Backyard Ballistics

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 856
  • Pages: 4
backyard ballisticsℎ by t3h 4ddict introduction well.. this is a text file, or a print out, of how to make responsible pyrotechnic and explosive items, and how to modify them. if little johnny decides he wants to feed a bullfrog firecrackers, and blows off his hand, it's not my problem. this is a informational article. everything you decide to take up, is at your own risk. these are not bombs. bombs are used in war, and to hurt people. you should expect to be called a terrorist if you run around screaming "ima make sum napalmz out of teh styrafome n gasoween, im t3h l33t anarkist." oh, and do take this with a grain of salt, i did not provide all the information about these items in the article, so, if you do decide to make something from this article, which i do not advise, please thouroughly research this. if you don't you will get aids and you will die. things about this article the precents are meant for division by weight, unless it is otherwise stated. there is always a chance something you read is wrong, hell, i could just throw in a composition for flash powder that emits a posinous gas. i wouldn't do that, but i guess i mean, be careful.

-=smoke mix=notes: this is what is in your standard commericial smoke bomb. sucrose is the regular baking sugar, and for god sakes don't substitute it with splenda, or some shit. actually the only problem is that splenda would be a bitch to light, and it not nearly energetic enough

to preform well (thanks bunny!). don't underestimate this composition. these are the main ingredient in quassam's. people go into the hospital all the time, because they tried to use a open flame, or a ozen as a source. although, this is a smoke device, it produces a flame hotter than any match. †materials: heat source (preferably a hot plate, don't use and open flame. stirring rod container tongs †ingredients: sucrose(table sugar)... potassium nitrate(kno3)... 60%

...40% ...

put your sugar in you container, and add it to heat. hold it with the non-conductive tongs, and add the kno3. stir this often, as if a part is just barely overheated it can ignite the whole powder. once you see a layer of a caramel color substance, stir constantly until the whole composition is that color. use lower heat, i can't stress this enough. -=black powder=notes: black powder is a low explosive, it deflagerates. it's not friction sensitive. it's best if you have a ball mill, or else it will not burn steadily. black powder has the property to push things out of the way with its expanding gasses, where as other compositions might break right through the object to let the gasses escape. a ball mill is a cylinder on a horizantal axis that rotates with media (lead balls), commonly substituted by fishing sinkers, on the inside. the lead balls roll over the powder mixing it finer than a

mortar and pestle could. rock polishers are commonly used as ball mills. the favored rpm's would be from 70-110 rpm's. black powder is not the filler for firecrackers, and m80's, you will get a piece of crap if you use black powder. nor is black powder the filler for bullets anymore, that is dbsp (double base smokeless powder), which is usually nitrocellulose, and nitrogylcerin †materials: ball mill / mortar & pestle container †ingredients: potassium nitrate (salt peter)... 75% charcoal... sulphur...

... ...15% ...10%

the idea is to chrush the kno3 (potassium nitrate); the oxidizer, and the sulphur; the catalyst, into the charcoals pores; the fuel. -=flash powder=notes: their are many types of flash powder, i will cover some of the basics. flash powder is the filler for firecrackers and m-80's, as it deflagerates faster, and creates more of a "bang." chlorates will become friction sensitive, when present with phosphorus, or sulfur. if you use magnesium, there will be a brighter (and better to most), delflageration. you should spray down your work area, tools, containers, and anything else with anti-static. the chance that static will ignite the powder is almost none, but might as well use it, because whats your excuse when your finger is lobbed off, and shot into your friend's eye? you can also use potassium nitrate, potassium

chlorate, and potassium permanganate for the place of an oxidiser, but they all have special properties, so search up before you use any. flash powder is made from a metal (the fuel), and a oxidiser (well.. the oxidizer). †materials: sift anti-static spray ziploc, or air tight container †ingredients: potassium perchlorate(kclo4)... ... 70% aluminum (german dark), or magnesium... ...30% spray the whole area and tools down with anti-static spray. get the ingredients in large bowls. put the aluminum, or magnesium with the postasium perchlorate. pour the mixture through the sift into the bowl the aluminum was originally in. repeat this, pouring it into the two bowls, alternativly. after the mixture is a for the most part, a solid color, put it in the bag, and shake the bag lightly. spray the bag down one more time with anti-static,

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