Aula Timur Building Condition Survey Report 2

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  • Words: 5,703
  • Pages: 18

In this case, the building condition surveys and measured surveys is stages of 3 main criteria which is surveying, assessment and evaluation, which will cover the historical background,

Building Surveying emerged in the 1970s as a profession in the United Kingdom by a group

research, the diagnosis of defect in the structure, fabric and services along with the building

of technically minded General Practice Surveyors. Building Surveying is a recognized profession

construction method, the technology and the material itself. By taking into consideration, the

within Britain but not widely recognized overseas although there is growth of the profession within

building measurement and analysis need to be conducted accurately to get great results at the end.

Australia. The Services that Building Surveyors undertake are broad but include: 1.1 AIM •

Construction design and building works

Project Management and monitoring

Planning Supervisor under CDM Regulations

survey works start its operation, this report was produced. To make it a success, aims as a

Property Legislation adviser

guidance to ensure all the works planned will be accomplished within the given period with the

Insurance assessment and claims assistance

limitations that will arise throughout the survey works. The aim for this project is to gain as much

Defect investigation and maintenance adviser

Building Surveys and measured surveys

Handling Planning applications

Building Inspection to ensure compliance with building regulations

Undertaking pre-acquisition survey

Negotiating dilapidations

In order of achieving several objectives that have been planned for the building ahead of the

information about Aula Timur located at the Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia with earlier overview that the building was historical structure with uniquely design by a Dutchmen architect on 1918. Besides that, the aim is to produce a professional overview report of building conditions with a prioritized list of recommended repairs provide an objective framework for action that need to be taken as a preservation alternative followed by maintenance plan for a certain period that has to be under the owner’s responsibility.



Building Surveyors also act as an advisor on many aspects of construction including: A conditions survey is the main objective for this inspection and study report of the building •



minor part surroundings the area with prioritized recommendations according to the inspection


works that has been done.



that will includes a written and visual report with the actual condition for the building itself and some


There are numerous of objectives that include:

This is as a way in ensuring each individual are well known with all sorts of information regarding the work need to be done before the arrival in Bandung, Indonesia. In order to achieve a

To get the idea of keeping the historic character of the building with appropriates

good report, the group has also form an objective that is compromise few criteria on each of the

actions that will be prioritized list.

group members that is to be fully responsibility on their task given, to improve communication skill

To record the condition of the building prior to the commencement and after the

on gaining the information from the community surround as well as among the group members and

completion of construction works, tenancy period, renovation works etc, as a

also to compete each other in the group to reach as much data needed.

precautionary measure to prevent disputes on damage caused by the above1.4

mentioned activities; •

To identify the root cause of problem that lead to the existence of building defects This kind of task need to be done properly according to the specific method that’s been

and to advise client on the appropriate method to rectify the defect without



taught during the lecture and some extra refeences for building measurement and analysis from

To inspect building as part of maintenance program and up keeping of building for

external building surveyor firms.

maximum performance; •

To provide technical information on a building for client’s consideration prior to their



decision to acquire a new building, rent a property, commence interior design,

The scope of the building condition survey can be cover both exterior and interior or even an element alone. For this task, the work that had been planned is going to covered part of the

addition and alteration works etc.

subjects from the Building Surveying program such as Building Defect and Analysis, Construction Engineering, Building Services, Building Practice, Environmental Physics, Building Maintenance


and also Structure. The scope of building condition report was also to enclose all of the following principles:

The group objective is to produce a building condition report that will cover the building measurement and analysis, measured drawings, defect investigations and recommendation for the case study, Aula Timur, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia. Other than that, the

inspection methodology;

brief history of construction and maintenance;

summary of findings;

description of existing conditions, including causes of problems;

annotated photographs;

prioritized recommendations;


group would like to gain as much information and hands on measuring the building with the technical equipment given as well as define all the deficiency that takes place on the building. More important, the method or technique on collecting data will be assessing to get the accurate information for the case study.



the lecturers and building’s owner will help a lot to the group in completing the report


before the due date. During the survey works, there are a few of limitation arising and part of it has been overcome with using some of the equipment provided. The limitations that come out throughout the

The survey works must be also within in the Building Surveying program subject to make

site survey were;

the information gain in this process can be useful in the class later on. Furthermore, this practical will be a view for the students for their next career after they’re graduated. So, it’s important to

Inaccessible ceiling space for the Aula Timur building including surau and Cultural Centre

make sure that the objective of this works successfully achieved. The method of measurement in

area. •

the site study must be synchronize in all part of the building.

Inaccessible loft of cultural centre and a room between Main Hall and the Cultural Centre area.

Permission denied to measuring the internal part of the building due to a day event held at the building.

The differentiate figure by laser distance meter and teodolite during the calculation of building height.

Lack of information about building’s material as it was a major different from Malaysia’s construction material and some of the material was imported from outside Indonesia.

Lack of information about the size of beams and joints inside the building as it can’t be reach without suitable equipment to get to higher distance.



The summary of this chapter is to generate the aim of the survey works throughout several objectives within the scope of work given. This aim will be major depend on the group objectives that have been decided before the work started, despite of right methodology and preparation to overcome all the limitations at the site. An earlier planning will determine either the survey works will completed in the range of time given. Though the work will be difficult due to lack of information and the limitations expected to be come forward on the site, any additional information from



2.1 Historical Background of Locality and Case Studies

In the early 16-os, Bandung town is just a small city known as West Oedjoeng Broeng. Road access had been widening bit by bit as the year passes by for the accessibility of vehicles routes. The rapid increase in the citizens’ population strengthens Bandung’s reputation as a city of ‘perkebunan’. Plus, its strategic geographical condition attracts the colonization of the Europeans previously.

ITB or previously known as its origin name, de Technische Hoogeschool te Bandung (THB) was administrate by the Dutch colonial during their years of colonizing. It was officiated and opened on the 3rd of July 1920 by Mr. J.P. Graaf van Limburg Stirum, Jeneral Gabenor of the Dutch.

ITB’s main campus basically covers up of 770,000 square meters of the whole area. The main campus consists of two main building, which is Barakgebouw A (Aula Barat) and Barakgebouw B (Aula Timur). Ir. Henri Maclaine, the architect, planned it as an experimental architectural building in compromising the traditional architecture with the west advanced construction techniques.

Figure 1: Location plan of ITB Source:


Ir. Henri Maclaine was famous known for his precise knowledge in the local history, used to

2.2 Architectural Influences

reinvent the development for later use. Maclaine Pont uses his knowledge in implementing it in widening his design for construction. The design stage started in the year 1918, and it was used as

Aula Timur’s architecture reflects the diversity of cultural, historical and geographic

Barakgebouw meeting point, later it was changed to the purpose of library.

influences that have shaped the building as a whole. With the existing of Dutch colonizing brought cultural changes that had profound effect on the building styles and techniques.

The roof construction of Barakgebouw, is mainly influenced by the traditional Java architecture. Material being used for the roof construction was ‘kayu sirap’. The unique construction

As the presence of the Dutch colonial during their stay in Bandung, had become an

of Barakgebouw is mainly focused on its “ability to develop proportionally with the flow of

influence contribution in many aspects. Henri Maclaine Pont, combine the mixture of his hybrid

educational knowledge.” This is to ensure its changes and development can be constructed easily

architecture, which consist of traditional elements, the decorations and constructions with colonial

and cheap in terms of costing, as well it does not require any composition of architecture ‘ketat’.

wood and brick architecture. The existence of this hybridization draws people to enter a discourse on the colonial presence as being manifested in one major corporeal dimensions of society of

In his architectural works, traditional roof forms, complex wood construction system and


figurative vernacular building typologies were creatively reworked and reinvented. What he produced are not only sophisticated architectural designs, but also highly modern, technologically efficient, tropical and eloquent interpretations of modern Indies architecture.

Addition to that, it was said that ITB’s Barakgebouw brings harmony in unity between the design of its traditional architecture and the west knowledge of construction.

Barakgebouw B also known as Aula Timur, once functioned as experimental laboratory in experimenting the building materials and as lecture hall for the learning process of the building material. With the building age more than 88 years, ITB’s Barakgebouw has become a legendary landmark influenced by the colonization in Indonesia. Figure 2: Architectural Influence Source: Field Study


This hybridization between two domain cultures creates clashes between it. While maintaining the bound of the historical past (traditional), the politics of the present (colonialism) was

Previously, along the east bank of Cikapundung River located in Upper area of Dago, was


the campus of ITB. Now, ITB main campus, to the north of the town centre and its other campuses, cover a total area of 770,000 square meters. 2.3 Style & Concept Development in terms of economy is to develop platforms for high-tech venture business by The Dutch learnt to adapt their architectural style with local building features such as large

strengthening the linkage between private sectors and universities. To develop a formal and non-

windows and ventilation openings. Besides that, the Dutch creates a colonial building to incorporate

formal labour market- oriented education system as Institute Technology Bandung holds a prestige

Indonesian architectural elements and attempt adapting to the climate.

record in the education system.

Art deco style was implemented in the architectural values, being expressed in essentially

The surrounding developments consist of several varieties. As shown in the location map,

Europeans buildings with Indonesian trim, e.g.: high pitched roof. Art Deco is the contemporary

the institute is located in the center area Dago town that acts as an attraction from geographical

modern design, architecture and a broad spectrum of decorative arts. It drew renewed inspiration


from ancient arts and primitive arts, and was purified by ideas of the colonizers. Art Deco style was

Timur. This act as a public amenity for the students itself. It was build for public use. Other than

purely decorative; this style was seen as elegant, functional and modern. The decorative art and the

that, there are several shops can be found that surrounds the main campus. Inside the mosque

architectural development shows how the acceptance of the later and best of western architecture

area, there are amenities of playground for the usage of public. Without realizing, it brings harmony

allowed the Dutch influence to be absorbed without destroying the city’s long term identity.

in the community surrounding ITB.

A main mosque for the Muslims to perform their prayer located at the south area of Aula

There are also developments of hotels and a clinic being provided around the campus. These help the rapid number of population in Dago town. An infrastructure purpose is to seek an efficient and optimize utilization of development budget. Develop and manage surface water resources for domestic and industrial use, and agricultural development.

There are no main type of infrastructure can be found around the campus of ITB than be specified. From the surveying and observing work being done, main infrastructure such as water Figure 3: Local Java striking roof

Figure 4: Column

Source: Field Study

Source: Field Study

sewerage does not exist around the ITB main campus.

2.4 Surrounding Developments & Infrastructure


A proper water sewerage system is needed in order to develop and implement an effective

A present public transport for the student’s usage is provided by conventional bus services,

law enforcement system for discharge of waste water. This is due to improve living environment of

paratransits (angkots), taxis and minibuses. Minibuses and paratransists are operated by

urban kampong areas.

independent private owner and comprise the majority of the transport services, due to the operation of various public transport in these crowded parts, traffic congestion happen everywhere even on

There is a growing concern in Indonesia and other parts of the world about insufficient

artery roads.

capacity and poor condition of infrastructure. Indonesia faces major challenges in its infrastructure sectors as it seeks to consolidate and accelerate its still fragile economic recovery, improve its

There is extensive use of one-way streets in ITB’s area. In general the existing circulation

international competitiveness, and increase access to basic public services including health,

patterns are satisfactory and traffic keeps moving reasonable well. However, the one-way systems

communications, construction, transportation, energy, manufacturing and education. Global

have been developed piecemeal over a period of time and result in excessive journey times and

experience has shown that infrastructure is an important factor for improving health, education, and

distance for many movements and particularly poor conditions for pedestrians crossing wide

environment, fostering economic growth, and reducing poverty

streams and continuously moving traffic.

2.5 Traffic Flow & Accessibility

The significant impact of urbanization in ITB’s location brings problems of the increasing mobility and infrastructure demand. One of the infrastructures that are very important is transportation infrastructure which determines the level of accessibility of the people and commodities from one place to another.

Due to the rapid development in ITB’s surroundings, eg: increased number of populations and students, traffic problem is considerably becoming very serious. There are traffic congestions not only on every access road but also on road networks within the campus. This is due to the road space is very limited and inefficient public transport services, unlike in Malaysia. In developing a mass transit system, restructuring bus routes of public transportation for the greater Bandung is a compulsory.


Figure 5: Road Network surrounds ITB main campus Source:



Building elemental analysis covers the analysis for all the elements in generally, which mainly consist of building structure, fabrics and finishes, openings and services.


Aula Timur is a traditional building which is located in Bandung Institute of Technology. It is designed by Henri Maclaine Pont, an architect from Netherlands and established on 1920’s. It has a traditional design and become one of the most popular buildings in Bandung.

Figure 6: Surau at the west of Aula Timur.

From observations, the building consists of hall, surau, VIP room, store room and Cultural

Source: Field Study

centre. The elements in the building are doors, windows, columns, beams, roofs, ceiling, floor, staircases, external wall, internal wall and partition wall. While the materials used in this building are timber, masonry, concrete and glass. It used teak timber type from Java Island. The material of floor is concrete and it used tiles as its finishes. Aula Timur use pitch roof system and it’s covered with kayu sirap (iron wood shingle). The masonry walls are well-plastered internally and externally. All the beam joists are made of timber. The main structure in this building is the timber arches that support the most percentage of loads for the whole building.

Figure7: VIP room. Source: Field Study

There were a lot of extensions has been done to this building. The extensions have been made at the certain parts of Aula Timur but it did not change the original structure of the building.


Overall, Aula Timur needs to have a proper maintenance works to ensure that the originality and uniqueness of the building is conserve.


Identified building elements in Aula Timur as follows: i.












Figure 8: Roofing at Aula Timur Source: Field Study

Overall roof condition in Aula Timur is in satisfactory condition, where there are no leakages

3.2.1 Roofing

spotted during rainy days. However it is discovered that some of the shingles need immediate replacement as it start to crumble in several location.

Aula Timur roofing is pitched roof type and uses sirap (Iron wood shingle) as its roof cover. Sirap roof is originally come from Kalimantan and introduced by Dutch architects in Indonesia

3.2.2 Column

including Henri Maclaine Pont. This shingle known as one of the most durable type of wood in the world and has serviceable at least thirty years lifespan. This type of roof also have four overlapping

In Aula Timur there are two types of column being used in its structure which is stone

layer of shingles. The shape of this roof is a type of Minangkabau roof which represents the

column and timber column. Stone column is used for all external purposes while timber column is

indigenous rationality of Indonesia. This kind of roof has some dramatic curve and high class

used vastly as the main type of column in the internal part.

decorative which showed the building status.

Teak is the type of timber that is used as columns in Aula Timur because of its well known quality and high strength. Teak type of timber is well known for its quality type of timber due to its durable characteristic and less maintenance needed afterwards.


Teak has its own oil substance which does not need further treated oil and varnish but it is believed that all internal columns has already been treated by oil due to its black colour surface. As teak is hard type of timber, the architect used twenty five thin layer of teak to make the curve style column and its clipped with metal clipper at every 350mm along the column. Stone column is used as external column at Aula Timur, combination of different size of river stone glued by mortar. Stone column is one of the unique symbols of ITB as all the external column in this institute is made up from stone. There is no information available about any maintenance has been done to the columns.

Figure 10: Stone columns outside the building. Source: Field Study

Generally, column in Aula Timur is in good condition where there is no serious defect detected, but there are hairline cracks can be found on external column need to be monitored to Figure 9: Timber column inside the building.

prevent further defects occur.

Source: Field Study 3.2.3 Wall

Aula Timur uses masonry as its wall which is located just below the window level for the external wall while internal partition wall is made up from plywood. External wall (masonry wall) is painted with white colour, 1350 mm height and 150mm thickness.


Overall condition of the wall in the building is in satisfactory condition where there are no

3.2.5 Floor

serious defects detected at the wall. However, as the building functions as an official hall for ITB, it is highly recommended that the wall should be well insulated with the sound proof insulation and

Floor in Aula Timur is fully covered by white granite tile with 300mmx300mm in dimension.

some altering in design need to be done to minimize sound reflection.

Floor for Aula Timur is made up from concrete with 250mm thickness floor slab. There are no source available to determine whether the floor is originally designed with the tile finishes or there is renovation have been done to the floor. Floor in this building is generally flat but in the ‘surau’, there

3.2.4 Beam

is four drop at the floor, which is 150mm height each. The building uses teak timber for its beam and from the observation, all beams structure are 3.2.6 Staircase

recognized as an original structure where there are no additional beams or changes being made. However, the beam structure above the ceiling level is excluded from the observation due to

There are 6 staircases in Aula Timur. It is divided into 2 types which are the 1 way staircase

inaccessible and unreachable location. Beams in this building are generally in good condition but

and 2 ways staircase. 5 of them are located at the access doors while the other one is in the

minor defect at the beam structure cannot be observed as it is too high to observe.

cultural centre store. (Refer Drawing No. BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/04-08: Detail of Staircase.) Material used in the staircases is concrete, which contains lime and cement. All the staircases are different to each other. The different of staircases are listed in a table below:

Types SC-1 SC-2

Length 8238 2175

Size Width 1660 1050

Depth 1440 790

Table 1: Types of staircases

Figure 11: Beams Source: Field Study Figure 12: Types of staircase at Aula Timur.


Source: Field Study

Figure 13: Types of doors at Aula Timur. Source: Field Study

3.3 OPENINGS 3.3.2 Window Openings at Aula Timur consist of doors, windows and ventilations. These openings are important for lighting, ventilation and access into this building.

Few years ago, this building used fixed timber louvered windows. These kinds of windows are generally used for latrines and bathrooms of residential and public buildings. These windows were

3.3.1 Door

partly louvered to the wall height. The louvers were arranged at such an inclination that vision is obstructed while they permit free passage of air. This is achieved by fixing the upper back edge of a

There are 19 doors in Aula Timur and it is divided into 7 types. 10 doors are played as an

louver higher than the lower front edge of the louver just above it.

access into the building, while the other 9 doors are inside the building. However, there are 2 doors at grid B1/6E and B2/5B that are locked and cannot be opened. Types of doors are listed as

Nowadays, Aula Timur has windows that surround the building and this give the building

follows: Types D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

adequate amount of lighting. It uses glass and they were separated with mine while the frame is Location K/4B F/7A, G/7A, H/7A, H1/7A, J1/7A J3/3A, C1/6E L/6A B1/6E, B1/4A N/5, N/6, E/4A, B2/5B J2/7, D1/3A, K1/6B, E2/7A

Size 1145 x 2180 950 x 2200 879 x 2200 790 x 2200 950 x 2090 900 x 2200 1550 x 2200

made of timber. As can be seen from observation, at each end of the glass window, these glasses are well decorated that bonded with the timber frame. These decorative glasses give higher expectation to the viewers and make this building has higher value for now and in the future. However, the windows were not maintained properly. This is because there were broken glasses here and there as it represents a bad view for outsiders.

Table 2: Types of doors


Figure 15: Ventilation holes at the bottom of the wall. Source: Field Study Figure 14: Types of windows at Aula Timur. Source: Field Study


3.3.3 Ventilation

Services provided in Aula Timur are electrical services, piping system and drainage system. However, inspection works for electrical system faced some problem because there were

Ventilation is defined as supply of fresh outside air into an enclosed space, or the removal of

inaccessible locations like above the ceiling and locked room.

inside air from the enclosed space. For building type such as halls, canteens, restaurant and etc. the minimum rate of fresh air in the building is 30m3 per person per hour to ensure the human

3.4.1 Electrical system

comfort in the building. This building has only one consumer unit located in a room at the south-west of the building. In Aula Timur, there is an area about 346mm and 925mm height between the ceiling and

(Refer Drawing No: BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/03-08: Services Plan). For earthing system, there are

the wall surrounds the building. This area is covered with net and it functions as ventilation to the

three lighting rods found at the top of the roof top. However, the conductor that directs the lightning

building. There are also several holes at the bottom of the walls that played as an access for fresh

to the ground is not found.

air into the building. It is also covered by net. With these ventilation plus low temperature in Bandung make the occupants of Aula Timur stayed in comfort and fresh although this building does not have any fan or air-conditioner.


There is no information about the electrical test or rewiring in this building, but the condition

information were not helping much. Furthermore, the time given for the research is very limited and

of electrical power points and wiring circuit is very poor. These shows lack of maintenance services

not enough to complete the tasks. However, from the observation, interviewing with the people

and no rewiring has been done to this building for the past 20 years. A few power points are not

whom in charge the building and done some research at the library, the construction techniques for

functioning anymore and some of the electrical wiring is uncovered. The location of the electrical

Aula Timur can be predicted.

system can be referred to Drawing No: BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/03-08: Services plan.

3.4.2 Drainage system

Drainage is provided to maintain healthy conditions in the building, to collect and remove waste matters systematically and to dispose off waste water as early and quickly as possible. Drainage system for Aula Timur is surrounds the building. Material used in the drains is concrete and it is covered with cement render. The condition of the drains is very poor. There are thick soil precipitate in the drain that affects water flow during rainy day. Some parts of the drains are cracked and broken that make the drains are not functioning well. Figure 16: The construction works on Aula Timur on 1918. Source: Ben F. van Leerdam, Henri Maclaine Pont architect tussen twee werelden, 1988

3.4.3 Piping system

The columns in this building were entirely made from teak wood with special joint cut at

From the observation, the piping system in this building only consists of gutter and rain

certain part of the column for beam and roof construction. The column was also. The major type of

water down pipe. Rain water down pipe is a pipe which carries only the rain water. There is about

Aula Timur wall is masonry wall type. The wall is constructed by array the clay bricks and attached

40 rain water down pipes surround this building and it is 100mm in diameter. However, the gutters

them with cement mortar. The wall is plastered before it is painted in white as for its finishes.

and rain water down pipes are mostly rusted and broken. Decorative landscape has been planted near to the gutters and rain water down pipes but it blocked the system.

Arches in the building are curved structural construction that spans an opening between two points. There are 25 layers of teak wood arrayed layer by layer and specially designed irons hold


them together before they were tied with bolt and nat. These block arches carry only in-plane forces that cause the woods to compress tightly together, forming a strong unit. The arches had been

Construction is a process that consists of the building or assembling. There is lack of

erected by using ropes and bamboo.

information about the construction techniques for Aula Timur because this building is built in 1918, which is about 90 years ago. All the aids and methods that have been used to search for the


Figure 17: Type of roofs in Indonesia’s houses. Source: Assorted traditional house (after Indonesian Heritage: Architecture, 1998)

Roof is the most upper part of this building that covered the building to keep out rain, sun and wind. The roof is framed with widely spaces beams or some form of truss. Kayu sirap were arranged overlaid to each other until it covered entirely completely the roof.




Measuring Tape

Measuring tape is the most important tool in this stage of measurement. It is flexible and used to

Building measurement were done by measuring all parts of the building to get the actual

measure length and give an accurate reading

size, to give a clear picture of the design, structural and elements of the building. All the data

compared to the other equipment. However, this unit

collected are converted into graphic form.

can’t be used to measure the unreachable points. It uses a narrow ultrasonic beam to measure fast


Laser Dimension Master

and efficiently. After aim and press a button, the unit


beeps and the measurement can be easily obtained. There are a few methodologies that have been used in order to complete the building


Distance Meter

measurement. Overalls, the methodologies can be divided into 3 main stages.

This unit can only be used for 90° angle ceiling level. Distance meter is used for fast and easy measurements of lengths, squares and volumes. It is added with trigonometric function and automatic

4.1.1 First stage

calculation which is very useful to calculate unreachable height. However, this tool are more

First stage started 2 weeks before the measurement. In this period of time, Internet had

prone to error compared to measuring tape and the

become the main source of providing information regarding the work. The information about the 4

case study has been searched by surfing the internet. Beside that, information about defects in

Spirit Level

laser point can’t be seen on very sunny day. Spirit level is designed to indicate whether a surface is level or plumb. It is used to determine whether the

general also gained from books at library. All the information was gathered to get an early view and

floor and wall is level or not in order to set a datum

knowledge about Aula Timur. 5


4.1.2 Second stage

line to avoid error in measurement. This equipment is used to determine angle of targeted point, usually done to determine vertical

Building measurement and analysis have been done at this stage. A lot of aids have been used to complete the measurement and analysis. The measurement tools and equipments that



height. (Provided by ITB) Tripod is used to level the theodolite to avoid error in



measurement. (Provided by ITB) Staff is used to determine height from 90° level of

been using during the works are listed in the table as follows with their usage:

theodolite to the datum line of the building. It is provided with bubble vial to avoid plumb positioning. 8



Magnetic Compass

(Provided by ITB) Compass is an instrument containing a freely suspended magnetic element which displays the



direction of the horizontal component of Earth’s

LIST OF DRAWINGS Floor Plan North Elevation South Elevation East elevation South Elevation Roof Plan Cross Section A - A Cross Section B - B Details of Doors Details of Window Services Plan Details of Staircase Details of Column

magnetic field at the point of observation. It is used 9


to determine the North field of Earth. Binoculars are 2 identical or mirror-symmetrical telescopes mounted side-by-side and aligned to point accurately in the same direction, allowing the viewer to use both eyes when viewing distant objects. It is very useful to determine the type of

DRAWING NO BSES2208/ITBAT/FP/01-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/ELEV/02-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/ELEV/02-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/ELEV/01-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/ELEV/01-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/RP/01-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/SEC/01-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/SEC/01-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/01-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/02-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/03-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/04-08 BSES2208/ITBAT/DET/05-08

material and condition of unreachable places such 10

Moisture Meter

Table 4: List of drawings

as roof and upper window. Moisture meter is used to measure the percentage of water in a substance. When the metal point of the moisture meter is put to the element, the reading can be taken automatically. It is very useful to


Magnifying Glass

determine causes of defect. Magnifying glass is a convex lens which is used to produce a magnified image of an object. It is very useful to analyze and categorize defects such as crack and wet rot. Table 3: Measurement tools and equipments.

4.1.3 Third Stage

As all the measurement data’s had been obtained, these data’s were converted into graphic form. The important aid at this stage is computer aided AutoCAD software to portray plans, elevations, cross-sections and details. All the measured drawings are listed below and followed by the drawings.


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