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18 April 2008 In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen In the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen Now and forever more amen, Amen KING OF KING'S APPEARANCE IN BAHRAIN 08 March 2008 I had parked my rental car at Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain with my friend, we were quarrelling. While walking in the street, I saw one man standing with staff, He was a very neat man, dressed in slacks, I could not imagine He was asking me for 200 fills, “Please, Please Give me 200 fills” (55 cents), that was what the man said to me, but I refused to give Him because I did not have 200 fills in my pocket. I had 500 fills which was not mine, it was the money of my friend, I was ignoring him, and suddenly I realized he was not an ordinary man, then I tried to find him but I could not. I was so sleepy on the night it happened. When the Father in heaven King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Ruler of all nations brought me to Himself; He did it through complicating difficulties. I had serious problems which is too long to explain, in short I met Sister Maggie through Sister Jessica, who brought me to Brother EE; My mouth opened up to him and confessed all my sins and I asked him to baptize me immediately... So the baptism was done, within 3 times of meeting him, without asking who Brother EE was; He gave me the website of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. When I saw the picture of His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu, I realized that He was the one asking me 200 fills in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. When I saw the picture of FATHER Olumba Olumba Obu on the internet, His eyes came alive and my eyes and His eyes were talking what I could not understand... Thank you Holy Father. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


25 March 2008 DREAMS: MESSAGE ABOUT BAHRAIN I was walking on the beach in Bahrain. I was amazed when I saw the city, and it was tilting to my right. I was so scared because I was seeing big waves coming from my right. A lady came to my left and talked to me. She said, don’t worry and behold nothing will happen to you. This nation, looks like an umbrella, the foundation under water is too small and not strong. Do not worry, nothing bad will happen to you. I was not allowed to recognize the face of the lady. We were then walking and I found myself on the highest tower of a building and I was at the top of it. The building had glass all around it and one could see the entire city. I saw the entire city full of beautiful lights. But the city was tilting again to my right side. All the people were panicking and shouting. I found myself again that I was down in the big building outside. There was one man ahead of me and He said to me. “Wait when the lights come we will enter the building”. I did not recognize the face of this man with me. We were waiting. Then the city was tilting again to my right and the waves came again. I saw all the people coming to our position asking for salvation but the one man ahead of me ignored them. He was wearing what appeared like black but I don't have words to describe the colours and his hair was down unto his shoulders, my dream was ended; and I woke up and felt very tired and was very scared. Thank You Holy Father. THREE DAYS PRAYER WITH SIS. MAGGIE 4 April 2008 1st Day of Prayer I was talking to God Our Father, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, creator of Heaven and Earth through prayer, my mind was opened up, I saw one very beautiful woman behind me, She Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


was dressed in long shiny white robe with a crown on her head; She was standing behind me and covered up my whole body. I saw a child dressed in white robe and they were happy and playing. In the second stage of prayer on that day, I was talking with God the Father, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, creator of Heaven and Earth thru prayer and my mind was opened up again; I found myself that I was on a mountain, just below it there was a cornice, also a river was there and a very clean water; the water appeared as if it was rippled and I saw a face looking like gold and full of joy. I have seen this face before many times in my dreams. Then it was gone and I saw the cross, the body of Our Lord Jesus Christ was there for a while. Then it was gone; I saw three colours of candles they were burning and flowing teardrops from the candles; I saw a white sword, on top of the sword I saw the symbol of justice. The Sword was floating up in the air and was full of power, it was so shiny and radiant; I was disconnected. Thank You Holy Father. 5 April 2008 2nd Day of Prayer I talked to God the Father, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, creator of Heaven and Earth through prayer. My mind was opened up; I saw an old man wearing white dress, had white long hair, white long moustache; He was sitting on a golden chair,, and with His right foot He stepped on the head of the lady that had five hands on both sides, the lady wanted to escape and move out of that position but she could not; The sword was there again floating in the air and on top of it was the justice sign. Then I saw the heaven opening, I saw a lot of angels, they were riding on horses and flying. I saw one angel near me with long staff. He was the angel guard of that day, Saturday, Baraquel is his name. I felt the Power of the

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spirit from God coming into my body. I was disconnected. Thank You Holy Father. 6 April 2008 3rd Day of Prayer ALL ELEMENTARY SPIRITS UNDER HIS FEET I prayed to God the Father, Kings of Kings, Lords of Lords, creator of heaven and earth, during prayer my mind opened up; I saw the old man again. He was sitting on a chair. He stepped on the head of a lady with five arms on both sides. The white sword was floating and a pair of scales (the justice sign) was still on top of the sword. I continued talking to God the Father, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, creator of Heaven and Earth through prayer, I saw the ancient of days again sitting on a gold chair dressed in long robe appearing like gold; He was floating in the air, but I did not see the lady with five hands on her both sides again, only baby angels were under His chair. I was also kneeling down with my face down to the earth in worship. Then I felt that I was dressed in special clothing; same gold but different colours, somebody put jungle bolo on my left waist, and the white sword floating came into my right waist; then I felt very strong. The Beautiful Lady was still with me, She was on my back. I saw Sister Maggie delivering messages of God to the people, I was there watching and protecting her that nobody would hurt her. I was disconnected. It was the end of our three days prayer; Thank you Heavenly Father for all the visions you had given me with Sister Maggie during our three days prayer; You are so very kind and wonderful, I will serve you forever and ever, Amen Alleluia. Thank You Father.

6 April 2008

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TWO DREAMS OF A DRAGON; SAME NIGHT Early in the morning I saw myself fighting with dragon, he wanted to attack my face but he did not win. I woke up because Sister Maggie called me that she had the same dreams. I woke up and was disconnected.

8 April 2008 DREAMS: FISHING VESSEL I saw myself on a ship, a fishing vessel; I was fixing the mast and gear; there were seven people fighting me, after I poured water on their head coming from my mouth; they were all lost and their gang leader was running away. I woke up and drank water because I was tired from fighting them. My mind saw a lot of spirits outside my building where I lived; they were asking for prayer, I prayed to God the Father in Heaven, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, then I saw the giant man with one eye on his forehead; he was the guard of the spirit. I was disconnected. Thank you Father. THE SMALL BOOK 13-April-2008 The night after talking to Brother EE, we did a prayer and I saw in my vision Brother EE dressed in long white robe. He continued to preach the words of God, I told him that when I was in the house of Sister Maggie, I felt so sleepy; I was amazed that my mouth was opened up and closed quickly; I saw a vision of a small book coming into my mouth. I realized that I swallowed the small book. This happened on the 12th April 2008, after the long conversation with Brother EE we did a short prayer for end of topics.

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I felt that the book inside my body was turning and then enlarged to become normal size, and as it was opened I saw lights coming out of the book. I saw Brother EE dressed in a long white dress with special design, I was walking back home full of spirit, and I was disconnected. Thank You Father. KING OF KINGS IN THE RIGHT HAND OF THE HOLY FATHER Before I slept I did a short prayer and thanks to God our Heavenly Father, I saw the Ruler of the Universe, Leader of BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR; The Father, and the Son His Holiness OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, in His right hand. And I saw a torch in the right hand of the Father. And I saw His beloved Son on his right hand. The Father and the Son entered into one room, and it was very far away from my position but I saw that the room was full of books which appeared old, ancient and dusty; and the colour of the books were as of old expensive wood in maroon colour; it was ended. I was disconnected. 14 April 2008 HOLY FATHER AND KING OF KINGS IN THE SKY I did a short prayer before I went to my work, when I was at my workplace, while I was on top of the crane I felt the presence spirit of the Father in my body, I took off my shoes and knelt down on my knees, knocked my head three times; as I closed my eyes, I saw Father OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU and His beloved Son King of Kings in the sky; They were dressed in long garments appeared like red with wind blowing on it and the dress was shinning with radiance. They were floating above the sky and I was so happy. I met Bro. EE and discussed all these things. I did not know him very well since it's a couple of days we met; we had a lot of conversation about God. And I learnt a lot of things about Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


God from him. Sometimes when we were talking I saw his face changing into many faces, and I would tell him that your face is changing, and then he always tells me it is the Father. When I saw the picture of Father Olumba Olumba Obu, I realized that it was the face that is always with Him. In the vision I saw brother EE dressed in white clothes, especially if we did prayer, I would see him. He was floating in the air and lots of special roses under his feet; there are times while he was talking with us I see one old man with him, with long white dress with special design. I was always eager to see him all the time after my job to hear the words of God and to learn more; The Father has given him a very good gift of preaching the words of God and he was used by the Father to be my guide to the way of Eternal life; for he is very good in preaching the word of God. And I realized that Almighty God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ruler of the world is always with him, I see it in my vision. Thank You Father. VISION OF THE LADY 15 April 2008 On this day there was no ship in the harbour; I knelt down and prayed to God Almighty, I began to sleep, I saw the Beautiful Lady, Her spirit came into my body, I saw the King sitting in a gold chair inside my body, only his crown, hands, feet, clothes as king I recognized that he is the King, The book is the body of King; He opened up the book and the lights came out. The beautiful woman wearing wedding gown faced to the King and she bent down on her knees; She was reading the words inside the book, then one angel came, he took one page and rolled it, the angel quickly flew away, I slept. I woke up because we had work to do at the crane; I was on Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


top of the crane. It came to my mind what I had seen in my vision, It seemed in the vision I saw, but this time I saw the face of the King passing by quickly; It was the Father Olumba Olumba Obu and His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, dressed in red garments. I was amazed and I will praise the Father Almighty for He is with us. Thank You Father. 17 April 2008 BAPTISM OF SISTER MAGDALENE Before the Baptism of Sister Magdalene; Bro. EE offered a prayer, I saw in my vision through Almighty God, In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen, The spirit of His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu was with him; I saw the King dressed in red garment linen clothes and changing his voice, Father OOO was dressed in red long linen clothes sitting in the chair, I saw a lot of men wearing same Father’s robes. I saw a group of ladies, choristers wearing white linen clothes with white scarves covering their heads. They were singing, praising, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, amen. Brother EE continued praying with the spirit of His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu. When we were on the road going to baptism I saw again the choir ladies singing and praising God. When we did the baptism my eyes were opened and I saw the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost with us; lots of angels rejoicing and singing. Lovely day with Father in heaven. Thank You Father. 18 April 2008 VISION AND DREAMS: DISASTERS AND JUDGMENT Before going to sleep I did a prayer and I had a dream. I saw the Father in heaven sitting in the chair and He showed me the whole earth, and showed the disasters that will come.

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1. I saw the clouds becoming black and scary. 2. I saw the entire cities in the whole world being full of ash. 3. I saw the waves becoming big and the flame of fire that covered the entire cities of the whole world. 4. I saw all the people panicking and asking for salvation. 5. I saw the clouds continually moving, blowing and full of ash and darkness. 6. I found myself that I was in my birthplace in Philippines. 7. I saw one red linen clothes floating in the sea. I was hurrying to pick it up because the sea water level was on my waist. I managed to get the red linen clothes, but the red foam where the red linen clothes was placed, I could not get because the wind blew it fast away from me. 8. I saw the clouds became darker and the sea became empty land. It was dried and all human beings and animals were panicking and scared. 9. I was still standing in the dry sea land holding the red linen clothes. KING OF KINGS ON THE HIGH MOUNTAIN I woke up and prayed. Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and showed me these things: I found myself that I was on the highest mountain, and I saw the entire city again. His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu was there. 1... He came to me and gave me a hand shake with a smile. Then His face was changing. He pointed his finger to the entire city. 2. I was so scared when the whole mountain covered up the entire city; it appeared like a volcano, the image of mountain; the city was in the middle of mountain. 3. Clouds became darker; big flame of fire was there; then I heard the voices of all human beings shouting. They don't know where to go. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


4. He pointed again his finger far away; but first He touched my left shoulder and I saw the sun rising. Beautiful morning sun rise; I saw the birds flying and I had sighted the new city. Looked like gold, very nice city far away from my position. 5. He looked at me again and smiled, I saw His Holiness OOO floating in the air, and He was away from me with a smile. He waved as he moved away from my sight. I was trying to sleep again but I could not. The spirit revealed to me to write down these things that happened immediately. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 18 April 2008 VISION: THOSE IN WHITE ROBES During the prayer led by the Father in Bro. EE: 1. I saw Our Heavenly Father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu sitting and He stretched forth His hands and they covered the whole world. 2. The spirit of the Beautiful Lady with white linen clothes was with me; I was shaking during Brother EE's prayer. 3. I saw Brother EE becoming an old man, wearing full white linen clothes. 4. I saw two big groups of people before the Father. 5. One was on the right side of the Father, dressed in full white linen clothes, 6. The other was on the left side of the Father, dressed in different colours of clothes and flame of fire was behind this group. I was disconnected and Brother EE continued praying until it finished. Thank You Father. 19 April 2008 VISION: HOLY FATHER ON TOP OF THE UNIVERSE Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


12 pm: I woke up and prayed. I saw the Father Olumba Olumba Obu. He was floating in the air. And His face was changing in many ways. And I saw the dark clouds. I saw the entire universe and the Father was on top of the universe. I saw Father Olumba Olumba Obu changing image to an old man in long white robe. He became the ancient of days with long white hair, long moustache with a rod of iron in His right hand. I saw Him standing above the universe and He pointed the rod of iron like this above the clouds. Then it was finished and I was disconnected. Thank You Father. April 20, 2008 DREAMS: OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST I saw light from far away in the sky, it came closer and closer to me. There appeared white long linen clothes full of brightness and radiant light. It came closer to me. First I saw Hands, and they were open hands with nail-print wounds on them. Secondly I saw Feet, and there were nailprint wounds on them. Thirdly I saw a face. And it was the face of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A while He was gone. After that the face showed as it was made of gold and it appeared as old ancient of days full of joy and twinkling eyes looked like gold; I was disconnected and I woke up. I prayed and praised God Almighty for these wonderful things shown to me in my dreams. Thank You Father. FATHER REVEALED HIMSELF TO NEWLY BAPTISED SISTER 1. HIS APPEARANCE IN THE DREAM

Sometimes in mid-year 2007 I prayed to God Almighty before sleeping. My prayer request was for The Father to teach me His ways. Then I had a dream. A face of an African man appeared in my dreams. I woke up and did not understand who he was even if his appearance was familiar as if he belongs to my family. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


2. HIS FACE APPEARED IN A VISION The next morning I went to a Pentecostal church in Bahrain. While worshipping I had a vision. The same face that appeared in my dreams came to my face again in the church. 3. HIS PHYSICAL APPEARANCE IN CHURCH I looked around. As I turned my head I saw a man (Vision) with exactly the same face as it appeared in my dream. In short as the time he happened to be Bro. Emmanuel who was leading the bible study in a group. The teachings were too divine that I could not miss a lesson. I ended up getting baptized into Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Thank You very much Father for calling me in Bahrain. 19 April 2008 From Sister Maggie I had a dream in the night; I and other people were sitting in a certain room. The lady who was first baptized by Bro. EE in Bahrain was present. Brother EE was distributing baptismal certificates to those who have been baptized into Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Among them was my niece. I was very happy to hear her name called and I went in the Spirit of Joy and laughter. After Brother EE finished he went outside, my certificate was not ready as I was just being baptized. I saw the Leader of the BCS, Holy Father Olumba Olumba Obu came into the room which we were sitting. He came straight to me and shook my hand and welcomed me to Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. He warned me to be more careful, not to be boastful and try to show more respect, I agreed. As He left our room to outside, there were lots of people, all dressed in white and they were singing and worshiping in a lot of joy and paying a lot of respect and Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


reverence to Him. The sister asked me who He was, I told her. She was not very happy as she didn't know Him and her hand was not shaken. I was disconnected. Thank you Father for all your love, mercy and grace.

April 2008 VISION: HEAVENLY ARMIES AND PROTECTION 1. I saw the Queen in Heaven. She was dressed in long red linen clothes with the crown of a queen. She was holding the book and I saw her image appearing to Brother EE. 2. I saw lots of people dressed in long red linen clothes and some of them were in long white linen clothes. 3. I saw children wearing white robes. Bro. EE continued preaching the word of God until we finished with prayer. 4. I saw more people inside and outside the room listening to the words of God Almighty delivered through Bro. EE. The Father in heaven showed to me. We were in one big room. 5. I saw lots of Heaven’s soldiers outside the room. They were guarding and surrounding us. We were a big group including those people that Father in heaven showed to me. 6. I saw one giant man with one eye on his forehead. Lots of spirits followed when it came closer to us, they became bulls. When the one giant man and bulls came closer to us, the cloud became darker and like ashes. Until the group of giant men fell down, and all disappeared. The big group and heavenly soldiers surrounding us remained standing, because I saw the Father in heaven controlling everything. Heavenly Father above protected us through his heavenly army. I was disconnected, thank you heavenly Father for the great things that you have shown to us. Thank You Father.

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21 April 2008 VISION: HOLY FATHER WITH TWENTY FOUR ELDERS Heavenly Father sends me to Bro. EE’s house to bring his message. I was on the street walking. Suddenly Our Father OOO opened my mind; I saw Heavenly Father and twenty four elders having a meeting in the hall. Very nice hall and it was the first time in my life I saw things like this; Heavenly Father was in the centre. He was talking and talking. I saw the twenty four elders sitting in the chair with special designs; all of them had an angel guard with a door behind. They were wearing three colours of clothes white, black and red. I arrived at Bro. EE’s home. We did the prayer. I saw Heavenly Father; He was dressed in long white linen clothes (Soutane crescent) with white moustache. I saw the beautiful lady with long white linen dress and had queen’s crown. Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared. He showed to me his hands and feet and they had wounds as if it were nail prints on the cross. He showed me His heart full of sorrows and tears. His eyes looked like a flame of fire. He was dressed in shiny white linen clothes. I recognized the spirit of Holy merciful Heavenly Father directly coming to me and He gave a message that He sent us to the eastern part of the world to bring his word to the people but I was living a life of sin, I was breaking his rules. He punished me until he brought me up to Bro. EE. He revealed that the entire humanity in this world is living in sin. After that statement I asked Bro. EE, Sis Maggie and the young lady what was going on. Father in Heaven came and entered my body and spoke. Since that time throughout when I was home in the night until time for me to go to my work, I was restless, and I could neither sleep nor eat. He was always with me. He revealed to me that I needed to

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confess my sins in humanity way. He gave me instruction to inform these things to Bro. EE and Sis Maggie, so that both of them can be aware of their sins. I phoned Bro. EE and informed him these things. The night came Bro. EE called me that he was at home, I went there and he was with a visitor; we prayed and Heavenly Father was there; I was talking with Heavenly Father; He guided me orderly; I delivered his message clearly that the entire humanity is living behind sins. How will his chosen sons and daughters enter his promised city of eternal life if still living behind sins? I confessed my sins to Brother EE according to Heavenly Father’s instructions. I confessed my sins from my birth until present. During the confession, I saw the Father by the side of Bro. EE with His right hand holding his left shoulders. After my confession, Brother EE, the visitor, Sister Maggie confessed also. I felt that the entire heaven was rejoicing because I saw the Heavenly Father; tears dropped from his eyes. It was the tears of joy that his chosen sons and daughters were living with his laws and the confession of sins were done. I saw the greatest angelic choristers in heaven surrounding the Heavenly Father singing; holding both hands together and praising God. Heavenly Father said even many Brotherhood of the Cross and Star brothers and sisters are sinners. Many of them are using the holy name BCS for publicity and their own interest. We will live in this world with Him if we follow his injunctions. But if not we cannot enter the most wonderful and beautiful city that he promised to his chosen children. It is the reason he revealed to me and to tell this message to Brother EE. After all those things have been said; He came again to me and guided me to show my things to Brother EE, visitor, and Sister Maggie as evidence that I am a woeful sinner. But since he loves his chosen children he says: ”I AM HERE TO CORRECT YOU, LEADING YOU ALL AWAY FROM SIN; LIVING TO OBEY MY RULES, I AM YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER, I AM YOUR RULER, I AM YOUR ONLY Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


ONE GOD, I AM YOUR ONLY ONE KING; IF YOU FOLLOW MY RULES IN HEAVENLY AND HUMANITY WAY, THEN I WILL BRING YOU TO MY PROMISED CITY.” He showed to me the narrow pathway. We were walking on the narrow pathway with few people behind. I saw one man leading ahead of us; His feet did not touch the ground, His hair was down unto his shoulders, he was dressed in light black clothes that was changing colours and became white when reflection of light came to us from the old ancient ark. I and Brother EE were behind him and ahead from us I saw the Golden ark. It is an old ancient ark guarded by heaven’s soldiers and angels and they were waiting for us to go on board, I was disconnected. Thank you Heavenly Father for these great revelations you have shown to us. Thank You Father. April 24, 2008 VISION: PRESENCE OF FATHER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU I was at home and awake 8:30 am. I prayed and read gospel from the bible; the verses for Thursday fasting; I was so happy when I saw the presence of the Father Olumba Olumba Obu with me in spirit. He was watching me and listening to the words that I read from the bible, He gave me guide and said; I need to print out the copy of the guide on Thursday fasting and the verses and I need to be reading them even though I am at my work. After all those things were done I was walking towards the house of Brother EE; Heavenly father showed to me the narrow pathway. I and Bro. EE were walking in a very long and narrow pathway, with few people behind us, it was surrounded by reflections of light, and I saw the giant man with one eye on his forehead with his colleagues. I saw lots of bad spirits very far away in the dark area and were trying to come to us Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


but the light was protecting us from them. They were afraid of this light. Then the Heavenly Father Said: “If both of you walk in this direction of the narrow pathway, I will not allow these bad spirits to come to you. But if you fail to comply with my heavenly laws and humanity, I will let them come over you and rule both of you, then you cannot come into my promised eternal kingdom, be careful and take care of these reminders.” He said many more things but I could not remember. He was very strict on this. Thank You Father. 21 April 2008 VISION: HIS EYES WERE A FLAME OF FIRE Father in heaven was with me and I was fasting every day. Today I felt so hungry and tired after my work. When I was home I prayed and slept but I was still hungry, suddenly in my vision I saw a lady dressed in long linen clothes without seam and had special design on her clothes; She came to me with a plate of food; the colour of the food appears white; She put the food to my mouth three times and I ate it. It was such nice food that I swallowed it and I slept well. I woke up and called Brother EE, I went to his place, and I was on the street when Father in heaven showed me a vision. I saw He was in a big hall surrounded by twenty four elderly men, they were sitting in a chair and each of them had an angel guard. The angel had wings and long staff in their right hand. Behind every person was a door. I reached Brother EE’s place and prayed. I saw Father in heaven standing in the sky. His hands covered the entire universe. And I saw as it was, the world was surrounded and was full of ashes and dark clouds. I saw His eyes and His eyes were burning flame of fire. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. April 24, 2008 VISION: WALKING ON NARROW PATHWAYS Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Heavenly Father showed to me through vision while I was walking back home from Brother EE. He had seen and corrected my emails. I saw in the vision that I was walking on the narrow pathways, Heavenly Father opened my mind and showed me as follows: There was one big stage, very nice indeed. I saw two old men sitting in the King's chair. One was dressed in long white linen clothes (Soutane) with long moustache facing to the north. I saw the sun rising from His side. He was not wearing shoes (barefoot). One old man was wearing long red linen clothes with short hair half inches long the dimension of his hair, and He had no shoes on him, the old man was facing to the south. I saw two men, not too old. One was wearing long white linen clothes with his hair down to his shoulder. He had moustache and his hands and feet had wounds. The other one was wearing long red linen clothes. His hair was half inches dimension long. The two old men were listening to the message from the one man wearing full white linen clothes. Billions of people surrounded that stage listening to the message. This is what I actually heard from Him, for I could not understand all what He said: “My Heavenly Father sent me to this world 2000 years ago, to bring His laws (words of God) about the narrow pathway that leads humanity to life eternal, but nobody would listen. They continue to do and follow the evil ways, I came as a teacher to guide you in the narrow pathways but only few are believers; I bring the words of my Heavenly Father to the entire world. But sad to say no one else believes; now mark these words in your heads.” I was disconnected, and again I saw the angel that came into my body before and took the one page of the book; He gave that one page to the other man that was dressed in full red linen clothes. He turned to face the entire people. He showed the page to all people and Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


said, “This is your exam test results; while the other man came and taught each of you on how to walk on the narrow pathways. I will be the one to correct this according to your answers. Those who fail, SORRY I WILL RIP YOUR PAPER AND PUT IT IN THE FLAME OF FIRE, and those who pass THEY ARE LUCKY AND CAN GET THE HONOR AWARD FROM MY HEAVENLY FATHER. What I have been doing right now is correcting it one by one. REFRAIN FROM ALL YOUR SINS AND CONFESS IN HUMANITY WAYS, BEFORE I WILL SUBMIT TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER THE RESULT OF YOUR EXAMINATION. Those chosen sons and daughters of my Beloved Heavenly FATHER I will give you chance to correct your exam but if you fail to do that, SORRY I WILL RIP YOUR PAPER AND PUT IT IN THE FLAME OF FIRE. Put all these words in your inner head and heart. Peace of Our Heavenly Father be with you now and forever more. I was disconnected. When I reached home I wrote this message immediately. Thank you Heavenly Father for loving us and give us a second chance. Now I understand the earlier revelation that I saw the Father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu and the Son His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu with a torch in the Father’s right hand and He showed me a room full of old books, rather dusty and ancient. All the old books He had finished correcting and was waiting for judgment to be burnt in the flame of fire. For the torch in His hand was ready to light and burn the old books. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. April 25, 2008 VISION: THE BOAT WITH THE FATHER My mind opened up and the vision came from Heavenly Father during the prayer, I saw myself, Bro. EE and Sis Maggie, were on board a small boat, Father Olumba Olumba Obu was sitting at the control point of the boat. He was Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


holding the engine power control and steering. His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, was on the forward part of the boat, I saw two groups of people at Cornice, One group were men all dressed in long white robes and One group were women all dressed in long white robes with long head scarfs. I saw His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, compassed his right hand and showed us the old gold ancient ark very far away, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. April 26, 2008 VISION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST I woke up around 12 mid day, I prayed and confessed my sins to our Heavenly Father, I was confessing my sins one by one. I saw the face of Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me; then I found myself being lifted up, and He brought me up above in the sky; we travelled and I saw the very nice new world; It looked like gold, full of brightness; It was built with gold. He did not allow me to see inside the very big and nice city. I turned my face to my right, I saw one old boat, one angel was on the stern sitting and driving the boat, on forward one angel was standing, I saw one man wearing long white linen clothes. He was preaching the words of God to the people on board, not so many as I could see people on board that boat; they were travelling in the sky. When it was closer to my position, while he was preaching the words, some on the boat were not paying sufficient attention and were seemingly distracted. I saw clearly that the man wearing long white linen clothes was Brother EE. Our Lord Jesus Christ allowed him to see the very nice gold world, but those people on board Our Lord Jesus Christ did not allow them to see. I saw the dress of Brother Emmanuel became shiny when reflect of lights came in. Brother EE continued travelling and I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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April 27, 2008 VISION OF BROKEN BLACK MIRROR I came to the house of Brother EE in the afternoon, Heavenly Father opened up my mind; Brother EE led the prayer; I saw lights from Heavenly Father coming to our body, after that I saw what looked like dark broken mirror coming out of my body and Brother EE. When we did closing prayer at night before Sister Maggie went home, Brother EE led the prayer for ending, I saw Sister Maggie and similar lights coming to her body and the dark packs looking like broken mirror came out of her body. I saw one lady wearing white clothes with blue decoration in front of her dress. She entered into Sister Maggie, and she was blessed. I saw Heavenly Father coming out; He was sitting in His chair, there were long curved staffs with bell on top of it, and I saw the heavenly soldiers kneeling down in front of him. And that was what I did when I saw all of them falling down on their faces to worship Him. April 29, 2008 GANTRY CRANE MOTOR STARTED WITHOUT ELECTRIC POWER Noon time I was talking with my colleague, a brother at our job site, I was telling him all the Actual, Dreams and Visions that Heavenly Father had shown to us. The crane at the quays was off with no power. Suddenly the motor of the quays crane became powered with no one operating the switches. I and the brother were amazed, and Father Olumba Olumba Obu, informed me through vision that He was confirming to the brother what reality and truth it was that I was I telling him. Thank You Father. FATHER’S APPEARANCE SHOWING NEW KINGDOM DANCE.

Evening around 7:30 pm, I was walking in the street passing Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


a stoplight, Father Olumba Olumba Obu came to my right side and danced, I told this to Brother EE and He was excited because He knows the movements and dance of Papa and it was as I showed to Him. We started the prayer; we confessed our sins, Brother EE and Sister Maggie. I saw in my vision that we were on the mountain. Brother EE asked me to pray; as I started the prayer I felt the power of The Father and His presence coming directly to me. I was saying that we were on the mountain and I saw three stones. I and Brother EE, Sister Maggie knelt down by the three stones and I was shown that it was the place where our Lord Jesus Christ did His prayer to Heavenly Father before He was crucified. THE CURVED STAFF WITH BELL, STAFF WITH UMBRELLA, STAFF WITH SWORD AND SHIELD.

Our Heavenly Father showed His face to me; Father Olumba Olumba Obu, He was sitting in the chair with brown long linen clothes; He threw three sticks to us. The sticks became staff. The staffs were curved at the top like the shepherds rod. One stick went directly to Brother EE and it became a staff that had a bell on top end; one stick went directly to Sister Maggie and it became a staff with umbrella on top, one stick belonged to me and it became a sword and it had a symbol of justice on top. Father in heaven entered into my Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


human body and began to speak, I could not remember what He said to Brother EE and Sis Maggie, I remembered that my body was shaking and I felt cold. We continued praying. When we did the silent prayer I saw in my vision, Brother EE became as an old man, wearing brown long linen clothes which was full of OOOs with staff in his right hand and bell on top end; Sister Maggie was wearing long white linen clothes with blue background, she was holding in her right hand the staff with umbrella on top, on her right leg I saw a baby lamb was there. I was wearing clothes of warrior and I had shield on my left arm and a sword in my front with a pair of balances (justice sign) on it. When we did the spiritual songs I saw that there were three persons coming besides us, and I saw the narrow pathway again. I saw one man ahead of us, He continued leading and walking. I saw the ark far away, I, Brother EE and Sister Maggie continued following the man ahead of us, His two hands had nail wounds as if it were the wounds on the cross; Our bodies were full of light that kept bad spirits away from us: Father in Heaven said, IF YOU CONTINUE DOING GOOD THINGS AND OBEY MY RULES NO ONE CAN TAKE YOU AWAY FROM THE NARROW PATHWAYS, BUT IF YOU WALK IN EVIL WAYS YOU CANNOT GET YOUR REWARDS, INSTEAD FLAME OF FIRE. CONTINUE TO FOLLOW MY RULES UNTILL TIME OF JUDGMENT COMES, I WILL GIVE YOUR WAGES ACCORDING TO YOUR PERFORMANCE, I saw again Our Father Olumba Obu, sitting on the chair inside the small box and group of men carrying him with long linen clothes designed in white, brown, black, grey colours.. I saw many more colours but I could not explain. One group of women followed along the road singing and praising him, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. May 01, 2008 VISION: THE BOOK WITH THE SEAL I saw in the vision a BOOK; as if it was much opened already Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


and the remaining unopened portion was very small and had seal all around the edges. It was divided as it were in three parts. The first part appeared already opened and read. The second part was completely sealed with the Father's feet on it. The third part was as if partially opened and read. The colour of the seal was gold with serrated design around its edges. At the bottom and around the edges of the book there were drawings and words that I could not understand. I saw the feet of the Holy Father were on the part of the book that was sealed. It was apparent that no one could open this book nor loose the seals. I was discussing with Brother EE and Father Olumba Olumba Obu says He requires him to write this down. THE NARROW PATHWAY I saw a group of people carrying the covenant box that looked like a house with four pillars on their shoulders. The colour of the box was brown. They had special designs at the four pillars and corners of the box. It had a small door with nice curtain well dressed and decorated. They were walking on the narrow pathways. There were different groups and all were walking very orderly on the narrow pathway leading to the golden ark. One group was wearing brownlike colour with white robe on their waist. I saw the star and it gave light and guidance on the road as they were walking on this narrow pathway. One star twinkling and shinning, was the guide and gave light on the road. At a far away distance I saw there was a golden ark surrounded by great heaven’s soldiers and angels waiting. The group leading was wearing brown with ropes tied on their waist, they carried the lady inside the covenant with four pillars; and she had very nice hands with the crown of a queen on her head and her flowing scarf was down on her back. Other groups were far off and I could not see clearly but they were all walking very orderly.

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THE SONGS While I was writing these words of God, He revealed to me to play the two songs that was very important before praying, Songs of spirit that were full of mystery and nobody could understand except those minds and ears that belong to God. Thank You Father. 02 May, 2008 DREAM: BAPTISM OF MY FAMILY I found myself that I was with my family in Philippines, Father in Heaven brought me to baptize my family at the beach; I saw a great crowd of people coming and I baptized them one by one, I was dressed in special clothes and had rope tied on my waist. I was disconnected and woke up and prayed to our living God. Actual I was walking on the street going to Brother EE’s place. I saw 100 fills, and I picked it up and put it in my pocket. As I walked Father in Heaven guided me which street I should walk, I saw a lady wearing long black linen dress, I saw Her mouth talking as I came closer to her; I gave her the 100 fills which I found in the street, She shouted and I could not understand what she was saying. I continued walking towards the house of Brother EE, at the same time Brother EE called me up. VISION: FATHER’S BLESSINGS I was near at the cornice, Father in Heaven showed me the narrow pathways. Groups of people dressed in long brown linen clothes with capes were walking, carrying the covenant box and they were led by the STAR, and were walking towards the golden ark. I was disconnected. When I was at Brother EE’s house we did the divine service. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


When Brother EE conducted the service, I saw him become an old man and the face changed to that of the lady that I had given 100 fills at the road, then she had a hat with four corners looking like a hat for graduation. Each corner was rolled and had words written inside but I was not allowed to read. During the silent prayer I saw myself and Sister Maggie becoming like a lamb, and as very cute neat baby lamb, which I could not understand. (Ezek. 34: 17-31) During the spiritual chorus they were singing and dancing, we found ourselves in a big hall, and we were in the middle dancing, surrounded by audiences wearing white clothes and Father Olumba Olumba Obu was on the top sitting on his chair and happily watching us. This was the second time He has allowed me to see His face in full. I saw group of ladies wearing long black linen clothes dancing surrounding us, and the living God Olumba Olumba Obu, sent His message to us, “THREE OF YOU ARE REPRESENTING THREE NATIONS, CARRY ON THE GOOD WORKS AND DO MY WILL AND RULES IN HEAVEN AND EARTH, I WILL GIVE YOUR GIFT AFTER ALL MY WORDS AND PROPHECIES HAVE BEEN FULFILLED. Now and Forever More, Amen.” Thank you Heavenly Father Olumba Olumba Obu. Thank You Father. 04 May 2008 VISION: FATHERS ANNOINTING Time 12:02 am at my work, I read the gospel of Father Olumba Olumba Obu; I found myself in the room which He showed to me before, the room that was almost full with old ancient books. I was at the table and I saw myself, it was the book inside my body I was reading, and my human body was shaking. I always felt myself full of joy and spirit, and I recalled all dreams, visions and actual happenings in my life since from my childhood days. Thank you Papa. At 3:00am Heavenly Father troubled me and I could not understand, my duty at work has started; I was at the top of quay crane, I Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


knelt down and prayed to Heavenly Father, I saw that He was in front of me sitting in an old chair, one angel came and brought plate with half of oil, Father in Heaven took oil from the plate using His right hand and put it on my head, I felt it came into my body until it reached the book, I could not understand why the oil became like blood. After my duty, I went home, Papa OOO asked for fasting, I prayed and fasted, before 12:00pm I prayed and Papa OOO was there sitting in an old chair; I knelt down in front of Him, He did not allow me to see His face, I saw an angel with a plate which had oil inside. Father OOO took the oil with His right hand and put the oil on my head; I felt it entering my body until it reached the book; then the book was slowly moving and I saw the drops of oil slowly; I tasted the oil and it was like wine but when it dropped on the book it became like blood; I could not understand. Father OOO showed me one word written which I could not understand. I wrote this word on Brother EE's note book. I reached the house of Brother EE’s and we did the Prayer. I saw the HOLY FATHER, HOLY SON, HOLY GHOST and Angels being there, I was talking with Father OOO as He guided me, I saw Father in Heaven sitting in chair and an angel brought a plate with oil, Heavenly Father took oil and put it on the heads of Brother EE and Sister Maggie , I continued to speak words I could not remember, I saw an angel coming into the room with fruits; Father in Heaven says, the fruits that entered this room are much better than the fruits eaten by the kings in any nation; In every second and hour of our life we commit sin, we are to keep away from this and continue to walk on narrow pathways; we must confess and refrain from all sins from childhood until present, do good things, do fasting everyday if we can. I was disconnected, Thank you Papa Olumba Olumba Obu through the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Thank You Father. 02 May 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


VISION: SEALED DURING MINISTRY WORK Thank you Heavenly Father for your seal, Papa sent His sons and daughter to the place where people were preaching the word of God not in proper way. While we were there, I saw the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He opened up my mind, Representatives of three nations were there to witness preaching the words of God, I saw the angel coming and sealed the human bodies of the three representatives of the three nations, the Seal looked like the scales of gold fish; I saw Staff with curve and bell on top end, Staff with umbrella, Sword with shield was there to protect His sons and daughter. I saw the eyes of the worldly preacher were full of black mirror. They could not understand what they were reading and talking about in the scriptures. I saw clearly all of them had packs of broken black mirror in their human bodies. Papa had proven to us those groups need guidance for proper ways of preaching His words. Papa did not allow His three-nations representatives to give testimony for protection. I saw lots of bad spirits outside the room, they were afraid to enter into the room because of the light that came from the star. The flag with a star on top end was the guard in that room while three nations were still inside; the flags were white and there were words written on them that I could not understand. I prayed to Papa Olumba Olumba Obu to open their eyes and mind to understand what they were doing. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 05 May 2008 VISION: THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT I and Brother EE prayed, our living Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened up my mind; I saw the narrow pathways with groups of people walking orderly, and I saw another group following, just by narrow pathways that they were walking Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


there were hills on both sides. I saw a Star. A shining light coming from the star was the only light giving guidance to those groups which were walking, other groups followed and they carried boxes and flags that looked like banners. I could not see clearly the words written on the flags and banners. Father showed me the entire world, what human beings were doing in their daily lives. I saw few only preaching on His Holy Name and Holy Words that He gives to the entire humanity in this old world of earth. I saw walls looking like ash surrounding the entire world. The walls that I saw were moving up and down as if to form a fencing medium. It was scary as I saw this. Living Father in Heaven showed me His Three Persons, THE FATHER, THE SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT, they were sitting in the chair. He did not allow me to see His face. They were wearing long white linen clothes with white hair and angels singing; I felt that it was a very Holy place where the THREE PERSONS were sitting, I can't explain the place which I saw, and I was disconnected, 08 May 2008 DREAMS: SEVEN MOUNTAINS I saw in my dream seven high mountains, and I found myself that I was flying like a bird and my eyes had direct access to the last mountain, I saw myself and the book inside my body, this book was opened and I saw one man standing and walking back and forth and speaking many words. He was not so old or young; He was talking and reading the words which are written in the book. He was at the big stage and I saw many people. He looked as if he was angry, the words that I heard were, “I sent this message through Moses but nobody listened and followed.” I was then disconnected. It was 4am and I went out of my bedroom to pray, I asked Father in Heaven what may be the meaning of the dream; He opened up my mind and, I found myself looking

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like a crow and I was flying and passed the six high mountains, before I reached the seventh mountain, I saw one man standing on the big stage; and He was wearing long red linen clothes with special design. A great crowd also was there. They were kneeling by groups with long linen clothes, the first group that I saw was the same group in my previous vision walking on the narrow pathways; I also saw the covenant box they were carrying, and flags looking like banners. When I arrived, I saw the groups, they were properly and orderly arranged, and I heard the voice " All must kneel down and give the big words to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords" I heard all groups shouting with a very loud voice, the voice was loud and it spread out like an echo saying: " OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, YOU ARE THE GREAT FATHER OF ALL FATHERS, KING OF ALL KINGS, LORD OF ALL LORDS, OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, YOU'RE SO WONDERFULL AND GREAT" I heard the song “Tuhi tuhi K'usen ubok, Obong nnyin aka inwang esie”. (Interpretation: early in the morning Our Father visits His vineyard to bless). Each time these words were spoken the entire group I saw fell down on their faces as if in perfect unison to worship Him that sat on the throne. They continued proclaiming His glory with these words until I was disconnected. Thank you Father for these great moments. 08 May 2008 VISION OF SEVEN MOUNTAINS Vision during prayer at the house, Brother EE led the prayer, Papa Olumba Olumba Obu opened up my mind, I was at the seventh mountain; I saw big group of people kneeling orderly and with perfection, I saw light coming and appearing like a morning sunrise, I saw one dragon far away looked like gold, a lot of angels surround, and the light reflects on the big group, I saw clearly and they were adorned in heavenly attire and perfect movement as they worshiped the Son of man standing and dressed in red long Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


linen clothes; It was so wonderful as I could see it. We continued talking, and reading the gospel from the bible, Papa Olumba Olumba Obu guided me to draw the things He has showed to me, and it was wonderful. Thank you Papa. You are the greatest of all. Greatest Father, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ruler of the Universe, You are the best, we love you Papa Olumba Olumba Obu. Thank You Father. 09 May 2008 VISION OF BUILDINGS FALLING DOWN I was walking along the road, Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened up my mind; it appeared like real happenings; I saw the wind blowing with ash, I saw the buildings falling down and crumbled. The only place remaining was the land; I, Brother EE, Sister Maggie were standing. We did the prayer the same vision I received from Father Olumba Olumba Obu, I saw the house was full of shine and radiance from the lights coming from heaven. Thank you Papa for all these things you have shared with us. Thank You Father. 09 May 2008 VISION: FATHER SHAKING THE WORLD Papa Olumba Olumba Obu opened up my mind; I saw Him on top of the high waves dressed in long red linen clothes and it was full of OOO written with a rod of iron. I saw one nation full of animals, scary animals and they were eating meat of men; He sent rain and fire and all were burnt and became ash; I saw Him again, He was on top of the one nation with mountain and lots of trees, big buildings. He compassed His rod, thunder came out and the rain came until the city was full of water. All people and animals were panicking and looking for salvation. I saw Him again on top of the hurricane, it was moving very fast and went to the city that was full of darkness, I saw houses, cars, planes, vessels, and all were destroyed. I saw Him again on top of the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


building were Brother EE, Sister Maggie and I conducted morning worship, I saw Him; He compassed His hand and light came out, it was pointed directly towards the building, It was in response to Sister Maggie’s prayer request for blessing the house were we conduct morning worship. Thank you Papa Olumba Olumba Obu. Thank You Father.

10 May 2008 VISION: SIGN OF SEVEN SPIRITS, TWENTY FOUR ELDERS Sister Maggie started reading the gospel of Papa Olumba Olumba Obu; I saw the lamb again inside the house and his lips were very nice and cute, I saw a young man sitting on the chair where I always sat down. He showed to me the wounds on His hands, after he changed His image to the person which I saw in Manama Kingdom of Bahrain, King of Kings His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu. He changed His image again as representing the owner of all things in heaven and earth; I saw a lot of ladies dressed in white linen clothes with cover on their head. I was disconnected. Night came and I phoned brother EE through the guidance of Papa OOO for Morning Prayer. During prayer I had vision, I saw The SEVEN SPIRITS AND THE TWENTY FOUR ELDERS. The sign of the seven spirits and twenty four elders; they did worship the seven spirits of God, kneeling down on their faces in the act of worship. I saw the morning star coming from above and gave light in the place where we conducted the prayer. Thank you Papa OOO for the new name, seven spirits, and star, WE LOVE YOU PAPA OOO FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN. We prayed and Papa OOO showed me the details of seven spirits with drawing; one star gave light to Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


seven spirits and twenty four elders, I saw the three persons above the star and behind was the nice city which He did not allow me to see clearly; but I saw the beautiful morning sunrise that gave light to the crowd of people which I saw during my travel passing the seven mountains; I saw the holy flame of fire below the seven spirits and it pushes up, where the loud voice I heard that I could not recognize, the seven spirits had their own clothes all long but not the same form, all in almost black colour. Thank you Papa. 12 May 2008 ACTUAL AND VISION: BEAUTIFUL CITY At 4am early morning I was at my work, I laid down because I was tired. I was amazed that the place where I laid down started rocking laterally, just like a ship that is floating in the sea water, I heard some noise sounding like that of a ship that was navigating. I saw PAPA OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU being present during prayer, I saw an Angel of the Day (Monday) came holding a lamp in the right hand and brought this lamp with light to us during the prayer, and this lamp gave us light; later on the holy presence of Our Father in Heaven appeared sitting in the altar chair, and I saw the face that I have seen before in my younger days. Father was seen sitting then I saw one person coming out of the Father; she was a very beautiful lady. This person touched the heads of Brother EE, Sister Maggie and I, and then I saw something like the broken black mirror with words being removed from our bodies. I saw lots of ladies dressed in long white robes with long cover on their heads. They were sitting and listening during the prayer. I saw the sign of the seven spirits again, It appeared on top of the centre portion of the world, I saw as it were the holy flame under the sign of the seven spirits and the flame was pushing up the sign, and I saw the twenty four old men Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


(elders) worship the seven spirits of God with voices that I could not understand. Then I saw as if there was smoke coming more and more and it covered the entire world and darkness came; I heard the voices of many living human beings shouting and asking for help and salvation; I saw all over the world the human bodies of the living and dead dressed in white robes going up and formed a big group; while the other group from the living and the dead not wearing white was formed apart. They were separated into two groups, I saw the sign of the seven spirits on the dress of every spirit with white robe which I could not explain; I saw the world was breaking in the middle and light came in the middle, I saw the seven spirits becoming one person, and standing floating in the sky above the earth. The world seemed to be full of ash and smoke; dark cloudy skies under His feet; I saw His two hands raised up at right angles with an iron rod in His right hand, and facing the two groups; the group in white long robes on His right hand and the other group in different coloured clothes on His left hand. He then raised His hands with iron rod, as He compassed his hand a voice came out from His mouth and there appeared like a sword and lightning came out of the rod. I saw the group on his left side falling down and was burned in the flame of fire; I saw the ash and smoke with dark clouds continued until the wall looking like ash covered the entire universe. I saw the three persons again on the eastern part of the world and one radiant star, and just behind was the beautiful morning sunrise. And just looking forward I was made to see the beautiful city which I could not explain how nice and beautiful it was, I saw the beautiful city coming down, and slowly covered the whole world looking like waves and the colour was like gold. I was disconnected. Thank You Holy Father. 13 May 2008 WRITE DOWN ALL YOU HAVE SEEN In my dreams I was with the crowd of people. I saw one man Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


standing in the midst and teaching the words of God; I was surprised when one man with white t-shirt came to me. He touched my head and said, come my son; I have something to tell you. We walked until we reached the place where there was a long tree log laying down and the native house was besides the tree log, I felt his Holiness, He is a very simple man with nice lips, we sat down on the tree log, He looked at me and said, You must write down all the things you have seen, this is most important to fulfil all the prophesies, I did not speak even a single word. He said a lot of things to me but He did not allow me to remember all those things, I saw his hand raised up and I saw the book inside my body; He opened one page and I saw a crowd of people just from a small portion of the book on that page, All the people I saw were busy doing their daily chores. He brought me to that place closer, and I saw the nice place, suddenly I saw the big waves coming on both sides and all the people shouting, they did not know where to go, there was no light and hope on that place, all of them do not believe the words of God. It was full and covered with water and a lot of people died. After all those things happened, I saw that we were travelling by car, and ahead of us there was a check point. We came down from car and fell in line, I saw from one man carrying one hook, and after we passed. I heard the voice coming from a lady and she was shouting, Hurry up; we have sixty days to go and get that hook, and I saw the number seven which I could not understand what it meant; I was disconnected. Thank you Papa Olumba Olumba Obu, for this message. We love you forever and ever, Amen. Thank You Father. 14 May 2008 VISION: SISTER MAGGIE AND FRIENDS We did prayer, Papa in Heaven opened up my mind, I saw lots of dark clouds outside the door wanting to enter the

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room, but the sword with bright light was there, and all dark clouds were gone; I saw Father in Heaven coming to Brother EE and began to speak the words of God. He was standing physically and there were lights coming out of His body and He was showing what His real image now was. I saw one saint wearing black garment but the pants were neatly folded just below the knee, with wooden stick and a backpack on his back, He had a dog and he asked the dog to clean the footprints of the sister who was a visitor. It meant that as she entered this holy place she must leave behind all her previous life and change to the pathway of the Father, and to go on and follow of the footprints of Holy God forever and ever. I saw lots of sickness in her body. I also saw three foetuses down where she was sitting and lots of faces around her that I could not identify. We surrender all to the Father. Thank You Father. 15 May 2008 VISION: HEAVENLY HOUSE SAVE THE ENTIRE CITY Brother EE led the prayer, Our Father in heaven opened up my mind; I saw one city suddenly there was hurricane coming fast and wanted to destroy the entire city, but in the middle of that city one house that had bright light of God came up, I saw one man standing above the city, He was dressed in long linen clothes, colour appeared like grey; He compassed his hand and the hurricane was broken and ceased to exist before reaching the house that was full of bright light, and disappeared. Brother EE continued preaching the word of God; I saw one old man coming into the room, he had moustache with clothes appearing like dirty white and had a lot of words and design written on it which I could not understand; He had staff in his hand, suddenly he knocked his staff three times on the floor; I saw lightning coming out from the staff and Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


light came to me and Brother EE, I felt myself hot, I saw one old man again wearing long white linen dress with moustache, He touched my head and Brother EE’s head, I saw that I and Brother EE had small wings on our feet both left and right. I saw one angel with dress until below knee and had design on his clothes, with back-pack. He had something taken from his back-pack which I could not recognize what it was, He placed it on my back and Brother EE's back, it became wings, and I felt power and had more energy. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 16 May 2008 VISION; WITNESS THE PREPARATION OF FATHER OOO JUDGMENT Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu, opened up my mind, I and Brother EE did the prayer, I saw two long black linen clothes with hole to fit the head, the clothes came to our bodies and covered us; I saw one old man coming and put oil on our body, we found ourselves becoming like pigeon, I and Brother EE were flying with lots of other pigeons. The entire world below seems to be in darkness because the pigeons covered the entire earth from beneath. We were in the sky and I was made to see what the pigeons did. Every pigeon was blowing its whistle with its mouth. Each time it blew, what came out from the whistle was like lightning, and it went directly to different parts of the world; every time they blew the whistle, I saw lightning and words coming out of the whistle. And as they blew, FIRE WAS SENT TO BURN DIFFERENT CITIES, BIG WAVES COVERED IN DIFFERENT PLACES, HURRICANE DESTROYED DIFFERENT PLACES, RAINS THAT COVERED DIFFERENT CITIES, PROBLEMS TO EACH FAMILIES NOT PRACTICING THE WORDS AND LAWS OF GOD, WARS THAT CREATE DEATHS OF ALL

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HUMANITY, LOTS OF THINGS HAVE BEEN SEEN BUT I COULD NOT REMEMBER ALL, We did the prayer with visitor and Sister Maggie, our mind opened up again and I saw the sign of seven spirits ahead of us; we were as pigeons and lots of other pigeons formed a perfect circle “O” and surrounded the seven spirits. I saw the seven spirits then became one old man that was wearing light black full long linen clothes, He began to speak and I was disconnected. Thank You Father. VISION: THREE CHAIRS BY THE ALTAR 16 May 2008 Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu showed me that all the pigeons flying together with me and Bro. EE were angels. Then all the pigeons including us were changed to angels. We were formed as one group on one side and clapping our hands as in the three hearty cheer claps, it was done again with perfection as if the entire crowd was one. Father OOO showed me the nice altar, very nice altar, I saw three chairs with special decoration but the chairs were still empty. I saw the special pathways for marching during blessing, each person passing by the altar received a rolled white paper from two angels standing by the side of the altar; I saw a lot of groups in different clothing with designs, and the pigeons that became angels continued clapping; very nice and lovely altar, great and heavenly, a lot of decoration that no man can make in this old world of earth. Thank You Holy Father. 18 May 2008 VISION: THE BOOK, THE MOUNTAIN OF THE GOOD LORD Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu, showed to me these things; before I slept I prayed; He showed to me one paragraph of the book inside my body, I saw several warships and they were facing towards one very high

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mountain, higher than all other mountains, they wanted to destroy the high mountain but then there appeared plenty other war planes. I saw fighters arrived and preparing to defend the high mountain and destroy all these other warships, I was disconnected. When the morning comes at 5am, Brother EE, Sister Maggie and I did the Morning Prayer; In my vision I saw one mountain again, very high, much higher than all other mountains, and it was surrounded by a lot of other lower mountains; I saw in the sky thousands of angels riding on horses with wings, and they had trumpets; I saw twenty four angels bringing garment and it formed a big ‘O’, black colour, then they placed the garment and it covered the high mountain, thus protecting it; and the high mountain was sealed perfectly, when it was done all the angels prepared to blow their trumpets. I saw the angels beginning to blow the trumpets and I saw until all the other lower mountains were completely destroyed and all became ash. Only the one very high mountain that was covered to form the big “O”, and was perfectly sealed remained standing. Father Olumba Olumba Obu, brought me again to the wonderful and very nice altar that here on earth nobody can build; I saw holy flame of fire in the centre under the altar, and inside that fire was the whole world, the flame of fire that I saw was powerful and not an ordinary fire, as you approach the fire you can feel the power from the fire resisting your approach, but because of the lady accompanying me, we were allowed to approach the fire. And I saw on top of it was a chair, one angel came to me and put on my back a long white linen clothes, very nice one, one beautiful lady came to me and accompanied me marching going to the chair that had the holy flame of fire underneath, I saw a sword it was held by the ancient of days, he pointed and placed the blade to touch my right and left shoulder and I felt power and strength more than ever, I was Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


disconnected. Thank You Father. 20 May 2008 VISION AND DREAMS TWENTY FOUR HOURS Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind, ears, and eyes to receive his message and send to Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members and to the entire lost lambs. 1:48 pm dated 19 May 2008, I was walking on the street, I saw one old man dressed in long red linen clothes on top of the sun, His physical image was the one I have seen many times in my vision and dreams; yes, He was the one. The Holy Father Olumba Olumba Obu, I found myself becoming like a pigeon and flying heading towards the position of the old man, as I flew I found that I was not alone, I saw lots of pigeons same with me flying towards him, when we reached, I saw that it was not the sun where he was standing but a very nice mountain, all of the pigeon besides me became angels and I found myself back to normal as a human being, we knelt down and worship him, then Our Father OOO began to speak: Look at my lost lamb, until now they are believing and following the wrong food that they have eaten; and are sheltered under the mountains that are not registered in the book of life. I am here in this holy mountain to lead and give real food and good shelter but all of them are blind, cannot hear, and cannot speak the truth. If they will not change what food they are eating now they will suffer like the mountains you saw that had no light and hope and will be destroyed. I was disconnected. 11:48 pm at my job site I prayed and I saw Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu on top of the moon, I found myself in front of him, He was dressed in long red linen clothes sitting in the old chair, He touched my head and said, Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


“carry on your duty and tell this to EE”. I was disconnected. 1:48 pm 20th May 2008 at my bed I woke up and prayed I saw His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu on top of the sun, I found myself someone lifted me up and travelled very fast; I found myself that I was in front of His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the place is a very high mountain and he was sitting; I knelt down and worshipped him, I saw lots of books besides him and he was on the chair sitting with table and paper on his left hand and what looked like a pencil in his right hand; He looked at me and smiled, I spoke to him, “It is my pleasure to see you again Sir as we met in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain”, he smiled and said, “Listen most of the lamb did not pass the examination until now. They still continue eating the food that is not written in the book of life, and are sheltered under the mountains that are not written in the book of life; Go back and tell them that the fulfilment and judgment day is coming very soon, they must change their food that they are eating and refrain from all sins and follow the rules and law of Our Father in Heaven, if they will not listen they will suffer and be destroyed same as what you have seen done to all the mountains.”. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 20 May 2008 VISION: THE LAMB ENTERED THE HOUSE I and Brother EE did a short prayer, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind. I saw one old man dressed in long white linen clothes with staff curved at the top and it had a bell, then he placed the staff on the wall; I saw one beautiful woman wearing long white linen clothes with white scarf covering her hair; I saw one child lying down, I saw the sword and the light coming. It shined inside the room which I saw, and then I saw a small door where the sword was placed and floating with brilliant light outside that room. I

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saw dark clouds and lots of lambs, goats and bulls, but only the lamb was allowed to enter. It was difficult even for the lamb to enter because of obstruction of goats and bulls, but I saw the lamb entered because of the power coming from the sword, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 21 May 2008 VISION: OUR FATHER FEEDS HIS CHOSEN LAMBS I was walking towards the house of Brother EE in Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and allowed me to see Him, and He was sitting in the green grass and placed his right hand on the ground. His hands were on the ground and they were open. I saw lambs, goats, bulls and other animals, but only the lamb had easy access through his hands, other animals could not come in, when his hands were full, he lifted up his hands and brought the lambs to the high mountain where there was nice green grass, then he placed his hands on the ground and the lambs begin to come down and eat the nice green grass, I was disconnected. When I arrived at the house of Bro. EE, we started the prayer and my mind opened up, I saw a nice altar and on the center below I saw one old man sitting on the old chair dressed in long old white long linen clothes. Just below the chair was the flame of fire full of power, I saw Brother EE, Sister Maggie and myself being lifted up and set in the basin, we were in front of Him and one angel came, brought one gallon of oil, they put it on my head, Brother EE, Sister Maggie and it was flowing down our whole body, I saw twenty four old men behind us, and behind the twenty four old men were different groups, sitting perfectly and representing different nations; I saw their skins in different colours. And I saw all of them are the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members all over the world; I saw the book inside my body in the middle of the altar, and I saw the one paragraph coming directly to the head of Brother EE and out to his mouth and it was the time he started preaching the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


words of God and told the vision that Our Father had given to me; I saw all were listening and hearing the message, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 22 May 2008 VISION: HOLY FATHER, HOLY MOTHER, HOLY SON During the Thursday fasting, Brother EE led the prayer, Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened up my mind and I started seeing through vision. I saw an old man dressed in long white linen clothes with a staff curved on top and had a bell on top end, he was standing and listening to the gospel delivered through Brother EE; I saw lots of lambs outside the building, I saw one man wearing dirty white pants which were folded until below the knee with back-pack on his back and had a stick in his right hand, I saw He brought one nice lamb inside the room. Suddenly my spirit travelled and Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu allowed me to see what human beings were doing both good and bad; during the confession of our sins, I saw many human beings, even among the sinful I saw the dark black mirror coming out of them and those families that had no light I saw they became lighted, because of Thursday fasting we were in, and this continued for a very long time as I saw it. When I was back to my human body I saw three persons inside the room and I knew them, The Father Olumba Olumba Obu, The Holy Mother of His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu, and the presence of his Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu. I saw the mother had things in her left hand and she came to Brother EE, Sister Maggie and me, she put something on our foreheads and wrote the three OOO, she looked at me and smiled, and then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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22 May 2008 VISION: FATHER IN HEAVEN, THE SORROWS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 9 am Thursday service fasting and praying, Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu, took my spirit and brought to his kingdom live; I heard that the song that Brother EE played was the same song I heard played by the angels, Our Father in Heaven showed me the memories of Our Lord Jesus Christ during his mission in this old world of earth; I saw myself that I was at the house that was built in gold and all things I saw were built of expensive material that no man here on earth can make, even the most powerful and richest in this world cannot build; all things were full of shining light until I saw the special pathways with angels standing on either side of the pathways. Then I saw Myself, Brother EE, Sister Maggie being on our knees on the pathways we were walking using our knees with a cross on our left shoulder, I saw our clothes becoming red with live blood flowing, I saw a lot of words written ‘SIN’ and ahead of us is the nice altar that was made of gold and expensive materials; I saw one man wearing white long dress with crown of thorns, I saw his eyes full of blood flowing down and his heart was full of sorrows and his white clothes become red because of the blood coming out from his body, I found myself full of blood and I felt it when I saw my hand physically had blood, we continued walking using our knees towards the altar where the one man was standing, I saw the three plates that was full of blood, and when I saw it, all memories of my sins since my childhood days were seen. I saw my plate is the same as I saw the plates of Brother EE, Sister Maggie, all their sins from childhood until present were written therein, then the man commanded us to drink the blood on the plate, we drank it and I saw the other old man wearing long white linen clothes putting oil on our heads and said,

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ALL OF YOU ARE NOW IN THE HIGHER LEVEL, TREASURE IT AND DONT ABUSE IT OTHER WISE YOU WILL SUFFER, IF YOU ABUSE AND NOT FOLLOW MY RULES AND LAW, YOU WILL PERISH AND BE DESTROYED, YOU CANNOT ENTER MY HOUSE ANYMORE, MARK MY WORDS IN YOUR DEEPEST HEAD AND HEART, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 22 May 2008 VISION: TAKE IT AND DRINK 3pm prayer Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu brought me up again to His house that was made of gold and I saw the preparation; I saw that the pathway has changed to white colour and very nice decoration of white flowers, besides the pathways, I saw the very nice altar that was made of gold and expensive material; I saw the very nice preparation by the angels, and it looked like they were having a big celebration; I saw one old man sitting in the old chair and just below it was the holy flame of fire and below that position I saw the three plates and a beautiful woman dressed in a very nice wedding gown; I saw a star on top of the altar and it was bright and shining. I, Brother EE and Sister Maggie were walking towards the place of the three plates, inside the plate there was oil and it was pure and fresh, very clean oil, the beautiful lady looked at me and smiled, she said, TAKE IT AND DRINK, and I drank it. The taste was like pure wine, very nice taste and I saw the book inside my body shaking and lights came. After drinking the nice and fresh wine I saw the three angels coming to us: one angel came to me and put clothes that looked like a warrior clothes, he was carrying the sword and shield standing beside me; one angel came to Brother EE and put on him white linen long clothes with rope tied on his waist, one angel stood

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beside him carrying the staff with a curve at the top end and had a bell on it; one angel came to Sister Maggie and put on her white long linen clothes with scarf on her head, one angel beside her carrying the staff with umbrella on top, then the beautiful lady looked at me and smiled, and it was a smile that I felt had a very special meaning which I could not understand. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 23 May 2008 VISION: HIS EYES, HEART, HANDS AND FEET: FLAME OF FIRE

Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind at around 3:48 pm at my house. I saw the book inside my body and I found myself that I was there in the one paragraph, I saw one man dressed in long white linen clothes and his hair was down unto his shoulder. His eyes were a flame of fire. His heart was a flame of fire. His hands were a flame of fire. His feet were a flame of fire. Then I saw myself travelling again to another paragraph, I saw one tall man with slim body and his pants were folded until below knee, I saw lots of lambs, I was also wearing what he instructed me to wear. I went to the house of Brother EE and Sister Maggie also was there, Brother EE conducted the prayer. I saw a lot of lamb inside the house and they changed into human spirit with the one man sitting besides with Brother EE who had his hair down to his shoulders. I prayed and asked the meaning of my vision, then I saw a mountain and the face that appears on the mountain is the face of Brother EE and full of lamb, I saw another mountain joining with umbrella and I saw the face of Sister Maggie appeared, It means that the lamb is the hungry spirit that is looking for the food of life, THE REAL WORDS OF GOD, but they could not find where Brother EE and Sister Maggie were. I saw a rainbow coming from Brother EE and it was connected to the house that I Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


saw in my vision before. This house that was full of light, and I saw myself walking on that rainbow. Then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 24 May 2008 FATHER SHOWS THE MOUNTAIN BECOME CROSS At 4:48 pm at my home I prayed and confessed my sins because in every second of my life I commit sin, Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu showed me thru vision a lot of crosses, I was disconnected. I met Brother EE in his house and he led the prayer, I saw in my vision a dark place with lots of big trees; I saw the man dressed in black clothes and his pants folded until below knee, he had a back-pack on his back with lamp in his left hand and staff with curve in his right hand, I saw that he was looking for something, I saw the wild animals, lions, tigers and bulls they wanted to eat the baby lamb but the man that had the staff knocked his staff three times in the ground and all the wild animals ran away and the man took the lamb and put in his back-pack, I saw him again inside the room and he put the poor baby lamb on the floor, and the words of God that were preached through Brother EE were going in to the mouth of baby lamb, I was disconnected. I saw in my vision the high mountain along the sea, became a big cross and lights came out and pointed to the one nation and it was burnt and became ash, I was disconnected. Our Father gave the details to me, those crosses I have seen are the souls of our brothers and sisters, relatives and friends that died long time ago and asking for prayer. I saw them inside the room during prayer led by Brother EE, and I saw again the mountain it became cross and brilliant lights came out pointing to the one nation. I saw the three white flags rising and had words written OOO and one flag had Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


umbrella. This umbrella defended that brilliant light, it means Sister Maggie’s duty is to pray nine successive 5am Morning Prayer even when she is at work, it is the statement of Our Father in Heaven Female side. I remembered it was five years ago in my place; one old man came and brought the words written in Latin and one lady expert to translate into English, thus: “JESUS CONQUEROR OF DEATH SAVE US, AND NINE DAYS 5AM SUCCESSIVE PRAYER. In a different segment, I saw the body of my friend, his eyes, ears, and heart had block of black mirror, and he was the lamb stated in my vision above that had eaten the words of God coming from Brother EE with Our Father in heaven in him, He was hungry for the words of God that was why he talked with Brother EE and discussed things about God. I was disconnected. Thank you Father. 25 May 2008 THREE TABERNACLES, OOO, 3 CHAIRS, 3 GARMENTS

Early Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu opened up my mind and showed me these things from Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


the book inside my body. The three paragraphs from the book were opened and this is exactly what I saw: 1st: I saw three tabernacles with long linen clothes inside, the colour of the garments inside the first is red, the colour of the garment in the middle is black, and colour of the other is white. 2nd; I saw O.O.O on top of the three tabernacles. One “O” on each of the tabernacles. 3rd; I saw three chairs and three tables one in front of each chair. The table at the centre had the rod of iron on top of it. The table to its right had a crown on top of it. The table to its left had a staff that was curved at the end on top of it. One chair at the centre and the other two on either side. 4th; I saw the chair on the left hand of the centre had one man sitting on it with long white linen clothes with wounds on his hands and feet. His hair was down unto his shoulders. He had a short moustache. In front of Him was the table with staff on it that is curved at the top end. 5th; I saw one man sitting on the right of the centre. He was wearing long red linen clothes. I knew Him for He allowed me to see His face and He is the present image of His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu. In front of Him is the table with crown on top of it. 6th; I saw the chair at the centre. This chair was still empty and has a table in front of it which has an iron rod on top of it. 7th; I saw a rainbow across and set on top of the tabernacles with the words Brotherhood of the Cross and Star written on the rainbow. 8th; I saw the long group of people walking on top of the rainbow. This group of people are the same I saw before walking on the narrow pathways with the covenant box carried on their shoulders. At this point I was disconnected. I saw again in the vision, three chairs as the same I saw before but they formed what appeared like a triangle. The Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


chair in the middle is still empty. The chair to its right had one person sitting on it and it was His holiness Olumba Olumba Obu wearing long red linen garment. The chair on the left has one man sitting wearing long linen garment, white and had wounds on his hands and feet as if the nail print on the cross, and He had hairs down to His shoulders and moustache. I was disconnected. I saw again in the vision, that the position of the chairs was formed in what was like a triangle. And I saw in the middle and rising is the sign of the seven spirits of God. At the bottom of the sign of the seven spirits I saw as it was formed in a circle the holy flame of fire, and the flame of fire was causing the seven spirits to ascend upwards. On the top, I saw the seven persons. Then the holy flame of fire became like a whirlwind and turning and whirling like a hurricane and I watched until I saw they became as it were only ONE person. Then I saw a great crowd of people below all wearing white and worshiping Him. Then I saw Him descending and then I was disconnected. Thank you Father.

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Thank You Father 26 May 2008 1st Day of 9-days prayer VISION OF FISHERMAN SHELTERED IN THE WINGS OF FATHER OOO

Lovely day with Our Father in Heaven, I saw in my vision during the 5am morning devotion the fishermen in difficulties and I saw the small island, young and old fishermen were holding on to the tree floating in the sea, and they travelled slowly to the small island by pushing the waves and winds, I saw Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu, giving food and shelter to those fishermen. I saw again in my vision the mountain that had crosses and shine pointing towards one nation, I saw the three white flags rising and the words written OOO, and umbrella came out of one flag and sheltered the nation from the shine coming from the cross, I was disconnected; Thank You Father. 27th may 2008 2nd day of 9-days prayer FACE OF ANGEL APPEARS LIKE WILD ANIMAL Yesterday 26th may 2008 at around 12:20pm in my flat I was laying on the sofa when I saw the black garment, I was scared because it appeared physically, I closed my eyes and opened again and prayed to Our Father for the understanding of this, I opened my eyes again and I saw the garment still floating there. I closed my eyes again and opened and it was gone. Early morning at around 3:30 am dated 27th may 2008 I had a dream, one of my co-worker’s right foot became a snake, and as I walked in the street I saw lots of holes and I saw one snake attacking me directly and it came directly inside my Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


body; but light came out of the book inside my body and swallowed it. During the 5am prayer I asked the Father in Heaven thru prayer what is the meaning of this, He responded, we must be ready all the time, we are in a big mission and our enemies will always find ways to fight us. I saw the island again where I saw the cross before, I saw the cross and in the middle of the cross was the face of wild animal which wanted to blow calamities on the one nation but the three white flags with three OOO written; and umbrella appeared to its defence; I saw the feet of the Father stepped on the head of that wild animal. It was the angel that changed into wild animal to obey the commandment of our Father sent in different places of the world, since his three chosen sons and daughter were still on that nation he cancelled the calamities to come, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 28 May 2008 3rd day of 9 days prayer MYSTERIES OF HIS KINGDOM Our Father in Heaven took my spirit and showed me these things. 1st; I saw was one chair floating in the air. 2nd; I saw the crown and the face of an ancient of days dressed in long clean shiny white robe. 3rd; I saw the staff in his left hand and a rod of iron in His right hand. 4th; I saw the sign on top of the chair; it looked like letter M with a cross on top and centre of the letter M. 5th; I saw arch-angels surrounding the chair, and by the sides were the arch-angels and below the chair were infant angels. 6th; I saw the holy flame of fire on top of the sign above the chair.

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7th; I saw the whole world appeared like gold below the chair and I saw the sign written JHS but it was written in the form of a signature. 8th; I saw the sign on top of the gold world: letter M with cross on the top and in the centre. 9th; I saw the mountain with this sign on top of it: The letter that looked like M with a cross on the top and in the centre. I saw the mountain had a gate made of gold. 10th; I saw the three stars: one star above the mountain with the sign looking like letter M with the cross on the upper centre; one star on the left, and the other star on the right of the mountain. 11th; I saw the human souls from land, sea, and above became as humans and entered through the golden gate of the mountain. I felt like the holy flame of fire was pushing me very fast, until I reached the place that I saw before in my vision and it continued pushing me until I reached the place where we were conducting the 5am morning prayer. I saw inside the bethel the old man sitting in the chair next to the altar, wearing clean and shiny long white linen dress, He had a crown with design, looking like anchor on the front part of the crown, and what looked like diamonds in each of the top end of the three prongs of the crown. In his left hand he had the staffs that were curved at the top end, and a rod of iron in his right hand. When the prayer ended I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 28 May 2008 FATHER SHOWED CONTENT OF ONE PAGE OF THE BOOK Last seven days ago I had a vision when Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind during five am morning prayer, I saw the image of bad spirits outside the building and they were climbing towards our place where we were conducting the prayer, they were looking for ways to enter but they could not because I saw the light coming from the star with oil, the shining light came from the star and the oil came to Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


the building and it covered the entire building. I saw the bad spirits could not climb because of the oil; it became too slippery for them to climb and they disappeared when the light came from the star and touched the bad spirits. Last two days ago during seven pm prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind; I saw twelve persons entering the room, Three ladies were dressed in long white linen clothes with scarfs on their heads which had blue designs on the forehead, the seven people were old men with different clothes but all in white colour, one of them was sitting at the altar chair while Brother EE was conducting the prayer. I saw one old man coming to me and touched my left arm, my spirit flew as a pigeon and I saw the one island which had fire coming out from the inner part of the mountain and it flew to the village, all people were panicking and asking for salvation. During prayer in confession of sins, Our Father in heaven opened my mind; He showed me the one page of the book that had the letter M sign and cross on top centre, lots of pictures shown to me but he did not allow me to write them down or illustrate, I saw the old man inside the bethel; he was wearing long linen clothes with staff in his right hand. I saw the snake inside the book and it came out as it wanted to blow fire, the old man caught the snake and it became rod, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 30 May 2008/5th day morning prayer THE RAINBOW INSIDE THE BETHEL Five am Morning Prayer, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and showed me the rainbow inside the bethel; I saw the rainbow on top of the altar with words written BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR; I saw two old men wearing long white linen clothes, had long hair and Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


moustache. Brother EE was in the centre conducting the prayer, I saw a lot of men inside the bethel, all in white clothes; all of them were Nigerians; only me Filipino, and I was very happy I felt that I was in Calabar. Before closing the prayer I saw the two old men, one came to Brother EE and the other old man came to me. They anointed us and I saw a lot of OOOs in our long white clothes, full of letters OOOs, I was disconnected; Thank You Father. 25 May 2008 THE PRESENCE OF KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw the round holy flame of fire from far away in high heaven, when it was near I saw the old man with crown sitting in the chair and below the chair is the whole world, I saw the old man sitting in the chair with crown, and he came down from chair and came to Brother EE and began to preach the gospel, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 31 May 2008 THE NEW SYMBOLS AND THE LIGHTS

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10.48 am at my job site. I saw the book inside my body that it was opening and I saw lights coming out of it. I saw as it appeared, all the contents of this world were taken as if in a strong suction and it was sealed in one page of the book. It was sealed with the sign that appeared like M with a cross on top and with twelve angels surrounding the sign. After this I prayed and I found myself singing the song “Father forgive us our trespasses for we do not know what we were doing”. Then I was disconnected. 6.48pm during evening prayer with Brother EE and Sister Maggie. The first thing I saw was the light appearing very far away. Then the light was coming closer and closer and then it became a great tornado. All things that it touched on the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


earth were destroyed. I saw houses, cars, ships, and all things destroyed. I saw the sign appearing like JHS on top of the tornado, then the light came, and the light slowly descended to the high mountain. When it reached the mountain it was covered and was formed like a book. Then the lights intensified that it was even difficult to see. At this point, the first thing I saw was the mountain with three stars on top of the mountain. The second thing I saw was three chairs that were full of lights... I saw three persons sitting on the three chairs. The three persons were really the same person but the crowns were different on each chair. Then below the chair I saw the sign that appeared like JHS. Then below this sign I saw the sword and it was full of lights. The sword appeared like you can access through but the lights were too bright. Then I saw the book again with the group that I saw before walking on the rainbow and on the narrow pathways. This group was walking towards the ark. The ark had the push–to-open type windows and it appeared very native and ancient. I heard a voice saying to me the “things which you see you must write them down.” Then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.


Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


It was the seventh Day of our 9-Day Prayer prescribed by Our Heavenly Father Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. I saw in the dream Brother EE coming to me; he gave me the pack of “Father’s Revelations in Bahrain”. He asked me to edit it and bring it back to him once I am finished. I held it. Just as I looked at it, the pack turned into a small booklet, its color turned red in my hands, formed a cover just the same as the hymn book of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star; except that the cross of the hymn book turned to be the signature of JHS (Brother Steve's sign in visions). I handed it over to Brother EE, He received it. Then Brother Steve came to me, carrying same original pack (in white) handed it over to me. I received it, He told me to edit it and bring it back to him once I am finished. I held it. Just as I looked at it, the pack turned into a small booklet, its color turned red in my hands, formed a cover just the same as the hymn book of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star; except that the cross of the hymn book turned to be the signature of JHS (Bro. Steve's sign in visions). I handed it over to Brother Steve. I woke up. Thank You Father. Book Title: “Revelations in Bahrain”, in Word Art Form. Color: Red

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Picture: JHS signature inside an oval-shaped “O”, double layered. The outer layer was thicker than inside. 02 June 2008/8TH Day of prayer 5am morning prayer


5am Morning Prayer led by Brother. EE, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw the feet appearing, they were the feet of a young man that had nail-print wounds and perfectly nice and beautiful feet, next I saw the face of a very old man, his eyes looked bigger and had moustache which appeared gold in colour, he had an ancient aged face, then I found myself to be in a small city, I felt I have been there in this city many years ago. I saw the bad spirits inside the building with naked ladies, I saw the angel a little bit far away from the place of the building. Then the angel blew his trumpet and I saw fire coming out of it and burned the area of the building that had bad spirits. I found myself present at the place where Brother EE was conducting a prayer; during opening prayer and confession of sins, I saw what appeared like dark black mirror, it had wings, and it came out of our bodies and flew away, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 02 June 2008 DREAMS OF GOLD COINS IN THE RIVER AND THE FLAG At daytime while I was sleeping Our Father in Heaven showed me the following things in my dreams. I was at the river; we were three people walking on the river. There were many big and small stones; I saw seven gold coins and took them and put them in my pocket; the other man showed what looked like a crab, two pieces and he took them; the woman showed us three gold coins, as we continued walking I saw two small plants appearing, looked like coconut. They were very healthy. One man asked me to take them. After I took them I realized that it is not good Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


because the plants grow besides the rivers and it is good for the plant, I put them back, as we continued walking, we reached the cornice and we were on board the small boat. Just from a distance I saw a place that looked like an Island, the tree and plants that I saw changed to form a flag and it was written at the bottom “the nation of NIGERIA”. I woke up and was disconnected. Thank You Father. 03 June 2008 DREAMS: FLAMES OF FIRE Early morning in my dreams one man gave me a key of a big car and he said, ‘take this key and drive my car’. Lots of passengers were talking and waiting at the place where the car was parked. I and the man continued talking for a long time, when I came to the big car to drive; all passengers were gone except that there was one young boy. I came back to the place where I was talking to the man and I said to him, ‘No more passengers waiting for me except the one young boy, the man gave me a flute. I did not recognize that inside of it was gasoline. When I began to use it the gasoline flew into a small fire and it grew bigger, I ran and I threw it into the river but I did not recognize that the river was gasoline, it became big flame of fire. I ran away and shouted to the people “run, there is big fire in the river”. My alarm clock came on, I woke up. I was disconnected. Morning Prayer with Brother EE, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; He showed me a nice bouquet of white flower in the altar. I saw the face of the old man. His body was the book and it opened, his feet were young and had nail-print wounds. I saw lots of ladies kneeling down and facing towards the book where it was the body of the old man, and then the old man detailed me that he is the one giving all my dreams as stated above. I was disconnected.

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Before ending I saw in my vision the tallest mountain which was very nicely formed. At the top of the mountain it appeared like the face of an old man with long white hair and short moustache. Below the mountain I saw a group of men, perfectly lined up, they were dressed in brown clothes with what looked like a rope tied on their waists, and they were marching towards the mountain and all of them carrying the cross. I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

04 June 2008


During Five am prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind, I saw a nice altar that was adorned with a nice bouquet (white fresh flower), and on top of the wall I saw the name in oval form, written BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR, and below was the oval form and inside was the signature sign JHS as it was written in signature form. I saw the one altar on top and one altar below and one man sitting with his hands on top of his legs and his hands formed in O’s, and his eyes were flame of fire, he had a crown of thorns and his heart was full of sorrows and his hair was down to his shoulders. In front of this man were groups of women kneeling down, they were dressed in grey coloured clothes. They covered their heads; all of them I saw tears in their eyes. Behind this group were angels that had wings; they were singing without words (humming), clearly and it was nice voices. Looking behind this group was another group of warrior angels which had horses. Behind this group was another group of angels that had wings on their feet and trumpets in their hands. I was disconnected. In the vision, I found myself that I was in one nation, struggling with the calamities because of typhoon, all houses and motor boats along the seashore were damaged. I saw Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


the motor boats colliding at the sea while navigating. I found myself again, I was inside the cave and first thing I saw were the bones of humans, and second thing I saw was gold in many forms, a lot of gold. I found myself that I was in the nation which I am leaving now (Bahrain), and I saw the entire city sinking except for the three white flags written OOOs. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 07 June 2008 THE SWORD, SHIELD AND UMBRELLA Early Morning Prayer at the house of Sister Maggie, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw myself wearing clothes looking like a warrior and had a sword with the shield. I saw Sister Maggie dressed in long white linen clothes and umbrella with her. I saw an angel in every corner of her house and a lot of spirits dressed in white clothes appearing, I saw the spirit of Brother EE and lots of ladies dressed in long white linen clothes with covers on their heads. I saw a lot of bad spirits outside the house along the street, and I found myself with the spirit of an old man coming to me and speak the gospel of Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu. During blessings as I was surrounding the entire house, I felt that the bad spirits were hiding in different corners of the house, after singing the song “Olumba shine”, all spirits went away. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 07 June 2008 VISION: PRESENCE OF HIS HOLINESS KING OF KINGS Evening prayer in the house of Sister Maggie, I saw the presence of His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu. I waited for Sister Maggie to come out of her room but I did not realize that she was already awake. I did not want to wait for her because Our Father opened up my mind and I saw the presence of His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Olumba Obu, I put a chair in front of the altar and started to pray; His Holiness sitting in the chair, he was dressed in slack pants and ordinary t-shirt. Sister Maggie joined me. When Sister Maggie made her prayer request for the next day’s presentation, I saw His Holiness King of Kings coming to her, His clothes was changing into long white linen clothes, he touched the body of Sister Maggie as a reply for her prayer, we continued praying until we finished. I was disconnected when the prayer ended. Thank You Father. 08 June 2008 IMAGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST At around 11:45 pm before I slept I did a short prayer, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind. I saw the image of a man dressed in long white linen clothes. His hair was down to the shoulders with radiant style. I saw his eyes looking like gold and his lips were very nice, he had moustache that was very nice and perfectly cut. His hands and feet had nailprint wounds and his heart inside had a crown of thorns. I was kneeling down and my face facing to the ground at that time. He was a very nice man, neat and with perfect clothes and with brilliant light, he stayed with me until I slept, and I had a very nice dream when I woke up, I could not remember. Thank You Father.

June 9, 2008 I was at my work at around 12:30 pm. I was lying down and Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind. I found myself walking on a narrow pathway. As I continued walking I saw the brilliant light ahead of me. When I reached that area, it was the end of the road but I saw a very nice house, painted in white on both sides and it appeared like a stairway, on top of both sides it looked like stairway to the cross. Every step on both sides of the house had a cross, all in white paint and Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


brilliant light, only the cross was in red colour, and it was made of gold. I saw the windows on both sides of the big main door. They were made of expensive material which I could not explain. Top of the main door had a very nice design that I could not explain, and the main door had a guard on both sides. The guard was dressed in long white linen clothes and had two wings on both sides of the back, as I continued walking and reaching near the door, I raised my head and I saw the roof top, I was amazed because it was the head and face of a man. He was neither too old nor too young. His hair was down to his shoulders, and his eyes were full of bright light, and his lips looked like a new born baby lamb, his face was like a shadow of very bright fresh water. He looked at me and smiled, I continued walking until I reached nearer to the doorstep. I saw clearly that the house that I saw far away was the body and the roof top was the head, I wanted to kneel down and worship Him but I was disconnected. I opened my electronic bible and read until I slept. Thank You Father.

In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen In the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen Now and Forever More, Amen Vision: THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD VS OTHER MOUNTAINS Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu, showed me the following things; before I slept I prayed, He showed me one paragraph of the book inside my body, I saw several warships which were facing towards one very high mountain, higher than all other mountains, they wanted to destroy the high mountain but I saw plenty other warplanes and fighters arriving and preparing to defend the high mountain and to destroy all these warships, I was disconnected. During morning prayer with Bro. EE and Sis. Magdalene; in my vision I saw again one mountain, very high, much higher than all other mountains. It was surrounded by a lot of other lower mountains; I saw in the sky thousands of angels riding on horses with wings; and they had trumpets; I saw twenty four angels, they brought garment and it formed a big “O” and in black colour; they placed the garment and it covered the high mountain, thus protecting it, and the high mountain was sealed perfectly; when it was done all the angels prepared to blow their trumpets. I saw the angels beginning to blow the trumpets and I saw until all the other lower mountains were completely destroyed and all became ash. Only the one very high mountain that was covered to form the big “O”, and was sealed, remained standing. Father Olumba Olumba Obu brought me again to the wonderful and very nice altar that nobody here on earth can build. I saw the holy flame of fire in the centre just beneath the altar; and inside that fire was the whole world; the flame of fire that I saw was powerful and not an ordinary fire, as you approach the fire you can feel the power from the fire resisting your approach, but because of the lady accompanying me, we were allowed to approach the fire. And I saw on top of it was a chair, one angel came to me and placed on my back a long white linen cloth, very nice one, one beautiful lady came to me and accompanied me Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


marching towards the chair that had the flame of fire beneath; I saw a sword, it was held by the old man; he pointed the blade to my right and left shoulder and touched me, I felt power and strength more than ever; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Father Olumba Olumba Obu brought me back again to the place where I saw the angels; I saw the words O.O.O perfectly written on the mountain. It was written in black letters with white background; and just below the O.O.O I saw the words BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR and it was written perfectly around the mountain with red colour and white background; and I saw the angels with trumpets, they had white flags at the end of the trumpets and as they blew the words came out and was written in black colour OOO with white background; BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR; written in red colour with white background. The angel gave instruction to me that Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu, allowed me to see that name because it was my birthday and a special gift for me to know His most holy name; and the name of the new eternal city; but I asked permission from Him to share these things I saw with Brother EE and Sister Magdalene and he granted us, Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu is the greatest Father of all. Thank you Father. SEVEN BOOKS MYSTERY June 11, 2008 At around 9:00 pm at my job site, Our Father in heaven opened my mind and sent these things to me thru spirit; I was reading my electronic bible at our restroom, I felt sleepy and I began to lie down, I saw in my vision things which I could not understand. I saw a very bright light coming from these things; I saw the seven books coming out from that brilliant light and formed in line. It came to me and my mouth opened up quickly and I swallowed the seven books Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


and they went directly to the inner part of my body, I was amazed. I saw the one book that I swallowed before; It turned and it was opened, I saw the big tree coming out of the book and it was divided into seven parts, I saw the seven books slowly ascending each part of the tree and were placed; Below the tree I saw the words written “SEVEN BOOKS MYSTERY” in the form of big “O”; I could not understand what it meant, I felt more holy in my body; I received the dictation of the holy spirit from Our Father guiding me; I must be careful of eating foods and keep away from sin, continue fasting for preparation of my duty working in Our Father thru spirit, I worshipped and prayed to Our Father in Heaven. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 12 June 2008 THE PRESENCE OF FATHER IN HEAVEN Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, 3 pm at Father’s house in Bahrain, I was busy drawing with my computer all the visions I had; I was drawing just to make it easy for the readers to understand; It was 3pm I continued working even though the spirit asked me to pray because it was Thursday fasting and reading the gospel from the bible in memories of Our Lord Jesus Christ crucifixion. My laptop was blocked out and I stopped working and prayed. As I closed my eyes I saw the presence of Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu, He was sitting on the chair at the small altar in front of me, and I felt the spirit coming to my body and began reading the gospel, I saw the presence of the spirit of Brother EE and Sister Magdalene and two lady angels besides me. I was praying and full of Holy Spirit in my body, I closed my prayer and was disconnected. Thank You Father. June 14, 2008 VISION: GOLD CROWN “OOO”

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Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind, I saw the feet of a black man, it looked like an old man, and it was changing into the feet of a young man that had nail-print wound, I saw the old man that had gold crown on His head and on part of the crown were written three “O”s, and on top of it appeared like the head of a lion; it looked like a holy flame of fire. I remembered that I saw this crown live when I was driving the car at Manama kingdom of Bahrain, ahead of me was one car Rav 4 and on the cover of the spare tire at the rear door I saw that crown; I saw the beautiful lady dressed in long cream-white linen clothes with a lot of small star designs on her clothes and had very nice gold crown, she was holding a rod of iron with star on end in her right hand, a lot of small angels behind her; Father OOO detailed me to prepare to bind the book, the image of present Father Olumba Olumba Obu and His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu, need to be placed and OOO in the middle of their picture as Brother EE dictated before, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 15 June 2008 DREAMS OF SEVEN HEALTHY CHICKENS I have seen this dream many times during my younger days until I became a teenager. It was always the same details; about the seven chickens in my dreams. Before these chickens were always not healthy and always not ready for cock fighting; but now it came to pass, as I was dreaming, again I saw the seven chickens; they were very healthy and ready for cock fighting. I saw the old man with old ancient cap with staff feeding the chicken and they were healthy; I always saw the red colored chicken always with me, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 15 June 2008 THE LIGHT ON THE STONE AND THE WORDS WRITTEN.

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Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I was sleeping and I woke up on the call of Brother EE which I did not reach to answer, I had a vision of a very brilliant light. I saw it was formed like a book and it appeared like a stone with words written that I could not understand, I saw the face of an old man with a long mustache and long white hair, I was disconnected; question came to my mind what does it mean? It was 5:45 pm; I did the evening prayer, in my vision through Our Father in Heaven; I saw a stone which formed like a book and there were words written which I could not see clearly but Our Father in Heaven detailed me that it was the Ten Commandments from Him given to Moses.

I saw the image of the old man carrying the stone book and brilliant light came out from the book; The Holy Spirit guided me to write the verses from the bible which the Ten Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Commandment was written, (Exodus 20:5–31) and I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 15 June 2008 RIDING IN A COVENANT BOX ON THE NARROW PATHWAYS WITH OOO’S FAMILY Night after talking with Brother EE thru telephone, The Holy Spirit of Our Father in Heaven brought my spirit to the narrow pathways, I found myself driving the covenant box with the lion and two other animals pulling the covenant box, as I turned my head to see who were inside the covenant box, I saw the people who were very familiar to me, and I was surprised because I knew these three persons. They were the Holy Father Olumba Olumba Obu, His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu, and Holy Mother; children and young men and women; I was driving the covenant box heading towards the lights ahead of us, I felt that the covenant box will be shaking if they were passing the rough road, and I saw the star on top guiding our way and gave light on the road, I saw the four angels guarding us while passing the narrow pathways, I was disconnected. Thank you Father. 17 June 2008


Evening prayer in the Father’s house in Bahrain, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind. I saw the face of an old ancient man dressed in long white linen clothes with brilliant light, his eyes were like the holy flame of fire. His hair was like shining snow; second I saw the feet of the young man with nail-print wounds, dressed in white linen clothes with brilliant light; he had staff with curve on top end. In his right hand he was holding what appeared like a white bond paper and he put it in the head of the young lady visitor and he blessed her.

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In another segment, I saw the hands of a wicked lady and she had marks looking like tattoo and I saw a candle and burning of incense, and as she was blowing her hand I saw a lot of bad shreds and seeds coming towards me; then I saw the book inside my body coming out quickly and it formed like a cabinet in front of me and was opened up; I saw light coming out and swallowed all the bad things coming out from the wicked lady’s hands. I saw the image like a mouse doing bad things to young ladies and I saw documents that she was hiding; before I could share the revelation of the Holy Father given to me, the spirit of the woman wearing long white linen clothes came to me and took water and blessed the altar at Father’s house in Bahrain and the two young ladies; I began to speak with the Holy Spirit with me until I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 18 June 2008 HEAVENLY FATHER PROTECTS HIS CHILDREN Early morning prayer in the house of Sister Maggie, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, Father in heaven showed me his old ancient face, His eyes were like a flame of fire, long white hair with brilliant light but his body is young and handsome; Honor, Power, dominion and glory be given to Our Heavenly Father Now and Forever More, Amen. I saw the bad spirit behind the young lady, his head was very big and his eyes was red in color and scary face, he had five hands on both sides of his body, and I saw the bad lady sitting and preparing her bad rituals, she had five hands on both sides of her body but light came out from the book and it pointed directly to the bad spirit and the lady, I saw all of them ran away because of the light and power coming from the book; I was disconnected. Thank you Father. 20 June 2008

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CARRYING THE CROSS HEADING TOWARDS THE NICE ALTAR Thursday fasting at 9 am reading the words of Father in memories of the crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I found myself that I was on the pathways, walking on my knees and carrying the cross heading towards the nice altar, I saw myself full of blood and written all over my body were all my sins, as I turned my head left and right and at the back, I saw Brother EE, Sister Maggie and three ladies following me, I saw ahead of us the gold plate, while we were closer to the altar, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 21 June 2008 VISION OF PEARL INSIDE THE HAND OF THE FATHER At 4am early in the morning I was reading the Gospel of the Father Olumba Olumba Obu, The title is THE RECONDITE WISDOM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw light and sword and it was full of brilliant light. It was a very clear vision, I saw two open hands; very nice hands; and both hands were held together at the wrist; inside the two hands I saw small light coming out, then the hands were opened, I saw it appearing like a pearl or small stone, color white and it was full of shining light, I saw the image of ancient of days, wearing long white linen clothes. As the wind blew towards the old man his face changed to the image of Our Lord Jesus Christ; then I saw the sword full of light but on the blade of the sword were words written and it appeared like a sword. I felt my body shaking because of the light coming from the sword, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 21 June 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


INSIDE THE HOUSE BECAME CLOUDY 5 am prayer, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw through vision that the house where I stayed was filled with cloud; and I saw the house that looked like a covenant box; I saw the image of four heads, one appeared like a lion head, second appeared like an eagle, third appeared like cattle head, and fourth I saw appeared like the head of a bull; I saw the shadow of a man dressed in white long linen clothes, I saw two big trees, which I could not understand; I continued praying until I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 22 June 2008


I had a dream for Brother EE, I saw Him receiving the book with the spirit of the Holy Father, I heard a voice saying, “SEVEN PERSONS REPRESENT THE SEVEN HOLY SPIRITS, SEVEN CANDLE STICKS, SEVEN HORNS WITH SEVEN EYES, AND THE LAMB SLAIN WITH SEVEN TRUMPETS, SEVEN CANDLE STICKS WITH TWO TUBES CONNECTED TO THE TWO OLIVE TREES WHICH REPRESENTS THE OLD TESTAMENT AND NEW TESTAMENT; THE TWENTY FOUR ELDERS, THE ANGELS, AND LIGHTS”; Holy Father showed me the nice sword, and it was my first time seeing this sword full of brilliant light, I saw the image appearing like the sun but the color was gold and had twenty four shape design on the round; It is hard to explain, a lot of things I had dreamt but I could not remember all; I was disconnected and woke up. Thank You Father. VISION: PRESENCE OF HOLY FATHER Evening prayer in the house of Sister Maggie, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw thru vision the presence of the old man dressed in white long linen clothes. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


He was sitting in the chair which I had placed by the altar; we continued with the prayer until I was disconnected. Thank You Father. VISION: TRIANGLE, BOOK & THE FATHER Brother EE called Sister Maggie and did a prayer, Our Father in Heaven OOO opened my mind and I saw a triangle. the three sides represent Me, Brother EE and Sister Maggie; and in the middle was the book; and on top of it was the old man standing, he had a rod of iron in his right hand, on top of him was the nice tree that appeared like gold color and on top of it was the seven candle sticks, with two tubes and it was connected to the shadow of two persons; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.


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11:50 am, I did a prayer but Sister Maggie called me and I was disconnected; after talking to her, I started to pray again, then Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw the book inside me, it was a normal size book and one old man standing on this book dressed in long white linen clothes with old ancient face, long hair and mustache in white color, I saw the seven small books in front of him and it was connected to the normal size book by lines, I continued praying and I found myself I was at the seaside. I saw the sea waves becoming big and strong winds blew; I turned my head at the back, I was in a corner and I had no where to run to; I prayed and called on the name of Papa Olumba Olumba Obu; then I saw a strong tornado in front of me, It formed like an “O” and had words written in circle BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR and it was slowly laying down to the ground; and all things touched by the tornado were destroyed, I heard the voice saying, “GO INSIDE THAT TORNADO, YOU ARE PROTECTED DON’T BE AFRAID”, That was the gate, and it was written BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR at the top of the tornado. I slowly stepped inside the tornado which I was afraid; then I saw the pathways made of gold and all things I saw were made of gold, I heard a voice saying. “CONTINUE WALKING AND DON’T BE AFRAID, AHEAD OF YOU IS THE Father’s Revelations in Bahrain




of us; Our Father in Heaven is now on earth. Though I have never been to 34 Ambo, Calabar physically but in spirit he showed me a lot of things in heaven about the preparation of the new eternal kingdom to rise; please refrain completely from all sins since birth until present and walk on the injunctions of our Father in Heaven; He alone can lead us on this narrow pathways and no one else; Be patient and honor him; follow his rules and laws for this is our transportation to be with him forever and ever, Amen, Thank You Father.


01:00 early morning I did a prayer, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind, I found myself I was inside the tornado which the pathways were made of gold, in front of me was the old ancient of days but His body was young, I saw lights coming out from His body and it was the sword which the blade had words written, light came out more and more brilliant. I felt as if someone was pushing me to enter in the body which is the sword; as I entered I felt different in my whole body, I saw two angels opening the golden gate, and I saw the very long narrow pathways made of expensive material, I saw a lot of people in white dresses and all of them were rejoicing; I saw their faces full of joy, they were continually singing and praying; I saw a very nice clean and clear rivers of water, I saw a nice covenant and nice trees which had words written; the food eaten is the words of God, I saw the angels nonstop singing and rejoicing; I saw the different groups passing by and heading towards the very nice and big altar. The pathways were made of special stones and every corner had words written; and all in unison were walking and all movements were perfectly made in order; I Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


found myself become like a pigeon , we were three pigeons flying and I saw the altar and the three chairs with three persons sitting; the roof top of the altar looked like an eagle where the three chairs were placed; just below it were the seven chairs which had seven old men sitting, after this were the twenty four chairs which twenty four old men were sitting; and as I turned back I saw the groups which I saw before in my previous vision walking in the narrow pathways, they were closer to the position of the very nice altar, I saw the angels on both side of the narrow pathways preparing to blow their trumpets; as a sign of sound for the arrival of the big different groups, I saw the entire city, all people in white and brilliant clothes, they were making a big feast and the city was full of brilliant light; a very nice and a very clean city, all things were arranged orderly; the movements of every people and animals I saw were in order, I saw different signs and markers in every corner of the city, but the altar that I saw was placed in the highest part of the city; I wanted to fly and see more things but I was disconnected, Thank You Father. 26 June 2008 VISION: DURING PRAYER AT FATHER’S HOUSE 5am prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; as I led the prayer I saw through vision the face of an old ancient man dressed in white; He dwelled in my human body and I began to speak as I was guided by him; during the confession of sins my ears became big and it appeared like an old ancient ear, I saw other old men sitting in the chair dressed in brilliant white dress listening to the gospel which I read from the bible for Thursday fasting in memories of the crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we continued praying until I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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29 June 2008 FATHER CONFIRMED ONE NATION TILTING Early morning the Holy Spirit guided me to drive the Father’s car to the place where I had vision and dreams regarding the nation where I stand now. My friend was afraid and asked if we were safe in that place because it was early morning and dark; we were at the beach; I prayed; first prayer, second prayer, on the third prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw in my vision that the place was tilting to my right and the sea water on sea shore it became blood; I prayed for the salvation of the entire people living in the nation where I stand; one of my friends suddenly started talking about tsunami or if ever water comes in this nation what will happen, then other friend said all will die because this country is very small; I was listening to them; all of them did not know that they were prophesying and it will come to pass what Father in Heaven showed to me; this is the place where in my dreams I saw the tornado that Father in Heaven allowed me to walk inside the tornado and the walkways inside was made of gold. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 02 July 2008 FATHER TOUCHED THE BOOK I was with Brother EE in Al Safir hotel, Juffair, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain to hand over the 10 copies of “Father’s Revelations in Bahrain”. We did a short prayer; Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw the very old ancient man came into the room, He was dressed in cream white clothes and it appeared like a soutane with staff in his right hand; his body was bowed as in blessing procession because he appeared very old, He touched the book and after that he was gone; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 04 July 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


VISION: MINISTRY WORK TO A CHURCH Early morning I and Brother Emmanuel did the Morning Prayer; Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw the entire house was full of ladies in white robes. I saw the presence of old ancient man, He dwelled in Brother EE and did the prayer; after the prayer we went to the hotel, I did a short prayer and Father showed our bodies became like a sword that the blade is words; after Brother Emmanuel dressed, we went on ministry to Filipino community church (DAY BY DAY MINISTRIES), Father in Heaven opened up my mind; 1st; I saw the shadow of seven old men. 2nd; I saw the staff with bell and sword with shield and it was full of the words of Our Heavenly Father. 3rd; I saw the presence of old ancient man and dwelling in Brother EE and he began to preach. 4th; I saw the four leaders of the church their bodies were full of the words but their eyes were blinded and ears were folded. 5th ; I saw the sister who invited us there, her brother and few men and ladies, their human bodies had light but their eyes were blinded and ears were closed. 6th; I saw my ear becoming big during the confession of their sins. The spirit of the beautiful woman dwelled with me and healed their sorrows, 7th; I saw the blessings of the heavenly Father. I was disconnected. After the service I was driving the car with three ladies and Brother EE, Holy Father reminded me to tell the ladies regarding Father’s previous revelation; He stretched his hands and a lot of lambs entered into his hand; but the bulls, goats and other wild animals could not enter into his hands, and he brought his hands unto the nice mountain were the very nice green grass were growing and the lambs began to Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


eat of the good pasture. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 06 July 2008 FATHER OOO APPEARS DURING MORNING PRAYER During Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw the Holy Mother dressed in red long linen garment; she was behind Brother EE, as he led the prayer. I felt the Holy Spirit dwelling in my human body and my spirit flew far away until I reached the very long beach. I saw an old ancient big boat made of wood at the sea floating and I saw plenty small boats made of wood discharged from the big ancient boat, they were navigating towards seashore using paddle and I saw it was the heavenly soldiers all in unison and dressed in red garment with special design, all of them in full battle gear. Looking for somebody it looked like a siege; my spirit came back to my body and I saw the image of Father Olumba Olumba Obu, He was sitting in the chair dressed in red long linen garment, his hair was short with wrinkles. And he smiled at me, I was disconnected. I saw the Father held His two hands open with both wrists touching each other. The palms were both open and I saw a diamond-shape pearl in the hands, then I saw another pearl appeared as a perfect round shape forming an “O” in His hands and was rising and going upwards. Then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 08 July 2008 PROCLAIMING THE REVELATIONS: THE SERPENT WAS BURNT IN FIRE 01:00 hrs, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I felt that my spirit was rising and riding in what appeared like a round plate in form of “O” in black color. It was flying until I reached the place where there were a crowd of people. It Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


was a big stage, I saw three old men sitting in the chair in the middle of the altar; my clothes changing to long linen clothes in red color, I slowly walked towards the place where microphone was placed, and I began to tell all the content of the book which Father OOO produced through visions and dreams. All the people were amazed and listening. I was disconnected. I found myself again I was in my human body at my work site. I saw a big snake wanted to bite me. But there appeared a black garment with radiant light which came and wrapped up the big snake, then the giant eagle came and picked up the big snake. The eye of the eagle was like a flame of fire, the feet were like a flame of fire, and the wings were full of brilliant light. And the eagle was flying heading towards the dark place where there was the big fire; the eagle then dropped the snake near big fire and it was burnt while the black garment was taken by the eagle and flown back to me; and it entered my mouth until it reached the book. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 08 July 2008 WHITE BUTTERFLY I prayed in my bed before I slept; I knelt down and knocked my head. After confession of sins, I prayed for forgiveness of sins and gave thanks for all the blessings that I received from our Father in heaven; as I called Our Father’s Name Olumba Olumba Obu; my mind opened up and I saw a lot of white butterflies coming to my body; I felt holiness until the big white butterfly arrived; the small white butterflies took what appeared like black things from my body and they flew far away from me; then the big white butterfly stayed with me until I slept; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 09 July 2008 IMAGE OF FATHER AS AN AFRICAN APPEARS

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Evening prayer with Brother Emmanuel at Father’s house in Bahrain; Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind I saw the face of an old man; he appeared like an African dressed in long red linen garment. He was sitting in the chair with arm rest, another man was holding the book and reading it; plenty people in long white dress in front of him; and I saw my grandmother’s spirit; I was disconnected. Thank You Holy Father. 11 July 2008 FATHER SHOWS ELEMENTARY SPIRIT UNDER HIS FEET Short prayer in the hotel where Bro. EE stayed; Our Father in Heaven opened my mind. As I walked in the hotel lobby Father dwelled with me in spirit and I saw the bad spirit appearing with big ugly head and wide shoulder, and small waist until the feet; with tail which was brown in color, with scary face; he bowed and I saw myself walking in the air and the bad spirit were under my feet, I was disconnected. We went to the Father’s house in Bahrain, where we conducted the evening prayer led by the Father in Brother EE, Our Father OOO opened my mind and he showed to us His glorious face full of radiant light; He was dressed in long white linen garment and full of brilliant light; His eyes were flame of fire; long white hair with short mustache; sitting in the chair and in front of him were the young lady angels and they had wings with long white brilliant linen clothes; as we rendered the spiritual song without wording they appeared and holding their hands together and waiving their body left and right, we ended the prayer and I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

16 July 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


FATHER IN HEAVEN SITTING ON HIS THRONE I went to Father’s house in Bahrain around 2:45 pm; as I knocked my head on the floor, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and he showed me his face and body sitting on a chair, He had a very nice, long red linen garment, with brilliant light and the long red linen clothes on his back which appeared like an umbrella. And it was shiny. I was disconnected. I did the evening prayer alone, I saw thru vision the same things again, the face of the Father in Heaven, after that I saw a radiant light along the road. It was so white like snow, ahead I saw the back of a man walking on that brilliant light pathways, He was dressed in long brilliant white linen dress, I continued following him until I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 17 July 2008 WHOLE WORLD FULL OF THE BLOOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Morning prayer with Brother EE, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind, I saw three men on top of the stage; At the center where the men stood, just behind them was the drawing of a big star that had triangle with an eye in the middle, then three of them were holding hands together and bowed; I saw plenty feet inside the room while we were conducting a prayer and I saw the shadow of a man, He was wearing long white linen dress, I saw the precious blood flowing down to the floor and all the floor was full of blood, until it reached outside; and the blood reached to the cemetery; I saw all good and bad spirits panicking; I found myself lifted up until I reached up in the sky together with shadow of a man, and I saw the entire world becoming red because of the blood from the man dressed in long white linen dress, and it was full of fresh blood. I saw the letter Z Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


with twelve “O”’s in white color, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 18 July 2008 SIGN OF WAR TO COME Morning prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind, as we started the prayer I saw the entire room full of ladies in long white linen clothes with headscarf; all of them were African ladies; then my spirit was lifted up until I reached up the sky, I saw the face of an old ancient man with twenty four design rounded on His face. His hands and feet had nailprint wounds; dressed in long white linen clothes, eyes like a flame of fire, the center of His body was a sword which had brilliant light coming out. I saw the two groups in front of Him. One on the left hand and the other on His right hand; the group on the left hand was wearing different colors of clothes and they were doing the evil ways, such as: Fornication, adultery, stealing, lying, deceit, envying, cunning, anger, quarrelling, fighting, gossiping, idolatry, witchcraft, taking of drinks, smoking, snuffing, heresy, lasciviousness, sedition, unrighteousness, mischief, jealousy, vindictiveness, pomposity, division, laziness, covetousness, argument, flippancy, pride, fraud, bullying, murder, insult, rancor, vain thinking, aggravation, whispering, cursing, herbalism, traditional plays, worldly dance, worldly scene, swearing by blood, oath, inordinate lust, and evil concupiscence; both native, and English treatments; occult science, burning of incense, ogboni society, playing of band, or drums. Weeping, frowning of face, sighing, bribery, or being bribed, selfishness; flogging of children, wife, or servant; disobedience or lamenting. Wearing of gold, pearl, earrings, necklace, finger ring, piercing of ear, offering people drinks, etc... Keeping company with fornicators, mourning, keeping mourning houses, secret society such as: Rosicrucian, Lodge, Abu, Ekpe, Ekpo, others. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Court action, backbiting, sacrifice, presence in worldly society, sooth-saying, or worldly gathering; eating meat of strangled beasts, or etc. meat of animals, which die by themselves, and such like, ungodly manners; they were continuing in sins; all of them were sealed inside the mirror of fire; The group on the right side were dressed in white clothes and continued doing God’s will like: Love one another, truth, patience, faith, hope, temperance, peace, righteousness, generosity, complacency, meekness, truthfulness, right action of being a husband of one wife or a wife of one husband or remaining a virgin, Mercy, honor, humility, happiness, respect towards God, Holiness, continue worship God and nonstop singing of God’s songs, all of them were sealed in the holy brilliant light. I saw the whole world covered with fresh blood coming from the man that I saw; and I saw the two leaders, they were preparing for war; The leader of one group was sitting on the chair, and on top of his chair, he had a sign of dangerous snake (cobra); The other leader was sitting in the chair and on top of his chair was the sign of an eagle; I saw plenty big stones like a flame of fire directed towards the group where the leader had the snake sign; then the war began, the two leaders became eagle and snake and were fighting; the snake was very clever but the eagle was much wiser and with perfect moves; the eagle flew and grab the snake using it’s feet; I saw the sword touched the ground and as the blade touched, lots of things happened; shaking the whole world; I saw the brilliant light coming from the sword that touched the ground; I saw a sign in the form of Z with twelve O’s. It appeared like a bowl plate on top of the Z sign; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 19 July 2008 ALPHA AND OMEGA IN A TRIANGLE Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Morning Prayer conducted by the Father in Brother Emmanuel, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw the things that the Father has hidden for thousands of years; 1st; I saw the triangle with words ALPHA on top and below was the word OMEGA; inside the triangle were many things I saw but the Father did not allow me to write them down. 2nd; I saw the beautiful lady besides me; her two hands are perfectly nice and had a crown; she was wearing a long white linen cloth; it had covering over her head and there was no seam on the garment. 3rd ; I saw the tall old man wearing long white linen clothes with cover until head and his garments had no sign of seam; had mustache and white shinny hair. 4th; I saw plenty bulls outside the house which we conducted the prayer along the street, their gang leader had a staff and it appeared like a fork and his face was very scary. 5th; I saw the arrival of very old ancient man; His body was curved because he appeared very old and ancient and had a staff in his right hand; his clothes appeared very old and had no seam. He knocked his staff three times on the ground and all the bulls became ash and their gang leader was gone. 6th I saw an old ancient man sitting in the chair at the altar and the triangle that I saw had ALPHA and OMEGA was attached to his front body. He looked at me with a smile; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 19 July 2008 THE BOOK WITH HOLY FLAME OF FIRE

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Evening prayer conducted by the Father in Brother Emmanuel; Our Father OOO opened my mind. 1st; I saw the book inside my body, it was covered with holy flame of fire; it was turning slowly and opened up slowly and brilliant light came out; when it was completely opened up I saw holy flame of fire came out and the very beautiful lady with crown and dressed in long white linen clothes without seam; I saw the whole world under her feet and all good and evil deeds of the entire humanity living in the world; then she began to close her two hands. 2nd; I saw the two angels dressed in clothes like the warriors of old ancient time; they had swords on their waist and had a shield on their back. 3rd; I saw my spirit was lifted up and I found myself and Brother EE riding in the covenant. The two angels were the ones driving the covenant and the animal pulling us is lobo; behind us was the beautiful lady with crown sitting in the queen’s chair; it ran so fast that we could hear the dark clouds and sounds of the snow; ahead of us I saw the tall mountain, covered with snow but as we came closer I saw it became a very nice house; we continued running closer until I saw the house which was the same house I have seen many times: A NATIVE HOUSE, as we reached in front of the house it became the roof; on top was the face of a young man; The two angel guard opened the very nice door, and I saw the table full of fruits and food as it was perfectly arranged, and all the angels stood along the pathways and bowed as we passed by; I did not see the queen lady and two angels accompanying us. I saw lots of baby angels flying; as we approached towards the table, I was disconnected because Brother EE sprinkled the water and it touched my face. Thank You Father. 22 July 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Seventy Two Hours Dry Fasting 12:00 midnight Starting Prayer for seven two hours dry fasting, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw darkness, then light slowly came up and I saw the flag pole with the rope tied to white flag with three OOO; I saw inside the tube plenty bad spirits as the white flag was raised up; then the light coming from the star came out and lighted the flag; and with oil. When the oil touched the tube I saw all the bad spirits going down and when they reached the ground they became ash; I saw the native house and light came and plenty people wearing white robes and worshiping; all the people surrounded the house in form of “O”, and in unison as they were worshipping; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 05:00 morning Five o’clock Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind; He showed me the room full of white smoke and full of precious stones until it covered the whole world. Bethel in U.S As we continued the prayer Father in Heaven showed me the bethel in the U.S. where Brother EE pointed in the internet. I saw the old man standing on top of the bethel; he had long staff which was bigger at the top and smaller at the end; I saw a snake coming from the river and it went unto the staff and was rounded on it as we have on the hospital/doctors’ insignia. Then light came out and reached the hospitals near the area until the staff became a white tornado, and touched the whole area near the bethel. All dark and black broken mirrors were sent flying away. The old man was still standing in the roof top of the bethel until I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 09:00 morning Nine in the Morning Prayer, Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared and I saw his feet had nail print wounds and in white dress Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


that had no seams; it was very clear in front of me and Brother EE; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

12:00 mid day

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Twelve mid-day prayer, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind I saw plenty lambs eating very nice green grass but then the dark clouds came with lightning; one man appeared; he was dressed in black pants folded until his knee; and had back-pack on his back, he had staff and he began to pasture the lambs and bring them into the house that was very familiar to me; A native house that was made of bamboo. Then the heavy rain came, when the rain stopped I saw the nice morning sun rise and I saw the very nice mountain and inside that mountain was the preparation of wedding. The beautiful lady wearing very nice and special dress for wedding; big preparation of foods and flowers were all perfectly arranged. And I saw the crowd of people coming from different places all over the whole world coming in to the mountain to attend the celebration for the wedding. And then I and Brother Emmanuel were walking along the street, suddenly the bad spirits wanted to attack us Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


but the holy flame of fire came and surrounded us; the very beautiful lady appeared in front of us. Her two hands were closed as in sign of prayer; I and Brother EE knelt down in front of her, The bad spirit could not come closer to us because of the holy flame of fire surrounding us; and then I saw the young man dressed in long white linen robe with crown of a King appeared and he put his hand on the ground and I and Brother Emmanuel came in to his hand and he lifted us up in his hand and he placed us on his crown; then I and Bro. EE rested on the crown. I saw the bad spirits. They were too angry but the holy flame of fire came to them and burn; I saw the shadow of three men, and from each man there came water droplets which formed an “O” with ripples when it touched the land; and it formed three big O’s; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 03:00 Afternoon During prayer; Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw the tall old man in long white linen dress; He stood on the highest part of the mountain and on his right side I saw an eagle; on his left side I saw the image which appeared like animal but the head was like a lion; below the mountain I saw the land, it was divided into two parts, on the right side it appeared like a sand with stone and full of brilliant light while the place on the left side had plenty trees, coconut trees, wild grass, and other things that were green in color, I found myself that I was at the place where Our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified; I saw him hanging and nailed on the cross with crown of thorns; and his head was laying down on the right side; I saw the two men with long sticks that the top end was very sharp; I saw it clearly the spears tore through His side; I felt the pain in my left side as it was done; l then saw the water and blood flowing through the wound; Then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 06:00 evening Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Evening prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind. I saw the two angels riding on a white horse, the horse had small wings on their four feet; followed by the covenant box carried by the men in white robes with different color linen tied on their waist, followed by the crowd of people in white robes and continued praising and singing. Lots of people on the pathways were all in white robes; as the covenant passed by the people standing along the pathways; I saw that they all bowed in honor and worshipped. I found myself in a forest mountain, plenty of big trees; grass, coconut and bananas; I saw the rain drops and it came on the banana leaves. I saw a man dressed in black linen clothes from head to the ground, His face appeared like a skull and had staff on the right hand, the top of the staff had sharp blade and was curved downward. The rain continued to fall and I saw the man in long black linen clothes sheltered in the house that the roof top was made of long dry grass; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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23 July 2008 09:00 Morning During prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind and I saw the appearance of a young tall man in long white linen clothes. The clothes covered from head until feet; he was barefoot and brilliant light came out from him; while Brother Emmanuel was reading the gospel of the Father the room was full of people in white robes, and Brother Emmanuel’s clothes changed to long white linen clothes with design in front; as we continued the prayer service, the tall young man standing became a sword; and a very nice sword; from the blade of the sword brilliant light came out; it was placed in middle of the floor, it remained until when the service ended; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 03:00 Afternoon During prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind as I worshiped Our Father in Heaven and as Brother EE played the song, I saw plenty feet of the children; and later on I saw the room full of children all in white robes and sitting in crossed legs; I saw the sword coming in the middle of the floor and light came out. The light touched our bodies and the children; I, Brother EE and children’s eyes and body became radiant bright, being the reflection from the light coming from the sword; I was disconnected. 06:00 Evening Evening prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind. I saw the sword in the middle of the floor with radiant light and I saw the triangle on the altar on top written ALPHA and below written OMEGA, I saw the image of Father OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU inside the triangle, then I saw big waves coming to the different cities, then the sword on the floor became the beautiful lady with long white linen clothes with cover on her hair until foot; she stretched her hand and held

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the waves inside her hands and she prayed; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

24 July 2008 07:44 Morning

I saw a sword in the room where we conducted prayer. There appeared three “O”s on the sword. One “O” was on top of the sword with the sign JHS inside the “O”; then on both ends of the handle were “O”s written. Then I saw at the center of the sword a triangle appearing with an eye inside the triangle. The body of the sword was illuminating radiant Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


light; double-edge sword and the blades appeared very sharp on the both sides. Then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 09:00 Morning prayer Opening prayer by Brother EE, Our Father in Heaven Opened my mind and I saw many children in white robes and all were playing inside the house. One sister among children took water and sprinkled the water in the entire household; I saw the preparation for the big feast in very far places; The place had trees; coconut trees and other trees; I saw the people preparing to cook, and I saw a giant man pulling the wooden arc full of different fruits from the mountain and heading towards the people preparing for big feast. I saw an angel dressed in black garment and his face was like a skull and had a staff with sharp blade in curve, he was passing by one place very far away and I saw the cloud became very dark and plenty people died; I saw ships sinking in the ocean. I was disconnected. Thank you Father. 12:00 Noon Brother EE did the prayer. I was sleeping that time because I was tired from my work at night. I was passing by, I felt someone waking me up and I came in front of the altar and joined the prayer, Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind; I saw the young man in white linen clothes, he had cover on his head; white clothes which were separated from his attire; I saw his feet and hands had nail-print wounds and it became like holy flame of fire; I saw his eyes full of holy flame of fire; brilliant light coming from his body; I saw his image: OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST; suddenly my spirit went to very far places, I saw the holy lady with child standing on the mountain, her clothes and the child were full of brilliant light, and down from the mountain I saw plenty people died in different positions, then I saw plenty people evacuating and they were carrying things like clothes; they were walking and transferring to other places because of the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


disaster. My spirit came back to the room while Brother EE led the prayer; I saw a man like the skin of Brother EE but he was a tall man, he reached the top of the door and his hair like wrinkles, short in white and black color; his eyebrow was white in color and mustache white in color, then he stretched his left hand and I saw the children coming in with food in the plates that they carried; I saw the food is small “O” but plenty; and as they placed it on the side of the floor I saw the food became words and flying towards Brother EE’s mouth and mine; then the children were gone; I saw OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST gone but in the place he was standing the sword appeared; I was disconnected. Thank you Father. 03:00 Afternoon Three O’clock prayer led by the Father in Brother EE; my spirit was lifted up in the heavens and Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw these things: First I saw the two open hands of the Holy Father in the sky held together at the wrist; then the second thing I saw was the round “O” inside the two hands with the symbol JHS inside the “O”; this was surrounded with the holy flame of fire; then I saw the sword appearing like a cross on top of the “O”; then I saw the star on top of the sword. The star radiated brilliant light throughout the realm downwards. In the light coming from the star, I saw the face of the old man and his body dressed in long white robe. Under His feet I saw another “O” with the sign that appeared like “M” and it had a cross on top. Then the “O” was surrounded with the holy flame of fire. Then my spirit was brought down to the room where we conducted the prayer; here I saw the sword planted in the room and the blade was holy flame of fire. Then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 06:00 Evening Prayer led by the Father thru Bro.EE, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, as I finished reading the bible verses Luke 23:50 to end; I saw the picture of Father Olumba Olumba Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Obu in my laptop. His eyes became alive physically and talking to my eyes, then brilliant light came out from his eyes; I saw plenty bad spirits outside the building and they were very much angry with us for our seventy two hours fasting; then, I saw the warrior angel came into the room and he took the sword which was standing on the floor; when he raised up the sword; I saw brilliant light coming out and the bad spirits ran away; those reached by the brilliant light became ash; I was disconnected. 11:18 Evening I fell down in front of the altar and prayed to Papa Olumba Olumba Obu; giving thanks for all things he showed me and changed my life to good. Our Father opened my mind; I found myself laying on the ground and the sword was on my back, I saw my body and Brother EE; I saw that the holy flame of fire surrounded us; after that I saw myself and Brother EE that we were in the river that was full of precious brilliant stones; diamond and pearls; it was a very nice river and the water was very clear as crystal; we were in the water and I felt the water being very holy and cold; I saw twelve angels coming down and placed fresh flowers on the river, and they continued clapping hands exactly as in the three hearty cheer claps of BCS; I saw the feet of an old man coming but; I was disconnected. 25 July 2008 ANNOINTING WITH SWORD Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I and Brother EE were kneeling down in front of the altar where Father Olumba Olumba Obu was seated, and he took the sword and put it on our shoulders, with its the blades touching both sides of our shoulders; I felt holiness and then I saw a very big feast all over the world of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, I saw it was a very big mountain that had hole in the middle and in the form of “O”; and inside there was a very nice clear water; very clean and lovely trees, the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


sound of the birds were in unison; Father Olumba Olumba Obu took all his children and placed them on the high mountain with a hole in the form of big “O”; and washed them all clean; and they had a very big feast; plenty of angels continued singing and clapping their hands for what have been done during the seventy-two hours dry fasting; I was disconnected. 25 July 2008 O5:40 Mornings ANOINTING ALL BCS MEMBERS WITH SWORD Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, and I saw the entire Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members; Papa Olumba Olumba Obu placed them in one place and was anointing all. I saw Our Father sitting on his throne in the high mountain with the name Brotherhood of the Cross and Star written; and all were in line and as they reached the altar they knelt down and the Father OOO placed the blade of the sword on both side of the shoulders of each member as a sign of anointing during the seventy-two hours dry fasting; after that I saw all the members went to the very nice river. Very clean as pure as crystal and had many precious stones; plenty fruits and food and all of them swimming and happily rejoicing; and the angels rejoiced with nonstop singing and clapping of their hands; I saw all members were full of joy; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 26 July 2008 ENTER THE OLD SHIP Morning Prayer our Father in Heaven opened my mind. I saw the old man inside the room; He was wearing white long linen clothes and I saw the sword in the middle of the floor, I saw myself and Brother EE walking towards the old ship; I was dressed in long linen clothes with a lamp in my hand; until we reached the ship we were looking for the door to Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


enter but we could not find the door to enter. Until the small star came out and cut the side of the old ship; we entered and it was too dark inside; the light from the lamp I carried gave light; then I saw plenty bulls and goats inside and their eyes were much red and angry; I saw the small table with white clothes covering and one chair. We continued walking, when I turned my head back I saw plenty lambs following us until we reached the table then I saw the old man. And he said to us “MY TWO SONS THE WORK HAS BEGAN”. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. FATHER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU AND VISITOR I and Brother Paulo went to Brother Emmanuel and the Father began to speak thru Bro. EE. We did a short prayer, I saw the old man standing, wearing red garment and plenty of lambs climbing on his clothes, and I saw the one child on his hand that gave sign as II with the fingers. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 26 July 2008 FATHER OOO AND THE CHORISTERS Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw the Father Olumba Olumba Obu in the chair at the altar sitting in red garment; then I saw three white garments on the altar table; when Brother EE began to preach the words of the Father, his clothes changed to long white linen clothes and around his head I saw a bright light with halo; and I saw the white clothes of BCS on hangers; plenty of them along the wall. I saw groups of choristers in unison, group of ladies and men; and the choirmaster had a small stick; and his both hands moving up and down as the choristers followed him. Then I was disconnected. 27 July 2008 THE GREAT FISH CARRIED THEM TO SAFETY

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Morning Prayer Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind, I saw as it appeared like an upper lips, then I saw the lower lips, then next I saw the ear; then the eyes and the eyebrows until it formed like the head of an old man; then I saw plenty people in the cornice, all in white garments; then it became dark, cloudy and rain began to fall from the clouds. The face of the old man became like a golden fish and his mouth opened up and the tongue went out of the mouth; I saw the two sides of the fin of the fish and it appeared like a shadow. It went to the people in white garments and brought them slowly to his tongue; and they slowly went in; When they were all taken inside the fish completely, the fish swam to the sea heading to the Island of the high mountain that was very familiar to me; The mountain had a hole in the center and it formed like a big “O”; I and Bro. EE were on the head of the fish until I felt ourselves lifted up, we reached on top of the rainbow and we were walking on the rainbow when I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 27 July 2008 APPEARANCE OF THREE ANGELS AND THE LIGHTS Evening Prayer I kept the three chairs in front of the altar and Our Father in heaven opened my mind, I saw the angel in black garment; his face appeared like a skull and had a staff with sharp curved blade; he was sitting in center chair; I saw another angel on his right seat and had staff with sharp blade and curve but had two other curves at the top end of his staff; he was wearing black garment; I saw one angel on the left side of the chair wearing white clothes and had what looked like a rod with a star at the end of the staff; She had fresh flowers rounded on her hair; then I saw the side of the two angels in black garments that from the top of their heads dark clouds came out and was too scary; but I saw the light from the altar and it was too brilliant even as I closed my eyes it kept twinkling; we continued praying until I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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28 July 2008 SNAKE UNDER THE FEET In my dream Father OOO showed us plenty snakes and they came to me; they woke me up; and I saw that all of them bowed to me; when we started the Morning Prayer with Bro. EE, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw again plenty snakes small and the big; myself and Bro. EE were walking on top of the bigger snakes; we held our hands very tight together with Bro. EE; when we reached the middle part of the snake we stopped and I and Bro. EE standing face to face and held our two hands very tight and prayed; then I saw light coming out from the star and I saw all the snakes bowed to us; I saw a white wild duck flying towards our position; I and Bro. EE were riding on the wild duck and the clouds became dark; the white wild duck continued flying heading towards the mountain; when we came nearer I was disconnected. Thank You Father.


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Morning Prayer Our Father in heaven opened my mind and I saw a crown of gold with three “O”s written on it; the crown had a halo of light around it; The next thing I saw was another crown made of gold with the sign appearing like “M” and a cross on top of the “M”; The third item I saw was another crown made of gold with the sign “JHS” written on it; Then I saw the black horse with wings on the feet, and the rider on each horse was the angel dressed in black and the face appeared like a skull with the staff that had a sharp blade at the end of it; then there were millions of similar horses behind;

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Then I saw the red horse with wings on their feet and the rider was the angel dressed in red and had the bow and arrow; then there were millions of similar horses behind it; I saw a white horse with wings on the feet and the rider was an angel dressed in white with sword; then there were millions of other similar horses behind it; Then in the three crowns I saw each had a human body appeared and all dressed in red garment. Then I saw the mountain that had a main entrance; and at the entrance there were three “O”s on the top of the main door; then I saw the two trumpets above the mountain; then I saw the doors being very thick and were guarded by two angels at either side; the two angels were waiting for the people to come in before they will close the door and seal the mountain; the people I saw heading for the mountain through the door were all dressed in white long linen clothes; then I was disconnected. Thank you Father. July 30, 2008. THREE PERSONS IN ONE During the morning prayer; Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, the first thing I saw was the three men sitting in a chair and all three appeared to have the same face, and all three dressed in long white linen clothes; and then I saw Sister Madeline kneeling down in front of them; then the three men became one person; until it became again as one lady appearing as Our Holy mother; then outside the building I saw the man that I have seen before on the high mountain top who was carrying the fruits on his back to all the members of BCS; he was outside our building and guarding us from all the bad spirits; then I saw the triangle that had the Holy Father’s picture inside and the word Alpha above; and Omega below; this triangle I saw became like the holy flame of fire which remained until the prayer was Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


finished; then during the feast and bible study the Father opened my mind again, I saw the Holy Father standing above the world; I saw the world below and under His feet were two angels below His position but above the earth. Then the world seemed like it had seven layers. I saw until the angel blew off the first layer with what appeared like a dynamite and the first “layer” was no more seen; I looked until the second “layer” was blown and did not exist anymore; I saw until the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth layers were blown and did not exist anymore; and I saw that it remained the last and seventh layer and the angel was preparing to ignite the seventh layer; I saw very far away a great crowd singing and all dressed in white and dwelling in a very beautiful place descending; and then I was disconnected. Thank you Father.

30 July 2008 DREAMS: MAP OF NEW WORLD In my dreams, I saw two people talking besides me, the one man was tall and had slim body with white t-shirt, the other man was a little bit fat but younger than the other person, we were in the desert place and I saw the white stone; the two men continued talking which I could not understand; until I saw the younger man taking the stone and walked away; I felt sad because that stone was very familiar to me; I asked the older man left; WHY HE TOOK THE STONE FOR IT WAS MEMORABLE FOR ME; then he said to me, “DON’T WORRY, HE IS JUST TAKING IT AND A LITTLE WHILE HE WILL RETURN IT; REMEMBER YOU TOOK PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE HOUSE OF BRO. EE, AND THERE APPEARED THREE “O”s; IT WAS THAT STONE, IT IS THE WORLD OF LIFE ETERNAL; IT WAS ROUNDED WITH RAINBOW ON WHICH Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


IS THE NEW NAME; He looked at me and smiled; then I woke up. As I woke up I prayed and asked the Father OOO what it meant because it was given in parables. Then Father in Heaven opened my mind, the THREE OOO IN MY PICTURE REPRESENT THE NEW NAME OF GOD, FATHER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, AND THE RAINBOW THAT ROUNDED THE IMAGE IS THE NEW NAME OF THE NEW CITY, BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR; IT WAS THE MAP OF THE NEW ETERNAL KINGDOM. I was disconnected. This is the picture and image appearing in the picture taken by myself in the house of Bro. EE early morning before prayer;

Thank You Father 31 July 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, as Bro. EE demonstrated the exact position of the altar he was laying down and as I knocked my head on the floor, Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared, exactly as he was crucified on the cross; He had a crown of thorns and I saw the fresh blood. Then we did the confession of sins; as Sister Magdalene started the confession I felt that my ear became big and it appeared like an old ancient ear; and I saw the blood coming from Our Lord Jesus Christ covered the whole body of Sister Madeline; and it was the same for Me and Bro. EE when we confessed our sins until the flowing blood covered the entire world. I saw a baby lamb outside the house; then I saw the bad spirit that appeared like a lady but half body only and had scary wings. They wanted to pick up the baby lamb but I saw the man wearing long black linen clothes covering his head and his face appeared like a skull and had staff that the top end had a sharp blade curve; He knocked the staff three times on the ground and I saw the bad spirit becoming like ash. As we continued praising and dancing while the prayer was going on, I saw triangle inside the star and I saw the eye inside the triangle. Then the brilliant light came out and reflected towards three of us and I saw the water coming from that brilliant light and wash our bodies and the blood became white as pure water; then Our Lord Jesus Christ disappeared but the sword replaced his presence in the area which Our Lord Jesus Christ stood; before we ended the prayer, Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu appeared and I saw the three gold coins on his hand and it was the same image of the three “O”s in my picture, He put it on the forehead of all three of us; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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Evening prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind. During prayer at Bro. EE’s place I saw the white clothes on hanger and it was the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star clothes; and I saw shadows of plenty of human beings; As we reached the Father’s house in Bahrain, we did the prayer; I saw plenty people inside, sitting on the floor; and on the altar I saw the cross that on the three ends were written “O”s and the middle was “JHS” sign and it was full of radiant light; until the sign “JHS” became like a holy flame of fire; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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02 August 2008 ANGEL WAITING FOR THE MORNING PRAYER I went to the Father’s house in Bahrain. at around 5:30 am to check the main gate of the building if it was open; I entered the house and as I knocked my head on the floor, I felt that the floor of the house was like sea waves and Our Father in Heaven opened my mind I saw the room was full of people in white dress together with the angels; everybody was waiting for the morning prayer, I called Bro. EE and picked him up at Al Safir Hotel in Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain; as we arrived at home Bro. EE conducted the prayer, I saw the shadow of the man and it slowly appeared; He was wearing long linen white clothes and hair until shoulder; His hands and feet had nail print wounds. And it became Holy Flame of fire. Until I saw out of his body brilliant lights came and it went throughout the whole world and gave shining light; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 02 August 2008 HEARTS THAT HAVE THREE “OOO” INSIDE Evening prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; I saw myself, Bro. EE and Sister Madeline and plenty men and women in white dresses, we were on board a motor boat which appeared as the same motor boats in the Philippines used for transportation of the people from one place to another, I saw angels in the forward and aft part of the motor boat; then my spirit came back home where we conducted the prayer; I saw three hearts in my body and inside of the heart is “O” and the heart is like a fresh blood red in color; and Father Olumba Olumba Obu gave me details, “WE MUST LOVE ONE ANOTHER”; I was disconnected when the prayer was ended. After all those things Bro. EE arrived from the flight and I picked him up at the hotel by car; we did the evening prayer; Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


I saw that the room was full of men and women in long white linen dresses; All had different color turbans tied on their waist; and we were surrounded by angels; and I saw the old ancient face of an old man but his body was young and had nail-print wounds in his hands and feet; I saw the blood was very fresh; and Bro. EE continued preaching the word of God which I could not understand in different dialect; and I saw the room full of hearts with wings; inside the hearts were written “OOO”; and Papa Olumba Olumba Obu, details “ WE MUST LOVE ANOTHER” Forever and ever amen, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 03 August 2008 THE KING AND THE NARROW PATHWAYS Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; my spirit was lifted up until it reached the place which was very familiar to me; I was on the narrow pathways which both sides were hill and in every one meter distance there were heaven soldiers on guard; they had their staff crossed as in a ceremonial salute; as I walked pass, the staff of the soldiers were raised up and put in place; and I continued walking until I reached the very nice altar, I saw one old man dressed in long red linen clothes with gold crown that had special design, He pointed his hand in far away and I saw the world that was very familiar to me; it appeared like gold but I saw plenty flags in white color, then I turned my head and below the high altar and I saw plenty people in white dresses. They were happy and dancing; as I turned my head to the left I realized it was the narrow pathways which I was walking on; and I saw the group of people arriving; then I was disconnected. I found myself that I was at the place where we conducted the prayer and I saw that the room had fog and cloud on the floor. I saw the angels the form of their wings was like the heart, and it means “LOVE ONE ANOTHER”; I saw the angels kneeling down, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


03 August 2008 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST & TORNADO Morning Prayer Our Father in heaven opened up my mind as I knocked my head the whole floor area was waving and I saw the feet in front of my forehead; feet of a young man until his clothes appeared as brilliant light and his face; white long linen clothes it reached the floor and the whole house was full of brilliant light; I saw the feet and hand of a young man had wounds and holy flame of fire came out; and his body became a holy flame of fire and it formed like a sword; radiant light came out, I saw the image of a beautiful lady angel and on her head was a rounded flower; she was above the sky, suddenly I saw her she was spinning very fast until it formed a big “O” and became a tornado; It was then descending down towards the earth and touched in different nations and cities; every nation passed by the tornado was fully damaged; I saw water came out and flooded cities; fires, etc, it was very scary. Then I saw the image of old ancient face of an old man standing near the big trees where there was a river below and the trees and the water was pure clean as crystal; and the hair of the old man it appeared like a roof and it was very long it touched the ground; wearing in white long linen clothes and brilliant light came out. And the place was surrounded with many flowers. My sight was coming back to the house where we were conducting morning prayer and I saw the shadow of a big sword; and I saw the ordained brothers and sisters of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 07 August 2008 CROWN OF THORN 09:00am reading the verses of the bible Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind and I saw Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


three of us walking on the grass of a throne and lots of obstructions; ahead of us was the sandy nice narrow pathways and we continued following the man; until the young man reached the sandy pathways; then he was gone but I saw the bloody footprints and three of us continued following him. I was disconnected. 03:00pm short prayer Papa OOO opened my mind and I saw the white big bell far away and it was ringing, I saw the entire humanity in the world, all were panicking and looking where the sound of the bell came from; I was disconnected. 06:00 pm Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, three of us were in a passenger ship, it was a very nice passenger ship and the railings of the gangway were made of gold, I was at the gangway and calling all people in white robes to come on board quickly because the time is too short for the ship to sail; I saw plenty people in different colors of clothes but they did not like to come on board and as they took off the gangway and began to blow the horn; all people in colored clothes were panicking and asking to come on board but it was too late; The ship began to sail and the dark clouds came; then I saw the angels dressed in long black garments and their faces appeared like a skull and having staff with sharp blade; they began their work and plenty things happened; lots of people died and the sea water coming to the land; I saw very scary things happened; while the ship was sailing Bro. EE continued preaching the words of the Father; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 08 August 2008 BEAUTIFUL LADY WITH CROWN OF FLOWER Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, as I knocked my head the floor was waving and I heard the bell in the altar ringing, I called Bro. EE and Sister Madeline to come over to start prayer, as we started the prayer I saw the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


beautiful lady in long linen white dress sitting in the chair of the altar; and two angels besides the altar; lots of children in white clothes all were kneeling down, and Father OOO showed me the ongoing 50th anniversary of BCS in Calabar Nigeria, I saw plenty people in white robes and some of them were climbing the tree to witness the celebration, and I saw the old man in white robes, and I saw the entire bethel all over the world of BCS were protected by tornado as it was circulating the bethel for protection against our enemy, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 09 August 2008 THE SWORD AND THE PENDANT TRIANGLE

Morning Prayer Papa Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind and I saw the sword in front of the altar, I saw the triangle pendant that had a brilliant light and it came to my neck and as I took the sword; then the altar appeared like a cave entrance as I entered, I saw lots of bad spirits and I began to

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fight them using the sword and power coming from the pendant, as I was fighting I continued moving until I reached the door, and it was opened then I saw the book with three OOO and knife, I was fighting the leader of the bad spirits and as he lost I took the book and knife; I passed again another door and I saw a lot of cross and I saw the souls of humanity asking for salvation, I was beginning to fight again the bad spirits as I was collecting the different pendant of necklace, I continued fighting until I reached the door again as it was opened, I saw a stairway and I walked up the stairway, I saw two angels at the doorstep, as they opened the door I saw brilliant light came out and I saw the old face of the old man and his body was young in red long linen clothes, I gave him the “BOOK, KNIFE, AND NECKLACE PENDANT” then he shook my hand and smiled, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 10 August 2008 THE EAGLE BROUGHT THE LAMB INSIDE THE BETHEL Morning Prayer Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind, two of us were on board a ship and big waves came out and foggy weather, we continued navigating towards the Island that had a high mountain, I saw the eagle flying carrying three lambs and they brought them to the bethel, as the eagle placed the lambs they became human; one was a lady that had eyeglasses and the other two appeared like men, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

11 August 2008 FATHER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU AND HIS CHILDREN Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw the present image of Father Olumba Olumba Obu sitting in a King’s chair at the altar, and the room was full of fog, I Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


saw Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu become a very nice tall mountain and plenty small mountains surrounds, then I saw his hands coming out from the mountain and began to collect the lamb in every mountain, the white fog continued moving in the room until I was disconnected from my vision. Thank You Father. 11 August 2008 FATHER IN HEAVEN STOOD ABOVE THE WORLD Evening Prayer in the house of Sister Madeline, Our Father in Heaven opened my mind as I knocked my forehead I felt the floor waving and I was receiving message from His Holiness King of Kings, Lord of Lords Olumba Olumba Obu, before I reached the house for prayer I was driving in the car fast and I felt that I have companion in the car, but it came to my mind the message “I don’t need to hurry because Sister Madeline was on call duty”, as I reached home I asked sister Magdalene if she was on call duty and she confirmed. As prayer continued, I saw an old man wearing red long linen clothes, He stood above the earth, And he allowed me to see the entire humanity doing their evil ways and calamities came because of humanity error, I saw his eyes had tears, and I had a question in my mind why I saw tears in his eyes, then the old ancient man said, “I AM SO SAD BECAUSE MY CHILDREN ARE CONTINUING IN EVIL WAYS, THEY DO NOT REPENT OF THEIR SINS AND FOLLOW MY INJUNCTIONS, THE TIME IS TOO SHORT” I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 12 August 2008 FLOODING AND THE YOUNG MAN AND THE BOOK 5:00 am Morning prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw a place was flooding and it was far from our prayer places, then I saw three precious stones with radiance floating in the river and following the current Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


direction of the river water, I saw one young man stood on the precious stone he had a sword and dressed in warrior clothes; as he passed by it appears like a cave entrance I saw one old man with red long linen clothes, He was asking the young man about the book, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 12 August 2008 THREE IN ONE Evening prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw the three old men with crown wearing long red linen clothes with staff sitting in the chair, all three of them were the same face, when the prayer was closing they became one person, and the room was full of fog, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 14 August 2008 PRESENCE OF BEAUTIFUL LADY Early morning prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind I saw the presence of the beautiful lady with queen crown and white long linen clothes, And the three old men sitting in the chair the same face, wearing white long linen clothes and one old man sitting in the King’s chair at the altar, two angels on the altar, and plenty people in white robes and angels singing and dancing; I saw a cross with brilliant light, twinkle light in the middle of the floor; before I started reading the gospel of Thursday I saw plenty old men in long white linen clothes fall in line and came into the room, then the cross was still at the middle of the floor, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 15 August 2008 ROOM FULL OF FOG

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Morning Prayer Father in Heaven opened my mind, the room was full of fog and I saw the angels in form of a circle, Father in Heaven wearing white long linen clothes sitting in the chair, and the angels holding their hands and singing surrounding the Father’s chair, then I saw old man standing on the hill he stretched his two hands and I saw the calamities coming in one city, I was disconnected. Evening Prayer as we started the prayer I saw the native house that very familiar to me I saw three men sitting in the gold chair at the gold table, I saw one lady outside and the house was placed along sea shore, then the lady was giving food to the fish but they don’t like to eat, until the sea water became dry land and all the fishes died, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 16 August 2008 BRILLIANT LIGHT FROM THE BOOK

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Before evening prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw the image of a scary animal flying very fast towards my position wanting to attack but the book was opened up and brilliant light came out and the animal was stopped; I saw the sword with wings and shield came out from the book and the wings attached to my back and sword was in my hand I was fighting with it in spirit; it was strong enemy but it did not win; the scary face animal then changed into human being and he ran away as the Father defeated him; It was the fight between the good and bad spirit. Thank You Father Olumba Olumba Obu. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 18 August 2008 FATHER SHOWS BETHEL

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Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind as we started the Morning Prayer; I saw the calamities in my country of the Philippines; the war between the government and the MILF; lots of poor people suffered and children, they showed me the war between Russia and Georgia, plenty people suffered and children, he showed me a lot of calamities to come in different cities of the entire world because of the entire humanity continuing in flesh and doing the evil ways; even this region where we stand they have calamities and war to come and it caused loss of human lives; then Father detailed of one Sister and Brother to submit and surrender to the Father in Heaven what they have in their lives as human being as of now, then I saw a very nice altar and one old man wearing red linen clothes sitting in the altar chair, and on the right side is the chorister, and they had two groups on the left side, and on the front people that have turbans in their waist, and on the front of the said group with turbans were children and on the right side were men’s group and on the left side were the women’s group, and at every door there were angel guard, besides the altar there were two angels, and I saw light coming in the center of the altar and it forms a brilliant sword, light came more brilliant until it appeared as a young man with brilliant long white robe, his hair was down unto shoulder, and eyes like flame of fire and nail-print wounds on the hands and feet; It is Him: Our Lord Jesus Christ; I was disconnected when I saw his face appeared and very clear to my sight. Thank You Father. 21 August 2008 FATHER AND THE EAGLE Early Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw the very nice eagle flying until it reached the tallest hills where the old men stood up and watching all the creations of this old world of earth, wearing red long linen clothes, He raised up his two hands and I saw the brilliant Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


light coming from the star and lights the entire world, when it was done it was very nice to see the first creation of the Father, the natural resources and other living things; but it was ended when the dark clouds came out and covered the entire world and darkness came, nobody knows that the owner of all creation has visited in the middle of the night; only those in white robes are awake and praising and praying and thanksgiving for all the great things he has done, I saw the tallest mountain far away and it was full of radiant light, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Evening I was at the plaza near where I live; I brought my small bag with fresh fruits inside to pray and break the fasting, I set aside the cement chair and began to pray. As I started Father showed me the previous history of the place where I sat and it was a lot of evil things that happened, I prayed at the place and left, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 22 August 2008 FATHER SHOWS VOLCANO Morning Prayer Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind; I saw inside the room where we conducted the prayer was full of people in white dress all are African and Nigerian, I saw Father OOO sitting in the altar chair and two angels by the sides, after I saw his two hands it appeared like clapping and my vision was moving very fast to a far place; I saw an active volcano and smoke more and more; until it blew and lava began to flow down heading to the city below the position of volcano and the people did not know because it was mid night; after that most of the people on the nearest area lost their lives; because the lava covered the entire city; my vision was coming back to the room where we conducted the prayer and I saw small fog and cloud and it was very heavenly, I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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23 August 2008 HOLY BIBLE RISING UP WITH HOLY FLAME OF FIRE Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw the holy bible on top of the altar was rising up and under it was holy flame of fire. And radiant light came out on the book I saw the face of an old man sitting in the altar chair, I saw the beautiful lady in long white dress and two angels besides her. He was standing in the floor and the room was full of shadows of men and I could not recognize if it was wearing white, red, black garment because it was only shadow; and the entire building was shaking and yawing, until the prayer was ended. Thank You Father. 31 August 2008 HOUSE FULL OF BRILLIANT LIGHT Morning Prayer in the Father’s house where I was living I did Morning Prayer, I saw outside the building plenty scary images of bad spirits, they were surrounding the house, then I saw the presence of the beautiful lady wearing long white dress and shiny, presence of old man sitting in the King’s chair, wearing red long linen clothes. The place where I stand for prayer was full of radiant light and those bad spirits can not overcome because of the radiant light protecting us, and I saw the small tornado came and wiped all the bad spirits away. Thank you eternal Father for your protection, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 07 September 2008 FATHER STOOD ABOVE THE EARTH Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw an old man standing above the earth, I didn’t recognize his clothes because of dark clouds, only the face I saw it appeared as the face of an old ancient man, white long hair and white long mustache, He had a rod of iron in his right Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


hand, clouds became scary and dark, I saw it was raining in stone but before it reached the ground of the world it formed as humans all wearing white robes and they had wings; they were flying across the whole world and stopped in different cities and nations; I saw all those in white robes and wings became waves, tornado, cyclone, earthquake, fire, and lots of images came out which I could not remember, then dark clouds came more and more, and the entire humanities in those cities and nations were crying out looking for salvation; it was too late for the wicked and those who commit mortal sins in front of the sacrament of the Father; because there is no mercy for them, only those righteous ones and those following the injunctions of the Father in Heaven received mercy. Then I saw white clouds come out in forms of plenty “O”; I saw the beautiful lady with very shiny white dress and queen’s crown; she was inside the Father’s house until the prayer was completely finished, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 12 September 2008 FATHER APPEARS AS NIGERIAN AND HUMAN Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven shows his appearance as Nigerian wearing red long linen clothes, He was standing above the floor and moving around the room but His feet was not touching the floor. I saw Nigerian men in white robes with turbans in their waist; then my spirit became as an eagle and flying; Father showed the war in far places and it destroyed the lives of innocent people, landslide in one place and plenty people died covered by land, then I came back to the room where we were conducting the evening prayer. Father showed me the life of one brother and sister, and then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 16 September 2008 HOLY FATHER VISITING HIS CHILDREN

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Morning Prayer our Father in Heaven opened my mind as I started the morning prayer, I saw the image of a young man, dressed in long linen white robe, with long white hair and white mustache. He was walking on the narrow pathway with brilliant light shining and a lot of people waiting on him; they were rejoicing and singing when he was passing by; but by the time he was passing by all of them had a very nice sleep. They did not know that the owner of the vineyard was visiting; He was waving his hand to me and asked me to follow him walking on the narrow pathways, and I was following him. Until we reached the hill; I saw a beautiful lady in red long linen clothes, she stood above the sky and had tears in her eyes; She was so sad because the entire humanity are not following the footsteps of the Father in Heaven; most of humanity continue in evil ways; When the Father in Heaven visits all were sleeping well and not ready for his arrival; my vision was coming back to the house of the Father where I did the morning prayer. Then I saw outside the building the image of very scary face, they were looking for ways to come inside the Father’s house, but the whole area of the house was full of holy oil, and the bad spirits disappeared. I saw the angel besides me rejoicing and joining the blessing singing and dancing, and then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Evening Prayer I was kneeling down and knocked my forehead on the floor our Father in heaven opened my mind, I saw the Father appeared as a Nigerian he was sitting in an old chair in front of me, wearing red long linen clothes and two angels besides him, he had a crown and it was full of brilliant light and stars shining. He was holding the rod of iron in his right hand with big “O” on top. Plenty umbrella in different colors surrounded the whole area; I saw the sisters and brothers in another room they were praying under the umbrella. The umbrella had many colors it appeared like a rainbow. Then I saw the image of Nigerian men all of them in white robes with cape, they were rejoicing, singing and Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


dancing; I saw the one man in the center wearing long red linen clothes he was looking at me and I was walking towards his position but I was disconnected. Bro. EE is in Dubai and he called while we are commencing the feast, I told him my revelation from the Father, then the spirit of the Father appeared and showed us dwelling in him and Bro. EE did the prayer thru cell phone, the two brethren and one sister felt the Holy Spirit. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 17 September 2008 BAPTISM OF SISTER THOKO Evening prayer with Sister Thoko and preparation for baptism, Our Father OOO opened my mind, I saw a pitcher above the roof top of Father’s house, it was nearly full of holy oil, I saw hands holding the pitcher and the oil was poured on the roof top of the building, and it went inside until it reached unto Sister Thoko, anointing her, then I saw the road had protection it appeared as wooden wall and the pathway was full of brilliant light until the beach where we did the baptism. The car was running with the protection of the Father because it was night time and darkness is the favorite time of evil, but the Father protected his children, we reached the seaside then the Father did the Baptism of Sister Thoko. Until we came back we were still protected by the brilliant light across the road. We continued the ceremony of baptism until it finished, and then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 19 September 2008 ANGEL LIFTED UP Morning Prayer: Father in heaven opened my mind, while we were doing the prayer Father showed the sea water became big waves and covered the entire city, when the sea water reached the Father’s house the angel lifted up the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


male and female brethren who did the prayer and brought them to the highest mountain, then I saw the face of a man it appeared very scary face and his hair was dusty and dry, he was doing evil ways and his attitude is that of an animal, suddenly I saw the skull face man with black long linen garment without seam. He held staff with sharp curve blade on top, and then he destroyed the image of the scary man. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 20 September 2008 THE FATHER AND NICE ALTAR Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I was kneeling down with twelve angels besides me, and I saw the beautiful altar and brilliant light coming out. The color and background of the altar was white as snow, I saw an old man wearing brilliant long linen white dress sitting in the altar chair. His hair was pure as white and very nice face young and perfect. I saw below the altar was a pool, in the middle of the pool was gold chair with one young man sitting in red long linen clothes, the chair was placed in the bamboo balsa and floating middle of the pool. I saw in the pool water plenty in white robes swimming and baptizing; myself and the twelve angels were continuing praying and rejoicing until I ended the prayer and was disconnected. Thank You Father. 21 September 2008 THE ANGEL AND TORCH Morning Prayer at Sister Madeline house Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw a place and people far away and the image appeared like African or Nigerian, most of them doing evil ways, they were drunk, dancing, smoking, drugs and it appeared like a big party. All were enjoying and seemed happy. Then I saw the angel passing by with torch in his right hand, the angel had wings and it formed a heart, when it was passing by thru the place where they had party all were surprised because of the light shining the area and Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


coming from the torch; all were afraid and panicking; the angel continued passing in one direction, until the angel came back; he was slowly tilting the torch and the fire coming from the torch was moving down heading to the big party group, all were burnt and became ash. Thank You Father. 24 September 2008 FATHER SITTING IN THE CHAIR Early Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, inside the Father’s House I saw the Father sitting in old ancient of days chair, He has very nice crown made of gold, white hair wearing red long linen clothes with rod of iron in his right hand, I saw the old ancient man with staff in his right hand his body was curved because he was very old as he was walking along the floor and the appearance of skull face with long linen black clothes without seam; His long black clothes covered until his head and had a long staff with sharp blade on top; His right hand was skeleton. This is the sign of calamities to come, we continued prayer until my vision was disconnected, Thank You Father. 27 September 2008 TORNADO IN THE SKY Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I was flying as I reached up the sky I saw big tornado and swallowed all water from the sky, then it went down until it touched the sea water, and the sea water became hurricane and heavy rain came. Plenty places were affected, earthquake came and the land was divided and cracked and the houses, cars, humans, trees, big buildings fell down and the water from the river flows and plenty people died; I continued flying and I saw the Old beautiful lady wearing long linen red clothes without seam. She had clothes as scarf covering her hair, the old man with red long linen clothes without seam and the young man in long linen white dress Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


stood on top of the high rock with brilliant light; and as I was flying three of them were waving their hands to me to come over their position; when I was nearly with them I saw one old ancient book and as it was given to me, I received the book; one Sister called me for my turn of prayer, then my spirit was coming back to my flesh and then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 28 September 2008 FATHER’S PROTECTION THRU BOOK VOL.1 Bro. EE called me from Dubai and we had a lovely conversation about the making of Father’s Revelation in Bahrain Vol. 2; I asked him to print out one book of vol. 1, as we are doing the printing for book vol.1, the holy spirit asking to change the cover of the book instead of red as in volume 1, the cover of vol. 2 should be blue color, I was guided by the holy spirit to dictate the blue in background with white shadow in the center and the color of three “O’s” and “JHS” sign was red, after all were finished I went to Sister Magdalene’s place; we conducted evening prayer; Our Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind as we prayed I saw the book vol.1 that was placed in front of me was spinning very fast. Then I saw the image of the black man changing into wild animal came over to our place: we were standing on the carpet while praying, The book Vol.1 was driving the carpet and lifting up until it reached the sky; I saw lots of small stars twinkling and the wild face of animal black man was continuing to follow us and wanted to attack; suddenly the eagle came and took the black man using its strong feet ; the eagle was flying until it reached the dark place and the eagle dropped the man; he was shouting until I didn’t hear the voice anymore; as I looked around I saw the angel rejoicing and holding their hands surrounding us; they were singing with a very nice voice and their wings formed like a heart and it signifies “LOVE ONE ANOTHER”; we were traveling with the book vol.1

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driving the carpet, I was disconnected when my turn of prayer came. Thank You Father. 01 October 2008 FATHER SITTING IN A CHAIR & OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw an old man with red long linen clothes without seam sitting in an old ancient king chair, plenty people in white long linen clothes without seam kneeling and falling on their faces on the ground in front of him; one sister reading the content of Father’s Revelations in Bahrain book vol.2, In spirit the sister was reading the book in highest part of the heavens altar in front of the Father; and all host of heaven were kneeling down and falling their faces to the ground with hands and palms opened receiving the blessings from the Father; I saw brilliant light coming from the body of the Holy Father and I saw one spirit came out and lifted up; I saw it formed as a man and his hair was down unto his shoulder; another light with clouds coming from the star, and shining to the spirit that came out from the Father: It is him; Our Lord Jesus Christ, He stretched his two arms, on his left arms I saw the young man standing and on the right hand is the book and the young man began to spread out the words of the Father; but no one believes him except those chosen brothers and sisters of the Father, but the Father loves his children all over the world, He is a very loving and kind Father always. He gives grace to us not minding whatever sinfulness we are living in this world; I saw the white clouds come more and more, until my vision was disconnected.Thank You Father. 02 October 2008 HOLY MOTHER DRIVING THE SAILING VESSEL Arrival of Bro. EE at Bahrain International Airport; The spirit of the Holy Father dwells with me immediately and gave hug Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


to Bro. EE; we went to the house of Sister Maggie and as we reached there we did the prayer immediately, and the presence of the holy spirit was there, as we continued the prayer I found myself that we were on board in a sailing vessel, I saw the old big lady dressed in long linen white clothes and she was holding the steering of the sailing vessel, cloudy skies with scattered rain shower, thunderstorm and slightly rough sea; we were three behind her, Bro. EE and Sister Maggie with few men and women in white dress on board, I saw the light coming from the morning star and it was our route guide heading to the brilliant light ahead of us; I was disconnected when my turn of prayer came. My vision was coming back to the room we were conducting the prayer. Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared standing in the middle of the floor and Bro. EE began to read the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain Vol.2; then slight cloud came and I saw the old ancient of days, an old man, he was very old walking around the floor; my sight was moving far away and I saw the old ancient tall rocky mountain and on top of it was the old ancient thing and it appeared like an ark, it appeared like made of expensive iron. My sight was coming back to the room we were conducting the prayer, the presence of the old ancient man was still the room; Our lord Jesus Christ was still in the middle of the floor, I saw the tear drops of blood from the eyes of Our Lord Jesus Christ and it was falling down on our body until it was scattered all over the world to all members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star; I saw the seven angels above Our lord Jesus Christ, the seven warrior angels wearing full fighting suit gear. It was representing the seven angels of the week which were angel guard of every day. I was disconnected. Thank you Father. 03:00 pm we were conducting the prayer again and I saw the nice tree full of lovely fruits, and it was surrounded by very nice green grass, the tree was representing the Holy Father of all creation and the nice green grass was the brethren members of BCS all over the world. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


At 06:00 pm during the prayer I saw plenty black and white men and women inside the house; and the Holy Father showed me the spirit of previous life of one Bro. Paul; He was a big man and he was somewhere in western part of Australia, he was wearing long white linen dress. In previous spirit he was BCS member; I saw the spirit of one lady looking for flesh to dwell, Holy Father showed her the future of life of good and bad, and she was scared and looking for salvation of her soul. During the confession of sins my ear became old ancient and big; Father OOO received all the confession, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 03 October 2008 VOLCANO UNDER WATER BLOW UP Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, we were worshiping the living Father OOO in action, suddenly the building we are standing on was yawing, and it’s like a small paddle boat floating in the sea. I saw outside it was surrounded by water the whole area; and I saw the inner part of the sea there was a sand mountain and it was opened and blown up, then the sea water was coming out and covered one nation and moved on to another nation, most of the people in that nation died, and the sea shore was full of blood and plenty dead people floating across the sea, I saw rainbow life ring thrown away from the young man; and that rainbow life ring was inserted to the body of the humans which had their names written in the book of life; and that rainbow life ring with words written “Brotherhood of the Cross and Star” was saving the lives of those persons their names were written in the book of life. I saw far away was the very nice ship but I was disconnected when my turn of prayer was come. Thank You Father. 03 October 2008 WHITE BUTTERFLY AND DRAGON Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Evening Prayer Our Father OOO opened my mind I saw dragon outside the building we were conducting the Evening Devotion and slight clouds across the floor. Then I saw the white butterfly became an angel; the angel sealed the door and blinded the dragon and the dragon can’t find the exact door. And I saw the face of an ugly black man and lady they were doing ritual and fighting me in spirit but the old ancient man wearing old long linen clothes with staff, His body was very old and it was curved. His staff had small star on top end and I saw the brilliant light coming from that star; the black man and lady was disappearing. The room was full of white clouds, then I was disconnected, Thank You Father. 04 October 2008 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Noon time Bro. EE did a short Prayer, Father showed crown of thorn and on top of the crown of thorn was holy flame of fire. And I saw drops of blood coming from the sharp end of thorn. Then it was spinning slowly until it appears like a mirror in circle, I saw all the evil deeds of the entire humanity, it was the cause of blood coming from the crown of thorns, Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross of Calvary because of our evil deeds; I saw the light coming from above and I saw the white man with mustache descending and I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 05 October 2008 THE FATHER OF ALL CREATION Sunday Divine service Our Father of all creation opened my mind and he showed me these things; I saw light descending and it appears as a young man with white linen clothes and a brilliant light, He was kneeling down on top of the nicest flowers with slight clouds, he was facing up; I saw plenty children all over the world in different dialects and nations Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


they were kneeling down and followed what the young man was doing in praying; I saw another light and it was the old man with long white linen clothes with a mighty rod of iron in his right hand; He had nice gold crown and sitting in chair; I saw again another light coming and it appears as three old men but their faces were very nice and perfect, all of them had nice crown and long linen white clothes sitting in the chair; I saw again another light coming and it appears as seven old men with different crowns sitting in the chair and dressed in long linen white clothes; I saw again another light coming and there appeared twelve old men and dressed in long linen clothes their faces are different; all of them wearing long white linen clothes; I saw another light coming out and there appeared twenty four old men; their faces are unison and all are dressed in long white linen clothes; then the young man I first saw was changed into beautiful lady with very nice gown in white color and nice crown she was ascending up until it appeared like a star and brilliant light came out and shining to the whole area; I saw that all the area were built of gold and both sides of the altar were angels and their wings were different formations. I saw black young lady doing evil deeds, and there came heavy rain and it caused flooding and landslide because in the inner part of the mountain was plenty hole because of gold mining, and the landslide covered the town; I saw one lady it appeared like a faith-healer she was playing cards until she was throwing the cards and the cards were flying very quickly towards our place while we were conducting prayer and I saw the sides of the cards it appeared like sharp blades and when it was closer it became a small insect; if it touches the body of a human it will cause disease or problems depending on what the lady commands; then the sword appeared and brilliant lights came out and those things were gone; the lady was attempting again to fight but the brilliant light from the sword was still there and she was gone; Father shows the human ghosts coming from the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


skies, those souls that died in plane crashes and different angels in the sky, plenty coming to the place of worship and asking for prayers and salvation, but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 06 October 2008 THE WORLD IS IN DARKNESS Morning prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, I saw it appears like a heart with crown of thorn; and it was melting of clay and in black color; it was spinning very fast until it forms like a world map, and the whole world was surrounded and full of darkness, I saw the light from far away and it came closer and closer until it shone in the whole world, but the world cannot find the shining from the light because the world was sheltered in sin. I was disconnected. I and Bro. EE were practicing the song of the Father in Heaven suddenly, I saw the spirit of an old lady sitting in the white chair while Bro. EE taught me the song of healing and the old lady was receiving the power of the holy spirit from the Father; as we started the evening prayer I saw a tall old man, slim body and dressed in white t-shirt with white trousers he was passing by in front of us and waving his hand to follow him, three of us were following him and as we stepped our feet forward we found that we were on the mountain walking and following the tall old man, we passed the place full of rice and corn growing until we reached the town; and I saw it appeared like a procession along the road, plenty people walking in long linen white robes with turbans in their waist; they were dancing and rejoicing along the road; singing and praising the Holy Father. It was roaming around the whole town until it reached the main gate of the mountain and the big gold gate began to open and then I was disconnected, Thank You Father. 07 October 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


CROWN OF THE FATHER Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven Olumba Olumba Obu the sole spiritual head of the universe opened my mind, I saw the beautiful morning sunrise with very nice clouds and the sun had a hallo it appeared twenty four rounds like a sharp sword, it was shining as full brilliant light and it was slowly descending towards our place of worship, I saw the old man in the altar sitting in the chair, wearing long linen red clothes without seam, the hallo from the sun was slowly fitted to his head until it formed a crown with twenty four sharp blades rounded; brilliant shining light coming from the crown and it was shining all over the world; Father allowed me to see all humanity around the world doing their evil deeds; it is the reason that the whole world was covered up in darkness because of the humanity doing evil deeds; I saw big dessert and I saw the old ancient old man standing in the middle of the desert, and smoke came out from him, I did not see the old ancient old man; I saw the long linen black clothes without seam and it was covered from head to foot and the face appeared like a skull and had staff with sharp blade; He knocked his staff on the ground and the war of the humanity began; it was continuing until the war of the spirit between good and bad began, and the whole world was covered with dark smoke and dark clouds, I saw very far away the shadow of the white tall mountain with hallo in form of big “O”, then I was disconnected, Thank You Father. 08 October 2008 BEAUTIFUL LADY AND THE LAMB Father opened my mind and I saw the beautiful lady wearing white long linen clothes and there was cover on her head until foot; She was kneeling down and praying facing to the altar, I saw myself, Bro. EE and Sister Maggie become like very nice and cute lambs, when I looked around the room was full of nice and cute lambs, then when my turn of prayer Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


was come I included thanksgiving to the Father OOO for all the great revelations he has given us here in Bahrain and I saw the tall young man appeared and light coming from his heart and my belly where the book was placed. I was shaking and light came out from the book; the shining light coming from the tall man was submerged with the light coming from the book inside my belly; and it created white and shining light, and it was lighting all over the world; all human beings doing evil deeds were looking where it came from but they cannot find, until all of them were panicking and afraid looking for salvation from Our Lord Jesus Christ; I saw big stone from far away but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 09 October 2008 LIGHT FROM OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Morning Prayer Father in Heaven opened my mind; I saw light and it slowly appeared as a crown of thorn, until it forms as a head of a young man “Our Lord Jesus Christ”; Father showed the past as Our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross of Calvary, I saw his head plenty fresh blood and his head was laying down, and I saw it appeared like a dove with holy flame of fire out from his body and it was rising up until I saw the dark clouds and darkness over the whole place; and the people who nailed him were afraid, I was disconnected; Then my sight of vision was pointed to far away place with one statue of an angel which had rounded like hallow on his head and in his right hand had a torch, it was a giant statue; suddenly the whole place was in darkness and it became bloody and earthquake came and the whole city was destroyed; only the statue will remain standing; I was disconnected from that vision. Then I saw the King sitting in the old chair and dressed in white long linen dress with crown; two angels besides the King and I saw one man in white dress; He kissed the book and kneeling in front of the King and he gave the book; All Angels Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


were clapping their hands in unison, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

10 October 2008 WHOLE WORLD AWFULL SINERS Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, as we started the morning devotion I saw the beautiful morning sunrise, and I saw it appears like housing or bossing of the world and it appeared in melting and was slowly gone or destroyed. Because the entire humanity living in this world are full of sins and abusing the mother earth; Father OOO was protecting through Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members fasting and praying; the world must pray and fast and repent of all their sins; Father shows the walls of the universe and it appears like an ash that will cover the whole world at any time and it was the end of kingdom of man; which must become the kingdom of Almighty God; the Alpha and Omega; Father Olumba Olumba Obu appeared and showed how to knock our foreheads on the ground; during silent prayer Father gave his blessings to all his children all over the world; I saw the stone like pearl in the left hand and a rolled white paper in the right hand and the body was full of words which I could not understand; it was rounded with plenty “O’s”; all of them are coming from the brilliant light which signifies the blessings from the Father in Heaven and gives all his children sheltered in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star; I saw the tall man with white long hair in red garment sitting in the altar chair, his face is young and perfect and had crown with staff in his right hand. I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

10 October 2008 Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


LIGHT FORMS “O” Evening Prayer Papa OOO opened my mind; I saw the brilliant light and it was appearing as an “O” and spinning like a tornado very fast and it was multiplying by millions; and moving around the world and cleaning in every dirty place all over the world. I saw brilliant light coming from the man; His hair was down unto his shoulder and eyes like a flame of fire; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 12 October 2008 LIGHT COME FROM THE BODY OF YOUNG MAN Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; as we started the prayer I saw the young man dressed in white long linen clothes; his hair was down unto his shoulder and light came out from his body it was shining and lighting the whole world; I saw native house made of bamboo and coconut leaves, in the main door I saw it appears like a banner with words written that I could not understand, I saw brilliant light inside; as I entered inside the native house it is full of light and all things are made of gold and I saw one tall man I did not recognize his face; I saw one Sister kneeling down in prayer, she had too many problems in her life for her family; Father gave her strength; I saw it appeared like a dove wearing white gown and it was slowly descending upon her; I was disconnected when my turn of prayer came. Thank You Father. 13 October 2008 FATHER WITH KEY Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind; as we started the prayer I saw an old man dressed in very old long linen clothes it appeared cream white color and I saw a unique design key made of gold tightly on his waist; He was passing across the floor; then I saw the brilliant light Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


coming from the sky; and I saw the white clouds with fog and brilliant light comes more and more; I saw an old ancient face coming from the brilliant light wearing white as snow long linen clothes without seam; His eyes are like a sun full of brilliant light and shiny; then he was slowly descending until his feet touched the ground; as he touched the ground his face and body was slowly changing into the face of an old man with key on his waist; and he was visiting all bethels of BCS around the world in spirit; then I saw shadow of a man with wings slowly come closer to me and dwell; but I was disconnected when the prayer was ended. Thank You Father. Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; I saw the three tall big rocky mountains and it formed like a triangle; every mountain had angel guard and below of that three tall rocky mountain I saw it appeared like lava from volcano and fire; I saw plenty people in spirit shouting and asking for salvation and on the center of that area was the man with very scary face and naked and he was always laughing; I saw one angel blowing his trumpet and rain with smoke came down directly to the place where there was fire and lava; I saw all of them became ash because the rain had power to destroy them all; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 17 October 2008 TRIANGLE WITH EYE ON THE CENTER Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind; I saw one man but his head appears like the head of a lion and his body was full of muscle and very strong; I saw a gate like stone but it was locked in gear type; the man appeared with the head like a lion; he held the gear type lock and it formed as a wheel and as an “O”; and he pushed slowly then the gate began to noise slowly showing sign of opening; after opening I saw inside the room it appeared like statue of a Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


bronze human from head to foot and all is made of bronze; and on top of his head I saw a triangle with one eye on the center and the brilliant light was coming out; it was so shinny and brilliant; it was lighting more and more until it covered the whole world; During silent prayer I saw in the room plenty men in white robes and we were holding our hands together; I was disconnected, Thank You Father. 18 October 2008 SOUTH AFRICANS IN WHITE DRESS Our Father opened my mind and I saw the room was full of white fog and South African ladies in white robes with beautiful design on their scarf; During silent prayer I saw a big man appeared like an Nigerian dressed in red long linen clothes with special design and on the center of his body I saw three letter “OOO”; I saw it appeared like an old ancient days castle; and the gate was opened; I saw the queen coming out riding on a white horse with nice wedding dress and queen’s crown; she was looking around, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 18 October 2008 HOLY SPIRIT SPINNING LIKE TORNADO Short Prayer with Bro. EE Our Father in Heaven opened my mind I saw it appears like a peanut that was broken coming from our bodies during prayer; and the book inside my belly was lighting out and it shines the whole room; I saw one man standing he stretched his two arms like a cross and his one foot was bent a little and his head was laying down, then he was spinning very fast like a tornado; and I saw all righteous human beings around the world were swallowed into the man that formed like a tornado; I saw heaven appeared like a book and it was opened and light coming out more shiny; and the man that became tornado was flying Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


away heading into the heaven appearing like a book; when he reached inside it was closed and sealed, then the dark clouds came out; but I was disconnected. 21 October 2008 FATHER SITTING IN THE CHAIR During prayer I saw one old man sitting in the old ancient days chair adorned in a special design, the old man was wearing red long linen clothes with special design; He had a crown on his head and in his right hand was a rod of iron and on top end of the rod forms like “O” and on bottom end is a small star; and on his left hand I saw a golden book with radiant light holding in opened position; His two arms were placed on the arms of the chair; He did not allow me to see his face clearly; and behind Him is the holy flame of fire and below on His chair I saw small wings; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 22 October 2008 FATHER AND KEY Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw a tall old man dressed in brilliant white long linen clothes and on his waist He had a key tightly held; I saw the two young men with hallow on their heads they were dressed in long linen white dress; the tall old man asking them to follow him; they continued walking until they reached the white door with white heart design and the old man took the key on his waist and opened the door; as he opened I saw it was a very wide sea water and I saw plenty gold fish; on the other side I saw a man his face was very ugly and scary; but he was adorned in fake gold and he became a nice and handsome man; he was cooking and giving feed to the golden fish; while all the golden fish were busy eating the food made by the scary-face of a man; the tall old man took small things from his right pocket and he Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


threw them to the sea water; and it became plenty “O”s; but the golden fish were busy eating the food of the ugly man; all the golden fish were refusing to eat the nicest food coming from the tall old man that formed like “O”s; suddenly the food coming from ugly face man had poison and all golden fishes were dead, and the sea water became empty dry land, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 25 October 2008 FATHER VISITS ONE NATION 06:00 pm at my work site I was on top of Gantry Crane; Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw an old man wearing an old white long linen dress; his face is very old and hair dusty but his eyes like a fire; he carried a back-pack on his back and had a staff in his right hand; he was at one nation disguising and appeared in many manifestations; but no one is accepting him, all humanity in that city were rejecting him; all people living in that city were living in evil deeds; suddenly I saw dark clouds and heavy rain coming; I saw one tornado going to the sea and it was spinning very fast until the sea became like tsunami and there came big waves and covered all over the city; plenty people died, all humanity not practicing the words of God and not following all his injunctions were dead; only the righteous were left; and I saw the young man stood above that city dressed in red long linen brilliant clothes with radiance; his hair was down unto his shoulder and his eyes appeared like gold and had a crown, I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 25 October 2008 LAGOS BRETHTREN ALONG NARROW PATHWAY Evening at around 8:00 pm Bro. EE from Lagos Nigeria called me; Father in Heaven opened up my mind; I saw long narrow pathway; one man leading and dressed in long white linen clothes with radiant light, I did not recognize his Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


face; but his hair was so shiny, white color and his feet I did not; only the footprints in the white sand I saw holding staff with curve on top end and had a bell; the white sand had fog and I saw the star with radiant twinkling lighting the group; behind this man is Bro. EE and all the brethren in Lagos. Bro. EE belongs to this group and was surrounded with white brilliant light and shine coming from the star; the bad spirits cannot enter into the group because of the radiant light; I saw ahead from far away the shadow of the ark that was made of gold waiting for the group to go on board; it was guarded by great heaven’s soldiers and angels; Father OOO says IF ALL BRETHREN FOLLOW ALL INJUNCTIONS OF GOD, HE WILL NOT ALLOW ALL BAD SPIRITS TO DWELL AMONG THEM NOR TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ETERNAL KINGDOM OF ALMIGHTY GOD. I was disconnected. Thank You Father.


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Afternoon at around 5:00 pm Father in heaven opened my mind; I saw one old man sitting in the chair: 1st I saw was the chair with design and it was made of gold, the four legs of the chair had small wings on them, and it was adorned with precious stones and very expensive material. And on top of either side is a cross but it was formed like an “O”. 2nd I saw was the crown made of gold and had a cross in the center and three”OOO”s written on the crown. 3rd I saw was the face of an old ancient man with radiant light and his eyes like a holy flame of fire;

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4th I saw was the whole body with radiant and twinkling light, white long linen clothes without seams and on his back a long linen clothes with special design and radiant light. 5th I saw was his feet; barefoot and had nail-print wounds. 6th I saw in his right hand was a rod of iron and on top end had “O” and bottom end had a star; on his left hand was a golden book with special design and it was burning like a flame of fire. 7th I saw was the book opened and placed on his heart and on top had a cross with radiant light. And the content of the book is shining light. 8th I saw are the three stars with brilliant light and powerful shining light. 9th I saw below his chair billions of white lambs and all are in unison and perfect body and their lips are very nice and cute. 10th I saw; His face was changing in many manifestations; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 11 November 2008 FLOOR WAVING AND THE SERPENT Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind, as I arrived the Father’s house I knocked my forehead and the floor was waving, I saw two red scary eyes and very sharp teeth it was slowly appearing as a big serpent and his tongue was divided into two separate parts; it was finding way to enter the house but it cannot because the whole house was anointed with holy oil from the Father; I saw plenty small snakes outside the house same size as finger, I saw and heard thunder and the SEVEN GOLDEN CHICKENS in my dream many years ago came out and ate all the small snakes; I saw and heard another thunder again and big eagle came out and on its neck I saw white linen clothes with radiant light, then he picked one brother and sister, he put on his neck and covered with the white linen clothes and rolled; after he flew away and flew very fast towards the position of Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


the serpent and he took the serpent using his feet and flew far away; then in the dark place he released the serpent and it was gone; my vision was coming back to the room and I saw the image of the Father as an old ancient of days but his body, hands and feet are very nice and young; I saw the lady dressed in long white linen clothes with radiant light came to one sister and she was anointing with oil; I saw radiant light from far coming closer but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 12 November 2008 FATHER AND THE LIGHT Morning Prayer I was at my home kneeling down and started prayer; Our Father in Heaven opened up my mind; I saw an old man dressed in red long linen clothes in front of me and his eyes and whole body was full of radiant light and the house was full of white fog; I was continuing in prayer and I heard a noise; As I turned my head I saw a lady she appeared like an African but her eyes was red and scary, she was fighting me with her power from evil but the Father anointed me; she cannot do anything and she was so angry as she went off, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 15 November 2008 THE IMAGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST & THREE “OOO” Morning time at around 9:08 am I was lying in my bed; I did thanksgiving prayer to heavenly Father; then Father opened my mind; I saw very small radiant light and it was slowly coming closer to me; and the light was slowly changing to the image of a man; 1st I saw the eyes which was burning like a holy flame of fire. 2nd; I saw the eye brows and it was very nice and perfect. 3rd; I saw a very nice shiny nose. 4th; I saw the cheek with light mustache and perfect. 5th; I saw very nice young lips. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


6th; Then I saw a full image; and it was him who died on Calvary cross because of our sins; Him that suffered and carried the cross because of our evil deeds; The Holy Son of most high Father in heaven; OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST; I saw his face brilliant light came and his body was slowly appearing covered with white long linen clothes with radiant light; He showed to me his hands and feet had nail print wounds and fresh blood drops; and that fresh blood wash away the souls of all humanity which continue praising, singing, praying and fasting dressed in long linen white clothes. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST disappeared; I saw light but it was changing and fog coming with radiant light; I saw the three “OOO” with hallows; and the three OOO was changing and appeared as three young men with same face; dressed in red long linen clothes with golden crown; Its perfect and all of them are exactly the same image and body built; The holy book inside my body that I swallowed thru vision was opened up and light came out; and I saw words coming out; I could not understand and read but I saw the old ancient ages wearing dusty long white linen clothes his body was curved with staff in his right hand; he touched my head and eyes; then I understand what is written in the holy book; and this is it; “All righteous brothers and sisters around the world must rejoice; the kingdom of man is coming to an end; the real owner is now on earth, the Alpha and Omega dwelling among men and doing his work in flesh and in spirit; the kingdom of man was abused by all brothers and sisters doing evil deeds; the time is too short for all awful sinners; All sinners must completely refrain from all their sins and follow Father’s injunctions in truth and spirit; all sinners will be baptized in flame of fire and put in kingdom of fire; while the righteous the Father will anoint with holy oil and allow them to live in his new eternal holy kingdom”. I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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17 November 2008 FATHER STOOD UPON THE HIGH ROCK Morning Prayer Our Father opened my mind; As I knocked my forehead on the floor Father appeared as an old ancient of days; wearing dusty white long linen clothes with radiant light and stood above very high mountain; in his right hand he was holding staff; his head had a hallow; he was looking at all his children far and beyond; the good ones and those doing in evil deeds; I saw angel above the building wearing white brilliant long clothes with staff on top was cross; The cross had light and the shine coming out. I saw plenty Nigerian and African ladies dressed in long linen clothes and they are worshiping; praying, singing, and praising the Almighty God; I saw far beyond the one building with a sister working and it was full of dark clouds; I saw the Father stand on the altar and he stretched his two hands and gave blessings to his children all over the world; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 18 November 2008 THE FATHER, HEART, CROSS, STAR At 04:30 I was at Sister Maggie house for worship; after changing my clothes I was laying down in sofa and waiting for 5:00 am prayer; Father appeared as a dove and he was flying around the house in every corner; then he brought my spirit in very far place; I found myself become like eagle and flew together with the dove; until we reached the place that was very familiar to me; I saw white heart where the righteous brethren stayed and are doing the Father’s work; but most of them are looking for something; then I saw one young man come to me and said; come and sit; I was sitting in an old white tree near the native house; then the young man was changing into an old man with perfect face and wearing brilliant clothes with a lot of design and he began to explain to me; He said; I brought you here to tell you this; Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


The heart that you saw is a symbol of love, peace, joy and unity; the humanity cannot understand and accept this parables because they love to do evil deeds; look at those brethren living in that heart until now still restless because of greediness and jealousy; all I want is love, peace, joy, and unity for all humanity but because of sin they are blind; The cross that you have seen is the trials in life; all of them have weaknesses in their life and most of them cannot control their emotion because of sin; I sent my Son two thousand years ago to preach and teach them how to carry their cross and guide them to live peacefully with spirit of hope and freedom but humanity are greedy; they crucified my son; and now this kingdom of man is no longer for them; I will take this and punish all unrighteous; the star you saw it is the morning glory and light of each living creation; I give this star to all living creation to make them happy and to satisfy their needs in this old world of earth; but again most of them are greedy; You must continue your fasting until the fulfillment of time will come very soon you’ll hear the cry of all unrighteous; I will seal the righteous in my kingdom where you stand now BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR; and those unrighteous I will seal them in flame of fire at inferno; write these things for knowing them and prepare for their sakes; After those conversation, the old man stretched his hands and I saw the clouds become dusty and spinning very fast; I was flying together with him until; he brought me to the very high mountain; and below are plenty small mountains and they were burnt with fire; I heard thunder and heavy rain come but not water; rain of fire; I heard the entire humanity doing evil deeds and all wild animals cried out; asking for help and calling for salvation; then my spirit came back to my human body; and I saw one African young lady inside the house rounding in every corner; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 20 November 2008 FATHER ALONG THE ROAD Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Afternoon at around 5:30 pm I was walking on the road heading to Sister Maggie’s place; Father opened my mind and he appeared as a young man; dressed in long linen shiny white clothes with radiant light; when I was at Sister Maggie’s home; he taught me to cook African soup; after cooking I started prayer: I saw the Father sitting in the very nice chair; dressed in red long linen clothes; with golden crown; his eyes were twinkling and he looks so very nice and perfect; He stretched his hands and I saw plenty brothers and sisters including children wearing white long linen clothes; they were walking on very narrow pathway; I saw the star lighting and guiding them; far beyond I saw the very beautiful woman wearing long linen white clothes with radiant lights her eyes like a flame of fire and had a small rod of iron in her right hand; she was descending down until her feet touched the ground and she became young man; hair until shoulder and his body was changing and brilliant light coming out; my sight was coming back to the room where I did prayer; and I saw that the room was full of men and women all are old and in unison dressed in long linen white radiant clothes; they are thirsty and hungry for the words of God; I continued prayer; I saw young man again in red long linen clothes passed in front of me and sitting at the altar chair; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 21 November 2008 FATHER ANOINTING HIS CHILDREN

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I received a call from Brother EE in Lagos Nigeria; Father OOO opened my mind I saw an old man; appearing like this in the drawing but in his right hand he had holy oil; then he was anointing all the brethren especially the sister to be baptized then I saw the young lady with radiant light; her head had a crown of flower; she compassed her hand and I saw fresh flower dropped into the pool used for baptism; then the pool was full of radiant light and I saw men and women in white long linen clothes they are rejoicing and singing welcome to the newly baptized brethren; I saw plenty food in spirit. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 24 November 2008 / 72 hours Dry Fasting THE SWORD, GOLDEN GATE, THREE Os

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6:00 pm at traffic division in Bahrain, Bro Paul and I were there, I did prayer; Father opened up my mind; and I became like a pigeon and my spirit was flying; this is what I saw.

1st; I saw a very high mountain. 2nd; I saw the three OOO and below was the gold main door. 3rd; I saw the brilliant light and it was slowly appearing as a sword. 4th; I saw the radiant light surrounding the sword; and the sword was burning like a holy flame of fire. Then I saw the face of an old man appeared like an old ancient of days; He reminded me the seventy two hours dry fasting. I was disconnected when my friend called me, Thank You Father. At around 12:20 pm Bahrain time I was in prayer at Sister Maggie’s house; Father opened my mind; I saw myself surrounded by 12 great angels; and I saw the old man with radiant light in his eyes wearing long linen white shiny clothes; in his right side I saw the angel holding the sword; and in the left side I saw the angel holding what appeared like a basin; full of holy oil; Father took with his right hand and anointed me, and the oil was flowing to the inner part of Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


my body where the holy book that I receive from him was placed; when the holy oil reached the book it was opened and brilliant light came out; and my spirit became like pigeon; I was flying very fast and passing the seven high mountains; when I reached the holy book; I saw plenty people in white long linen clothes; eating the last supper as they are preparing for seventy two hours dry fasting; then I saw the old man wearing red long linen clothes with crown on his head; he had three OOO’s in the center of his crown. He was sitting in the chair; and all the people I saw were falling in line; and Father anointing them with holy oil; and I heard the great voice of choristers; very nice song, only voices and without instrument; I flew again together with one angel; he brought me to the main entrance; I saw very long line from outside all dressed in long linen white clothes with turbans on their waist; after all entered the main door the angel closed the main door and it was sealed with words that I could not understand. Then I flew again back to my human body; I saw the young man in front of me; he said; All you have seen is the preparation of dry fasting here on earth where the new kingdom you are standing now; I continued my prayer until I saw the star above the altar; and it was so shinny; I saw far away crowd of people walking on narrow pathway; and my body was shaking too much; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 25 November 2008 FLESH CANNOT ENTER THE KINGDOM Early Morning Prayer; Father opened my mind; He brought my spirit to the high mountain which has a very small door; He asked me to enter: and I said to him “ I can not enter because the size of the door is too small for me; He said close your eyes and step forward; I closed my eyes and I stepped forward; I felt that my flesh and blood was left behind; I heard the voice said “now open your eyes” as I opened my eyes; it was so dark but after a while I saw small light from Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


afar; and I heard the voice; don’t be afraid continue walking; I did what the voice was telling me; when I reached the place of small light it became too shiny and brilliant; I saw a golden chair and a young man sitting with very nice crown; his garment is like a fresh blood and his hair was burning like a holy flame of fire; I saw the beautiful lady dressed in wedding gown; she came to me and she held my hands; my spirit was shaken and I’m so afraid; I found myself I was kneeling down in front of them and worshiping; I saw again an ancient of days old man; he said to me; “come my son I will show you what the people do in human world; but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 3:00 pm at my work sight; Father opened my mind and I saw a very long narrow pathway; and on both sides is hell and big fire on both side; it is so scary and I saw few people walking on that very long narrow pathway; but some of them were falling down and burn in the big fire; I was so afraid; I saw angel behind me; he looked at me and smiled; I heard the voice this is a parable between the good humans and bad; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Evening Prayer; I was praying on the road because I was driving the car; Father opened my mind and my eyes became like the eye of an eagle; I saw very far; one nation panicking because of big fire in the city; all people I saw were black; and I saw black bird continued blowing fire on different part of the cities; I saw some people they are worshiping their god made of wood and the image of lady with five hands on both side but the fire came to them and they were burning; I was disconnected when I heard horn from my back side. Thank You Father. 26 November 2008 SPIRIT OF HUMANITY ASKING FOR SALVATION

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Early Morning Prayer; Father opened my mind; I saw plenty spirits and their gang-leader came to me and said; I need your help; we are living now in spirit please help us to cleanse ourselves, in our past lives we were doing evil deeds; we didn’t follow the laws and rules of our creator; I didn’t speak even a single word; but they were talking to me closely and asking for help; I saw light came from above and guided me to speak; I said to them “only the Almighty Father can forgive us; Father, Son and Holy Ghost; these three persons are in one and is now on earth, dwelling among men to do their job to teach and to help us to correct ourselves; no one else, all I can do is to pray for you but the almighty Father alone can forgive sins of his lost children. I saw another light again; and it was the very beautiful sun rise where I saw the big white flag with three OOO written. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. NOON TIME; I was on the road driving car; Father called for prayer; I was singing and praying; Father OOO opened my mind; I saw far away all the brethren in white long linen clothes they are living in one place and fasting; they are very happy worshiping; I saw the sword in the middle of that place; and it was burning like a holy flame of fire; and on top I saw the image of ancient of days old man; his crown was very nice and made of gold and had precious stones; he was slowly descending; after his feet touched the ground his face was changing and dwelling in the young man standing on the altar; the young man standing in the altar was wearing red long linen clothes and he was dancing and rejoicing; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Evening Time: I did prayer in my home; Father opened my mind and I saw radiant light came to me and when it touched the floor it became a young man with nice body; and he said to me; I’m the warrior angel coming from the eastern part of the world; I came with thousands of soldiers to do the Father’s work; we are to fight and destroy all evil dwelling among men; we will take your spirit and help us to Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


fight them; You are strong enough; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. At around 11:00 pm; I came to Sister Maggie’s house; at exactly midnight my body was shaking and I felt weak; and from the book inside my stomach light was coming out and it was opened; and I saw thousands of heaven’s soldiers coming to me; the leader gave me the sword and the shield; my spirit began to fly together with them; we reached the place where it was too dark and I saw the evil ones were preparing to fight with us and I heard the trumpet from one angel: now is the time; I found myself I was in the middle of the soldiers; then I heard the voice; your mission is to take the small stone; I was fighting and my shield was full of dark blood and my sword was so great together with the Father’s soldiers; until I reached the highest part of the place I saw the small stone but it was guarded by demon; his face was so ugly; but I heard the voice saying “fight them”; I was fighting with them; and the book from my body lighted up and the demon was lost and gone; I took the small stone and we flew back to the Father’s house; native house made of coconut leaves and bamboo outside but inside is full of gold and precious stone; I saw the Father sitting on his native chair and I gave the small stone; I was disconnected; when I returned to my human body I felt weak and my stomach was in pain. Thank You Father. 27 November 2008 FATHER APPEARED Morning Prayer; as I knocked my head I saw Our Father sitting in the altar chair; he was wearing a very shiny white long dress and his hair was very white and the room was full of fog and I saw the sword; standing in middle of the floor burning like a holy flame of fire; I continued my prayer; and I saw children in white dress they were playing on the floor and singing; I was disconnected. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


At 9:00 am second reading of verses from the Father’s Bible; Father opened my mind and I saw the angel warrior from the east said to me; “You must prepare yourself. I shall be back, we have mission from the Father”; I was disconnected. At 12:00 Noon; 3rd Bible reading; I felt much pain in my stomach; the book was opened up slowly; I saw the young man coming to me and anointing me with oil; and it went down to the book and the book was shaking but I felt too much pain; I saw angels walking along the pathways and they were looking for fresh fruits on the table; I was disconnected. At 03:00 pm; 4th Bible reading; Father opened my mind and I saw the warrior angel with thousands of soldiers far away; I felt in my womb too much pain again; I came down to buy fruits while Sister Maggie continued cooking; after I finished buying the fruits I was laying down and I found my spirit was flying very fast like an eagle; I saw the warrior from the east and he threw to me my sword and my shield; I was riding behind him on the horse; we were flying until we reached the place of plenty evil; then I saw an angel sounding his trumpet; and dark clouds came; we were slowly descending; I heard the voice saying; your mission is to get necklace with pendant eye in the center; I was flying; when my feet touched the ground I saw an old man dressed in red long linen clothes; He talked to me; “you must be careful your mission is to get the necklace with eye pendant; all evil enemies you must destroy”; and he said to me “carry on”; I entered into the back side of the black palace; I saw the ugly face of devil; he attacked me; I was fighting with him using my sword and shield; I defeated him and I was in the big room where the necklace was placed in the middle of the room and I saw the light from the book inside my stomach lighted and touched the necklace; the necklace came to my hand and I wore it; as I was wearing it I became much stronger; I found their gang-leader; he was very powerful; I saw the prayers and songs rendered by all Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members doing their Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


fasting were giving me more power and strength; I was fighting him and I defeated him; I saw all the soldiers were very happy and the warrior arch-angel said to me; “it is a very long time ago; this mission now it will come to fulfill; Father Olumba Olumba Obu is the great Father and Leader; soon the whole world will know him like your dream that all snakes bowed”; then I saw the old man and he said to me; come my son; I was sitting again on the long tree log that is very white and shiny; He was talking to me for a long time; until he said to me go back to your flesh because the fasting is finished; when I came back to my flesh my stomach was still paining; and I saw the time was 11:45 pm; I was so sick; and tired I was breaking my fasting not feeling well; Thank You Father. 28 November 2008 FATHER AND THE LAMP Early morning prayer; I felt that my human body was full of energy and my womb was back to normal; Father opened my mind and I saw him as his image now; Father OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU; He had a lamp in his left hand; He waved his hand and said;” we will see you soon in flesh”; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 28 November 2008 FATHER AND THE SERPENT Evening Prayer Father in Heaven opened my mind; I saw three children watching cartoon movies; and they were happy; as I knocked my forehead on the floor; I saw one giant serpent his eyes were very red and his tongue was very scary; his teeth was very sharp; he wanted to attack my stomach and to get the holy book inside but Father appeared and I saw the palm of the Father; light came out and a small cross with radiant light; Father stretched his hand pointing to the serpent; and the serpent was gone and swam into the sea water; he came out again as giant crocodile but Father Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


appeared again and stepped on the head of the crocodile; I saw the children again playing and looking at the fruits; they wanted to eat but they are living in spirit; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

29 November 2008 SMALL STONE At 03:00 am at my work Father OOO called for prayer; I did silent prayer because plenty people were around me; Father opened my mind; I saw radiant light with thunder and I saw the small stone with plenty colors which I could not understand; the small stone was turning very fast and the color was changing into many forms; until white clouds came more and more; and I saw the young man riding on the white horse above the sky; and I saw his clothes shiny and white and his eyes were burning; his crown was made of gold; I saw another horse again but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 30 November 2008 WHITE OVAL AND BRETHREN Morning Prayer Father Olumba Olumba Obu opened my mind; I was on a sofa in my accommodation; I was in prayer when I saw white ovals and millions of brethren in white robes kneeling down; every oval I saw had the flag of a different nation and the oval was shaded in red color and the words written BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR; a little while I saw all ovals were slowly lifted up; and a lot of demons underneath wanted to climb and join the brethren kneeling down in the oval; then I saw the appearance of the ancient of days dressed in long white robes with radiant Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


light; he stretched his hand and I saw big fire coming out and all the demons were burnt and became ash; I continued doing my prayer until I finished and was disconnected. Thank You Father. 01 December 2008 THE BRETHREN AND CHICKEN Early morning prayer at Sister Maggie’s house; Father opened my mind; I saw millions of chickens in white color; all were healthy and good looking; they continued making eggs; I saw thousands of South African and Nigerian ladies feeding them; and the dark clouds came; I saw one ugly face of a man coming from the dark clouds; and he wanted to kill all the chickens but suddenly I saw the old ancient of days; His body was very curved and had staff in his right hand; with radiant light; he knocked his staff on the ground three times and I saw the ugly face of a man and dark clouds were gone quickly; then the beautiful sunrise came out and white clouds came and shaded the sun and all chickens and brethren were very happy; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 02 December 2008 FATHER APPEARED Morning prayer our Father OOO appeared; I knocked my head on the floor and I saw the feet of an old man; as I raised my head and started the prayer I saw an old man on the altar chair; dressed in red long linen clothes with hallow; his face was slowly appearing and it is the Father Olumba Olumba Obu; I continued my prayer with him until I finished and he was gone; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

05 December2008 MOTHER IN HEAVEN APPEARED Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Early Morning prayer our father in Heaven opened my mind; as we started the prayer I saw the place we stood was full of water and the whole place was sinking; I saw different cities around the world were sinking; and the clouds became darker and dusty; I saw from far plenty black birds flying and they were vomiting; and the things coming out from their mouth were pestilence; they sent to the water and it became poisonous; the air became poisonous; plenty people died and the whole world was looking for salvation; after all those things I saw the white clouds and small light; and it became bigger and wider; I saw a very beautiful woman standing above the clouds; her two palms were closed and her clothes were very nice and shiny; her lips were so cute and her crown was very wonderful; she was clothed with plenty precious stones; behind her were three old men; the one old man was dressed in long white linen clothes with plenty designs and a big cape until feet; very nice crown; his face was shiny and perfect; He had a staff in his right hand, and a back-pack that was full of precious stones; the old man in the center looked the same except that his crown and staff were different but his clothes were so shiny with plenty designs, the man on the left side had the same clothes but different crown and shiny face, he had wooden staff in his right hand and below the clouds I saw billions of hands in closed-palms position; only hands I saw; and my spirit was coming back to my body and I saw inside the room plenty white small doves; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 06 December2008 THREE OOO, SUN, MOON, AND STAR Morning Prayer; Father opened my mind and I saw three big OOOs; and I saw another much bigger O; and the three OOOs were facing towards the big O that I saw; I saw the white clouds with nice background of morning sunrise and they had hallow; and I smelt the very nice fresh flower and the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


voice with a very heavenly song; through the shadow of the beautiful sunrise I saw the big one O transformed into a world but his image appeared like the image of an old ancient of days; and I heard again the wonderful songs and very lovely voices; the three OOOs that I saw were moving a little bit distance from the big O; and the three OOOs were changing into different forms; the one O became the SUN; the other O became the MOON; the other O became the STAR; and the big O was changing into the form of a man with a shiny hair and his eyes were burning like a flame of fire; his clothes were very nice and lovely; his crown was very beautiful; the SUN, MOON and STAR were changing into human form that were same face, same clothes and crown; everything were the same images; and I saw many angels blowing their trumpets; and I heard the crowd of the people shouting and praising God; I saw the very nice altar but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 07 December2008 FATHER AND THE CROWN I was driving the car in the evening and I did prayer; Father came and he opened my mind; my eyes became like the eye of an eagle; I saw very far away a young man with very nice crown; but when my sight was nearer to him his crown had blood and I saw in his eyes tears of blood flowing slowly; and the crown that I saw is thorn and melting of fresh blood; his eyes were changing and it became like a holy flame of fire; and I saw plenty lambs below his feet; and all were covered with fresh blood; and the white clouds came; and they covered all the lambs including the young man; and I saw the clouds coming more and more; I saw faraway a very nice mountain with a radiant light and on top of the mountain was the cross; the cross was the same image as the cross in BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR; I was amazed when I saw one young man sitting beside me in the car and said; continue driving in this very long narrow Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


pathway until you reach that place, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 8 December2008 FATHER AND STARS Morning Prayer; Father opened my mind as I was continuing with my prayer, I saw the place where I stood for prayer being filled by the morning star and I heard the heavenly songs; very nice singing and the smell of very nice perfume; and the stars continued moving and moving until it formed a big “O”; after forming the big “O” it became a big HEART; and they formed these words “BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR”; after that they scattered again and formed big words again; LOVE ONE ANOTHER; and I saw the stars were changing into human form and all of them were lady angels with crown of flower on their heads; they continued singing; I saw an old man sitting in the golden chair with a rod of iron in his hand; dressed in long white shiny clothes but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 09 December2008 LION AND WILD ANIMAL Morning Prayer; I knocked my head on the floor and my mind was opened up and the floor was waving; I saw big lion and his eyes were burning like a flame of fire; and I saw the wild animal flying towards my position and wanted to overcome and fight me; I was continuing with my prayer and the wild animal came closer and his face was so very scary; his teeth was very sharp; and the holy book inside my body was opened up and brilliant light came out; I saw the lion standing in front of me and he defended me; the great lion and wild animal were fighting; and I saw the wild animal with scary face was so angry; but the lion was calm and very mighty warrior; when the wild animal touched the ground he became human; and his body was changing into a very Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


muscular man and the lion was also changing into human and dressed in warriors clothes; they began to fight but the lion was much stronger than the wild animal that became human; they continued fighting until the wild animal that became human lost the fight and was gone; I saw the lion that became human came closer to me and said; The Alpha and Omega is now on earth dwelling in flesh to teach righteousness and lead into the Holy Trinity only those whose foreheads were written OOO; this parables you are shown is real happening now in this earth; the most high God; the Alpha and Omega was standing and leading his children all over the world; but soon he will take dominion and punish the wicked tenants; tell this to all your brothers and sisters; after all these he was gone and I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 10 December 2008 FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Evening prayer Father opened my mind; I saw an old man with radiant white clothes and his eyes were like a holy flame of fire; He had a very nice mustache and perfect long white hair; he had a crown with OOOs and was made of gold; on the top of the crown there were precious stones; he was sitting in the chair made of gold; and in his right side I saw the sword and the blade had two edges and it was burning; on top of the sword was a justice sign; and on his left side there was a wooden staff and on top it had a star; his chair was floating above the air and below his chair were millions of human beings dressed in long white linen clothes and some of them had turbans on their waist; and I saw the very white clouds and light came from the precious stones of his crown; the place was very holy and all brethren were in unison and perfectly kneeling down and praising the Father; we continued the prayer until I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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12 December 2008 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Morning Prayer; Our Father in Heaven opened my mind and I saw white clouds with radiant light and hallows; I saw a young man standing above the clouds dressed in long white linen clothes with radiant light and his feet and hands had nail-print wounds; he opened his two palms and his clothes were rippling as the winds blew on it; his hair was down unto His shoulders and when I recognized him, It was OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. I continued with my prayer; I saw plenty lambs under his feet, all in perfect sizes and they were very cute and nice lambs; my prayer was ended and I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 14 December 2008 SWORD AND THE TWELVE ANGELS Morning prayer Father opened my mind; as we started the prayer I saw fog inside the room and I felt that my spirit was lifted up, and I was amazed when I found myself in the holy place full of radiant light and flowers; and I saw a small tree with twelve angels surrounding and kneeling down; the tree slowly growing and I saw that it was the tree of thorns and the radiant light came out and fog covered the tree of thorns and twelve angels; then I saw the radiant light more and more; until the tree of thorns was slowly appearing and clear to my sight; the tree of thorns was becoming a sword and the blade was burning like a flame of fire and on top was the justice sign; and above the justice sign was a big “O”; then the angels were rejoicing; I saw the ancient of days and below his feet was the sword; and he had a very nice crown with three OOOs; and light came out; and gave light to the whole world and I saw again below his feet billions of brethren dressed in long white linen clothes; but the ugly face of the enemy came; he was burning like hell and wanted to destroy all the brethren dressed in white but the Father Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


stepped on his head and he became ash; and the sword became a young man dressed in radiant light and his hair was very white; I could not see his face clearly; from far away I saw a very beautiful woman wearing white and shiny clothes; her crown was very nice and shiny; and she was riding a white horse and plenty stars surrounding her; then my spirit was coming back to my flesh and I saw inside the room which we were conducting the prayer full of men and women but I was disconnected when they called me for prayer; Thank You Father. Evening Prayer; Father opened my mind and my spirit was lifted up; I found myself again in the place of my early morning revelation; and I saw Bro. EE, Sister Maggie and I kneeling down in front of the sword with radiant light and it became a young man with long white linen clothes and his hands and feet had nail-print wounds; I saw an old man wearing white shiny t-shirt, and he touched everyone of us anointing us with holy oil; I saw again the beautiful lady riding on the white horse and I saw three horses in red color and the very beautiful lady asked the three of us to ride the horse and the horse began to run but the feet of the horses did not touch the ground; we continued riding until we reached the very nice place and we stopped in front of the golden gate; but the very beautiful woman then disappeared; and I saw a little child coming and guiding us to enter; I was disconnected when my spirit came back to my flesh. Thank You Father. 15 December 2008 OLD MAN IN WHITE DRESS Father opened my mind; as we entered the house of Bro. EE I saw one brother Joseph; Father appeared in spirit wearing long white linen radiant clothes; Bro. EE continued preaching to them the words of God and Father was Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


listening; He was sitting in the chair in spirit; and Father confirmed that he is the one who appeared in the dream a few nights before to this brother Joseph; then Father stood and I saw the very beautiful lady riding on the white horse and dressed in long white linen clothes and adorned with wonderful stones; before she touched the ground she submerged to the tall man who was standing and dressed in long white linen clothes; and during confession of sin I saw a small dove descending and wanted to enter in this one Brother Joseph but the bad spirit was holding him albeit not too tight; and Father began to bless us and anointed us with holy oil; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 16 December 2008 FATHER APPEARED Morning Prayer Father appeared and he was sitting in the altar chair wearing long white shiny linen clothes; and the room was full of fog and brethren in white dress and I saw plenty small doves, they were flying around the house in every corner; I heard the noise of their wings; very strong and healthy doves; then Father came to us and the brethren and He was anointing us; then from far away I saw very dark clouds and heavy rain and the sea waves became big and tornado and it was moving to the one city; only few people were righteous; most of them were bad people and Father destroyed that city including those whose foreheads have the sign of condemnation; and all of them began to panic and looking for Our Lord Jesus Christ and calling his name; but it was too late for them; only the righteous people were saved and Father overcame to save them; then my spirit was back again to my flesh and it was my turn of prayer; I saw the dove still flying until our prayer was finished; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Evening Prayer; Father opened my mind I saw an old man wearing dusty and white dress and he looked so very tired; Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


his body was curved and he had a long staff with curve at the top end; and had twelve small golden bells with precious stone which I could not determine what kind of stone it was; He was sitting and then transferred to another chair; and when he knocked his staff I heard the sound of the bell and it was very noisy and that noise awaken all the bad spirits and the bad spirits were looking for that noise; they wanted to come into the building were we conducted the prayer; but the room was full of radiant light and fog; the bad spirits could not come in because of that light and all disappeared; and Father touched us and then he left; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

17 December 2008 KING OF KINGS Evening prayer; Our Father opened my mind and I saw His Holiness King of Kings Olumba Olumba Obu sitting in the altar chair; wearing long red linen clothes with crown on His head; and his cape had a very special design and his crown was made of gold; from far away I saw wide sea water, in the middle of the sea water I saw a young man on board a small boat; He was fishing but the fish could not be eaten; until I saw the dark clouds and the young man was gone; and the dark clouds became a big tornado and swallowed the sea water and all the fishes died; and thunder with lightning was coming; I saw fire coming out from that thunder and burned all fishes and they died and became ash; I saw the King of Kings still in the altar chair but I was disconnected when my turn of prayer came. Thank You Father. 18 December 2008 THOUSANDS OF DOVES FORMED A TRIANGLE Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


At around 7:58 in the evening I was driving Father’s car, heading to BAHRAIN DEFENSE FORCE hospital in Bahrain; I saw dark clouds coming and was gone when I saw thousands of white doves flying and forming a triangle; When I was driving Father’s car back home I saw a young man in the road wearing dusty and very dirty white long linen clothes; in the morning I went to Sister Maggie’s house, we did the prayer together with Bro. EE; as we knocked our forehead; I saw Our Lord Jesus Christ appearing; His eyes were burning like a holy flame of fire and he showed the nail-print wounds in his hands and feet; dressed in long white linen clothes without seams and radiant light with hallow; From far away I saw the dark clouds and plenty black stones coming to destroy the life of the entire humanity; then I saw the giant hands with radiant light; and those hands were covering all the white things with radiant hallows in this old world of sins; then I saw plenty black stones nearer to the whole world and inside of that black stones were all evil deeds inside and burning like hell; before they touched the whole world I saw the giant hand with radiant light swiping it away and it was exploding; I saw the young beautiful lady and she became a small tornado and slowly descending; when it touched the floor of the house where we were conducting the morning prayer, it then became a beautiful lady again and had a very nice golden crown; and she was sitting in the altar chair then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

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Day time Father gave me dreams and those dreams were confirmed again during evening prayer; THIS IS IT; 1st; I saw the triangle with radiant light and hallows. 2nd; I saw the sword inside the triangle and the blade was burning and radiant light coming out. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


3rd; I saw the three chairs with three old men sitting with the same face and clothing; with golden crowns and their eyes were burning. 4th; I saw the holy flame of fire surrounding the three chairs and triangle with sword and nobody could come closer to that area except if and when the Heavenly Father allows. 5th; I saw the countless creation, human beings dressed in long white shiny clothes and all were barefooted, and they fell on their foreheads and worship. And looking below from that place my sight was going down very fast and I saw the young man, his hair was down unto his shoulder and dressed in long white shiny robe, and he was laying face down with his hands stretched out to form like a cross. And he was surrounded with hallow and brilliant light, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 20 December2008 THE FOG Early Morning Prayer before I entered in Sister Maggie’s house I saw fog coming out from the door and when I entered inside the house was full of fog and it was very holy, the smell was very nice; I knocked my forehead on the floor; I saw a small lamb and the feet of a man with white shiny clothes; I saw the bottom end of the staff touching the floor. As we continued with the prayer I saw in spirit the old ancient of days man sitting in the altar chair; and the beautiful lady was appearing and took water from the altar and sprinkled on us; I saw the small black objects like mirror braking and surrounding us when the water touched the whole place; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 21 December 2008 FATHER PILOTING A SHIP Evening prayer our Father in heaven opened my mind; As we knocked our foreheads on the ground I saw an old man; Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


He had a slim body and was tall, dressed in long white shiny linen clothes,; He was holding the steering of a big ship and the steering had twelve handles; and on the round wooden handle I saw the words written “BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR”; and on the wooden handle I saw plenty names written and I managed to recognize three names; My name; Bro. EE and Sister Maggie. The ship continued to sail and the big waves came more and more with dark clouds; from far away I saw what appeared like an island but had a boundary; when we reached the boundary I saw that our flesh including that of the ship were left on the boundary; and the ship continued sailing until we approached nearer to the island; but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 21 December 2008 THE BOOK AND BRILLIANT LIGHT Evening Prayer Father opened my mind; I saw the book inside my stomach opening up and the light was coming out and the young man dressed in long red linen clothes was appearing and stood in front of me; the radiant light coming from the book was lighting up all righteous humanity; and it was continuing until the prayer was finished; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 22 December 2008 SWORD OF THE FATHER During prayer Father opened my mind; I saw the whole area, radiant light came out and small light came out from that radiant light; and the whole area was shaking; then the holy sword was slowly appearing; this is what I actually saw: I saw the sword floating in the air and slowly turning; the handle of the sword was made of gold and the blade was burning and had radiant light on it; and it was a very sharp Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


blade; In the handle I saw the three OOOs written; just below it was written;”PRINCE OF PEACE” and on the blade I saw the words written; “KING OF KINGS” and the whole sword was surrounded by the holy flame of fire and radiant light; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. In the morning I did Prayer in my bed; Father opened my mind and I saw a cute baby descending from sky, slowly in front of me with a radiant fog; and his lips were very cute and he showed me a very meaningful smile; I only saw his face because his body was covered by radiant light and hallows; and that smile was reminding me of what the Father teaches us; we must “LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND FOLLOW ALL HIS LAWS IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH”; I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

25 December 2008 FATHER APPEARED It was in the evening when one of my friends called me and wanted me to do an opening prayer for the Christmas and birthday party; as I knocked my head on the ground all of them were amazed; and the heavenly soldier appeared; He was dressed in heavenly warrior clothes; with radiant light; clothes appeared like scales of the fish in red color with sword and shield; after the party I was planning to go to Bro. EE’s house but was not lucky because he had flight at 9am on the next day; one sister and brother were with me inside the car and I was driving the car for three hours. While talking to the sister, she began to argue with me; I saw black small smoke dwelling in the sister as she began to argue with me; the spirit of the Holy Father dwelled in me and told her; keep away from sin and follow the injunctions of our heavenly Father. She continued to fight with me verbally and refusing to accept the truth; I saw the heavenly soldier Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


coming to her in spirit and anointed her with holy oil; I saw the bad spirit being driven slowly and falling down from her because of the holy oil; and she then asked for salvation and baptism; I did not sleep for the whole night; early morning dated 26th of December, at around 04:30 am I went to Bro. EE’s house at Juffair, Bahrain. As I reached inside the house there was too much radiant light and it was coming out from the door; I kept on waiting for Bro. EE to open for me. I waited at the doorstep until he opened; before we started the morning prayer I saw the ancient of days in the altar chair dressed in long red linen shiny clothes with rounded radiant hallow, waiting for us to start the 5am morning prayer; we knocked our foreheads and I saw the Father standing on the chair and he brought my spirit into one place; Father was changing his image; and wearing long white linen clothes with radiant light; white shiny hair and long white shiny mustache. I saw his two arms opening and closing like a giant broom stick, sweeping what appeared like plenty white small stones but when my sight was near, it was clear to me that it was lambs and he protected them all. Suddenly the dark clouds came and I saw smoke and a black dragon came out and wanted to kill all the lambs but the Father together with the lambs were gone and the dragon was very angry and its teeth were very sharp; its eyes were burning like hell; I saw one angel and he blew his trumpet and rain of fire came down; and the black dragon was burning; then I saw the old man again stood above the sky with a rod of iron in his right hand and a golden book in his left hand, then I saw the two worlds; world of the righteous and that of unrighteous humanity; and in the middle of that two worlds were a flame of fire as boundary; Father showed me the unrighteous world being sealed with fire and it was boiling fire and all sinners were shouting and looking for salvation while the righteous were happily living in the world which the Father had prepared for them, and I saw that the world of the Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


righteous were slowly descending and I saw a very nice place which I could not explain how nice and beautiful it was; and the Father brought my spirit again to the place which we were conducting the morning prayer; I saw the old man sitting in the altar chair and he allowed me to see his face as he was passing by; It was the present image of the Leader of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star; Father Olumba Olumba Obu, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 26 December 2008 BAPTISM Afternoon time I and Bro. EE were sitting and working on the Father’s Revelations; one sister and brother arrived; in short Bro. EE did a service for baptism of this sister, as we started the prayer and did the confession of sins I saw in a vision a young boy entering the house and when he was nearer to the sister he changed his image into an old man, He had a slim body and was tall dressed in long white robe with radiant light; he had holy oil in his hands and he anointed the sister; I also saw the bad spirits that had been holding her for many years, they appeared like octopus but were slowly falling out from her body because of the anointing of the holy oil; they couldn’t hold tight to her because the holy oil was continuing to drop into the body of the sister. At 6:30pm we were preparing for baptism at the beach; while we were at the beach and when Bro. EE submerged the sister in the water I saw the young boy again and he changed his image to an old man and he anointed holy oil again on the newly baptized sister; that oil was to protect the Sister from cold because it was winter time; and she confirmed that she did not feel cold; after she was submerged for baptism I heard the voice of the angels singing and rejoicing; they were happy because of one sister was out from the bondage of bad spirits; when we reached home we continued the service and I saw the beautiful lady anointing all of us with holy oil; and I heard the voice saying, “ALL OF Father’s Revelations in Bahrain



At around 3pm on this day me and one Brother went to BDF area, Bahrain for servicing aunt Malo’s car; at around 5:45 pm I did the prayer in the lounge area while waiting for the car; and after the prayer I felt that someone was touching my head; I felt sleepy and I had a dream; I was in the holy place and it was full of fog, and very nice smell; I saw a stairway that was formed like an “O” and on the top there was radiant light; I heard a voice saying; “COME UP MY SON, COME UP” I could not control myself; I found that I was in the stairway, but my feet was not touching the stairs; the fog was driving me going up until I reached the topmost part of that place then the radiant light that I saw was slowly Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


coming closer to me and it became an old man with long white shiny hair and mustache; he said to me; “MY SON WHERE IS THE BOOK NOW, TELL YOUR BROTHER AND SISTER THAT I NEED THE BOOK TO SHOW THE WHOLE WORLD SOME OF THE HIDDEN THINGS THAT I REVEALED TO YOU; AND IT WILL COME TO PASS TO FULLFIL WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE”, I was disconnected when brother called me to eat. The drawing that showed on top is as it appeared in the same place when I was in my dreams. Thank You Father.


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During Prayer Father opened my mind and the drawing shown above is exactly as I saw during this time. 1st; I saw one star. 2nd; I saw three stars. 3rd; I saw a rainbow with these words written “BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR”. 4th; I saw the sword and on the handle or top portion of the sword was written “OOO”; and the cross part of the sword the words written “PRINCE OF PEACE”; and on the blade of the sword the words written “KING OF KINGS”. 5th; On both sides of the sword I saw what appeared like picture frames and on the left frame was written “ALPHA” and on the right side “OMEGA”. 6th; I saw three empty chairs; one on either side of the sword and one just below the sword. 7th; below the sword I saw three “OOOs”; each “O” had a triangle in the center. Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


Below the sword were billions of human spirits and they were dressed in white robes and all of them had radiant light. And that sword was surrounded by holy flame of fire; no one else could see it or could get close to this place except the Holy Father allowed. I prayed and asked the Father what these parables meant; I heard the voice saying; “THE THINGS YOU HAVE SEEN IS A HOLY MAN” I was disconnected when I heard someone calling my name. Thank You Father. 28 December 2008 THE LITTLE CHILD AND THE FATHER Evening prayer Father opened my mind; I saw fog inside the house and the whole place was melting of fresh blood; and on the stairway I saw the footsteps of a little child; only the footsteps I saw; and the child was entering the house; he was pulling the chair and after he placed the chair he was seated; suddenly the little child became an old man and he stood at the altar and he raised his two hands and began to speak what I could not understand; and I saw plenty empty chairs with books; I saw men and women in white robes and all had radiant hallows on them; they were walking and falling in line towards the empty chairs; after completion all of them closed their two hands and were seated in the chair; I saw the old man at the altar still raising his hands at right angles and he spoke again; and as he spoke I heard thunder and lightning; and I heard the sound of a trumpet and the rain began to fall; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 29 December 2008 FATHER AND THE LAMBS Morning Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; as we knocked our foreheads on the floor I saw the place that we were worshipping having big trees and green grass and I Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


saw plenty white butterflies; they almost filled the whole bethel; I found that there was a native house made of bamboo and coconut leaves; three of us were inside; and inside the house was full of gold and there was a table and a flower; I saw radiant light on the table; outside I saw an old ancient days of man dressed in long white linen robe; this robe covered his hair; and the robe was without seam; his body was curved and in his left hand I saw him carrying small back-pack and in his right hand he was holding a long staff which was curved at the top end; and behind him were plenty lambs; I saw the old man coming into the native house and he touched our left shoulders; three of us; then he came down and continued walking and leading the lamb to the very high and tall mountain; then all white butterflies became baby angels, then I was disconnected. Thank You Father.


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As we started prayer Our Father in Heaven brought my spirit to a far place; and I saw fog and radiant light coming out; I saw an old man sitting in golden chair with white long shiny hair and had a crown made of gold; with precious stones; and had a very long cape with special design; the area was full of radiant light and surrounded by holy flame of fire; I looked around and I found that it was a big hall; in the center it was formed into the shape of the heart with special carpet in the center; and that hall that was shaped like a heart was surrounded by thousands of old men with crowns and white robes with radiant light; all had different staffs in their hands; in front of the ancient of days I saw what appeared like a cross in the form of a sword and the hallway was moving like a snow; and I saw the door it was formed like a book; outside that door I saw billions of souls and flesh of human beings, both good and bad; they were Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


waiting to entering the gate at the call of the Father; and I heard a sound from the trumpet and the door was opened; then the crowd of people began to enter each soul in session. I saw that all sinners couldn’t go through successfully in front of the ancient of days; I saw all sinners falling down into the flame of fire and just below was the black dragon waiting for them; and the place where the black dragon stayed appeared like hell. Few souls of human beings came closer to the ancient of days that sat on the throne and entered in the cross that was formed like a sword; I was amazed and question came to my mind; what are the meanings of these parables? Then I heard the voice saying; ALL THINGS THAT YOU HAVE SEEN IS EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW IN THE WORLD OF MAN; THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS; I THAT SPEAKETH UNTO YOU, I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA; TELL THESE TO ALL YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS; THEY MUST REFRAIN FROM THEIR SINS AND FOLLOW MY RULES; THAT DRAGON YOU HAVE SEEN WAS MISLEADING THE WORLD INTO THE FIRE OF HELL; AND IT WAS ETERNAL DAMNATION; THIS IS AN OPEN TEACHING TO THEM SO THAT THEY CAN BE AWARE AND MUST REFRAIN FROM THEIR SINS IMMEDIATELY; THE WORLD IS TOO OLD. I, THAT SPEAKETH UNTO YOU, I WILL TAKE ALL THE POWERS I HAD GIVEN TO THE ENTIRE HUMANITY; YOU HAVE SEEN, ONLY FEW PEOPLE CAN ENTER INTO MY KINGDOM BECAUSE OF HUMAN SINFULNESS; REPENT FROM ALL YOUR SINS; Then I saw again one angel beginning to blow his trumpet and my body was shaking and I was so afraid; but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 30 December 2008 WHITE BUTTERFLY Evening Prayer Our Father in Heaven opened my mind; as I knocked my head, the floor was waving like sea water; and fog with nice smell came out; from the fog the white Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


butterfly came out and was flying; and slowly she was changing into a very beautiful woman; dressed in white robe with long hair with a golden crown and had precious stones; I saw in her hand a white plate with white food; she came to three of us and she began to feed us three times, putting the white food into our mouths; and as it went inside our mouths we couldn’t feel the taste but when it was slowly going down to our stomachs the taste was like a fresh honey; suddenly one young boy came from the fog and he held my hands very tight; and I forgot everything; I found myself that I was in a crowd of people and plenty food was served; I was hiding in the corner because I was shy; but the old man dressed in red long linen clothes with radiant light looked at me and he called me to speak; and the crowd of people began to look at me as I continued hiding but the young boy held my hand tight again and he gave me sign to come over to the old man and do what he says; but I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 01 January 2009 A LITTLE CHILD BROUGHT MY SPIRIT HIGHER During bible study with my friend at brother EE’s house in Juffair; suddenly I felt too much sleepy and I took the pillow and laid on the sofa, I saw a little boy coming to me and held my hands very tight; I forgot everything; I found myself that I was on top of the high mountain and below was a boiling fire that appeared like hell and after that I saw all the crowd of people that were doing evil deeds; and the boiling fire was burning them and they were shouting; it was very scary; then I heard the voice saying. THIS IS IN REALITY NOW WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN; THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF THE THINGS YOU HAVE SEEN IN LAST FEW DAYS; THAT DRAGON YOU HAVE SEEN IS THE KINGDOM OF ALL SINNERS; CONFESS YOUR SINS ALWAYS; AND FOLLOW WHAT I AM TELLING YOU, I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA; I was disconnected and I saw the little child again; He held my Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


hands tight and I forgot everything; he brought me back to my flesh and I found myself I was confessing my sins; Thank You Father.

02 January 2009 TORNADO AND THE BIG LADY In the evening I was driving the Father’s car on the road going to Brother EE. Before I reached the house I saw a small tornado ahead of the car and it continued guiding me until I was at the house of Brother EE. As I rang the door bell Sister Maggie opened the door, and I saw her became big tall lady; I knocked my head on the floor and the big lady I saw in Sister Maggie was becoming a child and was sitting in the altar chair; and later he was changing into a man dressed in long linen red robe with radiant light; then the holy spirit brought my sight to a far place and I saw they had a big feast. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 03 January 2009 JUDGMENT ANGEL APPEARED Evening before I slept I knocked my head and prayed to the Father, in front of me I saw the skull-faced man dressed in long black linen dress, holding his staff in the right hand and the blade was full of blood; I was so afraid; after the prayer I laid down my body on the sofa; as I closed my eyes I could not move my body; in spirit the enemy wanted to destroy me but I was fighting and called on the name of the Father; Morning prayer the Judgment angel appeared and he was standing in front of three of us; I saw the old man sitting in the altar chair; he was slim and tall dressed in white long linen clothes with radiant light; he was talking what I could Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


not understand; they continued talking until we sang the closing hymn; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. O3 January 2009 STAIRWAY Evening Prayer our Father in heaven opened my mind; I saw a very narrow stairway going up and it was full of fog; I saw three persons in white robes with radiant light; two male and one female; they were walking on the stairway; a little while I saw white long linen clothes with radiant light coming from above and it went down directly to the three persons; and it was wrapped and tightened on them; then the three were lifted up until it reached the topmost part of the stairway; then I saw the ancient of days in white robe with radiant light; the three persons one female and two males were kneeling down in front of the ancient of days; then I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 03 January 2009 HANDS OF THE FATHER AND THE SINNERS Evening around 10:30pm my friend called me and invited me for a coffee; I went there and joined them; at around 11:20pm we left the area with one of my friends because the spirit directed me physically to witness and pray at the bar where the gang-leader of the bad spirits was; and misleading humanity to drink and fornicate; before I entered to the area I prayed to the Father to seal my human body against the enemy and I was sealed; I found myself sealed and it appeared like the scales of a fish with radiant light; as we entered the area I saw dark clouds and plenty bad spirits inside; I sat down and prayed even in the midst of too much noise coming from the sound of the band; Father opened my mind and I saw the radiant light and the hands of the Father appeared on that area and He took the spirits of all the brethren and it appeared like clay where the spirits of all Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


brethren were; and they were climbing into the hands of the Father; I left the area immediately and the spirit sent me to another bar; I prayed, but the whole area was full of darkness and bad spirits; then I saw the Holy Father dressed in red long linen robe coming to me and said; “YOU HAVE DONE YOUR DUTY, go home and write it down”; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 04 January 2009 RADIANT LIGHT During morning prayer Father opened my mind; I saw the whole area was full of radiant light and I saw the judgment angel standing and below him was the radiant light and had a staff in his right hand which was full of blood; and the Father allowed me to hear and see the real events in spirit; and it was very scary; I saw humankind killing each other because of their rituals and evil practices; and that area was full of darkness and rain of fire began to fall and I was disconnected. Thank You Father.

06 January 2009 FATHER AND THE CHILD From last night dated 05 January 2009, I was with one Sister; the spirit of our Holy Father was teaching her in righteousness; she was touched and she cried; Father continued talking with her until time for morning prayer; at 5am Holy Spirit led the prayer and I saw the ancient of days appeared and dwelled in my flesh and his hair was down unto his shoulders; and his eyes were burning like holy flame of fire and he had a crown on His head; He was dressed in white clothes with long cape and radiant light and was changing into a little child and speaking in Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


righteousness in Filipino dialect; and then appeared the beautiful lady with crown dressed in a wedding garment; her lips and face was very beautiful and the whole place was full of radiant light; Father continued teaching and leading into narrow pathway of eternal life; until I was disconnected. Thank You Father. ANCIENT OF DAYS, BEAUTIFUL LADY, LITTLE CHILD

Evening Prayer; as we knocked our heads I saw the room was full of small stars and fog; then I saw three persons; one was ancient of days dressed in long white linen robe with cape that was down to the floor and his face was shining; with long white shiny hair; the other person was a beautiful lady dressed in a white wedding gown with crown on her head and her clothes were so shiny; the other was a little boy dressed in white robe with long cape and he was in the middle between the ancient of days and the beautiful lady; I saw the ancient of days going to Brother EE’s side and the beautiful lady went to Sister Maggie’s side and the little boy came to me and held my right hand; the room was full of fog and I saw the old ancient of days, the beautiful lady and the little boy becoming one person and standing in the altar; dressed in white t-shirt; his body was slim and tall; I was disconnected when the blessing songs began. Thank You Father. 07 January 2008 FATHER AT THE ALTAR Morning Prayer; Father opened my mind and I saw the old ancient of days walking in the pathways with thousands of children; dressed in long linen clothes with radiant light and his clothes were in red color and had plenty precious stones and hallows; He stepped directly to the altar and raised up his hands at right angles; and began to speak what I could not understand; and the room was full of children in white

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robes with hallows and radiant light. I was disconnected when the song was rendered. Thank You Father. Evening Prayer; Father opened my mind and I saw the old ancient of days came together with one lady and three children in white robes; the children’s cape were down unto the floor and the lady was dressed in a wedding gown; and the old ancient of days was sitting at the altar; I didn’t recognize his face but the built of his body was the one I saw in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain: His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 08 January 2009 FATHER AND THE COVENANT BOX Morning Prayer Father in Heaven opened my mind; as we started the prayer I saw outside the house where we were worshiping was full of spirits in white robes; and they were carrying as it appeared like a chair that had four pillars and the ancient of days sitting on it; his clothes were so shiny with radiant light from his white shiny hair; and around his head was a radiant hallow; and in his left hand he was carrying what appeared like three eggs or stones which were white in color; I saw sixteen persons; four in each corner and they were carrying the covenant box; when they arrived inside the house; He came down and the three things in his hands were placed on our heads; three of us; and he sat down at altar chair; and the white clouds came with very nice fragrance and the beautiful sunrise was coming when the song of blessings was rendered; I was disconnected. Thank You Father. Evening Prayer; Father opened my mind as we started the prayer; I saw a radiant light in front of the altar; and I saw it was slowly appearing as an image of a man and his hair was down unto His shoulders; and his clothes were bright with radiant light until he was showing his hands and feet that Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


had nail-print wounds; and his whole body was covered with holy flame of fire; and His image was slowly appearing ; the image of Our Lord Jesus Christ; and His body was changing into the sword and it was covered with the holy flame of fire and the shadow of that holy flame of fire was coming to me and Brother Emmanuel; then I saw the black smoke out from our heads and was gone; our bodies were covered with the holy flame of fire; and the white clouds were coming up and it was slowly disappearing. I was disconnected. Thank You Father. 09 January 2009 FATHER AND THE BOOKS Morning prayer; Father opened my mind I saw the ancient of days dressed in long white robes sitting on the throne and surrounded by holy flame of fire; in front of him was the crowd of people and all were surrounded with holy flame of fire; I saw Brother Emmanuel and Sister Maggie with twelve angels behind them; They were carrying books and they gave to the brethren one by one and then Sister Maggie was sitting aside in one chair at the corner while Brother Emmanuel was walking towards the place that had a small table and he stood up in that place and began to preach the content of the book; I heard the sound of the trumpet which I could not understand the tone; and the white clouds were coming out with radiant light; when the blessing song was rendered I was disconnected. Thank You Father. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen In the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen Now and Forever More, Amen. EVERLASTING GOSPEL DELIVERED BY THE HOLY FATHER, THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER AND THE SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


on Wednesday Morning 19 January 1994 at World HQ BCS 34 AMBO ST CALABAR NIGERIA

SIGNS OF THE JUDGEMENT TIME FIRST LESSON: MATTHEW 13: 49 - 50 so shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. SECOND LESSON: MATTHEW 25: 45 - 46 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. GOLDEN TEXT: REVELATION 11: 18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. A WARNING TO EVERYONE Brethren, this is to disclose to you openly that all that are happening are signs of the judgement time. The different stories you hear like; twenty vehicles being involved in an accident and all the passengers in the vehicles losing their lives; houses getting burnt, earthquakes and all the tragic occurrences are signs of the on-going judgement. Every man is being rewarded according to his deeds. This is the reason these texts are being read out to you, to serve as a reminder and warning to everyone for the judgement is no respecter

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of any man. Therefore, this is the end of time, the time of judgement, it is no longer the time to preach. This is not the time for one to plead or advice one another to do that which is good; flee from evil because judgement is at hand already. If you forsake sin and do that which is good, you are saved, but if you fail to do good but cling unto evil, you have perished. For the scripture has it that; “Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” (Matthew 24: 34) The time has come when the righteous shall be separated from the sinful ones. Therefore, whatever you sow, same shall you reap. Whatever you find within you is exactly what you are. Therefore, if you can use this opportunity availed to you to save yourself, to avoid perishing. This is no longer the time for anyone to play games, quarrel, fornicate, lie or exhibit stubbornness, now is the judgement time. The angels are all in readiness for the Armageddon war, when the unrighteous will be destroyed and removed from among the righteous, then the righteous shall be rewarded greatly according to their steadfastness. Whenever you hear that the old world is passing away with its lust and being replaced by the new world, it means that the old world is evil and the angels shall destroy all the wicked ones along with the old and evil world. All forms of lies, cheating, oppression, fornication, crime, fighting, shall all be wiped away. These vices are not required here because they are those things, which defile the world. You may think that you still have some time to live the kind of life you desire to live and commit all kinds of sins you wish, but I AM NOW TELLING YOU THAT THERE IS NO MORE TIME. That is why you have been told that you should endeavour to do that which is good, because all those who do good shall have their reward. All those who do good shall have a good reward, all those who practise love will have the

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reward of love, and all those who exhibit humility will have the reward of humility. Be you sane, insane or foolish; know fully well that there is no more time for anyone to commit sin because sin leads to perdition. The only time left is for us to use and do only what is good, speak the truth at all times, refrain from sin and enter into the vineyard to work for God in order to save souls. All those who in the past have never received this Gospel should today receive it, all those who had in the past lacked love, should strive hard to exhibit it henceforth; all those who have indulged themselves in one sin or the other should use this opportunity to refrain from sins and be repentant, else they would be cast into the lake of fire. All that which was written about this end of time is what is now happening. As has already been read unto you; “So shall it be at the end of the world; the angels shall come forth, and remove the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the lake of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth”. Therefore, whatsoever thing you find in your life is as a result of your deed. For the angels have already been sent into all the nooks and crannies of the world to separate the sinners from amongst the righteous. Therefore, we are very fortunate to have had these teachings imparted unto us because a lot of people have not come to this knowledge. They have not realised that all the things that they see like, accidents, fire outbreak, theft, murder, are all signs of the judgement time. But you and I are fully aware of this time. The scripture states that; But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. (Matthew 24: 43). The scripture further advises thus; Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. (Matthew 24: 42).

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Impart this message to your father, mother, family, friends, church denominations, governmental bodies and to the entire world at large, that the judgement time has come, therefore every sinner should refrain from all manners of sin. All the occurrences you witness daily are not the working of man, that is witchcraft, apparition, mermaid, charm or concoction; but it is the handiwork of the angels because they have been sent forth into every corner of the world to execute judgement, to destroy the wicked and cast them into the lake of fire and to lead the righteous unto their rest. This is no time for one to sleep and relax, nor is it the time for one to keep late nights just to carry out evil operations; this is not the time for one to harbour evil thoughts, or engage in any sinful act. This is the time for us to strive hard towards righteousness in order that we might be saved. There is an Igbo rendition that says; ‘We are saved, we are saved, any one who did not know that before, now knows it.’ The children of God know that the end has come, the angels also know that the end has come but Satan, the deceiver, says that there is still time. But I am telling you now that there is no more time for now is the judgment time, the time for everyone to receive the due reward for their deeds, therefore we all have to work towards righteousness in order that we may be saved. All those who have always engaged in one evil deed or the other like stealing, lying, stubbornness and, preparing concoction, should know that the time has come for us to refrain from all those things or else we stand to face perdition. This is no longer the time for carnal practises of man to man, but now is the time for the action of the angels, the time for the Armageddon war, because it is their place to separate the wicked from amongst the just. Every thing evil or unholy will be swept away by the angels, be it witchcraft, concoction,

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evil spirits, mermaid, they all will be swept away from the surface of the earth. All those who have refused to submit to God, all those who have refused to believe in God, those who keep doubting God, and who have refused to practise the injunctions of God shall be swept away from the surface of the earth and into the lake of fire. This is what is already going on. That is why you keep hearing of cases of accidents, fire outbreaks, and many more. This is not the war of money, war of land, houses, war of studies, war of food, war of blood; it is no carnal war, but spiritual, which is fought by the angels to separate the wicked from among the just. That is why you are being told to spread this message to all and sundry that all that they are seeing now, all that is going on now is as a result of the end of time. The angels are now battling with the wicked ones to wipe them off the earth’s surface, and all the righteous shall receive the due reward for their deeds. This is a golden opportunity and a time of great joy for the children of God who are the peacemakers, merciful, faithful, honest, meek, practitioners of love, charitable, those who fear God and practise His words. But for all atheists and evildoers, this is the time for anguish and great torment to be unleashed on them. If you should use this time to play games and go on committing sin, you would perish because the angels who are the messengers of God are no respecter of any man; they carry out God’s command to the letter. They are a threat to the evildoers, but not to the righteous. FIRST LESSON: MATTHEW 13: 49 - 50 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

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NO SANCTUARY FOR SINNERS Brethren, have you heard that? It is said that an eye witness is a better narrator of the event. The end of the world has finally come. Be you a child or an adult, be you white or black, rich or poor, male or female; regardless of your status or race, once you are a sinner, you would equally be swept off into the lake of fire. There will be no hiding place! The only solution for you is to abstain completely from sin and do only that which is righteous. This is the reason why you have to disseminate this Gospel to all the countries, not only in the western world but to everywhere so that they also may be saved. Because all the cases of flood, plane-crash, war and all other things happening over there are as a result of judgement, the actions of the angels. Men of great wisdom, the self acclaimed wise men of this world, why is it that this wisdom of God has eluded them? Have you seen how God has brought the wisdom of men to nought? Your claiming to be a Roman catholic, a member of the Apostolic church, Presbyterian church or any fraternity is no criterion for you to be saved. The only possible way to attain this salvation is to refrain from sinful acts, to put the teachings of God into practise, else you would as well be removed from among the just and be cast into the furnace of fire along with the rest of the things that do not bring glory unto God. The trouble in the world now is how to remove the wicked from the just. The liars, thieves fornicators, sorcerers, adulterers, unbelievers, the recalcitrant, murderers, oppressors and all kinds of evildoers have to be separated from the just in every part of the world and cast into the furnace of fire, then the righteous shall inherit the earth. This war is not that of the man versus woman, it is not that of the whites versus blacks, it is not that of the poor versus rich, neither is it that of the churches against churches. The

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war is of the angels against the evildoers, those who have refused to submit unto God, those who have refused to do that which is righteous. It is the war of removal of all the unjust from the just. Do you not see the reason why all through the 365 or 366 days of the year I keep admonishing you? It is for you to know your position and save yourselves. Be you a child, be you an adult, make use of this opportunity and save yourself by doing good. Drop all forms of doubt, stubbornness, insolence, stealing and let go of your evil ways, strive to do what is righteous, so that you may be saved. There is no hiding place, the same stories repeat themselves everywhere, the angels have been put on guard everywhere; therefore, repent and save yourselves. Your appearing in white at all times does not help you. Your laying claims of being a Brotherhood is of no avail because this is not a case of Brotherhood, fatherhood or any ‘ hood’, you wish to say; but against the evildoers. Therefore, if you are a sinner, repent of your evil ways, turn from your evil ways and do good, else you will perish. Tell it unto the bishops, archbishops, cardinals, popes, governors, presidents, judges, royal highnesses and all rank of people, that the execution of judgement exempts nobody; it is not a case of what status you have attained, but is against all evildoers. Therefore whoever is guilty of any evil deed will as well be swept into the lake of fire. God does not want the existence of the wicked among the just again, therefore the angels have been sent into the world to execute this, hence the calamities you witness. For all the wicked ones must be removed from among the just. All the sinners have no rest any longer. So long as they do not repent of their sins, they will perish; but if they become repentant and live a righteous life, they shall be saved. But for the righteous, they should be exceedingly glad for their time of joy has come and the time for their rulership has come.

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You cannot be saved through your wife, child, mother, father, brother, sister, friend, or anybody, each man is saved by his own deeds. All the admonitions given to you is on how to forsake sin because you can only look for the black goat when night has not yet come. Be you a churchgoer or not, be you rich or poor, flee from sin and do only that which is good. Do not go to church to seek for money, wife, husband, child, wealth, cars, houses or anything, but go to church in order to repent and be righteous so that you may gain entrance into this Kingdom. Just as it was in the days of Noah, he preached for one hundred and twenty years but none hearkened unto him and when the flood came, it consumed them all. So also was it in the days of Lot (Sodom and Gomorrah) when God told them that He was displeased with their sacrifices due to their iniquities. When they appeared before Him, He hid His face from them. That He did not delight in their vain sacrifice; their incense had become an abomination to Him. He said, “To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. (Isaiah 1: 11 - 20). And they refused and the whole of Sodom and Gomorrah was consumed by fire. Our Lord Jesus Christ did say and I quote: Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. (Matthew 24: 35- 36). This is how the way of the Lord is, what you consider to be a joke is what God considers serious. If you were to repent and turn away from your evil ways, you would rejoice at the end. But if you should harden your heart and believe that nothing will happen, then I tell you of a truth, that in a little while all the workers of iniquity will be swept off the surface of the earth into the lake of fire. (Matthew 24: 37). But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Therefore, we should really repent, because this truth has been disclosed to us and everything made known unto us. We have been fully taught and we should no longer expect more teachings because the judgement time has come and whosoever perishes after all these, does it on his or her own account and his blood shall be upon his head. We have been taught to love all men, humble ourselves, be truthful all the times. So we should practise these teachings and flee from sin. SECOND LESSON: MATTHEW 25: 45 - 46 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

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THE RIGHTEOUS EXPERIENCES NO HARDSHIP Brethren, have you heard that? The sword shall devour all those who do not possess love and do not practise the teachings of God; and for this set of people is eternal torment and damnation. But it is eternal life and joy for those who do the will of God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is a spiritual chorus which says that; ‘This is the time of Jesus; therefore, every sinner be repentant, the murderer should cease to murder”. The righteous only hears the rumours, but do not experience because they have been elevated; glory, joy, peace and all good things have been given to them. This is the time of joy for the entire children of God. God does not want any of us to perish that is why our Lord Jesus Christ said that; ‘no sheep of Israel’s house shall be lost except a child of perdition’. He wants all of us to be repentant of our evil ways, turn to Him, so that we all may assume glory with Him. As it was said by our Lord Jesus Christ that; And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. (John 17: 13). So that it may also be fulfilled that which is stated in the scripture that; Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 7: 21). He that does good, does that to his own benefit and he that does evil, does it to his own detriment. Wherever you find yourself is as a result of your own deeds. Therefore, let us be good servants and messengers that would return with joy. Do not lament weep, mourn, prepare concoction, get angry, do not also trouble your minds, for this is the time when the true children of God are revealed. This is the time when the evildoers will be exposed, tormented and removed from among righteous men and cast into the lake of fire where they shall wail and lament. Do not boast of your beauty,

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wealth, children, family, status, knowledge or any other thing, let your boastfulness be in your ability to practise the word of God. As our Lord Jesus Christ did say; He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. (Revelation 22: 11). All those in the service of God with a pure and clean mind; continue ye still in that way. Let the honest keep up his honesty, all the righteous should as well continue in their righteousness; for now is the time for everyone to be rewarded according to their deeds. It is not all those who profess to be Brotherhood that are Brotherhood, but those who do the will of God. And also, not all those who are outside this fold shall perish, but all those who do evil; for all those who are outside this fold, but practise the teachings of God, shall be saved. This is the time of great joy for all the visioners, preachers, choristers, peace-makers, merciful, benevolent, patient, and all those who practise the injunctions of God, because of a truth, I tell you, the glory of God has manifested in them, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. So brethren, disseminate this Gospel to all nooks and crannies of this world. So that all those who misconstrue and believe that they shall be saved by their wealth, money, beauty, wisdom, status or any mundane thing will realise their folly and become repentant, so that they may be saved. Also spread this Gospel to all the meek, humble, patient, benevolent, preachers, prophets and all the workers of righteousness who have backslidden, owing to one fact or the other like poverty, childlessness and many more obstacles, which now is their time of joy. Now is the time of glory for all those who have steadfastly waited upon the Lord: for now is the time for them to receive their due reward according to their deeds, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reach also unto all those who Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


defile the world, by waging wars against the children of God, stealing, committing murder, preparing concoction, fornicating and atheists that now is the time of judgement, when every man will receive the due reward for their deeds; preach unto them and bring them to repentance, that they may be saved. GOLDEN TEXT: REVELATION 11: 18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. ANY BROTHERHOOD WHO COMMITS SIN IS NOT KNOWN BY GOD Brethren, this is the time, which was written about. All those who are in the habit of showing ingratitude to God, questioning Him, lamenting and accusing Him, have they experienced any suffering yet? They still consult the oracle, concoct, steal, fornicate, commit murder, tell lies, say all manner of evil against God, doubt the existence of God, and even question God’s design, the Bible portion has clearly revealed that; “Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants and prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth”. Do not say that because you are a Brotherhood, you can just do what you like; for I tell you of a truth, that God does not know any Brotherhood who commits evil. With truth He passes His judgement, with truth He fights and conquers. All those who, on account of practising the Gospel are reviled and persecuted by men should be exceedingly glad for the time has come when they shall receive the due reward of their righteousness. But for all those who make all kinds of evil Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


utterances against God and His ways the time for their wailing and gnashing of teeth has come; for they shall be wiped off the surface of the earth. Therefore, the entire world is very fortunate and lucky indeed for having received these teachings; because it is not the wish of God that we perish, but that we be saved. All the righteous men, meek, humble, faithful, patient, benevolent, peaceful, merciful and the practitioners of love are all problem free and elevation is theirs. There was a certain government that enacted a law, “War against indiscipline”, but here, what we have is “ War against sin”. The Armageddon war is against sinners and not against the righteous. What we now have is the manifestation of that reply, which our Lord Jesus Christ gave to Peter, when He asked Him that; ‘after forsaking all and following you, what shall be our reward?’. The reply was that … Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. (Matthew 19: 28 - 29) This is what is happening to all the righteous men, now is that promise manifested. This is the time of everlasting joy for the righteous ones, those who reverence God. This is the time of their rulership and the time for them to eat the good of the land. This is the time for wailing and gnashing of teeth for all the thieves, murderers, sorcerers, adulterers, fornicators, liars, and all those who have destroyed and defiled the earth. Brethren, it is said that a stroke of the cane is sufficient unto the wise. He, who has ears, let him hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. Thank You Good Father

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Father’s Revelations in Bahrain


WITNESSED BY: Sis: Magdalene Tloubatla Bro: Emmanuel Ekong

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