Assignment - Lesson Plan (functional Language - Shopping)

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  • Words: 1,049
  • Pages: 5

Shelia A. Peace

Date: 11/24/2008

Length of lesson:

Class profile: Elementary Adults: 10 Native Thai Speakers




Elementary Adult

TP# 7

OHP, Worksheets, CD player, CD

Main Aim: Functional language presentation: asking for things in a department store. Secondary aim: Recognition and use of language related to shopping, leading to freer practice. Personal aim: Clear instructions, focus on meaning, form and pronunciation. Reference to course book or other material: Cutting Edge, pp. 82-83; Cutting Edge Teacher’s Book, p. 66

Anticipated problems and solutions/assumptions Form: Ss will need help with form. Solution: Handouts with diagrams. Whiteboard explanation.

Pronunciation: Ss practice-to-fluency. Solution: guided drill. “r” words: pronouncing longer sentences. Solution: Build-up of skills.

Concept/Function: Understanding tasks. Solution: strong visuals, elicit/model.



Asumptions: Some may already know a good number of these words, while others may struggle with what’s “new.” Pair stronger Ss with weaker Ss for balance (if needed).

Stage 1

Time :05

Objective Engagement for Language Lesson: Shops and Shopping – to interest Ss in topic.

Procedure Whiteboard – Illustration of Robinson’s (floor levels)

Interaction T>S

Opening shopping bag, Teacher asks: “Who likes shopping? Here are some things I bought this week. (display scarf, magazine, medicine, food). “Where would you buy this? (scarf) Department Store. And this? (magazine) Newsstand. Where would you buy some medicine? (Drugstore). And, something to eat, like tuna? (Supermarket)



Introduce lexis – to be sure lexis does not present a problem for comprehension

“What’s the biggest Department Store in Phuket? How many shop at Robinson’s? How many floors does Robinson’s have. Using whiteboard, elicit names for each floor (Ground Floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, and Basement.)

T>S, S>T



OHP – Store Directory – more lexis

“If I want to find a notebook, like this one, at Robinson’s, what can I do?” (Elicit, “Ask a clerk . . .” or “Use a store directory . . .”) “Let’s look at this Store Directory. (Elicit, by location – floor -- and describing items/usage for lexis: luggage (Basement); cosmetics (Ground Floor); furniture (3rd floor).

T>S, S>T



Prediction Exercise

Instruction: “I’m going to give you a worksheet showing Anna on a shopping trip. Look at each picture and draw a line to the store department she is in. You can work with a partner. [ICQ: “Are we going to match each picture to a store department?” (Yes) “Will we draw a line, or a circle?” (Circle) Task: Ss complete task. Feedback: Ss listen to CD, and check that answers are marked correctly.


Instruction: We’re going to listen to Anna’s shopping tape. Pay attention to the words she uses to ask for certain things. Task: Tape 1 [“I’d like these please.”] Stop tape. Elicit: “What did he say?” “I’d like these please.”




Setting Context – Listening for functional language / eliciting marker sentences

Pairwork Whole Class

Listen – Whole Class T>S, S>T




Procedure Model: “I’d like these, please.” “I’d like these please.” CCQ: “Is she giving directions?” (No) “Is she asking for something?” (Yes) “Is she asking politely or impolitely? (Politely) Re-model: “I’d like these, please.” “I’d like these, please.” Drill: “I’d like these, please.” (Group) (Pairs) (Individuals) Cont. Tape 1 [“Have you got the new Coldplay CD?”] Stop tape. Elicit: “What did you hear?” “Have you got the new Coldplay CD?” Model: “Have you got the new Coldplay CD? “Have you got the new Coldplay CD?” CCQ: “Is she making a demand?” (No) “What is she doing?” (“Asking for something.”) “How is she asking?” (“Have you got . . .”) Re-model: “Have you got the new Coldplay CD?” “Have you got the new Coldplay CD?” Drill: “Have you got the new Coldplay CD?” (Group) (Pairs) (Individuals)

Interaction T>S, S>T

Whole class

Listening – Whole Class T>S, S>T

Whole class

Cont. Tape 1 Tape 2 [“Excuse me. Have you got this in a medium?”] Stop tape. Elicit: “What did she say?” “Excuse me. Have you got this in a medium?” Model: “Excuse me. Have you got this in a medium?” “Excuse me. Have you got this in a medium?” CCQ: “Is she asking for directions?” (No)

Listening – Whole Class T>S, S>T

“Is she telling him something?” (She’s asking . . .) “Is she asking impolitely.” (“No, she said, ‘excuse me.’”) Re-model: “Excuse me. Have you got this in a medium?” “Excuse me. Have you got this in a medium?” Drill: “Excuse me. Have you got this in a medium?” (Group) (Pairs) (Individuals) Cont. Tape 2 Tape 3 [“I want a book about Greece.”] Stop tape. Elicit: “What did you hear her say?” “”I want a book about Greece.” Model: “I want a book about Greece.” “I want a book about Greece.” CCQ: “Is she giving directions?” (No) “Is she telling her something?” (She’s asking something.) “Is she asking ABOUT something? (. . . FOR something.) “What does she want?” (A book about Greece.) Re-model: “I want a book about Greece.” “I want a book about Greece.” Drill: “I want a book about Greece.” (Group) (Pairs) (Individuals) Cont. Tape 3 [“Do you sell diaries here?”] Stop tape. Elicit: “Is she asking for something?” (Yes) “What is she asking?” (“Do you sell diaries here?”) Model: “Do you sell diaries here?” “Do you sell diaries here?” CCQ: “Is she trying to sell something?” (No) “Is she trying to buy something?” (Yes) “What is she trying to buy?” (Diaries) Re-model: “Do you sell diaries here?” “Do you sell diaries here?” Drill: “Do you sell diaries here?” (Group)

T>S, S>T

Whole Class

(Pairs) (Individuals) Cont. Tape – through end. 6


Highlight Form

Whiteboard – ask students: What was the first sentence? I/ ’d S modal

/ like / these / please. (conditional) would V1 object adv.

Have / you / got / the / new / Coldplay CD? present perfect V1 .l S V3 art, adj, object Excuse / me. / Have / you / got / this / in / a / medium? V1 subj. V1 S V3 obj. pre. art. adj. I / want / a / book / about / Greece. s V1 art. obj. adv. obj. Do / you / sell / diaries / here? modal / S / V1 / obj. / adv.

“Have you got the new Coldplay CD”

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