ASSIGNMENTS- MBA Sem-4 Subject code: MB2003 (4 credits) Set 1 Marks 60
Subject Name: Human Resource Development Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1
What are the various “Human Resource Development” activities? Explain (10
Marks) Q.2
What is the role of “balance score card” in performance management- Explain (10
Marks) Q.3
Write short notes on: ○ MBO ○
Team Building
Marks) Q.4
What are the various types of performance incentives offered by organization?
Explain “Team based Incentives” . Q.5
(10 Marks)
What is collective bargaining? Highlight the advantages of collective bargaining. (10
Marks) Q.6
What are the required conditions to develop “congenial Industrial Relation”? (10
ASSIGNMENTS- OLD- MBA Sem-4 Subject code: MB2003 (4 credits) Set 2 Marks 60
Subject Name: Human Resource Development Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1
Explain the various causes and consequences of turnover? (10Marks)
How to identify “Least-Qualified Worker”?
(10 Marks)
Explain HR Audit. What are the objectives and benefits of HR Audit? (10 Marks)
What do you mean by “Learning Organization”?
Write short note on: “Gandhian” Approach to Industrial Relation.
Explain “Performance Management Cycle”.
(10 Marks)