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  • Words: 2,544
  • Pages: 66
OVERVIEW OF ASTHMA MANAGEMENT Dr. Noor Aliza Bte Md. Tarekh. Chest physician, HSAJB.


epidemiology / pathology

Epidemiology  

Common disease In Malaysia, prevalence of asthma : Primary school children : 13.8% Children aged 13-14 : 9.6% Adults : 4.1% Higher prevalence in rural (4.5%), compared to urban areas (4.0%)

Asthma definition 

chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways

infiltration of mast cells, eosinophils and lymphocytes

wheeze, cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath

symptoms vary over time and in severity

widespread, variable and reversible airflow limitation

airway hyperresponsiveness

GINA Guidelines 1998

Comparisons of asthma & COPD Pathophysiology: chronic inflammation Clinical history: symptoms



CD 4+ lymphocytes

CD 8+ lymphocytes



mast cells


Vary over time and in severity

Persistent and progressive over time





chest tightness




Asthma and COPD

Asthma population

COPD population

10% of patients have both conditions

Modern view of asthma


Macrophage/ dendritic cell

Mast cell

Th2 cell

Neutrophil Eosinophil

Mucus plug

Nerve activation

Plasma leak Oedema

Mucus hypersecretion Hyperplasia

Barnes PJ

Vasodilatation New vessels

Epithelial shedding

Subepithelial fibrosis Sensory nerve activation Cholinergic reflex Bronchoconstriction Hypertrophy / hyperplasia

Inflammatory processes

Barnes PJ

Epidemiology / pathology

Asthma - an inflammatory disease Normal


Height-adjusted FEV1 (L)

Increased loss of FEV1 in asthma Male non-smokers p <0.001

No asthma (n = 5480) Asthma (n = 314)

Age (years) Lange P et al, NEJM 1998

Epidemiology / pathology

Risk factors that lead to asthma development Predisposing Factors

Contributing Factors

 atopy

 respiratory

Causal Factors  indoor – – – –


dust mites animal dander cockroach fungi

 outdoor – –


pollens fungi

 occupational GINA Guidelines 1998


infections  small size at birth  diet  air pollution – –

outdoor indoor

 smoking – –

passive active

Common occupational agents 

flour / grain dust (bakery)

paint, glue or plastic fumes

soldering flux

natural rubber latex

wood dust



Asthma diagnosis 

history and pattern of symptoms

physical examination

measurements of lung function - reversibility test - diurnal variability

evaluation of allergic status

Is it asthma? 

symptoms - vary over time and in severity: 




chest tightness

symptoms occur or worsen at night or after exposure to trigger

colds “go to the chest” or take >10 days to clear

Ask about triggers Symptoms can occur or worsen in the presence of: Others Allergens  exercise  animal dander  viral infection  dust mites  smoke  pollen  changes in temperature 


strong emotional expression

aerosol chemicals

drugs (NSAIDs, ß-blockers)

Reversible and variable airflow limitation 

Reversibility of airways’ obstruction 

Variability of airways’ obstruction 

increased PEF >15% 15-20 minutes after inhaling ß2agonist

PEF varies between morning and evening >20% in patients taking bronchodilator >10% in patients not taking bronchodilator

Exercise-induced airways’ obstruction 

decreased PEF >15% after 6 minutes of exercise

GINA Guidelines 1998

Peak flow measurement

The best of three PEF measurements is compared with the normal predicted for that individual based on age, height and sex.

Importance of long-term peak flow measurements 

establishes diagnosis and treatment

assesses severity of an exacerbation

assesses response to treatment

evaluates how well asthma is controlled

alerts patient to need for possible change in treatment

PEF (L / min)

PEF curves

Before bronchodilator After bronchodilator



Evening Diagnosis

‘Clinical’ exacerbation PEF

Mild attack Acute severe attack Exacerbation

Days An acute severe attack of asthma refers to the onset of symptoms severe enough to require emergency treatment

FEV1 measurement

FEV1 curves Volume FEV1 Normal subject Asthmatic (after bronchodilator) Asthmatic (before bronchodilator)



3 4 Time (sec)


Note: Each FEV1 curve represents the highest of three repeat measurements

FEV1 and FVC provide a useful guides to the degree of airflow obstruction at diagnosis and in the evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-asthma drugs.

Diagnostic challenges in adults 

heart failure




lung cancer

‘Clinical’ classification of severity Clinical features before treatment Symptoms

STEP 4 Severe persistent

STEP 3 Moderate persistent

STEP 2 Mild persistent

STEP 1 Intermittent

Continuous Limited physical activity Daily Use β2-agonist daily

Night-time symptoms


>1 time a week

<60% predicted Variability >30% >60% - <80% predicted Variability >30%

Attacks affect activity >1 time a week but <1 time a day


>2 times a month

>80% predicted Variability 20-30%

<1 time a week Asymptomatic and normal PEF between attacks

<2 times a month

>80% predicted Variability <20%

Asthma severity is graded, in the GINA guidelines, according to the frequency of symptoms, occurrence of symptoms at night, and PEF measurement before treatment.

‘Real-life’ classification of severity 

Many doctors classify asthma severity based on treatment given rather than treatment needed

mild asthma is usually more severe than many doctors and patients realise

patients adjust lifestyle to suit asthma severity: limited expectations rather than optimal quality of life

Treatment goal: take control of asthma 

no chronic symptoms

no asthma attacks

no emergency visits

no need for quick relief (as needed) ß2-agonist

normal physical activity including exercise

lung function as close to normal as possible

no adverse effects from medicine

GINA Guidelines 1998

Treatment strategy 

identify and avoid triggers that make asthma worse

achieve control by selecting appropriate medication

treat asthma attacks promptly and effectively

educate patients to manage their condition

monitor and modify asthma care to maintain effective long-term control

GINA Guidelines 1998

Pharmacological therapy Relievers


 inhaled

fast-acting ß2-agonists

 inhaled


inhaled corticosteroids  inhaled long-acting ß 2 agonists  inhaled cromones  oral anti-leukotrienes  oral theophyllines  oral corticosteroids


relief medicine or rescue medicine.

 Rapid

acting bronchodilators that act to relieve bronchoconstriction.


INHALATION     

Pressurized metered dose inhalers ( MDI) MDI-plus-spacer Breath actuated MDI Dry powder inhalers Nebulised



Classes of ß2-agonists Speed of onset

RESCUE MEDICATION fast onset, long duration



inhaled terbutaline inhaled salbutamol

oral terbutaline oral salbutamol oral formoterol


inhaled formoterol

inhaled salmeterol oral bambuterol


Inhaled formoterol belongs to a new class of bronchodilator, in that it has both a long duration and fast onset of effect.

M A I N T E N A N C E Duration of action

Short-acting inhaled B-agonist 

Use intermittently to control episodes of bronchoconstriction Avoid regular scheduled use if possible An increase use is an indication of deteriorating control


Mechanism of action:  Bronchodilator  Enhance mucociliary clearance  Modulate mediators release from mast cells and basophils

Example : Inhaled : Salmeterol , formeterol Oral : Bambuterol Salbutamol SR Terbutaline SR Clenbuterol


Inhaled β2 Agonists have fewer side effects than oral formulations.

Side-effects : tachycardia, palpitations, tremors, anxiety, headache and hypokalaemia.

Differences between ß2-agonists

chemical structure

pharmacological properties: 

mode of action in the ß2-receptor region

potency efficacy (ie full / partial agonism) selectivity

 


 

Are medications taken daily on a long term basis that are useful in getting and keeping persistent asthma under control. Prophylactic, preventive or maintenance medications Include      

Inhaled glucocorticosteroids Systemic glucocorticosteroids Theophylline Long acting inhaled β2 agonist Long acting oral β2 agonist Leukotriene modifiers


Mechanisms of action : 

Reduced airway inflammation

Efficacy in improving lung function, decreasing airways hyperresponsiveness, reducing symptoms, reducing frequency and severity of exacerbations and improving quality of life.


Inhaled : Beclomethasone Budesonide Fluticasone


Parenteral : Hydrocortisone Methylprednisolone

: Prednisolone Dexamethasone

Side effects  Local effects –

oropharyngeal candidiasis, dysphonia, upper airway irritation  How to prevent ? – Mouth washing after inhalation & use of spacer 

Systemic adverse

effects depends on the dose and potency of glucocrticosteroids , absorption in the gut, first past effect of liver.  Systemic adverse effects include : skin thinning, easy bruising, cataract, obesity, adrenal suppression, hypertension, diabetes and myopathy. 

Inhaled steroids are first line maintenance therapy

Laitinen LA et al, J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992


Mechanism of action: Antiinflammatory effects & bronchodilator. Side effects :  GIT

Symptoms – nausea, vomiting  CVS Symptoms – tachycardia, arrhythmias  Drug interaction : Erythromycin, cimetidine and rifampicin

Anti-cholinergics 

Inhaled ipratropium bromide.

Mechanism of action : Bronchodilator.

Efficacy : Bronchodilator actions are less potent than those of inhaled ß2-agonists, slower onset of action which peaks 30 – 60 min.

Side-effect : Dry mouth.



the synthesis of all leukotrienes

Example : montelukast ( Singulair ), Zafirlukast

STEP 4: SEVERE PERSISTENT CONTROLLER: daily multiple medications • Inhaled steroid • Long-acting bronchodilator • Oral steroid

RELIEVER • Inhaled ß2agonist p.r.n.

Step down when controlle d

Avoid or control triggers STEP 3: MODERATE PERSISTENT CONTROLLER: daily medications • Inhaled steroid and long-acting bronchodilator • Consider anti-leukotriene

RELIEVER • Inhaled ß2agonist p.r.n.

Avoid or control triggers STEP 2: MILD PERSISTENT CONTROLLER: daily medications • Inhaled steroid • Or possibly cromone, oral theophylline or anti-leukotriene

RELIEVER • Inhaled ß2agonist p.r.n.

• Patient education essential at every step • Reduce therapy if controlled for at least 3 months • Continue monitoring

Avoid or control triggers STEP 1: INTERMITTENT CONTROLLER: none

RELIEVER • Inhaled ß2agonist p.r.n.

Avoid or control triggers TREATMENT GINA Guidelines 1998

Step up if not controlled (after check on inhaler technique and compliance)

Step 1 Step 1: Intermittent asthma Reliever

Controller 

None required 

Inhaled β 2-agonist prn (not more than 3x a week) Inhaled β 2-agonist or cromone prior to exercise or allergen exposure

Avoid or control triggers

ICS should be prescribed to asthmatic patients requiring daily B-agonist use

If asthma symptoms are intermittent, then reliever therapy alone is sufficient.

Step 2 Step 2: Mild persistent asthma Reliever

Controller Daily inhaled corticosteroid (200-500 µg), cromone, sustained release theophylline, or anti-leukotriene 

Inhaled β2-agonist prn (but less than 3-4 times per day)

If still not controlled, particularly nocturnal symptoms, increase inhaled steroid (500-800 µg) or add long-acting bronchodilator

Avoid or control triggers It is often best to initiate an inhaled steroid early and at a high dose to establish rapid control and then reduce the dose.

Step 3 Step 3: Moderate persistent asthma Controller


Daily inhaled corticosteroid > 500 µg  Daily long-acting bronchodilator  Consider anti-leukotriene

Inhaled β2-agonist prn (but less than 3-4 times per day)

Avoid or control triggers

A long-acting inhaled β2-agonist is the first choice add on therapy to inhaled steroids

Step 4 Step 4: Severe persistent asthma Controller


Daily inhaled corticosteroid 800-2000 µg  Daily long-acting bronchodilator  Daily / alternate day oral corticosteroid

Inhaled β2-agonist prn (but less than 3-4 times per day)

Avoid or control triggers

Patients with severe persistent asthma are often poorly controlled despite using combinations of all available controller medications.

Summary of GINA guidelines 1998 

gain control

step up if control is not achieved and sustained

step down if control is sustained for at least 3 months

review treatment every 3-6 months

Future? stepping up and down should involve both LAßA and ICS

Asthma: rationale for adding LAßA to ICS therapy


A total of 825 adult patients with moderate-tosevere asthma were randomised into 4 treatment groups based on bid doses as follows : - budesonide 100 ug bid + placebo - budesonide 100 ug bid + formorterol 9 ug bid - budesonide 400 ug bid + placebo - budesonide 400 ug bid + formorterol 9 ug bid

Adding formoterol to budesonide reduces rate of severe exacerbations Increasing Pulmicort® dose: p <0.001

Exacerbations / patient / year


Adding Oxis®: p = 0.014 Pulmicort® 800 vs. Pulmicort® 200 + Oxis®: p = 0.031



Pulmicort®  100 µg bid

Pauwels et al, NEJM 1997

Pulmicort® 100 µg bid + Oxis® 9 µg bid

Pulmicort®  400 µg bid

Pulmicort® 400 µg bid + Oxis® 9 µg bid

% predicted

Adding formoterol to budesonide 90 improves FEV1 85 80 Pulmicort®  100 µg bid Pulmicort®  400 µg bid

75 70






6 Months

Pauwels et al, NEJM 1997

Pulmicort® 100 µg bid + Oxis® 9 µg bid Pulmicort® 400 µg bid + Oxis® 9 µg bid



Adding formoterol to budesonide 30 improves morning PEF 20 L / min

10 0 -10 Pulmicort®  100 µg bid Pulmicort®  400 µg bid

-20 -30



Pauwels et al, NEJM 1997



Pulmicort® 100 µg bid + Oxis® 9 µg bid Pulmicort® 400 µg bid + Oxis® 9 µg bid





Synergy between formoterol and budesonide

Why add formoterol to budesonide? Functional activity



Suppresses inflammation



Bronchodilates airways



Reduces AHR



Prevents progressive airway damage



ө mast cell stabilising effect, reduces plasma exudation / inflammatory mediator release Budesonide is highly effective at suppressing inflammation in the airway wall, formoterol exerts a complementery action through stabilising mast cells and reducing plasma exudation and inflammatory mediator realease.

Why add formoterol to budesonide? Cellular activity



Acts via cortico. receptors



Activates cortico. receptors







Acts via ß2-receptors Activates ß2-receptors

Budesonide and formoterol also mutually activate each others’ receptors.

Summary on synergy

Corticosteroids increase β2- receptor synthesis,

reduce β2- receptor downregulation and prevent inflammatory processes from uncoupling β2receptor.

Β2-agonists prime glucocorticoid receptors for

activation by corticosteroids, enhancing their antiinflammatory activity and resulting in an apparent increase in potency.

Conclusion 

There is a synergistic effect on treatment when these agents are combined.

The combination of these agents also makes the treatment simpler for the patient, which may improve compliance.

Co-formulated products are generally less expensive than giving the two constituents separately.

Management of Asthma in Pregnancy. 

Management of asthma during pregnancy should be aggressive.

Cooperation between the resp. physician and obstetrcian throughout pregnancy for women with severe asthma.

Beta2 agonists.  There is no evidence of a teratogenic risk. Ipratopium bromide / Sodium cromoglycate.  Safe for use during pregnancy. Salmeterol/formoterol.  Have not been tested extensively in pregnant women.

Theophyllines.  May aggravate the nausea and gastroesophageal reflux.  May cause transient neonatal tachycardia and irritability. Inhaled corticosteroids.  Has good safety profile in pregnancy.  Experience with fluticasone in pregnancy is limited. Anti-leukotrienes.  No data is available on the use of this agent in pregnant women.

Oral corticosteroids.  Sometimes necessary for severe asthma but usually only for short periods.  An increased risk of cleft palate has been reported in animals given huge doses. Breastfeeding.  Should be continued in women with asthma. In general, asthma medications are safe during pregnancy and lactation and the benefits outweigh any potential risks to the foetus and baby.

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