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  • Words: 1,355
  • Pages: 7
BAMBOO; as a building material Bhupendra kr. Yadav. (Civil 3rd year) [email protected]

Abstract:Simply defining the building materials are those materials which are used in construction of any structure. While speaking about the construction material we frequently reminds stone, sand, aggregate, steel, iron, aluminium etc .Among those bamboo is the oldest building material known to human. Due to its good mechanical, physical, thermal and other engineering properties, low cost and lighter weight it has been used to make house, bridges, and furniture and daily life used appliances. For the place where we concern with cost, durability, and availability bamboo stand as the alternative to other building material. Introduction:Bamboo is giant, woody grass belonging to ‘’Poacede” grass family and “Plantea” kingdom. Historically, in 1778 Carl von linne introduce the bamboo as the construction material. There are more than 70 genera divided into about 1,000 species .It is the fastest growing plant. Generally growth rate of the bamboo is found to be 120cm per 24 hours but, the growth rate varies according to type of species.

Mainly bamboo has three major part (a) Root (b) Cane (c) Branches and leaves. Root also called ’Rhizomes’ is the lowest part of the bamboo. After seeding rhizomes develop and growth in both circumferentially and longitudinally. Among different type of the rhizomes, some bend upward to allow the new cane to mature. In bamboo there is no main axis for central stem, each axis branch off another. There are succession of the nodes and segments in rhizomes, cane and branches. The shape of the cane may be straight, overhanging or zig-zacked, curved or creeping. The cane growth from nodes of the root stock and develops at the enormous speed. The average length of the cane amount may be 8-15m with diameter 5-12cm with wall thickness up to 10mm.Cane may be in 15-20 segments in smaller species and up to 50 segment in larger species. In most of the cane the cane segment has average length of 35cm. Researchhas shown that the diameter of the cane and the wall thickness varies according to length. Only after three year cane develop its properties and will be suitable for the structural timber. Canes may be remains free from branches only for certain period, after then branches start developing from top to bottom (may be up to bottom of the cane in case of the some special species). The branches develop with strong nodal bead with diaphragm .The branches carry stemmed grass leaves. Properties of the bamboo

➢Phy sica l pr oper tie s: -


the large number of the species, the life span of the bamboo is determined by flowering period which can be up to 100 years. 2.Most bamboo species grew at temperature from -28 degree centigrade to 50 degree centigrade. It grew mainly on sandy liamy to liamy clay soil. 3.The specific gravity of the bamboo varies from 0.4 to 0.8 depending upon the type of the species. 4.The moisture content of the bamboo varies vertically from top (82%) to bottom (110%), and also from outer layer (100%, found by oven drying basis) to innermost layer (155%).

➢Mec han ical pr oper tie s 1.Tensile strength:-As the fiber of the bamboo run axially so it has high tensile strength. Experimentally it is found that it has tensile strength up to 40 kN/cm2 which is higher than that of the steel (37 kN/cm2), but it is not possible to construct the connection that can transfer these strength. 2.Compressive strength:-Bamboo is able to resist less compressive strength to that of the tensile strength. Sill tube does have to in the parallel or vertical to their fiber. Experimentally it is found that the compressive strength of the bamboo is 5.25 kN/cm2-8.6kN/cm2 according to the type of the species and tube diameter. 3.Fracture behavior: - In the most of the case of the bamboo structure fails due to fracture behavior of the bamboo. But it does not break spontaneous through whole material. The development of the deformation of the crack to whole tube is stopped by enforcing knots. The crack formed in bamboo surface is due to overloading or working at the period of

construction. This is the limitation of the bamboo to use as the structure in modern construction. 4.Other

strength properties in tabular form:S.n. Strength Value properties (kN/cm2) 1. Elastic modulus 1500-1900 2.

Flexure strength



Shearing strength



Remark -Varies according to type of the species -varies according to tube diameter. The deflection may be up to 1/20 of its span in average loading -Varies according to tube diameter

Bamboo shrinks more than that of the wood when it loses water. The cane can tear apart at the nodes. Bamboo shrinks in the cross-section up to 10-16%, while in wall thickness up to 15-17%. Due to shrinking properties of the bamboo the structure may lose their stability and hence may cause failure. 6.Fire and weather resistance: - The fire and weather resistance of the bamboo is very good because of the high content of the silica (chemical composition of the bamboo) filled with water. It can stand a temperature of 400 degree centigrade while water cooks inside. Another property of bamboo taken as its advantage is its light weight than that of other structural material. Bamboo has greater flexibility impact than that of the timber. ➢Use s of the bamboo

Bamboo is the cheaper, lighter, easily available and transportable building material known to the human. There are many application of bamboo in different flied which shows it’s important in field of construction engineering field. Some of the major application is described below.  As bamboo has been used as the building material from ancient time, the million of the people over the world live in bamboo house. Houses made of bamboo are widely found in different part of the Nepal.  Due to high strength bamboo can be used as pillars, walls, window frame, rafters, room separator, ceiling and roofs.  In different part of the world Bamboo Bridge is found to be widely used due to its strength, weight and availability.  It is experimentally found that due to its load bearing capacity it can be used as beam with concrete reinforced.  Bamboo reinforced concrete column and walls is widely used over the world.  Bamboo finds a efficient application in concrete slab reinforced with half section.  Due to having good vibrating damping and heat insulation properties bamboo is used as different component of the structure.  In different part of Nepal (may be over the world) bamboo is used as basket, brushes holder, cup, and kitchen container.  Much furniture like bed, chairs are made of bamboo.

 In java 20, different musical instrument have been fashioned of bamboo.  There are numerous design and verities of handy-craft made out of bamboo. In China, there are more than 3,000 verities of bamboo handicraft and that of in Nepal and India.  Bamboo is found to be used as ply wood, window cover.  Bamboo is used in paper, food and evidently in building industries.  Certain medicine has been found to be made of bamboo extracts. Different research is going on in this field. Although bamboo is used in different field its fracture behavior, shrinkage behavior, attack of different fungi limit it in field of construction. But, after having different mechanical and chemical treatment it’s all engineering properties can be improved. After a well treatment and good handling bamboo is the one of the best alternative solution of building material. In developing country like Nepal economy and availability plays a greater role in field of construction. A good research work on bamboo is required in order to make the bamboo more familiar for such field. As bamboo is the fastest growing plant, good for use and easy production process it has a great income generation. Increased production of bamboo and its wide use will provide employment and income both in rural and urban area.

➢ References 1. The Bamboo Handbook - Durnford L. Dart

2. A term paper on bamboo-Ashis manandhar (purwanchal eng. Collage) 3. Electronic media

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