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  • Words: 1,206
  • Pages: 25
A Research Proposal

on Epidemiological study of Road Traffic Accident cases: A study from Kathmandu valley Barun Kumar Singh BPH 19th batch Roll no. 272

Introduction • Road traffic accident is due to

crashes originating, terminating or involving a vehicle partly or fully on a public highway. (WHO) • Road traffic injuries are a major but neglected global public health problem, requiring concerted efforts for effective and sustainable prevention.

Introduction (Contd)

The dedication of the World Health Organization’s World Health Day 2004 to Road Safety is recognition of the global threat to road traffic injuries.

• Worldwide, the no of people killed in road traffic crashes each year is estimated at almost 1.2 million, while the number injured could be as high as 50 million.

Introduction (Contd) • What is worse without increased efforts and new initiatives, the total no of road traffic deaths worldwide and injuries is forecast to rise by some 65% between 2000 and 2020 and in low income and middle income countries deaths are expected to increase by as much as 80%.

• The majority of such deaths are currently among “vulnerable road users”. Pedestrians, pedal cyclists and motorcyclists.

Problem statement • 3rd leading cause of deaths, hospitalization, and

disabilities in 15-44 years • Severe socioeconomic losses to the emerging economy of the country. • 3/4th are men in their productive years. • Significantly affects the poorer communities of the society. • According to WHO data, deaths from RTA account for around 25% of all deaths from injury.

Problem statement (contd) • The road traffic death toll represents only the “tip of iceberg” of total waste of human and societal resources from road injuries.

• As per the Annual report of the Department of

Health Services Nepal, falls, burns and scalds and dog bites were reported in large numbers.

Problem statement ( contd ) • In Nepal as per estimates of morbidity and

mortality for 1998-1999, injury contributed 9% of to total mortality and was the third leading cause, with road accidents occupying the eighth position in overall ranking.

• Fifty eight percent of injuries were in the 15-44 years age group with a male to female ratio of 3:1.

Problem statement (contd) • The reasons for the high burden of road traffic injuries in developing countries are: growth in the numbers of motor vehicles; crash in low income countries; poor enforcement of traffic safety regulations; inadequacy of health infrastructure and poor access to health care.

Rationale of Study • Governments in low and middle income

countries – despite showing concern for more than two decades – have not yet established effective agencies or spent any money on research.

• Currently Global Research funding per Disability Adjusted Life Year of HIV, Asthma and Blindness are $26.2, $10.8, $5.4 respectively, while only $0.40 for RTIS

Rationale (contd)

• Studies involving hospital, traffic police and transport authorities can provide important scientific basis to formulate, implement and monitor the preventive measures.

• These type of Health Research in context of developing countries will be helpful tool for achieving equity in Health and Development.

Specific Objectives • To assess the prevalence of Road Traffic

Accident cases coming to Hospital. • To describe the human related factors associated with Road Traffic Accident cases. • To describe the vehicle related factors associated with Road Traffic Accident cases. • To describe the environment related factors associated with Road Traffic Accident cases.

Research Question  

• To determine the various

epidemiological factors related to Road Traffic accident cases.

Variables of the study •

Dependent variable 

Road traffic accident cases

Independent variables Human



Age of victim

Types of vehicle

Sex of victim

Ailment at the time of injury

Time of occurrence Place of

Parts of body Victim group Ailment at the time of injury Mode of accident

occurrence Month of occurrence

Conceptual framework Different typestypes of vehiclesvehicles and design, Different overloaded vehicles and design, ailment at the time of accident

Vehicle Vehicle


Age, Sex, Types Types if injury, mode of Age, Sex, if injury, accident, part of body injured, victim mode of accident, part of group, ailment at the time of accident

body injured, victim group, ailment at the time of accident

Road Traffic Injuries

Environm ent

Time of occurrence (distribution of cases of injury by hours); place of occurrence, months of occurrence

Research methodology • Study design Retrospective, descriptive study (cross-

sectional • Study area Kathmandu valley • Study population Victims of Road Traffic crashes attending the emergency department of OM Hospital during last one year as well as data related to RTA cases of Kathmandu valley obtained from police source will be analyzed.

Exclusion criteria • Any injury on the road without involvement of a vehicle (e.g. Person slipping and falling on the road and sustaining injury)

• Injury involving a stationary vehicle(e.g.

persons getting injured while washing or loading a vehicle exclude from study.

Data collection tools and techniques No.





Document review method

Note cards

Medical record of emergency department of hospital


Note books Checklist


Document review method

Data compilation forms Data compilation forms

Data related to RTA recorded by traffic police of Kathmandu

Plan for data processing and analysis • Data editing and coding will be carried out

manually on each day of data collection. • Data entry and analyses will be done in data base and SPSS software and support for statistical tests and inference will be taken from research guider, friends. • Presenting with suitable charts, frequency tables, and cross tables. • Findings will be described in appropriate rate, ratio and proportion.

Ethical consideration • Request letter from campus. • Verbal consent will be taken. • Objectives of the study will be clarified • Confidentiality will be maintained.

Reliability and validity • The checklist and data compilation sheets will

be prepared as per suggestion and guidance of research guide. • Adequate literature will be reviewed. • Editing and Cross checking of data.

Expected outcomes • Age and sex composition of affected population will be identified • Most probable time of road traffic accident will be identified. • The most important causes of RTA will be determined. • Types of vehicle involved in accident will be determined. • The most affected parts of body in RTA will be identified.

Limitation • This study is based on document review, so

most of required information related to RTA can’t be elicited.

• The study might be influenced by the quality and completeness of the records available in hospital and traffic police office

work plan Sn


Months April














Identification of problem



Literature review



Proposal writing


Dev of Tools



Pre-testing Tools



Data collection



Data analysis and interpretation



Report drafting



Finalization of report



Report submission



## ###

Budgeting S.No Activities .

Estimated budget (NRs.)



Literature search



Proposal preparation



Preparation testing


Travel cost


By bus and local vehicle


Field site stay for data collection


For 15 days


Report Preparation





and pre



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