Assignment 2 Sose

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SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Assignment 2 planning a unit of work Values Analyse Sequence for SOSE Primary Units of Works Unit 1: ‘Meeting Needs’ Stage of Schooling: Stage 1




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488


Overview of Outcomes: Social System and Structures, Roles, Rights and Responsibilities, identifies ways in which their own roles, rights and responsibilities and their needs are met individually and cooperatively.

Situation Analysis:

The assumption has been made for situation analysis for primary class integration of Stage 1. The Following sequence has been designed for Stage 1 students. The unit is based on social system and structures, roles, rights and responsibilities of families and their needs are met individually and cooperatively. Burwood West Public school established in 1861. This school is one of the oldest schools of NSW, located in Sydney’s western suburb, approximately fifteen kilometres from city centre. The school currently has population of 235 students. The school in near to city where lots of changed has been noticed regarding impact of today’s lifestyle is affecting everyday life. School is trying to maintain and instil values in children to keep their home and school clean. The building was renovated in 1996, which has given the pupils, staff and parents a revitalized learning environment. School is fully equipped with all resources.

There are 20 students in the class of kindergarten, 12 girls and 8 boys. There are 2 students from ESL, 3 students are gifted/talented. This unit is completed at the end of term 4 in Kindergarten. (Burwood East Primary School 2008, About Us) Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Focus question Who help me meeting needs? Contributing questions 1. What are my needs? 2. How do family members help each other meet their needs? 3. Who helps me meet my needs at school? 4. How do workers help us meet our needs?

Conceptual Strand Social System and Structures.

General Outcomes: SSS1.7 Explains how people and technologies in systems link to provide goods and services to satisfy needs and wants (Board of Studies NSW 1998; 34, SSS1.7) Indicators Knowledge and Understanding •

Identifies resources which is used to meet their needs and the needs of others including goods and services.CQ4

Identifies the resources used by people who work and where they come from CQ 4

Identifies different types of goods and services which is used for our needs and wants. CQ 1,3,4

• Page

Classify the difference between goods and services. CQ 1,4 3


SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Explain how people help them including paid and unpaid worker. CQ 3

Explains how paid and unpaid staff works in the school and classroom helps meet their needs. CQ 3

(NSW Board of studies, 1998:34 SSS1.7)


Gather information about the resources that is used by people to meet their own needs and needs of others.

Get knowledge about goods and services.

Distinguish between goods and services..

Listen to stories about paid and unpaid worker in society.

Explain about the technologies which is being used for everyday living.(Board of Studies NSW 1998:36-46, SSS1.7)

Values: •

Discuss the different ways that resources are organised

Identify and locate classroom resources. (BOS 1998:46, SSS1.7)

SSS1.8 Identifies roles and responsibilities within families schools and the local community, and determines ways in which they should interact with others.(Board of Studies NSW, 1998:36, SSS1.8)

Indicators Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Knowledge and Understanding

Identifies about the school organisation community including who works in school, their rights, roles and responsibilities for school. CQ 3

Identifies similarities and differences of rights, roles and responsibilities between school and family. CQ 2,3

Explain what are the roles and responsibilities of families. CQ 2

Participating in creating and observing rules to protect their rights and rights of others in the class and at school. CQ2,3

Identifies the need of different families are different to others. CQ 2

Identifies the roles for male and female within families. CQ 2

Illustrate what are their roles and responsibilities for school and family. CQ 2,3

Identifies roles and responsibilities of community workers including both paid and unpaid worker. CQ 4

Identifies fair and unfair practices in their school and at home. CQ 2,3 (Board of Studies NSW 1998:36, SSS1.8)


Describe the roles and responsibilities of school organisation and how they meet their needs.

Explain roles and responsibility of family member to each other.

Illustrate the roles and responsibilities of their own towards school and family.




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Listen stories and observe roles and responsibilities of community worker and how they help in meeting their needs.

Explain difference between roles and responsibilities.

(BOS NSW 1998: 36-46, SSS1.8)

Values: •

Gather information about roles and responsibilities of each family member in a family.

Organise resources for different activities, including collecting them beforehand, putting them away, not wasting them.

(BOS NSW 1998: 46, SSS1.8)

Specific Outcomes

Higher Order Concepts Technology, needs, resources, roles, co-operation, fairness, unfairness, responsibilities, family, values, safety, lifestyle, rules, interdependence, similarities and differences.

Lower Order Concepts

Activities, indoor, outdoor, jobs, chores, adults, children, money, cloths, food, shopping, home, transport, cleaning, cooking, washing, daily, weekly, farm house, picnic area, buying, selling, sharing, learning, knowledge All these objects are used for explaining topic in classroom.




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488


Higher Order Generalisation All family members need to work together to fulfil their needs and needs of family. Learn to help each other. We learn family values. Family values teach us about roles and responsibilities for each other. It also affects our life style. Family member decide about the job for whom and what job they have to do.

Lower Order Generalisations •

Family members help each other.

Family make rules to ease the work to do.

Respect the process of rule-making and rule enforcement.

Children has different job and adult has different job to be done.

Children can not do hard job which could be dangerous for them.

Family member work in a team and make sure all work is done properly.

Different families have different rules and regulation for their jobs.

Practical Skills


Gather information from variety of resources such as books, posters

Construct a chart and record relevant gathered information.

Classifying information under relevant headings

Construct and able to write simple text. 7


SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Performa role play activity to perform the scenario relevant to situation.

Social Skills •

Participate in group discussion and listen to other students views.

Build confidence to participate in group activities.

Give respect to other student if views are different and give feedback.

Work cooperatively in a team.

Assist other student in group activities if required.

(EDSS970, Topic Notes. 2009, pp 24-25)

Values and attitude •

Appreciating and valuing the help of all family members.

Develop and explore their own values during unit of work in classroom.

Give importance and respect to family member and listen to them.

Always use ethical words like please and thank you when working at home or school.


Mo McAuley, The Tidy drawer Margo Fallis, If I can help, I will Margo Fallis, The Messy Room Online photos Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488 Online stories Family pictures, House photos, Text book, Story books, Group activities, Role Play in class.

Content Sample:

Student will learn about families’ responsibilities for each other and how they help and work cooperatively in a family. This unit uses picture book, online short stories, group activities and text books. Here I am using contributing question: How do family members help each others to meet their needs?

Values education sequence- Action Learning Contributing Question How do family members help each other meet their needs?

Content sample:

Roles, right and responsibilities in a family.

Teaching/Learning Activities

Teacher’s Questions

Response Food, shelter,

Introduction Read Text book and introduce contributing questions Page

Sample Student’s

What are our needs?

clothing, healthcare, education. 9


SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Revise previous learning about

Abby’s and her mum.

needs. Read short stories ‘The Tidy

Who can tell me what is

Yes, this is about tidy


the story about?

up the drawer.

Have you got any idea to

Clean her room.

listen title page? What job did Abby’s mum

Because it was so

asked her to do?

messy to find the

Why Abby’s mum asked


for this job?

Help each other in

What we learn from this

family and understand


our responsibility for cleaning my room.

Who does this job at

I do this job but


sometime my mummy helps me.

Display sequence’s contributing question and discuss how the students could go about answering.





SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

White Board, Black Board, Internet access




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Investigate about the area in and around home

A picture/photo of a particular area

What area is this in your

in and around a home is given to


Bin area.

pair of students.

Students make column and list jobs

How many recycled bin

In my home there are

that need to be done in that area.

are there in photo?

three bins are placed.

What does that mean?

Different bin used for

What recycling bin means? different purpose. What is the use of

Recycled bin is used


for putting paper, tin,

Who does this job?

metal, bottle, empty container which can be used again. It helps in cleaning environment. Everyone get turn to

Working in pair discusses about

do this job. I also do

family rules and note down in their


list they might

have in regards to using that area of

What family rules do you

Throw garbage in

have in regards of

garbage bin only not

their home.

on the floor. cleaning?




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Resources: Photograph of different areas in and around home.




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Fairness of job

Preeti Singh 220061488

Concept development:

Children are to form groups

How we decide who will

Need to analyse about

depending on which area of the

do the particular job?

the job and think who

house they reviewed.

is able to do that job What jobs need to be done

Make two columns, one for adults

by adults?

Ironing, shopping,

and one for children and write the

Which job can children


jobs under each column which


Taking out the

needs to be done by them.

garbage, put cloths in laundry.

Roles play activity in which

Is it fair with your mum if

students play a family role. One

she does cleaning

play role for father, mother and two



children then each family member do the same job everyday on their

What other family member

own for example; mum is doing

should do?

cleaning the house everyday.

We should help each other.

Resources: Story book, black board, Role play activity.




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Helping animals. Read children’s stories from internet What is the story about ‘If I can help, I will’.

Helping others.

just looking title of the story?

Draw picture of pets and birds in

Who is main character in

their notebook.

the story?

Draw picture of their favourite pets

What is he doing in this

He saved small bird

and perform through painting how


from big bird and fix

to take care of them.


small bird’s wings.

Who else Christopher

Two kittens.

helped? Do you think this is his


favourite job? What would you do if you were Christopher?

Do you think this is right to do in real life?




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2


Preeti Singh 220061488

Generalising Questions:

Group of students display a list of

What have we noticed

Each area has specific

house plan. Each list shows the

about each area of the

job. Some areas have

relevant area of plan.


hard job than others.

Discuss list and ask questions to

What is the role of each

Do their jobs seriously

develop generalisations.

family member?

and take responsibility.

Is it fair to give the same

No, It should be rotate

job to the same person?


How do family rules help

Family rules help

regarding house job?

keep area clean and everyone get responsibility for that.

What happened if we do

It would be messy and

not use recycled bin?

environment will also be polluted.


Do you notice one job is

All jobs are important

important to other?

but cleaning job is



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Why do you think so?

most important. Because cleaning not only clean our home but also helps in cleaning environment.

How family members help each other meet their

All family member


respect each other and work in a team.

Apply: What might be story Read a story ‘ The messy room’ by


Messy room and

about, see the title page missing shoes.



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Margo Fallis where Emma is not

Preeti Singh 220061488

and picture of story.

listening her mum to clean her room and that create a problem for herself.

Who is main character

Website for the story:

in this story?

Emma Why author choose this Because Emma did /stories/room.htm


not listen to her mum.

Children do role play of group of

What was she

To clean up her room.

five and read book in a group to


understand about the story. What was her family’s Compare the story with their own

Going to Zoo.


real life experience and share their own experience in group.

Why Emma did not go

Because she did not

to Zoo?

find her shoes because her room was so messy

What did she miss that

Fun at Zoo with



Was the story ending different to the role play you performed?

Do you think you also Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

do the same thing at home? Reflect:

What was interesting

Lots of jobs need to

Student discuss about their

part about helping at

done at home.

understanding for the role taken as


Different families

part of other home responsibilities.

have different jobs.

Analysing the roles and responsibilities for their work at

Have your

Yes, it is fairer if we


understanding of jobs

all do jobs and help

around the home

each others.


How would you help

I can put dirty cloths

out your family

in laundry.


Unpack dishwasher Empty bin.

Assessment: Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Give sheet of paper and ask them to draw picture of their jobs. Complete sentence underneath drawing. I help in ………at home. My mum helps me in …………..

Demonstrate ways in which they can take responsibility for meeting their needs. ( SSES1)

Describe activities that involves shared work process (SSES1)

Appendix Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

The Tidy Drawer Story One Saturday morning Abby's Mum came upstairs to see Abby in her bedroom. Or tried to. There was so much mess on the floor she could only poke her head around the door. Abby sat in the middle of it all reading a book. "What a tip," Mum said. "You need to have a clear up in here." "Why?" Abby asked. "Why?" Mum repeated. "Because things get broken or lost when they're all willy-nilly like this. Come on, have a tidy up now." "But I'm very busy," Abby argued, "and it's boring on my own. Can't you help me?" "No I can't, I'm busy too. But I'll give you extra pocket money if you do a good job."

When Mum came back later all the toys and clothes and books had disappeared. "I'm impressed," said Mum. "But I'll inspect it properly later." "It was easy," said Abby. "Can I have my extra pocket money now?" "All right. Get it out of my change purse. It's in the kitchen tidy drawer."

In the kitchen Abby went over to the dresser and pulled open the tidy drawer. She hunted for the purse. "Any luck?" Mum asked. Abby shook her head. "It must be lurking at the bottom," Mum said. "Let's have a proper look." She pulled the drawer out and carried it over to the table. Abby kneeled up on a chair to look inside. There were lots of boring things like staplers and string but there were lots of interesting things as well.

"What's this?" Abby asked, holding up a plastic bottle full of red liquid. Mum laughed. "Fake blood, from a Hallowe'en party years ago. Your Dad and I took you to that, dressed up as a baby vampire. You were really scary." "I don't remember that." Abby carried on looking through the drawer. She found some vampire teeth, white face paint, plastic witchy nails and hair gel. Mum pulled out a glittery hair band. It had springs with wobbly balls on the top that flashed disco colours. She put it on her head while she




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

carried on looking through the drawer. Abby found some sparkly hair elastics to match the hair band. She made her Mum put lots of little bunches all over her head so she looked really silly. "I remember this," Abby said as she pulled out a plastic bag. "This is from my pirate party." Inside there was a black, false moustache and some big gold earrings.




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Two Kitten helped by Christropher

Messy room

Recycled bin

Fantastic online tips for parents and teachers




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Household chores are a big pain, especially when you find yourself doing them alone most of the time. Without any help, household chores can become frustrating and overwhelming and make you irritable and cranky when you come home from a long day of work and have to do them all. It's important that your family help out so that tensions stay at a minimum in the household and families get along in harmony. There are ways to convince your family that you need help with household chores and ways to motivated them to assist you everyday so that you are not doing them alone.

Instructions 1. Step 1

Explain to your spouse and children that you need their help doing household chores and how much it would mean to you if each of them took on a few chores each day. Let them know that it's tiring and frustrating for you to come home from work everyday and have to clean the house alone. Explain that there are household chores that need done on a daily basis that you are sometimes too exhausted to do alone and that them helping you with the chores would make you less irritable and tired, and give you more time to spend with them. 2. Step 2

Make a list of chores that need done and assign each family member a chore to do each day. Have your family help with the chore list by deciding for themselves what chores they would like to take on. Give them the option first of choosing their household chores. If this becomes a hassle, assign the chores yourself and give chores to your spouse as well. Have one child take on sweeping and mopping, another do dishes, and your spouse to take on laundry or bathroom duty. Do the household chore list however you see fit and fair for all family members. Take time to talk out the chore list so that no family member feels they are getting more chores than another. 3. Step 3




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Praise family members for helping you do chores and thank them often for doing their best. Even if your family does not do the chores the exact way you would like, try to let this go. If you criticize the way your family does the household chores, they will be less apt to want to help. Always praise them for helping even if it is not the way you would do things. Never go over the chores again. Try to let your family take control of their own individual chores. Let them know what a great job they've done and how much you appreciate their help. Tell your family that them helping with the household chores has taken a huge burden off of you and that your thankful to them. 4. Step 4

Give your family rewards for helping with chores. Children can get stickers to collect for small rewards later such as movie time, video game time, small toys, or ice cream. Reward your spouse for helping by cooking him dinner, spending alone time together, or doing something sweet in return for him. Show your family that doing good deeds comes with rewards. This teaches children that they earn when they work and helps your spouse know that he is appreciated for his work. Even if you just give the reward of time with you, because normally household chores takes that away, then you will be showing your family how much helping with the chores has lightened your load.


How to Get Children to Help with Household Chores

By Shenison User-Submitted Article Teaching kids to help out around the house is an important step to teaching them responsibility. Not only will you be getting some help with the household chores but your child will get a feeling of accomplishment and belonging. Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

1. Start early. The younger the child is when he is first encouraged to take some responsibility for the house he lives in the more accepting he will be of the concept. 2. Step 2 Select an age appropriate job. A four year old can put a fresh trash bag in after you have taken the full one out. A six year old can empty the silverware from the dishwasher or clear the plates from the table after dinner. By eight, most children can empty a dishwasher. Emptying the dishwasher is also good training for loading the dishwasher later on. Older children can sort laundry, vacuum, or take over the responsibilities of a family pet. 3. Step 3 Make it clear to the child that everyone in the house has to help to keep things running smoothly. Encourage him by telling him how much his work has helped you. 4. Step 4 A reward system is a very useful. Younger children can be rewarded with stickers or stars on a calendar for each day they performed their task. Older children can receive an allowance but be careful how you handle it. It's good to say "Now that you are responsible enough to handle some chores you are old enough to get an allowance." It is not good to say "I will pay you two dollars every time you do your chore." Paying your child for a chore sends the message that she is working for the money and you will soon find yourself paying her for everything she does. 5. Step 5 When your child is overwhelmed by a busy schedule or a school project offer to take over the chore for a few days. Be sure to tell him why you are helping him out. Say "I can see you are really busy right now. I'll empty the dishwasher for you tonight so you can work on your project." This gives him the message the job is still his, but you are a family and should help each other out when necessary. 6. Step 6 Finally, keep in mind that a job you have to do over and over becomes tedious. Once your child has mastered a few jobs around the house make a chore schedule and rotate the responsibilities among all the household members.





SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

The board of studies website has list of current available resources for example fact sheets, websites, text and other material to support unit. Text books and online resources that refers to basic needs- food, shelter, clothing and love Hands on activities, staff to help in role play activities. The corner in classroom where student can do role ply activity, dolls for demonstration, clothes used for dressing up from different culture, photographs, Material used: colour to draw, paint, cardboard, pencil, paper, glue, clay, video, television, computer/laptop. (NSW Board of studies 1998, p-37)

Reference List

Board of Studies NSW 2006. Human Society and Its Environment Syllabus K-6, outcomes and indicators. Retrieved on 2 October 2009 from Page



SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Board of Studies NSW 2007, k-6 Educational resources, Meeting needs. Retrieved on 29 Nov. 09 from

Board of Studies NSW. 1998. Human Society and its Environment K-6, Units of Work, Early stage 1 Units, Meeting Needs, pp 37. Retrieved on 15 September 2009, From

Burwood East Primary School VIC. (2007). Retrieved on 2 October 2009, from option=com_content&task=view&id=2&Itemid=2

Cole, B. & Newell, S. (1997). 'Planning powerful studies of society and environment: How to do it!’ Social Education Bulletin, no. 3, pp. 6-23.

EDSS970 Semester 2. 2009. Forum and chat rooms. Sakai Online Learning. University of New England. Armidale.

Fantastic website for children’s story: East of the Web (2002-2003), Short Stories. 28 Nov 2009 from

Fantastic website: Brain Pop Jr UK (1999-2009) Needs and Wants, Background Information and activities. 29 Nov. 09 from




SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488

Fantastic website for family: Shenison (1999-2009) How to get children to help with House Hold Chores. 29 Nov 09 from

Fantastic website for family: Jaredsgirl. (1999-2009) How to get your Family to Help out in House Hold Chores. 29 Nov. 09 from

Gilbert, R. (2004). 'Elements of Values Education', The Social Educator, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 8-14.

Newell, S. & Cole, B. (1998). 'Developing Year 1 students' understandings about cultures', Social Education Bulletin, no. 1, pp. 10-13.

Primary School 2009. Human Society and Environment, 17 September 2009, from

Reitano, Paul. 2009 Semester 2. EDSS970. Topic notes. University of new England . Armidale NSW.

Reynolds, R. (2009). Teaching Studies of Society and Environment in the Primary School, Chapter 3, Reflective and Metacognitive Skills, p. 57, Oxford University Press, London.

Stewart, P. (2007). Asia Scope and Sequence for SOSE, Primary Unit of Work, Images of Asia: Animals and their Homes, Curriculum Corporation, Carlton Page



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South Australia.

Taylor, R. (2003). 'The case for Social Studies being the context for your literacy programme', The New Zealand Journal of Social Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 13-14.





SEM2, 2009. Assignment 2

Preeti Singh 220061488


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