ASWSUV Senate: Event Funding Request DIRECTIONS: This form may be used by any WSU Vancouver official organization, department, student or employee to request funding for events, activities or programs that: 1.) directly benefits all students, and 2.) is open to all students. The completed form must be submitted to the Chair Pro-Tempore of the ASWSUV Senate. Date:
Sponsoring organizations or person:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Event Date and Time:
Event Name:
Description and purpose of event:
What strategies would you employ to make this event successful?
How does this event represent student interests, needs and welfare within the University community at-large?
Proposed Funding Request (be complete and specific): Please express funding for travel, food, lodging, speaker cost, location cost, and any other expenses. Item Description
Item Cost
$_________________ Total:
Please provide additional information as needed: For Senate Only: Bill#
Received by: __________________________
Date: ___________________