Bangladesh Demographic Data Sheet Indicators
Number / Rates / Ratios
Country area
1,47,570 sq. km.
Total Population
140.6 Million (BBS 2007)
Female male population ratio
105 : 100 (BBS 2007)
Population Density (Per sq. km.)
953 Persons (BBS 2007)
Number of Eligible Couples (Excluding City Corporation)
23.0 million (MIS March 2009)
Neonatal Mortality Rate (<1 Month)
37 Percent (BDHS 2007)
Population growth rate
1.41 (BBS 2007)
Crude birth Rate (CBR) per 1000 live births
20.6 (BBS 2007)
Crude death Rate (CDR) per 1000 live births
5.6 (BBS 2007)
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) per 1000 live births
2.7 (BDHS 2007)
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR)
55.8 Percent (BDHS 2007)
Unmet need for Contraception
17.6 Percent (BDHS 2007)
Life Expectancy at birth (LER)
Male 64.4 years (BBS 2007) Female 66.0 years (BBS 2007)
Maternal mortality rate (MMR) per Female 1000 live births
3.0 (BMMS 2007)
Infant mortality rate (IMR) (0~1 yr) per 1000 live births
52 (BDHS 2007)
Child mortality rate (<5 yrs.) per 1000 live births
65 (BDHS 2007)
EPI Coverage of Children
81.9 Percent (BDHS 2007)
Delivery by medically trained personal
18 Percent (BDHS 2007)
Underweight children (<5 Years)
46 Percent (BDHS 2007)