Barak Who? Obama Why?

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 596
  • Pages: 2
“Barack Who? Obama Why?” Who is this guy? He doesn’t want people asking questions about him, his wife, his religion or his associates. He wants to be crowned Barack America without any knowledge of who he is or what he believes. How can you vote for a slick voice that says nothing…especially without knowing what the high sounding (but empty) words mean? He continues to duck head to head meetings with John McCain…what is this presidential candidate afraid of? Oh, yeah, he is ready to take on the wimpy, old geezer with a foot in the grave. Yeah, McCain. He said McCain doesn’t know what he’s getting into in opposing Obama. The guy who had bones broken and refused his release from a Vietnam prison unless his fellow prisoners were also released. McCain, the guy with no resume. The guy who better watch out for Obama…who was, like in pre-school when McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton (5 years, 2 of those in solitary confinement). Tell me where I’m wrong. We have a half-white and half-black man running for President of the United States of America. He claims to be black. How can he be more black than white? Why isn’t he running as the first half-white and half-black man? Answer: he’s playing the race card. This man spent 143 days in the U.S. Senate as a junior senator. He voted more liberally than any other senator. His claim to fame and experience is that he organized (radical) community groups. This same man says we live in the greatest county in the world YET he wants to change it. What would he change? How would he change it? The change of which he speaks is the same tired and unsuccessful liberal dogma that the Democrats have pedaled forever to those willing to listen. He wants to make change but he has NO working plan. He cannot formulate an idea—much less a sentence—without a teleprompter or an ear phone. Ummmm. Aahhh. The man wants to reverse President Bush’s tax cuts. He intends to implement more taxes and to compound the death tax. This man is totally anti-military. He seems to have no knowledge or understanding of foreign policy—for instance, he states “Iran is no threat to America.” He thinks his charisma, personality or charm will enable him to powwow with our enemies and sing Kumbaya with the likes of Russia’s Putin, Venezuela’s Chavez, Korea’s Kim Jong-Il and Iran’s Ahmadinejad. John McCain learned more in one month in a Viet Nam prison camp than Obama has in his lifetime. Barrack detests this country, constantly dissing it and praising totalitarian states like China and Iran. He claims to love America when, in fact, his actions and words

demonstrate his distaste for the United States. He continues to blame America and to associate with terrorists—his former pastor Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers, the man who ran the Weather Underground and bombed U.S. government buildings and wished he could have wreaked more carnage. How can he call people like these his friends and claim to be a patriot? He believes that a living “aborted” fetus should be snuffed. He doesn’t want his daughters “punished with a baby.” He favors and plans to implement a national health care system—the same one, or spin off, that works nowhere else on the planet! And guess who pays for it? You and I! He wants you and me to pay for future college students’ tuitions. He’s a puppet, responding to his handlers and image makers. Now, remind me, why are we to vote for Obama?

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