Thai Burmese Committee for Assistance to Cyclone Disaster Victims General Usage (Attached 3) No.
Date 16.5.09 17.5.09 23.5.09
24.5.09 25.5.09
26.5.09 29.5.09 30.5.09 31.5.09
Description ( ta}umif;t&m) Battery Communication (Phone card) Ticket copying Volunteers’ food Tape Volunteers’ food (Cold drink) Transportation charge (BTS card) Communication (Phone card) Volunteers’ transportation Poster copying Transportation charge (Bus) Poster copying Ticket copying Volunteers’ transportation Buy CDs Poster copying Copying Volunteers’ transportation Hall Rental fee (BCC) Communication (Phone card) Communication (Phone card) Communication (Phone card) Communication (Phone card)
Amount (yrm%) 54 100 414 120 9 56 440 100 200 800 60 990 5 200 150 330 5 562 28900 100 50 50 100
Remark (rSwfcsuf) Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing Ko Kyaw Lin Oo Ko Thet Khaing Ko Kyaw Lin Oo Ko San Ju (DEAR Burma) Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing Ko Aung Myint Myat(DEAR Burma) Ko Kyaw Lin Oo Ko Thet Khaing Ko San Ju (DEAR Burma) Ko Tike Ye Maung (DEAR Burma) Ko San Ju (DEAR Burma) Ko Aung Ko(DEAR Burma) Ko San Ju (DEAR Burma) Ko San Ju(DEAR Burma) Ko San Ju (DEAR Burma) Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing
1.6.09 2.6.09 3.6.09 4.6.09 5.6.09
Poster copying Photo copying Communication (Phone card) Ticket copying Communication (Phone card) Transportation charge (Bus) Volunteers’ food Copying Communication (Phone card) ID label Copying Hall Rental fee (BCC) Transportation charge Buy materials Buy materials Volunteers’ food (lunch) Buy materials Volunteers’ food (Dinner) Transportation charge (with T4T) Banner for legendry train (T4T) Transportation charge (BTS card) Volunteers’ food (lunch) Hat (T4T) Paper & materials Label & materials Buy nail Buy umbrella Volunteers’ food (Dinner) Communication (Phone card)
60 100 100 96 100 25 62 14 100 55 98 18,900 80 350 382 300 150 550 120 2,600 440 160 500 150 750 100 100 255 100
Ko Nyunt Thaung Ko San Ju (KMW) Ko Thet Khaing Ko Tike Ye Maung (DEAR Burma) Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing Ko Nai Ko Tike Ye Maung (DEAR Burma) Ko Thet Khaing Ko Aung Myint Myat(DEAR Burma) Ko Kar Kar Ko Thet Khaing Ko nai Ko nai (Combined receipts) Ko San Ju (Combined receipts) Ko Thet Khaing Ko Aung Ko Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Khaing Ko Aung Myint Myat (Combined receipts) Ko Thet Khaing Ko San Ju Ko Zin Ko Zin (Combined receipts) Ko Aung Myint Myat Ko Kachin Ma Aye Naing Ko Aung Myint Myat Ko Thet Khaing
9.6.09 10.6.09
Photo poster Plastic sheet Dye spray Nail & string Cloth Plastic basket Transportation charge (oil & fee) Photo copy Transportation charge (for volunteer) Transportation charge (for volunteer) Poster copying Camera man fee Transportation charge (for volunteers) Transportation charge (for key board player) Buy clips & string for bow (T4T) Buy materials Food (for volunteers’ morning breakfast) Photo copy Buy cups Food ( for volunteers) Service fee (for Mon group) Service fee (for Paoh group) Service fee (for Shan group) Food for fund raising & all volunteers Food for volunteers (dinners) Room rental fee (12 rooms) Communication charge (Phone card) To buy CDs Communication charge (Phone card)
100 240 50 10 70 30 100 28 120 100 100 750 400 200 240 39 360 50 350 530 5,000 3,000 2,000 12,000 1,500 6,800 100 1,040 100
Kachin Ko Win Naing
Ko Kachin Ko Zin & Ma Noe Noe Ko kachin Ko kachin (KMW) U Tay Za Ko Hla Min & Ko Alker Kyaw Ko Nine Nine Ko Aung Myint Myat Ko San Ju Ko San Ju Ko Kachin Ko San Ju Ko San Ju Ko Thet Khaing Ko Thet Kaing Ko Thet Kaing Ma Jue Jue May (Income 8533) Ko Myint Wai (KMW) Ko Myint Wai (KMW) Ko Thet Khaing Ko San Ju (KMW) Ko Thet Khaing
11.6.09 14.6.09
16.6.09 17.6.09 14.6.09 30.6.09 2.7.09 2.8.09
Buy DVD Service fee (for T4T) Transportation charge Transportation charge Transportation charge Postal charge Transportation charge Communication charge (to call Burma) Communication charge ( to call Burma) Transportation charge Copying (at meeting) Transportation charge Total
180 53,700 100 120 1500 111 100 300 200 100 100 155 152,765
Ko Yarzar (KMW) Ko Gorzella (KMW + KTK) Ko Aung Myint Myat Ko Thet Khaing Uzins Ko San Ju (KMW) Ko Thet Khaing U Tay Za U Tay Za Ko Thet Khaing Ko Aung Myint Myat Ko Thet Khaing