Baccomber For Distilleries -old Version

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 454
  • Pages: 14
BacComber for Distilleries Cooling Tower


LOTUS SYSTEMS Distillery Capacity 1,00,000 liters per day Operation for 24 hours per day & @ 310 days / year Cooling water flow rate 750 cubic meter per hour Raw water and make water from river

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Problems faced by Customer – Use of Chemical ineffective – Algae growth was tremendous – Shut down required within 14 days for cleaning and de-scaling – Loss of production – Requires Frequent Discharge of CT water – Discharge of water creates environment pressure

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Water quality before installation of Make Up Cooling tower BacComber µUnits water water pH ________ 5.5 6.3 mhos/cm 3 Conductivity 163 678 TDS mg/liter 134 510 Total Hardness (as CaCO3) Hardness (as mg/liter 60 330 Calcium 34 188 CaCO3) Magnesium Hardness (as mg/liter CaCO3) mg/liter 26 142 Chlorides (as Cl) mg/liter 4 28.99 Silica (as SiO2) mg/liter 8.52 17.63 COD mg/liter 70 1400 BOD mg/liter 16 324 Phosphates (as PO4) mg/liter 7.42 10.6 Turbidity NTU 17 40 Total Suspended solids mg/liter 6.8 53 Iron (as Fe) mg/liter Un0.35 4.28 Standard plate count /ml countable Un-countable

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Water quality before installation of BacComber – Formation of Algae

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Water quality before installation of BacComber – Ineffective chemical

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Four Inductor coils & four Electrode sets installed • Additional system provided for proper water circulation – Water circulating pumps added – Stand-by water pumps provided

• Sand filter installed for make-up water

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Installation Layout


LOTUS SYSTEMS • Effect of BacComber after three Cooling Cooling tower water tower water weeks Units (Before) (After) pH Conductivity TDS Hardness (as Total CaCO3) Hardness (as Calcium CaCO3) Magnesium Hardness (as CaCO3) Chlorides (as Cl) Silica (as SiO2) COD BOD Phosphates (as PO4) Turbidity Total Suspended solids Iron (as Fe) Standard plate count

________ µ mhos/cm3 mg/liter mg/liter mg/liter mg/liter mg/liter mg/liter mg/liter mg/liter mg/liter NTU mg/liter mg/liter /ml

6.3 678 510 330 188 142 28.99 17.63 1400 324 10.6 40 53 4.28 Uncountable

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Water quality after BacComber installation - Photographs after 3 weeks - Turbidity reduced Dead Algae / bacteria

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Water quality after BacComber installation 0 week

3 weeks

4 weeks

12 weeks

LOTUS SYSTEMS • Water quality after BacComber installation – Algae reduced – TDS reduced – Clean water – Water saving achieved

LOTUS SYSTEMS Advantages to customer • Tangible benefits – Saving in use of Chemical 4,00,000 p.a. – Saving in blow down water 3,00,000 p.a.

Rs. Rs.

• Intangible Benefits – Reduction in shut down by @ 50 % (7 days) (Rs 35Lacks) – Increase in life of condenser coils

• ROI (Pay back of equipment)

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