Assignments 3

  • June 2020
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INSTRUCTIONS a) Students are required to submit all three assignment sets. ASSIGNMENT


Assignment A Subjective Questions Assignment B Subjective Questions + Case Study Assignment C Objective Questions

MARK S 10 10 10

b) Total weightage given to these assignments is 30%. OR 30 Marks c) All assignments are to be completed as typed in word/pdf. d) All questions are required to be attempted. e) All the three assignments are to be completed by due dates (specified from time to time) and need to be submitted for evaluation by Amity University. f) The evaluated assignment marks will be made available within six weeks. Thereafter, these will be destroyed at the end of each semester. g) The students have to attached a scan signature in the form.

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( √ ) Tick mark in front of the assignments submitted Assignment Assignment Assignment ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Assignment A 1. How does Software Engineering differ from Programming? 2. What knowledge of Project Maintenance is needed for efficient Software Engineering? 3. What does a case of tools (CASE tools) have to do with software engineering? 4. What is analysis modeling? 5. Define data dictionary giving an example of what one may contain? Assignment B 1. How could the use of these tools minimize the duration of the software development process? 2. Give two advantages and two disadvantages of the following specification techniques: i) Questionnaires ii) Client Documents iii) Observations 3. The source of the problem lies in the fact that ESS is using the BuildAnd-Fix approach. This approach should never be used to produce software as its adhoc development approach has no clearly defined phases. Moreover with the lack of project management (incl. Risk management) and quality assessment monitoring this approach is doomed to fail. In essence, the product is built and modified as many times as possible until it satisfies the client. The cost of using this approach is greater than if specifications are drawn up and a design is carefully developed. Any model can be taken from the online notes. The models done in class include: 1) Waterfall Model 2) Prototyping Model (versions 1 and 2) 3) Incremental Model The solution should describe the model and its phases as well as the inherent advantages and disadvantages. The use of diagrams is permitted.

Assignment C 1. In the most general sense a component is a modular building block for computer software. A) True B) False 2. In the context of object-oriented software engineering a component contains A) attributes and operations B) instances of each class C) roles for each actor (device or user) D) a set of collaborating classes 3. In traditional software engineering, modules must serve in which of the following roles? A) Control component B) Infrastructure component C) Problem domain component D) All of the above 4. Software engineers always need to create components from scratch in order to meet customer expectations fully. A) True B) False 5. Which of the following is not one of the four principles used to guide component-level design? A) Dependency Inversion Principle B) Interface Segregation Principle C) Open-Closed Principle D) Parsimonious Complexity Principle 6. During component-level design it is customary to ignore organization issues like subsystem membership or packaging. A) True B) False 7. The use of stereotypes can help identify the nature of components at the detailed design level. A) True B) False 8. Classes and components that exhibit functional, layer, or communicational cohesion are relatively easy to implement, test, and maintain. A) True B) False 9. Software coupling is a sign of poor architectural design and can always be avoided in every system. A) True B) False

10. In component design, elaboration requires which of the following elements to be described in detail? A) Source code B) Attributes C) Interfaces D) Operations E) b, c and d 11. In component-level design "persistent data sources" refer to A) Component libraries B) Databases C) Files D) All of the above E) both b and c 12. The object constraint language (OCL) complements UML by allowing a software engineer to use a formal grammar to construct unambiguous statements about design model elements. A) True B) False 13. OCL is not strong enough to be used to describe pre- or post conditions for design actions. A) True B) False 14. Which of these constructs is used in structured programming? A) branching B) condition C) repetition D) sequence E) b, c, and d 15. Which of these is a graphical notation for depicting procedural detail? A) process diagram B) decision table C) ER diagram D) flowchart 16. A decision table should be used A) to document all conditional statements B) to guide the development of the project management plan C) only when building an expert system D) when a complex set of conditions and actions appears in a component 17. A program design language (PDL) is often a

A) combination of programming constructs and narrative text B) legitimate programming language in its own right C) machine readable software development language D) useful way to represent software architecture 18. Which of these criteria are useful in assessing the effectiveness of a particular design notation? A) maintainability B) modularity C) simplicity D) size E) a, b, and c 19. Which of the following activities is part in the cleanroom process? A) increment planning B) requirements gathering C) statistical use testing D) all of the above 20. The cleanroom strategy is based on the ________ software process model. A) evolutionary B) incremental C) revolutionary D) spiral 21. The cleanroom strategy relies on A) exhaustive testing B) extensive unit testing of all modules C) tests that exercise the software as it is really used D) white box testing strategies 22. Use of formal program correctness proofs as part of the cleanroom process eliminates the need to do any testing for software defects. A) True B) False 23. Which of the following characteristics distinguish cleanroom software engineering from conventional software engineering? A) explicit use of statistical quality control B) relies heavily on statistical use testing C) use of formal proof methods for design verification D) all of the above 24. In cleanroom software engineering a "box" encapsulates some system aspect at a particular level of detail. A) True B) False

25. This box specification describes an abstraction, stimuli, and response. A) black box B) clear box C) state box D) white box 26. This box specification describes the architectural design for some system component. A) black box B) clear box C) state box D) white box 27. This box specification is closely aligned with procedural design and structured programming. A) black box B) clear box C) state box D) white box 28. In clean room software engineering the structured programming approach is used to A) refine data design B) refine function design C) refine usage test cases D) both a and b 29. To prove a design correct you must identify all conditions and then prove a random statistical sample of these conditions is correct. A) True B) False 30. By using only structured programming constructs as you create a procedural design, you make the work of proving design correctness much easier. A) True B) False 31. Which of the following is not an advantage of using rigorous correctness verification of each refinement of the clear box design? A) improves performance of code B) produces better code than unit testing C) reduces verification effort D) results in near zero defect levels 32. Statistical use testing relies on probability distributions based on A) mixture of control structures used in the program B) order in which the module execute C) the way software will actually be used

D) user interface design standards 33. Certification of an increment is complete once it has passed the formal verification process. A) True B) False 34. Which of the following models is part of the cleanroom certification process? A) component model B) sampling model C) both a and b D) none of the above

35. In HTTP communications, what role does the web browser play? a. As a client b. As a server c. As both as a client and server d. None of the above 36. Which of the following is not found in a URL? a. Path b. Post c. Protocol d. Port 37. Which of the following character combinations are used to separate name/value pairs in a HTTP query string? a. $ and & b. = and & c. / and = d. $ and / 38. Which statement is false? a. Not all internet servers are part of the World Wide Web. b. The default port number for HTTP is 80. c. HTTP responses always return HTML. d. None of the above. 39. Which of the following is not normally used as a server-side scripting language? a. PHP b. Java Applets c. PERL d. ASP 40. Client-side scripting programs are executed by: a. the web browser before making a HTTP request. b. the web server after receiving a HTTP request, but before HTML is generated. c. the web browser after receiving a HTTP response containing HTML. d. the web server after generating HTML but before sending a HTTP response.

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