Automated Workflows Using The Cumulus Scheduler

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Automated Workflows using the Cumulus Scheduler Learn to make the most of this powerful, easy-to-use tool, which comes standard with all Canto Cumulus editions.

You can easily configure the Cumulus Scheduler to automatically: • Create asset variants or copy, move or delete existing assets, • Update records with metadata and permissions templates, • Import metadata from external systems, and more. Benefits of the Cumulus Scheduler. If you can think of even one thing you need done on a recurring basis in one or more of your Cumulus catalogs, the Scheduler might be the answer for you. Consider some of these common uses: • Check for expired or soon-to-expire licenses. • Create Web-ready JPEGs, PNGs or other variants of completed assets. • Copy assets to Web servers or other locations, based on metadata values, such as a check box named “Ready for Distribution.” • Find missing assets—while you still have time to find them! • Archive assets whose projects are complete. • Import “fresh” metadata from accounting or other systems. When your system is licensed to use the Email Cataloger or Usage Statistics & Reporting addons, you can also use the Scheduler to: • Autocatalog assets from server volumes or email accounts, and • Generate new usage and statistics reports at whatever intervals you need. The Cumulus Scheduler is a standard feature of all Cumulus Server editions.

Scheduler configuration in a nutshell In your Scheduler installation folder, find the file config.xml. The Scheduler uses the parameters in this file to connect to your Cumulus Server. Those parameters are: • Server address — This is the address at which the Scheduler computer can reach your Cumulus Server. The default, localhost, works if the Cumulus Scheduler is installed on the same machine as your Cumulus Server. Otherwise, edit this value as needed. • User — This is the name of the Cumulus user account the Scheduler will use when connecting to your Cumulus Server, as explained in “Who is the Cumulus Scheduler user?” on page 1. • User password — This is the password for the Cumulus user account the Scheduler will use to connect to your Cumulus Server. (A parameter available only with Cumulus 8.1 or later enables you to use an encrypted password.) Here’s an example Scheduler configuration file: <server address = "localhost" user = "SchedulerUserAccount" password = "Ih8h8RZ!" prefServer = "true"/>

Scheduler installation and setup. The Cumulus Scheduler is installed separately from your Cumulus Server and Client software. You can install it on any computer that can access your Cumulus Server, or you can install it on the Cumulus Server itself. Download the Scheduler installer from the same location you get your Cumulus Server and Client software. Follow the installation instructions provided in the installation guide for your Cumulus edition, which you can find at:

Structure of a Scheduler task. Jobs you define for the Scheduler to perform are called tasks. Most Scheduler tasks comprise at least four parts: • Affected catalogs — A list of the catalogs in which the task should be performed. • Execution schedule — The first-run and repeat intervals at which you want the task to run. • Search query — The query the Scheduler uses to determine which asset records should be affected. This is a standard search query created and shared using the Find Window.

• Action(s) — The actions you want performed. Some actions come standard with all Cumulus systems; others are add-ons. Some Scheduler actions enable you to choose asset actions, asset handling sets, and metadata and permissions templates, where appropriate.

Who is the Cumulus Scheduler user? The Cumulus Scheduler is like an invisible user who connects to Cumulus, performs some tasks, and logs out again. (In fact, the Scheduler is merely a “faceless” Cumulus Native Client.) The Cumulus Server sees the Scheduler as nothing more (or less) than a normal user. Because of this, the Scheduler must connect to Cumulus using a Cumulus user account that offers adequate permissions to perform whatever task you’ve configured it to do. It’s a good idea to create a new user account specifically for the Scheduler. This offers several important advantages including: • Security — You can precisely define what the Scheduler can and cannot do. This provides a fail safe against destructive actions, such as asset and record deletions. • Tracking — Actions performed by the Scheduler account are trackable via the usage tracking features in Cumulus. This enables you to see in your statistics which actions were performed by the Scheduler, and which we performed by “live” users. NOTE: Once you’ve created your Scheduler user account, use the Native Client to connect to Cumulus using that account so you can test the account’s permissions. Change the default asset handling set(s) used by the Scheduler user if you need to.

That takes care of the Scheduler user as far as Cumulus is concerned, but the computer on which the Cumulus was installed is another matter. The Scheduler runs in the background as a service, but all services must run under some

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LEARNING CUMULUS (EXPLORING SERIES): Automated Workflows using the Cumulus Scheduler

account. If, for example, the Scheduler was configured to run under the same account you log into the Scheduler’s computer with, it would have all the same permissions you have. But, if run under a different account, it might not have access to the same drives and folders you do. By default, the Scheduler service runs under the SYSTEM user on Windows, and as ROOT on Mac OS, Linux and SOLARIS. These accounts typically have access to all local resources on the computer, but if you intend to use network shares, your Scheduler tasks will likely fail unless you explicitly grant these “users” access to those shares. (Figure 1)

missions granted under Server Console > User Manager > Server Permissions > Scheduler Task Permissions.

Scheduler actions overview. Next, we’ll run through the Scheduler actions. The actions available on your Server will depend on your license. The configuration of all Scheduler action types starts the same way: 1. Click the Create button on the Scheduler

Manager screen, as shown back in figure 2. You’ll need to name a new task in order to see configuration options. Choose any name you like; you can delete the task later. Once you’ve name your new task, you’ll see the Add Task window, which is where configuration occurs. (Figure 3)

More Cumulus Education Don’t miss the following resources, each all available fro free from Canto’s website: Cumulus Documentation Cumulus docs, install guides, release notes and more. ( Enhanced Metadata Support A list of the files for which Cumulus offers enhanced metadata support. FIGURE 4: The Email Cataloger add-on is actually two (http:/ modules in/ one. One option enables you to autocatalog from an email account, and the other from a local or netRAW Formats See a list of the digiwork location, suchSupport as a shared drop folder.

tal camera RAW formats Cumulus supports. ( Canto Community Blog Tips, news and other information of use to Cumulus users. ( Exploring Cumulus Series More Exploring documents like this one are also available. ( Canto User Forums Exchange ideas with users from all around the world. (

lection, though system requirements vary. Example: For [email protected], you might use CatalogMe as the user name.

FIGURE 1: The Scheduler service needs permission to access any network shares you intend to use in your Scheduler tasks.

4. Password — The password to access email. 5. Catalog Emails without Attachments — When

Working with the Scheduler Manager. File > Administration > Server Console > Scheduler Manager You’ll use the Server Console’s Scheduler Manager to create and configure Scheduler tasks. The Scheduler Manager lists all currently configured tasks for the Cumulus Server. You can delete or edit current tasks, or create new ones at any time. There is no limit to the number of tasks you can define. (Figure 2)

FIGURE 3: Inside the Scheduler’s Add Task window, you choose the Scheduler action type, the affected catalogs, and you define the times at which your task will execute.

The Scheduler Action menu, shown in figure 3, lists the actions available on your Cumulus Server, each of which is explained next. Catalog Assets (Email Cataloger add-on) Officially known as the Email Cataloger, this addon product enables you to automatically catalog assets from server or network volumes, or from POP3 email accounts. (Figure 4) Referring to figure 4, the configuration options for the Email Cataloger add-on are: 1. Catalog Assets From — Menu to choose either

FIGURE 2: Scheduler tasks are created and configured using the Server Console’s Scheduler Manager.

email (POP3) or local or network volume autocataloging. (Local Folder) 2. POP3 Server — Name of the POP3 email

server to use. NOTE: The steps in this document require Cumulus admin access, or special user per-

3. User — User name on the POP3 server. This is

typically the email address used for asset col-

checked, email messages will be cataloged, but email attachments will be ignored. When unchecked, Cumulus catalogs attachments as separate asset records linked to the email message’s asset record. 6. Use Asset Handing Set — Use a specific asset

handling set for cataloging. If not chosen, the default asset handling set for the Scheduler user is used. (See “Who is the Cumulus Scheduler user?” on page 1 for information on the Scheduler user.) 7. Use Permissions Template — Use a specific

permissions template. If not chosen, the Scheduler user’s default template is used. 8. Local Path — The local or UNC path to the

folder that will be autocataloged. (“Local” means from the Scheduler’s perspective.) NOTE: Usage examples and additional information on the Email Cataloger add-on is available in the Exploring Cumulus document, “Automatically Cataloging Assets into Canto Cumulus,” available online: http://

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Copyright ©2009 Canto GmbH. All rights reserved.

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LEARNING CUMULUS (EXPLORING SERIES): Automated Workflows using the Cumulus Scheduler

Copy, Move or Delete Assets This action enables you to copy, move or delete assets. (Figure 5)

Resources needed: • Boolean metadata field called “Backed Up”

asset records are available. If a referenced asset can’t be found, Cumulus applies a metadata template to the asset record. (Figure 6)

• Search query: Find “Backed Up” is False • Metadata template: Set “Backed Up” to True

FIGURE 5: From a single action, you can perform many automated tasks, such as back-ups, archiving, asset relocations, deleting of duplicates and more!

Referring to figure 5, the configuration options for this action are: 1. Run Record Query — Menu to choose a search

query that will find the asset records you want affected by the task. 2. Copy assets... — Copies the assets of all asset

records found to the target location. The asset record is not modified. 3. Move assets... — Moves the assets of all asset

records found to the target location. The asset record’s asset reference field is updated to point to the asset’s new location. 4. Delete assets... — Permanently deletes the

assets of all asset records found. 5. Also Delete Record — Also deletes the asset

records for all deleted assets. Do not use this option if you want to keep the asset records on hand for future reference or other purposes. 6. Ignore Missing Asset — Check this option if

you want the Scheduler to delete an asset record even if it can’t delete the associated asset for any reason. 7. Use Target Location — The target location for

move and copy operations. This location must be either a local path on your Cumulus Server, or a UNC network path the Scheduler service can access. 8. And Execute Metadata Template — Use this

option to have a metadata template applied to all found asset records. This can be handy (or necessary) depending on the other options chosen. (See “Avoiding task loops via metadata field/template pairs” on page 6.) Usage examples for the Copy, Move or Delete Assets Scheduler action include: Automate back-ups for assets Search for asset records not backed up. Copy them to a back-up location. Use a metadata template to mark them “backed up.”

The use of a metadata template here ensures assets aren’t backed up each time the task runs. If you ever do want to re-backup an asset, manually uncheck its Backed Up field. If your Cumulus system supports advanced permissions, standard in Cumulus Enterprise and Complete, you can restrict the editing of “Backed Up” to only the Cumulus Scheduler user. This ensures your back-ups are reliable, because regular users will not be able to manually change the Backed Up field. Delete assets no longer needed If you ever find assets you no longer need—duplicates, old files, etc.—you can have the Scheduler delete them. Just click a “Delete Me!” Boolean field and let the Scheduler do the rest. Resources needed: • Boolean metadata field called “Delete Me!” • Search query: Find “Delete Me!” is True This option enables users who don’t have “delete” permissions to mark assets for deletion. If you prefer, you can manually intercept delete requests and use a secondary field to flag the Scheduler. In other words, have a field available only to you called, “Yes, really delete this!” Then, let the Scheduler act on the values in that field instead. This provides you with a safety buffer. Move popular assets to faster storage Search for asset records that have been recently previewed, downloaded or modified. Move them to your faster storage media. Use a metadata template to indicate they’ve been moved.

FIGURE 6: Simple, but extremely useful! Search your entire catalog, or limit the search, which is useful if you know certain assets are stored in offline storage. (Otherwise, Cumulus will think they’re missing too.)

Referring to figure 6, the configuration options for this action are: 1. Run Record Query — Menu to choose a search

query. This query should find the asset records you want considered in the “missing” search. 2. Set the following metadata template... —

Choose the metadata template you want applied to the records of the missing assets. You can manually search for the records updated by this task, or you could even configure a catalog trigger to have Cumulus notify you via email about missing assets. (Figure 7)

FIGURE 7: Configure a catalog trigger for your Asset Not Found metadata field, and Cumulus will notify you each time Asset Not Found is set to True by the Scheduler.

Resources needed: • String list metadata field called “Storage” that has the values “Primary” and “Secondary” • Search query: Find Asset Usage History is “Preview” and Asset Usage History Date is > $Today7d • Metadata template: Set “Storage” to Primary This task requires no user intervention. The Scheduler simply performs a query to find recently accessed assets and it moves them. Because this is a move operation and not a copy, the asset record is updated to reflect the asset’s new location. Find Missing Assets This action uses a query to find a selection of asset records. It then tests the resulting collection to make sure the assets referenced by those

Usage examples for the Find Missing Assets Scheduler action include: Find missing assets This is certainly the most obvious use for this action, as depicted in figure 6. Set up a Boolean metadata field to serve as your “missing” flag, and use a metadata template to adjust its value, based on the results of this Scheduler action. Resources needed: • Boolean metadata field called “Asset Not Found” • Search query: ID has value • Metadata template: Set “Asset Not Found” to True

Canto, the Canto logo and Cumulus are registered trademarks of Canto. Other company and product names might be trademarks of their respective owners. EDU/mkEX-Scheduler/2009.10

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LEARNING CUMULUS (EXPLORING SERIES): Automated Workflows using the Cumulus Scheduler

NOTE: The search query suggested above will find all asset records, because all records contain a record ID. (“ID” is the name of the Cumulus record ID field.)

2. Output Format / Text — Select this option to

When run daily, the big benefit this Scheduler action offers is that you’ll find out when an asset is missing within 24 hours of its loss. This significantly increases your chances of tracking down lost assets. Find them today, instead of two years from now when you need them again!

3. Output Format / Picture — If possible,

Flag offline assets If you catalog assets from removable media, this Scheduler action can also provide you with an indication of which assets are offline. This is because Cumulus cannot access offline assets, so it would consider them missing too. To differentiate this type of search from a typical “missing” search, you could use a metadata field to indicate removable media, and reference that field in your query. Resources needed: • Boolean metadata field called “Removable Media” that you set for assets on optical drives or other such media • Search query: “Removable Media” is True • Metadata template: Set “Asset Offline” to True Generate Report (Usage Statistics and Reporting add-on) If your Cumulus Server is licensed to use the Usage Statistics & Reporting add-on, you can use this Scheduler action to automatically generate reports pre-configured via the Report Manager section of the Cumulus Server Console. (Figure 8)

have the Scheduler output the report into a text file you can then import into other applications.

4. Width/Height — Choose the dimension of the

resulting PNG file. 5. PDF/ Print Template — If possible, depending

2. Import File Path — A local path (to the Sched-

on the report type, the Scheduler will save the report as a PDF file. Choose a print template that defines the format of the PDF file.

3. Backup Import File — If checked, the Cumulus

6. Save to local folder — The location where you

want the new reports saved. This location must be “write” accessible to the Scheduler. 7. Send as e-mail to — One or more email

addresses (comma separated) that will automatically receive the report.

1. Report to generate — Menu to choose a pre-

will create a back-up copy of the import file and save it in the same location. 4. Delete Import File — If checked, Cumulus will

delete the import file once the import is complete. Usage examples for the Import Scheduler action include: Refresh metadata daily Update catalog metadata daily.

Generate daily reports Have the Scheduler run your reports daily.

Resources needed:

Resources needed:

• Pre-configured import set created from within the Cumulus Native Client.

• Pre-configured report created via the Server Console’s Report Manager Run special reports Configure the Scheduler to run special reports after marketing campaigns or other times when you expect to see system usage changes. (See “Setting time intervals (cron notation).” on page 6 to learn how you can configure Scheduler tasks to run on certain dates.)

Hint: If your Cumulus Server is also licensed for the Email Cataloger, you autocatalog these autogenerated reports. Set up a catalog trigger to notify someone when the reports are cataloged.

Referring to figure 8, the configuration options for this action are:

uler) where the import file can be found.

Usage examples for the Generate Report Scheduler action include:

• Pre-configured report created via the Server Console’s Report Manager

depending on the type of report. Using Cumulus 8.1 or later (shown), reports can be saved in PDF format, and even emailed. (Previous versions of the module offer fewer options than shown.)

metadata imports mean your Cumulus catalogs can remain current with information maintained in other systems.

depending on the report type, the Scheduler will save the report as a PNG image file.

Resources needed:

FIGURE 8: Reports can be produced in several formats,

FIGURE 9: Automated

Create “placeholder” records for future assets Configure an import set to create new asset records for imported metadata. Get a list of expected assets from another department, and your Cumulus catalog will reserve space for those future assets. Resources needed: • Pre-configured import set created from within the Cumulus Native Client. Search and Update Record This action enables you to perform updates on asset records. (Figure 10)

FIGURE 10: The Scheduler can update asset records created by “fast” asset handling sets that capture low-res thumbnails, or by sets that don’t split presentations or layouts into per-page asset records. This saves users time, because the “heavy lifting” can take place over night.

Import Use this Scheduler action to automatically import metadata from text files, using import sets pre-configured via the Cumulus Native Client. (File > Import > From Text/CSV File.) This enables you to regularly “refresh” Cumulus asset record data with information from other software, such as accounting or inventory control systems. Referring to figure 9, the configuration options for this action are: 1. Import Set — Menu to choose a pre-config-

ured import set.

Referring to figure 10, the configuration options for this action are:

configured report.

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LEARNING CUMULUS (EXPLORING SERIES): Automated Workflows using the Cumulus Scheduler

1. Run Record Query — Menu to choose a search

query that will find the asset records you want updated. 2. If Asset Has Changed — Update records only if

their associated asset has been modified. 3. If Asset Has Changed (incl...) — Update

records only if their associated asset has been modified, and create or update records for contained assets, such as layout or PDF pages, or presentation slides. NOTE: The ability to create per-page asset records is a standard feature on Cumulus Enterprise and Complete, and available as an add-on for other editions. 4. Delete Remaining Records — If any contained

asset records are no longer needed because the page or slide was deleted from the master asset, delete the orphaned records. 5. Update Always — Update the asset record

regardless of whether its associated asset has been updated. 6. Update Always (incl...) — Update the asset

record regardless of whether its associated asset has been updated, and create or update records for contained assets. 7. Use Asset Handling Set — Use a specific asset

handling set for the update operations. If not specified, the Scheduler user’s default asset handling set for the catalog will be used. 8. And Execute Metadata Template — Apply a

metadata to the updated records. Usage examples for the Search and Update Record Scheduler action include: Fast cataloging now, better cataloging later Two things that can add significant time to a cataloging operation are: • Creating large thumbnails, and • Breaking layouts and presentations into perpage asset records. You can save users lots of time by enabling them (or forcing them) to use asset handling sets that don’t perform these functions during initial cataloging. Instead, let Cumulus update the asset records using an asset handling set that generates high-resolution thumbnails, and creates those handy per-page asset records.

You can add a metadata template inside the Scheduler task, and you can also configure your selected asset handling set to apply a second metadata template. Write-back Vault metadata at night Asset handling sets that write metadata edits back to assets require some extra “save” time, because they must access the assets, update the assets’ headers, and write the revised files back to disc. In most cases, this extra time is barely noticeable, but if you use the Cumulus Vault, the time required can be significant. A great solution is for users to edit asset records using an asset handling set that doesn’t writeback metadata. This way, their saves are virtually instantaneous. Then, use the Scheduler to update the edited asset records using an asset handling set that does perform the write-backs. Resources needed: • Boolean metadata field called “Recataloged.” (This field should use a formula that sets its value to False each time the record is saved. This resets the “recataloged” state after each edit, which flags the Scheduler that an update is needed.) • Search query: Find “Recataloged” is False and Record Modification Date is (specify time frame) • Asset handling set: Configured to write-back metadata. • Metadata template: Set “Recataloged” to True Search and Use Asset Action or Template This “Swiss army knife” of Scheduler actions enables you to perform many steps at once. FIGURE 11: Use the Scheduler to turn Cumulus into an asset-making factory! Configure asset actions to produce whatever asset variants you need, and Cumulus creates them at the times you need.

Resources needed: • Boolean metadata field called “Updated”

1. Run Record Query — Menu to choose a search

• Asset handling set: Configured for the timeconsuming functions you need. • Metadata template: Set “Updated” to True

asset variant at the destination path defined in the asset action. 4. Use Asset Path — Save the new asset variant

in the same location as the original asset. (Make sure the Scheduler has “write” access to this location!) 5. Use Metadata Template — Select a metadata

template to apply to all asset records found. 6. Use Permissions Template — Select a permis-

sions template to apply to all asset records found. (Available only on systems that include advanced permissions.) It’s possible to use all options this action provides, but it’s more likely you’ll use it for only one or two options per task. Usage examples for the Search and Use Asset Action or Template Scheduler action include: Auto-generate website-ready variants Once a master image is approved for website use, the Scheduler can automatically generate the Webready asset for you. Resources needed: • Boolean metadata field called “Ready for Web” • Search query: Find “Ready for Web” is True • Asset action: Configured to use the Pixel Image Converter to create JPG or PNG variant. (Hint: Configure the asset action to save the asset variants to a folder on your Web server via ftp. That way, your website designers have easy access for links.) • Metadata template: Set “Ready for Web” to False Optionally, you might want to use a another Boolean field to indicate that a variant has been created. Your metadata template can set that value too. License advisories and actions Using several Scheduler tasks, each configured to use this action, you can alert users to pending asset license expirations at 30- and 7-days, then take the assets offline once expiration occurs. Resources needed:

Referring to figure 11, the configuration options for this action are:

• Search query: Find “Updated” is False

3. Use Path from Asset Action — Save the new

query that will find the asset records you want to work with. 2. Use Asset Action — Select an asset action you

want to use to generate a new asset variant.

• Boolean metadata field called “License Valid” • Date metadata field called “Expiration Date” • Label field called “License Status” whose color values are green, yellow and red • Search query: Find “Expiration Date” is less than $Today + 31 && “Expiration Date” is greater than $Today + 7 (This sets the time frame to more than a week from now, but less than 31 days— the “caution” period.)

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LEARNING CUMULUS (EXPLORING SERIES): Automated Workflows using the Cumulus Scheduler

• Metadata template: Set “License Status” to Yellow and “License Valid” to True

• Day-of-Month (1-31)

Using additional versions of this task, you could:

• Day-of-Week (1-7 or SUN-SAT)

• Search for less than seven days until expiration and set “License Status” to Red.

When a ‘0’ is used, it means the first second, minute, hour, etc. So, in the Hours column, ‘0’ means midnight. (Noon would be ‘12’.) In the Minutes column, ‘0’ means the top of each hour, such as 12:00 or 4:00.

• Search for $Today is greater than “License Expiration” and set “License Valid” to False. You could then use a permissions template to remove general access to the asset, or rely on catalog Live Filtering to restrict access based on a “False” value in this field. Also keep in mind that changes made to metadata fields by the Scheduler can also trigger email notifications configured in the Native Client. That way, when an asset is about to expire, you can notify someone!

Setting time intervals (cron notation). Use the Schedule section of the Add Task window to define when a task runs. You have the option to choose a first-run time, and define an repeat interval. (Figure 12)

• Month (1-12 or JAN-DEC)

When an asterisk is used (*), it means “every value.” So, in the Day-of-Month column, it means every day. In the Month column, every month. The question mark is reserved for use in the Dayof-Month and Day-of-Week fields. (It must appear in one—and only one—of those fields.) It enables you to specify one value and let the Scheduler determine the other value. This makes sense, because when choosing a given day of the month, you don’t want to worry about which day of the week that falls on, and vice versa. So “0 0 0 * * ?” (the Scheduler’s default) means: At zero seconds, at zero minutes, at zero hours, every day, every month, on any day of the week. In other words, every midnight. To drill home the use of the question mark, consider another example: 0 0 0 ? * SAT This is read as:

FIGURE 12: It’s easy to choose a first-run time and then a repeating interval based on days of the week. (The first-run time also becomes the repeat run time.) But by using cron notation, you have more granular control over when your tasks execute.

If you want your task to run every 24 hours, it’s easiest to use the Daily option. Enter a first-run date and time, and select the days of the week you want the task to run. The task will run on each selected day at the first-run time specified. For more granular control, use cron notation. In the field provided, enter the notation you want. A complete explanation of cron notation is beyond the scope of this document, but the following basic explanation can help get you started. Here’s the default cron notation that appears in the Scheduler: 000**?

At zero seconds, at zero minutes, at zero hours, any day, every month, on Saturdays only. Or every Saturday at midnight. To specify repeat intervals within a notation column, a slash is used. Example: */10 * * * * ? This ‘*/10’ falls in the seconds column, so that’s the value it affects. It means “every ten seconds.” The rest of the notation specifies “every,” so this job would fire off every 10 seconds, forever. NOTE: Note the required use of the ‘?’ in the above example. You could also move this to the Day-of-Month column and get the same result: */10 * * ? * *

Other example values include: • Every minute — 0 */1 * * * ? • Every 5 minutes — 0 */5 * * * ? • Every hour — 0 0 */1 * * ?

From left to right, the digits mean:

• Every 12 hours — 0 0 */12 * * ?

• Seconds (0-59)

• Every Sunday at 12:10:05AM — 5 10 0 ? * SUN

• Minutes (0-59)

• Every day at 1:15PM — 0 15 13 ? * *

Make sure you don’t choose unrealistic intervals, such as autocataloging every 5 seconds. The Scheduler needs time to execute tasks. If the interval you define is too brief, subsequent jobs will be queued, which could lead to a backlog of tasks that could result in errors. For more information on the cron notation syntax used by the Cumulus Scheduler, visit: quartz/CronTrigger.html NOTE: While testing your Scheduler tasks, cron notation is very helpful, even if you don’t plan to use it for the final configuration.

Scheduler use considerations. Scheduler tasks are very easy to configure, but there are things to keep in mind that will help you make better use of this fantastic resource. Avoiding task loops via metadata field/template pairs Metadata field/template pairs can be necessary to help you avoid “loops” in your Scheduler tasks. For example, if you create a task to copy assets to a back-up location, you’d want some sort of flag that indicates when they’ve already been moved. Otherwise, Cumulus will recopy them each time, creating addition versions in the back-up location. By using a metadata template to set a value in a metadata field, your search queries can find only the asset records you want affected. Run as which user? Keeping in mind the Cumulus Scheduler is nothing more than an invisible Cumulus user (who doesn’t sleep), it’s important to remember that this “user” needs adequate access permissions. There are two places where you need to consider the Scheduler’s permissions: • Cumulus account — The Scheduler connects to Cumulus as a Cumulus user, so you need to determine which user account it will use. As mentioned back in “Who is the Cumulus Scheduler user?” on page 1, it’s a good idea to define a special user account for the Scheduler. Just make sure this account has all the necessary Cumulus permissions to perform your Scheduler tasks. • File system permissions — In addition, the Scheduler service runs on the Scheduler’s computer as a user of that system. (To make sense of this, consider that you also have a computer login in addition to your Cumulus login.) Make sure the user under which the Scheduler runs has adequate permissions to perform all tasks, as depicted back in figure 1 on page 2.

• Hours (0-23)

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LEARNING CUMULUS (EXPLORING SERIES): Automated Workflows using the Cumulus Scheduler

Canto Partners use the Scheduler too Canto partners make good use of the Scheduler in products and services, including: Amides RoboFlow RoboFlow offers a powerful interface to the operating system that enables you to define many different automation tasks, including “hotfolder” autocataloging, file management, metadata import/ export, ftp synchronization and much more. ( Modula 4 Video Module This product uses the Scheduler to trigger the creation of variants of newly cataloged video files that can then be streamed live over the Internet. ( GOTHIA Integrations Canto Partner GOTHIA tightly integrated the Scheduler into systems they’ve built for Saab. Eight Scheduler tasks in all are used to move assets between Cumulus catalogs, handle license expirations, apply metadata templates for workflow control and more. (

License use Once the Scheduler is installed and activated, it takes up a user license on your Cumulus Server. This means if you have a 10-user Cumulus Server, you have only 9 available licenses while the Scheduler is active. (Consider adding additional user licenses to your server, if needed.)

Cumulus Workgroup or Entry, talk to your Canto representative about upgrade modules that can enhance the benefits available to you when using the Cumulus Scheduler.

Interaction with other Cumulus technologies In addition to the search queries, metadata and permissions templates, and asset actions you’ll use when configuring Scheduler tasks, also consider other Cumulus technologies when determining how to make best use the Scheduler. Catalog triggers that send email notifications based on metadata values will work as expected, even when it’s the Scheduler making the edits. In addition, if you want to autocatalog asset variants created by the Scheduler, consider the various autocataloging technologies available, such as the Email Cataloger, which can autocatalog from local or network volumes. If you use Cumulus Enterprise or Complete, you have access to just about anything you’d need to make the most of the Scheduler. If you use

Learn more in the Canto Saab case study: Moksa Integrations Canto Partner Moksa uses the Scheduler to modify access restrictions for Scientific American magazine based on license expirations. ( Visit the Canto marketplace for more info on Cumulus add-ons and the Canto partners whop produce them. ( What about Canto? Canto uses the Scheduler to “stamp” standardized usage notices into assets we distribute. This enables us to write-back notices approved by our legal department, based on metadata values, such as “Approved for General Use” or “Canto Partner Confidential.”

About Canto, Cumulus and Canto Professional Services Canto has been dedicated to helping customers fully utilize their digital assets since 1990. Canto Cumulus is a cross-platform solution that enables companies to easily organize, find, share and track their ever-increasing numbers of digital files, in any format. Canto’s worldwide network of certified developers offers an impressive assortment of plug-ins that enhance the Cumulus product line further. Canto Professional Services offers Cumulus consulting, training, installation, configuration and customization services. Take what you learn in Exploring Documents further with Canto Professional Services. Learn more:

For more information, contact your local Canto partner, or Canto: In the U.S. +1 (415) 495-6545 In the E.U. +49 (0) 30 390 485 0 Everywhere [email protected]

Canto, the Canto logo and Cumulus are registered trademarks of Canto. Other company and product names might be trademarks of their respective owners. Some product claims and features are not included in all versions of the software and/or might require additional Cumulus Add-ons or Plug-ins. EDU/mkEX-Scheduler/2009.10

Copyright ©2009 Canto GmbH. All rights reserved.

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