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NEWS LETTER OF ARMARC AUG -2009 Editorial Today’s fast pace of life-style and getting the better in life brings a state of mental and emotional strain, very well known as ‘stress’. Regular thinking on achieving something induce some kind of stress in everyone’s life and the best way to ascertain this is face to face combat making true to a great quote, “Face is mirror of a person’s thinking or personality”. Number of cases related with suicidal attempts after such stress have been seen. It becomes worsen when the students are concerned with such things due to phobias of examination, result of examination etc. Stress is a psychophysiological response which may vary from person to person depending upon the physiology and mental level of a person. Medical science considers three physiological systems that are directly involved in stress response, i.e. the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system. Ayurveda looks upon the imbalance or lack of coordination of the three main mental functions of dhi (learning), dhriti (retention), and smriti (long-term memory) for such response. This imbalance may be due the disturbance in prana vata that supports mental functions and ultimately the coordination of dhi, dhriti and smriti. Any disorder in this coordination may result in mental stress. When vyana vayu alongwith prana vayu also gets disturbed, the communication between the heart and mind is affected and it results both in mental and emotional stress. Charak Samhita finds the Pragya-apradh as main factor behind stress. Pragya-apradh is a situation when people lack the perceiving capacity about the reality of life and make mistake. Medical science gives an account of stress with imbalance (other than normal) in secretion of serotonin, melatonin, acetylcholine etc. Usual perception is conceived that nothing can be done for stress but with realization and certain steps, lot of control can be made. Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress. Usually true sources of stress are not always obvious and, they can be over-

Vol 1.86 -overlooked. To identify the true sources of stress, a close look on habits, attitude, excuses etc. may help. Managing stress is totally dependent upon taking the charge of thoughts, emotions, schedule, environment and the way of dealing with these problems. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, i.e. Pragya-bodh with time for work, relationship, relaxation, enjoying the challenges, fun etc. Seceral other steps like thinking positive, reframing, being assertive, time management, humour, ventilation, drinking water, music therapy etc. can also be made. A good look and caution of stress management would certainly help everyone to make his/her life happier and more successful. The regular morning and evening practice of transcendental meditation technique especially with philosophy of Ayurveda and Yoga is the most effective way to relieve anxiety and stress. It only needs pragya-bodh, an important factor to realize the need of body workings according to nature (daily routine with time), not against it. WISH ALL THE READERS TO A VERY HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY


“We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made!” —Albert Einstein

In This Issue


Swayamguptadi modaka 5) Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/10) Swarnapatri (Senna)

Newsletter of ARMARC

ABHYANGA- AN OVERVIEW Dr. Pravin Joshi, Lecturer Dept. of Dravyguna Dr.Prashant Math, Final P G Scholar, Bhaishajya kalpana Dept, A.L.N.R.M.A.M.Koppa. Introduction: Now a day’s even though Abhyanga and Massage are considered as synonymous, hairline differences are observed in these terms. Abhyanga refers to methodical way of massage with medicated oils whereas massage is a systematic way of rubbing or kneading the body with or without oil. Among the various Abhyanga, ‘Marma Abhyanga’ is important woking mainly on principle of drainage of lymphatic system. The combination of aromatic and medicated oil drain the lymphatic system and tone the body for the purpose of better health by loosening the cellulite. Abhyanga: The word is derived from two words, Anga and Abhi where Anga means movement while Abhi means over. Thus abhyanga means faction of oil over the body. AprÉÇaÉqÉÉcÉUåͳÉirÉÇ, xÉ eÉUÉ´ÉqÉuÉÉiÉWûÉ | SØ̹mÉëxÉÉSmÉÑwšÉrÉÑÈxuÉmlÉxÉÑiuÉYiuÉSÉ ïM×üiÉç || A.WØû xÉÔ.2/8 Regular abhyanga will help in eradicating the old age, fatigue and Vata. Improves eye-sight, strengthens the body, helps in getting sound sleep and makes skin charming and wrinkle free. Even in the classics while commenting on this, it is stated that abhyanga should be Sukharupa and if done with warm taila the absorption will be enhanced. Taking a modern view the same kind of benefits here it has been tried to explain methodically. Various patterns of Abhyanga : Even though Abhyanga is mentioned as a generalized oleation therapy of body but still it is practiced locally based on type of disorder or dengenrationShiroabhyanga- Masssaing the scalp gently with oil. Helps in improving eyesight, reduce stress etc.. Paadabhyanga:Masssaing of sole and fore leg with medicated oil. Improves circulation, flexibility, sleep pattern, reduce stiffness in joints.


AUG -2009 Massage works directly with 3 circulatory system as• Blood vascular system • Nervous system • Lymphatic system Blood vascular systemMassage increases body temperature and excites the circulation of the blood in the body. It helps in bringing the toxins from all over the body to the veins and ultimately to lungs where fresh oxygen purifies the blood and recycles it in the body. This process of purification and excretion of toxins can also take place either by filtration of toxins from kidney or if massage is given so that one begins to sweat. Nervous system: A fine network of nerve endings is found lying underneath the skin. Massage helps in the excitation of such fine nerve endings and nurturing the body in some of conditions like Vatvyadhis etc. This might be the reason behind the mentioning of Abhyanga in classics as poorvakarma of some of Panchakarma. But this is still practiced as Prime treatment in the diseases of Vata. Lymphatic system: Lymphatic system is the supplementary to the blood vascular system running parallel to it and draining the excess fluid from blood stream. The lymph nodes are excited by local massage and heat produced by friction which in turn cleanses and vitalizes the body without causing the build-up of toxins. For this reason massage is ideal for older persons whose body is no longer readily replenish the vital fluids. Conclusion: Thus it can be said that massage is the multi dimensional therapy working on 3 vital systems of body simultaneously, providing faster and prolonged benefits to body. Depending upon the medicated oil used, the Abhyanga may be Vata pacifying, Pitta pacifying or Kapha pacifying. Thus Abhyanga purifies the body, cleanes the sense organs, gladdens the mind and aboveall makes body more energetic with better physiologhical functionings aiding with more appetite and better digestion in balaced way.

Newsletter of ARMARC

A CONCEPTUALAND PRACTICAL APPROACH ON KUPI PAKWA KALPANA Dr. Abdul Karim M.D (Ay) Lecturer Dept of Rasashatra & Bhaishajya klpana, A.L.N.R.M.A.M.C.Koppa. Introduction Rasashastra: Rasashastra is a superspeciality branch of Ayurveda in the area of manufacturing potent medicines by using herbo-metallo-minerals and animal products. The main aim of Rasashastra is to alleviate the disease and to make the body stable and stronger for practicing dharma for the achievement of salvation. Modalities of Parada kalpanas: 1.Kharaleeya 2.Parpati 3.Koopipakwa 4.Pottali. Historical Background It comes to know that use of kacha kupi in rasa vada starts after 10th century AD. Before this no reference regarding the kacha kupi was found. Use of glass was there in civilization of Egypt and Mesopotomia. It has come to India through Arab. Due to this, reference of kacha kupi is found in the classics after Rasa Hridaya Tantra. Before the invention of glass preparation, such type of medicines were prepared by using kupi made-up of iron silver etc. Acharya Yashodhara Bhat (13th century AD) in his text Rasaprakasha Sudhakara quoted first time Rasa Sindoora Kalpana by the name of Udaya Bhaskara Rasa and at the same place he gave the method of Rasakarpoora preparation by the name of Ghanasara Rasa. He used Kacha Ghati (Kupi), Sikata Yantra for the preparation of Udaya Bhaskara Rasa. In 15th century AD Acharya Ananthdev Suri in his text Rasachintamani described it as Rasaparthiva Rasa. In Rasa Koumudi, Rasakalpayoga ( 16th cen AD) and Ayurveda Prakasha (17th cen AD ) Kupi Pakwa Kalpanas are described by the name of Sindoora nama Rasa. Rasataranginikara (20th cen AD) has mentioned many other Sindoora Kalpas. Etymology



AUG -2009 A rasayana product prepared from parad in a glass bottle by applying heat is known as Kupi pakwa kalpana. Kupi pakwa kalpanas are also known as sindhoora kalpanas.

xrÉlSÇ mÉëxÉëuÉhÉÇ kÉÉiÉÉãÈ ÍxÉlSUzÉoS qÉlrÉiuÉÉiÉ | U£üuÉhÉï ÌuÉzÉåwÉåhÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉÉåuÉiÉïiÉå AxrÉ ÌWû || The root word syanda prasravanam means releasing properties, also indicates red colour of the compound. Classification: According to Ingredients: • Sagandha: Preparation with Gandhaka. Parada+Gandhaka — Rasasindoor Parada+Gandhaka+Dhatu – Tamra- Rajata Sindoora Parada+Gandhaka+Adhatu—Tala- Shila Sindoora Parada+Gandhaka+Adhatu+DhatuPoornachandrodaya- Talachandrodaya •Nirgandha: Preparation without gandhaka Rasa Karpoora and Rasa Pushpa According to collection of product: • Kantastha /galastha: In this finished product gets accumulated or sublimated at the neck portion of the kupi. Ex : rasasindura, rasa karpoora, mallasindura • Talastha or Adhastha: In this end product is obtained at the bottom of the kupi. Ex: swarna vanga, mahaseturasa, sameerapannagarsa. • Ubhayastha: In this end product is obtained from both at neck region and bottom of the kupi. Ex: Poornachandrodayarasa. According to mode of preparation: • Antardhooma: In this method kupi has been corked from the beginning of the preparation. Ex: Talastha rasasindura. • Bahirdhooma: According to this method fumes or vapors are allowed to go out completely and after getting the siddhi lakshanas, the kupi is corked.ex: rasasindoora, shilasindoora. Procedure: • Poorvakarma • Pradhanakarma • Paschatkarma

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Poorvakarma: 1) Collection of equipments: • Khalva yantra • Kachakupi • Vastra(cloth) • Mrittika • Valuka • Valuka yantra • Loha shalakas • Bhatti • Copper coin • Pyrometer etc 2) Selection and purification of ingredients: All the ingredients should be identified according to Rasa classics for their grahya/ agrahya lakshanas and it is subjected for shodhana. 3) Preparation of Kajjali: The preparation of the ingredients should be taken out as per the reference and trituration should be done without using any liquid till the mixture becomes lusterless. The term Kajjali can be used for pre material or for the mixture which is used for making kupi pakwa rasayanas. Generally the Kajjali has appearance of black colour but still the colour of this pre material depends on the ingredients used. If bhavana is mentioned, it should be given after completion of Kajjali and it is dried and powdered finely. Preparation of kupi: • Preparation of bottle with mud smeared cloth. • Application of seven layers in sequence after complete drying of former one. The aim of mrittika vastra lepana for the kupi is to make the kupi ready for heat susceptibility and as pressure resistant. Filling of kajjali into kupi: The kupi should be filled up to the one third by kajjali so that there should be enough space inside the kupi for melting and boiling of kajjali and also for the sublimation of compound which is going to be condensed and deposited in the neck region. • Kupi should be fixed exactly at the center of valuka yantra and it is placed at four angula heights from the bottom of the valuka yantra. • Before filling the kupi it should be cleaned well and should be covered temporarily with cork while pouring the sand into valuka yantra.


AUG -2009 Pradhana karma: Heating pattern or schedule: Heating pattern denotes two main things • Heating in terms of duration • Heating in terms of temperature The term duration indicates the time limit of kramagni, i.e. the stages of agni for any kupi pakwa kalpa. The stages of agni are mridu agni, madhyama agni and teevra agni. The duration of heating pattern differs from individual kupi kalpa based on the lakshanas as the kramagni can be considered. Mridu agni: 200-2500C. Madhyama agni: 250-4500C Teevragni: 500-6500C Application of hot and cold shalakas: During the preparation of kupi pakwa kalpa, sheeta shalaka and tapta shalaka are in use. Sheeta shalaka is used especially in noting the state of kajjali whether it is in powder form, melted form or in boiling state or in sublimating compound state. Tapta shalaka is used for burning the sulphur deposited at the neck region of kupi which may block and ultimately break the kupi. Observation of fumes and flame: • Fumes: All the characteristics of fumes like colour, odour etc. must be noted. It differs according to the ingredients. Colour may be Yellowish, Orange, Bluish or White. Quantity may be mild, moderate or profuse and odour like sulphur/ arsenal odour may be observed in some of the observations. • Flame: It is also an important factor while preparing kupi pakwa rasayanas. Timing of appearance of flame, its colour and its duration are important features. These features also depend on the ingredients used. Corking of kupi and self cooling: To decide the proper time for corking is very important and difficult task as well, because it indicates the completion of kupi paka. So before corking few test must have to be done and those are: • Absence of flame • Absence of fumes • Appearance of redness in the bottom of kupi (bottom of the flask become red) • If a piece of copper plate or coin is kept over the mouth of flask, a white deposit is formed on it.

Newsletter of ARMARC


AUG -2009

• When a red hot iron rod is inserted into the flask and Pashchat karma: Removal of kupi: First sand should be removed from removed it is covered with smoke. • A cold iron rod should be inserted into the bottom of valuka yantra after that kupi is taken out with the flask and removed. The material, sticking to the rod care(sometimes it may be possible that kupi is broken inside but remain intact due to the layers of cloth) when cool, should be red in colour. But there is no appearance of flame in case of Nirgandha By scraping: Layers of cloth smeared with mud is removed and kupi should be cleaned with wet cloth, then kupi pakwa rasayana. Before corking 2 to 3 inches of sand layer should the level of rasayana inside the neck/bottom is marked. be moved aside from neck of the kupi then corking of Breaking of kupi: A kerosene dipped string is tied mouth of kupi should be done with mud/gopichandana around the middle of kupi and set the string to fire and smeared cloth. The temperature is reduced for some time after fire extinguishes, remove the burns of string with a during the corking. After that temperature is raised for spatula, and wrap it with a wet piece of cloth, it then specific time and left for self cooling. It is supposed that breaks into two pieces. during this period, forming Sindhoora compound starts Collection of product: Kupi pakwa rasayana product to condense in the neck portion of kupi and whatever the which may be kantastha or talastha type should be temperature obtaining in this period is necessary for collected carefully from the particular portion. Then the enhancement of quantity and quality of kupi pakwa product is analyzed to classical and modern techniques. compound by its complete paka process. ****************ΦΦΦΦΦ**************** (Continued on July edition..........) ARKA KALPANA (DISTILLATION) Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri Fainal M.D. Guide: Prof.(Dr) D.K.Mishra M.D (Ay), H.O.D., Dept. of Bhaishajya Kalpana, Dr.Parshant kumar Jha, Dept. of Quality control Lab , A.L.N.Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College,Koppa powder, glass powder etc. are taken in equal quantities Method of Arka Preparation: In preparation of Arka, we should consider some and mixed in equal quantity with urine of cow or horse or points according to clasical reference which is decribed gout or buffalo or elephant. The clay is added. After that in arka Prakash-1/52-54. Old manufacturing process, it is dried in sunlight, till the smell of urine gets completely which is done by traditional Arka – Patan yantra and removed. In this way clay for manufacturing distillation apparatus is prepared. modern scientific method, which is done by the Soxlet or • Method of manufacturing apparatus (Ar. P. 1/55-58) other distillation apparatus. - Round shaped vessel manufactured by pot maker from 1. Apparatus used in Arka preparation. the above clay is taken. 2. Process of Arka preparation (Methodology) - The mouth of the pot should not be less than 3 angula 3. Role of Agni in Arka preparation. (3 cm.) and it should be like that of surya mandala. 1. Apparatus: - For covering again, lid of same size should be prepared In this classical review is described as: and there should be lips of 3 angula by which it is jointed • Mudpot used for preparing of Arka–Patan Yantra; with the vessel. Powder of old bones should be used to before invention of modern technique the apparatus for seal the lips to make it airtight. distillation was prepared as given example of - One small hole should be made in the lid. manufacturing process being quoted in historical part of - In this the tube of bamboo is holed (One is small and the subject. another one is double the size of first one) and and clay is • Preparation of clay for the pot - For the preparation of applied on the joints. This should now allow the fumes clay, iron powder, geru, alum, black clay, red clay, bone to escape out.

Newsletter of ARMARC

- The small tube is inserted measuring 4-5 Angula inside the pot. - Arka-patra is kept below the large tube. The fume that comes out from the pot is collected in that vessel and this vessel should be kept in cold water. - In this way, the fumes gets condensed & again collected in the form of Arka. - This is the example of classical apparatus when no glass or stainless steel were being used for the said purpose.

2. Method of Arka Preparation: (i) General Method: In 2nd chapter of Arka-Prakash, it is mentioned that for preparing Arka first of all, the drugs are to be coarsely powdered and water is added to it in ten times of the quantity of drugs and then it is soaked for 24 hrs. Then Arka is extracted by using Arka – Yantra. (ii) Special Method: Apart from general method some special methods are also mentioned by Ar. P. as per the 5 types of Dravyas, which are used in the preparation of Arka as: (1) Very hard drug (2) Hard drug (3) Fresh drug (4) Twig (5) Liquid drug. Though the method of Arka preparation is same as mentioned in general method, here water is added according to the hardness of the drug. 1) Very hard drug - The drugs which are of one year old and very hard like Sandal wood etc. are considered as very hard drug. General method is applied for preparing Arka of such drugs.


AUG-2009 (2) Hard drug - Ajamoda, Trikatu, Kirata etc. drugs are considered as hard drug. While preparing the Arka from these drugs, water is added twice in and kept for 12 hrs. After that Arka is to be prepared by using Arka-Patan Yantra. (3) Fresh Drug: These drugs are divided into two groups 1) Juicy drugs: Leaves & Fruits 2) Juiceless drugs: Fleshy drugs & Fibrous drugs Fresh drugs which contain milk are again divided into two: 1) Milky: Mild & Strong 2) Hidden milky - In Juicy drugs – 1/20th part of water is added in the Kalka of these drugs. - Preparation of Arka from Leaves - 1/100th part of water is being added. Kept for 24hrs - Preparation of Arka from Fruits - Without adding water - Preparation of Arka from Green & Juiceless drugs 1/20th part of water is added. Kept for 3 hrs. - Preparation of Arka from Flowers - 1/16th part of water is added. Kept for 3 hrs. - Preparation of Arka from Mridu - 4 times of water is added. milky drugs (eg. Arka). According to Modern Science: 1. Apparatus – Distillation is the process by which liquid is vapourised and recollected by cooling and condensing the vapour. The apparatus required for simple distillation consists especially 4 parts. - Boiler - Vessel - Condenser - Receiver (i) Heating Mantle, which provides heat and maintain the heat. (ii) Vessel (Still), in which vapours are produced by heating the liquid up to its boiling point. (iii) Condenser, which functions as a cooling device of vapour either by circulation of water or air at atmospheric temperature. (iv) Receiver, It is used for the collection of the condensed liquid. (Continued next edition..........)


Newsletter of ARMARC

Formulation Profile (Series-A/9) Swayamguptadi modaka

AUG -2009

Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/10) Swarnapatri (Senna)

Dr. Roopesh Eklarkar, Guid: Prof. D.K.Mishra M.D (Ay) Dr.Mahesh.M.Madaalageri Bhavya D.C.

1. Prof. M.Vidyasagar 2. Prof. K.S.Sanjay 3. Dr. Hari Venkatesh 4. Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha

Ingredients: Dugda– 1.6 liters, Pippali churna, Priyala churna, Kapikachchu mula churna, Kokilaksha churna, Masha churna, Godhuma sattwa, Madhu – 384gms, Ghirta –768 gms, Khanda Sarkara – 2,400 gms. Procedure: Above mentioned drugs were weighed accurately and made into fine powder separately in appropriate ratio and collected into vessel. Ghrita was melted and all the powders were added to ghrita and mixed together and the mixture was stirred continuously in order to avoid carbonization of the material and frying, the vessel was taken out from the fire and kept ready. In another vessel Milk is taken, to which sita was added and paka was prepared, after obtaining the Paka lakshanas already prepared ghrita bharjita drugs are added and mixed uniformly, paka was continued. When the consistency of rolling pills was attained, the process was stopped and pills of desired size were moulded.

Botanical Source: The drug consists of dried leaves of Cassia angustifolia Vahl from the family Caesalpiniaceae. Geographical Source: This plant is native to India and is cultivated in Tinnevelly, Madurai, Trichinopoly, Jodhpur, Mehsana etc.

Use: Vajikarana Dose: 500mg Anupana: Milk Physical characters: Colour Dark brown colour Odour Odour characterstic Taste Sweet Consistency Semi solid mass Chemical Analysis: Loss on drying % w/w Total ash % w/w Acid insoluble ash % w/w Water soluble extractive % w/w Alcohol soluble extractive % w/w

6.48 1.80 0.19 45.58 52.48

Habit: This is a small undershrub up to 1 meter in height with subterete or obtusely angled erect or ascending branches. Leaves are usually in pairs of 5-8 jugate; leaflets oval, lanceolate, glabrous. Inflorescence is axillary raceme with many waxy flowers, usually considerably exceeding the subtending leaf. Bracts are membranous, obovate or ovate, caducous. Sepals are obtuse, cuncate, compressed. The pods are 1.4 - 2.8 inch long and about 0.8 inch wide, greenish-brown to dark-brown in colour and contained 5-7 obovate dark brown and nearly smooth seeds. Macroscopy: Leaflets are 2.5 - 6 x 7 -15 cm in size; pale yellowish-green in colour; elongated lanceolate in shape, slightly assymetric at base; margins entire, flat with acute apex; both surfaces smooth with sparse trichomes; odour faint but distinctive with mucilagenous disagreeable taste (not bitter). Microscopy: The transverse section of the leaflet through midrib reveals its isobilateral nature. Epidermal cells are found outermost, being straight walled with

New Reseacrhes In Medical Science

In Britain lock-and-key mechanism between sperm and egg cells has been discovered by scientists that helps to understand why some sperms malfunction. French virologists said they had found a new subtype of the AIDS virus that appears to have jumped the species barrier to humans from gorillas. If mothers take liquor during pregnancy, the children sleep badly.

For All Pharmacopoeial Analysis, Standardization of Single as well as Compound Drugs, with Spectrophotometer, Flame Photomeneter, Photomicrograph etc. at nominal charges Contact: Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha CIPR, DIM, PGDEE, M.Sc., Ph.D. Quality Control Laboratories, ALN Rao Memorial Medical College, Koppa Your Suggestions and Queries are invited.

RNI Regd No. KARENG/2002/7924


are abundant on both surfaces. In lamina portion, palisade layers follow both the epidermis; the palisade cells of upper portion are somewhat longer than that of found on lower portion. Prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate are found on larger veins and cluster of calcium oxalate are present throughout the mesophyll region. Midrib portion is biconvex with vascular bundles suroounded by pericyclic fibres. Chemical Constituents: Sennosides A, B, C and D (anthraquinone), palmidin, rhein anthrones, aloe-emodin etc. are glycosides; others being mucilage, volatile oils, sugars, resin etc. Uses: Purgative, anthelmintic, antipyretic, vermifuge, diuretic etc. Substitutes and Adulterants: Cassia tora, C. obtusifolia, C. absus, C. italica, C. occidentalis, Pluchea lanceolata Note: Senna is an Arabian name. The drug was brought into use by Arabian physicians for removing capillary congestion (pods were preferred to leaves).



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Editor: Prof (Dr.) M.Vidyasagar & Co-Editor: Dr.Prashant kumar Jha Research Co-ordinator Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri Printed and Published by ARMARC on behalf of Honourable A. Ramesh Rao, Koppa, Chikmagalur Dt., Karnataka - 577126, India

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