.

lamon lI&bu& neut.

water-melon t6bUc neut.

mango kerI fem. Flowers garland har masc. boquet gjro masc.

jasmine jU:nu& fUl neut.

bud kXI fem.

jessamine mogro masc.

flower fUl neut.


patal pa&d6I fem. lotus kmX neut.

rose gulab neut.

marigold glgo4o masc.

tiny jasmine jU: fem.

michelia c&po masc. The Vegetable world brinjals rI&g8 neut.

pegion peas tuver da8a

bulbous root sUr8 neut.

potatoes b4aka

cabbage kobI fem.

pumpkin koXu& neut.

carrot gajr neut.

radish mUXo masc.

egg-plant rI&g8 neut.

spinich pal` fem.

garlic ls8 neut.

sweet potato =kkrIyu& neut.

gourd dU0I fem.

tomato 4ame4u& neut.

green peas v4a8a

vegetables =ak-a@

lemon lI&bu neut.

peanut mgfXI fem.

mint fUdIno masc.

white pumpkin dU0I fem.

okra -I&6a

vetches guvar masc.

onion 6u&gXI, ka&da fem., parsley Ajmo masc. Time afternoon bpor p2I

holiday rja fem.

dawn p/-at neut.

hour klak masc.

date tarI` fem.

last night g: rat fem.

day idvs masc.

later mo6e9I

day (of the week) var masc.

mid-day bpor, m)yan fem.

day after tomorrow prm idvse

midnight m0rat fem.

day before yesterday prm idvse

month mihno, mas masc.

daybreak proi7yu& neut.

monthly maisk

evening sa&j fem.

morning svar fem.

fortnight p`va6Iyu& neut.

night rat fem.


noon bpor fem.

tomorrow AavtIkal fem.

now hm8a&

tonight AajnI rat

now-a-days Aajkal

atwilight s&)ya fem.

season ¢tu fem.

week A5vai6yu& f

second pX fem.

weekly A5va6Ik

sunrise sUyoRdy masc.

year vrs neut.

sunset sUyaRSt masc.

yearly vaiqRk

time smy, v`t masc.

yesterday g:kal fem.

today Aaj fem. The days of the week Sunday rivvar masc.

Thursday gu£var masc.

Monday somvar masc.

Friday =uk/var masc.

Tuesday m&gXvar masc.

Saturday =invar masc.

Wednesday bu0var masc. The Months kartk masc.

je5 masc.

mag=r masc.

Aqa7 masc.

poq masc.

[aav8 masc.

mha masc.

-adrvo masc.

fag8 masc.

Aaso masc.

cE{a masc. vE=a` masc. The Seasons winter i=yaXo masc.

spring vs&t fem.

summer wnaXo masc.

autumn pan`r fem.

moonsoon comasu& neut.


Kinship terms and relations ancestores v6va, bapdada

mother-in-law sasu fem.

aunt (paternal) fo: fem.

nephew (sister's son) -a8ej masc.

aunt (maternal) masI fem.

nephew (brother'sson) -{aIjo masc.

brother -a: masc.

nephew's wife (sister's son's wife) -a8ejavhu& fem.

brother's daughter -{aI@ fem. brother's son -{aIjo masc.

nephew's wife (brother's son's wife)

child 2okru& neut.

-{aIjavhu fem.

cousin iptra: adj.

parents ma-bap

daughter dIkrI fem.

sister bhen fem.

family ku4uMb neut.

sister's husband bnevI masc.

father-in-law ssro masc.

son pu{a, dIkro masc.

girl 2okrI fem.

uncle (paternal) kaka masc.

granddaughter pO{aI fem

uncle (maternal) kakI fem.

grandfather dado masc.

uncle's wife (paternal uncle's wife) kakI

grandmother dadI fem.


grandson pO{a masc.

uncle's wife (maternal uncle's wife) masI

heir vars masc./fem.


husband pit masc.

wife piTn, vhu& fem.

husband's sister's husband n8do: masc.

wife's brother saXo masc.

husband's sister n8&d fem.

wife's sister saXI fem.

man AadmI masc.

wife's sister's husband sa7u masc.

marriage lGn neut.

wife's brother's wife saXavelI fem.

mother ma, ba fem. Body parts arm ha9 masc.

beard da7I fem.

back pI5 fem.

belly pe4 neut.


blood lohI neut.

lung fefsu& neut.

body =rIr neut.

mouth mo, mo7u& neut.

bone ha6ku& neut.

nail n` masc.

cheek gal masc.

neck grdn, bocI fem.

chest 2atI fem.

nose nak neut.

ear kan masc.

nostril nskoru& neut.

elbow ko8I fem.

palm h9eXI fem.

eye Aa&` fem.

pluse na6, 0bkara fem.,

foot pg masc.

rib pa&sXI fem.

finger Aa&gXI fem.

shoulder `-o masc.

forehead kpaX neut.

skeleton ha6ip&jr neut.

hair vaX masc.

skin cam6I, ]vca fem.

head ma9u& neut.

tooth da&t masc.

heart ®dy neut.

throat gXu& neut.

jaw j6bu& neut.

thumb A&gU5o masc.

joint sa&0o masc.

tongue @- fem.

knee 7I&c8 masc.

waist kmr, ke6 fem.

lip ho5 masc.

wrist ka&6u& neut. Diseases

anaemia pa&6urog masc.

constipation kb@yat fem.

asthma dm masc.

consumption xy masc.

bile ip]a masc.

contagious cepI adj.

blood pressure lohInu& dba8 neut.

convulsions Aa&ckI fem.

boil gum6u& neut.

cough w0rs, `a&sI fem.

cataract moityo masc.

deafness bhera= fem.

chicken-pox A2b6a

diabetes m0up/meh masc.

cholera kolera masc.

diarrhea Aitsar, za6a masc.

cold =rdI, sXe`m fem., neut.

disease rog masc.

colic pain cU&k fem.

dysentery mr6o masc.


dyspesia A@8R meut.

nausea wbka

eczema `rjvu& neut.

night blindness rta&0Xap8u& neut.

elephantiasis ha9Ipgu& neut.

paralysis lkvo, px3at masc.

fever tav masc.

plague mrkI fem.

fenugreek me9I fem.

polyomyelitis baXlkvo masc.

giddiness fer, ckkr, ckrI,,

ring-worm draj fem.


rheumatism s&i0va, va masc.

glaucoma zamr neut.

scabies `s fem.

heart attack ®dyrogno humlo masc.

small-pox i=tXa

hysteria va: fem.

stammering tot6avu& neut.

indigestion Apco masc.

stye Aa&j8I fem.

insanity ga&6p8 neut.

suicide Aap3at, AaTmhTya masc., fem.

jundice kmXo masc.

sunstroke lU fem.

jundice (severe) kmXI fem.

swelling sojo masc.

itch `s fem.

T.B. xy masc.

leprosy ko7 masc.

tonsillitis kak6a

leucoderma rktip]a masc.

trachoma `Il (Aa&`na) masc.

malaria 4a7Iyo tav masc.

vomit Wl4I fem.

measles AorI, hoXI fem.

wax mI8 neut.

menorrhagia loHIva masc.

whooping cough w4a&4Iyu& neut.

migraine Aa0a=I=I fem.

worms krm, krmIya

mumps galpcoXu& neut.

wound 3a masc. Indigenous Drugs and etc.

acid tejab masc.

asafoetida ih&g, v3ar8I fem.

alum f4k6I fem.

benzoin loban masc.

ammonia nvsar masc.

betel nut soparI fem.

ansi seed suva masc.

blue vitrol mor9u9u& neut.

aperient julab masc.

borex &k8`ar masc.

arsenic soml masc.

camphor kpUr neut.


capparis trifolia vavi6&g

mercury paro masc.

carbonate of soda sa@`ar, pap6`ar, so6a`ar

mint fUdIno masc.


musk kStUrI fem.

cardamom AelcI fem.

myrobalan hr6e fem.

castor-oil Aer&6Iyu&, idvel neut.

myrobalan chabulic hImj neut.

chalk `6I fem.

nutmeg jayfX neut.

chiretta kiryatu& neut.

nux vomica zekocla&

cinnamon tj masc.

ocymum pilosum tkmrIya&

cloves liv&g

oil tel neut.

cummin seed @ru& neut.

opium AfI8 neut.

drug dva fem.

oxygen p/a8vayu masc.

dry ginger sU5& fem.

pepper mrI

fenugreek me9I fem.

pepper root pIprImUX

fomentation =ek masc.

pill goXI fem.

garlic ls8 neut.

poppy seed `s`s fem.

glue sre= masc.

potash nitrate sUro`ar masc.

green ginger Aadu& neut.

rock salt is&0v neut.

green vitrol hIraksI fem.

saffron kesr neut.

gum gu&dr masc.

salt mI5u& neut.

honey m0 neut.

soap sabu masc.

hemp ga&jo masc.

soap stone =&`@ru& neut.

hemp flower -a&g fem.

sulphur g&0k masc.

indigo gXI fem.

tiglium nepaXo masc.

lecorice je5Im0 neut.

turmeric hXdr fem.

liquor da£ masc.

venegar srko masc.

liseed AXsI fem.

wax mI8 neut.

long pepper pI&prlI&6I fem.

wine Aasv masc.

mace jav&{aI fem. Food


almond bdam fem.

cummin seeds @ru& neut.

ambergris A&br neut.

curds dhI& neut.

arrow-root Aara£4 neut.

dinner `a8u& neut.

asafoetida ih&g, v3ar8I fem.

dry date `arek fem.

barley jv

dry ginger sU5& fem.

beans k5oX neut.

dry gourd tu&b6I fem.

betel leaf pan neut.

egg :&6u& neut.

bidi bI6I fem.

feenel seeds vrOyaXI fem.

bishopweed seed Ajmo masc.

fig A&@r neut.

borex 4&k8`ar masc.

flour lo4 masc.

bread ro4lI fem.

food `orak masc.

breakfast naSto masc.

garlic ls8 neut.

broth =ervo masc.

green ginger Aad&u neut.

bun pUrI fem.

ground nut mgfXI fem.

butter ma`8 neut.

ground nut oil is>el neut.

cardamom AelcI fem.

gruel rab6I fem.

cashew nut kaju

hog-plum AamXu& neut.

catechu ka9o masc.

honey m0 neut.

cigar isgare4 fem.

jam murBbo masc.

cinnamon tj

jelly murBbo masc.

cheese pnIr neut.

lecorice je5Im0 neut.

chirongia sapida caroXI fem.

liquor da£ masc.

cloves liv&g

linseed AXsI fem.

coconut oil koprel neut.

loaf ro4lo masc.

codiment mrImsala

maize mka: fem.

coffee kofI fem.

mangosteen kokm neut.

confectionary mI5a: fem.

mace jav&{aI fem.

coriander leaves 0a8a, ko9mIr,

meat ma&s neut.

millet bajrI fem.

cream mla: fem.

milk dU0 neut.

crip cake pap6 masc.

mint fIdIno masc.


mustard seed ra: fem.

sesamum tl

nutmeg jayfX neut.

soap-nut ArI5a&

parched rice pO&Aa

spices tejana

pastil, pastille Agrb]aI fem.

snuff tp`Ir, bjr, 2I&k8I fem.

peas v4a8a

suger `a&6, mors fem.

pepper mrI

supper vaXu& neut.

pickle A9a8u& neut.

sweet-meat mI5a: fem.

poppy seed `s`s fem.

sesame tl

pulse daX fem.

syrup =rbt neut.

raisins ±ax fem.

tamrid Aa&blI fem.

rap seed srsv

tea ca fem.

rap seed oil srsIyu&, srsv tel neut.

turmeric hXdr fem.

rice co`a

treacle goX masc.

sago sabuda8a, sabuco`a

walnut A`ro4 neut.

salt mI5u& neut.

wheat 3w& Dress and cloths

apron mel`ayu& neut.

chemise pher8 neut.

beg 9elI fem.

cloak z_-o masc.

belt kmrp4o masc.

cloth kp6u& neut.

blanket 0abXo masc.

coller gXeb&d masc.

blouse coXI, kbjo fem., masc.

coat 6glo, ko4 masc.

bonnet S{aInI 4opI

coverlet cadr fem.

braces galIs fem.

cuff kf masc.

breeches survaX fem.

curtain prdo masc.

brocade ikn`ab fem.

cotton sutr, £ neut.

broadcloth bnat fem.

cotton sutraw adj.

button b4n neut.

dhoti 0otI, 0oityu& fem., neut.

cap 4opI fem.

diaper baXoityu& neut.

carpet =etr&@, jajm fem.

gloves ha9moja&


golden chain A2o6o masc.

short dhoti p&icyu& neut.

handkerchief ha9£mal masc.

shorts c6\6I fem.

hat 4opo masc.

silk re=m neut.

mat sad6I fem.

silky re=mI adj.

mini petticoat 3a3rI fem.

skirt Sk4R masc.

mosquito-curtain mC2edanI fem.

sleeves ba&y fem.

muffler mflr, gXp4o neut., masc.

slippers SlIpr, spa4

napkin ha9£mal, nepkIn masc.

sock moju& neut.

necktie nek4a:, 4a: fem.

table cloth 4eblKlo9 neut.

panties c6\6I fem.

thread doro masc.

peticoat ci8yo, 3a3ro masc.

towel 4uval masc.

pillow Aoi=ku& neut.

trousers payjamo masc.

pillow cover glef masc.

umbrella 2{aI fem.

pocket gjvu& neut.

under-vest bniyn neut.

purse psR neut.

underwear AN6rver, c6\6I fem.

quilt rja: fem.

veil bur`o masc.

sandals seN6l, c&pl

waist-band k&doro masc.

scarf dup4\4o masc.

waistcoat b&6I fem.

shawl =al fem.

wrist-watch ka&6a 3i6yaX fem.

sheet cadr fem.

wool Wn neut.

shirt `mIs neut. shoes jo6a, bU4 Bathroom and other items mirror dpR8, Aayno masc. brush b/= neut.

soap sabu masc.

comb ka&sko, da&ityo masc.

tongue wrapper Wilyu& neut. shampu =eMpU neut.

comb (for woman) ka&sko, da&ityo fem. hair oil 0Upel neut. House balcony go`, z£`o, 2ju masc., masc., neut.


bathroom ba9rum masc.

lattice jaXI fem.

bed p9arI fem.

loft maiXyu& neut.

bedroom be6rum masc.

ornamental arch tor8 neut.

cellar -o&yru& neut.

peg `I&4I fem.

chamber Aor6o masc.

roof 2apru& neut.

chimney 0umai6yu& neut.

shelf A-ra: fem.

dinning room 6aynI&grum masc.

stable tbelo masc.

door bar8u& neut.

staircase dadr masc.

door-mat pglU2i8yu& neut.

step pgi9yu& neut.

drawing room 7^o:&grum, dIvan`anu& masc.,

store-room ko5ar masc.


strainer gX8I fem.

floor maX masc.

terrace AgasI fem.

kitchen rso6u& neut.

threshold wmro masc.

ladder nIsr8I fem.

verandah AosrI, prsaX fem.

latrine jajru&, s&6as neut.

window barI fem. wall dIval, -I&t fem. Household goods cupboard kba4 neut.

basket 4oplI fem.

cup kp masc.

bedstead `a4lo, pl&g masc.

drawer `anu& neut.

broom savr8I fem.

easy chair Aaram`ur=I fem.

box (small) pe4I fem.

fan p&`o masc.

box (big) p4aro masc.

fork ka&4o masc.

carpet =etr&@, jajm fem.

foundation payo masc.

chair `ur=I fem.

garden bgIco masc. grater `m8I fem.

chest pe4I fem.

hearth sg6I fem.

clock 3i6yaX neut.

hedge va6 fem.

comb ka&sko, da&ityo masc.

inkstand `i6yo masc.

cradle 3oi6yu&, par8u& neut.

iron pan lo7I, tvI fem.


jar br8I fem.

pencil peiNsl fem.

jug kujo masc.

razor AS{ao masc.

key cavI fem.

ruler fU4p4\4I fem.

knife caku&, 2rI neut., fem.

saucers rkabI fem.

ladle k62I fem.

scissors katr fem.

lantern fans fem.

sieve caX8I fem.

lock taXu& neut.

sofa sofa masc.

looking glass Airso masc.

table 4ebl, mej neut.

mortar `a&68I fem.

tray 4^e fem.

pack-needle soyo masc.

tumbler Pyalo masc.

paper kagX masc.

umbrella 2{aI fem.

pen pen, klm fem. Traveling hotel ho4l > vI=I fem. arrival Aagmn neut.

interpreter du-aiqyo masc.

bag (small) 9elI fem.

key cavI, kU&cI fem.

bag (big) 9elo masc.

landlady leN6le6I > 3rmailk8 fem.

abriddle lgam fem.

landloard leN6lo6R > 3rmailk masc.

box pe4I fem.

luggage saman masc.

camp 2av8I fem.

office Aoifs, kayaRly (formal) neut.

carriage ga6I fem.

payment cUkv8I fem.

coachman ga6IvaXo masc.

pilot paylo4 > sukanI masc.

cushin gadI fem.

porter hmal masc.

custom-house kS4m haws neut.

railway reLve fem.

departure rvangI fem.

railway station reLve S4e=n neut.

engine AeiNjn neut.

receipt rsId fem. road rSto masc.

fare -a6u& neut.

saddle @n neut.

guard ga6R masc.

station master S4e=n maStr masc.

guide -oimyo masc.

steamer S4Imr > Aagbo4 fem.

guide book ga:6, magRdi=Rka fem.

strap p4\4o masc.


ticket 4IkI4 fem.

waiter ve:4r masc.

tent t&bu masc.

whip cabUk masc.

train 4^e:n > Aagga6I fem. voyage sfr, p/vas masc., fem. Professions and Trades chemist kemIS4, rsay8=aS{aI masc. actor Ai-neta masc.

clergyman padrI masc.

actress Ai-ne{aI fem.

clerk karkun, klakR masc.

ambassador AelcI masc.

cloth-merchant kapi6yo masc.

admiral Ae6mIrl > drIya: senapit masc.

commernder-in-chief senapit masc.

agent AejN4 > Aa6tIyo, marfityo masc.

cobbler mocI masc.

artisan karIgr masc.

confectioner k&do: masc.

astrologer jo=I masc.

contractor koN4^ak4r, :jaredar masc.

astronomer `goX=aS{aI masc.

cook rso:yo masc.

atheist naiStk masc.

coppersmith k&saro masc.

author le`k, sjRk masc.

counsel 0ara=aS{aI masc.

backbiter cai6yo masc.

cowheard govaX masc.

baker -i5yaro masc.

cultivator `e6Ut masc.

banker beNkr masc.

customer 3rak masc.

barber hjam masc.

doctor daktr, vEd masc.

bard -a4 masc.

draper kap6Iyo masc.

blacksmith luhar masc.

druggist ga&0I masc.

brasier k&saro masc.

drummer 7olI masc.

broker dlal masc.

dyer r&garo, r&grej masc.

businessman veparI masc.

editor s&padk, t&{aI, Ai0pit masc.

butcher ksa:, `a4kI masc.

engineer AeN@nIyr, :jner masc. farmer `6Ut masc.

candidate wmedvar masc.

gardner maXI masc.

captain kPtan masc.

gold and silver dealer coksI masc.

carder (of cotten) ip&jaro masc.

goldsmith sonI masc.

carpenter su9ar, mIS{aI masc.

groccer ga&0I, ki8yo, modI masc.


interpreter du-aiqyo masc.

partner -agIdar masc.

jeweller zverI masc.

photographer fo4og/afr masc.

judge Nyaya0I= masc.

physician daktr, vEd masc.

juggler mdarI masc.

pirate ca&icyo masc.

labourer (male) mjUr masc.

poet kiv masc.

labourer (female) mjUr8 fem.

politician rajkar8I masc.

landlord jagIrdar masc.

potter ku&-ar masc.

laundress 0ob8 fem.

prime minister v6ap/0an masc.

lawyer vkIl, 0ara=aS{aI masc.

printer 2apnar masc.

lecturer (male) A)yapk masc.

reporter `brp{aI masc.

lecturer (female) A)yaipka fem.

robber lU&4aro masc.

liqour-vendor klal masc.

sailor `lasI masc.

magician jadugr masc.

servent nokr masc.

mason k6Iyo masc.

shepherd -rva6 masc.

mathematician gi8t=aS{aI masc.

shoemaker mocI masc.

merchant veparI masc.

stationer kagdI masc.

messenger `eipyo masc.

tailor dr@ masc.

midwife day8, suya8I fem.

teacher (male) i=xk masc.

milkman dU0vaXo masc.

teacher (female) i=ixka fem.

milkmaid dU0vaXI fem.

tenant -a6Ut masc.

minor `ai8yo masc.

treasurer `jancI masc.

money lander =rafI masc.

washerman 0obI masc.

musician s&gItkar masc.

washerwoman 0ob8 fem.

nurse nsR, Aaya fem.

watchmaker 3i6yaXI masc.

oilman 3a&cI masc.

weaver v8kr masc.

painter ic{akar masc.

woodcutter ki5yaro masc.

pedler ferIyo masc. Signs of Zodiac cancer kkR fem. aquarius ku&- fem.

capricorn mkr fem.

aries me` fem.

gemini im9un fem.


leo is&h fem.

sagittarius 0n fem. scorpio v
libra tula fem.

virgo kNya fem.

pisces mIn fem. Planets and other astronomical objects earth p<(vI fem.

pluto PlU4o masc.

juptier guru masc.

saturn =in masc.

mars m&gX masc.

star taro, istaro masc.

mercury bu0 masc.

sun sUrj, sUyR masc.

moon c&±, ca&do masc.

uranus p/japit masc.

neptune vru8 masc.

venus =uk/ masc.

planet g/h masc. Commercial Terms balance-sheet srvEyu& neut. account ihsab masc.

bank beNk > =rafI pe7I fem.

acknowledgement pho&c fem.

bale ga&s6I fem.

advance (money) Ae6vaNs

bargain sodo masc.

advice (of letter) `brp{a masc.

bill hU&6I fem.

agency AejNsI, Aa6t fem.

book-keeper mheta@ masc.

agent AejN4, Aa6ityo masc.

brokerage dlalI fem.

apprentice Aep/eN4Is masc.

business 0&0o, Vyvsay masc.

arrengement go5v8 fem.

buyer `rIdnar, lenar masc.

arrears lhe8u& neut.

cargo mal, -rtI masc., fem.

assets imLkt fem.

catalogue no&0, p{ak fem., neut. charter a ship vha8 -a6e krvu& v.trans.

authorize s]aa AapvI, Ai0kar Aapvo v.trans.

claim davo masc.

auction hra@, illam fem., neut.

company k&pnI fem.

average srera= fem.

contract krar masc.

balance sIlk fem.

credit w0aro masc.


custom jkat fem.

liabilities jvabdarI fem.

damage nuk=anI fem.

manager menejr masc.

date mudt fem.

market bjar neut.

date tarI` fem.

market price bjar-av masc.

debit and credit jmaw0ar

market rate bjarre4, makeR4 re4 masc.

demurrage 6emrej neut.

package dagIno masc.

discount vXtr neut.

ayable to jog [aI... phrase.

disount hU&6I v4avvI v.trans.

per cent rka

dividend 6IvI6N6 neut.

price ik&mt fem.

dock godI fem.

price -av masc.

drawer (of bill) hU&6I l`nar masc.

price list -avp{ak neut.

duty da8 neut.

principal mu¥l adj.

duty free ibnjkat adj.

property imlkt fem.

endorsement =ero masc.

rate -av masc.

exchange (of money) lev6dev6 fem.

ready money rok6

export javk fem.

retail 2U4k adj.

factory kar`anu& neut.

settling date ptv8InI mudt fem.

firm pe7I fem.

share ihSso, -ag, =er masc.

forwarding agent marfityo masc.

stock j(9o masc.

import Aavk fem.

stock exchange =er bjar neut.

information `br, maihtI fem.

trade vepar masc.

insurance vImo masc.

trustee 4^S4I masc.

insurance policy vImapolIsI > vIma`t fem.,

warehouse v`ar fem.


wharf 6kko masc.

insurance premium vImano hfto masc.

wholesale j(9ab&0 adj.

interest Vyaj neut. Legal and trading terms accused thomtdar masc.

arbitrator lvad, p&c neut.

adopted (son or daughter) d]ak adj.

attachment 4a&c, jiPt fem.

agreement krar masc.

attestation =a` fem.

argument dlIl fem.

bail jamIn masc.


balance islk fem.

gift -e4, bixs fem.

balance sheet srvEyu& neut.

immovable property S9avr imLkt fem.

bond `t neut.

import Aayat fem.

capital mU6I fem.

income Aavk fem.

cash rok6 fem.

instalment hPto masc.

charter p4\4e levu& v.trans..

insurance vImo masc.

check cek masc.

interest Vyaj neut.

check hU&6I fem.

invoice -rtIyu& neut.

civil idvanI fem.

judgement cUkado, fe&slo masc.

client AsIl masc.

jury JyurI neut.

commission Aa6t fem.

justice Nyay masc.

complaint frIyad fem.

ledger `atavhI fem.

compromise sma0an neut.

legacy varso masc.

credit jma masc.

license prvano, laysNs masc.

client AsIl masc.

liquidation f6co masc.

creditor lhe8dar masc.

loss nuk=an, `o4 neut., fem.

criminal fojdarI fem.

maintenance -r8poq8 neut.

day book rojmeX masc.

memorandum yadI, memorN6m fem., neut.

debit w0ar masc.

monopology :jara=ahI fem.

debt krj neut.

mortgage gIro neut.

debtor krjdar masc.

movable property j&gm imLkt fem.

decree hukmnamu& neut.

murderer `unI masc.

defamation p/itvadI masc.

oath sog&d, p/it}aa masc., fem.

deposition jaubanI fem.

partnership -agIdarI fem.

discount v4av masc.

petition Ar@ fem.

divorce 2U4a2e6a masc.

petitioner Arjdar masc.

document dStavej masc.

paintiff vadI masc.

earnest money bhanu& neut.

possesion kbjo masc.

estate jagIr fem.

postscript tajaklm fem.

evidence puravo masc.

prisoner kedI masc.

export inkas fem.

procalamation 7&7ero masc.


profit nfo masc.

suit davo masc.

receipt rsId, pho&c fem.

tax vero masc.

sample seMpl, nmUno masc.

transportation de=inkal masc.

security jamIngIrI fem.

witness saxI masc.

signature shI, hStaxr fem., masc. smuggling da8corI fem. Fishing bait gl masc.

fish ma2lI fem.

boat ho6I, m2vo fem., masc.

fish-hook ka&4o masc.

boat-hook ho6Ino Aa&k6o masc.

fisherman ma2Imar masc.

boat-pole ho6Ino va&s6o masc.

net jaX fem.

boatman `arvo masc. Religious terms fear 6r, -y masc. alms dan neut.

forgiveness xma fem.

angel devdUt masc.

gladness Aan&d masc.

belief [a)0a, maNyta fem.

hatred µeq fem.

chariot r9 masc.

heart ®dy neut.

church devX neut.

heaven SvgR neut.

death mr8 neut.

hell nkR neut.

demon (male) raxs masc.

holiness piv{ata fem.

demon (female) raxsI fem.

honor Aab£ fem.

devil (male) raxs masc.

hope Aa=a fem.

devil (female) raxsI fem.

ignominy kl&k neut.

doubt =&ka fem.

Jesus Christ :=u `/ISt masc.

everlasting =a¼t adj.

knowledge }aan neut. life @vn, @NdgI neut., fem.

envy :QyaR fem.

life @v masc.

faith AaS9a fem.

love p/em, rag masc.

fast wpvas masc.

mercy dya fem.


mind ic]a neut.

salvation muikt fem.

missionary padrI masc.

sin pap neut.

New Testament nvo krar masc.

sorrow `ed masc.

Old Testament jUno krar fem.

soul AaTma masc.

pain duŠ` neut.

temptation lalc fem.

peace =aiNt fem.

thought ivcar masc.

praise StutI fem.

trust iv¼as, [a)0a masc., fem.

praise Stuit fem.

wisdom 6hap8, =a8p8 neut.

prayer p/a9Rna fem.

words of god :¼rvcn neut.

psalm -jn (`/IStI) NEUT.

worship of god :¼r-ikt fem.

right Nyay masc.

wromgdoing A0mR masc.

righteousness sdacar masc.

wrong-doing A0mR masc.

saint sa0u masc.

The Hindu Trinity i{amUitR fem.

saint sNt masc. Colors pink gulabI ash ra`o6I, -U`ro

- light pink `Ulto / Aa2o gulabI

black kaXo

- dark pink 3ero gulabI

blue -Uro - greenish blue morpI&2 - sky-blue vadXI

purple ja&blI red lal, rato - purple red +yam gulabI

brown bdamI

reddish dark maroon k(9a:

crimson kIrm@

saffron kesrI

golden sonerI

silver £perI

green lIlo

tawny bdamI

- light green viryaXI

white sfed, 0oXo

- yellowish pop4I

yellow pIXo

grey -U`ro, ra`o6I orange nar&gI


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