Design the form and provide the following functionality
• Display the buttons First, Next, Previous, Last only when clicked on Navigation LinkButton. • Display the buttons Add, Modify, Delete, Find only when Clicked on Add/Modify/Delete/Find LinkButton. • Write the code for all the buttons with/without stored procedures and classes.
Design the form and provide the following functionality
• Bind the DropDownList with the Emp_Id Column. • Display all the related information to that employee in the textboxes (read only).
Design the form and provide the following functionality • All the fields marked with ‘*‘ are must. • Provide the facility to check for the availability of the User Name, if User Name exists prompt the user to change the User Name. • On Submitting save the information to two different database tables (Personal Details and Login Details).
Design the form and provide the following functionality • User Name should not be empty. • Password should not be empty. • If User Name or Password are not valid, display a message to enter the correct User Name or Password. • Redirect the user to the Registration page when clicked on New User LinkButton. • Redirect the user to the Forget Password page when clicked on Forget Password LinkButton.
Design the form and provide the following functionality
• Display the forgotten password to the user on submitting the correct Hint Question and Answer. • Allow the user to change the password with a new one. New Password and Confirm Password fields should not be empty.
Design the forms and provide the following functionality
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Design the form and provide the following functionality
• Using ArrayList bind the Repeater Control. • Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, AlternateItemTemplate for the items to be displayed.
Design the form and provide the following functionality
• Use ArrayList as the data source for the repeater control. Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, and AlternatingItemTemplate. • Display the same data in another Repeater using SeparatorTemplate
Design the forms and provide the following functionality
• Use ArrayList as the data source for the repeater control. Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, and AlternatingItemTemplate. • Take a button for every Item in the repeater, clicking on which should display a message on the form as shown in the web form. • Display the description of all the Items on clicking ‘Show All Item Description’ button, as shown in the other screenshot.
Design the forms and provide the following functionality
• Use a DataList Control and bind it the database table Employee containing the fields EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. • Display all the data in the tabular format. • For data list format use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, FooterTemplate and Table tag. • Display tooltip when mouse pointer is over a picture. • Enlarge the picture when clicked on it, and display it along with employee’s address and description, as shown in the other screenshot.
Design the forms and provide the following functionality
• Bind the DataList to the database table ‘Items’ containing the columns ItemId, ItemName, ItemPrice, and ItemPhoto. • Display all the items in the DataList in tabular form. • Use HeaderTemplate, HeaderStyle, ItemTemplate, ItemStyle, AlternatingItemTemplate, AlternatingItemStyle, FooterTemplate, FooterStyle for the DataList. • Display a tooltip when mouse pointer is over a picture. • Enlarge the picture when clicked on it, and display it along with the item’s description as shown in another screenshot.
Design the forms and provide the following functionality • Bind the DataList to the database table ‘Employee’ containing the columns EmpId, EmpName, EmpAddress, EmpDescription and EmpPhoto. • Display all the data in the DataList in tabular form. • Take two LinkButtons Edit and Delete in the DataList to edit and delete the record. • Use HeaderTemplate, ItemTemplate, EditItemTemplate, FooterTemplate and Table tag. • Display a tooltip when mouse pointer is over a picture. • Provide the Edit, Update, Cancel, Delete feature to the DataList as shown in another screenshot.