Ba Political Sciences Syllabus

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KANNUR UNIVERSITY B.A.POLITICAL SCIENCES SYLLABUS PAPER 1: INDIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 1.Constitutional Development in India. (Nature and Impact of British Imperialism; National Movement: Govt of India Act 1935, Functioning of the Constituent Assembly and study on the making of the constitution) II. Ideological base of Indian Constitution (The preamble) III. Individual and the State. (Fundamental Rights and Duties: Directive Principles of State Policy) IV. Constitutional Amendment: (Procedure of amendment) V. Governmental Set-Up. 1. Legislature: Powers and functions of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, Legislature and Social change. 2. Executive: Role of the President, Prime Minister and the Union Cabinet. 3. Judiciary: Structure, Powers and Functions of High Courts and Supreme Court, Judicial Review. VI. Federal Dynamics: (Features of Indian Federalism, Tension Areas: Co-operative Federalism) VII. Parties and Party System (National and Regional Parties, Nature of Party system, Interest groups and pressure Groups) VIII. Electoral and Coalitional Politics. (Powers and functions of the Election Commission, Concept and emergence of coalition politics in India). IX. Decentralized Democracy (Panchayati Raj Institutions: Origin and Growth, Powers and Functions, Problems and Prospects). X. Indian Democracy: Major Challenges. 1. Case, Communalism & Secularism.

2. Criminalization of Politics 3. Politics of Reservation. 4. Regionalism. 5. Human Rights situation in India. 6. New Economic Policy.

Books Recommended: Basu, Amrita and Atul Kohli (eds): Community, Conflicts and the State in India: OUP-new Delhi, 1998. Baxi, Upendra and Bhikhu Parekh(eds): Crisis and change in Contemplorary India, New Delhi: Sage, 1995. Berberoglu, Berch(ed): Class, State and Development in Idnia, New Delhi, Sage,1992. Bhambhri, C.P. Indian Politics since Independence, Brass, Paul R, Ethnicity and Nationalism, Theory and Comparison, Delhi, Sage 1991,, The Politics of India since Independence, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992. Chandhoke, Neera: State and Civil Societ, New Delhi, Sage, 1995 Chandra, Bipin: Essays on Indian Nationalism, Delhi, Har Anand, 1992. Chatterjee, Partha: The Nation and its Fragments: colonial and Post-Colonial Histories, Delhi: OUP,1997. K.T.Varkey: Indian Government and Politics, New Delhi Sterling, 1993 Gupta, Bhababi Sen India: Problems of Goernmance, New Delhi: Konark Publishers, 1996. Hassan, Zoya, S.N.Jha etal(eds): The State Political Processes and Identity: Reflection’s on Modern India, New Delhi: Sage: 1998. Jalal, Ayesha: Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia: A Contemporary Historical Perspective, New Delhi: Foundation Books, 1995. Kanshik, Asha(Ed.): Democratic concerns: The Indian Experience, Essays in Honour of Prof.Iqba, 2 Volumes, Jaipur Aalekh publishers, 1994. ‘ Kaviraj, Sodipta: Politics in India, Calcutta: OUP,1997 Khan, Rasheeduddin: Feral India: A design for change, New Delhi: Vikas, 1992. Khan Beviridared: India-Identity, Plurialism, Discord, New Delhi Har-Anand 1994. Kohli, Atul: Democracy and discontent: Indian Growing Crisis of Governablity, New York: Cambridge University Press 1992. Kurian C.T: Growth and Justice, Aspects of India’s Development Experience, Madras: OUP,1992. Mukkerji, Nirmal and Bellvleer Arora Federalism in India, Origin and Development, New Delhi: Vikas 1992 Marain, Iqbal(ed): Secualirism in India, Jaipur.

Ray, Amal B.K. Chatterjee etal: Political Development and Constitional Change, New Delhi: Vikas,1982. Coach, James R India 2000: The Next Fifteen Years, Ahmedabad: Allied, 1987. Satyamurthy.T.V.(Ed): State and Nation in the Context of Social change 2 Volumes, Delhi: OUP,1994. Seth, J.D.Character of the Indian State, A Non-Marxist Veiw, Shamble: Indian Insitute of Advanced Studies, 1992. Vanaik, Aehin: The Painful transituion: Bourigeois Democracy in India, London: verso, 1990. Varsheney, Aslutosh(ed): The Indian Paradox, Essays in Indian Politics, New Delhi: Sage Publications 1989. 2. Articles: Acharya, Ashok: Civil Society and Liberal Norms, Seminar, No.456, August 1997. Adiseshiah, Malcom: Decentralized planning and co-perative Federalism, Mainstream, Vol.XXX, No.5, Oct.3, 1992. Ahmed, Aijaz: Globalization and the National-State, Seminar No.437, Annual 1995. Alam , Javeed: Masking Sense of the Election, Seminar, No.385, and Sept, 1991. Alam Javeed: Is Caste Appeal Casteism Oppressed Castes in Politics EPW Vol.XXXIV.No.13 March, 27,1999. Behid the Verdict, What kind of Nation are we EPW Vol.XXXI, No.25, June 22, 1996. Amin, Samir: Globalization and Alternatives for a progressive and Demomcrati New Worlk, Indian Journal of Human Rights Vol.1, No.2 Jul-Dec.1997. Bandyopadhyay D: Economic Reform and the Constituona, Mainstream, Vol.XXXII, No.21, April,9, 1994. Bhambhri C.P.: Indian State, Social Classes and Secualrism, Social Scientist Vol.22, Nos.5&6, MayJune 1994. Bhambhri the Indian State: Journey from Intervention to Liberalisation. The Indian Journal of Poblic Administration, Vol.XLIII, Jul.Spet.1997. Bloomkvist Hans: Caste and Democracy Seminar. No.456, August,1997 Chanoy, Kamal Mitra: Systems of Political thought, The Hindu Folio, Sept.12,1999. Chandhoke, Neera: A Nationl Searching for a Narrative in Times of Globalization, EPW, Vol.XXXIV, No. 18 May,1999. Chatte3rjee, Partha: Securalism and Zoleration, EPW Vol.XXIX, No.28, July 9, 1994. Chaturvedi, S.K.Electoral Reforms on Agenda, Indian Journal of Public Adminstration, Jul,Spet.1991. Dett, Ruddar: Economic Federalism, Autonomy and Accountability, The Radical Humanist, Vol.60

No.7 Oct.96. Dewsarda, H.M: The Crisis of Governance, The Radical Humanist, Vol.61, No.5, Aug.1997. Deshmukh, B.G: Prime Ministers Office, we cannot and Need not Do without it, The Indian Jounal of Public Admn, Vol.XLIII, No. 3, Jul.Sept.1997. Gill, Sucha Singh: State Democratic Movement and Human Riughts in India, Indian Journal of Juman Rights Vol.1 No.2, Jul.Dec.1997. Godhbole, Madhav: Bureaucracy at Cross Roads, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol.XLIII , No.3, July-Sept.1997. Kothari, Rajni: Globalisation- World Adrift, Alternatives Vol.22 No.2 Apre.June 1977. Mhajan, Gurpreet: Civil Society and its Avtars, What happened to Freedom and Democrary Epw, Vo.XXXIV, No.20 May,15, 1999. *Goldblatt, Davi, David Hold Etal: Economic Globalization and the Nation State: Shifting Balance of Power, Alternatives, Vol.22, nad No.3 Jul.Sept 1997. Maheshwari, S.R.Reservation: Policy in India – Theory and Practice, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol.XLIII No. 3, July,Spet.1997. Mukherjee, Ramakrishna: Caste in it self, Caste and Class or Caste in Class, EPW, Vol. XXXIV, No. 27, July,3, 1999. Nandy, Ashish: The Twlight of Certitudes: Secularism, Hindu Nationalism and Other Masks of Enculturation, Alternatives Vol.22, No.2 Apre-June 1997. Pai-Sudha Transformation- of Indian Party system – the 96 Lok Sabha elections, Asian Survey, vol.XXXVI, No.12 Dec.1996. Patnark,. Prabhat Nation-State in the Era of globalization, EPW Vol.XXX, No.33, 19 August,1995. A note on the Political Economy of the Retreat of the State, Social Scientist, Vo.20, No.11, Nov.1992. Rqaghavulu, C.V.Economic Policy in India from Centralises Planning to Liberalisatiuon, Indian Journal of Public admn. Vol.XLIII, No.3, Jul-Spet. 1997. Reddi, Easwara and S.Sundar Ram: Adminstering clean and elections in India, Indian Jounal of Public Admn. Vol.XXXVII, No.3, Jul-Spet.1991. Roy, Ramashray: What Ailas our electoral system India Journal of Public Administration Vo.XXXVII, No.3, Jul-Sept.1991. Saha, Anindya: The Indian Party System 1989-1999 The Seminar No.480, August 1999. Shaya, Jainarayan: Justice and Judiciary in the 50 years of Independence. The radical Humanist, Vol.60, No.12, March,1977. Sathe S.P: Supreme Court, Parliament and the Constitutional 1 & II, EPW, Vo. VI Nos.34 & 35, August 21-23, 1971. “Towards Co-Operative Federation: Revisioning the Centre state relations,

The Radical Humanist, vol.60, No.8, Nov. 96. Sau, Ranjit: The Two party Syndrome : Conservative Versus Liberal EPW, Vol. XXIV, No.33 14 August,1999. Sheth, D.L: Caste The challenge of stratification in N.Ravi(ed) Madras The Hindu, 1997. Singh, Randhir: Communalism in contemporary India: Some Theoretical considerations, Mainstream, Annual 1992. Sinha, Shivendra K: Judicial Activism A Ray of hope, The Radical Humanist Vol. 6, No.4, Jul.96. Suresh H.: The Need of Redefine Federal Principles, The Radical Humanist Vol. 60, No.7 Octo.96. Tikakar, Maneesh: The Federal the Regional and the Local in Indian Polity, The Radical Humanist, Vo.60, No.7, Oct.96. Tripathi. R.C: Functioning of Paliament in Idnia The Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol.XLIII, No.3, Jul-Sept 1997. Varshney, Ashutosh: Three master narratives of Indian politics, seminar, Annual No.449, 1996. Yadav Yogendra: Reconfiguration of Indian Politics: State Assembly elections 1993-95: EPW vol.XXXI, Nos. 2 & 3, Jan 13-20-1996.

PAPER- II. COMPARATIVE POLITICS PART A. Unit 1- Theoretical back ground Nature, Evolution and Scope of Comparative politics Unit II Constitutionalism and constitutions, - An overview of the constitutional of U.K.U.S.A. Switzerland, France and China Unit III Federalism and Political Process (USA, Canada, Switzerland and India). Unit IV Socio – Political and Economic features of developing and developed countries.

PART B Issues in Comparative Politics. Unit I Executive- Legislative relationship, (UK, France, USA, India)

Unit II Nature of Judicial system (USA, France, India, UK. China). Unit III Process of Amendment (USA, India, Switzerland) Unit IV Electoral Process (uk, usa, France, India, Germany). Unit V Coalitition Politcs (France, Germany, India) Party System in UK, USA, Chine, India. Unit VI Issues in Contemporary Politics-Militarism, Terroorism, Religious-dundamentalism.

Reading List. 1. S.N.Ray: Modern comparative politics (prentice hall, New Delhi 1999). 2. Roner Charieton: Comparative Governments. 3. Lawrence C.Mayer: Redefining comparative politics (Sage, New Delhi, 1989) 4. R.H.Chilcate: Theories of comparative politics (West –view press, Oxford, 1994) 5. H.Scarrow: Comparative political analysis: An introduction (New York, Har) 6. Almound & Powell: Comparative politics today: A world view view (little Brown & Co., Boston 1992) 7. Peter Mark: West Eruopean Party systems (Press New York 1980) 8. John D Nagle: Introduction to Comparative Politics: political system performance in three worlds. (Nelson-Hall publisher, 1992) 9. J.C.Johari: Comparative Political theory: New dimensions basic concepts and major trends (Sterling, Delhi, 1987) 10. Deol: Comparative Government and politics. 11. Almond & Eoleman: The politics of the developing Areas (Princector, New Jersey,1960) 12. Sudaptakavira (Ed): Politics in indai (OUP Calcutta, 1992) 13. G.K.Roberts: The Government of France3 fifth republic. 14. Paul G.Le: The practice of Comparative politics: A reader (Longman New York, 1978) 15. Ralph D.Dahrendorf: Class and class conflict in Industrial society (Stanford University, 1959) 16. Roy C Macridis: Comparative Government. 17. K.John Vilson Lewis: Leadership in Communist China. 18. Harris Warden: China and the Third World Champion or (Challenger Croom Helm, London, 1986). 19. Hod Hagne M Harrop & Brostia: Comparative Govt., and Politcs. An introduction (Macmillan, London, 1998)

20. H.Eckstein & D.Comparative Politics: A reader (Fee press, London, 1963) 21. Stephen V.Masma: Amercial Politics (The Dryder Press, illinoes, 1973). 22. Richard Watson: Promise and performance of American democracy. 23. Martin O Heisler (ed): Politics in Europe: Structures and Processes in some post Industrial Democracies David Mckay & New York 1924.

Additional Reading: 1. Books: Basu, Amrita and Atul Kohli(eds): Community, Conflicts and the State in India, Delhi, OUP 1998. Baxi, Upendra and Bhikhu Parekh(eds) Crisis and change in Contemporary India, New Delhi: Sage, 1995. Berberoglu, Berch (ed): Class, State and development in India, New Delhi, Sage, 1992. Bhambhri.C.P. Indian Politics since Independence, Delhi, Shirpa, 1996. Brass, Paul.R: Ethnicity and Nationalism Theory and Comparison Delhi: Sage 1991., The politics of India since independence, Cambridge: Cambridge University press,1992. Chandhoke, Neera: State and Civil Society, New Delhi Sage, 1995. Chandra, Bipin: Essays on Indian nationalism, Delhi: Har Anand, 1992. Chatterhee, Partha: The National and its fragments: colonial and Post-Colonial histories, Delhi: OUP, 1994. “State and Politics in India, Delhi: OUP, 1997 “ a POSSIBLE India: Essays in politics, Delhi OUP, 1997. Datta, Prabhat: Regionalisation of Indian Politics, New Delhi sterling, 1993 Gupta, Bhabani Sen Sen India: Problems of Governance, New Delhi, Konark publishers, 1996. Hassan Zoya, S.N. Jhaetal(eds): The State, Politiccal processes and identity: Refection’s on Modern India, New Delhi: Sage: 1989. Jalal, Ayesha: Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia: A Contemporary Historical perspective, New Delhi: Foundation Books, 1995. Kanshik, Asha (ed): Democratic concerns: The Indian Experience, essays in Honour of Prof:Iqbal Narain.2 Volumes, Jaipur: Aalekh publishers 1994. Kaviraj, Sudipta: Politics in India, Calcutta: OUP 1997 Khan, Rasheeduddin: Federal India: A design for change, New Delhi: Vikar, 1992. Khan Bevirldared: Indian identify, plurialism, discord, New Delhi Har-Anand, 1994. Kohli, Atul: Democreacy and discontent: Indian Growing Crisis of Govermability,

New York: Cambridge University press 1992. Kothari, Rajni: Growing Ampnessia: An essay on poverty and Human Consciousness, New Delhi: Viking 1993. Kurian C.T. Growth and Justice, aspects of India’s development experience, Madras OUT, 1992. Mukkerji, Nirmal and Bellvleer. Arora federalism in India, Origin and development New Delshi, Vikas 1992. Narain, Iqbal(ed) Secularism in India Jaipur, Classi, 1995. Ray, Amal B.K> Chatterjee etal: Political development and Constitutional change, New Delhi: Vikas 1982. Coach, James R India 200: Thenex fifteen years, Ahmedabad: Allied, 1987. Satyamurthy.T.V.(ed) State and Nation in the contest of Social change 2 volumes, Delhi: OUP, 1994. Seth.J.D. Character of the Indian State, A Non-Marxist view, Shamble: Indian institute of Advanced Studies, 1992. Vanaik, Aehin: The Painful Transition: Bourgeois democracy in India, London: Verso, 1990. Varshney, Ashutosh(ed): The Indian Paradox: Essays in Indian Politics, New Delhi: Sage publications 1989. 2. Articles: Acharya Ashok: Civil Society and liberal norms, Seminar, No.456, August, 1997. Adiseshiah, Malcom: Decentralized planning and co-operative federalism, Mainstream, Vol.XXX No.5, Oct.3, 1992. Ahmed, Aijaz: Globalization and the Nation-State: Seminar No.437, Annual 1995. Alam, Jave3ed: Masking sense of the Election, Seminar, No.385, and Sept. 1991. Alam Javeed: Is Caste appeal casteism Oppressed castes in politics EPW, Vol. XXXIV No. 13, March, 27, 1999. Behind the Verdict, What kind of a nation are we EPW Vol. XXXI, No.25, June,22, 1996. Amin Samir: Globalization and Alternatives for a progressive and Democratic New World Indian Journal of Human rights Vol.1, No.2 Jul-Dec. 1997. Bandyopadhyay D: Economic reform and the constitution Mainstream. Vol. XXXII, No.21, April 9, 1994. Bhabhriu C.P.: Indian State Social Classes and Secularism, Social Scientist Vol.22, Nos. 5&6 MayJune 1994. Bhambhri the Indian State: Journey from intervention to liberalization. The Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol.XLIII, Ju-Sept.1997. Bloomkvist, Hans: Caste and Democracy seminar, No. 456, Augsty, 1997

Chenory, Kamal Mitra: Systems of Political thought, The Hindu Folio, Sept.12,1999. Chandhoke, Neera: A National searching for a Narrative in Times of Globalization , Jul,Sept 1991. Datt, Ruddar: Economic federalism, autonomy and Accountability, The radical Humanist, Vol.60, No.7 Oct.96. Desarda, H.M: The Crisis of Governance, The radical Humanist, Vol.61, No.5, Aug.1997. Deshmukh. B.G. Prime Ministers Office was cannot and need not do without it. The Indian Journal of Public Admn. Vol. XLIII, No.3 Jul-Sept.1997. Gill, Sucha Singh: State, Democratic movement and Human rights in India, Indian Journal of Human rights Vol.1. No. 2, Jul- Dec.1997. Godbole, Madhav: Bureaucracy at Cross roads, Indian Journal of Public Adminstration, Vol.XLIII, No.3, July-Sept.1997. Kothari Rajni: Globalization a World Adrift, Alternatives Vol.22 No.2 Apr.- June 1997. Mahajan, Gurpreet: Vivil Soceity and its Avtars, what happended to freedom and Epw Vol XXXIV, No. 20 May,15, 1999. Goldhlatt, Davi, David Hold Etal: Economic Globalisation and the Nation. State: Shifting balance of power, alternatives, Vol.22, and No.3, Jul-Spet, 1997. Maheshwqari, S.R, Reservation Policy in India-Theory and practice , Indian Jouimal of Public Administration, Vol.XLIII No.3 July-Sept.1997. Mukherjee, Ramakrishna : Caste in itself, Caste and class or caste in class, EPW Vol.XXXIV, No. 27, July,3, 1999. Nandy, Ashish: The Twlight of Certitudes: Secularism, Hindu Nationalism and other masks of Deculturation, Alternatives, vol.22, Nos, Apr-June, 1997. Pai-Sudha Transformation – of Indian Party System-the 96 Lok Sabha elections, Asian Survey, Vol.XXXVI, No. 12 Dec., 1996. Patnark, Prabhat Nation-State in the era of globalization, EPW Vol.XXX. No. 33, 19 August,1995. A note on the political economy of the retreat of the state, social scientist, Vol.20, No.11, Nov,1992. Raghavulu.C.V, Economic Policy in India from Centralises planning to liberalization, Indian Journal of Public admn, Vol.XLIII, No. 3, Jul- Sept.1997. Reddi, Easwara and S.Sundar Ram: Administering clean and elections in India, Indian Journal of public Amn,Vol.XXXVII, No.3, Jul-Sept. 1991. Roy, Ramashray: What Ails our electoral system India Journal of Public Administration Vol.XXXVII, No.3, Jul.Sept.1991. Saha, Atindya: The Indian party System 1989-1999. The Seminar No.480, August,1999. Shya, Jainarayan: Justiuce and Judiciary in the 50 years of Independence: The radical humanist, Vol.60 No.12, March, 1977. Sathe.S.P: Supreme Court, Parliament and the Constitution 1 & 11, EPW Vol.Nos.34 & 35, August

21-29, 1971. Towqrds Co-Operative Federation: Revisioning the centre state relations, The Radical Humanist, Vol.60 No.8 Nov.96. Sau, Ranjit: The two party syndrome: Conservative Versus Liberal EPW Vo.XXXIV, No. 33, 14 August, 1999. Sheth, D.L: Caste The challenge of stratification in N.Ravi9ed) Madras. The Hindu 1997. Singh, Randhir: Communalism in contemporary India: Some Theoretical Considerations, Mainstream, Annual 1992. Sinha, Shivendra K: Judical Activism A ray of hope, The radical humanist Vo.6, No.4, Jul.96. Suresh H: The Need to Redefine Federal principles, The radical humanist, Vol.60, No.7 Oct.96. Tikakar, Maneesh: The Federal the Regional and the local in Indian polity, The Radical humanist, vol.60, No.7, October,1996. Tripathi, R.C. Functioning of parliament in India. The Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol.XLIII, No.3, Jul-Sept.1997. Varshney, Ashutosh: Three Master Narratives of Indian Politics, Seminar, Annual No.449, 1996. Yadav Yogendra: Reconfiguration of Indian Politics, State Assembly Elections 1993-95 EPW Vol. XXXI, Nos. 2 & 3 , Jan 13-20, 1996.

PAPER III – POLITICAL THEORY PART –I I. Natural of Politics, Politics as a Pursuit of power and as a form of activity. II. Development of Political Science-Classical and modern approaches-Philosophical, Legal, Historical and institutional, Behavioural, Post-behavioral and Marxian approaches. III. Inter-disciplinary perspective: political sociology, Political economy, Political Anthropology, Political History, Political Psychology, IV. State: Elements of the State-Origin of State (Evolutionary theory). Sovereignty: Monism and pluralism. V. Political System-Meaning-Input analysis and structural –Functional analysis-pressure groups, political parties and public opinion. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary, Elections and voting behaviour. VI. Concepts-Rights, Liberty and Equality-Law and Justice VII. Ideologies: Liberalism, Democracy, Socialism, Fascism.

PART –II 1. Classical Political thinkers: a) Plato-The Republic, ideal state, Concept of Justice, Theories of Education and communism. b) Aristotle-Origin, nature and ends of State, constitutional government the best state-Revolution II. Modern thinkers : Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau III. Utilitarianism : Bentham, J.S.Mill. IV. Idealism.

: Hegel, T.H.Green

V. Marxism : Kari Marx, Lenin, Mao VI. Modern Indian thought : M.N.Roy, Mahatma Gandhi, Sree Narayana Guru, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.

Books for reference: 1.

Political Theory-Institutions and ideas – Amal Ray and Mohit Bhattachary (The Word Press).


An Introduction to Political theory – O.P. Gauba (Macmillan)


History of Political theory-Dunning-(Surjeet Publishing House)


Modern Political Theory-S.P.Varma (B Vikas)


Modern Political analysis- Robert Dahl.


Contemporary Political theory-J.C. Johari.


Comparative politics-Almond and powell.


Political Theories-Concepts and ideologies- B.C. Ront, (S.Chand & Co.).


A history of political theory – Sabine

10. Great Political thinkers-W.Ebenstein 11.

History of Political thought-M.G. Gupta (Ahaitanya)

12. History of European political philosophy – D.R. Bhandari (Bangalore publishing Co.) 13.

Gettel’s History of Political thought-Lawerence C-Wanlass (Surejeet)


Indian Political thinking in the 20” Century- A Appadorai (South Asian publishers)


Principles of political science-K.T. Varkey, Calicut University Central Co-Operative stores.


Marxism- An uncommon introduction-Bertall Collman (Sterling)


Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Joseph A Schumpeter (S.Chend)


Essays in pliitical theory-Frank Thakunrdas (Gitanjali)


Modern Indian Political thought – V.P.Varma.

Reading List. 1. Amal Ray and Mohit B.Battacharya: Political theory: Instructions and ideas (The world press, private limited, Calcutta, 1988. 2. N.P.Barry: “ An introduction to Modern Political theory” 3. C.B.Macpherson: Life and times of Liberal Democracy 4. C.B.Macpherson: Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval (Oxford, 1973) 5. D.D.Raphel: Problems of Political Philosophy 6. S.P.Varma: Modern Political theory (Vikas, New Delhi, 1976) 7. W.Ebenstein: Great Political thinkers. 8. A Giddens: Capitalism and Modern Social theory. 9. C.B.Macpherson: The Political theory possessive individualism. 10. L.Strauss and J.Cropsey Eds: A History of Political Philosphy. 11. S. Wolin: Politics and Vision (Boston, 1960) 12. V.R.Mehta: Ideology, Modernization and Politcs in India. 13. Alan Swingewood: Marx and Modern Social Theory (London, Macmillan, 1975) 14. T.Pantham, and K.L.Deutsch, eds: Politcal thought in Modern India. 15. Bhikhu Parekh: Gandhi’s Political Philosophy. 16. Randhir Sigh: Rationalism, Romaniticism and Political theory, PPH, New Delhi, 1967. 17. N.Winthrop: Liberal Democratic theory and its Cristics. 18. A.D.Smith: Theories and Nationalism. 19. W.T.Bluhim: Theories of the Political System (London.1971) 20. I.Berlin: Four Essays on liberty. 21. M.J.Sandel: Liberalism and its Critics. 22. L.Kolakowski: Main current of Marxism (3 vols) Oxford Clarendon, 1978. 23. D.Mclellan: Marxism after Marx (Macmillan, London 1979) 24. O.P.Gauba: An Introduction to Political theory (3rd edition) (Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi.1995) 25. Subrata Mukherjee and Sushila Ramaswamy: A History of Political though Plato to Marx (Prentice- Hall of Indian New Delhi 1999) 26. Andrew Hacker: Political Theory, Philosophy, ideology Science, (Macmillan Company, New York, 1969) 27. Betrand Russell, Hisotry Western Philosophy (London, 1955) 28. Dante Germino: Modern Western Politcal Thought: Machia Velli to Marx (Chicago, 1972) 29. K.T.Varkey: Political Thought, Calicut University Central Co-Operative Stores.

30. Carew Hunt: The Theory and practice of communism. 31. M.Judd Harmen: Political thought: From plato to the present (Mcgraw-Hill Book Company New York, 1964) 32. C.B.Macpherson: The Political Theory of possessive Individualism (Oxform, Clarenden, 1965) 33. L.Colletti: Rousseau to Lenin, (New York, Monthly review press, 1972) 34. John Plamenatz: Man and society (Longmans, 1965)

PAPER IV- PUBLIC ADMINSTRATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE. 1. Meaning Nature and scope of public administration, New Public Administration. Importance of public administration approaches, role of public administration in developed and developing societies: Development administration and comparative Public administration, Politics – administration dichotomy. 2. Theories of organization-Scientific management, Bureaucratic theory, classical theory and Human relations theory. 3. The Chief Executive as General Manager of Public administration. The POSDCORB view – its limitations. 4. Principles of organization: Hierarchial Principle/Scalar process, Unity of command Delegation, Span of control, leadership, co-ordination, Structure of organization-Line, Staff, Auxiliary agencies, bases of departmental organization, Functions, process, clientle area or territory, public corporations, public undertakings committee, Independent regulatory commissions. 5. Public policy: Relevance of policy making on public administration, theories of decision making process, policy formulation and implementation. 6. Personal Administration-Bureaucracy, Rural Bureaucracy-Personnel agencies UPSC and PSCs in India. Recruitment, Problems of Recruitment. Recruitment from within and from outside, merits and demerits of each methods. Training different methods of training. 7. Financial administration-Preparation of Budget estimate-Enactment of Budget, Execution of the Budget, Parliamentary control over Finance-Public Accounts Committee-Estimate Committee

Auditing – Computer and Auditor General. 8. Delegated legislation and administrative adjudiciation-Reasons for its growth in recent timesAdvantages and dis-advantages. 9. Development Administration-Theory and practice-changing role of District Collector with reference to Kerala. 10. Village Panchayat: Peoplews planning Village Panchayath-Panchayathi Raj, Administrative accountability, social Audit (Lokpal & Likayukth)

Reading List 1. A Avasti & S.Maheswari: Public Administration. 2. Rumki Basu: Public Administration: Concepts and theories. 3. C.P.Bhambri: Theory and practice of Public Administration. 4. Mahit Bhattacharya: Public Administration. 5. Felix Nigra: Modern Public Administration. 6. E.N.Gladdon: The Essentials of Public Administration. 7. F.Heady: Public Administration: A Comparative perspective. 8. Relevant issues of the Indian Journal of Public Administration, New Delhi. 9. M.P.Sharma: Theory and practice of public Administration. 10. H.A.Simon: Administrative Behaviour: A study of Decision making process in Administrative Orgnaisations, (New York, Mac Millan, 1957) 11. D.Waldo: Public Administration, Calicut University Central Co-Operative Stores. 12. K.T.Varkey: Public Administration Calicut University Central Co-Operative Stores. 13. Henry Fayal: General and Industrial Management, London, 1955. 14. Elton Mayo: The Human Problems of Industrial Civilisation (Boston, Harward Business School 1946) 15. Chester Bernard: The functions of Executive, (Cambridge, Harward University Press, 1938) 16. Edward Weidner(ed): Development Administration in Asia, (Durham, Duke University Press, 1970) 17. Frid W Riggs: Administration in Developing Countries: The Theory of Primatic Society (Boston, 1964) 18. Frid W Riggs: The Ecology of Public Administration. (New Delhi, Asia publishing House, 1961) 19. Ramesh K.Arora(ed): Perspective in Administration. (New Delhi, Asia publishing House, 1961)

20. Ramesh K.Arora(ed): Perspective in Administrative theory, New Delhi, Associate publishers, 1979) 21. V.A. Pai Panandikar: Development Administration in India(Madras, MacMillan, 1974) 22. C.P.Bhambri: Administrators in a changing Society (Delhi 1978) 23. G.Ram Reddy(ed): Patterns of Panchayat Raj in India (Madras, Macmillan, 1977) 24. A.R.Tyagi: The Civil Services in a Developing Society, (Delhi, Sterling 1969). 25. R.B.Jain: Contemporary issues in Indian Administration. 26. Beetham: Max Weber and the Theory of Bureaucracy. 27. T.N.Chaturvedi and R.K.Arora, (ed): Administrative Theory. 28. Ramesh K.Arora: Comparative Public Administration. 29. R.K.Sapro: Development Administration. 30. Ravindraprasad(ed): Administrative Thinkers (Sterling 1989)

PAPER V. INTERNATIONAL POLITICS 1. Nature and scope of International Politics. 2. Aporaches to the study of International Politics: An Introduction-Realism Vs.idealism, Traditionalism Vs.Scientism, systems theory, Gamatheory, Communication theory, Decision-making theory and Marxist Neo Marxist approaches. 3. Ideology: What is ideology, Imperialism, neo-colonialism, Cold War, Post Cold War-impact on International Politics. 4. State system and International Politics. 5. Power and National Power-elements of National Power, foreign policy, and Deplomacy. 6. Balance of Power, Collective security, International law, international organization, Regional Orgnaization, United Nations. 7. a) Arms race and Disarmament. B) Global economic system: IBRDM IMF, GATT & WTO, North South dialogue. The New International Economic Order (NIEO) . 8. India’s Foreign Policy. Non-Alignment, India and her neighbours, India and super powers, India’s

Nuclear Policy.

Reading List. 1. Calvocoressi, Peter: World Politics since 1945, London, 1982. 2. Calude, inis: Power and International relations New York, 1962. 3. Claude Inis Swords into Plowshares New York, 1964. 4. Deutsch, Karl: the Analysis of International relations, Prentice Hall, 1967. 5. Dougherty James & Robert Pfaltzgraft: Contending theories of International relations. Philadelphia,1971. 6. Frankel, Joseph: Contemporary International theory and the Behaviour of States, New York, QUP, 1973. 7. Frankel, Joseph: International Relations in a changing World, London, Macmillan, 1976. 8. Goodrich, Leland: The United Nationals, New York, 1955. 9. Holst K.J.International Politics: A Framework for Analysis. 10. Kaplan Morton: System and Process in International Politics Princetorn, PUP 1969. 11. Knorr, Klaus & James Rosenan: Contending Approaches to International Politics, Princetorn, PUP, 1969. 12. Dr.K.T.Varkey: International relations, Calicuty University Central Co-Operative Stores. 13. Morgenchan, Han, J: Politics among Nations, New Delhi, Kalyani Publishers, 1985. 14. Padleford Norman & George Lincoln: The Dynamics of International Politics, New York, Mancillan, 1962. 15. Rosenau, James(ed): International Politics and foreign policy: A reader in research and theory, New York, Fee press, 1969. 16. Said, Abdul(ed): Theory of International relations: The crisis of Relevance, Prentice Hall, 1969. 17. Sochuman, Prederick: International Politics, New York, MC graw Hill, 1969. 18. Schwarzenbergar, $George: Power Politics: an introduction to the study or international relations and postwar planning London, Jonauathan Cape, 1941. 19. Sprout, Harold and Margaret Sprout: Foundations of International Politics Princetor, Van Noztrand Company,1962. 20. Sullivan, Michael.P: International relations: Theories and Evidence. Englewood Cliffs, Presticse Hall, 1976. 21. Van Dyke, Vemon: International Politics Vakils, Reffer and Simons, 1966. 22. Waltz, Kenneth: Theory of International Politics, reading, Addion Wesley, 1979. 23. Wright Quincy: The Study of International relations New York, Applletorn Century,1955. 24. Ziegler, David: War, Peace and International Polics, Boston, Little Brown 1977.

25. Hoffman, Stanley: The State of War, New York, Prsderick Paegar, 1965. Appadorai A: Domestic roots of India’s Foreign Policy, Delhi, OUP,1971. Appadoral.A: Select Documents on India’s Foreign Policy and relations: 1947-1972. Appadorai and M.S.Rajan: India’s Foreign Policy and relations New Delhi, South Asian Publishers, 1985. Bhambri.C.P. The Foreign Policy of India. New Delhi, Starling Publishers, 1987. Bagchi, Amyakumar: Plitical Economy of under development Londo, Cambridge University Press, 1982. Bandyopandhyaya J: The making of India;s foreign Policy Bombay, Allied publishers, 1989. Benner, Jeffrey: Structure of decision: New Delhi, Sough Asian Publishers, 1984. Barkes R.N . & M.S.Bedi: The Diplomacy in India: Indian Foreign Policy in the United Nations. Stanford, Stanford University Press 1958. Brecher, Michael: India and Workld Politics: Kirshna Menon’s view of the World, London, OUP, 1968. Brines, Russel: Indo-pakistan conflict. London, Pall press, 1968. Chopra.S(Ed): Studies in India’s Foreign Policy Awaitsan, GND University, 1980. Cohen, Stephen Philip: The security of South Asia, New Delhi, Vistar, 1986. Dutt, Srikant: India and the third World Altruism or Hegamony, London Zed Books, 1989. George Timothy Etal: Security in South Asia: India and the Great Powers Aldershat, Gower, 1984. Gupta, Sisir: Kashmir, A study in India-Pakistan relations. Bombay, Asia, Publishing, 1966. Jackson, Robert: South Asian Crisis: India Pakistan Bangle Deab, London Chatto and Windus, 1975. Jain: Nuclear India. New Delhi, Radiant, 1974. Gai Singh Han: India and the Non-Aligned world, search for a new order. ‘Gettey, Nancy: India-China relations. Delhi, Radiant, 1979. Gha, S.K.Indo-Nepalese relations: 1951-1972 Bombay, Vora,1972. Harrison, Selig: India and the United States. New York, Mac Millan, 1961. Hsimsath, Charles and Surjit Mansigh: A Diplomatic history of Modern India. Mansingh, Surjit: India’s Search for power: Indira Gandhi’s foreign policy 1966-82. New Delhi, Sage, 1982. Misra.K.P. Janata’s foreign policy New Delhi, Vikas, 1979. Misra.K.P. Sutudes in India’s foreign policy. New Delhi, Vikas.1969.

Subsidiary for English, Economics, History, Sociology, Geography, Phychology, Philosophy, Malayalam, Functional English, Journalism of Kannur University B.A. Degree Examination political science 2001

Admission onwards.

POLITICAL SCIENCE (SUBSIDIARY) 1. Political Science: Definition nature and scope, relation, with sociology, History, Economics, Psychology. 2. Major Approaches to the study of political science: Traditional, Behavioural, Post behavioural, system analysis structural-functional analysis, Marxian and Post-marxian analysis (Lenin, Mao, Gramaci). 3. Modern State: Nation-State Nationality, Nationalism, Sovereignty, State & Civil Society, Liberal Marxian, Pluralist theories of State.’ 4. Political structure: 1) Government- Legislature, Executive, Judiciary. 2) Constitution-Federal, Unitary, written, Unwritten, rigid, flexible, Parliamentary and Presidental (to be taught drawing examples from Indian, American British and French Consitution). 5. Political Dynamics: Party System-Single, Two party and multiparty (Drawing examples from India, USA, China and France). Election and Voting- Methods of Election-direct and indirect election, Types of representation: Territorial and functional, representations of Minorities-various methods. 6. Indian Political system: Ideological base of the Indian Constitution (Character of the Constitutent Assembly, Clash of ideologies, liberal democratic, charcter of the Indian Constituion, Basic structure of the constitution, Secularism, Federalism, Parliamentarism and socialism. Fundamental rights and duties, directive principles, independence of judiciary. 7. Important Political concepts: Liberalism, Gandhism, Marxism & Fascism. 8. Global politics: Nature of the global system. Imperialism, neo-colonialism, North South dispute NIEW (New International Economic order). Bretton wood Institutions, (IMF, World Bank and W.T.O). United Nations and international peace, Non-alignment, Globalisation and its impact on developing countries.

9. Administrative process: Development administration, Bureaucracy, administrative efficiency and accountability, Human resource management (HRM) planning, (Centralized Vs decentralized). Panchayatiraj institutions (PRIS) participation-Grassroof planning for development.

Reading List: 1.Amal Ray and Mohit Bhattachariya: Political theory: Institutions and ideas (The World press Pvt., Ltd., Calcutta, 1988) 2. O.P.Gauba: An introduction to political theory (3rd ed) Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi 1995. 3.S.P.Varma: Modern political theory (Vikas, New Delhi, 1976) 4. N.P.Barry: An introduction to Modern Political theory 5. S.Wolin: Politics and vision Boston, 1960. 6. Randhir Singh: Rationalism, Romaniticism and Poltiical theory (PPB, New Delhi, 1967) 7.A.D.Smith: Theories of Nationalism. 8. I. Berlin: Four Essays on Liberty. 9. L.Kolakoshi: Main currents of Marxism (3 rols) Oxford, Clarendon, 1978. 10.Aln Swingewood: Mark and Modern social theory (London, Macmillan 1975) 11. Carew Hunt: The theory and practice of communism. 12. Dr.K.T.Varkey: Indian Constituion and Politics, Calicuty University Central Co-Operative Society. 13. Moin Shakir: State and Politics in contemporary India Ajanta publications, New Delhi 1994. 14.T.V.Sathyamurthy (ed): State and Nation in the context of social change, Oxford University press, delhi, 1994. 15. Rasheeduddin Khan: Bewildered India, Har Anand Publications, New Delhi, 1994. 16. Sudipta Kaqviraj(ed): Politics in India (Oxford University press, Chennal, 1997) 17.Nicholan.H.G: The United Nations as a political Institution, London OUP 1975. 18. R.B.Jain: Contemporary issues in Indian administration (Delhi, Vishal 1976) 19. B.K.Dey: Bureaucracy, Development and public management in India, (New Delhi Uppal 1979) 20. David Held: Political theory and the modern state (polity press, Oxford, 1984) 21. Joseph Tharamangalam: “The Perils of special development with out economic growth: The Development Debacle of

Kerala, India “Bulletin of concern Asia scholars.Vol.30, No.1, 1998.

22. K.K.George: Limits to Kerala model of Development, (Centre for development studies, Monograph series 1993) 23. Richard W Franke and Barabara H.Chasin: Kerala Development though radical reforms, Promilla & Company, New Delhi,1992. 24. Articles on Kerala model: EPW issue Sept.1-8-1990.

25. K.T.Ram Mohan: Understanding Kerala in the tragedy of Radical Scholarship. Monthly review, Vo.43 No.7, 1997. 26. Chris Borwn: Understanding International relations (Mac Millan, Ny,1998) 27. Michael Nicholson: International relations a concise introduction (Mac Millan, Ny,1998) 28. Robert J Holton: Globalisation and Nations state (Mac Millan, New York, 1998)

Subsidiary for English, Economics, History, Sociology, Georgraphy, Psychology, Philosophy, Malayalam, Functional English, Journalism of Kannur University B.A.Degree Examination Political Science 2001 Admission onwards.

POLITICAL SCIENCE (SUBSIDIARY) INDIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. I. Constitutional development in India: (Nature and impact of British Imperialism, National Movement, Government of India Act, 1935, Functioning of the constitutent assemebly and study on the making of the constitution. II. Ideological base of Indian constitution (The Preamble) III. Individual and the State: (Fundamental Rights and duties, Directive principles of State policy) IV. Constitutional Amendment: (Procedure of amendments) V. Government Set-Up: 1) Legislature: Powers and functions of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, Legislature and Social change. 2) Executive: Role of the President, Prime Minister and the Union Cabinet. 3) Judiciary: Structure, Powers and functions of High Courts and Supreme Court, Judicial Review. VI. Federal Dynamics: (Features of Indian Federalism, Tension Areas: Co-Operative Federalism) VII. Parties and Party System: (National and Regional parties, Nature of party system, Interest groups and pressure groups)

VIII. Electoral and Coalitional Poltiics: (Powers and functions of the Election commission, concept and emergence of coalition politics in India) IX. Decentralized Democracy: (Panchayati Raj Institutions: Origin and Growth, Powers and functions, Problems and Prospects) X. Indian Democracy; Major Challenges: 1) Caste, Communalism & Secularism, 2) Criminalisation of Politics, 3) Politics of Reservation, 4) Regionalism, 5) Human Rights situation in India, 6) New Economic policy.

Books Recommended: Basu, Amrita and Atul Kohli (eds): Community, conflicts and the State in India: OUP-New Delhi, 1998. Baxi, Upendra and Bhikhu (eds): Crisis and change in contemporary India, New Delhi: Sage 1995. Berberoglu, Berch (ed): Class, State and development in Idnia, New Delhi: Sage, 1992. Bhambhri.C.P: Indian Politics since Independence. Brass, Paul R. Ethinicity and Nationalism- Theory and comparison, Delhi, Sage 1991 The Politics of India since Independence, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Chandhoke, Neera: State and Civil Society, New Delhi Sage, 1995. Chandra, Bipin: Essays on Indian Nationalism, Delhi: Har Anand, 1992. Chatterjee, Partha: The Nation and Fragments: Colonial and Post- Colonial histories, Delhi, OUP, 1994. State and Politics in India, Delhi, OUP, 1997. A possible India: Essays in politics, Delhi OUP, 1997. K.t.Varkey: Indian Government and Politics, Calicut University Central Co-Operative Stories. Datta, Prabhat: Regionalization of Indian Politics, New Delhi Sterling, 1993 Gupta, Bhababi Sen India: Problems of Governance, New Delhi: Konark Publishers, 1996. Hassan, Zoya, S.N.Jha etal (eds): The State, Political Processes and Identity: Reflections on Modern India, New Delhi: Sage 1989. Jalal, Ayesha: Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia. A contemporary Historical perspective, New DelhiL Foundation Books, 1995. Kanshik, Asha(ed): Democratic concerns: The Indian Experience, Essays in honour of Prof, Iqbal 2 Volums, Jaipur: Aalekh publishers, 1994. Kaviraj, Sudipta: Politics in India: A design for change, New Delhi: Vikas, 1992. Khan Bevirldared: India-Identity, Pluralism, Descord, New delhi Har-Anand, 1994. Kohli, Atul: Democracy and discontent: Indian Growing Crisis of Governability, New York: Cambridge University Press 1992.

Kurian.C.T.: Growth and Justice, Aspects of India’s Development Experience, Madras OUP 1992. Mukkerji, Nirmal and Bellvleer Arora Federalism in India, Origin and Development, New Delhi: Vikas 1992. Narain, Iqbal(ed): Secularism in India, Jaipur. Ray, Amal B.K, Chatterjee Etal: Political Development and Constitutional change, New Delhi: Vikas, 1982. Coach, James R India 2000. The next Fifteen years, Ahmedabad: Allied, 1987. Satyamurthy.T.V.(ed): State and Nation in the context of social change 2 Volumes, Delhi OUP 1994. Seth, J.D. Character of the Indian State, A Non-Marxist View, Shamble: Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, 1992. Vanik, Aehin: The Painful transition: Bourgeois Democracy in India, London: verso, 1990. Varshney, Ashutosh(ed): The India Paradom: Essays in Indian Politics, New Delhi: Sage Publications 1989. 2. Articles: Acharya, Ashok: Civil Society and Liberal Norms, Seminar, No.456, August, 1997. Adiseshiah, Malcom: Decentralized Planning and Co-operative federalism, Mainstream, Vol.XXX, No.5, Oct.3, 1992. Ahmed Aijaz: Globalization and the Nation-State, Seminar No.437y, Annual 1995. Alam, Javeed: Masking Sense of the Election, Seminar, No.385, and Sept,1991. Alam, Javeeed: Is Caste appeal casteism Oppressed Castes in Poltiics EPW Vol.XXXIV. No.13 March, 27, 1999. Behind The verdict, What kind of nation are we EPW Vol. XXXI, No.25, June22, 1996. Amin, Samir: Globalization and Alternatives for a Progressive and Democratic New World, Indian Journal of Human Rights Vol.1, No.2 Jul-Dec, 1997. Bandyopadhyay D: Economic reforms and the constitution, Mainstream Vol.XXXII, No.21, April, 9, 1994. Bhambhiri.C.P: Indian State Social Classess and Secualirism, Social Scientist Vol.22, Nos.5 & 6 May-Jun 1994. Bhambhri the Indian State: Journey from Intervention to Liberalisation The Indian Journal of Public Administration VOL.XIIII Jul,Sept.1997. Bloomkvist, Hans: Caste and Democracy Seminar No.456, August,1997 Chenoy, Kamal Mitra: Systems of Political thought, The Hindu Folio , Sept.12, 1999. Chandhoke, Neera: A Nation searching for a narrative in Times of Globalization, EPW, Vol.XXXIV, No.18 May,1999. Chatterjee, Partha: Securalism and Zoleration, EPW Vo. XXIX, No.28, July,9 1994. Chaturvedi, S.K: Electoral reforms on Agenda, Indian Journal of Public Administration

Jul,Sept.1991. Datta, Ruddar: Economic Federalism, Autonomy and Accountability, The Radical Humanist, Vol.60, No.7 Octo.96. Desarda, H.M: The Crisis of Governance, The Radical Humanist, Vol.61, No.5, Aug.1997. Deshmukh.B.G: Prime Ministers Office, we cannot and need not do without it, The Indian Journal of Public Admn.Vol.XLIII, No.3 Jul-Sept,1997. Gill, Sucha SAingh: State, Democratic Movement and Human Rights in India, Indian Journal of Human rights Vol.I No.2, Jul-Dec.1997. Godbole, Madhav: Bureaucracy at Cross Roads, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XLIII, No.3 July, Sept, 1997. Kothari, Rajni, Globalisation-A World Adrift, alternatives Vo.22, No.2, Apr.June,1977. Mahajan, Gurpreet: Civil Soceity and its Avtars, What happened to Freedom and democracy EPW Vo.XXXIV, No.20 May,15, 1999. Goldblatt, Davi, David Hold Etal: Economic Globalization and the Nation State: Shifting Balance of Power, Alternatives Vol.22, and No.3 Jul,Sept,1997. Maheswari: S.R.Reservation Policy in India Theory and Practice, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol.XLIII No.3, July-Sept.1997. Mkherjee, Ramakrishna: Caste in it self, caste and class or caste in class, EPW Vo. XXXIV, No.27, July,3 1999 Nandy, Ashish: The Twlight of Certitudes: Secularism, Hindu nationalism and other Masks of deculturiation alternatives, vol.22 No.2 apr-June 1997. Pai Sudha Transformation- of Indian Party system-the 96 Lok Sabha elections, Asian Survey, Vo. XXXVI, No.12 Dec.1996. Patnark, Prabhat Nation-State in the Era of globalization, EPW vol. XXX, No.33, 19 August 1995. A Note on the Political Economy of the retreat of the State Social Scientist, Vol.20. No. 11, Nov. 1992. Raghavulu. C.V: Economic policy in India from centralizes planning to liberalisatio, Indian journal of public admn, Vol. XLIII, No. 3, Jul-Sept,1997. Reddi, Easwara and S. Sundar Ram: Administering clean and elections in India, Indian Journal of Public Admn, Vo.XXXVII, No.3, Jul-Sept.1991. Roy Ramashray: What Ails our electoral system India Journal of Public Administration Vo. XXXVII, No.3, Jul-Sept.1991. Saha, Anindya: The Indian Party system 1989-1999. The Seminar No.480, August,1999. Shaya, Jainarayan: Justice and Judiciary in the 50 years of Independency’. The Radical Humanist, Vol.60 No.12, March, 1977. Sathe, S.P: Supreme Court, Parliament and the Constitution 1&II, Qepw VOL. vi, Nos. 34 & 35, August, 21-29-1971.

“Towards Co-Operative federation: Revisioning the centre state relations, The Radical Humanist, Vol.60, No.8, Nov.96 Sau, Ranjit: The two party syndrome: Conservative Versus Liberal EPW, Vol.XXXIV, No. 3314 August,1999. Sheth, D.L: Caste The Challenge of Stratification in N.Ravi(ed) Madras The Hindu 1997 Singh, Randhir: Communalism in contemporary India: Some Theoretical considerations, Mainstream, Annual 1992. Sinha, Shivendra K: Judicial Activism, A ray of Hope, The Radical Humanist Vo. 6, No.4 Jul. 96. Suresh H: The need to redefine federal principles, The Radical Humanist, Vo. 60, No.4, Jul.96. Tikakar, Maneesh: The Federal the regional and the local in Indian polity, The Radical humanist, Vo. 60, No.7, Oct.96. Tripathi.R.C: Functioning of Parliament in India The Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vo.XLIII, No.3, Jul-Sept.1997. Vashney, Ashutosh: Theree Master Narratives of Indian Politics, Seminar, Annual No.449, 1996. Yadav Yogendra: Reconfiguration of Indian Politics. State Assembly elections 19930-95, EPW Vol. XXXI, No.s2 & 3 January, 13-20, 1996.

Subsidiary for English, Economics, History, Sociology, Geography, Psychology, Philosophy, Malayalam, Functional English, Journalism of Kannur University B.A. Degree Examination Political Science 2001, Admission onwards’ POLITICAL SCIENCE (SUBSIDIARY) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE. 1. Meaning nature and scope of public administration, New public administration. Importance of Public administration approaches, role of public administration in developed and developing societies: Development administration and comparative Public administration, Politicsadministration dichotomy. II. Theories of organization-Scientific management, Bureaucratic theory, classical theory and human relations theory. III. The Chief Executive as General Manager of Public Administration. The POSDCORB view-its

limitations. IV. Principles of organization: Hierarchial Principle-Scalar process, Unity of command delegation span of control, leadership, co-ordination Structure of organization-Line, Staff, Auxiliary agencies, basis of departmental organization, Functions, process, clientle area or territory.

Public corporations-

Public under takings committee, Independent regulatory commissions. V. Public Policy: Relevance of Policy making on Public administration, theories of decision making process, policy formulation and implementation. VI. Person Administration-Bureaucracy, Rural Bureaucracy-Personnel Agencies UPSC and PSCs in India. Recruitment, problems, of Recruitment, Recruitment from within and from outside-merits and demerits of each method, Training –different methods of training. VII. Financial Administration-Preparation of Budget estimate-Enactment of Budget Execution of the Budget. Parliamentary control over Finance Public Accounts committee-Estimate Committee Auditing –Conroller and Auditor General. VIII. Delegated legislation and administrative adjudiciation-Reasons for its growth in recent timesAdvantages and dis-advantages. IX. Development Administration-Theory and practice-Changing role of District Collector with reference to Kerala. X. Village Panchayat: People’s planning, Village Pnachayat-Panchayati Raj Administrative accountability, Social Audit (Lokpal& Lokayukth)

Reading List: 1. A.Avasti & S.Maheswar: Public Administration. 2. Runki Basu: Public Administration concepts and theories. 3. C.P.Bhambri: Theory and practice of Public administration. 4. Mahit Bhattacharya: Public Administration. 5. Felix Nigra: Modern Public Administration. 6. E.N.Gladon: The Essentials of Public administration. 7. F.Head: Public Administration: A Comparative perspective.

8. Relevent issues of the Indian Journal of Public Administration, New Delhi. 9. M.P.Sharma: Theory and Practice of Public Administration. 10. H.A.Simon” Administrative Behaviour: A Study of decision making process in Administrative organizations, (New York, Mac Millan, 1957) 11. D.Waldo: Ideas and Issues in Public Administration. 12. K.T.Varkey: Public Administration, Calicut Univesity Central Co-Operative stores. 13. Henry Fayal: General and Industrial management, London, 1955. 14. Elton Mayo: The Human Problems of Industrial civilization. (Boston, Harward Business School, 1946) 15. Chester Bemard: The functions of Executive, (Cambridge, Harward University press, 1938) 16. Edward Weidner(ed): Development Administration in Asia. (Durham, Duke University press, 1970) 17. Frid W Riggs: Administration in developing countries: The theory of Primatic Society (Boston, 1964) 18. Fried W.Riggs: The Ecology of Public Administration (New Delhi, Asia Publishing house, 1961) 19. Ramesh K.Arora(ed) : Perspective in Administrative theory, New Delhi, Associate publishers, 1979) 20. V.A.Pai Panandikar Development Administration in India (Madras, Mac Millan, 1974) 21. V.A.Pai Panandikar: Bureaucracy and development administration, (New delhi, Centre for Policy research, 1978) 22. C.P.Bhambri: Administrators in a Changing society(Delhi,1978) 23. G.Ram Reddy(ed): Patterns of Panchayat Raj in India (Madras, Mac Millan, 1977) 24. A.R.Tyagi: The Civil Services in a developing society, (Delhi, Sterling 1969) 25. R.B.Jain. Contemporary issues in Indian Administration. 26. Beetham: Max VWEber and the theory of Bureaucracy 27. T.N.Chatuvedi and R.K.Arora(ed): Administrative theory. 28. Ramesh K.Arora: Comparative Public Administration. 29. R.K.Sapro: Development Administration Ravindra Prasad (Ed): Administrative Thinkers (Sterling, 1989)

ELECTIVE I MASS MEDIA SOCIETY AND POLITY. I. Public Opinion and fourth estate. II. Political behaviour and Political Socialization.

III. Political Participation, Political Culture and Political modernization-role of media in shaping these aspects. IV. Theories and realities relating to the freedom of press. V. Constitutional foundation of the press. Article 19. VI. Acts relating to media-press laws, Rights, duties and liabilities of proprietor, publisher, editor, author and contributor. VII. Press Council of India. VIII. Electronic possibilities-media and society. (Cinema, T.V., Radio, Software revolution) IX. Press and upbringing of downtrodden people.

ELECTIVE II. HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA. Unit.I. Human Rights: Conceptualisation, origin and growth. Unit II Approaches to Human Rights: Liberal-Democratic and Marxist traditions. Unit III. United Nations and Human rights: Universal declaration of Human Rights. Unit IV Human Rights under the Indian constitution: Fundamental Rights and directive principles of state policy. Unit V. Human Rights instrumentalities: Judiciary and National Human Rights Commission.

Unit VI. Police and Human Rights. Unit VII Bureaucracy and the enforcement of Human Rights. Unit VIII. Women, Children and Human Rights. Unit IX Dalits and Human Rights situation in India. Unit X Human Rights Movements in India: Problems and prospects.

Books Recommended: 1. Agarwal R.S. (1978), Human Rights in the Modern world-New Delhi: Chetana Publications). 2. Batra T.S.(1979). Human Rights: A Critque (New Delhi Metropolitan Books) 3. Baxi, Upendra (1987). The Right to be human (New Delhi: Lancer International) 4. Baxi Upendra (1994) Inhuman wrongs and human rights: Unconventional Essay New Delhi, Har Anand. 5. Gopalan.A.K, Kerala: past and present, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1959. 6. Hersing Ronald J.Land to the tiller: The Political Economy of Agrarian reform in South Asia, OUP, New Delhi,1983. 7.Urmila Phadnis - Ethnicity and Nation Building in South Asia. Jagdish Bhagwati (Ed) -The New International Economic Order: The North-South debate. 8.A Brewler : Marxist Theories of imperialism a critical servey. 9.Ash Narain Roy. : The Third World in the age of Globalisation, requires a new agenda,(Madhyam Books, Delhi, 1999) 10.Samir Amin. : Capitalism in the age Globalisation-The Managmenet of Contemporary Soceity (Madhyam Books, 1997) 11.N.Ram : Riding the Nuclear Tiger (Leftword Books New Delhi, 1999) 12. Praveen Swami. : The Kargil War (Left word Books, New Delhi 1999)

13. B.Mohanan &

Quest for a just world order (Essays in

14. P.Sukumaran Nair In 15. Samir Amin

honour of K.Raman Pillai ISDA publications, Tvm., 1999.

Specters of Capitalism A Critique of Current intellectual fashions Rain Bow

publishers Ltd., Delhi 1999. 16. A.G.Frank.

: Capitalism and under development in Latin Amerca.

ELECTIVE IIII. DELENTRALISATION AND PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY. 1. Theories of Democratic Decentralisation (Western, Socialist and Gandhian) Participatory Democracy-Conceptual definition. 2. Concept of Development, development debate, major ideologies (Capitalist, Socialist, Gandhian and Mixed economy) 3. Developmental Issues (Poverty, inequality, regional disparity, rural class structure, gender and Dalit issues) 4. Poltics-Administration interface (nature of grass-root level politics and representative bureaucracy, committed bureaucracy. 5. Decent4ralised planning (Centralised vs.Decentralised, and participatory planning) 6. Leadership at the grass-root level (Rural elites, caste-class dimensions, political recruitment, political participation-Gender, dalit issues, and concept of empowerment). 7. Decentralized Administration (Study of three-tier administrative system) 8. Rural Management (Main concepts in rural manage4ment, Human Resource Development, importance of integrated management). 9. Peoples Planning Programme in Kerala (Theory and practice of peoples planning, critique of peoples planning).


I. Process and methods of using empirical research-Research based on actual objective observation of phenomena, developing scientific knowledge Interdisciplinary research. II. Formulation of research problem-Building blocks of social science research. Formulating hypothesis-types of hypothesis-charateristics of good hypothesis-Concepts and Varables. III. Research Design-Characteristics of good Reserac\rch Design. Sampligng-types-simple-random. Systematic samples-stratufied samples. Proportionate sampling –cluster sampling. IV. Survey Reserarch and elite interview. Types of data collection. Techniques-Questions of interview. V. Literature and document analysis.

Books: 1. Research methods of Social Science-BAV.Sharma. 2. Political Science research methods-Jannet Buttolph Johnson-Richard A Joslyn.Prentice Hall of India 1989. 3. Methodology and Techniques of Social Reserarch (Kimalaya) Wilkinson and Bhandakar.’ 4. Approaches to Social Research-Bryce Singleton Jr.eted (Oxford)

Computer Application. 1. Introduction to Computers (Awereness about Computers an Programming). History of Computers, Computers Generation –Types of Computers based on spread and size-Representation of information bits and bytes-Number system. (Binary, decimal etc. Conversion of one system to the another) – characteristics and use of computers. 2. Introduction to operating system. Functions of Operating system-Types of Operating system. Comparative Study of MS DOS & UNIX Operating system. Introduction to Windows. 3. Microsoft Excel-Spreadsheet-working with a spreadsheet-Editing, saving, printing, copying and selecting a worksheet-creating graphs-saving, copying graphs etc., 4. MS Word- The document Window-Creating document-Opening document-saving documentformatting and printing document.

5. Introduction to E-Mail and messaging-Formation of Website, understanding the benefits of Internet (E-commerce etc.,)

ELECTIVE V PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS. Unit I: Public Policy: Meaning, definitions, types, nature and scope of public policy. Unit II. Evolution of the study of public policy: From Europse, America and Asia-A brief survey. Unit III. Major approaches to the study of public policy: Political Economy Approach, Institutional approach, system approach, Group theory, Elite theory, rationalism, Incrementalism, Game theory. Unit IV. Public Policy and role of Bureaucracy. Unit V: Public Policy and Democracy: Rule of Political Parties, Interest groups, Political elites, NGOs etc., Unit VI. Policy formulation and policy Implementation stages: Action and Processes, policy making in action. Unit VII. Public policy Evaluation: The need, methods, Issues-Policy oriented evaluations. Unit VIII. Identifying specific public policies in India: Population Policy, Agricultural Policy, Environmental Policy, Welfare Policy, Health Policy, Educational Policy, Energy Policy, Defence and foreign policy. Unit IX. The Public Policy experience in Kerala: Kerala Model of development: Land Reforms, Decentralization, Education, Health, Science and Technology, Rural Development.

Unit X Assessing the Impact of Public policy: Evaluation and feed back, limits and problems in policy experimentation.

Books Recommended: 1. Peter W House: The art of Public policy analysis-Sage, London, 1982. 2. Arnold J Heiden Heimer et. Al: Comperative Public Policy: The politics of social choice in Europe and America-Macmillan press, New York, 1996. 3. Pradeep Saxene: Public Policy Administration and Development Printwell, Jaipur, 1988. 4. Thomas R ye: Understanding Public Policy-Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1978. 5. Fred M Frohoc: Public Policy: Scope and logic-prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1979. 6. V.K.Agrihotri (Ed): Public Policy: Analysis and design-concept publishing house, New Delhi, 1995. 7. Alfred C Tandan: Policy Implementation in India: A Case study, Vikas, New Delhi,1996. 8. R.S.Ganapathy et al: Public policy and policy analysis in India-Sage, California, 1985. 9. Ishwar Dayal et al: Dynamics of Formulating Policy in Government of India concept publishing house, Delhi 1976. 10. W.J.Keefe: Parties, politics and public policy in America, The Drydenpress, Illinois, 1926. 11. W.I. Jenkins: Policy Analysis: A Political and organizational perspective-Martin Robertson & Co-London, 1978. 12. S.N.Ray: Modern Comparative Politics (Prentice Hall, Delhi, 1999)

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