Automatic Filtering Goggle For Welding Is Protective Goggle, Which Can

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Abstract Automatic filtering goggle for welding is protective goggle, which can be used to protect eyes of welder from sharp light rays while welding specially in electrical arc welding. This goggle becomes black when actual welding procedure takes place and as soon as welding is stopped it gets transparent. It is a original design through operator can see the job directly without removing goggle. The arcs associated with arc welding emit high levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), and this often causes acute injuries in the workplace, particularly photo era to conjunctivitis. It is important to know the level of UVR emitted by arc welding under various conditions, as this information will help in evaluating potential UVR hazards in welding workplaces and taking protective measures against it. In this study, the ACGIH effective irradiance for UVR was measured experimentally for CO2 arc welding in order to evaluate its UVR hazards. A welding robot was used in the experiment in order to realize reproducible and consistent welding operations. The UVR from CO2 arc welding is actually hazardous for the eye and skin. It was found that the effective irradiance is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the arc is strongly dependent on the direction of emission from the arc with a maximum at 50–60° from the plate surface, and tends to increase with welding current.

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1. Introduction In practices two type of concepts generation research occurs. First is termed as need research. In need research emphasis is upon identifying sufficed needs that exist in market. Second is termed concept identification ion is to be carried Automatic filtering goggle for welding can be termed as needs research. In industries, worker has to remove goggles when inspection is to be carried out after welding has taken place. It introduces fatigue both in hands and eyes. Also nonproductive time (like removing goggles) increases, which reduces profit of industry. Thus need is to reduce fatigue and minimization of non-productive time. Skin cancer is linked to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation(UVR). It is the most common cancer, and the World Health Organization has reported that excessive solar UVR exposure results in 60,000 premature deaths per year worldwide. Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is an occupational health and safety issue for outdoor workers since excessive exposure is associated with negative health outcomes, including eye conditions and skin cancers The term ‘filter’ usually refers to glasses used in optical systems, to either transistor prevent transmission of specific wavelengths. The term ‘absorber’ is usually reserved for glasses which are used for controlling light to provide protection from damage to humans, for example, for eye protection, as in sunglasses, or welder and laser goggles, or to materials exposed to light. In welding practice, welding goggles is essential from safety point of view. Operators need to be protected from hazardous rays, spatters, hot slag particles. Also he should protect himself from falling when welding at a height from ground. Also these goggles increase the fatigue because operator has to remove goggles to inspect the job after taking small cuts. This wearing and removing activities increases fatigue and nonproductive time, which is considerable, point for profit –orientated industries.

1.1 Existing arc welding equipments:“SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” -2-

Arc welding power source i.e. AC & DC., Welding cable, Electrode holder Ground clamp, Welding electrode ,Welding helmet, hand shield, Hand gloves. Hand shield and helmets are protecting devices used in arc welding for shielding and protecting the face and neck of the operator .A hand shield or helmet consist of Face shield: which is made up of fiber and is formed in a shape of cover front half of head. An opening at the level of eyes. To provide visibility. It contents three components The first is expensive good grade of colored are welding filter lens that removes 99.5% of infrared rays and 99.75% ultraviolet rays. Next to welding lens is another lance of double strength glass and is used to protect the inner welding lens from metal spatter. A clear lens is put on the face side of the helmet to protect welding lens. 1.2 About new product development: Survival for fittest is now become important for organization. After carefully regimenting the market, choosing target customers, identifying their needs and determining market positioning, companies go for product development. Generally new product is categorized into four categories. •

New – to the world products: These are new product, which create entirely new market

New product lines: These are new product, which allowed company to hit an established market for first time.

Addition to existing product lines: These products are added to list of already existing products.

Improvement and revision of exiting product performance: These are instrument in providing an improved product performance.

1.3 Towards product development: Idea generation: “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” -3-

Searching for ideas is first step in the new product development process. Customer’s scientists, competitors employees, channel members and top management are the sources for new product ideas. According to traditional marketing concepts customers are best choice to start the ideas search. Idea screening: Ideas are generally divided into three categories i.e. promising ideas, marginal ideas and rejects. Among this marginal once are sent for full-scale screening. The main objective of screening is to drop poor ideas as soon as possible. Concept development: A product idea can be defined as a possible product, which the company might thin of the market. A product concept is an extended version of the ideas expressed in meaningful consumer terms. Consumers do not by product ideas but they only buy product concepts. An idea can be termed into several concepts. Marketers need to know who end user of the product is. What value addition does the product provide? Concept testing In this stage concept is presented to the relevant customers and their feedbacks is sought. The closer the actual product is to the tested concepts, the more realistic will be the feedback. Development to Commercialization After clearing the development stages company requires huge financial investment for making the product. At this stage company has fair idea regarding commercial

feasibility of the product. Quality function deployment methods are

necessary to translate target customer requirement into a working prototype it is useful to covert desired customer attributes into engineering attributes

2. MARKET SURVEY “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” -4-

Generally market research has following objectives.  It tells the future of existing products and the products yet to be introduced in to the market.  It studied market potential and market shear.  It explores new market and help developing new product.  It analysis user characteristics, attitudes and opinions with particular emphasis on any shift in market composition or personal preferences.  It provides technical information about its functional characteristics. Market survey is the systematic design, collection and analysis and reporting of data and finding that are relevant to different marketing situations. During new product development process, a concept is formed but it cannot be developed fully into a product. At this stage marketing survey is helpful to provide guidance. So as to how concept might be improved and refine. The bead geometry that characterizes the quality of the weld is dependent on a number of input process parameters. These parameters are closely coupled in such a way that it is difficult to identify the extent of contribution of these factors toward the desired output. An expert welder from his experience of trial and error selects a set of parameters that may yield fairly good results. However, the obtained result may not be the optimal one. The trial and error of the welder can be avoided, if a suitable mathematical model can be developed, which could forecast the output from a set of desired parameters or vice-versa.[2].

Define problems and research objective

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Develop the research plan

Collection the information

Analyze the information

Present the information Fig.1 Steps for Market Survey And Analysis

Need of Analysis: Defining the problem and the research objective It is first step toward finding a solution or launching a research study. Which focuses on understanding the nature and limits of a question? The research objective is useful to state what information is needed to solve the problem. To move to next step of designing the research refinement of a board indefinite problem into a precise, researchable statement is essential. Developing the research plan: Once a problem is identified and research objective is clearly stated, next step is to prepare a plan for getting the information needed for research. Research technique is a reliable one if it produces almost identical result in successive repeated tricks. It is valid “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” -6-

if it measure what it is supposed to measure and not something else. Brainstorming is generally used to develop the research plan. It is a conference technique by which a group to attempts to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all ideas. It is designed to obtain the maximum number of ideas relating to specific areas of problem . Collection of data: Marketing research depend on two kinds of data i.e. primary data and secondary data. Gathered by observing phenomena or surveying respondent is known as primary data. It is a lengthy and complex process then the collection of secondary data. While secondary data includes previous research reports, seals, records, government publication and online database. It marks the beginning of market research process .One of the important sources for collection of data is Market survey. It includes interviews by telephones, email, personal interviews etc. Result of survey is user to describe and analyses consumer survey on factors like the nature of problem. Fact finding (data collection): It is important step in market research in which all collected information is converted into useful & understandable form. It helps to take decision and avoids confusion. Facts presentations and top line report: This is final step of market research in which all facts and figures are reported to top management or decision markers. Presenting of facts should be lucid and short which help to decision making process and ignorance of report. Summery From need of analysis we come to know that for developing any new concept or an idea we have to go through some standard procedures. For that initially we have to find out problem, once problem is identified, objectives get cleared. According to that, data is colleted and from collected data

we can come to know that what can be precise

technique to find the fact, and from fact we can come to know the line of work. “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” -7-

3 Need Analysis: Safety Goggles of Welding Problem Definition: In welding practice, welding goggles is essential from safety point of view. Operators need to be

protected from hazardous rays, spatters, hot slag particles. Also he should

protect himself from falling when welding at a height from ground. Also these goggles increase the fatigue because operator has to remove goggle to inspect the job after taking small cuts. This wearing and removing activities increases fatigue and non-productive time, which is considerable, point for profit-oriented industries. Hence the basic problem is to minimize the fatigue and to increase productivity of operator. .Development of plan: After determining the research objective, brainstorming was carried out to develop the research plan. During brainstorming session various aspects of welding were listed down. In which various hazards faced by operator, variety of products, expected advancements in product, economy of product were focused. .Data collection To collect the data related to welding goggles, various survey were carried for multivariable analysis. As questionnaire is the most commonly used tool to collect primary data, also it is simple and flexible. So it was used to collect the data. Questionnaires: To collect the data related to welding goggles various questionnaire were prepared. In questionnaires for pre-design users study, various observations like workers standard practices, any vision aspect due to welding, efficient use of welding equipments etc. were studies. Fact finding: After collecting information with the help of suitable questionnaires following facts “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” -8-

are found.

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Fig-6 Market Shear Of Different Types Of Goggle

Fig.7 Hazards Faced By Operator

Type 1:

Full Dark

Type 3 :

White Glass

Type 2:

Medium Dark

Type 4 :


Fig. 8 “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” - 11 -

Summery : After analyzing various facts and recording information following results concluded. In section is done by frequently removing goggles. Most of the operator use type 3 goggles, as they are low in cost. Through type 3 goggles are not safe it covers major shares of market. Also new product has grater market potential, as it reduces fatigue level of operator.

4 Automatic Filtering Safety Goggles 4.1 Electrode Holder: It is used to hold the electrode and direct it for welding in a few designed electrode holder one adaptive pressure switch is installed to control the action of LCD glass in goggle. The switch is mounted on the holder in lower side related to position of four fingers. It will operate with nominal pressure of finger.

Fig. 9 Electrode Holder

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4.2 Adaptive Pressure Switch Adaptive Pressure Switch is mounted on electrode holder considering ergonomics. These switches are used while welding to control just the on and off function of Goggle LCD. The fig shows adaptive pressure switch.

Fig. 10 Adaptive Pressure Switch

Feature of Adaptive Pressure switch:  Accommodate wide range of action and can be categorized to the physical action required to activate to activate them.  Responsive across their entire surface.  They provide clear tactile.  Available in various sizes.

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4.3 LCD Glass: This is filtering glass when we supply electronic signal (3v) then liquid molecules in glass are arranged in such a way that they can make resistance for light passing through it. When electric current is disconnected the liquid molecules in glass again comes to original position and light can pass through it duty i.e. glass become transparent. Single-domain Nematic liquid crystal (LC) devices based on either the polarization-rotation or the bi re fringent effect or both are investigated for reflective spatial light modulators (SLMs). We evaluate each LC mode in terms of its contrast ratio, optical efficiency, operating voltage and its tolerance in cell-gap. We study the hybridaligned, the 0-, 45- and 63.6°-twisted Nematic LC modes which can be operated in either normally white (NW) or normally black (NB) mode. We also include the mixed twisted Nematic and self-compensated Twist Nematic modes for NW and the tilted home tropic mode for NB. Two-dimensional simulations have been carried out to compare with experimental observation for one of the NB modes implemented in active matrix reflective SLMs to elucidate the effect of fringe-fields. To improve the optical efficiency, we also study polarization-independent LC phase gratings using patterned alignment for reflective SLMs. The basic equations for the diffracted and non-diffracted intensities for both the reverse-twist and orthogonal-twist two-domain LC phase gratings have been derived. The device parameters, the operating voltage and the optical diffraction efficiency are given for various cases with a twist angle equal to or less than 900.

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FIG.11 Operation of LCD 900 twisted

FIG.12 L.C. Aligns with Electric Field Basic of LCD Operation: LCDs use a type of liquid called Twisted Nematic (TN). Super Twisted Nematic(STN)Liquid Crystal material offers a highest twist angle (>=2000 vs 900 ) that provide higher contrast and a better viewing angle. The most recent advance has been the introduction of Film to compensated Super Twisted Nematic(FSTN) displays. This adds a relation film to the STN display that compensates for color added by the birefringence effect. This allows a black and white display to be produced. See fig . Below to see a visual of the molecules alignment

Fig.13 Liquid Crystal Molecules

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4.4 RECHARAGEBLE BATTERY: LITHIUM –Manganese Lithium Rechargeable These super compact lithium secondary batteries feature a new configuration in which a manganese compound oxide is used for the positive electrode, and a lithium/ aluminum alloy for the electrode. (MT Type).

Fig. 14 Rechargeable Battery Technical data table: Technical data –Type 1- Manganese Lithium Rechargeable (ML)

Modal No.















External Height










* Nominal capacity shown is based on standard drain and cut off voltage drawn to 2.0V at 200C

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Features of battery:  Charge at voltages even under 3v  Larger capacity for hour- after-hour back up  Excellent withstand voltage, overcharge and over discharge withstanding characteristics. 4.5 WORKING OF PRODUCT

While welding operator will hold electrode holder with his four fingers on adaptive pressure switch. As soon as he start welding he will grip firmly and exert a little pressure on switch and the switch will close the circuit and LCD become black, filtering the light rays emitted from the arc. When operator stops welding and want to inspect the job he will release his four finger and switch will get off. As current in circuit is off LCD glass become transparent and operator can inspect the job through LCD glass. For welding he will grip the electrode holder against and LCD glass will get black. In this way operator can inspect the job without removing goggle. Following figure illustrate the above

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Fig. 15 Before Welding Process

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Fig.16 After Welding Process

5. Conclusion: This concept tell about need of analysis technique, to find out problem and line of operation using proper technique. Problems of welding goggles, i.e. what are the different problems during welding? Accordingly developing their plan from collected data. Which is flexible using different component like Electrode Holder, Adaptive Pressure Switch, LCD Glasses etc. which gives :It reduces the fatigue of operator up to very high extend and provide comfort and safety. It will reduce the non productive time of operator hence increases the speed of welding procedure. As it reduces fatigue of operator productivity of operator will increase. It will helpful to weld in night by adjusting darkness of goggle.

References: “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” - 19 -

1.Gunaraj and Murugan, 2000b V. Gunaraj and N. Murugan, Prediction and optimization of weld bead volume for the submerged arc process—Part 2,Welding Journal 78 (2000),pp.331s–338s.(2) 2.Ignacio Moreno, Noureddine Bennis, Jeffrey A. Davis, Carlos Ferreira Twist angle determination in liquid crystal displays by location of local adiabatic points Optics Communications Volume 158, Issues 1-6, 15 December 1998, Pages 231-238 (4.3) 3. Forrest, K.Y., Cali, J.M., Cavill WJ, 2008. Use of protective eyewear inU.S. adults: results from the 2002 national health interview survey. Ophthalmic. Epidemiol. 15. 37–41. 4. Fea, A., Bosone, A., Rolle, T., Grignolo, F.M., 2008. Eye injuries in an Italian urban population: report of 10620 cases admitted to an eye emergency department in Torino. 1. Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 246. 5.World Health Organization. Ultraviolet radiation: global solar UV index. An educational tool to reduce risks of skin cancer and cataract. Fact sheet # 271. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002. 6.Statistics New Zealand. New Zealand population clock. Available from: www. Gawkrodger DJ. Occupational skin cancers. Occup Med 2004;54:458–63. 7.Agrawal GP (2002) Fiber Optic Communication Systems,3rd edn. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 8.Basch B, Gringeri S, Goudreault R and Ravinkumar S (2002) Evolution of the photonic core within metropolitan and regional networks. NFOEC. Technical Proceedings. Green PE (1993) Fiber Optic Networks. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 9.Ramaswami R and Sivarajan KN (2002) Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective, 2nd edn. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

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Annex -I


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Annex-III “SCOE, Mechanical Engineering 2009-10” - 22 -

PRE-DESIGN----USER’S STUDY Name of operator : __________________________________________________ Location of W/S : ___________________________________________________ Experience

: ___________________________________________________

Types of worker Average




Is he following standard practices? Yes


Is he using safety equipment effectively & adequately? No

If Yes



Is he experiencing some strain on eyes welding? No


If Yes



Very little

Any eye problem or vision defect due to occupation of welding?

Is he uses any Eye-Drop or Medicine? No


Hand movement observed:________________________________________________ How he is gripping welding electrode holder:_________________________________ Length of Welding:______________________________________________________ Length of pause : ________________________________________________________ Date Place

Signature Annex-IV

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PRODUCT SURVEY Name of shop/ firm:___________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________


Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Specification Color Quality Durability Life Safety Standards Who buy Cost Aesthetic Degreeof comfort Manufacturer More salable Your recommendation Any more reason

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Type 4

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