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  • Words: 562
  • Pages: 12
Class: Magnoliopsida Subclass: Asteridae Order: Lamiales

Family: Lamiaceae (Labaitae) • 1. Leaves mainly opposite (whorled or simple) • 2. Stems square with aromatic oils. • 3. Flowers bisexual:zygomorphic (2-lipped); 5merous. • 4. Inflorescence axillary or whorled. • 5. Stamens 2 or 4; often didynamous. • 6. Carpels 2; 4 locules; 4 parted ovary. • 7. Basal placentation. • 8. Ovary superior. • 9. Fruit 4 nutlets • Prunella “heal-all” CA5 CO5 A2or4 G2 • Nepeta “catnip”

Class: Magnoliopsida Subclass: Asteridae Order: Scrophulariales

Family: Scrophulariaceae “figworts” • 1. Leaves simple; alternate or opposite or whorled. • 2. Flowers zygomorphic and 2lipped; 5-merous. • 3. Stamen 2 or 4 with 1 staminoid attached to the corolla. • 4. Ovary with 2 locules and 2 carpels; superior. CA5 CO5 A2or4 G2

• Penstemon “beard tongues” • Castilleja “paint brushes” • Digitalis “foxgloves”

Class: Magnoliopsida Subclass: Rosidae Order: Cornales

Family: Cornaceae • 1. Trees, shrubs or perennial herbs. • 2. Leaves mostly opposite. • 3. Veins curved. • 4. 5 or 4-merous. • 5. Stamens alternate with petals. • 6. Ovary inferior. • 7. Fruit a drupe or a berry. • Cornus Florida “large flowering dogwood” • Cornus Drummundi “roughleaved dogwood”

Subclass: Asteridae Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae • • • • •

1. Leaves alternate; stipules absent. 2. Flowers actinomorphic. 3. Stamens 5-merous; ovary 2 locular. 4. Ovaries numerous. 5. Fruit a berry or capsules.

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CA5 CO5 A5 G2

• Solanum, horse nettle ….. • Physalis, ground cherry • Datura, Jimson weed

Class: Magnoliopsida Subclass: Asteridae Order: Solanales

Family: Convolvulaceae • 1. Mostly climbing herbs. • 2. Leaves alternate and simple. • 3. Flowers bisexual; regular; 5-merous; superior. • 4. Flowers twisted in the bud; corolla tube. • 5. 2 carpels • 6. Fruit - capsule, berry or nut. CA5 CO5 A5 G2 • Convolvus “bindweeds” • Ipomoea “morning glories”

Class: Magnoliopsida Subclass: Dilleniidae Order: Malvales

Family: Malvaceae • 1. Leaves alternate, simple with stipules. • 2. Flowers bisexual: actinomorphic. • 3. Calyx 3-5; corolla 5 and free. • 4. Compound pistil; carpels usually 5. • 5. Ovary superior. • 6. Numerous stamen form a column around the pistil. • CA3-5 CO5 Anum G1-num • Hibiscus, Abutilon “velvet leaf”, Malva

Subclass: Rosidae Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae

• 1. Leaves mostly pinnate compound.

Subclass: Rosidae Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae

• 1. Leaves mostly pinnate compound. • 2. Flowers papillinaceous (zygomorphic). • Standard, wings, keel

Subclass: Rosidae Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae

• 1. Leaves mostly pinnate compound. • 2. Flowers papillinaceous (zygomorphic). • Standard, wings, keel • 3. Calyx and corolla 5-merous.

Subclass: Rosidae Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae

• 1. Leaves mostly pinnate compound. • 2. Flowers papillinaceous (zygomorphic). • Standard, wings, keel • 3. Calyx and corolla 5-merous. • 4. Stamen 10, diadelphus.

Subclass: Rosidae Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae

• 1. Leaves mostly pinnate compound. • 2. Flowers papillinaceous (zygomorphic). • Standard, wings, keel • 3. Calyx and corolla 5-merous. • 4. Stamen 10, diadelphus. • 5. Simple pistil, 1 carpel, 1 locule.

Subclass: Rosidae Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae • • • • • • •

1. Leaves mostly pinnate compound. 2. Flowers papillinaceous (zygomorphic). Standard, wings, keel 3. Calyx and corolla 5-merous. 4. Stamen 10, diadelphus. 5. Simple pistil, 1 carpel, 1 locule. 6. Ovary superior/ Fruit a legume CA5 CO5 A10 or 9+1 G1 • Lythyrus sweet pea, Desmodium beggars ticks, Medicago alfalfa

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