Axios Systems: Dundee Council Assyst Itsm Case Study

  • May 2020
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Maximizing Return on Investment in IT

c a s e s t u d y : DUNDEE CIT Y COUNCIL Discover how Dundee City Council has used an innovative Service Management solution to keep school IT equipment up–to–date

assyst puts head teachers top of the class for IT School head teachers in Dundee can teach their counterparts around the UK a thing or two about choosing computers. Decisions on purchasing IT hardware for schools have been handed over to head teachers in a pioneering program which ensures IT equipment is never obsolete and means head teachers are just as likely to talk about desktop PCs as desks. To power this program, Dundee City Council use assyst from Axios Systems – the world’s leading IT Service Management solution. assyst has been developed from inception according to the guidelines of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), thus providing organizations with proven Best Practice IT Service Management.

assyst is also used within Dundee City Council to drive its Help Desk as well as to maintain its asset database.

The Background Education is responsible for a significant portion of Dundee City Council's Information Technology (IT) budget. Of the 7,000 desktop devices across the Council, some 4,000 are used in schools and nurseries. Around 25,000 user accounts are set up in schools alone! Dundee City Council is at the forefront of technology and has established the use of broadband for Internet access at particularly cheap rates, with primary schools 'piggybacking' on secondary school hubs. Each Council nursery has an average of two PCs and Internet applications are available for children as young as three. Monitoring and keeping up-to-date the large IT infrastructure utilized across the Council’s education department was becoming a significant challenge. Desktop PCs were starting to age, which was beginning to cause additional problems. To tackle this ageing problem, Dundee City Council has established a pioneering five year 'Refresh' program for all hardware in schools. This ensures that all IT equipment is automatically replaced when it is five years old. This 'Refresh' program builds on the UK Government’s National Grid for Learning Scheme, set up to finance a quantum leap in the use of IT in education.

The Solution

over Local Government

the solution was


Axios Systems - the leading global Help Desk & IT Service Management solutions provider case study : DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL

The driving force behind the 'Refresh' program is assyst – the award winning IT Service Management solution from Axios Systems.

assyst holds all relevant information relating to each individual piece of IT

Council Help Desk to handle fault reporting and resolution for all Council departments. Ged Bell's team worked closely with the Council's IT Help Desk, managed by Veronica Cochrane, to ensure assyst was implemented rapidly to meet the needs of the Help Desk and its users.

assyst provides head teachers with the information required to select their school's new IT equipment from a standard price list and approved product range. They are provided with a 'credit' towards their new purchase. The asset database within assyst also allows them to plan ahead for five years and set their own priorities for IT since assyst shows them what equipment will expire year by year. "The over-riding factor in choosing assyst was the ease of maintenance of the information and its functionality," said Implementation Manager Ged Bell who is responsible for design, procurement and installation of the Council’s IT equipment. "Rather than say: 'This piece of kit is coming out and you’re getting this kind of new PC whether you like it or not, we’re providing maximum choice." continued Bell. "Head teachers are very enthusiastic and some have even said that the 'Refresh' program is one of the most significant things that has ever happened with IT in the Council." Bell said.

The Benefits

Removal of IT obsolescence through ITSM

Help Desk analysts perform first level support using assyst. Problems that cannot be immediately resolved are referred to specialist teams dealing with networks, applications and software.

Reduced IT Cost of Ownership

assyst also enables the Help Desk to handle fault resolution with external contractors such as BT

Better use of IT resources

and Telewest. Key information relating to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is held on the database to show response and escalation times. The IT division has SLAs with all internal customers. "We tell all partners, including schools, what the response times will be for the following year and what is covered by the agreement. 'Refresh' assyst helps us manage Programme ® expectations." Bell said.

All involved in the pioneering program appreciate the benefits of using assyst: "'Refresh' is very well thought out, straightforward to use and well supported." said George Hagarty, Head Teacher of the 940 pupil St John's High School.

NURSERY SCHOOLS asset database


Response times vary from two hours for a key server to 12 hours for a school desktop. Schools are outcharged for maintenance at a percentage of net asset value which the Council’s IT bosses believe is one of the lowest rates in the

country. Like many schools, St John's High School uses IT in every subject, even areas such as drama and Religious Education - which at first glance might not seem closely related to computing. George continues: "With retail prices being so competitive, it gives flexibility to schools to improve the quality of IT provision. So, for instance, we can spend our entitlement on items like multimedia presentation equipment. Decisionmaking is ultimately at the school level. We have been empowered".

Summary "One meeting summed it up for me," Bell said. "An IT coordinator at a primary school was complaining about the headaches involved in choosing how to spend all this money the authority was giving her. That showed how far we have moved on, from a situation where we had to keep BBC Micros working that were 10 years old!”

School chiefs are also enthusiastic about the program's benefits for sustainability and recycling: 'Refreshed' hardware is recycled, sold on or otherwise disposed of responsibly.

He continued: "If we didn’t have the asset information from assyst I’d need someone with a clipboard going into every school, writing down every model type and making a best guess as to what was in it and when it was manufactured," he went on. "Without this information we would have had a major problem. With it we've learned some valuable lessons and are ahead of the field in many ways."

Ged Bell also says one of the main benefits of the 'Refresh' program is that it "makes obsolescence obsolete. We would not have been able to do this without assyst." said Bell who has worked in local government IT for 16 years.

Dundee City Council’s visionary approach to managing Information Technology supported by assyst from Axios Systems has generated a 'Win-Win' situation for all concerned - schools, teachers, and the Education and IT departments.

With such novel use of assyst for IT Service Management it is hardly surprising that Dundee is known as the 'City of Discovery' and that its head teachers are rapidly moving to the top of the class in computing!

assyst for Dundee City Council Help Desk

The award-winning assyst software from Axios is also used by Dundee City

Tighter control of IT Infrastructure

All hardware and software is entered into the assyst Configuration Management Database as soon as it is installed to allow any faults reported to be cross-referenced.

equipment in the school’s department within its comprehensive asset database.

Help Desk

Ged Bell Implementation Manager


External Supplier

"If we didn’t have the asset information from assyst... we would have had a major problem. With it we've learned some valuable lessons and are ahead of the field in many ways."

“ Th e ove r - r i d i n g f a c to r i n c h o o s i n g assyst wa s t h e e a s e o f m a i nte n a n ce o f t h e i n fo r m at i o n a n d i t s f u n c t i o n a l i t y ”

Improved IT user satisfaction Adoption of Best Practice Powering decision support Improved Service Desk efficiency


Te s t i m o n i a l s & I n f o r m a t i o n

“One of the main benefits of assyst is that it allows us to prove to our customers that we are actually providing the service they are paying for in our internal market”.

“We chose assyst with the knowledge in mind that it was so much more than a help desk tool”.

“Having a corporate Service Management system like assyst is a point in our favour”.

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