Bank Al Habib Marketing Management

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Marketing and Management of Bank Al Habib limited


Prepared For Mr. Attique-ur-Rahman Instructor of Marketing Management

Visiting Faculty Member of University of

Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS)



FAIZA MUNEER Students of MBA II Semester (sec B)

Session (2008-2010)

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS)

May 22, 2009

To My Mother And my beloved MSB.


To My Beloved Parents

K.N To My Beloved Mother. A.H To My Beloved Parents. F.M To My Beloved Father. S.F III

First of all thank to whom who is most merciful and kind to all of his creations with out any discrimination and who make us able to Prepare this report

We are proud on following personalities for being our friends and relatives that guidance helps us in the preparation of this report

 

Mr. Musharaf Sidique; who provided us some useful articles related to our topic. Mr. Rehan Khan; who provide us important information about the bank Al Habib. IV

Mr. Chohdree Asif; who provides us the martial related to our project.

In the end Special thanks to our parents and teachers specially Mr. Rahman (Our marketing management instructor) whom unlimited efforts are there in our personality grooming.

5- Outfall Road University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore May22, 2009 Mr.Attique-ur-Rahman Visiting Faculty Member Department of Livestock Business Management (FLBS) University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) 5, Outfall Road Lahore. Dear Mr. Rahman First of all we would like to thank to Mr. Rahman who has given us a good opportunity of writing a report to increase our of writing skill on such an important topic

“Marketing Plan of Bank Al Habib” In this report we have given the introduction of Bank and history of Bank Al Habib then internal assessment, management function, internal assessment after these we conclude our topic and given some important suggestions to Improve the Bank Al Habib. As it was our first experience of preparing a that kind of report we learnt much more from it, it was a good experience for us and we hope in future you will provide us more chances of such good experiences. Yours sincerely Student of FLBS (UVAS)

Mr.Yasir Latif Roll No. 44

Mr.Khawar Nadeem Roll No.58

Mr.Amir Hussian Roll No.36


Miss.Faiza Muneer Roll No. 31

Miss.Sara Farid Roll No. 42

MBA 2nd Semester (Sec B)


Table of contents Contents Introduction & History....................................................................................... .....2 Habib Family's Business Units....................................................................................3 BANKING & FINANCE;..........................................................................................3 Departments:................................................................................................... ....13 2-Management function:......................................................................................15 External assessment:........................................................................................ ...22 Internal assessment.......................................................................................... ..........30 4.1- INTEGRATED MARKET COMMUNICATION:....................................................46 CONCLUSION.................................................................................... ....................54 SUGGESTION...................................................................................................... ...56 Appendix................................................................................................. ...............57 BIBLIOGRAPHY...................................................................................... ...............58 GLOSSARY.............................................................................................. ..............59 INDEX................................................................................................................. ..62 Management function............................................................................................ .....62


Synopsis Introduction & history of Bank Al Habib; The Origin of what is now known as the Habib Group of companies can be traced to Habib Esmail, and his association with the firm of Khoja Mithabani Nathoo, a leading metals dealer established in Bombay in 1841. Habib joined the firm at the age of 13 for a monthly salary of Rs. 5. Through his hard work and determination he became partner at the age of 18 and also became the president of the Copper and Brass Merchants Association. Bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started its operations in January 1992. It is a venture of the Habib Group, which owns 50% of the shares - 20 % shares are owned bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started its operations by NIT and 30% are owned by the general public. The bank operates in the private sector, with 30 branches in the major cities of Pakistan, and has its principle office at Karachi. Management function; basic management function are four types Planning Organizing Leading Controlling External assessment; external shows the external condition that is threat or opportunity for the business SWOT analysis; SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. In which we check out the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the business. PEST analysis; Economic factors; The Pakistan economy is more controlled economy, then one where market forces reign supreme. Several key institutions are stated owned. Thus a discussion of the economic forces that influence the private organization such as bank Al Habib cannot ignore the substantial role played by the government in determining the state of the economy. The biggest indicator of the heavy role enjoyed by the government was evidence when foreign currency accounts (FCA’s) were frozen on the orders of the ministry of finance in the wake of explosion tests on may 31st 1998. Social forces; a low saving culture has offset the huge population advantage this is enjoyed by Pakistan. Also culture is dedicated by the religion, and in Pakistan a significant segment of the population is loath to accept interest for their deposits due to the negative religious implications of such an act. Technological forces: Banks in the developed world have been turning to heavy IT investments, which differentiate their products, provide response times, enhance accessibility and improve customer satisfaction. Though investing in state-of-the-art host banking solution (Fiserv, Kapiti, etc) , ATM and POS . Porter’s five forces I. Rivalry Among Competing firms; VIII

Bank Al Habib limited is facing a strong competition from other private Pakistani banks like Metropolitan bank. Soneri bank and Askari Commercial bank. The improved performance of the nationalized commercial banks (NCBs) is also the threat for the bank Al Habib. Foreign banks are also competing with the bank for same small medium sized companies. The bank is overcoming the incentive competition due to its strong reputation as a renowned financial group in Pakistan and a long history of experience in the banking sector. II. Potential entry of new competitors; The entry barriers in this market are high. The new banks need permission from SBP so entry of new banks is restricted. III. Development of substitute products; The non banking financial institutions including development finance institutions (DFIs), private sector investment banks (PSIBs), leasing corporations (LCs) and Modarbas are almost in the same line of business and can be treated to the bank. Bargaining power of suppliers; The main suppliers in the banking sectors are depositors. Although the bank is given higher return then any other bank (12% per annum) to attract the depositors but the low innovation in the product and also low investment in the marketing sector of the bank may provide difficulties in coming years. IV. Bargaining power of customers; The main customers are small traders and exporters based in Karachi and Lahore, majority of who deal in textile related commodities. Since the bank is targeting the short-term trade finance market, the bargaining power of customer is substantial as other banks within the same sector like Habib bank, Bank Al Falah and Metropolitan are fast catching up with the Bank Al Habib in providing services to the traders. Internal assessment; Marketing mix; in marketing mix define the products of the business briefly, pricing of the Bank AL Habib, promotional activities of the Bank Al Habib and also the placement of the Bank Al Habib. IMC; Bank Al Habib used the IMC for the promotion of their business in the market. They used the print media as well as electronic media for the target segment of their customers Conclusion; BANK Al Habib do well their operation of business. They met their budget effectively and efficiently. Suggestion; They should improve interpersonal communication, improve marketing department easily give the credit to the customer.


Introduction: Bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started its operations in January 1992. It is a venture of the Habib Group, which owns 50% of the shares - 20 % shares are owned bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started its operations by NIT and 30% are owned by the general public. The bank operates in the private sector, with 30 branches in the major cities of Pakistan, and has its principle office at Karachi.


We have prepared this project on “Bank Al Habib” for marketing management instructor Mr. Attique-ur-Rahman. . Outline: Firstly in this project we have given the introduction of Bank Al Habib then Management of the organization, management function, internal assessment, external assessment, conclusion and at the end we give the some useful suggestions for improve the business of the bank.


In this project we are discussing the problems that are effect the company operational strength with the help of the external and internal assessment.

Purpose: The preparation of this report has two purposes: i. Primary purpose is to polish our project making and writing skills. ii. And secondary purpose is to check our decision making skills about the marketing of the organization.


In this report we are discussing only the management function and marketing plan of the Bank Al Habib.

Methodology For the purpose of making this project we have collected the data from internet, interviews and books.

Sources: For Primary sources kindly see Appendix For secondary sources kindly see Bibliography

Definition of terms

Kindly see the glossary for this purpose.

Limitations: X

During the preparation of this report we faced following problems. ➢ Lack of time ➢ Loads shading ➢ Lack of finance



University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Introduction & History 1.1- Introduction of Habib family The history of the House of Habib goes back to middle of the previous-to-last century when Esmail Ali of Jamnagar, India, set up a small utensil factory in Bombay. His son Habib Esmail, born in 1878, founded the House of Habib. Habib was very young when his father died, forcing him to join the business of his uncle Cassum Mohammad, owner of Khoja Mithabai Nathoo, merchant, and manufacturer of copper and brass utensils. It was because of his association with Mithabai Nathoo that Habib Ismaeel came to be known as Seth Habib Mitha.

DAWOOD HABIB Habib and Sons was formed in the 1920’s to trade in cotton, copper, oil seeds, gold bullion and other commodities and to act as a merchant bank. This in turn led to the formation in 1941 of Habib Bank Ltd. Bombay, as a public limited company.


Introduction of Habib groups of companies:

The Origin of what is now known as the Habib Group of companies can be traced to Habib Esmail, and his association with the firm of Khoja Mithabani Nathoo, a leading metals dealer established in Bombay in 1841. Habib joined the firm at the age of 13 for a monthly salary of Rs. 5. Through his hard work and determination he became partner at the age of 18 and also became the president of the Copper and Brass Merchants Association. Habib sent his representative to Europe in 1912 and followed that up by establishing branch offices in Genoa and Vienna. Simultaneously, he began business relationship with Japan and China importing hosiery, yarn, glassware and cutlery and exporting cotton. He started the firm "Habib & Sons" in 1921 and changed the family name to "Habib". His four sons namely Ahmed Habib, Dawood Habib, Mohammed Ali Habib and Ghulam Ali Habib joined the business. The firm expanded rapidly - banking remaining a core business. This in turn led to the formation in 1941 of Habib Bank Ltd. Bombay, as a public limited company. The bank was to become the flagship of the family’s industrial and commercial ventures. Prior to the creation of Pakistan the bank moved its head office to Karachi and played a vital role in providing the basic banking and financial needs of this new country. A network of branches and training centers were established in former East and West Pakistan. When all banks in Pakistan were nationalized in 1974, Habib Bank was one of the largest commercial banks in South Asia with 875 branches in Pakistan and 44 branches overseas, including 20 in the United Kingdom.

1800 1920 1941 1942 1947 1967


University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


1974 1982 1991


Habib Family's Business Units

BANKING & FINANCE; Bank AL Habib Habibsons Bank Habib Overseas Bank Habib African Bank Habib Banking Corporation Habib Investment Corp. (FZE) Habib Capital Advisors Ltd

(Pakistan) (UK & Switzerland) (South Africa) (Tanzania) (Bahamas) (UAE) (BVI)

INSURANCE; Habib Insurance Co. Green shield Insurance Brokers

(Pakistan) (UAE & Pakistan)

REA L ESTATE; Habib Properties FZC Green shield Developers Green shield Real Estate Brokers Gulf Properties International



Habib Sugar Mills Habib & Sons Habib Motor Company Habib Foods Habib IT

(Pakistan) (Pakistan, UK & USA) (Pakistan) (Pakistan) (Pakistan)

1.3- History of Habib group in Pakistan: The House of Habib holds many distinctions in Pakistan's history. Habib Bank was shifted to Pakistan on the personal bidding of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and came to the aid of the nascent state "even before the Govt of Pakistan was ready to issue appropriate government paper" with a Rs 80 million loan when the Reserve Bank of India failed to deliver Pakistan share of Rs 750 million held by it. It is said that Mohammad Ali Habib gave a blank cheque on Llyod Bank to the Quaid-e-Azam who wrote Rs 80 million in it. (An article in Habib Bank Golden Jubilee Presentation and a letter to the Editor in daily Dawn, September 11, 1991).

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore



Introduction of Bank AL_HABIB:

Bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started its operations in January 1992. It is a venture of the Habib Group, which owns 50% of the shares - 20 % shares are owned bank AL Habib was incorporated as a Public Limited Company in October 1991 and started its operations by NIT and 30% are owned by the general public. The bank operates in the private sector, with 30 branches in the major cities of Pakistan, and has its principle office at Karachi. It is a scheduled bank principally engaged in the business of commercial banking with a network of 233 branches including a wholesale branch (in the Kingdom of Bahrain, a branch in Karachi Export Processing Zone and four Islamic Banking branches. The Bank has invested in 66.67% shares of AL Habib Capital Markets (Private) Limited. The principal objective of the company is to engage in the business of equity, money market and foreign exchange, brokerage, equity research and corporate financial advisory and consultancy services. AL Habib Capital Markets (Private) Limited (the Company) was incorporated in Pakistan as a (Private) Limited Company on 23 August 2005 under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and started operations from14 December 2005.AL Habib Financial Services Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank. The principal objective of the company is to engage in arranging / advising on financial products and services. AL Habib Financial Services Limited was incorporated in Dubai on 05 March 2008. Its commercial banking services also include acceptance and placement of funds in the interbank market; purchase and sale of foreign currencies; trade information and research; remittances and transfer of funds; purchase and sale of government securities; Sui gas bills collection; and MCB rupee traveler cheque services.

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


1.5- Vision statement:

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VISION “To be a quality financial service provider

maintaining the highest standards in banking practices”.


Mission statement:

MISSION “To be a strong and stable financial institution offering innovative products and services while contributing towards the National economic and social development”.

1.7- Board of directors: Name



University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Ali Raza D. Habib



Abbas D. Habib



Anwar Haji Karim



Shameem Ahmed



Hasnain A. Habib



Imtiaz Aalam Hanfi



Murtaza H. Habib



Qumail R. Habib

Executive Director


Syed Mazhar Abbas



Tariq Iqbal Khan


NIT Nominee

A. Saeed Siddiqui

Company Secretary


1.8- Management: General Manager

Deputy General Manager

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Assistant General Manager

Senior Chief Manager

Chief Manager

Senior Manager


Assistant Manager

Officer Grade I

Officer Grade II

Officer Grade III

Sub Officer 1.9- COMPANY PROFILE: Bank AL Habib Limited

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore





Karachi, 1991


Karachi, Pakistan


Banking, Capital Markets, Investment Banking


Loans, Credit Cards, Savings, Consumer Banking etc...


▲ $150 million USD (2005)

Employees Website


1.10- No of branches in Pakistan: no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

City name Abbotabad Azad Kashmir Bahwalpur Burawal cakwal Dera ghazi khan Dharki Dinga Faisalabad Fazilpur Gawadar Gharo Gujranwala Gujrat Hafizabad Haripur

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore

No of branches 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 20

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

Hyderabad Hub Islamabad Jehlum Karachi Kashmore Kasur Khanewal Khanpur Khushab Lahore Larkana Mandi bahauddin Mirpukhas Muzaffargarh Multan Narowal Naushero feroz Nawabshah Okara Peshawar Quetta Rahim yar khan Rawalpindi Sadiqabad Sahiwal Saleh khana Sanghar Sargodha Sheikupura Shikarpur Sialkot Sukkur Sawabi Tando adam Toba tek singh Turbat Vehari Wah cantt Manama Bahrain

6 1 5 1 96 1 1 1 1 1 38 1 1 1 1 7 1 3 2 1 3 2 3 6 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1

Total no. of branches: Presently, the Bank has a network of Two Hundred And Thirty Threebranches in all the major cities of Pakistan and abroad fully automated and computerized and providing wide range of banking services.

Head office: University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Branch Name:

Head Office


126-C, Old Bahawalpur Road


(92-61) 544539, 111-786-110


(92-61) 582471


42336 ALHML PK

Main branch: Branch Name:

Main Branch


Mackinnons Building, I. I. Chundrigar Road


(92-21) 2412986-89 , 2417065-68 , 111-786-110


(92-21) 2425423 , 2412028


21286 ALHAB PK

Departments: Bank Al Habib limited has the following departments; ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Customer services Human resources department Risk management Audit department Quality & services department

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University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


2-Management function: ✔ Planning ✔ Organizing ✔ Leading ✔ Controlling 2.1- Planning: Planning is;  Defining organization goals and objectives.  Establishing overall strategies for achieving those goals.  Developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate organization work.

Types of planning: Bank Al Habib us e both formal and informal types of planning;

Informal; In informal planning, their planning is not written down, short term focus and specific to an organizational unit.

Formal; In formal planning, their planning is written down, specific, long term focus and involves shared goals for the organization.

Goals and objective: ✔ Financial strength and profitability by making profitable advances. ✔ Customer satisfaction by providing higher quality of services at an affordable cost. ✔ Growth by expending branch network and deposit base.

Short term objective; ♦ Profitability

Long term objective; ♦ Profitability ♦ To optimize the use of resources

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Process of planning:

Mission: To be a strong and stable financial institution offering innovative products and services while contributing towards the National economic and social development”.

Strategies: Strategies of bank Al Habib are giving loans and accepting deposits. Types of strategies used by bank Al Habib; cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, focused strategy and etc.

Plans: Plans of bank Al Habib are short-term and long-term advances & deposits.

Programs: Programs of bank Al Habib are up to one year or more then one year advances, fixed accounts, and etc.

Policies: Policies of the bank Al Habib are profitability, by making profitable advances and customer’s satisfaction by providing best services at an affordable cost.

Rules: The rules are define the upper level management according to situation.

Budget: Bank Al Habib always met its budget

2.2- Organizing: Managers work in organization. But what is an organization? An organization is an arrangement of the people to accomplish some specific purpose. Your colleges, university, banks, governments departments are all organizations because they have three common characteristics. First; each organization has a distinct purpose. This purpose is typically expressed in terms of a goal or set of goals that the organization hope to accomplish. Second; each organization is composed of people. One person is working alone is not an organization and it takes people to perform the work that’s necessary for the organization to achieve its goals. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Third; all organizations develop some deliberate structure so their members can do their work. Purpose of organizing; ➢ Divide work to be done into specific jobs and departments in bank Al Habib. ➢ Assign tasks and responsibilities associated with individual jobs in bank Al Habib. ➢ Coordinates diverse organizational tasks in Bank Al Habib. ➢ Establish relationship among individuals, groups and departments in Bank Al Habib. Types of organization; I. Tall vs. Flat: Bank Al Habib is a tall organization. II.Multinational vs. National: Bank AL Habib is a multinational organization. III.Single vs. Branch: Bank Al Habib is a branched organization. IV.Mechanistic vs. Organic: Bank Al Habib is an organic organization. V.Big vs. small: Bank AL Habib is a big organization.

2.3-Leadership: “The process of influencing a group of people towards the achievement of pre selected goals is called leadership”. & “The person who makes this process or who can influence others / group of people and who has managerial authority is called a leader”. Traits & skills of Leader: The leaders of bank Al Habib have the following Traits & Skills in themselves. ➢ Decision making ➢ Risk taking and risk bearing ➢ Stress taking & stress bearing ➢ Communication power ➢ Motivation power ➢ Honesty ➢ Strong vision ➢ Interpersonal skills ➢ Market forecasting skill ➢ Consistency ➢ Step forward ➢ Discipline ➢ Competitive skills Types of leader: There are three basic types of leaders; ➢ Dictator ➢ Democratic ➢ Laissez-fair University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


But the Bank Al Habib has the democratic leaders. Democratic leader: The leaders, Bank Al Habib have, are the types of “Democratic. Because the major portion of the bank is “decentralized”, that’s why the each leader has the complete power of decision making, but they are working “collaboratively” in whole organization with each other. All leaders of bank are involved in decision making, delegating their authorities to their higher qualified employees, encouraged the participation of their employees in work and gives them opportunities of coaching in well manners.

Motivation: Motivation is the very important skill of the leader, without the motivation skill the leader does not work effectively in the organization. Motivation of the employees to done the certain task and achieve the organization goals is too much important in the organization for its operations. Motivation is the duty of the leader toward his subordinate to do for the certain task to accomplish the organization goals.

2.4- Control: Control is the process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and of correcting any significant deviation. Importance of control; Control is very much important because it is the final link in the management functions. It is the only way mangers know whether organizational goals are being met and, it not, the reasons why. The value of control function lies in its relation to planning, empowering employees, and protecting work place. In Bank Al Habib the importance of control can not be neglected because it’s a service base organization and deals with finance. Every employee in this organization has direct of indirect interaction with financial activities and finance play the key role in the progress of the bank. That’s why there is significance importance of a good control over all the activities in the bank for progressing on the right path. Process of control: A three-step process including measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance against a standard and taking managerial action to correct deviation or inadequate standards. I. Measuring actual performance: To determine what actual performance is managers must acquire the information about the actual performance of the workers who are working in the organization and overall performance of the organization. In Bank Al Habib managers get prepared statistical and financial reports about the employees and progress of the bank to see that where organization is going. In statistical reports there is all mentioned about the progress of employees that which employee have achieve how much targets at the end of the month which were given by there bosses. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


II. Comparing actual performance with standards: The comparing performance determines the degree of variation between actual performance and the standard performance. Standards; In Bank Al Habib following standards are set to compare actual performance! General standard; ➢ Compliance with law ➢ Reasonable assurance and safeguards ➢ Integrity, competence, and positive attitude Specific standards; ➢ Internal control system and all transaction and significant events must be clearly documented, and the documentation readily available for examination. ➢ Transaction and other significant events are to be without delay recorded and properly classified. ➢ Transactions and other significant events are to be authorized and executed only by authorized persons. ➢ Key duties and responsibilities in authorized and executed only by authorized persons. ➢ Qualified and continued supervision is to be provided to ensure that internal control objectives are achieved. ➢ Access to resources and records is to be limited to authorized individuals and accountability for custody and use of resources is assigned and maintained. ➢ Managers are to; evaluate promptly findings and recommendations reported by reviewers. Determine proper actions in response to findings and recommendations, and complete, within established time frames, all actions that correct or otherwise resolve the matters brought to management’s attention. III. Taking correct actions: Corrective action in the organization corrects problem at once to get performance back on track. Management of Bank Al Habib revise the results from the comparison of the actual performance with the standards and then takes the corrective actions to solve that particular problem to ensure the achievement of targets in the organizations.

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


✔ SWOT analysis ✔ PEST analysis ✔ PORTER’s five forces

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External assessment: 3.1- SWOT analysis:

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective.

a)-Strength: Attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieving the objective. Strengths of bank Al Habib are as follows: ➢ ATMs at bank Al Habib are secured friendly and easy to access. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


➢ Younger’s account of the bank Al Habib is good source of promotion for bank Al Habib. ➢ Bank Al Habib’s brand name is itself a strength ➢ Bank Al Habib provides online as well as physical training for its employees all over world ➢ Bank Al Habib have the more then 230 branches in Pakistan ➢ There is a huge variety of products and services ➢ They do not consume to much capital on the marketing of their product ➢ Less risk in their banking system because they are not easily give the credit facilities to the customer ➢ Brand name is also the strength of the bank Al Habib. ➢ Decent way of dealing with the customers. ➢ Rapidly expansion of branches in the different cities of Pakistan. ➢ To much focus on the development and the promotion of the employees. ➢ Proper online banking system. ➢ No too much threat of the political environment. ➢ Sufficient liquidity position. ➢ Do well socially ➢ Habib schools 50% concession for the poor peoples ➢ Current ratio is above 20% of the total deposits ➢ Controlling Standards

b)-Weaknesses: Attributes of the organization those are harmful to achieving the objective. Weaknesses of bank Al habib are as follows: ➢ Bank Al Habib is not quick to give loans and cards. ➢ Not Easy application is for applying for a credit card ➢ No marketing for the promotion of their marketing. ➢ They are not high risk taker In business activities but in business the term is used “high risk high profit, low risk low profit” ➢ Too much poor Self Marketing Department. ➢ Low incentives like bonuses overtime pay etc.


– Opportunities:

External conditions those are helpful to achieving the objective. Opportunities that Bank Al Habib can avail are as follows: ➢ There is a lot of cushion available for Bank Al Habib in terms of expanding its network of branches up to 230 but all this depends on stability of the Pakistan economic and political situation ➢ The opportunities available for Bank Al Habib are financing to SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Pakistan. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


➢ Bank Al Habib can also look for small account holders ➢ Bank Al Habib has an opportunity to merge with some other bank to increase the number of its branches in Pakistan. ➢ Attractive salary packages should be awarded. ➢ Marketing department should be started in order to promote the name of Bank Al HAbib. ➢ On the job training & coaching sessions can be conducted.

d)- Threats: External conditions which could do damage to the business's performance Threats that could affect Bank AL Habib in negative way are as follows: ➢ Day by day competition is increasing not only of the expansion of the banks but also due to the launching of the new bank in the market e.g. Barclays. ➢ Circumstances of Pakistan are a great threat for the existence of the Bank Al Habib. ➢ More and more banks are launching there operations in Pakistan which is increasing competition for the Bank AL Habib. ➢ The conventional banks those having high growth rate and high market share are always being a threat. ➢ Large business parties have fewer attractions in being a client of BAL-IBD, mainly because of excessive amount of documentation.

3.2- PEST analysis:

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Political forces; The events in the last couple of years; the bomb blast of May 28th 1998 and the subsequent freezing of the FCA’s, the declaration that Riba is Un-Islamic, and a volatile political scenario that saw the overthrow of the Nawaz Sharifregime, all contributed in highlighting the important role of government in the local economy. The freezing of the FCA’s destroyed the confidence of foreign depositors. Also, the declaration that Riba is against the Sharia, is likely to cause tremendous uncertainty in the banking sector. After this Pakistan’s army totally holds on the government and push back the economy. Stability under the new regime is also very important for the economy as a whole. Continuous political changes have disrupted the policies and objectives as each regime brings with it its own agenda. Organizations need time to adjust to one regime and then work with it towards economic enhancement. Due the wrong policies of the government the talibanization also develop in Pakistan and become the international issue in Pakistan and badly affected the Pakistan repute in the world and promote the uncertain conditions for the business in the Pakistan. Due to this the investors are not interested in the Pakistan.

Economic factors;

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


The Pakistan economy is more controlled economy, then one where market forces reign supreme. Several key institutions are stated owned. Thus a discussion of the economic forces that influence the private organization such as bank Al Habib cannot ignore the substantial role played by the government in determining the state of the economy. The biggest indicator of the heavy role enjoyed by the government was evidence when foreign currency accounts (FCA’s) were frozen on the orders of the ministry of finance in the wake of explosion tests on may 31st 1998. This and the recent efforts by the state bank to artificially lower the interest rates by revising the repo rates downwards and encouraging lower bids for T-Bill, highlights the overwhelming role of the government in the economy. Badla rates are a true indication of market rates at which financial intuitions are willing to lend but the government, under the dictates of the IMF wants to artificially lower the interest rates so as to provide investment liquidity within the economy. General Musharaf period of government putt back the economy of the Pakistan due to the wrong policies of the government for the economic growth in the Pakistan. Pakistan economy destroyed badly in that 10 to 11 years of the government, and investors hesitated to invest in the Pakistan, and also the load shading is another factor that effect the Pakistan economy badly. This not the end of the story after this Pakistan’ economy face lot of problems like bomb attacks in Pakistan no electricity and the unstable government, due to this the investor are not invest in the Pakistan and the existing business men finish their business unit due to the loss.

Social forces: A low saving culture has offset the huge population advantage this is enjoyed by Pakistan. Also culture is dedicated by the religion, and in Pakistan a significant segment of the population is loath to accept interest for their deposits due to the negative religious implications of such an act. About 70% of Pakistan’s population is based on rural areas, thus making it harder for banks to mobilize their deposits within these regions. ➢ Habib group also started a school system in Karachi for the cherty purpose. ➢ They give the funds to the poor person on the daily basis

Technological forces: Banks in the developed world have been turning to heavy IT investments, which differentiate their products, provide response times, enhance accessibility and improve customer satisfaction. Though investing in state-of-the-art host banking solution (Fiserv, Kapiti, etc) , ATM and POS ( point of sale) networks, visa, MasterCard, and Amex switches, smart cards, telebanking and now internet banking are common IT investment in the developed world, it is now that these products and services are gaining faster acceptance in Pakistan. Bank Al Habib change their technology in IT sector due to the requirements of the current time, before this they have the poor technology of the IT and un less skilled person in that field but at this time they replace it with the heavy installation of the IT instruments. They hired new skill employed and trained them for the efficient and effective work.

3.3- Porter’s five forces analysis: The model of the five competitive forces was developed by Michael E. Porter in his book “Competitive strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors” in 1980. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore 34

Porter’s model is based on the insight that a corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizations external environment.

V. Rivalry Among

Competing firms; Bank Al Habib limited is facing a strong competition from other private Pakistani banks like Metropolitan bank. Soneri bank and Askari Commercial bank. The improved performance of the nationalized commercial banks (NCBs) is also the threat for the bank Al Habib. Foreign banks are also competing with the bank for same small medium sized companies. The bank is overcoming the incentive competition due to its strong reputation as a renowned financial group in Pakistan and a long history of experience in the banking sector.

VI. Potential entry of new competitors; The entry barriers in this market are high. The new banks need permission from SBP so entry of new banks is restricted. Also the paid up capital requirement is likely to be raised from Rs.500 million to Rs.1 billion. VII.Development of substitute products; The non banking financial institutions including development finance institutions (DFIs), private sector investment banks (PSIBs), leasing corporations (LCs) and Modarbas are almost in the same line of business and can be treated to the bank. Other substitutes that compete University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


include the national saving certificates, the stock market, its supporting industry and brokerage houses. VIII.Bargaining power of suppliers; The main suppliers in the banking sectors are depositors. Although the bank is given higher return then any other bank (12% per annum) to attract the depositors but the low innovation in the product and also low investment in the marketing sector of the bank may provide difficulties in coming years. The regulatory bodies could also be the suppliers as they provide guidelines to the bank from time to time. These include the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), The Corporate Law Authority (CLA), The Ministry of Finance and the religious board. IX. Bargaining power of customers; The main customers are small traders and exporters based in Karachi and Lahore, majority of whom deal in textile related commodities. Since the bank is targeting the short-term trade finance market, the bargaining power of customer is substantial as other banks within the same sector like Habib bank, Bank Al Falah and Metropolitan are fast catching up with the Bank Al Habib in providing services to the traders.

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore



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Internal assessment 4.1- Marketing mix: Marketing mix is the heart of the marketing. Marketers make marketing mix decision for influencing their trade channel as well as their customers. Once they understand these groups, marketer makes or customize an offering or solution, inform customers recognizing that may other sources of information also exist set a price that offer a real value, and choose place where the offering will be accessible.

Product; “Product” refers to goods and services you offer to your customers. Apart from the physical product itself, there are elements associated with your product that customers may be attracted to. Bank Al Habib have the various products which are given below in detail. ✔ Consumer banking ✔ Services ✔ Investment ✔ Islamic Banking ✔ Commercial banking ✔ Home remittances Consumer banking; i. Auto loan:

Bank Al Habib APNI CAR- the car financing facility which gives you complete peace of mind through convenient repayment plans. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


ii. Home loan;

Decent homes are difficult to purchase in today’s ever changing world of real estate prices. Safe and comfortable shelter is the prime necessity for each individual. So let bank Al Habib with its home finance solution provide you with the means of buying, constructing your ideal home. iii. Home buying; Realize your dream with the Bank AL Habib Home Buying facility where you can own your personal property. This scheme offers you to buy & own your dream home

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


iv. Home construction;

Bank AL Habib will help you as our eligible customer to build the house of your dreams! Eligibility Criteria Pakistani National - Salaried or Self Employed - Minimum 23 to Maximum 60 Years Old - Minimum Net Salary Rupees 20,000/= v. Home improvement;

For Bank AL Habib, eligible customers, who wish to renovate their homes to meet the changing needs of their family?

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Services: i.

Online banking;

Bank AL Habib offers Online Banking Facility to its account holders at branches all over Pakistan. Cash may be accepted at a branch for crediting accounts at another branch; Cheques can be paid by a branch by debiting the customer’s account at another branch. ii. ATM cards;

Now your Bank AL Habib ATM Card is not just an ATM Card It’s much more… Bank AL Habib is a founder member bank of 1 Link, the largest shared ATM network countrywide, giving you 24-hour access to your account from any ATMs. This network will keep on expanding to give you unmatched and most convenient services. iii. Debit cards;

Welcome to Cashless Transactions In keeping with Bank AL Habib's tradition of bringing you the quality services, we now move one step further, to add more convenience to your banking. Your Bank AL Habib ATM Card University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


can also work as a Debit Card at thousands of outlets and shops all over Pakistan, displaying the ORIX Network logo for a maximum of 25000/= per day.

iv. Telebanking;

Round the Clock Banking Anywhere Anytime Bank AL Habib, customer convenience comes first. After successfully launching FREE ATM Cards and Online Banking. We now introduce yet another facility for all our customers. AL Habib TeleBanking Service is a fully automated telephone banking service that brings banking at your finger tips, giving you instant access to the information you need. Now you can have access to your account… without going to the bank… 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year – absolutely free! v. Electronic funds transfer;

The InterBank and IntraBank Funds Transfer “IBFT” is an electronic funds transfer “EFT” facility added to the list of our existing ATM Card services. It is an automated solution for bank to bank funds transfers which enable 1Link ATM Cardholders to avail real time funds transfer facility from their account to any other account in Bank AL Habib (BAHL) or to any 3rd Party Account in BAHL or participating 1Link Switch Member Bank’s customer account using their bank’s ATM.

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


vi. Remittances;

Bank AL Habib Limited offers Funds Transfers in Pak Rupees (Inland Local Remittances) or in Foreign Currencies, (Foreign Remittances) on request of customer.

vii. Life insurance;

It gives us great pleasure to inform our valued customers that Bank AL Habib has arranged "Absolutely Free" Insurance Cover to our existing saving accountholders. viii.Cash management;

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To provide value added services and solutions is part of our mission statement. We understand the complex requirements of corporate when it comes to effectively manage their liquidity/cash flows. Our Cash Management suite of services/products is geared towards addressing these business and operational complexities with the objective to streamline a company's receivables and payables.

Investment: 1. Young savers account; Young Pakistanis, Bank AL Habib has designed a new account specially for you, ... your own Young Savers Account.


➢ This is an account for Young Savers of up to 18 years.

Visit the nearest Bank AL Habib branch with your parent/guardian to open your Young Savers Account. You can open an account with as little as Rs. 5/=

➢ Rate of return on Young Savers Account is expected to be well above the return on normal savings accounts. Currently indicative rate of return on balances up to Rs. 500,000 is 10% P.A and for balances over Rs. 500,000 is 5% P.A, payable six monthly.

➢ Young Savers Account will have Internet Banking facility and ATM Debit Card available to your parent/guardian

➢ Young Savers of 16 years and more will also be eligible to receive ATM Cards and

can withdraw money through ATMs, if specifically authorized by their parents/guardians (certain conditions apply).

➢ Until you the Young Savers are a minor, i.e., below 18 years, the account will be operated by your parent/guardian. When you attain majority, the balance in the account will be transferred to a new account which you will open and operate after completing required formalities, including the concurrence of your parent/guardian.

➢ Bank officers will also visit your school to help you open Young Savers Account and collect your deposit.

2. PLs saving account and monthly profit plan; University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Bank AL Habib offers Two Value Added Savings Accounts which are PLS Savings Account and Monthly Profit Plan

Features; PLs saving account: ➢ Profit is paid out to your Account on six-monthly basis. ➢ There is NO Minimum Balance requirement for PLS Savings Account. ➢ The indicative Return Payable on "PLS Savings Account" deposits with effect from July 01, 2008 is 5.00 % per annum. ➢ Free Life and Disability Insurance cover for accountholders. Monthly profit plan:

➢ This plan adds to the earning ability of your PLS Savings Account with Bank AL Habib.

➢ Your profit is paid out / credited every month to your Account instead of six-monthly as in case of PLS Savings Account. ➢ NO Special forms or applications, NO Minimum Balance requirement. ➢ The indicative Return Payable on "Monthly Profit Plan" deposits with effect from July 01, 2008 is 5.00 % per annum. ➢ Free Life and Disability Insurance cover for account holders 3. Treasurer’s call; Corporate societies, trusts and even individuals have large funds which are generally idle. Such funds can be put to This plan is open to Current Deposited Account. Access to such funds requires only a 24 hour notice. Profit is calculated on a daily product basis and credited to your Account monthly. The applicable rates for the Treasurer's Call Deposited Account, effective January 1, 2005 are: work to earn handsome profits via the AL Habib Treasurer's Account.

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


4. Growth certificates: Bank AL Habib has now introduced “5 Years Growth Certificates” for its customers which are for a longer tenor at very attractive rates. Receipts may be issued on PLS Term Deposit Receipts clearly marked “5 Years Growth Certificates”.

5. Super saving account; Bank AL Habib has introduced Super Saving account to meet your needs. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Features of Super Saving Account. ➢ Profit is Paid to your account on a quarterly basis. ➢ Minimum Deposit in the Account must be 500,000 or above.

6. Her mah munafa imdani main izaffa: AL Habib Mahana Munafa Account High Returns Reliable and Convenient

7. Senior citizen account;

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High Returns Reliable and Convenient •

In case of a joint account the Senior Citizen will be the primary account holder and other joint account holders must be between 18 and 60 years of age.

Profit will be paid on the first working day of the next month

Up to 90% financing allowed against deposit..

The indicative return payable on "Senior Citizen's Account" deposit effective November 01, 2008 is 11% per annum.

Free ATM Card.

Profit may be drawn through Cheque or ATM from any branch of Bank AL Habib.

Profit is subject to Zakat, Withholding Tax and other Government Levies unless exempted.

Islamic banking: 1. Deposit schemes;

Bank AL Habib Limited, Islamic Banking Branch, invites participation in the following deposit schemes: •

AL Habib Current Accounts

AL Habib Saving Accounts

AL Habib Term Deposits

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2. Islamic financing;

We also offer Islamic Finance for Individual / Traders / Industries, etc. These finances are offered in the following forms: •

Murabaha Finance

Ijarah Finance (Leasing)

Diminishing Musharakah Finance

3. Declaration of profit;

Declaration of Profit on various Deposits for the Quarter ended March 31, 2009

Commercial banking: We offer a full range of banking services which include: ✔ Current and deposit accounts for corporate and individual clients. ✔ Foreign currency accounts. ✔ Finance through loans, and other credit facilities to the corporate, private and public sectors. ✔ Short term finance of foreign trade through Letters of Credit and negotiation of Bills of Exchange. ✔ Issuance of Guarantees, Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds etc. ✔ Acceptance and placement of funds in the inter-bank market. ✔ Purchase and sale of foreign currencies. ✔ Trade information and research. ✔ Remittances and transfer of funds. ✔ Sui Gas Bills Collection on Direct Debit basis. ✔ MCB Rupee Traveler cheque.

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Home Remittance:

Bank AL Habib Limited will encourage all remitters to open account for the beneficiaries in Pakistan at any BAHL branch to avail following services absolutely free of charge: •

No minimum balance required to open and maintain a Savings account

Same day value for remittances received before 1300 Hrs PST for deposit in the remitter/ beneficiary’s BAHL account.

ATM/Debit Card accepted at over 6000 merchants and 2000 ATMs across Pakistan.

Free Life Insurance cover for up to PKR 1 million, subject to prevailing terms and conditions for PKR Savings account holders.

Issuance of Pay Order or Demand Draft.

Direct Debit and Standing Instructions for frequent payments from accounts

Competitive exchange rates for FCY transactions or transfer from US$ account to PKR account.

Net Banking for round the clock internet banking services from any where at any time for balance inquiry, statement of account and funds transfer etc.

24X7 Call Center and TeleBanking services.

Pricing: ✔ Profits rate for quarter ending; ✔ Treasurer’s call:

✔ Super Saving Account. ✔ Growth certificates: ✔ Her mah munafa imdani main izaffa: University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


✔ Home remittance: Profit Rates for the Quarter Ended Products

Mar 31, 2009

Dec 31, 2008

Sep 30, 2008

Jun 30, 2008

Saving Deposit (1 – 999,999)





Saving Deposit (1,000,000 – 9,999,999)





Saving Deposit (10,000,000 – 49,999,999)





Saving Deposit (50,000,000 & above)





Term Deposit - 1 month





Term Deposit - 3 months





Term Deposit - 6 months





Term Deposit - 1 year (profit to be paid monthly)





Term Deposit - 1 year (profit to be paid maturity )





Term Deposit - 3 years (profit to be paid monthly)





✔ Treasurer’s call:

✔ Super Saving Account. ✔ Growth certificates: ✔ Her mah munafa imdani main izaffa: ✔ Home remittance: Deposit Amount

Rate per Annum

On Balances Below Rs. 250,000


On Balances from Rs. 250,000 to 999,999


On Balances from Rs. 1,000,000 to 4,999,999


On Balances above Rs. 5,000,000>


On Balances above Rs. 50,000,000

To be quoted by zonal office

✔ Super Saving Account. ✔ Growth certificates: ✔ Her mah munafa imdani main izaffa: ✔ Home remittance: Expected Rates of Profit Term


From Rs.500,000 to Rs.1,999,999.99

4% P.A

From Rs.2,000,000 to Rs.9,999,999.99

5% P.A

From Rs.10,000,000 and above

6% P.A

✔ Growth certificates: ✔ Her mah munafa imdani main izaffa: ✔ Home remittance: Tentative Profit Rate University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore




1st 6 months


2nd 6 months


3rd 6 months


4th 6 months


5th 6 months


6th 6 months


7th 6 months


8th 6 months


9th 6 months


10th 6 months


✔ Her mah munafa imdani main izaffa: ✔ Home remittance: Year Deposit

11.00% p.a*

2 Year Deposit

11.25% p.a*

3 Year Deposit

11.50% p.a*

4 Year Deposit

11.75% p.a*

5 Year Deposit

12.00% p.a*

✔ Home remittance: For Remittances in Australian Dollars SNo 1



ACCOUNT NO 1803071765500

For Remittances in Canadian Dollars SNo 1



ACCOUNT NO 208-655-1

For Remittances in Euros SNo 1



ACCOUNT NO 400 880 7125 01 EUR

For Remittances in GB Pounds SNo
















For Remittances in Japanese Yen SNo 1




For Remittances in US Dollars SNo












University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore














For Remittances in Swiss Francs SNo 1



ACCOUNT NO 0835-0902223-53000

Placement: The placement strategies of the bank Al Habib is very effective and strong. They have over 230 branches in the major cities of the Pakistan. The products and services are provided to the consumers at the branches.

Promotion: Promotion is the last p of the marketing mix. And the some marketers say that the most important part of the marketing mix is promotion. Organizations are very care full about the promotion of their products in the market; adopt the promotional strategies for the effective promotion of their products. Bank Al Habib uses the different strategies for the promotion of their products according to the environment of the market for capturing the most of the customers in the market. Thety used strategies such as; ✔ Sales promotion ✔ Introducing innovative products

4.1- INTEGRATED MARKET COMMUNICATION: Any organization is work on the some goals and objectives, and these goals and objective are depend or based on the some pillars without these pillars the goals are not achieved. IMC is the most important pillar out of these pillars. IMC is the combination of different marketing or promotional tools that creates synergy effect inn the market. Marketer used the IMC for creating the need and wants in the consumers mind. They have selected the different media for the promotion of their products. They used the commonly print & electronic media for the promotion of their products. Electronic media: Bank AL Habib used the two types of the electronic media in the market to for the target consumers. ➢ Radio; University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


The marketing management of the Bank Al Habib is used the FM radio for the promotion of their product and hit the segment of their target consumers.

➢ Television; Bank Al Habib used the television adds for the promotion of their product (younger’s savers account) on the cartoon network channel. They select this channel for the target their segment for their product in the market. Because this account is especially for the young age generation, so they select this channel because the young generation is mostly focus on the

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cartoons rather then the movies & drama

Print media: They are selected the print media more then the other media for the promotion of their products, and they target their segment in the market. They are not used the both the media electronic and media like other organization. They used print media for the capturing the higher class and also target the middle class.

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University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


CONCLUSION From the above in formation we are concluded that Bank Al Habib due very well in the market. They used the good strategies for accomplish of the organization goals and objective. Bank Al Habib met their budget in the year very effectively, increase the branches in Pakistan major cities, and increase the ATM’s network. They used the strategy sales promotion for the promotion for the promotion of their product in the market, introduced the new product in the market like younger’s savers account and etc. They used the frontal attack in the market for the promotion of their business in the market like other banks in the Pakistan. They are politically strong because they have no account of that kind that is effected by the politically instability in the country. They are to much aware in giving the credit facility to the customer. Due to this the bad debts ratio of the bank is to much low 0.05%. They are also due the work socially for the country for the promotion of the organization in the Pakistan society. Bank Al Habib has the good position in liquidity because they have the C.A ratio 20% of total deposits. Bank Al Habib is mostly emphasis on the financing and deposits that is the better for the effective work of the organization. They are poor in the IT department but they are solving this problem in last year by installing a new system of IT, and also train their employees hire the skilled employees for the IT sector. By this performance of the IT sector of the Bank Al Habib is too much improved.

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University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


SUGGESTION They do the well but there is still need to improve the business operations. ✔ They should improve the marketing department for the promotion and the better result for the organization ✔ They should used the electronic media frequently for targeting the higher class of the customers ✔ They should sponsor the events in Pakistan and also in the world for the promotion of the business. ✔ Bank Al Habib should become quick to give loans and cards. ✔ Make Easy procedure for applying for a credit card ✔ Give more incentives like bonuses overtime pay etc. ✔ Make strong Self Marketing Department.

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


Appendix We visit the Bank Al Habib and take interview and received the information about the marketing and management of bank Al Habib. We get the information from Mr. Rehan Khan who is working as an officer Grade-I

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BIBLIOGRAPHY We took the information from the following sources; Google Scribd Wikipedia Investopedia. Print media ✔ TV adds ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

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GLOSSARY A Accessible (a town accessible by rail", available) Accomplish; to gain with effort Assurance (authority); Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities Assessment (judgment, he classification of someone or something with respect to its worth)

B Bidding; An authoritative direction or instruction to do something Bearing; Relevant relation or interconnection Brokerage firms; A stock broker's business; charges a fee to act as intermediary between buyer and seller

C Corporate (corporate rates"; "corporate structure") Compliance ; (Acting according to certain accepted standards) Conventional (conventional wisdom"; "she had strayed from the path of conventional behavior"; "conventional forms of address") Commodities; good, trade goods, Articles of commerce

D Deliberate; Carefully thought out in advance Dictator; A ruler who is unconstrained by law Democratic; Belong to or relating to the Democratic Party Disability (The condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness) Distinct; (often followed by 'from') not alike; different in nature or quality

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


E Engaged; Having ones attention or mind or energy engaged Empowering ; Give or delegate power or authority to

G Guardian (A person who cares for persons or property)

I Inadequate (poor, short, unequal) Launching (The act of moving a newly built vessel into the water for the first time) incentives (A positive motivational influence) Integrate; Make into a whole or make part of a whole Incorporated; Formed or united into a whole

L Levies (charge imposed and collected)

O Origin; The place where something begins, where it springs into being Optimize; make optimal; get the most out of; use best

R Regime (The organization that is the governing authority of a political unit) Renovate ( repair restore fix up) Remittances (A payment of money sent to a person in another place) Readily (promptly, quick)

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S Subsequent (subsequent developments) Strategies; An elaborate and systematic plan of action Simultaneously; At the same instant

Subsidiary; Functioning in a supporting capacity

V Venture (speculation); Proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers Readily (promptly, quick)

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INDEX Introduction of Habib family; 1 Introduction of Habib groups of companies; 1,2,3,4 History of Habib group in Pakistan: 4 Introduction of Bank AL_HABIB: 5 Vision statement: 6 Mission statement: 7 Board of directors: 8 COMPANY PROFILE: 10 No of branches in Pakistan: 11, 12 Management function: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 SWOT analysis: 20, 21, 22 PEST analysis: 23, 24, 25 Porter’s five forces analysis: 25, 26 Marketing mix: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore


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