Baptisms For The Dead

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  • Pages: 2
Baptisms for the Dead.......Modern Light on Obscure Doctrine For the uninitiated, Proxy Baptism, known colloquially as Baptism for the Dead, is one of a set of higher Temple rites, offered to the “Saints” of the Most High. Exaltation—that is the state of being in total Communion with God and abide His presence. Baptism is required for all who aspire to enter into the “Fullness”, and so offer the rite, through proxy, to the deceased, the idea being that they will be free in the Afterlife to either accept or reject this most “kind and gracious act”. This manifests the Grace of God through Mercy and Justice In order for this ordinance to take place one Must believe first in Temples, then in ordinances as declared by the Apostles of old as well as the Apostles of the Latter Days. Jesus called Paul to be a spokesman and mouthpiece for Him and justified the rite through reference to Paul’s testimony in I Corinthians 15:29, “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead? But if the Apostle Paul filled missions to the Gentile world and testified of such doctrine, WHERE would have the events taken place??? Decreed to the Corinthians as the “word of God” As the Temple in Jerusalem was "off limits" to "Christians" that rules out the Temple. Much of the original Temple rites that existed in former times were no longer practiced in the Temple at Jerusalem. In REclaiming the Temple as a "House of God" Jesus drove out of the Money Changers. Jesus was les than happy at the commerce and business activity at His Fathers House. He drove them from the House of God. Knowing that His Fathers House was a place of worship and of ordinances. It must be noted that of the three courtyards designated within Temple proper, it was the Courtyard of the Women that Jesus taught much of His Gospel. But what of proxy baptisms? Baptisms for the dead, administered here on earth for the deceased, who are in fact very much alive, in the Spirit. We clearly see that Baptisms for the Dead, although well known amongst the Jewish leaders, was not allowed to "Christian teachers". For this would "defile" Gods House" to have NON Jews in Temple Ritual. Then we ask again…..Where did Christians practice the rites of Proxy baptism? If Paul spent much of his time on "Missions", where does the devout Christian practice his Temple covenants? To answer that question we must first look at the Gospel of the Restoration in Latter days. As first practices of Proxy baptisms were officiated in The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, the Lord of the Restoration allowed the practice to continue for a period of time until a designated place, a House of God was constructed for the divine ordinances.

Could it be that the first Christian Proxy baptisms were performed in the River Jordan? Would the Lord allowed such baptisms to take place until the Restoration of all things. Paul speaks of a “falling away” and a Restoration of all things” Is the Proxy baptisms of the Restoration a Similitude of the New Testament Proxy Baptisms? I would suggest that what the Lord had allowed in the Latter days, would have been allowed in the former times UNTIL a suitable structure was dedicated. Its easy to quote the scripture of proxy baptism...but to affirm its practice and purpose along with the conviction of its actuality on location and its officiators is a testimony of its authenticity baptisms for the Dead.......Modern Light on Obscure Doctrine Jesus was the Great Proxy for Mankind. He gave His life, so that we may live again He is the similitude of completing the work we could not do of ourselves. 1Peter 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

NOTES: The Latin Vulgate (Jerome)..."They may be an allusion to the practice of vicarious baptism on behalf of those who have died, unchristened, which is known to have existed. (though only through heretics 2nd Century BC "Tertullian believed that Paul referred to a custom of vicarious baptism (Res., 48c; Adv. Marc., 5.10). There is evidence that the early church knew such a practice. Epiphanius mentions a tradition that the custom obtained among the Cerinthians (Haer., 28 6). And Chrysostom states that it prevailed among the Marcionites."Mandaens of Iran also practice Proxy Baptisms for the Dead The “Sea of Glass” in the Tabernacle had its foundation. Other than Latter Day Saints the "New Apostolic Church" continue the practice of Proxy baptisms.

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