Aw Peloponnesianwar

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 299
  • Pages: 9
Delian League • After the Persian threat subsided, the Greek city-states had conflicts among themselves • The Athenians formed an alliance called the Delian League – Athens supplied most of the military force and the other citystates provided financial support – In the absence of the Persian threat, eventually the other citystates came to resent financing Athens’ bureaucracy and construction projects

• The resulting tensions led to the Peloponnesian War (431-404) in which the city-states divided up into two sides led by Athens and Sparta • The Spartans formed an alliance of their own, called the Peloponnesian League

Athens and her Long Walls to Piraeus

The Peloponnesian Wars (459-404 B.C.) • 430 BC, plague strikes Athens, killing 1/3 of its people. Pericles dies. • 418 BC, Battle of Matinea, Sparta wins battle of survival in Peloponnesus – Alcibiades leads the Athenians

• 413 BC, Athenians Expedition is destroyed at Syracuse in Sicily – Alcibiades flees to Sparta – Ionia revolts from Athens – Persia gives ships and money to Sparta

Alcebiades • Falls out of favor in Sparta, flees to Persia (who financially supported Sparta). • Commands navy at Samos and promises return to democracy and Persian help. – 411 BC, Battle of Syme – 410 BC, Battle of Cyzicus • Spartan fleet obliterated • By 406 BC, Athens recovered, due to Alcibiades • 405 BC, Battle of Aegospotami, 168 Athenian ships destroyed, grain supply threatened. Alcebiades self-exiled. • 404 BC, Flees to Phrygia to the Persians (west central Turkey), Spartans hunt him down, set his house on fire and shower him with arrows. • 404 BC, Athens surrenders

Athens Surrenders • • • •

Stripped of her fleet Her Long Walls are torn down Stripped of all overseas possessions Thebes and Corinth advocate destroying Athens. – Sparta refuses

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