Aug 08 Newsletter

  • October 2019
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Paul Chandler’s Monthly Newsletter From Castanhal, Brazil August, 2008 Well another month has past. It has been a good busy month. So lets get started. A little ditty about the end of July; the Trezise Family and I went to Mamao to do teaching and to have a Medical Mission Retreat. Ken, Leslie, and I have some very encouraging conversation, among many things discussed one was about me returning to Brazil full-time to work with the ever growing medical mission here in Castanhal. We prayed and talked and prayed and I am going to be returning to Castanhal as a full-time missionary. (photo: Moju River at Sunset.) We started out the month where we ended July teaching basic first aid to the Salt Water Area, Maruda. We had four people in the class and had a lot of fun with them. I taught the bandaging and splitting class, where I bandaged up Wes and then let the class practice on the other Trezise kids. When we returned to Castanhal a team from New York was there finishing up their mission trip. I got to hang out with them and get to know some really great people. On Friday August 8, Ken, Micah, and I helped take the team to the airport and waited with them for their flight back to the USA. Then the 3Hs’ went to the Senior Pastor house from the Belem Igreja da Paz to have a meeting about starting medical clinics with them in their church plant areas. We were able to setup a trip with them later in August. We had about a week to get ready for the trip with the Belem Igreja. Ken and I purchased medication and organized and packed our medical kits. It was kind of hard packing, not know what we would encounter. When we go to do clinics we go to places we have been before and know how many people to expect. Monday, August 18, we, Ken, Micah, Kezia, and I left Castanhal to meet up with Pastor Marcel and his wife Thelma, Pastora Leida, Dra. Ana Paula, and Jucia in Belem. After boarding the boat we cross the bay to a small river and went to a village call Piramanha. Tuesday and Wednesday we did medical clinics at Piramanha and consulted about 110 in the two days. It was an awesome trip in every aspect. We got to meet, talk, and get to know people from our sister church. Went to and saw a new area that we have never been to. And care for and show Jesus’ healing power to many people who have never had health care before. We had enough medication for everyone we saw, praise God. (photo: Micah & Pastora Leida. Ken, Kezia, Dra. Ana, Me, and Jucia.) August 25 we, Ken, Micah, Kezia, and I set out for another medical clinic. This time we went to the Moju River area. Monday’s clinic was at Aqua Pe where there were several people already waiting for us. We work from about 10:30AM to 3PM consulting close to 120 people. It was very hot, but very good clinic with a couple of interesting cases. (Photo: From where I was sitting just as we were getting start, there was already a crowd.

After the clinic we took a boat to Bosque for the next two days. At Bosque we had open clinic hours and saw about 20 more people in two days. We also worked on the Yeshua (the big boat); fixing doors, install a new cooking gas line, and replacing the tarps. Tuesday night we went to Tadel at Bosque. Even though I do not understand much Portuguese I am going to miss all of the different services at Igreja da Paz. Before we left we took a look at a site for a new Igreja da Paz church building. One of the great things I have gotten to do here is after 16 years of not playing, I have started playing the bass guitar again. It started at CamPaz when I was messing around with the bass and Micah saw me and asked me if I could play. I said a little and his reply was “you want to play next service”. I did and have been playing with the worship band at Saturday Night Youth Services. Saturday August 23 there was a family conference at Igreja da Paz and Saturday night we played for a large worship service and the photo is from that worship. I mentioned earlier that I am going to be return to Brazil full-time as a medical missionary. This decision has come from many talks with friends and family and a lot of prayer. Though most important it has come from God. God has spoken and shown me many things; it is a weird/awesome feeling to hear Him so clearly about returning here full-time. When I return to the states I am going to start a campaign, to take some missionary classes, apply for a “Religious Worker” visa, and to raise financial support. I do not know how long this will take; I am putting it in God hands. He knows that I want to return as soon as I can. He knows my heart for this mission and the work that is being done here. Please pray for me as I start this work. I found this in Colossians 4:2-6 a few days ago and feel in love with it and its simple request from Paul to God and people praying for him; “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” This is my new prayer. Please pray this for me too. Photo is sunset at Bosque. I am in constant amazement of the beauty that God gives me every day. The first night at Bosque we went swimming at night, and the stars were so bright and so many that it took my breath away to look at. God has shown me beautiful sunrises, sunsets, stars, and many other things being here. Thank you Lord. Here are some verses that God has shown me this month: Isaiah 35:3-6, and 41:10, Ps. 118, and Romans 12:12-13. Last month I wrote about a new saying of mine “Talk to strangers”. I said that I did not know what that meant at the time, but Jesus spoke to me and said “Talk to strangers, because that is what I did”. So please talk to strangers because that is what Jesus did and we should be doing the same. One last thought; I want to thank Marcos for proof reading all of my newsletters. He has been a great friend and very helpful to me. May God be a blessing in your life and may your life bless Him, Paul Chandler You can keep up to date with what is going on and with photos at


10 & 11 - I am traveling to the States. 28 - I am speaking at VCKC e-mail me if you want more information about.

Interested in supporting Paul? It’s tax deductable. Send Support To: Vineyard Church of Knox County Attn: Brazil Missionary Fund, Paul Chandler P.O. Box 1021 Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050

Prayer Request:

That the final process with my visa goes smoothly. Traveling home 9/10-11. Speaking at VCKC 28.

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