Assignment 2-assessment Plan

  • June 2020
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Emily Atkins Assessment Plan Assignment 2

Client Information: My client will be Jennifer Ford (GA teaching certification number 723794). She is a 3rd grade teacher at King Springs Elementary which is part of the Cobb County School District in Georgia. Jennifer’s email address is [email protected]. Performance Task Title: The Dangers of Drugs and Alcohol Infographics Grade Level: 3rd grade Designer: Emily Atkins Performance Task Annotation: Students will use the infographic making website to produce an infographic on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Subjects: Health, Technology Approximate Duration: Four Days; four 30 minute sessions Focus Standards: HE3.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. National Standards: NETS-S Standard 3 3a. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits. 3b. Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources. Description and Teacher/Trainer Directions: 1. The teacher will prepare for this lesson by familiarizing themselves with infographics and the web program This video is a good starting point: 2. This is a summative assessment after a week of lessons on the dangers and effects of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The teacher will begin by reviewing with students the dangers and effects of each; drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. 3. The teacher will explain the assignment, explain what an infographic is and show common examples of infographics (like the health based My Plate used earlier in the year). The teacher will give the students an opportunity to play with to get comfortable with the program.

4. The next day, the teacher will pass out text books and copies of the infographic rubric. The teacher will explain the rubric and use the student work example below to model what students should create. 5. The students will use prior knowledge and the health text to research topic. (extension students will use web resource, as well). They will need to pick two (drugs, alcohol, or tobacco) and find 3 effects/dangers of each. Students will put information on a graphic organizer. 6. The next day, students will create a paper and pencil rough draft of what they want their infographic to look like and how information will be displayed. Students will be encouraged to create an outline. Student will turn rough draft into teacher for approval. 7. Finally, the next day or two, students will use their rough draft and to make their infographic. They may find images through or The student will call for the teacher when they think they are complete, before printing to color printer in media center. Rubric Title: Rubric for Drugs and Alcohol Infographic Rubric Description: This rubric is based on the 1-3 scale used for grading in 3rd grade. 1 equals not making adequate progress toward meeting the standard. 2 equals making progress toward meeting the standard. 3 equals mastery of the standard. I have put the two standards I want to assess (heath and technology) as well as a grammar, which is also an assessed standard in the rubric. Students must have 3 effects for each topic (their choice of a drug, alcohol, or tobacco) and images to go with those facts to show mastery.


Example of Student Work w/ Teacher Commentary:

Teacher Comments: Student, you did a great job! I like that you used an image of the body part your fact was about. Your infographic is well organized and looks very neat. It is easy to read and understand. Your facts are true and I can tell you did thoughtful research. Good Job!

Materials and Equipment:     

Internet access to 3 classroom desktops and 10 iPads Internet access to Health text book Research graphic organizer

21st Century Technology Used:   

Internet Infographic website: iPads

Desktop Computers

Differentiated Instruction: 

Extend: o Additional images and facts o Allow more freedom with online research Remediate: o Provide sentence starters o Provide image bank to choose from o Provide website for research

Web Resources:   

Setting: This will take place in a 3rd grade classroom in a public elementary school in Smyrna, Georgia. Mrs. Ford’s classroom has 24 desks, 3 desk top computers, 10 iPads and 1 black and white printer. Her classroom also contains a Promethean Interactive White Board and a teacher laptop. Learners: The learners are 8 and 9 year olds. There are 9 girls and 13 boys. Ethnicities include 10 African American students, 3 Caucasian students, 3 Asian students, and 4 mixed ethnicity students. 3 students are in the gifted program and none are in special education. 4 students receive EIP services through a reduced class size setting. One student is ESOL Monitored. 11 students are considered on grade level in reading, 3 students are considered struggling in reading, 8 students are reading above grade level. Most students succeed with hands on learning/kinesthetic learning style. The students’ interests include Minecraft, sports, pop music, technology and animals.

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