August Booster Bylaws

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,915
  • Pages: 12

Article I – Organizational Identification .................................................. 3 Section 1 – Name ................................................................................................ 3 Section 2 – Music Program .................................................................................. 3 Article II – Purpose .................................................................................................. 3 Article III – Objectives ............................................................................................. 3 Article IV – Membership ......................................................................................... 4 Article V – Executive Board ................................................................................... 4 Section 1 – The Board ........................................................................................ 4 Section 2 – Membership and Voting Rights of the Board .................................... 4 Section 3 – General Duties of the Board ............................................................. 4 Article VI – Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities ……………………… …............................................... 5 Section 1 – Elected Officers ...........................................................…................... 5 Section 2 – President .....................................................................…................... 5 Section 3 – Vice President of Fundraising ....................................….................... 5 Section 4 – Secretary ..................................................................…...................... 5 Section 5 – Treasurer ................................................................................…........ 5 Section 6 – Members-at-Large ............................................................................ 6 Article VII – Conflict of Interest ...................................... ............................ 6 Section 1- General Principles…………………………………………… ……………………….6 Section 2- Basis for Decision making………………………………………………………….7 Section 3- Conflict of Interest…………………………………………………………………….7 Section 4- Recordkeeping…………………………………………………………………………7


Article VIII – Elections……………. .............. ............................................ 8 REVISED AND RESTATED CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF LAPEER WEST MUSIC BOOSTERS Article IX – Standing Committees ……………………………………………….9 Section 1 – Standing Committees ....................................................................... 9 Section 2 – Concession Stand ............................................................................ 9 Section 3 – Uniform ............................................................................................ 9 Section 4 – Equipment ....................................................................................... 9 Section 5 – Festivals ............................................………...................................... 9 Section 6 – Fundraising ..................................................................................... 10 Section 7 – Special Events ................................................................................... 10 Section 8 – Bandquet ............................……........................................................10 Section 9 – Band Camp ..............................................................................…….. 10 Section 10 – Chaperone ..................................................................................... 10 Section 11 – Emergency Communication............................................................ 10 Section 12 – Scrip ............................................................................................... 10 Article X – Meetings ............................................................................................... 11 Section 1 – Parliamentary Authority .................................................................... 11 Section 2 – Band Booster Meetings .................................................................... 11 Section 3 – Special Meetings .............................................................................. 11 Article XI – Fiscal Year ............................................................................................. 11 Article XII – Quorum ................................................................................................. 11 Section 1 – Executive Board Meetings ............................................................... 11 Section 2 – Band Booster and Special Meetings ................................................ 11 ARTICLE XIII—DISSOLVING OF ASSOCIATION………………………11 Section 1 –Dissolving of Association…………………………………………………………11 Article XIV – Amendment ......................................................................................... 12

Article XV – Miscellaneous ........................................................................ 12


Constitution and Bylaws of the LAPEER WEST MUSIC BOOSTERS dated JUNE 01, 2008 ARTICLE I Organizational Identification Section 1 – Name The name of the organization shall be the “Lapeer West Music Boosters” (hereinafter “Music Boosters”). Section 2 – Music Program The “LAPEER WEST MUSIC BOOSTERS PROGRAM” (hereinafter “Music Program”) shall include, but not be limited to, the Marching Band, Concert Band, Symphony Band, Jazz Band, Drumline, Flag Corps, 8TH grade band, Choir and any other group organized under the Lapeer West Music Program. ARTICLE II Purpose Section 1. The Lapeer West Music Boosters is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Section 2.The purpose of this organization shall be to support and encourage the Music Program; to bring the Music Program into community focus; to engage in such education and action as may enhance the quality and quantity of musical experience and character development; and to promote the school-community interaction and exchange to the benefit of all. ARTICLE III Objectives A. To assist the Music Program Faculty in developing, executing, and funding support for relevant activities that promote school-community interaction, and make the Music Program a contributing factor in our community. B. To encourage our music students to strive for greater musical achievements and musical appreciation. C. To lend all possible support, both moral and financial, to all members of the Music Program, including sponsoring fundraising activities and rendering any other assistance necessary at Music functions in full support of their activities. 3

D. To promote a better understanding between the students, parents and community of the hard work, effort, and dedication the students give to the Music Program by actively sharing and supporting their endeavors. E. To promote personal and social enjoyment, personal growth, self-satisfaction, and pride in the Music Program through participation in the activities of the Music Program. F. To cooperate with and support the Music Program Faculty and school administration to ensure that the Music Program shall attain and maintain the highest possible degree of efficiency and excellence. G. To comply with all existing state and federal guidelines, laws and statutes, including Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended or shall be hereinafter amended in order to be considered an organization exempt from federal and state taxes. ARTICLE IV Membership Any parent or legal guardian of a current year Music Program member is automatically a member. ARTICLE V Executive Board Section 1 – The Board The organization shall be governed by an Executive Board (hereinafter “Board”). Section 2 – Membership and Voting Rights of the Board The voting Board members shall consist of: President, Vice President of Fundraising, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-At-Large. The non-voting members shall consist of: Past Presidents who request Board membership, Parent Representative from Flag Corp. Parent Representative from the Drumline, Alumni Representative, Choir and Student Band Representatives. Section 3 – General Duties of the Board A. The Board shall conduct the affairs of the Music Boosters in the best interest of the Lapeer West Music students. B. The Board shall present an annual proposed financial budget for the following year at the July Music Booster Meeting for preliminary review and approval. The annual financial budget shall be presented and voted on for final approval at the first Music Booster meeting of the next fiscal year.


C. The Board shall meet whenever matters of business deem it necessary. D. The Board shall insure compliance with the: i. Policies of the Lapeer Community School District; ii. The Music Boosters Articles of Non-Profit Incorporation including these Constitution and Bylaws; iii. The laws of the State of Michigan; and iv. Federal Tax-Exempt Guidelines. ARTICLE VI Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities Section 1 – Elected Officers The elected officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President of Fundraising, Secretary, Treasurer and Member-At-Large Section 2 – President The President shall: a. Be the spokesperson for the organization; b. Preside at all Executive Board meetings, monthly Music Booster meetings and any special meetings; c. Administer the Constitution and Bylaws; d. Appoint committees to carry out the functions of the organization; and e. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees. Section 3 – Vice President of Fundraising The Vice President of Fundraising shall: a. Assume the responsibilities of the President when the President is absent or unable to serve; b. Serve as Chairperson of the Fundraising Committee, and shall coordinate scheduling and oversee the fundraising activities of the organization. Section 4 – Secretary The Secretary shall: a. Take all minutes of Executive Board meetings, monthly Music Booster meetings and Special meetings; b. Be responsible for all Music Booster correspondence; c. Be responsible for distributing copies of minutes for meetings, and making available, upon request, copies of minutes for school administrators; and d. Be responsible for maintaining the Music Booster Mailing Database including alumni database. Section 5 – Treasurer The Treasurer shall: a. Have the responsibility for maintaining financial records for the organization. 5

b. Receive and receipt all funds and make all distributions; c. Present financial reports at all monthly Music Booster meetings; d. Work with the President, Vice President of Fundraising, and Band Directors to develop the annual operating budget to be presented at the June Music Booster Meeting; e. Provide an annual financial statement and submit to the school district as required, prepare monthly financial statements distributed at scheduled Band Booster meetings. Prepare and submit the Michigan Annual Report to the proper state authority; g. Prepare the Federal Tax Return for the fiscal year ending June 30th. Present the completed Federal Tax Return to the incoming Treasurer for filing on or before November 15 following the fiscal year end of your term of office; and h. Submit a budget and financial summary to the High School Administration, per school district policy. Section 6 – Member-At-Large The Member-At-Large : a. Be held by a parent of a current Lapeer West music student. b. Acts a liaison between the Lapeer West Music Boosters and parents.


Section 1 - General Principles: a. Individuals who are neither compensated themselves, nor related to individuals who are compensated, shall constitute a majority of the board of directors.

b. Primary responsibility for making all decisions subject to a conflict of interest, or possible conflict of interest, shall rest with the Board of Directors of the Lapeer West Music Boosters. The board may delegate decisions subject to this Article to a committee composed of individual board members unrelated to, and not subject to the control of, the person or persons involved in the proposed transaction.

c. In matters of compensation, no board member or officer may receive compensation from the Lapeer West Music Boosters which exceeds the value of the services provided for such compensation. In any other transaction, no board member or officer may receive 6

economic benefits from the Lapeer West Music Boosters which exceed the consideration provided for such transaction.

d. Deliberation, decision-making, and written documentation of all arrangements subject to this Article shall take place before the Lapeer West Music Boosters makes payments of any kind.

Section 2 - Basis for Decision making: a. In making decisions subject to this Article, the board of directors, or decision making committee, shall, to the best of its ability, obtain and rely upon appropriate data as to comparability, such as b. Information about compensation paid by similarly situated organizations for similar goods or services, c. Current compensation surveys compiled by independent firms, or d. Actual written offers from similarly situated organizations

Section 3 - Conflict of Interest: a.No Board member may vote upon a matter in which he or she has a direct financial interest. No Board member may vote upon a matter in which he or she has a business or family relationship with anyone who has a direct financial interest. b.Immediately upon becoming aware that such a conflict may exist, a Board member must disclose the existence of the potential conflict to the remaining Board members. If, by vote of the remaining Board members, a conflict of interest is found to exist, the Board member with the conflict shall withdraw from further deliberation and refrain from voting on the matter.

Section 4 - Recordkeeping: a.The basis for each decision subject to this Article shall be fully documented, including: b.The terms of the approved transaction and the date approved, c.The members of the decision-making body who were present during debate on the transaction and those who voted on it,


d.The decision made by each individual who voted, e.The comparability data that was relied on by the decision-making body and how the data was obtained, and f. Any actions by a member of the decision-making body having a conflict of interest ARTICLE VIII Elections A. A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President in March of each year, with general elections to take place at the May Music Booster meeting each year. B. A March newsletter will have a call for nominations enabling all Music Boosters to have the opportunity to be nominated for a Board position. All nominations shall be submitted to the chairperson of the nominating committee. A nomination may be by anyone, including the potential nominee. C. Nominations shall be submitted at the April Music Booster Meeting and all recommendations for committee chairpersons. Nominations may be made from the floor at the May Music Booster Meeting. D. The elected officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President of Fundraising, Secretary and Treasurer, and Member-At-Large. E. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary to elect an officer. F. Election of officers shall be by written ballot with results counted by two Members-at-Large not seeking office. G. Elected officers may be held by a two person team acting as co-officers for any one position. H. The term of office shall be two years, commencing June 1st and ending May 31st for all elected positions, except the Member-At-Large, which will be one year. I. Vacancies on the Board will be filled by a vote of the remaining Board members.


ARTICLE IX Standing Committees Section 1 – Standing Committees There shall be the following Standing Committees: Concession Stand Uniform Chaperone Equipment Festivals Fundraising Special Events Banquet Band Camp Chaperone Emergency Communication Scripps and such other committees as the Board shall determine. Section 2 – Concession Stand The Concession Stand Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall organize and operate the Band Boosters Concession Stands: The committee will be responsible for maintaining all band booster concession equipment. Section 3 – Uniform The Uniform Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall assist the Band Director with distribution and maintenance of uniforms. The committee’s responsibilities shall include fitting of marching and concert uniforms, maintenance and cleaning of uniforms at appropriate times during the school year, and collection and inventory of uniforms at the end of each school year. The committee will also oversee uniform distribution and collection at each performance. Section 4 – Equipment/Pit The Equipment/Pit Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall be responsible for maintaining and transporting equipment that is used by the Music Program during the year, including, but not limited to, transporting of props, instruments, to and from any performance given by the Band.


Section 5 – Festivals The Festivals Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall be responsible for organizing and overseeing all facets of the District and State Band Festivals when attended/hosted by Lapeer West High School. Section 6 – Fundraising The Fundraising Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of Fundraising. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing, recommending and planning fundraisers which will enable the students to earn funds for the Band Booster’s budget, as well as earning funds for their own individual student accounts. The committee shall oversee regularly established sales, as well as organize any special fundraisers necessary to meet the Band Program’s goals. This committee will work with the Treasurer in overseeing the individual student accounts. Section 7 – Special Events The Special Events Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall be responsible for planning and providing refreshments for concerts and other special events, when required. Section 8 – Bandquet The Bandquet Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall be responsible for organizing and planning the annual Spring Bandquet. Section 9 – Band Camp The Band Camp Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall be responsible for planning and operating all facets of the annual summer band camp, including registration, meals, and activities. Section 10 – Chaperone The Chaperone Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall organize and oversee parents to serve as chaperones for marching band season or other events where the band is required to travel. The committee shall provide refreshments; maintain first aid kits for chaperones; and present proper guidelines for the chaperone. Section 11 – Emergency Communication The Emergency Communication Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall be responsible for making all phone calls to band parents for emergencies and other important communications via phone. 10

Section 12 – Scrip The Scrip/Kroger Committee Chairperson(s) shall be appointed by the President each year. This committee shall be responsible for running the Scrip Program.

ARTICLE X Meetings Section 1 – Parliamentary Authority All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. Section 2 – Band Booster Meetings The regular meeting of the organization shall generally be held the 2nd Wednesday of each month. There shall be at least nine (9) monthly Band Booster meetings. Section 3 – Special Meetings Special meetings may be called when deemed necessary by the Board. ARTICLE XI Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the organization shall be July 1st through June 30th. ARTICLE XII Quorum Section 1 – Executive Board Meetings A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum at any Executive Board meeting. Section 2 – Band Booster and Special Meetings The membership in attendance shall constitute a quorum at any Music Booster or Special Meeting. ARTICLE XIII—DISSOLVING OF ASSOCIATION Section 1 –Dissolving of Association Upon dissolution of this association, the assets shall be assigned and delivered to such other organization as the officers shall determine, provided that such organization is qualified as tax-exempt under the United State Internal Revenue and Michigan tax codes and regulations 11

ARTICLE XIV Amendment The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Band Boosters present and voting when necessary and with ample notification. Notification shall be considered to be a minimum of one (1) meeting in advance of the question being voted upon. ARTICLE XV Miscellaneous A. No Music Booster property shall be loaned out to any individual or group without the prior approval of the Board and Band Director. B. Any expenditure not in the approved budget shall be subject to approval at a monthly Music Booster meeting or by approval of the Board before the expenditure is made, if expenditure is required prior to the next monthly Music Booster meeting.

Approved: August 13th, 2008 Secretary: Karen Prykucki


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