Atd4 Sp Pack

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 656
  • Pages: 7



A U B U R NA V E . MARCH20,201 0 P O WE R E DB Y :


at d@ATOWNDAY. com www. ATOWNDAY. com

Myf at her ,EugeneGl asper ,passedawayatt heyoungageof 50f r om di abet escompl i cat i ons.Hepassedi nMar chof2005, andsi ncet henI ’ vebeent r yi ngt of i gur eouthow t omake peopl eAWAREofHeal t hCar ei ssueswi t houtscar i ngt hem of f .ATOWN DAYwasbor n!Weuset hef est i val&concer tt o dr aw t heci t yt oget hersot hatwecanef f ect i vel ydel i verour messagesofAWARENESS.Wecanbebet t erpr epar edf or r eall i f escenar i osbyl ear ni ngaboutt hewar ni ngsi gnsand pr event at i vemeasur essur r oundi ngt hatsi t uat i on.Now i st he t i met ospr eadt hewor d!Let seducat et hecommuni t yona wi devar i et yofheal t hcar e,economi c,andsoci ali ssuest hat weal lf acei nt oday’ ssoci et y.Let ’ sbr i ngAt l ant at oget herand del i vert hemessagei naposi t i veandupl i f t i ngenvi r onment . ATOWN DAY!

at d@ATOWNDAY. com www. ATOWNDAY. com

ATown Day i s Heal t h Car e Fest i val , Concer t & Day of Awar eness!Thef i r stannualATownDaywast hest ar tofanew t ype off est i val ,“ AWARENESS”bei ng t he key f act or !We pr omot et hef est i valandconcer tt odr aw t hecr owdsi nsot hat we can ef f ect i vel y del i ver our “ AWARENESS” messages t hr oughoutt he day!We st ar t ed i n 2007 atMor r i s Br own’ s Her ndon St adi um wi t h an enor mousamountofsuppor tf r om t hecommuni t y!TheHouseofRepr esent at i vesandt heSt at eof Geor gi a decl ar ed ATown Day - “ The l ar gest out door communi t yout r eachawar enesseventi nt heci t yofAt l ant a” – House.Resol ut i on #1658 Thi s woul dn’ thave been possi bl e wi t houtsuppor tf r om ourdedi cat edst af f ,sponsor s,vendor s, i nt er ns,vol unt eer sandt hepeopl et hatmakeAt l ant at hegr eat ci t yt hati ti s!Wewantt osayTHANKS t oever yonewho“ Got I nvol ved” .The second annualATOWN DAY atTur nerFi el d wasagr oundbr eaki ngeventf ort hef aci l i t yandt heci t y.I twas t hef i r steventoft hi snat ur eandmagni t udet obehel di nsi deof Tur nerFi el d.Wehadt wost ageswi t ha concer tboast i ng80+ per f or mances andAWARENESS or gani zat i ons f r om f arand near .The t hi r d annualATOWN DAY was even bi ggerand bet t er .Yearaf t eryearwe st r i ve t o make i mpr ovement sand bui l dATOWN DAYi nt ot he megaf est i valt hati ti s! We ar e pr oud t o announce t hatATOWN DAY i smovi ng t o At l ant a’ sHi st or i cAubur nAvenue.Webel i evet hati nor dert o maket hi seventmor eaccessi bl et ot hecommuni t y,andf ur t her pr omot eourAWARENESSAGENDA -ATOWN DAY mustbe hel di nt hehear toft heci t yofAt l ant a!Aubur nAvenuei sr i ch wi t h hi st or yand her i t age and al so home t o ot hersuccessf ul event ssuchas“ TheSweetAubur nSpr i ngf est&TheHer i t age Fest i val ” .

at d@ATOWNDAY. com www. ATOWNDAY. com

at d@ATOWNDAY. com www. ATOWNDAY. com

at d@ATOWNDAY. com www. ATOWNDAY. com

at d@ATOWNDAY. com www. ATOWNDAY. com

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